The Clinton New Era, 1886-12-10, Page 4• FEXOTOItS1 ;720ardkj.allel commendation of the selections L At the enema meeting of the Provincial „ OF Teachers' Association of Ontario, in Attg- 11382, at report was adopted recoroineedtat • NY, - T "That the Bducatien Peeartment do make a 0 _es . Two flatmate" to the Renege. ..•••••.1:;•••• • ^ After perusing the overpowering arti- dee in the last issue of our loaal content- poraraaustained by Mr.„Ransfordet strong screed no doubt tlse Reformers of West g$111D suuabt° "'ewe° heziPture Re3dlege 1(4 the Huron will at once acknowledge defeat, tichoola under Ito charge.' • In the deeate that took place before the adoptiou of the report, one. of the speakere "Believed the adoption of a book of eeleetions from the Bible, for use in sehoole,, would .be beseas eotua be, triads more convenient for use, and such a bookho believed would be better eveu thou tho New Testament for the purpose for which it Was desiguml." • So that the teachers themselees tusked., for a selection to be made, as far back as 1883. OENTLEME$#'- and no longer carry on a useless. contest. The Ontario Legielature has futon cliesOlYed, andthe Mowat Adibinietration, after fourteen years of faithful aervice in the. intereet of the province, agent eppeals to the people for a renewal al theii..tionlidence, Ite record, of honest and economical ad" WIM awl prudent legislation; • and mutely defence of Provincial leights,ought •to entitle it to a .favorable •verdict. • •As a member of that adminietration, slmt, ing n Lida Proud ot its aehievemente and Mt. blemishgcl repuipation, responsible also for Orr shortoomingse1 sulnitit myself to the eleer, tors of Weet Huron. Oa three succeeeive occasions, as a private • raMber, you gave mo your confidence. sal am not conseioue of having, while filling the more _ portant poidtion of Cabinet Minister for • the past three years,neglected your interests If.you approve of my past course, and think • ' can serve yea withirdvantage in the future, 1 reapectfelly ask you once again to give me your eupport. [am, gentlemati, you' obedient Servant; A. M. ROS S , Uewgkautrttotnitilt$. Goat robes. -James TWItebell. SilVer Mounted Hernese-James Twiteholl -Bargains in watehes-Frank Metcalf Pat us on your list -Jaelcson Bros Kraus NovoltiesChris Mime . Merobant TailorIng,Iteuee & Co. Curistmas,-Pay k Co ' Holiday trade-JtMksortProthers Facts for the eleotors-roster &Dayloo, • Gigantic gift cialer-4.Ttehertson. . Politzal meting -T.; Gibson. Stray Steer-Thoe. East.1 Stray eattle-Ephraim Stray cattle -john McGregor. - Stray Steer -A Badour. Stray Steer -J Barkwell. Novelities-Estate John Hodgriiis, . New feuits-S Palliser St Oa, , Special for holiday trade -W L Quimette, SpeCial Christmas sale-BeesleMs ce, Grand holiday saln-Detlor &Po, . Nottee-T Cooper & Son. • ••, Cent's fernishings-Ged. Glisgow, (glititern till t 1-1RIDA Y, DEC. 10, 18a • Mr Mci1illan, . headmaster • of St. Thonras Collegiate Insettute, „writing on, this subject, says : "It is. uot urged thatthe work of selecting has„beenhadly done. All parties, it appears, approve of the eeleetione. It is urged, how. avt:irtel ticittilieles=1:n1111;i731411pdalildusteocif;111; that the planurged three BUOCOSS1VO years by the teacher of this Province, and carried out by . the minister of Eclucation, has preved eminently suceeseful, and were it not for the• disposition to make political eamtal at the risk of injuring our school aystem, would meet with all but universal commendation." How can they hape to succeed against two euch weighty intellects. According to our contemporary the Eton. A.. M. Ross is rt (1) Hypocrite. , 2) Corrupt mate 8) " Dumb dog." 4) Traitor. • (5) Disloyal, and much more that apace will not Per- mit of enamerating. What Matters it that Ur. Ross has.grow o tip in and with the county of Huron. That bie record is without a stain. That be has occupied high positions of trust, in wlsich he served the people faithfully and well, The editor of the News -Record knows better and of course that settles tbe matter. We believe that on the 28th of this month ••the intelligent electors of West Huron, by • their ballots, will resent these scurrilous in. sults heaped upon a man so long and well known. •• At a.recent meeting a the East Huron Teachers' Association, that body, compos- ed alike. of Conservatives and Reformers, unetnirainisly approved of the "Scripture Readings," expressing the opinion that tbe selections were most admirable, and particularly suitable for use in schools. • Before the adoption of Mr. Kerr's work, it was submitted to a committee of Pro- testant elergymen, composed of the fol- lowing gentlemen :— •Ven.-Arohdeacon Beady, Rev. Provost Boddy, Rev. Dr. 13arteti Rev. Dr. Dewart, Rev, D. Laing, Rev. 11. D. Powis and lee'v. ter, Suther- land, and these gontlemen approved of the erode entireisend concerning it they pissed these reaseautious • 1), • • "1. Thenliief advantage to,be obtained from, the use of a series of selections cOnsists in the regularity and method of teadeogewhieli can only in aurae sueli way be emetically scoured. "2. That oWfag to the difficulties which still' surround the iptestion ofroligious instructioplas distmet from reading, the importance of such orderly sequeuee in reading el:Karnes numb greater, an 111 thiswayan intelligent apprehou- sien of the coptents and progress of revelation could best be eommunioated. • "3. That the volume of seleetionswas Intend- ed to be thoroughly representative of every Portion -of the Scriptures, whether or a mired or doctrinal eharacter. and tp is believed that a slignt-eviiminaticirot the -book -will Mke this clear." • •• . - After the work had been prepared for publication, (being in type but not yet issued)", profs were submitted to a large :oureher, of Protestant clergymen for their approval. • • It was else 'slits mitted to Arch - •'bishop Lynch as representing ,adenomina- tionshaving 50,0e0 scholars •ettendingethe 'Pfiblic School, en•e without an exception �r an -erasure or change of' any kind, the week wog approyed of by them. . • "i • Whitt cop la be mere natural in the face of all thesncircumeteeces•, that that Mee, G. W. Rees- shoulelsaacepteie -deference 1e public Offihicite a seteetien of "Scripture. Readings." Had he not dime se, his.op- ponents woeld have said he was opposed td the best iaterest's ot tee Province., In recent saeech atGlenebe, Mr. -poss • Who Scripture The grayeat. charge, according ' to- the • contentions of the Coneervativ'es, that iitti be brought ago:last the Mowat GoVern-' -anent is that alle-Minititer. el Education, Hon. G. W. Ross, has replaced the l3ible in the. Public! Schoolsby7a work ealled " Scripture Readirigs.." :dome of else opponetairof the Government are howling themselves hoarse over. atenettee, that Is- • positively of no vial consequence. aWhile Mr. Rose saectioPerthe Worketespieseioh, he only did, so•at t • ene eequeet 'of the Teachers of Ontari „ also Of -elerale men, of all denothinsetionss eirlsgat he yielded to whet he 'believed. wee' Puhlie sentiment. 'Worrier to ehowe the:hello:nes ness_of the cry that is heing relied agaiest the Scriptere Rep.diegs, itees neepseatas to, go back • seeerale,years, .and enter. ',.into .• • The author of,Seltat " is lihoWit 41in' • "Scripture Readings," is "Me.0W. Et. Kerr, a Conservative Terente; who commenced the Work a..s ar before • Mr Ross became Mitister'of hatiCation. • Mr: Kerr conoeived, tee:idea Of in\-aking • book of selections front' the Biblee which might ,be extensively •for . family • reading as well as for schdol ;intro:460U • he cduld get for it thenpproval". Odle ministers of all denominations.* He Weil, • tioned his plan •to the ,Rev: Dr. .Nelles; • Principal of the • Viatoria • College,- a Methodist, and to theleste Dr. Cochratie, • a framer Moderator �f :tees Presbyterian • 'Church, end both :heartily approveds of - it and. urged to proceectewith..it,;.. This he aid p5 his leisure, 'and' when :come • • plete,d he carried it. to Teronteeendser- • ranged withei firm of bopk . its publication..Ai -h reevented -to be •adopted byeltermag.Citholie. readers as well as Protestant, he sought the approyal • of the Archbishop of Torontd. AS he bad made the selections Altogether. from the authorized King James , version, which is • not approved by the 'Church Of Ronne his friends regarded' it as useless to attempt to.gain the Archlsiseee'ee sanction. Mr. • Kerr was fiet to be.diunted, however, and . • with hie manuicriptti a bag on his back, las•bolcIly knoeked the door Of the pal- ace and was taken into the presence of the Arcbbishop, Who seemed somewhat re- lieved when he learned that the -business of his caller was -that of a friend rather than an ,enainy. • The Archbishop consented; to leek over eke Manuseript, and finally' returned it with -his full sanction; having recommended alit one emendation, that of ." who" for "which" in ;the first sentence of the !Lord's Prayere This volatile • contains, in the estimation of Mr". Kerr. "All tbat is dear to tho Christian, heart; the dirinest Peabne, the most instructive Proverb% She Gospel atory coneplete, the Acts of the Apostles, the history of the earlychurch entire, noway of the oboicest epietlee, including oven. tbe ehatiter on. smarty: All in the teat of whet is called' the Protestant Bible, surely file libersali.4-ofs Archbishop Lynch and his reascinablenessl have been proved. Mr, iterr elso wrote some comments "'moral and diciactie," enforcing the thoughts and lessons of the text of the seleetions upon the tenders, and ofthese evert the Arehbishop approv- • ed. • Mr. Kerr,.noty learned for the first time that he must get the approval of the Department of Edueetieu far his work be, fore it could be used in any of the schools. The book, which. was compiled at the time when Mr. Crooks was nominally Minister of Education,. without a thought of its becoMing a wnrk regularly author- ized by the Gavotte:lent, wee submitted to Mr. Roes, who bad cone She head of the Department. Mr. ItoSS cut etit all the "moral end dideetie" ,toMments of Mr. Kerr, as he Wanted the Bible. and the • 131131e oaly„and after he had duly obtained the Approval of the proper' conatnitte s o the various chit -rams, it was satilineed by* Mr. Boss, and -authorized for use in the public schools. The book WAS received with high encomiums by the newspapers, among the rest by the Mall and others that are now callingit names. Prior to this,. however, the Presbyterian Synod, of Paris, • had agitated the same matter, and bthqk Preabyteriatie also took it up, urging. till$ adoption of Soitotilaing of the nature of Mr. Xeres work, and • when it owe out tho Presbyterian Synod expressed its emphatic approval of the So far as Mr, Ransford's letter is con; corned it is perhaps only what might have been expected from a recent,. and cense- cetently over -enthusiastic converte-We' 'are pleased to knowilsat he is now sheet to take an interest in roatters that he has so long negleeted. Like Rip Van Winkle he has been asleep toe long. 116 has Olair 'DOW, , for reasons best known to eihriself, • began to exercise these rights of citizen- ship vvhich he has so long devised and neglected. His letter is' a very harmless affair, and to many will seem like an unwerrauted and most unnecessary in- terference iron tbe part; of one who is an outsider, and a •non ratepayer. " We have taken partioUlar pains to inquire after the health of our friends Messrs. Pay, Lough, and Combe and find that tht y are all much as usual, eating three meals a day, eine actually gonig about their work as if .10. Railsaird's letter had never been wit - ten. • s•.• : • The boils nvritten • in some of the leading papers about what's' some peo- ple are pleased to call the Ross bible, has been welldeseribed by the compiler of the Scripture selectionSeMa. W. H. C. Kerr, a prominent .Conservative, as "idiotic • ravingssa Litelligent •people are :asleing themselves the question ' are not icriptu- 'rat. quotations the same n� Matter what they are read frora " To oall. - this book of beautiful Scripture eelecaons by the epithets that Tories ate now applyinp to it ,is insalting the preoieus •word, the Helen Bible," and 111 the words of the scribe ,leaves them " in tt position that apy believ,er in Scripture trembles to con - .template." The Ballot Ilexes. IT wUL b ela$Q1Utely neceisery to have a new set of balios boxes. For instance, the elections are held. on the 28th Dm", and the ballot boxes sent to the Returning Officer t 29th, and by lave, kept in hie charge for *ay. oral day., how can they be returned for •nes in proper ninie ?—Exeter Tireee; It will not be absolutely necessary to have anythiog of the kin In the I•oeal Elections, the ballot boxes are not by iaw tent to the returning °facer andept for several clay'. Immeeiately after the canine are over, the , ballots are sealed up in pa knee, in the pres- *ince of the agents in the p lLing booth, and then subsequently delivered to the Beturn.- in Officer proper. i We understand that n- • situations are being Bent to all deputy return, gofficers to return their bellot lentee 50 the varioue municipal clerks, as quicirly as pos ienver. Bible After the election is over. There peed be no..diffieulty ebout the ballot boxes what' • • • •• ontario stsrpIus. InaireS strOngpoint follows !L--, \- f,'Prior`id 10:St'Year tho ;Bible 'was read in1e :thaw 5,o0o of our schools, '. and ats recall ng '‘vaa optional I. sli the trustees, The' variOnis Preto- iI tont deno mations wet° not satisfied...With the amoun,'t' f roligiouS inStruetion given, ;iii the selioels,' and the clissatisfaetion .resulted In a Via -deputation at the . Episcopalian, Pesby. rattan, and Methodist Churches waiting on. the Attornek•General oft. the 23r1 of. cctober, 1 982 •asidng for more religionis instruction in the • schools.: Ma -deputation. irks composed of a number of the most prominent,thid distinguish- ed clergymen of these three Cliiirchep, and they. recommended that . the reading Pt certairt s6. lectiens froth the Bible sheuld be ninths compul-, Sery. These reprosentativee were repeated to ine after I liasumed office, and were .reiterirte4, by the Ontario Teacher's Association. I fob' ikt'• was my duty to act upon those representations -ao far xia I . could, having regardte the undeno- -ininational ebaraeter of our Pnblio Schools: I • ask 3Tott if T ant to be 'Warned because, .secting on the suggestton of these'various bodies, I pre- pared thetene edition which witlette. forni of ,pfrfer prepared by -the department, are new -being used in almost every school,in tho Pro :vinee, and which have. Also been adopted in the Protestant eohools in the Province of Mani- toba, Softie otour opponents' say' that wear° using a multilated.Bible in our schools, but they might just as well say that .the Eroglish prayer - book ' or the 'international geries 'cot Sabbath: School 'lessons are a Mutilation; antl, for •IftiY •part, I believe time distinguished representatives of the venous religions denoininatione who ail prove Of thetie solectioxis are just Ath S fond of Sacred•Book andjust as capable. °nudging, ol what 18 proper religious instruction. in our sehoole us Mr, C. W. Bunting, who is trying to diseredit ,our. efforts. mid.' under wholes eaves wes liatelied. Out an infamous plet by a brawls-, nig hroodof bribers." . . .: • . -....•• •‘ , There is not ,the slightest evideifce te show that e these -selections were glade to Contemptible Tactics. . • , OUR F.11R, BOX In his speech in the Local House, on the 18th of February last, the Hon. A, M Ross, after referring in detail to the fin, tunes of the Presence, said :-- " Prom the statement, I have nutde, it will be seen that our total assets are $7,135,000, and our total liabilities $368,910,. leaving A $UR. PLUS of assets, after deducting liabilities pres- ently payable. of $6,765,090. t The beginningof the End' 12). DR: COLEMAN FLUNKS. • A special despatch inform us that Dr. Coleman on the plea of ill -health, has decliued 'the- Conseryative nomination for South Huron. Wsarden Rate., promin- ent Reformer, was approached ancrem- phatically refused to accept a Couserva- tive nommation, South Huron is solid for Bishop and Mowat. DieliColeman o the expense of loolcing after the Hiles In the riding, and Is not the declirie had there been any chance of his eng elected,• , "Col. ROB ifi lais.persenal 'canvass, „when met by the objection .that the 11lowat Governinent has virtually excluded the Bible frena our ruh- lic Scheel; replies' that the moral. perceptions of , the majority of school teachers are not of that elevated Character that Would j uStify their being allowed to read portions 'of scripture of•their own selection to the pupils." . . • Idol. Ross in his personal earwass, has ek. 'bused' the limiting of 'Bible reading jri our prib- • no. echools by stating that the 'teachers, „as a 'class, are not posseseed bf sufficiently elevated meal Principleato .know what is proper 'for our youth fa reaa and millet is not. He playe ditto to ArchbisittiP Lynnlvin this no -attar. Brit such an estimate of the Public:. Seliool Teachers of Ontario is a consigfinfate.alangor. " The eboie.aro tWo specimen Talieboods freirie this weelaNews-Recerde We have suit the Roman •Catholics, or that any changes whatever were made in their in- terests. The Archbishop himself has de- nied that such' was the case. Mews. Mowat and Ross, two staunch Presbyter- ians, ,ellege that not an atom.of fiver was shown to that denomihation, . and Mr. Kerr, himself, who, be itrementhered, is a Conservative, says • "If it is attempted to be shown that the Protestant clergy were hoodwinked or for - stalled in anyway by A.rclibishop Lynch or any- body else I Ittiow Vint nothing is farther from the truth," . ' This sheeld be sufficiently conclusive to satisfy any reasonable or honest man that •the Educational Department is not under RotaansCathollo influence, and none but the most bigoted partizan will adhere to such a 'view. To show our readers, however, that the Donsihion Goverement had no fault to find with .the •Minister of Education or his department, prior to the present elec- tion, we quote from the "Dominion bf Canada Guide Rook" issued by the De- partment of' Agriculture'Ottawa, and bearing the date 1886, the following testi- mony to our educatioual system: "Ono ef the chief features of the Province of Ontario, as abut Ono of its chief attractions ite a home for settlers, is its admirable eystem of PubtiO Educwion. Tuis Inie been brought to its present perfection b:sr MitOlt care and study, the systems in the most advanced countries of Europe having boon carefully studied and their beet points appropriated. The school's aro note sectarian. The children of all denoniinatione Aro Admitted 'without distinction, Provielon Is, however, wide to allow,- 0o:ottoman oatholice .made enquiriee .6e Mr, Boss concerning these two chargesewith the eesult thathe declared them bothemertie in every parti- cular. We believe we are: quite safe. its goinge further 'net' saying that tho.,;'t. man' 'who penned -them keew they were 'false at the time. '. This is the kind. of tacties the worst part of the Tory party aro using. sto acceeripltsh their ,ends.. • •• APOLOt .Y, To the Editor of the Clinton Nen, Ern. PnAR SlIt•-•I'ertalt my to oorrect at tho earliest date, an impression. that my letter in the News•Becord, concerumg the bible in our schools.seenie to have made', I had no inten. tion to oast •the alightest reflection on fdr, Longla. I understand be einsply done what aoybbdy his position would have done, Shat is, he followed instructions. Thanking for your courtesy, 1 remain, • Yeur obedient servant, Joug Romero. - 11F.PLORABLE STATE OF CFAIRCRES AND SUNDAY souoo18 •IN CLINTON. went voters m,an t Sp.utIiRini Totioralice. Couoittiog This Convention met in the Hensall Meth- odist cher& on Frieny,-D-ec. 3rd s -Th-ere Was a faii representatien from the various munioit. palities of the :Riding. Alter devotional ex- ercises, Mr. H. E. Houston was, in the absence ..of the secretary,. appointed Secretary -pro. tete. Among other thinge it was resolved thee we appoint a committee to comm nioate.with‘ the Ontario Government with re ard to 4ridge Armor's decision that a Police sgistrate has . . no jurisdiction to trrgeott Act 0 ses, whenhe isiappointed fora riding, eed riot or a omitity and also that they comrannicat '• with -the other. associatierps of the county ith a view to hating s P. ;144 if necessary, for the cu. tire comity,appointed ;And that the actions of' a joint ,;,„,eonimittee belbiriding on this aseecia- tion. 17P11lt 10941 organizations were asked to raise and arciesmit to thaireasuser. of the Associatioa funds to *enable. theni to carry on the paiposes': of the Assnoiation and to , help the Police' Magistrate to protect his Pro- perty. With reference to the attempt to harm the property .orthe Police Magistrate; - the follownig_frevalution was carried:—That this convebtie hlving heard with. great sor- row of the fiendish attempt to. buret tbe dwellingof Mr.Jas, WaitlessePolice Megletrate for South Huron, succieeding i73 WI11011; they would, in all • r probability have sacrificed human' l' ife weovish to place coo redord our most qecitled reprobation of %such' conduct and toriseure him of bar -Warmest oympathy a,nd hereby pledge him our moral support in carrying out his official clatien.: • • Plueservices of Rev, Mr. Burgess, of Eisto• wel, Word securg for peblie m retirees at the following plebes' o--Seaforth, Brucefield, Var- • na, • Bayfield, Zurich, Dashwood, Crediton, Exeter, Ceutralia, 'Mil:ovine and Hensel'. • . With regard to bringing out' a prohibition e andidate fpr thairerit e riding ne actis taken. A • Weal organization for ,Ilensall was itp- pointed. • ' •• Meeting then adjourned to rasi'et attlie Oalt 'of tbe President. •• . • THE BIBLE IN THE $01:1001,S, Editor of the Clinton 2few Era. Slit.--11Poll receiving the taSt leS40 et the Ndwooltecortt I Was nota lime euresrleed to diSeover that my old friend, air. Jno, ;pungent!, lives andneurishaii. I half antle 'pitted that • the events cif the Past few weeks would have .been too much for him. No dotal t he thought yonhilllalg tffeii tut °B:1 hYeNviercahdoaeodlY, eb: rif:to aa :II; ea al t ituoit_grpliddeaeo ta'ohnel4rnjlroftalle still in existence, Mr. Rausford's dynamite proved to be only a mrce. The chemloais were ..° -e peaty compounded.hence no explosion. 44.0e11nid- by to, that water. I aniline of those who shou.15l be held up to public scorn, What for I ' Bet:mese want be IA pleased to call the Rows . Bade ut used in the Pubile,Sehools. Mr, Elms- ford is guilty of blander, for that in %lose name . for a book of Scriptural selections. It is shaly a compilation uuder different headings ge teaoher's nSe in 00110010. A good church n loillrecotm, Emaiirefroaryderouir ptaxttovireseoreot toantstohte 81 Etc Orilit turalreadings and by it he eau tell 'what lessees ' will be read. even a year henee. Did any semi. ble man ever ohieet te-the Boo lc of Common • ." Prayer on that ground 1 The, same obteetions Air, might he urged against any of those valuable Ar books prepared. by eminent Ditines,--econtaining ' eeleoted passages of scripture and prayers for family use. No one has ever been mlly enough to find fault with these. What wrong' can there be in a large number of ministers of all deuemi, . netione conapilinga boob ofSeripturai selections for the use of teaehere, in Which no change fron. the accepted version, has been made if we ex. eept the alteration of "whieh" to "who.', 'Mr,. Baneford is evidently not very much posted hi School law. Be puts me in mind of it • candidate for Parliament honors, who, living ia . a Soott Aot County, aimed lltawat for paseing . , that Aot; As a Reboot critics he should know. lus business.better. The Board of Trustees, even if so dieposed, cannot releet a book author. ized by•the Department of Enuoation, He cern. Ovine of the apathy- and ignorance of the ' Board,but his complaining shows his own, At Brussels recently. Me_ teachers of Huron heart. fly endorsed the Book of Scriptural Beadlogs. • and other Teacher's conventions bad done like. wise. If Mr. Itansford was a ratepayeasending ' laischildren to the publics wheel, he would no -a doubt lama; more oho* schoel matters. • • • • Thanking' you for your kindness, I remain, . one of those held up to scorn, W. C, SEARl.E. Ten years. ago Mrs. Ada Martins a . 11 0....- • Bronson, Mich., broke her leg, and paraly. , pis of the limb and loss of speech followed, ' For Berne Yearn past she found pleasure in, making crazy quilts 'sending to eminent persona for bits of cloth for the patches, Among others she sent to President Cleve-. - land, who sent .a patch and a neat letter Mrs. Martin received the letten on Weaeess • to rise, ancl le so doing she knocked her . ,d4ayeailsa.nd yea. s so pleased tgat she attempted Martin's paralyzed leg, the shock restored son's rev.olvermetir by. The pistol was fired be the fall, the ball passed throggh Mrs, . . her speech and apparently 'the leg will be• ' all right egain, after the •pistol -shot wound.. . .. . • •••••••,1 T, the Editor of the /cm Era, tut,—I am greatly troubled. I feel worse Shan Mr, Rumford. I have made some dia. ooveries to•day whioh filled me with pain and surprise. For forty years, as a member of the Episcopal Church, I have been guilty of using a eubstitate for the Bible. ' As a believer in Saripture am left in a position whieh I tremble to contemplate. I had. a geed pious mother and father who were "Churehmen"be. fore me, e wag brought up in the fold of the grand old Englieh Church. I have had at least a dozen excellent pastors, but I never heard or anew before that it was wrong to nse the 13ooli of Cemmon Prayer, ,, Ilansford hait much to answer for in that he hail allovred bis eandle kink to remain hid under a bush. e1, Bishops, Canons, Deans,. Doctors of. Di. vinity, Clergymen, and people for hundreds of years have been eornmitting a most grieveue sin in using'alrolt that contains only script•r- al selectione instead of the whole bible, Of cowrie the book nf Common Prayer mutt go. Mr Rumford has practically Mondemned it, and, who will .dare to interpose an opinion, agaimit suoh an authority... e • 4 Thinks I, Mr Editor; misery loves company, and I'll run around And look into the other churches' affairs, add free if they are any better off. Alas, etas. They• ere all about alike.— The Methodists use "Berean Leaves" and "Banners," for scholars and teachers, with: only "seleetions" in them. Of oourse they mast go, The preabyteriana use Shorter Catechism .and Westminster Reviews, with only selections in them. Of course they must go. Mr Jamea Thompson .and Mr George Tedfard, the Superintendents of these two schools. are, Mr. Editor, old frieude of mine, and I hope always will be. "But if theywere 'mY brothers I .would hold them up to public acorn as, men who utterly neglect their duty, and as men who should reoeive.the strongest publiaeonclemnation for their apathy and ig- uorance en such a Vital question. Would any- body have believed sueli a state of things ex- isted." : • • • . Here are tem.& S. Superiatendents actually using books or pamphlets of "scriptural quo- tations," instead of the Bibles. "Who gave them authority to cast out the Bible aud ob. stitute something else ? Vid they da it of themselves, or who gave them autherity ? Out with the' fact% gentlemen, we want this thing sifted.to the very bottom?" After making the closest inquiries I have Concluded that the poor Plymouth Brethren are alniest the only0n04 in town who have ,not been guilty of tide terrible sin Of substi: •tution. Mr. Ransford and I will probably unite with them and sin no more. I wrote the preceding, Mr, Editor, last night; all night long I toseed. sleeplessly upon TO bed. I was trying to reach some tie* light upon the anbjed of my epistle and coald get ..210110. This morning_l dePerrnined to , find out whit the "wise man" had to hay about ;the Matter, and in a moment'iof fergetfultitige_ I picked up my book of' Common Prayer •to read 2 few of Solomon'l Prnverbs.. •Whin •I realizedtbat they were not"in the teak I in- stantly closed it up arid laid it by;. It' is 'only *Pk of selections. end. I must not use it: ony .more I took down niy Bible and (intoned 'at random on these few veneer, "The simple behoveth•every word, but the pru- dent man loeketh welt to kb going."-groverbs xiy, 16?• " • te have Separate Sehoole., If these extracts arc not tUfneiefit to atisfy all parties that the Ontario Goa - eminent, end especially the Minister of Education, is still worthy of their confid- ence and support, then nothing else will do it, We can give the name, if necessary, of a gentleman in this county, not a suppor- ter of the Alcoved Governinerib, 1)115 11 most pronounced Conservative, who states that "Phe Conservatives have not a leg to stand upon in their char,gea against Mr. G. W. Itoss:" And this gentleman if; one who takes an votive part in edneationa matters, too, . " What. MeV. itlIr...111Eri.11ilihritortyciaaath,1111t$ oiateows, •We very gladly supply a portien o f Rev.. Mr. tligigen's letter to lien; 0. elowat ,noegifeer *to the" ptiblic by our centerapor, ary, when publishing what it pleased to call theseev. eentleman's • letter. - The omittecfpart is only one of the numerous portions in which he refers in the high - •est tertns to the Ontario Premier "r have writkn in the critical term I have done. becauee I Win toy relation to you to be sonlethibg mere than Oto mere negative ene of '.intlieg bear those ill we beve than fit tct cithtTS ryie know not of.' 3lly Wish irk asserting what I have done 15 to have such a positive loyal relit:. t,iTvehetofryieegatshtahtIc puhtinsay- mt;an,-,3.:• their:64' aption. tried Gretna° them to. thy soul with koeks of.steel," "Hon. and dear sir, 1 atn glad to hear of your recovery from your reeerit illness, and my prak- er is that.yeu May have wisdom and esolution and health given you for the 'measure of your difficalt duties in such, large measure THAT YOU MAY LONG CONTINUE PRELVITER OF OUR PAIR PROVINDE AND SO MAKE IT A PURER AND MORE SE- ouRE LAND IN WHICH TO .DWELL, and' that wheu the duties of this evanescent world Ate over -for yeii, pia may rendre e01150 - thing high& thin). mere Political majorities and honors,•even from, theariaster himself tint assu- rance ' Well done good .and faithful servant.' • A Moe Pair. • Ititt a iciPa! te. it oils The time for the municipal ejections is al:preaching, and the "ratepayers should aegto to consider • the character of , the men who are likely to appeal to. them for positions at the next municipal board. • The difficulty generallypresents itself to the ratepayers Iti choosing st coattail that not very many of the larger ratepayers, men of good business experience, arid whose intereses are large in the prosperity of the town, can be indueed to offer them- selves as candidates: Those who de, al- most invariably retire after a year or two's experience, therotighlyelisheartened raid disgusted by ;the ungenerous treat - meat they received'and by the abuse and misrepresentations heaped upon them. Occasionally an effete is made to introduce et better elenient into the council, and when it is successful the .town's affairs prosper, public itnprovenatents aresof the right sort, and in the right direction; the public money is Well spent, and taxation is reduced. . • The council of the past Year have done, we believe, fairly well. For the first time for some years the expenditure has been kept well Within tiler/estimates. There has been no extravagat or wasteful ex- penditure of the p ple's money, and eor- poration matter have been pretty well lookedafter. ti the near future therenre questions great interest to the towel coming --- • Our loecti contemperary says: "This Mr, Dowart is the gentlennur who; ei 1.872, supported the notorious O'Dooehoe, the most corrupt weathercock public man in the Province." • This is what Sir • john Macdonald said' about this saine O'Dotiolioe • " Toronto, June 5th, 1882, (Private and confidential.) MY Doan LOno.—Mr. O'Dono• hoe will tell you of the tempest that has been ed here Tolerate oaaccount of the sup. posi ion that his views are extreme as to the Irish question, This might destroy liis future, and it hes, therefore, been arranged between the Hon. P.Smith and (Monello° that tim for mer is to represeet tho Irish Catholics in the Cabinet, white O'D. will get a seat the Sea - SMITH IS TO MANE WAY NOR OT0110- HOE IN THE 1VIINXSTItY 'MINN TIM THINK THE TIME IS orronrent. Those twt,ggentlemen aro acting in petfect accordt anddesire that I should explain to your Lordehip the nature of their Ar• moment, Width, of course, IttlesSit BE ICEPT A PROPOUND SECRET AT PRIISENT. Believe me, my dor Lord, faithfully yours, •• (Signed,) • .Torot A. Memos:ewe We will gladly lend our cote:riper:try ehis letter, if he wilt send his devil" over for it. Sir John seems to have forgotten to soid"hitr, One. • x for dismission and action.. We want,nien of activity and intelligence at the • Coencil Board, and the ratepayers should see to it that the very best men are elected. • • As is usual there is considerable' talk and speculation about probable candi- dates, but nothing as yet is very definite. It is eaid that there will undoubtedly be a contest over the three highest positions, as each of the prefient incumbents, it is re- ported, is to be opposed. We understend thatlin St. James' ward Mr. II. R. Walker will be a candidate for council. The old councillors will, we pre- sumeeilso seek re-election, Iti $t. John's ward it has been said that the present councillors with to retire and as their successors tho names of Messrs. Wm. Cooper, A. Gotten, II. Steep, Olifts: Over - berry, and Israel Taylor are mentioned. In St. George's walid Messrs.. h'itasittlons Ana Doherty. will Amid for reeelections and in addition Mesere. W. C. Sear, 3. 0. Stevenson and 3. 0. Detlor are spoken of as likely candidates. The death of Mr. Cooper leaves a vacancy in St. Andrew s ward. The names of Messrs. Thos. nol- loway, 11. Foster and John Johnston are mentioned ia connection with the repro. centative of this ward. Another weelc Will no doubt clear up.. the municipal at- mosphere, and wo shall know "who is 'MID 7 .. 'The tongile of ihe wied iiseth knowledge alight, but the mouth' of Hools ponieth out fpollihness."- (Proverbs xv,r5), • • ' • • 'The lips of the' righteous feed Ineny; bat foolsdio for want of Wisdom. The blessing of tbo Lord it mak.-; eth rich ). and he addeth no sorrOW with it. 15 18 spOrt to a .1001 to do =amino; but a Man of under-. standing hath wisdinn.":-.(Proverbs x, 21-2-35, •• I came. to the poneltision that these verses applieiLtosnrcase and to Mr, Iteneford'a tho, seet thin tenashisietee-referenceesateniee. He won't find them his boOksof Common Prayer, bat I am. 'told they are contained in what ho calls .the Ross' 'version of the Bible. . Yours dm, Deo 96h 1836,. Atr Lreasoccrentese THE:BIBLE TFIE pt-prac seAdoLg. To the Editor Of 4he Clinton ketp Ere, • • Snieelf space perraite, Permit Me fewlines* in reply to a letter from Mr, ,L Ransford, that appeared in the last issue of your local ciontein poraiy; expressing his surprise and astonishment • upon learning that "the Rees' Bible,"' us he; blaspheirimisly calls the .scriptere seleetiohe 15 - sued by the Ontario Educational Department, for utie in the- public rind .high schools' of the Proviecef are in use in; the • Clinton Public School., He' holds Mr. Pay end rnembeis Of the trustee. boird "up to public iscern, as men who utterly neglect their duty, and as Men whd• should receive.the strongest public condemns: tion,.for their apathy and ignorance of such a Vital- questiob," . "And .fot Me, Lough, who gave lum,epthority"to Oast out the bible,. ,and batituteRose'.eenuon fin. it." May I ask.Mr. Raneford . by what authority. does be iiiterfere Itt Our public aChool, and in auch intemperate language denounae the mornbere of the trustee board for their mode of conducting the public schiSol, in the matter of religioue instruction. Ile isliot a tax payer here, does not live ie. the town, and bas no children attending the school to be put " in it position that any believer tram. bles to contemplate." Permit me to call Mt Bamford's attention to the fact that the Scrip- ture Selections were approved. of and reeora• mended for usein the schools of tbe Province by a large and repterientative commtttee of the Episcopal, yfethOdiati Baptist and Presbyterian church, so if the text Which ''lettiree the Catlice lie priest without a left to stand upee,". has beeo left out, out of regard for the 'feelings of Boman Catholics; the representatives the above men- tioned cleurehee are the persons reSPonsible, and .whon3 Mr, RAnsford should vent his' indig.-- Aatiorii The following eminent divined of the Cherch England, on the juint eommittee of the above meritioned churches, voted in cora-, inittee for a book of Scripture. Selections,' hi pre- ference to the whole bible, for use hi the pub- lic ecliools, Dr, Langtry and the Rev. Mr, Ben- ison Milne, of the Chareh of England members of the eommittee, votiog in favor of the whole bible agaibst a book of -Selections, The other members of the joint committee,' front the Me. thodist, teptizt and Presbyterian churches', were almost utianisnously favor of the selee- tion. Cher& of Eligland members of the committee, who voted for the setectiori. were Arch Deacon Boddy, ProvostBoddy, of Trinity College, Bev, a% P. 'ewe, Rev. J. Middletob,- Rev, j, W. Beck, Senator Allan, N.W. Hoyle 0, le: W. Biggar, G. B. Kirkpetrick, lefe : Lean Howard, and a. A. Worral. I give the. names of the church of Ebgland menthers, pre- suming that Mr. Itensford will respect their work moreeliao If they Were merely olergymen • of the dissentimaahurchee. If Mr, Rensford carefally Muffles the matter, he will, I thirds, find that the thIngbas beeti carefully sif ted to the bettem, long before he ever thought et the mat- ter, In the matter of religione And niorai train. ing of the: ;mime in elle pulsed schools, feet, and preemie the meinbers of tho school board mid Mr. Lough thlealiketvise, that theenanner and form in which tlie Scriptures arc used in our schools MO much safer in the hands of the representatives of our protestant churches thee they would be, if lett to the cam of zealous wad, •-••••••••-•,,, • Sate Register.. • .. SATeltsay'Deo. 18.-Ifousur Chold fniture:etc.., at'', 1 p.ro„ on the 'Market Square. Jas. Howson, auct, . If. S. BleLeea, prep. . . . - • . • !MARRIED ROBERTSON-.-DAYMENT.--On the sth inst., at . the residence of,Mr. C. Spooner, by Rev. W. Craig, 13. Mr, Wm. Robertson, to Miss Janet Payment, both • OroNov. 15511, by Bev. A. 11 ' . Stafford, ALL, at the Metropolitan ohereh; Toronto', Ffarry Baker, Esq., (tho homestead) Maitland con, . .otoe:enrstienhp.township, to Tiraaithird daugh7t. of the late ' James Nesbit, of Prospect Hill,'2nd con, East Whitby, ; and sister of Dlr. 0. Nesbit, of the 16511 eon., Goderich . : - - DIED: .•• • SHOREROOIL-In Hallett. unlhe 7111 insi., 'at titra' residonee. of her on James, Mrs. Ann ehoebrook, sr.; ' . aged 78 years, 3 months and 10 -days. .* • FACTS.for'llie.EILECTORS:AA ler • ' • A FLOOD .0/, LIHIIT LET IN 'UPON A •• "VITAL quinsTiox." • • The'Pope's urrlue influence over, the . • Clinton Sehool _Board at last -reerealed. • It is pow belieeed Upon high authority that the Pope, billdoeed • • the Model. School Board at the.saine_ . . . time that he came to sit f or his christmtte plietogrephs at Fester & Bayley'sie • •• . . . . • . • • . • •741,9u AdittrirgementO.• . IggAlti.EJRAVMAAFA71.NTED AT G001) GENERAL SERVANT 'WANTED .BY THE Apply to MRS. 3.0. GILROY. • • . STRAY STEER. -CAME INTO SUBSCRIBER'S • •pronitses gravel road, Ittillott, about two weeks . since a rial'and white year old Steer. The owner is t; hereby notified to prove property, •pay charges and talcb it away. THOS. EAST. 411 • TRATEO INTO TEE PREMISES OP THE EN- • " Chamomile. lot 86, con. 10, Hullett, two Cowl awl • titer- Lambs. Tho owner is requested to prove owner- ship, pay expenses and take them away.EP11114.Ifi8 SNELD, Loucleaboro. , • • . 21* • • sTRAY STEER.--dAME INTO ,SUBSoitiBillit'S premises,105 77, Maitland con., Gioderieh towaship, about the 1s5 of November, a small Toriiiing Steer.. The owner 113 hereby notified to prove property, pay chews and take it away. ALEX. BADODR. SCATTLEME' UB .-CAINTO SSCRIBER'S preinises, 108 29, find oon. of Stanley, about the isb of December, two Yearling Steers and four Yearling Heifers, The owner isheroby notified to provo pro- perty, pay charges and take them away. JOHN Bto- GREGO.R; Stanley. • CI " • STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES OF RICHARD BARNWELL one greyish Heifer ono yeer old, and a red Yearling Steer. Any person giving information leading to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. Apply to RICHARD BAREWELL, Clinton, or JOHN. BARKWELLa.Loodesboro. • lin • Canada Pacific Railway, W. JACKS011, AGENT, • — CLINTON. Through tickets to all points in Metrreolit and the NORTHWEST via the new short line • front *Toronto. "c). .A. passenger leaving Clinton at 1,05 p.m. Monday, can be in Winnipeg on Thursday morning p5040. Teckets to all poirits in British Columbia and California. • Plenty et Oatmeal on hand, Granitietea Staodard, Rolled and Firm ler Pacifier, o 33CtrcrillovInAge: COARSE PINE. • AND OP:1t0111W WIlt.1).Tre Wret Excnaeor, eon Oters. polleenns, Yours, eta, AMR . JAMES SV1MP* " • s. itctistott a,