HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-10, Page 31711,1PAT, BM. 10, 1880. 10111. hies ilia' ter his wire.” . (New .Orleabs Times Darioerat.) An accident in the life of Colonel Geo. P. Alexander, of the Third Arkansas Re°4 giment, now a Frofessor in Thatcher In- , stitute, SbrevePort, La., during the re- bellion, . . The long stemmed battle o'er and lost, • The order came Retreat,' Ifut many hearts lay cold, and On beds -of daises otwet, And thrilled no more at th' onset bola ^ Nor heard feturning feet, leftthe lonely dead s .Mpon the spot they fell, .Pend,turned•with saddenediaces bacii e:The tate of rent te ; • But on the kindly. daises there, • The dead slept soft and well. e• :The 'toady' tramp•Word thro' the night'• e Into the chierlesseday • • And-wearily.they kepteh'e pace • •That led..away--away ; , For who Could factian iron foe ,• • • eThat swept their'estnissiike hay? 13eside the road an of4cer - Q Lay Woinade‘ like to deeth— pallid, faint and helplisine, •• • i•dadatereely strength for breatl.ii • • And/twee his company Plodding by • .. Ai (mete the. other sattla : • • Be easy, boys; thoribliee the sean That led UA in the fight ; We 'eve and we wou't pass bn wev• doue bim right). ". coins sc4t1i ; shaka'our cape:urea hand„ ▪ •Por he'll beedeaci ere night.' . And boys,. the 'flower 'of Ilikansts, • , • °• From textebookto„the ranks, • . • , , past with Misty Veil upon • shonmidows : And -gently preened their captain.'s haled, And neiatinkil• daraii'd the "Yanks." .A. big, gruff, biarded Itishnian •, Brought the rearmost file; . And knelt lniside.the suffering man, . And selibed and gabbed the While, And as that farewell hand looked on, Through tears there canie a smile.. • • The sergeant turned lint() the boys, „ His face with grief full rife; Begorra, boys,' as they .looked down • On that fast wauingiife "Won niver see the cap't again— Pll kids him for his wife!'. • The .kiss orthat rough soldier there .. Thrilled through the captain's soul, ,......Ancbestanteclefresle-ethe! sluggish- life ' Ale, From heart -fount to its goal; • AIM no less grave kind nature sods By Shenahdoah's roll, . • • • •it4odud- the County. 21ret, lee*seclersee, of thitown lime,. StriiileyoVerneoviug to. beudefield feu ths winter,- -,.. ' • .• • . •••• • John Tait, of trusseta, killed a pig eight motitlis Old, on Monday, which brought dawn the scales at 257 pou Moorish) School Truetees have engeded • Miss Laing, of Mitchell, at .$220 per annum in teacher forlhe ascend depertmeht. It is quite currently reported that Wm: Milne is in the field for the reeveihie ef Grey and will oppress Reeve Straeha.p. • Garrot Va.nHern has .clisposed. of , his: 50 Likacre farm, lot 2,:Con. 12; Grey, toJames. Wr'Hall, of Morris. The price paid was • $1,850. • Reborti Armstrong, of Morris tewnehiP• has hen appointed Reeurein,g officer for the East Huron Local elections, to be held on the 28thinat. Miss Boyd, teacher of the• junier iho • partment of the Loadbury 'school, is letly• ing ab the end of the year. • Miss Ceshe of McKillop, is to itieceed her.• . ' • `'• • For weak lungs, epittipg of blcici'deveek. • stomach, night -sweats, • and...the ,early stages of Consumption, e•GOleten•MdicaL Discovery" is •• tapireifieci.. Bye deuggiets.. The Misses M. and 1.M. Fisher lift Winghion—whero they heir.° resided for # years --on Wedieseday morning for Paieleee. , where they purpose takieg ure their rift -fife- ' resi.dence,•• • • The County Cuprt and Owned' • Of the Peace vrill opetned-ber-ittetwe' Jtidge Toms, on the 14th inst. Therse will be considerable bturiettes et:1'th. .cele lender. • • • ••• A • Mrs. McLean. of--13euissitelseetreserilitiali;.' tor of Mr,' David-Walleist-Treeve-orTu °lune smith; slipped and fell while costing, on the temporary bridge tie Benefices one night last week, and broke ber eirn at the wrist. Mary MeAlister, little daughter of John McAllister, Grey, had WeerglealoperatiOn perfOrmed on her leg, On Monday. On • Sitiorday, she had sepeedle run into her leg just below the itriaVwherls. itneoke into three pieces: Forty years' experienCe, in every Clime, has proved Ayer's Cherry Peetoral to. be the most reliable remedy.for colds, coughs, and lung diseases. Colds,' simuld :not be. negliscted. The Pectoral will prevent their becorning7Waposerated in the system. • 'The -directors of 13lueyele cheesei factory hive Bemired the services of Mr. Dillon, of • Itenilwortb, for next season., . The ar- rangement with him is that he is to re- ceive $932.50 for manufacturing:120 tette of cheese. Tier every ton over that amonut he is to gat $8 and for every ton leers he, losers a like sum.: . "Words fail to egjereett illy gratitude," says Mr. Selby Carter, of Nashville, Tenn., "for the benefits dorived trent Ayer's Sar- saparilla. My system was filled •with 'scrofula ; blotched, • uicertr, said mattery sores, all over my becly." Mr.. Carter was entirely cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, eight months ago, and has •had return otthe scrofulone.symptems• • : • • , "(James Speir has sold his farm, lot 14, ,e,.`„' don. 5,.Morrie, coetainireg .50 acres, to his A, brother Shan •for $3`,100, add he has pur- chatted the well Istiown excellent farm be- longing totJohn McCrea, just south of Brussels. Mr. Speir' paid $7,000 for tho. fartn and will take poseetssion about April 1st., -MteMeCtats-hetotesereed."50 A/his ea: buildieresideneo- thereon and make his home there. • Says the Bruseele Post t—The municipal kettle is sommencing to boil, but as yet 'very little is known at to who the candi- date, •will be. Proni the present indios tions it !mike vety much -Me it H, MO 01,41611011, who, .has been in the field for tionie time for the reeveship; Was going to haee h walk 'over, Mc ie an Ohl resident, a large ratepayer, well Acquainted wieh the. needs of Brueeeie and having sat at the council ,Board has a 000t1 knowledge of the ',binding of the place. 'Mr. H. 5, Pfaff, of the Blind Line, Hay, hail Old Ws 59 Acres a land to Mr- -reter lpeaclaert, for the falla of 0,900 and Ilse bought 170 scree from Mr. Ab. Geiger, for the BUM of $10,000. They both retain their farms • for another crop. Mr. Ab. • Geiger has sold "all hie laud but°, 50 acres on the Babylon line and is going to. retire from farming,. We regret to „have to state that Jackson Stitt, - known in 'Brussels, died on Wednesday night, aftsr a brief illness of about ten clays.' The cootie of his death was ieflammation of the binge. Stitt bad been a resident of Brtmels for about ten years, moving from. Atiburn there!: He was multitude(' nod 'lived- with 'bie mother' Lattice troubled with Pimples, iiiatches, Roughbandeer Pane, or sores of any downer tioa, miouteU80 moGregor and Tarim's, caring o .Cerate: It will leave the shiuhrperfeet health smooth, eleauond good color. Po ware and ri the, genuine, made by McGregor es rar e. „Price 25e, Sold at Worthington's Drug Store, • , Thomas. -hteLluichlin, of; Gvey, had tAfitnaa horses on the Bruseela that bought down tbe begin at 2;850. poilachi. Ote e three yetsr old, aired hyo" Old giiterprise," apd the otledi re.feur yea; old aired lby " Oxford/Led," :But 'where Me, • thinke big Weight econee ie lie had 2 reigs int°Teearlsay, droning 810 ..,33,1 38. p4.06.sively: wire jneV8 menthe' We irer,y metal raped to 'weep Irene:Mr. ;Tenn Ritehey, late of posit Virewareosh; het flift.vto. Role Ridge, BesistifulPleitie coinity, Manitoba, of the •deetih of . his arc' lien, Jobe Jacites, a promising and .elever• yeeing Man of 1$ -,yettea. died at, thee reed:site* of hie fisher on the l'711t of Neil, efter a shun Meese of' enfleinretatieu oftbe *. tialletOry artiste:a/mews, nave .bean concluded at Blyth for'ribe erection ef a flax •naill tu that village, The stile pur- ,cheaed • tor the eesteeteleteheneot • was froth Mr. P. Xrdy. end ' is eit,mitect just -amt. of • Air. Adana • Wetilserfer e• lc Ispesc1,.. and contains...six stores), fLe_feewhieh Wag' wit,L tit o°439 .o.f $000:, eye; eXions. will: Cortehiptsce silitnebt • by titokkv .Drothersl...,,t;he ...have beep favored With .1,4 eentraote.• • • • e,•: -Leto Saturciey!:!nighl,, a'heree belting •ing:tri Jeremiah. enteitnetii.•!. of the London . near Exeter, CrU11,0, loding its from strlingUlati' The. animal was •careibily 't rope heiter eroded !As rfeek,.(as his beep' the practice with•the ct1vner foresome tithe but during the night •Otifs. ,fropt leg en'ta led-withethirmoor, area, end when eliecoveicel; was. coinpleeely: ektnanuted aud almost echockecl ler deatb., ,ikelists.d•eieeeyeile being bruieed to g great kextent. "'"..,..••,e'r••;,•.. ••• •• • •' 1.4t week. ire g&Te,th.e partiitulere of a brood awiaultettiateviee 'peepetratod• upon JOS6Ph Risclon, but for • reeabo 'then gives: ye omitted to. giviathreasaree a his int. •Mr. Realest' was. to his hanie ta 'Wedriesdayi 'ties able tote opteend When he 'sedan iefUriesetion against Wub Mellon; Charging 'hies with aggtavated 11,nel:elle:with intent te do7griev- ode' `111fa Case UAW.. up. for :trial befons Igay.or Neeland, on Tlihrsday Morning, when on the Strength of:the ovi- 'dence.subinitted44,irtlien was commit- ted to stand his trial db the next.aisiaca in Goderich. Wes '"ieqtliredi• ft') Jurnish • sureties the strai, of $6`139,-"hinnsailf. for 0800 arid t wo therci ter $150.egeb. ee-Wine- ham , • ; , • • Again death visits thi4 communi•ty „and selects Steeite • victim, .0cofte daughter orkebt. Cann, Eaqi.e.of liallernee OnlYlerodaY afternoon .the'yoting lady was iu good health-saVe of: a •-eliglit reran in the side---4andseeniOd • chee,rfhl., ...set down . to tea and .ate heartily ; but feW hours, afterwards: coarr• ;planed •of ,feelhig igh tly- unwell anA "while waIkig Mercies a ,rObtn, dropped upon- tho•• .floose. and vAry:.feW mieutes, pieede. Mediesd aid wee.'ealled, but eooldelO non,: ing. Dealer :wee. totally' enexpectecle•and• . the, deinise t.t;:.y, clung 'lady, POsseseed. 'eforling qUelties• :Ms estur -did., has: .-estet •:.e• ;ye oene thro tre hone the iseighherlinod..",Siie had 3ttained the nee .0,29 Years and had. • alWaye.epjoyed. tont pgra te valy geed:health. ' _Heart cliesecied have been the ••• • ,• „ • . , • Anyme Merenekire.--Are you: disturbed at nig,ht,. and.. broken of your 'rest by a sick cilifhlApilering And, Crying,. with pain ot Cutting l'eeth? ! -If so send at Once ancl,g_et_whottlia!,_of. •'-`,MisAVineloWs Soothing Syrup" for.Child- .een Teethin„e• Its »value as • incalculable.. • It •will relieyelhe poor little sufferer itinnediately.: Depend upon it, Mothers ; there • is no mistake about it: It. cures Dysentery and •Diarrlitee, regulates the Stomach and Bowels; • cures Wind Colic, .softehs. the Giiins, reduces Inflamniation, and gives tone and energy to the whole systeria. "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup," for child.: ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the presceiptionef one of the.oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United•Statece and Is tor Sale by all druggists 'throughout the world. Priee.twenty-fiVe cents. a bOttle. Be sure-» arel„: ask for "Nene. Wiestores Soon:awe Sieve,' • and take no other kind. lunge, . PERTH NEWS. • Mr. George Malcolm, has 'resigned his partition es teaches. in the MitcleelleHigh: Scheel, with a view of .entering college arid' taking a degree.. Mr. Johti • Ilacknei,, of tho Hibisert bou rug has purchased the 50 acre farm of Mr. John Crawford, for the sum b f $2,500. Mr, Crawfoid Whose health has been failing for some Hine, intends retir- ing front farmiug. Ori'Vtieeday' evening - Mr. T. C. Mellteron, of Mitchell, was out driving Id. horse ran away. • While turtling a corner tho cutter upset, throwing Mr. Mtilheron-Out, resulting in the dislocation of one of his, shoulder joints. • . • • The unanimous eall extended to the Rev, Mark Turnbull, of „Listovrel, fornier- ly of Kirktbn,, by the English chtuch con- gregation at Ridgetowo, has been declined by Mr'. Turnbull, who ie unwillieg to fewer - his connection with °Cheist Church, Listo- wel. Mr. Wm. P.,13yere and his eieter Vanity left Stratforct for New York on *Setee-, darenn -Miele *ay Le India. They, are out as misisiotiaries and will labor among the sailora at" Ceecutta until they get aectestorned to the climate, when they Will go farther into the country. On Friday the Ifith Nov, Me, Auguat Wicite, one of tho earliett settlers of El- lice towirehip, Passed away at the age of 58. For some years pot he has been sinking gradually, and his death was not a • surprise to those who knew of leis failing health. Many remarkable and romantic episodererearkecl hie career in Ellice, and UP man in North' l'ertb- was. better known to the travelling Public. ----.4•.sesse-e-eiese•--- rreintsturely Aged, Many a woluan is robbed °Otiose charm which the gentler sex value so highly, and made old before her time by funotional irregularities. To smolt the bloom of youth may be restored by the me of a remedy which has stood the test of time and which is to -day acknowledged to be without an eq oat As a mrro fur •all female weaknesses —Dr. Pierccs'a "Favorite prof!eription." By all druggists. , • Fiee Trod.. „ • The reduction of internal revepue and the taking off of revenueitampefrornProprietary Medicines, no deubt has largely benefitted the eonsumere, as vielhae relieving the burden of home manufacturere. Eopecially le thie the ease with Clutchugust Flower and Bosehee'rt German Syrup, as the reduction of thirty-six .I cents per dozen, half beep added to 1perease M the Faze ef the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving orse fifth more medicine in the 75 oent trim The August Flower for Dyspepsia and Diver Coroplamt, and the German Syrup for Cough and Lung troubles have perhape, the lergest sale of any reechoiees in the woi Id. The advantage of in - °reaped size of the bottles will he. greatly appreciated by the sick and afflicted in every towu and village in civilized couctries.;Sample bottles, for 10 cents remein the earne size. 6 A hog dieeese isr pteveiling in Webath, Incliane, eeotion, redicelly different front hog cholera, whioli affecte tint animal's bowelse The .new malady strikes at the lungs, brido and eye, sleci.*ppears to be incurable. Fully 3,000 hogs here diedin that county iti six week's, end a like, nem - her in Miami comity, Farmers wilt lose trent $75,000 to $100,000 by the scourge. • it -Living: 4tue2tion. • Qinnaticm-7-"Is /ife worth living?" "It all depends upon the liver?" If iorpid or emo- tive it causee a dell, totigle languid feeling. Dr. Dhase's Liver Cure gives health and beeyancy, Sold by all druggists. • 11.`ersetial end Political. The health of Archbishop Lynch juS t now ii -very poor. It is believe the• Quebec Legislature will he called for the ditspatch.of husincea for Jan. 15 or -20, • „ • •It ie esserted thet l•lon. Mr. July is likely to return to.ptiblic liee and that ho will PrabablY gen •In.Megmatic for the Oem- alone. /I . It is' u tidal:snood- that Lieut. -Governor Dowdney, whoee term esf office has'eapirecl, will be confirmed ite office entil after the *teatime, if uoi for another term. Extensive 'renovation is in preg,rese, ehout trits °omnibus and Senate Chambere at Qttawa. The hurry abeetrthe ,werk is eireltirdered iadibatiee »or areearly stessiou. • Tho :Peovinoo hes every- reason to be thankfal for the Administration• of Mr. Mowa.t, and every faaapn to be proud of a Premier who noyar evades in quibbles, per misrepresents, ner tails nor Writes olap.trap defahtlinc any OW. particu- lar „ lar in toe °screen • •, . •• , • :It is bow said that Owing to the holding of the Ontario olectiuris, the. Dominion ..overnjuent hes .chearged its tactics,1 and will helci•en early s,osiki.ou of Parliament, Making a spobialendeavoeto rush busibess through, And then go to the:country be- fore the proyelsitions of misgoverntiTent and Corruption one he fullji Iaid . before: the • L'Eiecteur, of Quebec, published at an oclitoral Sir II. Langovin's speech on the 'atelier cise iulS7S, substituting." Bias - son" (tho present Lieutimant-Goveruor) for " Letelier." • The: Tories swallowed the bait and 'bitterly denOnbced their leader's language as demagogic, revolu- • tionary, and an insult to' the Crown.. Of co uree, they_liellepatl.,thet-spitteb-te-be74* production Qin:wick:0 Liberal politician. • What somersaults then/ Tory. wire 'pullers do porform,!' • .• The Toropte -News points Ora that Pre, • mier Idowat,. in his dafinCe ot hispolicy, makes out zi,strong CAAA,.. especially 'in proving that the •OpposItion :assented to :all the legisletion which, they. new 'de- nounce as bad andAuti-Protestent. With the terelations recently made CS to the Manner ip Which the- Oppesitioe tried to .cond 'Catholip 'ft'vor by representing the 11LOwitt,•Adniinietration as hostilo.te the interests • of theik ChUreli at last 'died - thin; :pretty? cuts the eguitie30,...froni .under the: feet ef ehe-Torle4e" • e• • • .• king-2ton Whig The' Oonsereative candidates 'for the,,Locai Hous e are fond .otharping en.the one string. •They talk of thei.menopoly•eatablished in connection with the.scheol books and leavelhe. im-. orasian thitt•the' •peePle,..the parents at. leaat:of the Children•goin'g • to Schdol are being rObbed :et' a geeati, sleet 'of mendy. What is the ritat,? , That'. the average price of the discard4 'series is 01.53, the, •average price erf the,: heir eeries "is 01.35, ahowine. a difference ire...falter of the new, Series Of 18e cent:Le:More:than that; the new.: books: niusteontaina certain qualitz. of $per, muse have» a stenditig binding, and must. iheathOr respects domeup to the Samples. Selected by the„GhVernm'ent and Ailaced in tho hands Of a competent inspector. IIiagrievance.- Of the• Teriee, therefbre- ridiculoue, • ' • . .. • • ' but Inettintaneotis 41paineor achee'Willbe inenint13- •rOmoved by /1;• Aix, drops of- pleid'LiglAtningeptirted.o ver the affected Tarts. . No time loss; no nauseous •ruedisticete needed; no poulticing or using 4:1'00,0 lintaffitii:TIt :WiliVrit blister' or disoblor the skin. Sold_A•25c. a bottle_ by Worthington. Druggist, e'sunerees ?torn Neuralgia assure us that they ilette't fear le when, their housc. con- tains a.hattla of Fluid -Lightning. • • • • • .;» • Ntsici ,of• the,- ji,ow..• • "It is generallyindersteed that if a per- son Vacates a eea it few 'militates and' leevessome articlein it, this. Will. secure it till his return.In' more than one in- stance We have seen an overcoat or satchel retrieved frern •a suet thus' reservethanci placed • elsewhere by a newcomer. • An amtisingecase orthe kieci recently ocur— r�don a road .not far -from Hartford. A gentleinan liad' oceasion to leave his. seat, forafew minutes ata station,' end on re,, - turning found hie overcoat and satchel rei- ettoved and big seat taken possession of by g young nan 'sued his best girl:" .Tbe gentleman to the young nian;•" 1 think ain entitled to this Sat, as Ileft articles. in. It while "stepped to the plittforni for a moment." • Said the young' man, "P s - session is pine .pointe cif the law,eand Oil* we wiii keep the seat." "Then;" said-A.1e gentleman, "will you Pleaserise that I may get my Umbrella?" Tho young man could. not refuse this reason - Able request and as be rosefrom thd seat the gentleman e slipped 'into it Much to the amusement of the other .passengers. The young man then requested "his best •girl" top) with hitt. to another seat. In reply, she said, "1 can't get out." -"Will you rise," saidthe young man to 'the ,gentlenian, " and allow this lady t� dome oUt?-ar think not," Flaid the latter: " if pOssetisibia is bine points of the law 1 propose to avail reyeelf ol the same,' and, if your friend Wishes to •vacate the seat she can sten over or in front," n'hielt she did without delay, eausing more than a smile from those who Witnessed the per- fersnance.—Hartfard Times, • Spring and Nurniner. Prepare the body for health and vigor by takingDr, Chase's Liver Cure, Sprit% Medicine equals it, It stimulates the Liver. aids- digestion, arel purifi•es•thettodd. ' Large bottle and Recipe Book, $1. Sold by all druggists, • A Sonoma, Cal„ hunter saw a dear fin, der a small naadrond tree 200 yards away. Re fired and missed the deer, but hit the tree about six inches above the animal's head, imeking oft a splinter four inches long that struck the deer's head with slieli.forcd, as to penetrate the skull, there4 by causing instant death. orzainIxed witre tan Waite el sigliteen wanertelioaa wait akin:Cat rhYststaise anrgeens Tar the ro l5eutef ati diresty Dluesses. • 'CUB. FIELD OF giltela:. Citron e Nasal. el sita T.�at and EU, lag iiiissnAskt, '31,1ver rend ibIldbasy eseasest nistleker_PIT4e*sas, Diseases insui oft Vien, i5t041 rsiseaeos anti Nei -t- aus. Affection's.cored- here or at home, with or.without seeing the patient. Come and • goo .Ua, or send ten cents in strimps for our "•VA11514.) 4' I 111,41.47 Wr001-'544-Waiell AFIV.efa partieu• •3gervong Imre- ropey, 1A104,2urlag5 Losses, and all ltlorhiel Conditional caused by Youthful Ifob. lies and,. Pernicious Soli. eery-. pructiceta aro speedily • .. and ,permanently cured .by our • Book,'PoSt-imid, ill.stsumPa• tr..alioalcar 12uptere, or -Drench, ram. RUPTURE. cally cored, without. the knife, . without dependence • upou'. trtissoe, and with,- very littla in stamps, . pain. .13ook sent for ten cents Jintwa. Toraossia end sTI4Set1ilittSSI treatedwith the greatest, apeeege, Book Sent for ten' cents in stamps. Address WORLD'S DIA.PENSA.U1r MUDIOA.L 4SEOCIATION, 56.3 Alain . , Street, numoarig.•. ..Tho . treatment of many thousands or cases of thole' diseases peenliar to • IflWW at. tforded laige experience in adapting remedies for. their cure, ancl Mg: he Invalids' Htel.n oad., Surgical Institate, has af- • • •Favonte. Prescription Is the rostra of this vast experience. It ifi a powerful Restorative Tonle , and Marvin°, imparts vigor and -strength.' to the system, and cures, as ft by magic, Lou. • corrhea, : or awkites,” excessive flowing, painful menstruation, uu. natural suppressions, prolapses or falling of Um uteres, weak anteversion, retroversion, bearing. down sensations, 'chronic ..canges. tion, inila:mmation and ulceration of the womb, infialinnation, Pain and tenderireee-IffnyakieWintornal • heat, and "f01210.10WIrearktALOSAS." • It _promitly relieveaAwd» cures Nausea W and ee nese of gtomuch,•Indiges. • non, Bleating, Nervous prostration,. and fileeplessness, in either BOX.. ' .111 FOR r ata. pnicE $(.00 OB. oto • solaby Druggists oviairtvnerei., Send • ten »cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's large , Treatise on DIseases of Women, illustrated.. ' • Asseelalion, • G68 :Main Street, 33VBF4LA0,14.X.•• , SICK -HEADACHE. f Eillieus iltesidaehe; Dizziness, Constipa- tion, Indigestion, and Bilious Attacks, promptly cured by Dr. Pierce'. Pleasant Purgative Pellets.. 25 ' •cents a vial, by Druggists. 4411113 131k UOE: Loan fund Iirrestment Co'y l'Itis Compdny is Loaning Money cin Farm Security at Lowed Hate§ of interest, , • ,AIQRTGA.aEs : PUB;CIIASED SAVINGS ,BANK. BRANCH. ' 8, 4 and 5 per Cent. %Merest Allowed 'on Deposits, according to amount • and time Wt. • • OFFICE..—Corno qf Marko gqtqtro atadliOith Scree Rouen ifOlti'OX. • » • MANAGE (lodorich August 5tb itiSt , STILL on the TRACK The subscrilier hogs to return ids sincere thanks to all who havo so liberally patronized him during the paet three years, and to inforth them that ho is still on • tho track, HURON WEI CLINTON'. • With &full lino of FLOUR,FEED & VEGETABLES Of the hest qualities, Which he will son at tho, lowest remunerative prices to all who may favor him With a call, Ms stock includes FLOIllt, 0110P, SHORTS, B1, OATS, PEAS, HETI PEED, GRAHAM PLOUR, CRACKED WIIVAT. GRANULATED :ROL. LEA; and STANDAED OATMEAL and COANMEAL, all kinds of Vegetables, DARREL SALT, till of which I will A011 tor cosh or coarse grains, BRAN, SHORTS and 14.0t/It by the ton Or cwt.' and everything sold &tilde poem Alt articles <louvered froo of (merge within the corporation, Aty Motto will be "Good goods, Just weight and ono price." THOS. WA.TSOX. Moan street, atrium DEES 200 at 35o. worth'*7150. 200 at 600. worth $1. • 100,, at 85c. worth $1.50. . • These Broochee we hough t job prices and are worth double whet fchem, r also yorchased • • , 250 .Pairs .61.R�lled :» CUFF. .BUT"ro • . FroM the same faetory which 1 will sell at 50c.; 60c. and 75e, a pair. e3,canaine, them and be convinced. , ROB, W•. COAT -a., Call and • . QyN,TON:„. 041.3E30.TZt,. 111 QQT • FA AKE • woRK, PRICES AOCOltDINGLY .AND • WAYS ' C AS. CARLINa I COMBE .01t.leorrONF vrarmserrifo / 6'011 CriZAIT XMADEB., From tie, all the Newest •8ty1es.niay be had, and the‘ffai.gest:Stock of MILLi- TRIMMI.NGS kept by any house in the tradn'West of tho ;cities to • chose from. GREAT BARGAINS IN 1.1a0es! and Oliidrerfs: Kid and Cashmere 0 -loves, Ladies',Undervieat;;Ilosiery;"Fancy.Gogcls; Woollen goods, and CorSetS. As we kavei decided to discontinue keeping'. Heater Woollen goods, wn are cleat- • cia'ouy Grey Flannels, 'Wrnceys, Men' anti Ooys' Underelothing,..re: - rgardlesref ost: . • ”. BEE SLE S IVIilli.nery Emporium argamsm roc .A.RE SELLING 4INE iitONSTONEQfflNA 44 Pieces, Or $2.25, Regular Price, $3. , 'These Goodere strictly fixsbclass, and.-cifeeth-e 'Okap-e-gt ever:offend4o Ohnton ' Cali and ' see them. • • os Cooper CLINTON. Central Grocery, The pubscriber • Las bought out ,the Stock Of P. Robb, consisting of GliOcERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWAIlt,&e. Whieh, being bought at low rates'he is enabled to or at the veil gloat priced': Patronage respectfully solicited. .All orders promptly filled. Rooms to lot, H. R. WALKER CLINTOit -J..&J. T YLOR, eta otonto SAFE •WORKS 31 .Y.PARS tSTABLISHED:•• The only marttifaturers cf PROOF sAgg.s with ll'ozt-Conducting ".• ,sel Flange Doormi. All our new styles of Pireproof Safes are fitted livith ai AT11 (HUMBER fa prevent dampness to papers. A large aseortrnent of. StOOND '11Al) SAPS/A for sale at low prices and ott easy torms of payment.' Catalogues on» applietaitnt. * 3 PA 117 and 119 Vont Street, Last toronto. • a *