HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-10, Page 2FAIDAY, DEC. 10, 1888. Etscliaaiting. • Old. e • et; Bet 10.* oeterretiuttn.. ' Rundt•eds of tines,' was the ready answer; but it was all fair sailing, sir, and o fuise sentintent or false princi. pies. 'behind it ell. Do you understand Me?' • think so.' . wasn't fool enough- to fall in love with omy wornen of that kind.' ',1 suppose not.' "re your 'In love? 011 net" sail Edwin:Todd, with a feeble little laugh ; • 'not exactly that's not iti my line,', tAlthoegli, if I lied been inlove, should have been man enough to own it,' •coetinued the major, There's some- thing simple in it, but nothing disger co- ful, if it's on honest affection," • Precisely,' sall Toad; 'j net my opin- ion, unele.' • But you're not in love 7' ' Not Not a bit of that,' said the vulgar yotme Todd, with iv rutlier feeble laugh, :•e• `A -retiree , • ansibie a fellow, 1 Lippe? flatter myself I ent.".., '1 ant very glad •to' hear it, Edwin, for your mother's sake es well as -your own • but don't keep speaking with your teed; closed.; it aggravates ti,' wad the major. "And now to the second and Inore important point, Are any of the e„irls at the Junction in love with you, do .you think 7' • . • Young Todd blushed and eimpered, and even hazarded a wink at his eincle. I shouldn't like trisay ;' male', one can't say, exactly, you: know,' was his shy .anclieeeitatieg answer. ... sheirld say it Was 'extremely un- likely,' remarked the inajOi, after look- ing askance at his nephew; but Women are easily fattered into thinking a Man is in love with thetie and then,. their silly heads -are turned in all directions bub the right.'. • . • e • . • • That'd 'their Was young.Todd'e corn ment. .• • 'And their' misfortune, 'always.; 'poor women. Why, I Coxiaider that a ynan who feigns on affection that he does. not feel, and so mieletielste. girl :mit of.her sphere to think of him, is an infernal scampa most infernal scamp,- • ; Why, yeas' said Young. Todd,•fairty. alarmed-. at this 'sudden . exhibition of floteeness, lee ha is, tinteee-te." „ • • I'd cut. off. elicit vagabond .with .shilling, were 1e• my:own ineer- euptedthe nraj or. e I'd -kick- him- down. tenth's out of my house. as I•would a dog; I'd—. What do you mean by union? Unless.what 7 Why on.oeitheclon'tleu .finish your tsetibeneesr. . . . - • I wasigoitig.to=hut.you Weuldn'e.let me. finish, if yei. remein bele', answered . . Weil, well,' said. the .trinjor • iMpe- tiently, . • • Unless she encourages bile, and •leirdshim one ---knows that he ieenht. likely to henry her, and -stilt prefers hi company to otherefllews. yeti • see 7' • . •• • • gee the wounnegoires fest to the therersaid the major/. " and .1 say, God help her that's all. ,"',Bitt as fot. the netertathLeither a fool orea, lentiee; ariTIT say. etoel • confonfid Ider); Withall iny heeete. ••Heedoetenot deserve any. ey tnpathy eurely eyoit dolt* think ••he • flees •:, • , Ne--tio; certainly note'. But. we will have i long editOre, 'this presently, now that- we have cloar- ed :the briers .and •brueliviood away : therehas been a little nonsoustegoing,on at the refeeiTnuent stand, brit I ern glad yOU tell me theen's nothingesrions_ going on betwetto yon_aed that. Daly airu, . Serioitte' settliviiigTodde with no thee et upl eitert n " ot course. not,': Yorte mother will. be glad to •Ilette it.' he said. e••••• , • . • have teldther so .a thonsaed times . said. Teddy andeforetthe firSt . time rather ' Ale .but 'not as•You have epeiten to me, Mt one men can• speak to enothee, face to face, ,and witltouta Iiesbetwe:en them,' • • •. - •. Yesexec tly,'' tnu pm u red the nephew; but he did not . meet hie uncle: face to. face :then, but looked down upon . the liiiity pathettay-of the old townand set hie teeth closer togethee than ever. . Tho mejor,tVateet matt of tact, and, did not worry' the question. They °walked on in silmece after this.; he had epaktiti out and, paved the Way. to a Complete understanding ; he was disposed, .being truthful mane:to helieveehis. nenhew, if not whollyeandineplicitly; and to think that the 'women folks had made the ogre al monutain oub of the customary molt hill. So far, so good. It was a ;very fair beginning, considering that this was the first hour. of his aril:vet; and mew here they were before the groat cOuntry house of the Todds, lying a littlo apart on aiil1side .from Cho. ton ef Battle - fon. , . The major let go his nephew's erre; strode forward, pushed opened the big eying gate, and entordd first, You'll lied them_ Wttitinieunele, aliaTIVOi--&11OnV ' But -2 '1 shall be back in a few Mititnes ; have forgotten tetnethitig for -tomorrow •-••••-in town you know,' mut Toddewas'off like a lapwing. 4'1 'Yes you novo forgotten something, and that is i: am not to -be humbugged,' muttered, tho Angry' Old ender, as 110 Attica in the dark carmagovoy lookmg 1ia it. There hag been no ono to eat atm. tho rapidly receding form Of Iris •fer hint, and he is careless • in conso; nopl es*. • quenee.f CHAPTER W.' pelt MAJOR BETTLES IT SATOPAOTORILT. Ruth Daly, prayer book in hand,was coming heme.front ehnrch the follovving morning, when across the lad meadow between the oherch and town, she en. countered,Major Orawehaw. She wog- nized very quickly the tall, inquisitive gentleman of the preceding evening, end would have passed him had he not stood 'aireet in her evey in the, little footpath that ran acrose the fields there. 4 Good Morning, Miss Daly,' he said, raising his hat. Miss Dai y bowed slightly, but didenot respond to the salutation. thought yoo woald come this way" he continued, I have been tootling. for, yen. indeed!' 'They told tete at your lodging that emu bad gene to. church, eci eame to tneet yen.' They had no right to telt you where I had gone, and yeti bad no right to ask sir,' said Miss Daly, drawing herself np very proudly. Peened me, but I had a. right.' . • 'To pet secuto me ,beeente I serve at Battleton Junction. Al), yell, you are net the first gentleman who has thought that.' • '1 have net persecuted you yotuag lacly,'Artid Maj. Cleawshatie vary grave- ly, and I have no intention of doing so, either,' Well, good morning,' But I have an intention of speeking to you about My nephew ; 1 have conie from 1,onclon.expressedlY for that.' Yoe had bettee speak to your nephew 'himself.' • 1I have done so, as you are perfectly aware,' • She oolored sligiitly.,. • Yes -I am aware of that,' ehe con- fessed. • • He told you so last night, after he - h&1 given me the slip inet most ungen- tlemanly fashion.'. . He:told me you Were his•tincle,Maj. Crawshatv, 'and that he Was very much afraid Of you. But I am notesir,' she added, looking as him_feariesery, and I will trouble you to let me pass. te wy home.' The major half deew aside to allow her to pass, and then altered his mind and blocked the way again. . No,I can't be put down in that way,' he said firmly, 'I mutt speak afia I will spook, anti if you are not afraid of the, you. will listen, My persecution will not laht lone ".i.reret well; come to the counber tot 'Mellow, and lee.Yeeme in peace for to - 'Leave yon in peace said the major, indignantly. I have had edough of this nonsonewbetween the to of you. .YOrt ;know my nephew is waiting for you, well enough.' . ' I don't," she replied: t Where is • • Outside yourown.. eleter,--Lhanging AMA Itke a thief.' • ' He.teld tam he would never do that • would tell. you. anything, My .!:).hic. is an ..a,boiniTsnabil,e, liar,' Said j. Yett, he ia mit very trullifol,". said Ruth, theeghtftitly,... • • . had bathe listot1.19 an: eld,man: likeene; nil thoinajor, 'thengle he may telt you some plein truths; than to: 'Weak fellow; Itmight-de yen'intirei geed; IVIisa. Daly, efteit•nil,"-- • Reth Dale loelead at 'the uncle's: ear - east ' hied at tentiyely, Mid he. money chenged•for the: bettereind became 'erre, 'netural. . Perhape it wobld. Clothe alotet thee; she said.. . . • • Hite turned from the direetimoshe had bean pursuing,. and thetnajor said : - --“.rhi-s way!' ' _ • .. Yes away froto hint: ple,ase.1 ': she • . eta: • .‘ Yon don't like -MY neetheW.' • '1 cen't bear him.' • ' Honor brighe ?' •<UPon my honor • Then I have: nothing to troable you abeut. 1 Can tiny goeta intnning at Immo, that is if I can believe you -ed it's very odd, seneohcitte but 1 caii. It• is all hie fault, then . • He stiohe as if he had made a full ex- planation of the position, and . elle did ot affect to in iSu paw stand..)fitn. 'Yes, it iia11 his faelt,' was tlie reply • •• W4 e would not 1)0 Se very; very foolish, and not Make mo look so very foolish, too- -if he would UM: to Miss Dart or Mise Ratikkeeno, he' lied better not perhaps, fel he iswo,k,and neither Of them would make him n good wife—' • • ' Geed • Wife—good. God,' said the major. ' , • But ,if.ket. Would keep away for a while among his own people, or if you would take him away to India, ir, ho would soon • heegb, so much the bettor for it.' • . • e • And you. would he glad to seo the last of hide'. Yesevery glad, poor fellow,' 'I don't like that. poor fellows' said the niejoe, doubtfully again. Pity is. akin to love, the proveeb says.' Ole.I oould never love him, with all hisTropertratehis-book, and' nithiefttre- mother and' sisters, to roe me even In' return. He is t poor, weak, whiskey - drinking by, who wants a good unele to look after him.' . Aro you laughing at Me r No, I ant very serious, hub eveti thia ;Edwin Todd rinliben left too' von wild too much, and so has grown wild. Ito lies wanted his own way at hot1a-4, and All his_ own fault.' Yours; fin' you one his guardiatteand he respects and 'fears you.' ' You are au extraordinary young woman," exclaimed the major. You "should have been in a better position than at that beastly refreshment VOOrt- ter. By Jove! here 1 ameroceiviog ad- vice, instead of giving it.' el am very rude, I fear.' Not at all; don't Mention, it,' he ree plied. '1 like rudeness of this kind ; iI does one. good. You're straightforward if I'm not.' ' Ale 1 remmither. jsaid last night you were ncit straightforward, and you were offended.' • , 'Yes-t-because—bot never mind that. Now tali me, Miss Daly, has uty nep- hew asked you to marry him r . Once to marry hirn-ieyerat times to run away with bhp.' And yon have refused hint the, see" - oral times 1' ' Yes." And the ouee to merry. hien-.1v1Ten watt 'tient 1' 'Last e Itheught so, and ¥0I1 said NO.' • Yes,' cannot bear him—I could hate hirn Almost—haven't I said WA—it he wasn't such a. fool, and a Child 1' she ad- ded 'passionately. There take him away-, sir; take him away, and' do your duty for once.' Upon myword, Mies. Daly, I was never talked to in this way before. • I have been all my iife doing my duty," You have failed here, I think,' she murmured, • • ; And have ,you tleee you dety, Miss Daly.? Let 'de aakyou. that in all:kind- ness, and as: a 'man of My age may do to a young lady out in the Woad and expos- ed to temptation.' , • I haveV tried. We can ,all but try; .sheansWerede." I hope Tr.have Potliwbolly •• • : . , • • (To have been asked eeverai times te run :awaywith my nephew implicit a pettent listener. ••1 wish; you had not said several times; but just ..oncee• and then a sound slap,to his leathern' chops,_ anda gallon of thee bad tee thrown over • 'Yes, ib mightheVe been Wise,' was the quiet reeponse, belt one has to bear ,o great deal, And take everything • as a' jest, • behind thecolinter, or else the pro- prietors say we al'e, disobliging and bad tempered,.and. ruining. the trade. And peel?* was . a jest—for him:: e•It is difficult to .take in earnest everything he • ' is a fool, Mies' Daly. A: perfect. feel 1' said the excited.' reajore , • ' ant afraid- he. is not particularly • . Peril apS,' he itdded,, if.flhTa look af- tee hiro a little 'more,it wOnld not be lost , time:Minty_ paet,' • dont think it weal. He is nettle rally. a .good teniperednueo,--most of the ;June den girls 'like tet 'See . 11/4 i in ; at the - Station.' . " t. • . . , • , And:yen :will nototbe sorry to part With him r: -• .— • f1 Shall, be very •glad,' : sheatiewered frankly. • • • • • ' hos.screck. me that a fetv of the girlsie.your: position tire fend Of ettene eiou even from Arlen' like Todd..' A feW,,pethepe.. Butethere are not a few deserving of kind tvef•ds einti honest fojks"sythpatby.': •• • • •• '1 treat se.'. • : • • ' „ , ,'• Try. Mid believe so; Majec,"letwehaeit, velien;S'pititee•inetli1ied.to be ltaidnettpur .:jecittetioet Upon. n.e'she reineed. 'Good . , • .• day.' • : Aee. vonr 0 -eine floor.; -.! ys!,!, if yea, will allow me' ' Would. net!detain Yon for Cm werld egaineb yoer NIB. • 1: •ani obliged,. deeply 'obliged,by all that yen have teld,me —1 think you eve teught money .clu instead: ems. teeehing you: anything,' raid. -May I sled:elude with You .befote ge 7' • • : • • . CM -tate I y,' 'she answered,. pttiting n . tittle gloved hanclin hie. • , shoeld like to ask you ene,tplestion, if you will let MO 7' • . , bowet1 her head in assent. Are you satiefied . with yotir poSition at Battleten Junetion.?' he impeir Would; you riot be hsppici'inrt diffMent sphere of liter • . ' . She beeitetted fey aninstitrit, 'My mother; who Was a- widow,,died suddenly and' left, me very peon 1 wee aletio in the' World, end Meerregliwater, eekheaseneyeoffe ei nettol d..111.0 WsitS q10 . beet that 1 eoiild do for Myself.' • ' • . Ho'/1./1 big a line as yoling Tell 1! •lestettee, major, • You haven't been happy:in a bertleof this kind—you—it is impossible.' • tOtio is neeor happy without friends, —but,' wieli a sudden sigh, 3 exiSt.., and •hope for better days.' , • .011e . will porno to such as, you—bet. ter days and truer friends than yon have found et. Battleton.- Good -by; Miss Daly; God bless you 1 if yen will allow; ,et old soldier to say it. . 'Thank you,' she murmured. • • Major Orawshaw raised hie hat with formelity and tea tonsiderahlo height, and the Strutted off like A man at the head of his regiment, and • Ruth, Daly went slowlyaril. thoughtfully borne - ward. TITAT DESICINIXO 11/4W0$. Mej, Orawshaw took his nephew to town with libertine -very next morning. By wleatdrulacetnerit or terrible threats the ytiung gentleman. was persuaded or foreed to accompany his relativeonatters not to the entrport of the story; certainly it is that Todd was borne off to London o spend a few. days with the major in that officer's snug ehamber in the Albany and that the days lengthened into weeks, • -_ a nel weeks into months, before he was hack again at Battleton. Meanwhile young Todci was launohed,poesibly hurl - ad, into society, which he took to kind- ly after his fleet dip, the aa•sior having been wise enough to disceeter for hien somewhere one or two contgenial, souls also partial to billiards and tobacco- -young fellows with no statch in them, but eons ,of old Mends, with nice sisters Otimmering in the background some- where, ond destined to burst presently upon the enraptured Tocld,las the artful major. bad destined from the first, Sits tees with money ; one with immense ex pectations, but with a slight drawback of a wen behind the ear, but for all that, an extremely nice girl, not too' proud to turn asidti from' young Todd's attention, which became manifttst by slow degrees, ttleticlit;.fter he had heard about the pro- p . tee. "Gleuf le ost the itriceze vie Evening." This line of old rhyme is quite appro- priate w.beu applied to "Pleasaill: Purge-. Give :Pellets.' 'I don't like to taks pills if I can avoid it," we -often bear persons 'say, "because the'' constipate sue so," no1/4v,athe !Pellets' never do this, They are Bo gentle und mild that their Week is 'almost preeieely similar to a flatfeet move- ment of the bowel t and no unpleasan t ef- fects are left•behind. By all druggists. RAreLleIVAelt 1.1.24E3 CALD Trails love blinton as foeleiwat-- . ' GRAND Tatitut RAILW.A.Y. Going East. Going West. -7.25 a.ni. express 10.0 a.m. mixed 1.05 pan, mixed • 2.20 -p.m. express 4.15 p.m. mixed 9.15 p.m. express entAT wESTERN 0.5Ge° ain.tugN, express res' 8,03 Co Ig an. naS. c°11 s 6.50 p.m. express 4,13)i.iii.express . • ,TILNINTING & .SCO T Barristers, Solicitors, CONVEYANCERS c. ' . • . • • Commissioners f or Ontario and Manitelm, OPPICE tegrr DOOR NE eite., CI:INTON TO LOAN. M0RTGAGE ?!11.1r1; _11119NEYA.1 ltir ARMAGH LICENSES.—APPLY TO TI1E undersigned -:at the Library Rooms, Smith's Mock. ee. •JeMES SCOTT. WrONEY TO LEND IN 'DARGE OR SMALL. J.T.1. dims omgood" mortgage security, moderate ate of interest. B. HALE, (Minton. H.'DOWSLE1', M.D., M. R, O. 5, ENGLAND 11 Physician, Surgeon, eto. Office and residence next molson's Bank, Market square., Clinton. DR. APPLETON.-OPPIOE,-AT RESIDENCE .on Ontario street,Olinton,opposite the English ,ntuen. em!realeeby siile gate. 1:•.1 . E. PROCDFOCiT, • CIVIL ENGINEER; Provi n Mal and Dominion Land Surveyor. Architect and DraughtsmaniPERnDi pf,00ft, Clinton. ' ' nit. It EnVD.-orrIn* -11.-AVTENBURT- Murray Block, two doors'east of, Hodgens' en- trance. "residence, opposite the -Temperance Hall, Huron. 8 tteet,Olinton. Office hours, 8 e.m. to 6p.m. 'TAMES 1101VS()N, . LICENSED A.I.TCTIONEEE --foi-the County of Union. Sales attended 'anywhere , In the County, at reason.tbierate3, Resideece, Albert Strept,.Olinton.", • • 1-111. STAN/3GDY, G DAD un!RE OF l'ELE )1iED- . . • - . 1--1 cALDepartium, aVictoriaDtiivirsity,Torolito,for merly of the Irlospitnls mud -PinpOnsarieu, Nen, York •Odroner forth° Goifitt y of Huren,Bayield,Qut. ltrItS WHITT,. TEACHER OF iotrSic. ItESI-. ..1..T.L.DENCE at Mrs. B If. Read's,,corner etjlitron and• Orange streets. Agent for. the Ontario Music Teachers Association, . Soc., IL G, Carleton S, To. 'rant(); Pres., Dr, C.A; Slept, London, Oat, .tertisene it. 1,01\7E4', ,..BARRIsTER, eoetorroet, llotary•Publie, ow; 1.151.1e,•SEAK1J::s 'hock, AL. EMIT STREET, ..01,INTON. _TOEO140 agents, llesars..tle- Sarthy, Osier Ifoskin:& CrcelMan. Private•fulals to Cart at TALCS:OE' ilarEcst. . • .), W. WiLta4;1/410i, 13.4., 51, .; aneemeen ar tetteni t USiversity; mendor of theOollegoolL'hy .0110'211S and Surt‘...en ti nt attxrn n5,.1.0.10XU1i11C33 tho, honFefortnori.; laeaPie.1.1./7. Dr. Itefive, Albert a tract • . . g tee 1i3lIflcOTON",.1,11:7CSICIA1, SlIDORON. . • . . ..L.)Aceonelioar, It3euti0t.bi the Oollegc o Phys i Ciao , 101 Sur.,Pon set Lowe r Caned ft,itufl ProViLeialL leen. te and 0orone'rf QV hlt6c.nunt:.n.attiron ., Mr 6°,1'44' s Olin; mr,Ian.1 0t171, ' . • 111,111TON etoeureentes' reertignete Lune- I...exile tied meeting rooms, eerrin mode, down stairs." About 1,700' vOlutneal.II Libllarr 451141. ,1111 the Leading Nowsp p o ra and Perin heals of the day on the table,. Membership tieket 11 per .annuin..' Open from 040 0 p.m„, and.: from 7 to 01310. .Applietttions foe mem nershsp ,recived by the Librarianin ,n.the room.' • • Ftli 0 rig &-1 I T,il; PA ri LOR s.4.1vENG.. If Aid C'TTING AfIn •sirA51-. roo I XG• ileac very neat and tO t;'L4 • • eveiee person. • . .1'4);1/47.14 P,a 2t0,11A514.6305T, .•10ra Id Co't4 &T. ,VIILES.30.,. • . 4 irata silver of:ICtleS11". , Bold the exciestve right for the county feethe Inird process oCarlininistoring .chemicany pure Nitrogen Monoxide, Which is the 84)0 and bot sy shall yet'dix- covered for the painless extraction of teeth, Charges moderato,.- satisfaction nerenteed. ovrin, TAO 211'S .131,0.0.K, over. Rance's 'eallor Shop, . Ituron Street, Clinton. . M01(11141, Mutual F!ro toluranoa Bo. N4)TICH.-T110,, Undersitied ars appointed. • to act aa agents in theto wnship of Goderiali, for the Conmany.. Am, Person wishing to In- sure i nthie old and reliable Farmers Company, will apply to 'either _Trios, NEIMAN% 'Tur- lock, • or SAMUEL CAIINOCIIAN, Seaforth, Prompt attention will be gl ' 33, IL' INTTIS T., . . COA.TS BLOOIC laimm.„1,miorsamarusztausaMlissesecmsacateessmisesoss mamma monsams CLINTON. Pimples, Boils :• I . And Cerbuneles reoult from a deldliteted• impoterished, or Impure condition ot tno blood. Ayer'e Sarsaparilla prevents mad cures these eruptions and painftkl turners, leY removing their cause; the only effect-, ual way of treating them. Ayer's Sereaparine has prevented the usual course Of 130ili, which hoe pained and distreueed meerery sewn, for several years. -Geo. Scales, Plainville, Ifich.- 1 was badly troubled With. Pimples on e face; also, with &discoloration of the which. showed itself in ugly dark itches. No externai treatment did more han, temporary good; Ayer's Samoa" !Oa effected A Perfect Cure, and 1 have not been troubled sinee.- Boddy, River st., Lowell, latiss. „I was troubled with Boils; and my health was inueh impaired. 1 began using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, in due time, the , eruptions all disappeared, and my breath was completely restored. - John 11, Elkins, Editor Manley Observer, Albemarle, N. C. • , . 1, was troubled, for a long time, with a 'sumer Which appeared on my face in ugly Pimples and Blotches. Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla cured me, 1 consider it the beat blood purifier in the world,- Charles North Craftsbury, Vt. • Ayer's Sarsaparilla - Is sold by aerugglsts and dealers in med- icine. A.sk for Ayer's Sarsanarifia, and do not be persuaded to take any other. Preparceby Dr, 3,0. Ayer it Co., LoWell, Mesita rile° Si; sir bottles, SS. • ROBERT DOWNS, CLINTON, o Manufacturer and Proprietor tor the best Salm 11E1 1 Dog in use. Agent for the sale and application of CIO fig -FISHER PATENT AUTOMATIC BOILER. et lane... STEAM FITTINGS furnished. and applied on, Mort notice'. • • • • Boilers, Arigines. and all kindsof lila ehinery repaired expeditiously and In a 'aotisfatetory manner, • Farm implements manufactured dad repaired. Steam and.Water Pipes "furnished aud Put in.,position, Dry Mins fitted up on application. chorea moderate, .MilLOMPED PaT: UV- VIIE HUMAN BODY. ENI.ARGED. 'DEVELOPED, ' MR1110.•141.1WMILLIONILLMIYIMON21.11 iT'r (LEN WPC EN ED, gal .la U iniereettuLtdverld.entc=_*. -i=17717=rtiu In our tge there i9 no evidence or hgroliut about this. On the oonirnr , tho advertiser.; tire Tor hight indorsedL..lot,.rooteder:on TJ 4184.104 circulars giving tal I partioularLlidd ra , 3h,a g " jdtunest, CO, Buffalo, N. IC.-TO}ado Lytialug Boa. LL -AN E Parties going to the old country this stinither should take this popular lino: The boats: are the Most com- plete en the Atlantic, and aceommodation Unsurpassed 11-5.4.1311i 31,`,S rims VERY LOW YEXCiffliSlON LtittTES. i‘aTEEP.Atir.: PANNAG I.; AT rwanalp ••0411 and g-ot all particulars -of ' i4 ATTIGORI, QUINTON • AGENT' G. T. ,11.• ako's'E ILS1 ROGAN •AftOr eeveettl test it the Lae' fair in Clinton, it...wee tinivereally arltiiittott that POR PSEPECT ANS; E4y* AGT.coN; .11.111ArfTY OF. FIN/SIX, AND. 1317.DETSL1t5.017. 7'f)ND,' EX:Cr:LSI:Olt .n -i. a w!.!?,,... mite ere, a.nd destind te i Ne.piprthr input of tlie el re. 1his. it1tiiti tit t1/4 fa6t. that a ii•vpr4.1(1,1 itecertoin ly speeke volemee for theinettimietios,:itud partieepureletehm iiee.'t 1141 Ettoene •sitentelfere buyiug c'seiehere, •V. 0AKEC4;„ . Faettoy the- e emirs nesti of Mei Hey ei luwp Sher), tt el ry. St. , Clinton. • • • -• ennett et -THE. LEA:Isms:- ;1 EM ALM' TU .• Olin ton. The BEST of EGYPTIAN PE.01151.3 Med. in KM IlALMING ' A large assortment Of two y thing ' in the Undertaking.litie. • • . lit &dor:Stem Clinton. . , RESIBBNCE, ORO.TGI-B- ST., NEAR METHODIST 'CHURCH CIAINTOT Horse and Cattle Food PLANING MILL BBNIIIILLER N11):RSBRIE, FRDIT Are ORNAMENTAL TRESS, bl•Cett WAY sratrox woToa AND ASTRACHAN rINE, THE LATTER ov WHICH nil MAKE A. 11191grAIT LARGE, STOOK ON HAND The nbdTe •rnatantisti knee aid elelseng w/114,1 ;a very low prices, nail those owning anyt thia eemteetion win 'aye otos*, porellaning , Ortlera by toiN be promptly ofillpAir 0 41.41.diroac, .181411 'STEWART, Boomillari iflre Xneilaretzlee:A A °Ws of prosorly humid at 'sweet tariff rates. teetteeass esaapaatee. 91ICKETS 'VIA N. W. T. CO. LINE BOATS TO WINNIPEO AND ALL LAKE POINTE, 0 by all rail lines over the GRAND TRK ENand C DA. P.A.CIPIO to any point on that line, Winni Brandon, be., Dakota. XRDARS, or any point reached by rail, Neal or foreign. COMO amt. see ma before you buy tickets anywhere, AS. TUOMPSON Clinton. • "VAVii3itiif331.4334•0..3r.i.it3N,V133303. • 0 nhosStevellson -THE-- (4 4 Leading Undertaker cir_411417. rr 0 INT . Anticeptio Embalming Fluid kept on hand. • My Funeral Director, j. 0. $teven- son, he's attended the'Behool of Em- balming', in Toropto, to make himself profieientin the art of embalming. REMEMBER' THE PLACE,. Obsis Teen Tower - THUS STEVENSON • eiL 511 50,000 To LOAN at-6.porCont. Why pay othetal, 8, 0 and 10 per cent, • when you eau get money from Us at 6per b. Firit•elass loans si per Ont. ' Large loiuis • • • • 5 per Cont. TER14S 'made to suit borrower; regarceing payment end period of loan, ' 4-1)Ply to ' • .F.ARIUN TISDALL. BANKERS, CLINTON. • TIIE JVIO.LSONS. Incorporatod bY Act Of 1;411'1n:inert% 1055. CAPITAL, - :$2,900,900. MONTREAL. ' TI1011:AS 3. II. it. IfOLSON • • r • Vice -Pres. F. WOLFERSTAN '.1.110MAS,-,Clehera1.Manager • • Nolo.; discounted, Collectlops made, : Da-qc • issued, Strcling and AnzertecenA ogli-tve lougla-ance sold at lowest n-11;:4415-.1Z619/7cit etnilrarllr;ti 01) • B' .Al(?...A1L.14.3Rft-g. • Money adVaneeci Tarincrs on tliclr myn notes whit. er. more eadged:. No mortgap required as • ' - a. DItafelf.•15 Manager; ' jantiltry • - ()tluten +L. 2 D D LE 0:15. 13 Es, '!datcli and. Clod J'eltvieetetel, &c.; leeet.4:1e, re. 4 Lasi sere 13 5l . wilc:a•ce lp icete 21 51c5S aSsiertruent 91 iitArcas,. CLOCKS, JEOLIXRY, SILVER.: • Willa -W.) A,11.1:Colt .at re4hotaablo 35 •r.v•try itsbeription pronwtly - tended to, and till were warrettea. • . BIDDLECOMBE. ' • 'SAVE': 20 IIPElt, CENT 1830-SEitlI-0ENTENNIAL-1886. ' • . YEAR OP Tug ' GORE DISTRICT FIRE INS1t0 c.otid„taboti. on Cesdi end Mattel Plans. IToN. SO. laitrAt. INt. P. P., — President. AbAm WAitNeent, Es., -- Vice -President R. S. STRONG, • - .11.1anaging Director • TEGOR Eaters upon its FIFTIETH ;YEAR much stronger and mete prosperoua Chin at any previous period, having $218,896 of Assets and praticaelyNO LIABILITY except a i atturanoe Reserve ef $30,000. There are $20, 000 deposited with the Ontario Government and over $9d,000 held in Mortgagees Deb& tures, And CaOli immediately ava,1141es to meet losses. Mutual Policy•holders in the "Bore" bave 20 per cent. with undoubted security. Por full particulars aprly to 115,1.0 °snag GALT or to JOIKN HIDOUT, Agent, Clinton This food is one of the best in the world, it will clean all kinds of worms from tole!) and horses, and pot new • spirit, in old -and wort) down horses. Alto Ground Linseed. 1ca1 On 'Cake and -Flax Seed. CALL ..1.1"I'D SEE TI1E15. JAMES STkilr, CLINTON" •ca. 73 RY N rlImi BOBSORIBER it AVINci JUST COMPLETED J., and furnished his new Planing 5011 with machin- ery of the latest improved patterns, is now prepared to attend to all ordersitt his line in 1101 2001) prompt and satisfactory manner. and at reaseneme rate& lie would ;3‘18.0 return thariks to' ail who natroulSed the filltdPntit3t(31°:)401111trit 58:0041?(Ilertrirodo?':g6(tgpeSiaMlyK,, foots coinident lie ean gNe flatisfaCtion to MI.' OrintOotr,-.11/edP thGr e and Teunk P46 .• • cTHOMAS itellEIOILI 1/4 ROLLERFLOUR AT oo.lo PElt,'0„WT, BRAN by TON or OWL, A1.1 GOCTS.' PBR mrr., Delivered auy wherein town free et charge MRS 3011N RAISON •