HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-10, Page 121, NO. 00 Walninit.721.62reg eentee• h advvase CLINTON, ON, DEC. 10,-188G. irtmegniteiwientri. 11 1 BAD Loss. -Word •has been received frona Souris City, Man. that Ur. Thos. Corey, formerly of the West Ends Tucker - swath, hasbeen so unfortunate as to have all his outbuildings burned to the ground by a spark frone a steam thresher. Mr. Corey lost all this season's crop and 200 built'. of last year's. oats, and it was only by hard work that his dwelling housewas saved. • WE SHOW AN ELEGANT ' .SSORTMENT. I ' II'...*_.,:d., „. o.' • .^..• ..•• OF FINE ;On —YOU WAN't ANY, . • Dneeess-Messral. joeeph :Robb and Samuel Peffers started for Michigan on Tuesday morping. Having obtained per- mission from the school board to have the use of the school in section N. 6, .the young men of that vicinity have organized a farmer's -club, which will meet every Tuesday evening and discuss farmingsob- jects • every young man in the neighbor- hood'ehould atteed, Mr. A. Sineea and wife, ofDelaware, have been spending a few clays among old frill" atethe West End; Mr. Sims used to, make cheese in. the old West End faetory and is now in ft large factory, near London, Mr, Sims is A good cheese maker and gives good satisfaction wherever he goes. Miss .Lizzie Smith, daughter of Dr, Smith, Leaden, England, (-formerly of Seaforth) is visit- ing at Ur. N. Omens'. Mr. A. Galbraith, the phrenologist, is boding forth at the West End school; this week. Mr. A. Elcoat has been on the sick list, but is getting better. Mg John Crich is still very poorly. Theetteis a well -to -de farm- er in this township, nearly 70Years binge, who has never yet been in a railway train, notwithstanding •the fad that cars: have passed- within a wearier of a naile of his farm for years. . . seetragne. BRIBEs.-Miss Elizabeth •McCeuire has been engaged as teacher for the Babylon Line school for the coming year, at a sal- ary of $240 ;the trestees have made a good -choice, as she had taught for some years and has been succeesful as a teacher. - One day last week, Mr. Alex Granger,. who had his barns burnt 'some time ago, put up a small frerne barn 25x30, for stab- ling for his horses and cos; the frame work' wes clone hy the Messrs. 13akerag-- Mr. Wm, 'Johnston, who has resided near ,the Preslaytertan Brick Church, Bayfield Road, for nearly two yeare, moved into Varna with his family on Monday, laet; 'Varna can now, 'boast of something over, 80 inhabitauts. The brick house of Mr. - Archie Galbraith's is nearly finished end' itis one of tho. finest from Brueefield to Bayfield; Archie is an unmarried man, of good height, fair complexion and, on the whole, a jovial. fellow; now there is ,n fine chance for one of the fair sex, as it is not expectedhe will live in 'such a house- . without h Mietrees, , There ' had 'also been - a -new house erected on-the-Goehen Line ••this summer, beloriging to Mr; Richard Peck, who is also an unmarried man, bat we.think net for long,aabuilding a house. in these . days . means something;. now young ladies of Stanley, you should not toe° these goldenleppettunties and as :there are Only two, we will be waiting in breathless stillness to see who are the for- tunate ones. The pleasant face of Mr.. Theis. Wileyecolleetors is often seen here. at present. Elections are now the chief tome of Conversation.. Me. Ale*. •Walker is at preeentein Kent county. Mr. D. Ross is building an addition to his stable: Ed.. Glen, sr., is taking, up his' resis deuce in Clinton. Mrs' W. ,Osbaldiston has else moved into the town. • , RING TRE 4: WAY OF COME Amp SEE : . DON'T. • BUY ANY- CLOTHI p TILL YOU INSPECT OUR STOCK: JACKSON BROS.,' nca,tters,,, Clinton. • Bininis delegates, who attended thelineeting•at Manchester last week, •re - porta good attendance and a very plea - ant time, though a• little stormy corning home. Mr.,and Mrs. W. Clutton, sreate, 'We are sorry to say, on the sick list; with congestion of the lenge, bronchitis and . plumy ;.we hope to soon hear of their re- covery. e.`” Reyes Mr. Peerquerson vfsited quite a number of feeelMs• in this neigh- borhood. on Wednesday ofilast. week, and also conducted thavrwayer 'meeting in the evenipg,There will be a •teerneeting in the StrePhardnie leletheelist 'church on Tuesday of t his weelee,eif good time ia ex- pbcted. On account, of the severe storm ef last week many et the gateways were pretty well blocked lips • Asa natural .consequence it was a. laughable sight to see a -couple of ladies r�ll outin the lines? while going through the drift at the gate, on their Why to church ; even the decors Mighihaie beenseen tramping through the snow and pulling this cutter behind for a considerable distance, having broken •the harness in thadrifts. • e. ' euteteiorele. gee tate for last wsek.) • * •••••••-••••••••••••••••••••••••0 —3 etoilEster eirox,aerge Publisher, nnt, social moral and intellectualwelfare of the young people of the neighborhood. The prevailing feature at the last meet- ing was a debate- on the resolution "That Man has a greater love for WOMall than he hati money." A.n umber of members, an this occasion, made their first attempt at de- bating and are to. be congretuleted on the success of their efforte. The affirmative was led by Mr. T, Henry, and the nega tive by Mr. Jas. Dalgarno. The speaking on . both sides wale good, most of the speechee being short and to the point. The negative captain by his quaint and witty .speeches had the audience many times in roars of laughter. The vote of the audience decided in favor of the nega- tive on which sidethey believed that the best arguments had been made, etuLesseve, BetErs.-The latest Iocal`gag on the 3rd con. is, -that's it, I think 'that's it, they lost it between there. The Johnstone have taken their departure trona the 2nd, and moved, to their old farrn.in Goderloh township. , Mrs. John ICilty and daugh- ter are in Toronto visitingtriends • the fetter was bridesmaid for her cousin there. Ur. Thornton Wallace is recovering from his illness, but is still confined to his room, • Deegg.-1.Ve regrerto announce the death of Piles Shobb'rook, sr., which occurred at the residence of her son in this township, on Tuesday last, She was over 78 years of age and nearly -10 years a resident of the township, having corne in here uith her late husband, as a settler; thet long ago. She has been in poor health for some time, and her death was not entirely unexpected. Shehada great many friend's, all of whom will re - era. to hear of her demise: • . • itneriews fllLL.• .Sodeee..-A. social on behelf of Bethany Presbyterian church, will be holds at the house of Mr, John Torrance, 6th coil:, on the evening olTuesday, Dec. 14. Refresh- menes will be served and. an interesting programme rendered. ' • Scgoole-The fallowing is a.report of the pupils •attending the • Porter's Hill school during the month of.Noeenaber Fourth forme --Edwin *Jervis, Tillie Mc- Caitney, lUinnie Gardner.. Senior 3rd- Atnciii Co; -Bosnia. Beacons, 'George IUc- Cartuey. Junior eael-S,Tohn 'Canteloe, Benson Ocii, Sarnue1E11ot.t.„Senior 2nd -Herbert Cox, John Cox, Robert Can te- Ion. Junior end--eLettie Hftlock, Eeph. Cox. Part 2nd-DavtdelcOar they., Wale ter Lindsay, Jane Marshall. • • • COLUtamNE. • . • EXAM1v4sTrOlsr.—..The annual public ex- ainination will beheld in the, sehool NO; 2, on Friday:, 17th inst. CHnISTMA l'ABE.-11:' Christmas tree -and enteetaintnent ,will be held in Zion church, here', on the evening of Thursday, 23nd inst.' at Which presents tent be se.eiverr to the pupils of the Sabbittle BuTzvs.-Mightman and Gosina.n fin- ished the season's threshing, on Friday last. 'Phe.. river above and below our village. for a short distance'and the swamps Adjacent have been .well explored be: the sorts of the neighborhood; a large number of partridges, muskrats and mink have been captured And a few rabbits and ducks. Our fox . hunters have also sues eeeded in capturing several foxes. ."How long is the sleighing going to last?" seams to be the question of the day ; almost every one hopes it will last until after New Year's but fears that it will not, Mr. L. Tyndall overturned a Med of hay, OD Sat. urday, and Mr, Jas. Bone had two upsets with one load, on Tuesday '• under such eireumstancet it is hard to let net " the angry passions rise" but the boys say that kept perfectly cool. : LiTHILAWY Soofneete---The working of the Literary Society this fall has been like a pull up bill owhig to the grumbling of a few o. the church members on account ot the meetings being held in the °beech. They have not laid their complaints be- fore the proper authorities, hence the meetings have been continued. Notwith- standing the outcry ageing the use of the °bereft the meetings have been very inter - Wing and it is our opinion that if the tsociety is allowed to die out, which w ill he the cue it it is not allowed to meet in the dutch, it will be detrimental to the „UCInEN-1%—On Friday last While Mr: W. A, Rutledge was splitting Wood, .the: axe glanced and struck his root, 'cutting an ugly gash, which will probably detain biro from work for some time. We are glad to see that he is able to drive around which suits Willie all right. . BenegsereMr. 13itechrer, who. is sawing, lumber' for Mr. .Baer, ca. one day last week 3024 lea • in , five hours; The use- fulness Of that disgusting .piece of north of Holmesville, leading tetolborne shows itself more. every. (Jaye Saturday night last a party from north of Lucknow drove as .far as Mr, Baer' s end* was told that Ine.coulcl not get throughthat..Way to HOlmesville had to retrace hisway and go by Betemiller.e, Mr. John Snyder has, purchased a new grinder and iigneapared to doshoppiegon the most reasonable - terms, every, Wednesday. Mr. J. H. Bear, Of Doen, was visiting at Messrs. Beat's and Snyder's, last week. Mr: II. Hebei has sold out his entire•threehing outfit to Mr, Wm.Scharffee. MrJames Ptirver. - has moved his butchering establishment to AIMtlandeille. • .Mr, A. Fisher has . , ereetedeensaddition to his been. • BASFIELD:• , Bantessee-Last week -A fine American barque was driven, ou shore a few miles below here she was leaded with pig iron and bound Cleveland t. the crety; 8 in ' number, were takes off by the assistance of the people on, shore, whoa daylight appeared saw the vessel and went to their assistance; they had lost their beats and had no means of landing without, et being, entirely too cold to swim; while we write there is a schooner and tug alongside try- ingto lighten and take her.off, if they fail she is there for the winter and per- haps for ever; had our- harbor ban as it ought to be,andproper lighttheertehe would now be Safely moored inside and all the lose . which roust occur saved to her own- ers; too little attention is paid to haee" proper places of shelter on our lakes for those poor fellows who goes down to the sea in shipsea very email sum of Money would make Bayfield harbor one of the best' on the east shore of lake Huron; more ships have been hist here for the want of it, than would pay the costs 100 fold, Our delegates hail a rough journey from the convention held at Hewett last week ; they felt quite delighted with the result of the meeting; good,Archy the tried member. for South Riven carried the n,oinination nearly 2 to 1 over the pet candidata of -Dan, the Sigoal man; we hear Bishop's opponent is aCatheiie, how will he ride the Protestant +era ? , WO never knew more disgreceful election I dodgethan this no popery cry, ehenne. of the afflicted man, went to New 'York Tfiuradey morning, to watch the sick or bring hems the Celine. Miaa Jennie Martin is still bordering between life and death. If she au hold her own until MOIldAY all may yet be well. The young people of her church hey° given het- untiring nursing, and the Rev, Mr. Salton is with her Almost continually. Mr. H. McDermott is outposed now to be on the recovery side of his sickness, He was nearly gone a day or two. ago. Mrs. George Acheson wasout again on Tuesday, convalescent hilt weak. Mrs. M. McPhail isimproving slowly. °Konen Noeee.-Special religious set.- viosse are being belcl in Saltforci, by the Metliedieta of town; the Rev. G. R. Turk and hie young people are the workers therein. Some good is being done. The North street.. Methodiet choir vrent. to Sheppardton Tuesday evenang,Ariasonat in the ,tea meeting festival. Unluceily no. speakers were present but this did not prevent the goodly number present . from having a good time. The choir was dumped °rtelttu°rt nn tifrip.the side of the road dueing the The Rev. Gorge Sexton, M. A,, M. LL.D., etc., is going to favor Goderich with another visit on or about the .3rd.of January; Our town -will give this lettered. man a right royal welcome. We appreciate anything like the Doctok's lectures, and in this respecteleffer from the "backwoods villages down the line." The Rev, John Shaw, D.D.., of the Me- thocliiit Mission Rooms, Toronto, Will preach the missionary sermons next Sab- bath, in the Victoria street derail. The Terk preached a splen- did sermon to the young ladies, last Sab- bath everting: . The youngladia are ter- ribly mad about it ; " nevertheless t'will do them geed," •• • Sacrament of the Lord's iper was ad- ministered int. .Goothe urcb:, •Ittst' •bbeth. Itev. W..Johneton was a led awarlast week; to attend-the•funeral of his mother. Tlae Rev. Ele F.. Salton, who, being sick, was publicly preyed for last Sableatb, in one of one therthere is, we are glad to sey, .on a fair way to convalescence. • .13ntzps,-Miaa .11.dcla Fisher is .home Again, after, h,er. three Months? visit; to Chicago. My. J08. Swaffield has removed .from town, and etarted in the herdware business in the " Inels';" now Joe will get rich, sere. A:service of sacred song, en- titled 1' Solomon," Will lie leldi church te-night. Mr, Portere.of the Gen - :teal :school, left town Mat week-, Mr; beeytakes, charge of his ;division, and Miss *.Sophf. Gerdon, . for the tithe being, take's charge of Mr..Einlanry's clase. The 'harbor was frozen Ok'rer kat week. What a /tremendous amount of hancl...shakin hero is araupd town, ,snrely some e action or other is at band.. ;Business in the. mare riat,To lino seems to have been quiet now for is few weeks ; eriotherboom is said to be dose at hands' - • • , • . • , :EAST 'WA.WANO511., „ Ilnxgrs.-Under •county items will be• found a paragraph referring to the de:ath of Rifehey, late of, East • Waw Ina's-retie youngmein referredto above was well known here in his younger years, and bore a high elieredter ; news of hit early death wes. received with ,much Orrow by. hie Old school mates .here. . We are glad to leant that Mr. Adam Hoover is tecoVers ing from a; eismeeihat severe ' attack of in- flammation and bronchitis: The two Iyoung met'towhom reference was made last week to the.effeet thAt no account had been heard from them as to their voyage to Michigan, have written amines expleiii ing, the delay e the yeeset it seems' wee` detained five days by rough weather, and on her trying to get to harbor, was driven. •past . it three•eimese then an efiort was made to reateti the next port, bet it fatted, 00 a'fiirther attempt to gain the filet pert the vessel stranded and the crew were landed in safety, . • . — -CI • 0 • A:inery'niCiletotp3r anYaTil. • aprosperoub• $rew-Y,ostrAo. If yoaNirant'big.batpins fa Watches, Jewellery or. hOliday goods duet fail to call on,FRANK METCALF, Myth. • • • . 4 • , Biteues,-'-Hon, A. M. Rost addresses electors of Blyth on. Friday. • Mr. Thos. Gibson was around. eeeing.his friends on Wednesday, lie was , the guest -of N.-; Young. e Another wedding this meek, Rev. Mr.,McLean made another • couple happy, the contractingpair being Mr. Watson, of Georgetown; and Miss Perrot, of Illyth. Our grain 'buyers are very .inuch .handicapped at present, on account of not Wing able Lo gets any cars; one buyer alone will leise,$400,as. he had made a aloha could hot delivers and a fall in prices resulted in cancelling the order ; surely the G. T. R. shoeld not be allowed to run things in this manner. The Wings ham Comedy Clo. gave a concert here on Wednesday'eeening to a vety small house; they are not up to the average amateurs. Mrs. Milne and Mrs. Campbell, who were on the sick list last week, are recovering slowly, ' • ere. ' AV111111t01' Bames.--eThe Reform Club flu ed to have meeting on • Monday night, owirig to there not being enough present to font a (maim. We have had Smile' hard frost for this time of the year, it `being ten de - grecs below Zero on Saturday, and 14 de- grees helot? on Sunday remising. • .. Lteetent.-The Ree, Wm. Burgess, of Listowel, the celebrated temperance era - tor. will deliver a lecture on the subject, " War between Heaven and lioll," ;Friday evening, the 10th inst, Doors open at 7 p.m. .A small admission fee will be charged. Don't fail to hear the lecture, Ltier.-Mr. . E. Leach, out worthy cheesetnaker, 1 ft for home last Wednes- day. On Monday he intended to Mart for Belleville to take a C0Dr8O in the Ontario Business College there, Mr. Itabt, Bar- lett, of this place, seas to meet Mr, Leech in Termite, on Monday. nod accompany him to Belleville for the purpose of at- tendingthe MOM college, We wish them every sttecess. Tete Ste. -Though Mr. Stephen Yates had, through his enereette temperance advocaey, 113 SAY enemies, yet there is, we believe, no nee but will hear with deepest sorrow that he is dying, A telegram re- ceived bete Wedneeday morning stated Shat inflammation of the kidneys had get in, and that the doctor hnd said tint elide was now hopeless. Mr. James Yates, eon LOND ILO. BRIEFS, -Mr Jos 13011 shipped several stallions to Indiana on Wednesday, from here. We are glad to see Mr,- A. Wood- man nut again after his Accident. If the boys had to work as hard at home Lis they. do at football every night, there would be a hig time Poletie agetting Iivcly,Mr Ross delivers an address here at 2 p. on Saturday, the 11th inst. The Mettle. dists intend to bald a tea -meeting here on the night of Christroas and will, no doubt, have a good time; they have been in the habit of holdingtheir annual tea -meeting on that date, hence the reason for adapt- ing it again. flying visit on Wednesday Met; he reports PAILADIOUNT. . 'Beersyst-The Grange Agent paid us a business brisk. Earth has downed her moat beautiful covering, and we have plenty of the pure white now. • John Murray, our genial sheep buyer, is still purchasing in that line. On Theirriday evening, the 16th bust, the people of PAT- anlount and surrounding country are to he treated to a lecture by the Rev. lelr. Nugent, Lueknow ; he has 'lways been a great Marker for the temperance cause, and during the Scott Act campaign in Waterloo county, he took an active part in denouncing the liquor traffic; as a lecturer, Mr. Nugent gets the name of holding the undivided attention Of his au- dience from beginning to end ; aunt' ad- mittance fee is being charged to help buy pagers for the Sunday School children - The members of Dewdrop Council had a grand time in their hall last Friday week; oysters, salmon and taffy abounded in abundance, and all were more than satia, Red with the spread r. Borne of the ladies took a magnifying grass, started On a tour of inspection of the tiny creaturdS; the smiling countenances and the winking eyes of the oysters were that. WM neb- essary, and of course nte more were eaten by the ladies that evening; on the sion- trary the boys were used to wiking eyes, and did not hesitate to go straight, ahead.; after' supper iui excellent programme of speeches and recitation was• given. On aecount of the storm on Friday lase, the' Concert to be held in the echool was post- poned till tbe following' Monday night, Mid although the notice wars short the school was jammed. efesers. Campbell and Kerr and Miss AI. Murdock, supplied excellent instrumental music.; Mies He- witt sang in her usual god Stele.; Mary Stewart in her solo " Don't sellthe home" was eeneured; to which idle :responded by. singing "The spring beside ley little cabin door ;" Mr. G. Lochalsh, Miss M. Murray and others gave excellent selec- tion, and a long programme was brought to. a close by singing the • Nationel •An- them. Peroceeciseaneountedete-itearely-42,' to which the trustees add $5 more, all of, which is to be expended in buying prizes for .the children: • • . • . kr, 1.11LX.58 • Baeges:2-On Tuesday erehing :of last week a number of friends end acquain- tance assembled at the residence of Mr. P. .Hagan, _prier .to hip departure, and presented him.with a lanclionie cane,facs cornpanied by a clattering address; •Mr.: H. repliedin a few: appropriate words, af- ter which the cornpany. indulged le vari- ous games -Until it late hour; when all dis- persed, having Spentan enjoyable time. Mr. jos, Pater hada stone bee hist Set- tiedae, and a brick bee this week 4 the Itrick was hauled from Crediton. Messrs. Wileyearid Hervey, threshers, areon the last roiled for the season, .and expect to • finish by Christmas ; they have hada long rim this season, having. theeshed almost ebostantly since the beginning of August. Mr.. 4. Mustard is busily engaged in cut- ting and taking, out timber fretriethe Can - Ada' Company. Mr, P. Hagen has left the parental roof to reside in. London.- IIINSALL.,• • Bniges.-Four of our localethinisters were Out at a tea meeting, at Fansville, She other evening, as well as a choir from this place; they report a crowderd house and a good time. Mr. ,McEiien's mit block is in full blast.now and the sound of the pump is heard by day and by bight. [5 18 our peitiful duty to chronicle the death of Miss Mary E. Follick, of this .place, from diphtheria and moan; lye ex- tend to the bereaved family • our sincere Sympathy in their bereavement.. Mr. Coleman and family, of Exeter, moved into our villagethis week. Mt. j:Hockin, who has carried on it shoe shop for seine time has left for Coded:eh ; his many friends here regret that he has been forced to leave us. • • ' ganize a Rolmesville Young People's Lit- . •erary society. We wish our young people every success in their movement, IsEceung,-Efelnlesville was lavoreal Oa Wednesday evening Met, by a lecture from Rev. W. WItkteseit, ageut for the Dominion Prohibitory Alliance, who is at present lecturing throughout this coun. try, in the iuterest of temperanceand pros' hibitiOn, showing the present aspect of temperance and the beet way of carrying the present law into exectitiou. He said "-some people may say we are doing no. thing, and the Scott Act a failure, the followiug figures will speak; for the first six moths. ending Nov. 800, since the police magistrate system has been adopted. there has been 849 committals, 665 con- victions and fines, And some theelecond time and sent 'to jail. The total amount from fines is $27,250,. or an average of 0175,67 per:day, excluding Sunday." He endeavors wherever he lectures theAttehe --see • hell electoral' unions: Helmeiville staff is as follows :--"Pre, Rev, Mr. Fisher; Vice -Pres., Mr. T. Murch; Secy.. Rev, Mr. Patton; Treas., II, Elford. • The hest meeting will be held on Monday evening next. Over fifty name e are al • - ready annexed, .0 • DUNLIANNON. Diseeree-The wife of Me. Robert Cleo - cleaning, formerly of Dungannon, but for past lox years a resident of Daisy; Dakota, died on the 12th ult. after a short illness, and her reputes were brought home to . Dangannen and interred in the cemetery • here. Mr. Clendenning is visiting friends around nere now and iutertda. remaining • in Ontario until March. 4' • BRIEr$.:-•,,Good sleighing*, and the hove (and girls) are enjoying it. We are Sorry , • that our Much respected townsmen, Mr. Henry Bickle, has left us e -Mr. B. has -- 191,g been a resident, of this place, and • was highly respected oy the people of Dungannon ; we wish him success in his hew home ite.Whitechercb, erees .Sunday evening the Methodist pulpir here. Was : occupied by Mr; Judsen Trueax, ef Godes ' rich ; Ur. Trueax gave. it very. acceptabh3 eerineit ; wo understand , he intends enter- ing the ministry next year. .Chi Sunday ,. morning Rev. J. Wilkinson preeehed a . terepeeance sermon int the Presbytsrian.,:.. clitirch,and on Monday everting, alskFin • : the same cher& he gaid a lectute on Prohibition ehir. Wilkbasotes address was . • both logical and 'humorous; and Was Well • received by the audience; he seems' t0. be an • advocate, of the "•• third party"' . moyemet.t:-Cou.• • . • • • mueeremeneeercit. , • . Itgeoitet MimeriNcee-Friday last was aks.67qping appointed for Hon.. A. 111, Ross tt, addr' s the electors inthisdiatrict otwi Standing ..the slorMy Weather the • teMperauce hall was nearly Tilled,. and )vere ntit disappointed in Mr. RosS' attend- ance, who was accompanied by Mears. , Seeger and D. McGillicuddy, of Goderich. - There was no response from the Conseive- . . nye ranks to the levitation to occupy the • platform, which had been extended to them from the beginning of tne campaign, s so Mr. Ross kept the audience in close at- 4 . teution for over two hetieeedraling in an • able and, gentlemanly mariner vkith the affairs ot the Government of which he ts . n member; ancFeepeeially giving an :ac- count ef hisstewardship as the Minister of Agriculture and Peoeincial. Treasurer. . He exploded Mr. Meredith'charge of the ' dangerous increase in experaditure; by . showing that though the enconragement. , to various ' industries, such :as .practical --- farraing and dairying where gocid. results , hid crime, apd the large ' grants to aey- • • lunis other places of •refuge, and educa- tion, the surplus money was. wisely. eice '. • pended-a policy whichell wise legiela- , • ". ore heartily •promote, but when- mag- nified , for , the • sake •of electerial. - -purposes, the absence of every- thing else, appears 'a serious charge.— s He.elso showed to true light the attacks of the Conservatives on . the Educational Department; and in a masterly manner, _ presented the claims he had on the elec- . tors to again renew their confidence in, ' him and work particularly -in the Mowat • Government, which is pharacterized for 'its honesty, its faithfulness to Provincial rights, its aptitude to legislatein this fair. . Gait -Hee -as hifoivii.by its victories over Dominion domination at the hen& ofthe Ptivy Council' in their judgment on the StreameBilt, Boundary question, etc. Ko. stated his Position on the Prohibition question to the satigfaction Of all tempers' . ance supporters, and tlae -meeting 'broke • up`with cheers for the queen and the Rea' form party, . SURP1110 PauTY.-The home ot Mr. J. IdeClymont, Parr Line, was invaded by h number of friends with baSkets,•nter. on Tuesday evening last,"During their stay, they presented Mile 111cClymont with four pieces of silverware, ae it slight Joker' of appreeiation of her services as organist in the Methodist church, 'durieg. the past fou11 or five years. Mr. McC., itt• behalf of his wife, respondedein a neat speech. The evening was most enjoyably spent. 13iteers. -A report has been in circula- Eiden to the effect that IVIt. Wanlass, Po- lice Magistrate for South Huren, has put in 'a claim for damages t� the arriouot of $200 flom the Hay Township Insurance Conspany, on account Of attempt to burn his residence, on the .1551I tile; your cor- respondent happens to he in it pOhitiO8to say that there is net a Word of truth in thie rumor, and wishes you to inform your readers of the fad.' 11. Holmes, of the Clinton /gni' EPA, preached in the Methodist chetah here on Sunday toe-- . • tIOLitIESV11.1Alit. PAnitt Er.NTEn.-Afr. Jelin Jervis has ented the farm cn the Maitland on from hie father for $200, a year; his father and youngest sister well remain With him; look out now, john has got a cage for a bird, • •. Ltrentensee-A'meeting. is proposed to be held on Tuesday evennig ue.4., to or- , frolyn council. • . • _ . Regular meeting was held on ' Monday 'flighl) , EVOLDTION OF CONDOLENCE. •-, , Is was moved by Councillor Manning, seconded by novo MeMurchie, that this amp oil place upon teard it sense of the loss sue- ' tained by the town M Ile death of the late Thomas, Cooper, a member of this council, and • who for nutty years was a. prominent business men and an active promoter of . the welfare of the municipality. As one of the renreeentatives to the County Council, for a number of years, he took an Intelligent part in all tome affairs and ' wee a willing and capable supporter of ev rythitig he believed . ii to be for the benefit of he town. We regret; , hie death at att early go, and offer Our sin- : j eete tondolenco with I s family, „and that it •••••••• - .,-- - copy et this resolution be•sont to Mrs. Cooper. Mr. Manning, as :tar. Copper's colleague in St. ' Andrew's ward, made a few remarks erineerne ins the affable tater° of deceased, and Messrs. Corbett and Jackson snOke.eri.the Oftine line. . . The resolution was unetimonely adopted • 'MeTnhe floftlaPthdee feorleinwiitntgdenteo(lo°utnitc,•-"4111: "'le'. . Pacer, stindriee, $4455; S. Pratt, salmi, l3.'75; V. &tuba% repairs, $8.45 ; W, J. etesisley, amity etc. $5.87; Ls. Twitehell, Street account, $1'7.88 ; G. ltenteeb. work Idoe $102,410 ; rt, leivaley, ohatity, $10 20 ; W. Coate, paying insurance tosth hale 1140; ; L. Trouse, Wary, 1121; IT. junto, work, e4 e ' A. O. Pattison, charity, 50e. The receipts of the scales for Nov. were $32.15 ; of town hall, 115.50; lumber sold, $43,23, .