HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-03, Page 8CLINTON NEW EEA FRIDAY, DEC. 3, 188G.. Nc.tice ttitT+ades Bnigre,--J! wars, Swareld 0k 0oaper h just completed a new frame - holm i rr r. Colclougb on the baeelliae.ng. A. M. Boa has been making a p@ visit to a number of his friends In this tQwp; and has been moat cordially receiv- ed by even a numlaer voile are politically ppposeds will, ng to 11im ; 1bythe-way, Mr. Ross o t the:R'iding wto ith his opponent, but eint she latter would: not .consent to this ; etidents' ly he diad not like to meet on tb:a platform wit a gentleman of . Mt ,doss' mental calibre. „ .Ata meetlrg or the Haat Agricultural Society held on -Tuesday, it was decided to hold a Christmas. Cattle and Poultry Show on tha-18th inat., pro- yiding this date did not clash with that of any, other society. Miss Nellie Holmes has returped'to Toronto, - Dr. Worthing- ton has moved bis book store business to Theropson'a & Switzer's old' stand. ' Mr. Thos. Shipley went to Sarnia .this' week to purchase several horses.. Mr. James Smith drives. a new horse, purchased of Mr. Shipley. ` The reeve and deputy are away at Brussels, attending the meeting of the County Council.. Miss H, Moore, in our advertising columns, announces hee readiness to'teach fancy painting; she is a young lady of ability, and those who wish to acquire this art, may copfidently place themselves under heryuiton. Mas ter Harold Whitt liasgone' to Toronto to undergo an -operation for the purpose' of to regain his eyesigbt. A team of horses belonging to Mr. Ben Churchill, attached to• a load of manure, ran away last week at • the north end of the town, but did no damage. beyond scattering -the load along- the street. Mr. L. Melville, for Many years a resident of Bandon, (in Hullett.), has Moved into Clinton to rt- side. Mr. John Boles, we are • glad :to know, has decided to remain in town; he has aboutbought'a vacant lot and will build there next year. Last week 14 Ir. D. Tiplady sold avoung mare to anAmerjcau for. the. sum ot t000; Mr. Thornton Wal• lace alae sold black mare to the same party for $225, a splendid price. As, fine. a team of young heavy draug e eowings as stand in the county, torddty,ar ed by Mr. Thos. Mason, of the base line,w•ho has already"refused $400 for them. Mr. James"Sheppard, formerly of Goderich ttownship, is. lying sills at the residence of his•son-in law, Mr, Geo. Dale, of lXul- lett.; he. has • beau: hrider' the•doctor s care for several days,, ;The GorrieVidettethus 'refers 'to the death .of Mr. W,, J. Paisley's mother:=" Mrs. Baisleydied after..aboot h nl L �a :week's illness ; she vitae Strong h e yw woman; and never knew what it wa&to be :siokAill-Within-•u wool: uf..„her'dea:tiv,„.5he.: leitves behind her aged .partner, Oahu the sympathy of the entire community.". It was a mistake lastweekin. announcing• that the council _would' meet .on 1S1onday night last ; the regular. monthly: meet- ing will be held on'Miynday. evening next. • The scholars and teachers of •the. Public' School are making: exten.-' site preparations.,•, for the custgmttry Christmas entertainmentto beheld at the - close of:the school term: M. •S- Plums steel, of this. place, Who is becothipg quite. -a -breeder of short -horn stock,• has an eight months old bull calf that ' weighs over -$50 lbs'; it's •a beauty too. Dr Worthington, who accompanied Ma 'S. Yates to New -York 'and remained with him for ..a; week after the operation Was.. performed; raturned to . town an Friday ; he states that Mr. Yates is progressing fa Ty and'.. the Dr.;• expects.. to returns to New, York in ;a few days, to take.care of Air. Yates oh his- trip home. - Building operations promise to be brisk in town next year, and among others to be erected will be a brick . building, for the accomo- dation of the New. ERA office. The an- nual tax sale•of county lands was held at: Goderich, on • Tuesday, ; .the attendance was veil .slim, .and only a, few lots were -disposed thequantity ;of land in the county ;left without the taxes being paid is growing ' less.. every year. Our'.town bat- chers will' make a splendid. Christmas. display-th-is-yeersaRibas been frequently remarked that the dealers here make an exhibit that is not surpassed in'the cities, and ahe_atateinent is not am exaggeration: At a. recent meetieg ,of .the Dominion •Grange,`Robt. Currie, reeve of East•Wa- wanosh, was_ssieoted as Gatekeeper; ,The wife. of• Mr. J. 0.- Stsven'son, is visiting friends at PariS Mr. Sherwood, tbrmer- ly` bookkeeper with Mr, 8 Davis; died. roseatly:i t some [place in biastern Ont trier;. the natne of which we did not to ries; Arr, h.lalloclt-returned. from an inspection of the schools in xrlcKillop,_:_on. Friday, and. intended going into •Tuckersmith on Monday; but when he went td attend his horse oti•Sunday, be found•that by seine tne:ins'itbad been kicked. on the leg, and was therefor unablato travel. Miss Van - tassel has taken a •po.itton as assistant in the store of Mr. • Chris. Dickson, Arista Noble having transferred her services.to Detior & Ceas•stc+re, is succeeded ill Rob ertson's by Miss Carrall,ol''St, Catharines. Mr. Jas, l-Iowe has ui:oved to' the bouse •reeently'n„rected atijoiningStPaul'sschool hawse,, The sleiighina liar given'a wonder•, ful impetus to business, .and during the past few days everything bas' been boons• tag; on Friday night the fall of anew was quite heavy is the vicinity of Londesborn, ' but light heres and farmers N4'ho started, with loads of grain in a sleigh, were cony gelled to borrow` waggons as they came near town; the, sleighing is good all around at present. The • Vocophone Band go to, Exeter,neat Wednesday ; .we will guaran- tee that they " bring down the house." Mr, Jamas Beattie is trying .to purchase the livery•of A. Forbes, St,aforth, and is said to have about tamed the' deal:— Nita' Carslake lt:t•l, the thisfortune to slip down and tractut't• severalof her ribs, also spraining her tvrhat severely, The avti• rage atteeditnee at the Clinton Public School for the month of November was '437; the number on the roll 505; with the exception of one'month during the. past year, this is the largest ntten sines in the history of the school. The exam'. nation 'of the. Modeltites in .atteeaance here, commences on i4londay,,and will. be concluded by the.: end of the week. ' :.'ha many friends of Mise Bean will be pleased to hear thitt she continues •to int• prove in health; and hopes soon to be out .41.gaiti____Aisslildglieli, of London, is visit. ing her sister, MN, Adam Weir,, f:iullett. On Wednesday last Mr. Ralph Tiplada, of the base line, delivered here at load of barley that contained over .100 bushels; s We have engaged MISS CU1tnwaf, of St, Catharines to stake, charge, of our Mantle and Dress 'Making Department, SShe has so thoroughly mastered Ibis art, that every garment turned out is a model'. • of perfeetion, Ladiea needing a Dress or Alauttle tan count upon receiving perfect satisfaction. The unpleasant necessity of bringing• a garment backfor alterations, even the inoving•of a button, is entirely done a yay o with. We'gparantee a fit-Qvery time, of no sale., 5 -smart apprentices•wantea at once. �ROBERTSON'S: CREAT CASH STORE, CLINTON, Vin, LOCAL NOTICES. BOY wANTRD.To learn the Print - lag businessa rint-ing.businesaa Apply at NEW ERA Office.. or the best value in Trunks, Valises, Sataheld,, ctoto-l'''Se Cli t011...'_._ Weelren Goods given'rl (irchange for Wool er Wood at Clinton Woollen Wis. DAVID For cheap Goat. and 13ttf'ato Robes, Horse Blankets, etc., go to J. T WITC.JIELL S, Clinton. • •• UPHOLSTER y -Send in your orders at once, and avoid the rush, ,Bennett, at the lied Rocker, Clinton, has two Upholsterers raking up Parlor Furniture for the Christrnaa trade. Ottomans, Baby Chairs, lounges, Parlor sets, etc., made to order. • VD*fl &g . Colic Chris. Dickson has leftwith usl a• copy of Grip's. Comic Almanac for 1887.' It is well got up, pro- fusely illustrated, and : well worth ' the price• asked for it, ten cents, HUNG ITSELN.-A certain farmer resid- ing near town, tells us that he noticed a. swallow hanging suspended from a. rafter ' • in his barn, and as he could .net . see any reason for it hanging there, he took the trouble of climbing up to find out.,The, bird had,apparently,'beenbuildingitne nt,, and in sing,aborse hair, by somae...means.- it had coiled, around tlip swallow's neck, and.strangeld it. . • • .. • • LOCAL RAILWAY No'rits;=The trains yestei:day • were slightly behind hand, ow- ing to the snow storm. Messrs. Doherty. & PO. average shipments of more than a ear of organ,@ every }week. Mr. E. Sibbens shipped a car of cattle to Toronto- this week. • D. Cantelon is still shipping ap- ples to Buffalo. A .car of horses were shipped to Windsor by an American, last week. Mr. 111ooney ships a ear of hoists to Montreal this week • A bonded ware- house is to be constructed in the freight shed. •-- IN A tri —On Weduestley morning Mr. James Steep,, (accompanied • by. Mr. Jas• Howe,) went up to .the stable of his father, Mr. Henry Steep, to__pprocure some bran which be has stored ifiere• the so engaged Mr, Steep, sr•, .carne out to help' them. Afterremaining for.. a abort r time, he started towards the house, distant only aboutthirty feet,. but a'fit of weak- ness came over him and be fell against •a• fence, where•he remained about five min- utes, in an. insensible condition. It was only by his • wife corning to the ,door. to call hila that he' was discovered, , He was. • unable to speak,his tongue having swelled, and it was some time before he was re- vived. It was excee'lingly fortunate that he was discovered just when hewas, other- wise 'the fit might have • ended 'seriously. Goods This BI'CKSOffS.. BO 11,345 NEW B00: --CONSISTING 4, IFAY& CO The usefulness. - of the store .depends upon its 'being able to , supply the waits of i,ts patrons with the most seasonable pails right -prices. These are very - and'the correct styles at the portant points,, and are just what e have been aiming at• for -many a year. .. Worcester's Unatitidged Dictionary, Webster's Chambers' Dictionary, Unabridged • Dctio>�ary, Chambers' Encyclopaedia, Matthew Henry's 00 Copies Series, Nearly. Commentary, 0 p Lily 7,000 Copies the latest Sunday School Library Books. The latest Readings and Recitations, the Boys and Gir1S Own Annual, the Royal Road to Wealth, .. &c., &c. He iesaina_n of :good health.; nasls,attool. account tor his sudden.attack. • • COLLEoIATI: INSTIECTI1-A'•rrieeting sof. the High . Scheel Board Was beta on Tuesday afterxfoan, at **it Mr. Menzies. submitted draft sketches of the prop,ised' improvements and change& in th-e lffigh. School building, An addition atthe'•rear 90x29' is to bo erected, containingdotvn stairs, a class town: and- two. teachers' rooms, and :Upstairs, :a general:audien.ee. .3,bamber capable „of; holding the whole - . school upon`occasions,whenthe 'school -is - wanted together. A newporch is to: be built, and the-erotica:aver.all the windows, thoroughly repaired. The btiilding,when. thus renovated, will be one of,`t.bamost. comnitodious•Institutesin the :west. • All the present teachers -have re-engaged for next year; and the. prospects are excellent. Any outsjders wantingg full '.information, shouldwrite. tethe Head 'Master,. Mr. Turnbull, iftmnlcs; for one•of the annual announcements. Dan'ri3 or Mit T. Coorait—It will.be'a .painfulturprise.and.source.of regret to our readers to learn of the unexpected death of Mr. Thos. Cooper, (who has resided here for nearly thirty years), which. occur- red on Wednesday evening., '.M.,Cooper' has been suffering for some .time , with 'erysipelas, but nothing serious was'anti- cipated, and 'he was able to come down town last work, but catching cold, he was again compelled to remain indoors. Friends who visited him;•on.Wednesday, found him in good Spirits., and expected shortly to see him out again and. the an- nouncement of, his death came°like: a thunderbolt, At about 8 p, m. he got up and sat in, an .easy chair, requesting Mrs, Cooper to fetch.him a ne,vspnper to read ; while she was gone he fell back in the chair and expired without 'speaking a .a word, fust as she re-entered the room, He was, possibly, as widely known as any man in the town, havintgacarried on the hotel business here 'fart :number liyears, but more recently'otiaidueted an extensive gro- cery trade, . beim;, head of the firm of T. Cooper & Son, .He learned the grocery trade with Mr. 1'.homas Stanbury, about twenty - five years since. Fie was a man of considerableintellectual force,kindthearted, and enjoyed the con- fidence ofbis fellows, and ,bad taken an active part iupublic.t►ffahrs, bt ing ametli-. bar of the town council at the time of his o death, and haeing also cflledtthe l afialco at' Deputy -Reeve F?.t.kp _.. . he was a supporter of Sir John -A. Macdon- ald, and wielded considerable hiilueace. the la"rgcst head delivered in three years Ire belonged to both tits Orange Division Court ; next session, x)ecember anti Masonic Soeieties, His wife is 24. sir 1" •it. 'Powell 'has added it safe the second daughter of Mr 'Donald to his Olio. . Many ,of our readers are Rosa, of this tuwn, and mho with five chit- stiil in amine, notwathstaudi( g our - e. dren, 1:4 left to mourn itis 'death.. His teattd request to "pay+ up " . Wewa aid funeral will take place from his late resi-like all who owe us to pay the same at dance On Albert St, at 2 80 p. m. to,daiy, once, Friday, ` A •L4k1 E.QtJANTIT .. OF . OH ! ;"JUST • LOVELY" 3 • Our • Dresi..Goods . Come -_ -' sec our goods.. , Direct f:rom New York, now* Are the 'correct styles and the prices'are -right, Another case of *Agent for all ,the BOOKS and. PUBLICATIONS 'of the Methodist Book and Publication :*House, Toronto. HRlS DICKSON, - CLINTON, • • • MANTLE :GOODS JUST > BLANKETS' and FLANNELS , . just put in 'stock. PI . See' bltr T3oizanza; PGLOMES {NOSIERY Men's CSHIRIS and DRAWERS Caps, MMuffs Ties • BEFORE BUYING! Al O)i-ER(JOA.T CALL ON ANCA ,end see tllle Wonderful Bargains they. see giving. in • . OVERCOATS% Only a few more Daft.. Don't fail to secure one.: AWAY DOWN IN' PRICE g at bot- tom r thin b m�ber ave. �,e1118 � b tole prices. Christmas novo,, ties in a few .days. . EO. .'• PAY '.. THE DRY .EMPORIUM oaf CLINTON-. A n; ongst the heaviest items of a inan's personal expenses clue- ing a year iS his -clothing i l';; and; if he • is inclined hec•Quld mklie it very :Heavy: one To practise economy is to buy • good to low priced cecl clothing,, and to find such • ; goods in preference , stock is to come ,direct to us: The, success of our progres'sive' business is just .:this•fftct,.that our goods aye of.•the F'ines.t Dese i piker, nazd ,areclic ' a,t the :I..owesitt i vino• Prices. 'for .(Instil.;r We are doing a wondesrf ul trade in Olothillg, and. thele- must lie some rehsun:foiK:it. _ • To people who`havenotfavored-us.wltli their patronage, we Would extend a hearty invitation to some and see us, and we feel ,convlilceil we can please you. At the present time -We Want our December, trade • t0 pari o lty to a big thin •, and we,are,goillg to do, 'it by our low prices: for dFurnishiflgS Put ns en your list for some Christmas remembrances, and we . ioli in our line. -Every department 1 will show yon a grand selection receiving . . our mammoth establishment is, receiving special care and at- tention -;at ion for this. month's trade. Watch for. our grand display to . during the next three,.weeks. : RANO & CO. THE HUS CLQT TE. S, C rI TTO T. Tfllre•e:' floor 'Wont d'i<I` fliok, on ook Moro '4, i •