HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-03, Page 3FRIDAY, DEO. 3, 188G.
.zaws wows,
It is rumoired tat vigorous measures
are to be taken in Ireland againSt the
National League. •
IE you arebilious takeDr. Pierce's rim.
ant purgative Follette, the original "Lit-
tle Liver Pills," By all druggists.
A three year old SOU of Mr. Richard
Temple, of Set:itch Bush, fell out of bed
•Vecently and broke his arimat tlae wrist.
john Dillon is to be preseentea by
the 13zitis1 Gevernrnent on charges of
piating to assault and resistence of evic-
ion,. •
Miss Maggie Blackwell jumped from
moving Canada Pacific train near Ren-
frew, and was killed. ' She was on her
way to act AB brideSlilaid bit a wedding.
Largeswarms of locusts are again
spreading devastation in various parts
of Mexico. The inhabitaiats aye engaged
in a combined effort to extinguish the
pests, and thousands are killed daily.
`A red -bot California Democrat recently
Made the Welkin ring by exclaiming "If
ever.I ge back on the principles of the
Democrat party may my right hend oleare•
to the roof of my month,"
I ramilton Fire Department has re-
ceiVed VQ0 from the Ontario Govern-
ment as an acknowledgement of its set-
-__Vicerentahe recent fire in the Asylum in
that city.
Ladies troubled with Pimple's, l3lotches,
Rough hands, or Pace, or sores of any descrip-
tion, should•use McGregor and Parke's Carbolic:
Cerate, It will leave the skinin perfect health,
smooth, Olehn and good color, 'Be sure and get
the genuine, made by McGregor dr, Parke.
' -Price 25e. Sold at Worthington's Drug Store* •
A single sheet of paper seventy-two in-
. cites wide and seven and three-quarters
miles long was made without a break in a
paper mill at Watertown, N. Y,, a few
days ago. The sheet weiglied 2,207
Henry Thornton moved his sitting -room
stove to the smokehouse last April The
• Other day he cleaned it, prepitratery to
potting it up again, and foetid. among the
ashes live coals that must have been smould-
ering for six months. 1 -le had burned
hickory wood in the stove. •
• How often do ,we hear fif. . the eadden
fatal termination of a case of :mop,' when
• a young life might have beens.aved.by the
,prompt use of Ayer's - Cherry -Pectoral,-
Keep a battle of . it on baed,.ready for in-',
•stant use.. Sold- by all dreggists. • .
. .
.Ver several weeks a •malignant type
•of diphtheria has been-raging'at Logan-
. villa. Fully twe. hundred children
have died. The- disease has.also lirciken•
•out in Rochester, ;Milten County. •;' The.
• .epidernic is traveling tip the ;
Yonug and 'nit:Rile-aged- Inert -starling
from nervous debility anl. kindred -Wee..
tions as loss otinentory.fied hypeclionfiria,
shouid enclose 10 cents itestamps for largo.
illustrated..treatise.sUgusting;s0re niertritt
of cure. Address, 'World*. Dispeesary,
Medioal .Association, Beffalo,.N. Y. .,•
-A young rnanin a St-,Theinas, ureiture
'store, in' order to .conceal himself ..from.
the .polltax76-61Tectiar,,._triat into .fr AUL
A oarnpanifiri screwed down:the lid and
kept.him.e'peinener metilethe situation
became most uncomforteble •• end. -un.;-
•. Geo. Andrews, over:win.; of the -Leivoll
• . Carpet Corporation, wee, fez. over -twenty
years, before.his removal to Lowell;eill:cted
with salt rh•dnua in its worst 'forte:- Its
uherations covered more then half the sur-
face .or bis body and• limbs.. Rce. Was en-
• tirely cured by Ayer's 'Sarsaparilla.' ...Sold
by -ell druggiste. •• •' •
John Bright, in a 'letter approving- of
. the erection of a tatue of Cobden at
Stockport, denies thatefree trade is. ini;
'He'emitinues e.'An ' A-Merle:in
- recently asked -the if it iv.611ld'be possibl• e
to return -to protection' in; • England. I
replied it is, not iMpoPsiblii, but it Will
not come until the 17.nited States' restore
• slavery.' , • ••• . • •
• et.
A strolling gypsy teld. a ;West, Ariegutta
tamer that if -lie would p1eAO.$25,•lita.e.er-.
tain hollowstumpand leave it then all'
night it would be deubledin the' morning,
The farther triedit, add enreenfingh found
$50 in the stump; Then the :gypter ad v fSed
the farmer to put alt he bad, $700, in the
sittnefe and. draw out $1,400 in themernieg..
• The -farmer took this' edrice„ and new, is
looking for sa. gypsy who.he says lilta. stolen
$700 from him. • ••
All the mounted policemen sent -Out
in pllTErffit of the six leen' who deserted
hist week,' have: returned to headquitie:-
ters, none being. huccessful in catching
np to or getting on Ife the • track' of ,the.
runaways. There' are little hope's �f
• their capture; and they are probably all
safe in Uncle Sarn'e dominion or back
in Ontario. , The rumor that three of the
pureeing officers had .sent - back their
holies and joined the deserters, *oyes
• to be unfounded. • ,- ••
• Gen. Neal DOw' in a recent article re
garding' the effectof the Ili -jeer 'traffic on
the business interests or the country; says:
No business can add Jo the wealth of it
corn m that earns nothing.. Gambling
houses earn nothing; distilleries, breweries,
•saloons earn nothing. They live upon the
earpings of other industries' and upon
wages of other men's labor,. iv ng in re•
turn for what they obtain from there netle
ing but poverty, pauperism; wreechedliesse
crime, insanity, and • premature death,-
, The - eetire• sum apent for strong drink,
whatever it may be is an absolutelose bo
the • community, as Well as the individual
citizen, beceust no value is received for it.
• The V00000,000 spent in the nation an•
nually far drink is a lose to the country as
entire as if that vele° were destroyed hy
coefiegration, shipwreck,t'cyclorni or earth.
(mike, DI either case the property is gone
• with no eriniVaIent for it.
• '
• pleGregEkriff".114ibg Vit IA 0
a vo you a bad Cough, is Chrelde Hoar seaess
it feeling of .Lightness in the Cliest, Weak lungs,
or any similar complaint? If 1O, buy at woe a
bottle of McGregor's Long Cempottlid "Doll
care yOu." It confides entirely new speelfies,
of which 000 a080 is 1110r0 effeetual than a
whole bottle of the old timeremedies, ft urnit
tip 10 600, and $1 bottles. Volii,by Worthington,
druggist. Try lt, and you will noVer have rea-
on to complain.
Bight thousand Chicago women and.
children spent their Thanksgiving day
without fuel or food.
Hog chelera prevails neitrUrbana, Ohio,
One farmer lost 80 hop out of a herd of
200, from the disease.
• 0. A. Davis, of Nevada, Mo., sneezed
so violently the other day that he broke
ono of hie '
The true here is the man who dare tell
his wife the Whole treth When he 'bonier
borne a few hours after the -regular time.
. In a description ota rhinoceros it ieetated
that he is a pnwerful baNt. with a mouth
ranging keen no open valise to a caedidate'a
A few days riga a horse was sold On
the St. Thomas market for 75 cents,
and enother for $1.75. They might
levee been dear even at this figure.
Ozi Terstlay last eleyen sheep belonging
to r4r.Zona* IVateon, Ridgetown, were
worried by dogs. They were Sou thclowns
pure bred and valuabla. Three were killed
by the doge, and five s.n mangled that they
had to bedestroyed.
• Mr. Aechibithi• .Q811)0011, of Messrs.
Campbell, Stevens & Co., millers was
nominated on SlitUrOay Liberal candidate
for Kent for the Conituone, Ile has oleo
been uneniinnuely chosen by the Knighte
ef Labor as their representative.
Beesone why you thouid perch ase Pluid Light
woe le -preference to.all other remedies are :-
Rapid resulk-cures instantly, It is easily ap-
plied -no treuble-no lost time. ep does not
rectum constant:use-one appliciatton is effeet-
any. other remedy in existence. Try lt for Neu-
ralgia, Toothaehe, Heallache, Rheumatism, -
Sold at 250 parbottlo by worthington, Druggist
4. woman of Lewiston Mn' who is e
storekeeper, +011ie talking with a customer"
orempfed a terechiller bill in 'her hand.
Then she forgot what it, was and tossed the
little Wad into the 'fire, She remembered
it when her•cash that eight Wa010. short.
Two 'children named :Heise" were froz-
en -to death ten miles horth pf Mandan,
Dak., while looking for lost stock. Two
young mere brothers, named Sims; are
frozen • to death while returning • fi\oin
.Werkon If`riclaY. . ' • - ••
-Richard Cordstook, of Remiliet, Oregon,.
while ditching-, wore labiate whose soles were
testa ed 'on with brass, sereW wire. The
leather' got. wet,- and • when it dried one of •
tlid screws stuck up through the solo and
plereed“' Mr. Comstock's: foot. • Blood
poisoning followed, and he, died in' great
agony. . • . . ••
*.HaVo ytu Thotheehe 3 • 1.780, Pluid.Lightning. •
Have you R1eumatism1 Use Fluid Lightning
Have you a istiffjoin t 1 , Us( Fluid Lightning.
. Have you Neu1'alaIt 1 Use Fluid Lightning,
• Have you Lumbago': • Use Meld Lightning. •
Arc yen troubled with Headache?' Use Fluid
Have .yon any pain?. Use. Fluid Lightning,
• It will env) you theinstant it is applied. Try
It. 25. emits per bottle at Worthington's Drug
s.tOto. • • • "
A bin of hitunibiotts coal . in • New.
Ilaiee,'200efeet long gild 'f50 :feet wide,
and '14'feet deepe nc eon taming abon t ,
4,0Q0 tons, Paught fire 'ft:mu Spoetaneons
combustion; mid seimilderdd for a Week
in:spite:of all the -water poured upon
Thework'inen thee .ehoi7,el1ed eet he steal
to'Cool • ' •••
Gat& and wife,,of Rlreerle,
home , from the inalket. Finsely one of
them said to the other: "Well, you go your
way and, 1 willgo mine, and we will ego
who will reach the corner Of the Street
where we live first, but mind you don't,
run."• One of them aryiveil at the place
proposed slightly blown and the other
came up a few minutee later panting for
breath, and exclaiming, "You took to your
heels, you acomadrell" • "Oe,
was the reply. "Yes; you did," was the
answer, for 1 rau like the Old Scratch
myself." , .
Rev. E. A. Stafford, of the illetropelitan
church, Tomlin!, has accepted the paetnr-
ate of the Selbourne street Methodist
church etter the completion of his present
Sir John Macdonald described himself
art " a comet" in Ina avouch at Stratford.
The phrase was a happy one, The last
eomet winch the astronomers sew wes
tepidly going tea of sight.
Speaking of the "light of other days,"
how rapid has been the change from pine
'woke to tallow dips, from tallow dips to
whale oil, Ivan whale oil to lard oil and
caMpkene, from these to kerosene, and
from gas to electricity -all within nue
•lifetime, If the- light •of the future -goes
on at the satue rate, darkness will be aithing
ef the pest.
Though the :Local elections 'iffy° been
brought on unexpectedly, the MowatGov-
ernment cannot fairly be :charged ,with
dissolving the House before its; time. A
calculation made by the OttawaFree F'reris
sbovis that the present Perlitiment, which
wait elected on the,27th of February, 1882,
has been eontintritrto within two months
-o fife: -17ir1ajittrainarfryt yr
the five Provinoial Parliaments, since con-
federation, it has had the longSst terra of
any, excepting the third, which lastecl for
four years and -about five months. ,
"These new cries egainst the Leda'
,Government are ell silly rot," said orte
.Conservative to another yesterday.'" What
preef have we that will•conyince .any man
with a gram of eontrnon souse that Mere-'
atilt or Bunting have tnore- interest in
Temperenee than Mowat pr G. W. Ress,or
that they are more stannob Proteatanta
And jest think of this that Ontario' under
a Reform Government „is the most pros:,
Porous Province, while-Qaebec, under the
control of.the-.Tory Dominion Government'
is the least protsperous,,,and the opportun,
itlea,for tiro one were quite as good as fer
the other." • .
• .
, Time -July, 1887.
• (Saene--A bullett proof hut, erected on the
•ma iket square:, Clinton. Ni -ow' slits in the
sides for ride firing. Seated at a table is the
1 Police Magistrate f,ir the „county of Huron.
Various members of the Royal irigh -Coifs tabu;
lary in etteudarice, all. armed with•repeating
rifles,)• P. M. -Sergeant, how,soon do•yrni
expect Sir Redeem Butler ? -
S.--VerY soon, sir'. The Gailer'al promised
es' to be hero et nate - Ile generallyireeps
• bin wore). •". •
• .
yeseI dare say heeloes,erlien, he
Can; but keepipg his word in Eugland or
landis a very different affair to. keeping ;hie
Word in the county of E.nfon. • Where did ha
stay last night, Sergeant ?
• kbilork, sir. '
P. M, -Ola, th I depbt1.;eis
inueli if he
will he penotual!n'ludi
eed, t s ae much as
his life is Wortli to attempt the joniney. 'You
know .whatoyer Huron is, the Mail last year
'piaci Prow: .tviie worse. • - • • ;
now, sir, surely.you are not quoting
the Mail. •• It was:just e.pelitical dodge, and
in twelyo trionths they changed, their tune en-
• tirely,. They are now as stronekanti-prold-
bition as ever. • .
well,'we'll.leme for tite best.
But:. I do trust, riothiug will happen' to Vie
'General • Why, deelaKe; there :ho. is now,
g Illoping across the square:. •, ,
(Enter ;the General-, .fellevied by. his at-
tendants.) :• . • ' . •
P.111.-,L••(flising),-Ah, 'General., good day!
Gladtoit0.4.,you-,h are arriedgo pronuptly and,
.61 ftrSeilt S; thank on, wo.did hay's a
prettY sinert;rlde for it. We'vese oely way-
laid twice. between Blyth and hero. ..But the
beggars -don't- ehoet veryitraight; So we Only
lose onerefeetnieree---eethe etiryTanyrtillir
fresh to•clay. • . •
P. very partionler. Two cases
of maiming of. animals; three assaults with
intent to hill; lour eliSess of atterripteci arson,
and one, I em sorry to 'say,. eucceesfel dna-
mite r explosion. • •
• .•
• Sir S.B.-However, that's better than last
Weak, . ate imProeiog. What you
poor: fellows wrield have done, if 1 and that
couple Of'reghnents Gratis)) Royal Gond:tabu-
.2.-es- you there was•dfie suecesSful explo-
jary had not been Sent hare, I don't kiabW.
Sion. Whet e wae it ?
P. ;M, -Oh,. it was the New Era orgoe.
Holme, theeditoribas beim a, little outspelt
en of late, saying "The law 'must be enforced
at all hazards,'.., :Whatever was the cause, it
yesterclayrthere- was a terrible ex-
plosion, and.when She guard tortudent,tkere
was nothing. left of the Tey,r -Era, face but
fragments of boards blown into inatehemod..
The type Was" flattered* everyithere. Some
watehlown clean through the Window's of the
News IleCord office, and that paper Was much`
bettor printed not hums „ so it men ill whet
thst bloiva no good, eh, General? • • • .
' Sir that is a fact, • POor'
• lloluteth'Fin .sorry for hint. But he voted
for the.Act,.and he must have knOwii that
the People would not tamely submit to it.
Itewever, the Government is. determined to
sea it: through, ,entil it expires, and then 1
expeet the people will' try no more enfolded
sebriety„ It has cost a heap of money, many
valuable lives and with property, and has
brought law aed order more•inte contempt
Shan anything else could have done. '
Well, send out and order dinner,, time
We dined: • I've net tastecla niorsel since 6 a.•
in., and it's 'no* past two, (Aside -You've
riot 'forgotten that old Irish I left hero last
.thne, have you?) • '
[The above is contributed by a strong
oppOneet of the Acteand.while we publish
it, we have.- not the slightest idea that. ouch
extreme rineastires to secure the enforce-
tnent of the Act will he, necessary, as our
oorreapondent indicetere Every outrage
on person or property is teeny a step t-
because mob law invariably defeats ita
own eurgosee-ED, New
. - •
Ont., a el o w ly. in a rtied doe pip, werefouiid
••:u.neanscions in had; igtheir rooni et the
Albion hotel,' Toronto, on Friday Morn...
me • with flie room full. of .'ads: . Two
0 . •
medical' Men Were haetilY summoned,
and after atehoitr's herd. Werk succeeded
ilt bringing.the:couple back ti conscious-
ness, elthough for sometithe .afterwards
they lityln. a. critical'conditioit, They.
are now oat ofdanger. Th6:Ylead bloVve;
mit thegas on reeirine. . - •
• . 'At Celia, Wednesday„ Taylor
'MelcineV and hilt three sot -is Were husk-
ing,' cern le 'a: field, 7 -when they -were
preeti need , by a. stroke . o'f
Luther, ltgerl 1C yeeri, • was- ins,trIntly.
killed. • ‘,"\ il was severely. ilijurede.
and Iris life- is despaired 'of.et Benjaniiii
is wissmg. What -heeritine: .cif him is
not ,knewri',. bet it; is :seppoSed that lie
Was blinded dr e'nizect by' the,-sheek and
• Wendel ed away, - 'I'M) father ewes- only
s1ightlyjud,' • . ,
• . A Biernerck, Dalr., despatch says :
sensation. was caused at Painted 'WoCcle,
16 Miles -north. of here, hit- week, by
the appearance of a lice& of beffaloese
stampeding before the semen,- This is.
the ;first heed of buffeloeit seen in this
part of the Country ;for over two; years,i
an they.' reuse 'have been •driven over
100 Miles:. -by; the great snow . storm.'
They were going in a seutl'-westerly di-
re.c,tion; and.erOaseil the Missouri. It is
.eitimated: that the- herd nunibered; over
The theory of Dr. Wilson,' of 'Meriden,
Conn, thet the burning of kerosene, 'oil
has aumethitig to do with diphtheria -is in-
teresting:. There were gee/day-one 'deaths
from diphtheria. in the town•of Meriden in
one -year, end-. by' personal investigation
Dr. Wilton. foiled' 'that in every, Case the
family Used „kerosene lamps. There Were
many other cases in Meriden that' year,
the spread of the disease being from con-
tecgien But net in it single calte•Where gas
ye -bandies were need seeethere a deatk
from that cl4,aease. 'But hew &cos he no
count fer the pre.velence of cliphilietia in
couttries where lieroseee. iS pot flood at
all.? • ' • • • ,
• A clespateh from Iletvensville; Sack -
ion county, Xansani tells•of is revolting
crime Committed near ODA- 'place on
Wednesday night. A yourig farmer
'named ,Rhedee Clements, whiia going
home from is prayer meeting with
other 'termer, Samuel Gordon, suddenly
became insaneand killed the latter with
is club: Net returning home; a search
was Commenced .fet Clemente, and ba.
was found some, distanPel:frecreetlecietead,,
•sig‘iligliard-61116 hay e -f. the man he.
had murdered, eating' his heart, Ile
bad' et' t off the bead from Gordon's body,.
• and Inid torn o'ut the • heart, lungs and
liver, and Was (1'En/coring them, Oto.
metita in now in jail, a raving maniac.
A very good (story is told' of two Bestoe
busineas men who had a 'list:One the other
day about the shortest Way of retureing
%de .
What True Worn Will DO.
The imprecedented sale of Booehee's Ger.
man Syrup, within a few yeare,has astonished
the world. It is without doebt the •asfest
end best remedy ever discovered, for the
speedy and effectual cure ploughs, colds and
the severest lung tfoables. -It 10110-012-1111
tirely different principle from the usual pre-
ocription given by phypieiaus, as it ddes not
• dry up it cough and leave the dieeme still in
the system, hut ou the contrary removes the
canoe of the trouble, hole the parts affected,
and leaves thont bea purely healthy condi.
tion. A bottle kept in the bowie for no
ee,„ the di4oase3 melte their appearanee,
will save doutoi's bills awl it long spell of ser.
iotts illness. A wird bottle will convince you
of these facts. It is positively oold by alt
'druggists and general dealeriu the land,,
Price 'Thets, large 'bottles.
Mr. Jambi" McGregor, lot 13, 3rd con, of
Ecipheini a, met with a painful accident on
Wednesday last. Ile was in the act of ty,
iug up it Mal, when the aniline' brushed
againot a stall throwing him down and.
tramping him te ilioensibility, in which
coeditieu hawes ennui afterwards by his
sou. Re ie deitig as •well acd can be
Spring, and summer,
Prepare the body for health,- and vigor by
taking Dr, Chase's Liver Cure, No Spring
Meclieitre equals it, It stimulates thceLiver.
aids digeotion, and purifies the 'el Large
bottle and Recipe Book, $l. Sold, by all
from a :common ?Blotch, or Eruption, •
to the worst :scrofula. Salt.rhotim,
46IFever-soreu," seal or 111 0110 Skint
"in short, all diseases eau ed by bad blood are •
contmered by this p,owerful, vilifying, and .
invigorating medicine. Great Iltlating UJ
ecru rapidly heal under its benign influence.
Especially has ft manifested its potency in•
'curing Totter, Rose Basis, Roils,- oar.
biiiiotes, sore EYCli, ScrOrniOlift Soros
,and. severringe, Hip -Joint Disease,
White Swellings, .Goitre, or • Thiele
Neck, and Intlarged Glands. Send ten
cents in stamps for a large treatise., with col-
ored plates; -on- skin Diseases, or the same.
amount for a treatise ou Sera CuiIo s Affections.
"%IAD DLOOD S25E vf.km,ss
Thoroughly cleanse it by tieing Dr. Pierce',
Gorden lixedicar letecervery, and •good
digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spin.
its, vital strength, and. soundness of
eonstitutlott, will be established. '
.which is Seregulotts Disearie of • the '
Lungs, is promptly and certainly arrested
and cured by this (40d-giren 'remedy, if taken;
before the last stages of the disease are reached.
Wenn its woodextoi power over thie terribly
fatal diseaeo, when iirst offering this new Cel-
ebrated remedyto the public, Dr. PIERCE
thou,ght seriously or calling it his. “corte
sumptton Gere,,, bet abandoned that name
•ni; too -limited Inc a medicine which, from its
, wonderful combination Cr tonic, or strengthen -
log, alterative, or blood-eiennelng,anti-biliour4
pestorar, and nutritive properties, is utter:plated,
not only as h remedy for consumption of 00.
, kings, but for all • ,
• • •
. •
01,o9 0.
I have used Dr. .Tug's Medieine
Inc a bad Coustb that aettled On my
'Inge and with good results. Can
eentli mond it to all so affected.
T. 'hl.Rrso, Grocer, 'Woodstock.
• Liver,Blooard;naiibun s
If you- feel doll, drowSy, debilitated, haVe
:sallow toter 05 -0111!), or yellowish,hrown spots
on face OD body, • frequent headache -or
neas, bad taste 10 moo th, internal heat or chil•1s,
alternating with hot flashes, •tow spirits and.
gloomy boreboclings, irregular appetite, and •
coated tongue,, -you are suffering from Ind'.
.gestioateDyspepette and Torpid Liver,:
or “Bilionskietis.,P In many eases only
part of these symptonis. are e.xperienced, As
a,remetly. for all . such mules, iDr. DierceNt
Golden medical Discovery -:bas no
equal. •
For "Weak Splitlog of Blood,
Shortness oX litrenth9 Broneblitio,
'Severe ,Cougltsi • Consulniption, and .
kindred affections, 15 48 it. socereign. rerrialy. •
"Beild-teff-ttilts In stamps for DO; Pierce's
book btt Coestunptioe. twee by
PRICE $1 Orl Mir.' Z13737.-
•. WorIO's,Dispricdry RiSdicaszociation, :
N. It.
r. • •
. • . .
P81:0E3 11.,'Cio?w:RaVert%iet
C311,‘ e?..16e.to P.I•L L S...
..aDtwx-rtir.ricrts 114 •Cii.r5`1/11flgamitc.
'Sold by Orriggiutv.. eons 51 lei:
• .
abLAti . •
114 direritcl...by the proTpletor.
of ill.. b5g0'5 Catarrh Itemedy
Writ ease ()to:Udall which they ,
eannOt tura. . • .
- if you -have a diScharge from
•tho nose, offensive or °other-
. -tirise, partial loss ef 801(.11,415W;
or laturimr, weak eyes••dull pain
or presture in head, yeti have Catarrh. Thou -
Sands Of easel; terminate 151 eonsuitiption.
• Dr. Ettge'S CATARRH RI)5ED? the -wont
cases of Catarrh; "Cold In: the liiiend,29
and Catarrhal ileadael:e. 50 eents. • '
L0f1,11 .111111 Inyestineht
• • •
This Company is Loaning koneg on Farm
Sitcurity at Lowest Rates of :interest.
..„IttonT640-Es - : - PuRcHAsO.
3, 4 'dad 5, per Vent, Interest Allowed on
Deposits, according to amount
and tinte left.
OriolOp..L-Rorne, of Marko Square andNorth Sue°
200 taC•35c.* worth 76c.
• 200 at 60e; worth $1. •
190 at.586c, worth $1.60.
;These Broocl.eswe bought At job prises end are . %emelt double whet ao 00s, for them,
lilac/ pinclinsed
25() Pairs of. -..1161164. ciold
QufF. .BuTToNs
. .
From the same factory which 1 will. sell at 50c., 60e, ancl 75e. a pair,
examine them and be convinced.
Call and.
11A -g3
• V:A.YS REA,DY. '
°HAS. C.:''PARLDtai COML17
our. arce,AT
• •
From ite ell the NeWest Styles luny be luttl, tiirge*-8t;St-OW of .111.11.4L1-.
NBAY !TRIMMINGS 141by any house in the tried° west the eitiei to
chose. frq
Ladies'. and Children's Xid and Cashmere GINOires,..
Ladies' Underwear,Hosiery, 7aTiey Goods, •
.Woollen Goods ,and Corsets. k
•• • • • • • C
I As we have decided todiscOntintee keeping Ileievy Woollen ,GooeN, we ire olear: •
Jag -04 out r.gy
Ffaitilpirb; Winoeyo, Men .and Boys'. Undetollothing,
;garoloss of cost.
q.SLEY:S..1111illinery..}4011110 •
x X . X
.44 Pi-e-ccs;for $2.26, Rcg ace,. $3..
Tbese---Goode are strictly, first•elass and .are the Cheapest ever °fined in. Clantoil....
• Call and 000 .them.
OS Coop
flit:01311B 'S. <Did SI tan d.
: The subsOriber has bought out .the kook of consisting ei
• Which, being bought at low rates, he.is etiablato.offer at the very closest prices
Patronage respeettelly.soliceted....A.11 °AG's promptly filled, Booms to lot.
Getleneft August 5tb 1885 J.J.
The subscriber begs to return his sincere thanks to
all who have eo liberally patronized him during Om
past three,yeare, and to inform them that he is etill on
• , the track, •
' With.a full line of
Of the beet qualities, which ho will sail at the lowest
rerriuneratIve pricesto all irho tnay favor linn ..wIth
His stook includes PLOult. CHOP, SHORTS,
all kinds of Vegetables, litti.RitEL SA./fr,'ali of which
I will soli for cash or oars() grains, InteN, MMUS
and MOHR by tho ton ,or cwt, , and everything sold
ottani prices. All articles deliveed free of (Margo
Within tbe comeratioe. ify motto will be "Good
goods, hut W.:deltoid one ,
• llereaStreet,Olinteri.
Toronto." SAYE
31 YEAxt.
Tbo aoly pRool" SAFES
Non-POraxima.Otitir—Steei rim:iv) dorls.
All our new styles of-Pireproof Safes are fitted with en AIR CliAM13B11. to
prevent dettpnes83d papers. 'A large assortment of S.ECOND II4ND SAVES.
fo sale at lo* prices and on easy terms of payment. Catalogues oti, application.
117 ap(1.119. Front Stroot, East, Toronto.