HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-12-03, Page 24 • 4 , _ , FRIDelts 0. 3, 1880. I 'pent, tbere seemed tie° TititIl reasone to i be eorry, and they were all Jumbled to - i n A., /44,.i. i gether at that instant, inextricably. 'we' '''''' 1 ' Well •sill' timid Miss Daly, 'very 4 quietly. ' A Fas(.,iiitt B3r]'.W °nine?, OONT IN IL . • l'• ' Oh,yes, she wee, air that sir,' -, Miss hilsnd broke in. he .e,. to Miss Rte. ket'S suppressedannoyance, and then Miss Bland and Miss Dart had an ani- mated 'blundered egregiously, and now, facing mated cnversation together? interspers. mach the enemy whose machinations he had ed with hysterical laughter, and . co to Battleton especially ,to drew- ' Did be, though /` and 4 Really r 'You young girl'a appear to be very . Yentr he felt himSelf Still more at, a loss. impe_y_b_orataamaissAibutisiartta_aiss. Ile did not knew what to see7ou the Ancliet, 4 • iiiir f5ri: ITIVfirolli iiii t ; the real Miss Dely 'Weare very happy at times.". . was not at ,aIl the Miss 1Saly whom he 'lenty. oadmirers, expected to find, bat A. calm self -possess - Lots of pourse. Lots of them -such as they Are' _,, ed young lady, whose service behind, 'e said Miss Racket. refresheeent stand had not spoiled or e Ah'i they vary in* quality as well as ri"otiered ilashYeThis quietbing might gpantity„ I mipposar.s have been taken for I lady anywheie- - -. • 41 should think they, did,'re-plied Miss might have taken her place in .any so. Racket, while the oetspokeh Miss.Bland eiety; be thought, if she had the disdse. muttered .'rather,' mid. nearly' killed Miss Hen, to hold lier tongue. . For, of equrae, Dart with laughter. •• ' • she would 'eas sharp and jerkytis Miss :Racket when she began, to disconrse- ' I suppose you get used- to theinall, add. don't :pity any heed tastifeir persi- alt refreshment eland maids' Cioirversas • nage . . . . , don being essentially jerky, keeping. ' Their .pn i sy-tv has' inquired 'the with the money as it rattled in. the tilh 'he- ...7semeeseseas_saaokets . ...._....s.„...._._ ' ...1•Ies_he w..114,111it14.1PA'sgSill-; Miss D-slyN voice hadnot an atom'e worth of jerki- ' Their light corapitment, an:d their silly , and fleas in it. foOlish - love -making -their Yeer name is Daly.11 the major said, maudlin' sentimentalities, half drink und the want of a better question to half' dinned nonsense -I bes pardon,' for he said, gravely rising his hat, '1 am start •wit4° ' • ' " . addressing a lady, end did. eot mean to .' Yes, sir. What do you -.sequin) of be &O. forcible:. , .. . ale r • ; ' 'We dOnk believe everything ese -are 'I should he glad of. a little private' told,' replied Miss' Racket, 'Oh, no: • conversation, ,Miss Daly,'',hisaaid. 'At ']n your 'position, young lady,' he what- time do you. leave thisplace r. said, 4 y,ou should not believe anything Miss Daly looked .Soinewhat aston-• you are. telds-unless it'a in disparage- idled, and even doubtful of'his nicitive ment of the sandwichea, and they are for addressing her. A. scarlet flush conktindedly bad, to he sure. I never' flickered en. her eheeke, although the before came across, so Much. fat in one brown.eyes-remained. steady and inquirL sandwich. in the whole. ebifile otirty Me- 411g* • Sll' Cli.4 PA' actually deubt the istetice! ...1 ' Man yet, notwithstandIng that there 'I am very soiry.'. . had been all kinde of wild beasts Pro#1- ' Peay-dots't , mention. it • ' I d.d. - ,, , ., .‘,.,, zit in.g.arounci ber.path since her -novitiate'. 4 -...o.. Willer° for, sandwiches; bUt t� l'alk The eyes .that 'encountered- hers were ... . . . c.isiesy and naturally to asamaileo...„,0_ clear, and sharp gray •eyes,• that Were map,' said -the major. ' .. . difileult I to associate with any guile.: •• 'Oh sir, bow eau you. say• 7 01 For the 'present at least., and •d it - so, t . • . ) . espi e dear 'we V' - ' - , the singularity of his . question,: she ' I. came . to Batiletori, 'on . purpose, r ceeuld not afford her -Interlocutor the assure you.' , . , . . . . , .• benefit of the .douht, . . - • '. 'Why' never saw'you in My- lila': "Have you any particular reason for ' •No, 1 don't think yOu.did. PerhaPs asking mor she said. you'll wish you hads°'never eeen me? or . ',I have,' . . be verglad one day that we have Met . ' Tiat. it in t'll'. y ' • in this way. There's no tellin0. e . Life's' .- ," I svialisto speak to you, on business . a gimes en .-io`u la. I'll take one more -cup otiteportance. • • I ..... • of tea.'.'.1'do not believe inhasiness of iins - ''Yes, air." 1 , ' ' • portanbe ,-betWeen you s'. and.. thes • said The tea was drawn, .eed 'the major Mise' Daly .scildly,.,' ptiless,' she added continued his. fixed etare. : „, , . , - : .quickly--'-'...unless•yott heve heard from .4 Your Paine is. Daly, I" presume,'• be my uncies-s-have been -Serif 'to tell me all said at lest. • • .• - , • . thenewe: ' ; - 4 Oh- no, ..i.t. aiii:W said nisa Racket, •.' '1 have not the, benei; or knowfilg .. . ,very qaickly. ... ,' . . . .'• .'• eny measber ''Of your .farnily,Miss ',Daly'''. ' .` Not Misa-,Daly, indeed r. .atiii the: Said the einajer,•.," and the :business' of - .majer's face, shadowed as ....With. keen imi,ertencesto: Which 1. alluded affects -sense of disaepointreent. . • • . „ :my' fainily rather than your own.' • . • • Miss Racket soddenly. became. pert : 'I can have nothing SO do With it.' . 0 and ii setrcal. . .. .. " Unfostimately you have .. '1• airi'-net the'. -,. beauty, 'oh no l ''• . ' ' If you: will kindly' expleiii." ... wonder where Your eyes were'af • you, .• , ',islet here, saulthe old:soldier, very came all this we.y to: look at her.. ' Oh aterery, "-Certainly net at this.. counter,: ; no I ter bless yeu; :we're none ,ef us lialf and with these ladies listening to Os..!"., 1 as goed400kirig. as M128 Dal) % . Three "Teti hay -p my, fulls permtssion. to , pence, please, for that tea, and .thank spealtoot,'air'. ,. you'? ; ., ' • • • • ., • - • ' • ' Where do you -live' whenaWity from Miss itacket ' weeld.hays retirediia- this---splace r. . • ;.- . '•,• ' : .. • , mediately had ho • not ''' said. 'quickly, • '1 do nob feel celled upon to tell you,' 'Wait one 'moment, , p1ease;•in1so, anal, was the grave. reply; .. 7., : ....; - • ; ,-- ,, oritative' a. •teriothat, he reminded hot' ?,,s',..e.And you 'will not telt Ma. PessilsieT• : instinctively ef Mr: , jairelina On his ill,s - '' Igo ,eir,' I will nIte'., . . • , .. --- :. 1 speetion tous, and :witen•the receipt -did ,.• r.T.ntetitid'it !' 1111 blurted. ferths''what not quite correspond with the -censiitep- are you afraid ofr '. , :. . ' • ' tion of materiel. .:•.. -. • •• '; .:- ' '. :::: ' • ' '1 ,ani not 'afraid of yon,' --said Miss - Major 'Orewsbitzw :looked round. 'the Daly, . eery calmly. ,:, I.liardly: doubt .• • place very "earecelly ,now, andfor - the your lett 1 am, pot disposedto .pnt.. My first time observed, a quiet,, thotiSYhtfn I toast in. you.'' •• .- • ' '• ; . • .. - -girlsatandimssa,t•the baelissit thescOuriter s- 'It must'stirely :strike you that there reading a letter.. ' .. s• • • s ; . are topics of ,conversation -which might '1 -is thet Miss Daly '1' heleqUired, -bii. diseusaed in a more fitting place than, 'Yea; that's her," answered Miss Rae- this 1' he said. . • '. ' ' . - .., • S .ket. . . 'Shalt 1 .tell- her You want to -".I ear not afraid of any topic,", wee speak to her. • • • .. - . ' - '-' , 'the •reply, ',arid you, as'a. stranger, have ..' Vot this mOinent, if you pleaao," he no, right to make a reySteryof it.' ' replied.' ''I- am very sorry you ere not.. • 'ton 'distrust -seer ' - ...... , Miss Daly ; : itsSexceeditig aggea4atins 'I distrust 'anyone who is not 'straisilet-: e. to lose iny time like 'this, ,Besides -'it forward,' replied MisS Daly: • - ' wouldnt have mattered eis much..if yea, • eVerY, well; very well," he . said,. turn. had - been--stlash UT and the major itig Very.red; •f this is , the ,first time :in stamped with WS toot and looked vexed. all 'iny lifesI liaise been told .J was net Miss'Racket by this time; had recoV.- straightforward. I --:-.I 'can't. mentionered herself,. and lost the -little ambit- the native °tiny • biisinesi :Without ren- ity which She had ever 'known to. poss. tiering you an: object of 'ridicule ,to the seas. She did notsleve 41iiie .Daly as a Seat of the -yotiries-Wornen••present, They sister; on the contrary, as alte had told are listening new for that matter, Look. Miss Bland more then once in confid- at them,' - . .-'• ,- . • ' • end°, that Shehated her. like poison ;,and -Miss Daly , laughed -pleasantly and to be gravely informed by se gentleman .naotneratarily at this; • , that Ire had lost time in tontine. to. her,: • ' Ali, syes, they listen. a little sand,' 0 under the misapprehension thatbslie -was with a. 'sigri, 'they 'don't like me much. ..... cifOTER ILL THE utoi WAS HOT. Major Orawsbaw Was not in "good form' that particalar evening.. lie.bael been wanting in perspicuity ; he had I Maineil witlihis Mouth, opened and his of- his visit amxt within a quarter ' et an ' which had sechlenly confronted hint. 1 tr.slt sedsfrank and solier.iks•.et Any Is dry anti two- hard, L.-ixtil on is sow,' -'- 'Yes, it 'le .1," said his unclfss ° rI."'" • Yoaog Todd ,BIMW in a galvanic- kind . after which- it moves easily. W.literthas-, I ' Do tbel blew You' are oomiegi IT of.faabion, and shifted his atick from his, so' lets, or binges, ot the body OM stiffened at the, berme r said Mr. Tothi. . - rieht bane to Isla left. • and infiaMed by Rheumatism, they can., not be moved witbout causing the most ' ‘I‘thOuglit I would give them "an agreeable surprise," was the uncle's eves sive answer," 'it's a year and a half since, I vsas at Battleton last,' s ' So long as that 1" isaid the. uneompli- Meutary nephew. 4 1 shouldn't have thought it. Wili you -will you take anytning 7' he stammered forth. ' Maj. Orawehaw &need from hie nep. hew to Miss Daly. The nephew was stating hard at the lady; the lady was Woking down, demurely at the marble counter. Too innocent thought the major; a dduced' sigh t ton innocent- to Ise natural, Isi.ke."4iss Bland, he put the lady clown. 'sly"- very sly, and a woman a whom to be wail' from that tirad foP-; If aba had blushed and giggled '.'and leen:ids-ea litise- Racket' wotild have don,d,!he would not have been afraid of Mils Daly r.but the semblance Qr atter unconsciousness was an. artful: proce'eding that proved at owe the difficult eature.. 9f •" the teals which he had set himself. 11e 'must be .. . very wary in his beeiness. tie replilid7tahrlifeilheW'S-Ofrer, 4INTOT thank you, not more till. we get home ;) and he linked' his arta in that of.,Edwin"8. forthwith. : . • , • '1 didn't think of going to the holm just at present,' stanunered, young Todd, ''I have just left it:' .. 'It's. so . long since I have been this way; that! am- very likely' to seise it without -year guidance,' said the -major.. • "Yes-brits-' - , . 'Ancrsurely 'thereis nothing here that is-- worth wasting time over, ho added, sareastieallys ' the refreshments are bad; end the _waiters' we can' leave; to the pas- sengers, pesters.. and thoptnen.' • • ‘. A1.11-yee,;--extietlk. ' Shen I enll this 'fly / then you 'can take your luggageas ev_ell, and 1. Ca11-"7 - . • 4 No,• we Will walk, Edwiln. - The lug- gage is booked' to, follow me. What it time it is sine we have had a long that .„ . . together I' . . . . But young Todd -Was'not te he led • array, whdlly Without an effort, he had had time to' refleeton the positiOn. ' ' One nioraent,' uncle,' he seids disens gagiaigliis.arni;.' I always have 0.: cigar. after diaper, ' ril not keep you a mo - Ment.". '• • , . ' 'Re etocid at a little distanCe from. the 'Oceinter, and watched his pephew ap- proach 'Mils • DttlY"' arid give the order reiiiiii-474TrTiailfth.e truth- will .very • patent te.hint that there was an undois stendirig of' some kind betireen ,Todd and Miss Daly, and that they Werenei- ther.inclined to trust.him in this. matter. Already: they tiCith snipected Jilin, and guessed the.;object Of Ilia Visit S it • wOuld be neCessaey to strike while thejr.en was hot. Fie •waS- a man: of eetion,:•-quick- • Lodi/roe-11A ; Ow be ;thought .4 thing,. Or said a thing, Ire, careied it out•at erica There had been no silly -sallying atany- period ,of his existence. ' That able apd:.: indefitigeble. officer, he had been. once styled inti.• despatch to headqriarters,arid- ,it ha,d. brenghts un promo ion ant made him' a .prond semi, -7. Abics itild .iedetatig. 'able 10.- was,who knew thatbetter then - he -and he was net going to •be baffled at the. Mitset by aspig-headed lie.y ltno a chit Of a girl: ; Not he; 'lle.'was .t66 Oki a soldier und-too tise to campaigning. .,:, Yoting Todd *is mettering sesdething- to -Mies Daly---nialring 'fresh. arrange- inents,. possibly -when. the major said .sharply: • - . • . • . . . . 'Como, Edwin; we can't hen; around •here all nig;ht.' , . • • •,' '- • , ••• - "..- 7 ..... 'Ali right,' aaid -. Edwin, ' 6idently in,, fear Ofliis nfiele a*,-'-' preSerit,, ,.•.• f. I . am' .seady.-."7.1 .• . ' .. '. s_:.• '._ ,--. , . '-• ' • A. feW mere ivords from hirn to' Miss Talysthe same.' inneeent expression on 'Miss ,Daty's face, and then. the-inajer , and his •nelibesi were/ea.*, high.road, tegether. ' S. • i: :-. • 'The inajor..beean at oxieess.the iron wal-quito hob ern:nigh; he thought.. , .. ' • ." I .queetion the policy of, these re- freshment stands at • railtrak statitins," he said, ' arida lot of bold-faced Women behind thein ready to flirt with any cd •that turne up.' - - , • . • ,'. , , 'People,must have refreshineets, 1 siippose, young Todd 'remarked. '1 wOuld limit the 'refreshments eon - :mined to bona fide travelleKs, 1 would not allow half the Own' sneaking. in and out at • all 'hours , Mee . these girls, if I bad •niy.a.ulliority , Imre. BY Jove! I'd .alter the whole hudinees," said the major. . - 'I 'don't think' half the town. goes there. , I data know,' said Edwicl Todd Mies-I:lily whom he had 'come espeei- I am. not one ef than quite,' • . , _ . mildly, ' 1Ie was it mild :young man Of ' ally to -see, Would hive tried the temper '1 hope you ;will neVer'be such it feel outward aspect, ancl-very difficult to at. of a greater Saint thin.slie. was likely to is to try and imitate theit.waYs.' • gue with, . Relied an unpleasant habit turn mit. , - ' .. s • 4.0h, they ere not as they seen,' said of u,Sii•oehig 400 ao3f point tor tho. sake 4 MISS Daly,' she said, with almost a: Mist; Daly.: ' Their aro very good and of Peso° enagnietItes3; Eta -1416 -151 -at -133 screech otenvy, 'here's another gentle- kind sotne.times ; ihey are honest, and oWn Opinion to himself,. and this was -al - man wants to talk to you for a little hard working Oa they take care os ready the difficulty with youtig Todd , - 0 E WI' 1 S T ; while.' ._, ' ' • • themselves bravely, considering - what 'You go there; said the inejois siid- sereseiiiiessatexattnassisumwsa • ciDeas BLOCK . • Miss Daly Ictolsoct teem 'her letter, and defenseless women most of them aro.' (16111Y 'for °I'le:' . ' .. • ' . • . then went Oh CEtittlly Witli its peTtlattl. 4 I3ravo ! Miss' Daly,' amid the major, :LICH'IMIRd Packet, 'ask Mtn.' ' ' inf,t. tni foe your clase.' , • , - CX..INTo.N: Ciattontl iteotatarte . 'Oh, it true -it is, indeed, said Mies 'Let me shake hands with you for stick- ' looking up' Ono time, .... was indignant now,• and disposed toVirn. Borst, .and Cattle,.iriod • 4 A an Intsy,''said ,Miss Daly, without She did not aceept the invitation the • . ---,-,1•Miss-Daly-if-yea-Will-exeuse-my- -from him, . . , . ebruptness--I 611billd be glad ofyour at.. 4 By Jove 1 yoa're it brave. little wo- . • tention for a, few mot -omits, said the ma. • Mao, b0 COntillUeal Alla It was beastly . . ---'. t , ..... er. . • • • . unfelt ohne t6 sneer in. that fashion. at This food is one -of the best in the world, There .Wire a genital° ring in, the voice 'yeu. 1%Tet that I meant to sneer exaet-• it will clean .ell lands of worms from, cots that, was not A little startlin„e • to, t110 ly-1 intended to advise you as your and horses, and put May./ Spirit in old and Datbletoit Amelion girls, and it impees. sem sailer : esiglit doandg rErt ° svorii. down hoots sdlso - - sod 'Mies DAV, who pet her letter in her id. etiongli to be your father, my child, • pocket mid adpap,001 et once. When remember that , ails Mlle., you liere, (4-1`01110 '7Lingeed Neal. Oil 81,6, was facing hins and. regarding him sir 1 - What the devil brings you down hinted Lam, ae was far from straighter. ,, ff ,. t '' Cake itn.d. Flax Seed. . • with two thoeglitful brown eyes, he was uro r , . . , ward ; iltorti was no bemire! 'Omit the - • exr.:L AND,SEE THEM moro Sovr„y than ever that SIM was Miss • ' fateoil sail, Isonolc, is that yoq r ...elm but, in this instifindet" 'no had told his 'Daly ; to hardly knew why at this ino- young Todd came to it fall stop, and re- nephew very plainly what was the object 4 aalts SVIIIP,, .. Ss- 9 Creakini small eye a distended, as at an apparition "hour after his meeting, tool, That was Hinge t, sThisrsllss no mischief done, upele, end therd'il no mischief to prevent,' he said at laat. , That's well. I'm glad of it.' The women folks are foolish and per - yens about it, end- ' About what asked the major, inter - excruciating pains. Ayer's 3ars-104Ra, by its action on the blood, relieves this condition, and restores the leints to good working order. Ayer's Sai;cil la ia has 'effected, In our city, many mo remarkable cures, a atm- rupting bito. ! tier ot which, baffled tbe etfOrts of tbe 'About my going to the Altatigkitna 119,V 1 most experienced -physicians. Were it a, little chat now and then -as yowl*. ! linecdrvidarluaisiwch°oulhdagrievbeetehne:uaimede5bIttmakaillnYte this medicine. In my Owu case.it has cer- tainly worked weeders, relieving me of . Rheumatism. • fellows will do, you know -with a pretty woman. I dare say yeti have dotie yourself in your day, uncle.' ADVICE TO Moeszas..--stiat you disturbed at night, and broken of your' rest by a sick child suffering and crying With pain et Cutting Teeth? If do send at once and get it bottle of WS. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Child- ren, Teething, Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it.- It cures Dysentery and Diarrhcea, regulates the Stemachnud Bowele, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Initonmation, and .gives tone and energy tO the wholystent. "ars, Winslow!fi Spothing Syrup," for ohild- ren teethipg is pleasAnt to the taste and is the presdriptionof one of the oldest and IAA feixiale physicians and nurses in the United States, and is tor sale by all dreggisni tlirougheUt tie Wprld. Price twerity-five cent&s, bottle; 33e Sure and ask for " Mos. ,WIRSLow'S SOOTAIIIi0 STRUP,n • IsWAIE. TOLE •01,41343 ' Trains leave inpn tre•follOsTie;,-- . ' alt.A.ND' TrigNIt rrAtrAff,O.T. • ' GOO14 East.".5; ' Going West. . 7.25 a.m. express 10.0 g.m. mixei • 1.95 p.m. muted . 2.20p.m. express . , 4.15p.m. 'mixed. . 9.15 p.m. express . *BEAT WiSTERN RAIDra.T. G.:Aug Nof tit. Going South. I .9.55 a.m. express • 8.03 a,m. express ' 6.30 p.m. express 4.13 p,m. express - 1.111.1..laING • & SCOTT 'Barr ) isters ' . Solicitors .. .• .. 00EVEYA1OERS e.' Comnussioners for Ontario and Manitoba'. • oFv.ion ',TEXT DOOR NE ERA., CLINTON' MONEY gil-i°9; MORTer4atlfi BOUSIHT. • over JavelAtTsoEn's tisrozt, erTSt?etertr. tli" •IVIARRI.AGE LICENSES.7-A1PLY TO " d 4 IDAOTSigned at the Library Rooms, Smith s roe advertisers ere ve higb indorse . our .ste persons Block. "30 JA11S, SCOTT. nig• xestod Q1140111 Wine partieulare, e.glr=da snuts on good mortgage security, moderate ate of interest. H. Clinton. * rl DOWSiJEY, D., A1.11,0. S. ENGLAND .1-1 Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office and reeidence next Adolson's Bank, market square, Clinton. • APPLETON.-OFFICE-AT ensIDENcE on Ontario street, Clinton,opposite the English nurun. unrrance by side gate: • after being troubled wit ;or years. In this, and all' other dist... arisitpr, front' impure blood, there is no „reniedI with which I am acquainted, that infer( s such - relief as Sarsaparilla. IL Lawrence, 1114)4-13altimere, ' Ayer's 8iirsararina cured. Me of. Gout and Rhannat seViwhen nothing else would, le eraaiceted every trace or • 'disease from my. system.- R. IL Short, Ai:inapt noel Belt, Lowell, Mass. . - s *wp,,, manyeeonths; it sufferer Trent ; t. The disease afflicted i evoli sly, in stte of all the remedies 1 cuttictilutti until ;commenced ' usiug Ayer's 8084011hr. ,;.!'!, Idol( several bottles of preparation, and was speed- ily restored to healtli.41`..rreiuni lade- .uendenge,Na. . • "-r S.A.r4 aP4r i I I a-1 11ENAIILLER NURSERY. FRUIT sans ORWAMENTAI., TES, NOR MAX , a.QQT0/1 • Afra4AVEIAZt PnWil „ TEE LATTER el WIAIOW NOMA. SPIEIAIT LARGE. ST4,07-K ON NANO Tko alooye ersiesseassi Ova* okralikorl will b Or very low plows, aid doe.* Iraidilit 41231 ta celianalea nig erre soupy putebadeE . Orolers fy ssitf 66 prates** Nomad 4 Iri.r CD UAW= litAQ A Weds prepoty haired at litUeet tariff ratett rind -elan tannotaidee, ryixoltrrs WA N. w, T. 00. LIN% BOOStT� WINNIPE0 AND ALL IsAKE POINTS, AO byall lams over the OMANI) TRUNK ant OA DA PACIFIb to my point o*tat line, Et Brandon, Dakota, Eamon, or any point r by rail, legal or foreign. Coyne sad megrim 'Infer° roe Way tickets aspiliery. JAS. TiioniPsoN, Clinton. 7'reettect•ttinis Ayer ic.Co,,Lowell,Matte. Bolo ty niceties. kix bottles $6 • • t • ROBERT DOWNS, • • 01,1$TON, , • • - Manufacturer and Proprletoefor the beet SAW Mill Dog in use. Agent for tho sato and application of the ire Mann PATprr Arr0112,110 DoiLutt. Cyslauga, STE.A.11 FITTINGs furnished and applied rot short settee. . Boilers. llIngines, and all Ulnas of lila ehinery repaired expeditiously and in ,16 igrofiStkefOry rtraniter, . Palm implementemanufactureel and repaired, Stearn and Water Pipet. furnished and put in pobltion. pry Kilns fitted tip on application. .Charges moderate. • • 111AS, IDIDEVELLIED` PLIfil 01, "TDB. BOLAN BODY ESLABODD. DRYSII.OPED, - DTISDNDT11 Bra., is en interessiaulteLslime4tif: there Os ito evidence or humbugrabloutd, Ogu4rlin.' 'Oen 70ble‘o7nrrahrv. lonantonsimpol MONEY TO LEND IN LARGE, OA 6MAL-Ti Sion o Co" Duftplo, N. Y.-L.Toledo Droning see. TI 1"3.d'i CO) _ iraFtiCATO mgVo•InLE,itEn (1.17S r ne Architect 'and DrILIglitS11111,11, VORRRT BY.LOCK: CI i ntOli ; • nit. B BE tr,E.7OFFICE RATTENBURY Murray r,tock; two doors east of, Hodgens, en- trance.-Rosidence,' opposite. the. Temperance Hall, Tinian .street, Clinton. Ofdee hours; 8 a.m: to 6 pan. , . IAMBS' IlOWSON, fACEicSED AUCTIONEER SJ for the County of Huron, Sales attended Anywhere in the 'comics -01A resemble exAct3.• 'Ogden ce,riklbere Street Clinton. , • • Isses STA:V(13'012T , it ADCATF. OF TUE MED, '..L.,o,tx,Departraer -at VietorialJ nirersify,Toronte,for merly of Pao Hest.; tale and. Disponaaries,4iew york Cozonerf or theCcuuty of Ilitron,Bayliold Nr Rs - WHITT, TiAcReft Or' MUR SIC. ESI - mina at Airs. 11, It. Read's', corner of Huron and Orange streets: Agent for the Ontario Rusk) Teachers Association, Soc., II, 0, Collins, 21 Carleton St., To. roan; Pres., Dr. C. A. Sippi. London, Ont. : IIIRANIt E. POWELL,. BARRISTER., soLiciTOR, Notary rublie, etc. Ofli.te, 84n10113 BLOCK, Al., ,IIERT STREW,au:TON. Torontcf agents,. Messrs. Iuii Carthy, Osier, Hoskin Creehmtn. Private funds to oan at lowest rates of interest. D *:;.WILLIake,.13. , 1st It, G-RADIFITEDp .11.t TTortintpArlyiversityttnemberof theColiege of Plag sielans and Shrgeons; Ont. Crams .2 liEsiDENCS the houseterreeriseacusiea by Dr. Ileovo;Albert o trod nil. WORTHINGTON, ensesosiss, sunezox 1-1.a.coonehenr ,Licontiateof tlie Coll egegiPlaysiCian, and Surgeons.° f Lower Canada, and Prov inei a Li cen- tha.te -and Coron calor th eCOMI ty o Moran Officeand residente,-The building f orraeris occupied by Mr. Thwaites, IinrOn strect. Clinton, San .10 , 1871. riLINToN afECLIANICs' INTITUTE, LIAR- Afr and BeadingRoornsi-PorrIn bloek,,,flown stitirS. About 1,700 volumes in the Library and all the Leading Newspapers iii1dReriedieals of fhle day on the table.- Membership ticket per, annupm. 'Open trona 2 tO p.iti., anti from 7 to in. Applications for memnershsp reciVed by the Lihrarian in m the retina. UNION 'SHAVING'PARLOR LLAN T 0 niantlIrry,ao LINE Parties going to the .Old country. this •stiminer:'should take this popular. line. The boats are the most' com- .pleto,an the Atlantic, and acconunodatiou unsurpassed . , SHAVING, ILIiit. CUTTING, Apr. . rOctiNG .eone very neat and to.shit every person; J'offiel IPARealltAitsseN, ' Smith's ploCts: • 17M..F.LicE. 611111GEOPI Pkinizslr. Hold tbo exclusive. right for tbe county, for the Mint proCosit of administering chemically .pure „Nitrogen Monoxide, which Is the safest and best System yet die'. covered for tho painless extraction of teeth. . Charges moderate, satisfaction uaranteed. Orrice,. EL. MOTT'S nowt, over Rance's Tailor ithop, Huron Street, Clinton. . • CAUIN FA RES ITEILY LOW &ILE Akr EXOUltiSION BATES. STECOA011 l'ASSA OE AT ' • 31107TOU FIGURE ' Call and got an, particulars of . A. 0. PATTI SON, 'di:ANTON • . AGENT G. T. It. , ^ • alits'EXCE1,10R0 61\ ThosStevenso T.11 E Leading Undertaker •di,1r4rrow. Anticeptio Embalming Fluid kept on hand. • s. • My Yemeni Direetqr, J. 0.Steven. sop, has attended the School of Rai- bahning, in Toronto, to InalP lannielf profiCient in 'the, art of embal ming. • 'REMEMBER, THE PLACFI, OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL. IRO'S STEVENSon • . 4i.fter the Severeet test at the late' fair' iff 'G lin toni it • •.was eniversally admitted that • POR 'PERFECT .AND EASY' ACTION, *BEAM oP AND SWEETNESS .0P irptiE; .the EXOEL5I0B, 'wee away ahead7of alt oth.- ars, and: destind to. be the'pteptilar instru- inent ef, the, de"- with the' feat that a apeciril prize' weassiarded it, Wertai ly speaks yelutnek for the inetrUtnents, and parties Piirchaeing should see the EXCEL- sitin before keying elsewhere. . • .GEO. 1i9-O.AKES, ,PitoeitInTolt. - .Factory three doors wetof Mtilloy's Pump •ShdP, Rattenbury St., (Metall. . thicKiliop Mutual Fire insurance Co. NWil4i,-,-Th6 undersigned are apPOinted to aotas agents in the township of Goderieh, ler the Company. A.ny portion wishing to In- sure i tithie old and rellabie remote Company, will apply to etther Taos. NEELANS, look. oh SIMITEh CARNOCHAN; &Werth, Prompt attention will be given. but I'm not half the town ex- actly, 'And you're always there, tclwin ; yon know you ave.'. . Who tow. you Mother 9 asked the nephew, '‘not my sisters 1' • rJ den't.mince matters. Yonv mother wrote to says ahe was unhappy- aboiit you -and you had formedan attachment to one of these young worriers and. that I lied better nits dovvn and seo what mischief was done, and what mitchlof boula be prevented, end hotel tun,' It Was im wonder that Otawshavde feelings were teat when• Miei Daly had $50,000 To LOAN at 6 per .Coilt, Why pay others 7, 8, 9 and 10 per „centt, when you chn get moneyfroin us at 6 perle. First-class loins 5b per cent. Itargo, loans . 5 per tint. TERMS made to suit borrower; regarding , • paymeet and. period. Of loan. Apply to , FARRAN &TISDAI.L. THE MOLSONs 'BANK, • Incorporated by Act of Part anent 180. • CAPITA.L., $2,000,600. READ ,OFEICE, MONTREAL. THOMAS WORKMAM,.........Prosident J. H. R. MOLSON .. ..... -.Wee-Pros. P. WOLFERSTAN' THOMAS, ‘Geeeral Maoager, . • ,, _ , Notes'. diseptin- tell: Colleeti ns made Draf 1 iSsnecl, SAerling anti .A7 erican ex; 4nnge • bought and Sold t lomat ,. enteent rates. . rafersht at 4 per neat allowed on deposits. , FAIRAVIERS. Money advanced to farmers on their owe mites with .ne or more endorsers. No mortgage required as , ' 0. . 11litakWER lien:veer January 188 .'- • • ' . - (latent,. .. • J. ...13'1DD.IAIQOIVIB't, • • ."..{:11" JEWELLER, oe„ e;01,4onora 'TIME MA Where be keeps a select assortment of " WATCHES, 'CLOCKS, JEWALERr, SILVER,. - WARA wowiU aeIL atievionableratea. gopolTitig of ovary ..deseriptiott promptly tended to, and all work warranted, • J.SIDDLEC101113. Mint on, Nov, WA. HA -A $0:/,iftett -THE LPADI rum 11111101 AN D EMBALMER, '.�f Clintou. The BEST of EGYPTIAN FLUIDS teed in EMBALMING' A large assortment of evelything in the Undertaking line, Rea' • Rooker Stor01, •:-Cliaton; . RESIDE/70E,, 014,ANG.' ST., Nunn. MET1IODIST 011UR011 ' CLINTON. . 0 1.1tDirr PLANING MILL • . »Rit14T, I reatol atinaoltinAft RAVING JUNI' cORPTATED .L and fitinisbod his new Platting Atli n ith nmehin. My of the latest Unproved patterust is now prepared to attend to all orders his lino In the most prompt and aatisfactory manner, and at reasonable rates. Ile would Mao return thanks to all who patronised the oldfirm before they were burned flirt :tad now being in a better 1)0111105 to if 04110 oAlers expeditiously, fools eonfidenthe ettu give, sttriofortion to oll. PAC TORY -s ear (Jo Gretna Tenni,: Przie iocry, Clinton. 'ClioblAsUcKM'AM $ALVIR 20 :PIE it CENT 1§36.,*7-SEMI-CENTENN/A11-.886. ' xBAR 012 T1101 • GORE DISTRICT FIRE INS. CO conducted both on Cash and Mutual Plass. 11002. ZAfi. YOVNG, tf- ta'restiidennt . Ansa waisrosc, /sea - - - Vnu-Proldet R. B. Srioits., ltnaging DirectorLoiE Emote upon ita FIFT/ETE YRAR much stronger Ana more pros/Art:me than at any previous period, having $21.8,894 oi A.eaets and pratically NO LIABILITY exeopt a Re ineuran ea Reser veof $30,000, There are $20; . 000 deposited with the Ontario 01,:ivernig,etit • and, 'ever 895,000 hold in Mortgages,Ditberi tures, and caabin,ceintt i moti6at.tely available to Mutual Polleystiolders in the "Gore' save 20 per centwith undoebted security. iser nin parasitises assay to Remo Oteforiteur Or WARIER' itiporr, Agent, Clinton ROLLER. FLOUR AT 0.10 PER Or. • BEAN by TON or (WT, AT 'Wens 'PER MT., e • Delivered any wherein town free of eharge filltS. JOHN ItAYSON.