The Clinton New Era, 1886-12-03, Page 1,e
• 'VOL 21,illtet. 40
*quid-001"er Intern hesevanue
CLINTON, ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 3, 1886. -
ROPERT if,0114/404
___TO auz-VACT .THAT •
tiaOkori Bros.
Are naaking.a special Display of fine
Nor - the epproacbing holiday eciason,
and if you consider -Well before yon fill
your list, you will 'come and pee us.
Think of our stock of
Bnizess,—Mr, Robt, Ball, who learned
the trade of milling with. Mr. Fair, o
Clinton, returned home last week. he in
tends to take oharge Odle grist mill here
Mie• John McNevice, who bad tbe mill
• leased has given them up as he was un
able to make them pay on account of dr
revolution Made in milling by the intro
ductlon of -roller-process; it seems as i
the days of stone flour were over. It is
stated that the executors of the estate o
the late Robert Bell, have sold tbe entire
property to Mr. Andrew Bell for$14;000 ;
the property consists of 200 acres of land
and a grist and saw mills; the land is of
good quality, but tho mills are old.
EratonoN.—The Local Election is the
general topic •of conversatien, Arid both
Grits and 'Pories are buckling on their
armor for the fray. The Tories expect to
gain by tbe Anti -Popery ery, raised by the
Mail and the Presbyterian Review, but
the Reformersare too intelligent to be
gulled by any such " Clap Trap" and
moreover they believe that the Roman
Catholics of Ontario are getting nothing
more tb&n. justice, but the Tory bigots
don't want to give them justice as they
think they have divine right to keep the
'1 Cropies ' down. ,
good man. Mr. Granger raised a new
barn on Monday, in place of the one lately
destroyed by fire. Our harbor ie still
open ; the !dorm did a good deal Of dam-
; age to the new fence erected there.
e sleighing. Our
- farmers are busy drawiog weed, etc -
1' The balance of the cheese was shipped on
1Vednesday ; Mr. Murrey thinks be will
f o to; don't Joliii. stay a little imager.
Politics the order Of the day; everybody
--`eiteited in regard to Municipal, Local and
Dominion elections Our readers vi1I be
sorry to bear that Miss Annie McIntosh
is confined to her bed, with rheumatism;
awteaihn.ope sbe will soon be able to be around
Goomal teu w
Acme:ea.—While George, a little SOW
of Mr. Robt. Bean, of the Huron road,waii
assisting bis father in driving a colt into
the stable, he receiyed a very. severe kick
in the face, and cut his cheek so badly
that medical assistance had to be procured.
-,1.• doctor was 'called and inserted three
stitches in the wound,,..and under his care
he is doing as well as can be expeeted.
Barge's.— Wm. .Ross,of Amberly, has
bought out Mr. Larsoom'e blacksmith
shop on the Bayfield line. Mrs, Jewett,
'of the Bayfield line; has been very ill •for
some time past, but h'er 'many friends will.
be glad to hear that she is on the mend.—
Mr. Thos Welsh, sr,,rof the Oth con., who
has been for the past three weeks visiting
friends at Stratford Mid Brantford, has
e•treturood well pleased with the
• '
An entertainment be given in S. S.
EN -
----.- WOOL OUFFS.
Celluloid. Goods,-
, ;Tewelery,
jf you want a PERSIAN LAMB or
S. S. SEAt CAP, come to us. We
havo a beautiful seloction and at tbe
very lowest prices. 'We are offering
barguins n „ •
And our assortment should be seen. one
$86 Mantles, Sado lioed, is a groat bar-
ggin• Teadlee, and. ftbijdren's ..Spes in
all classes of Purs, . Come and see us.
iricattie-s4, Clinton.
Ne..11, on the 23st jest. ;.Mr. Ts jack;
on, jr, of Clinton, win provide the mini -
dal part o f•the programme. '
SennATn -Soliooe,s..— The Sabbath
Schlsols of St. Stephen's and Zion •have
closed' for the winter. seasob. The atten-
dance in both for the year has been better
than any preceding. year. A splendid en-
tertainment was arranged by the teadiere
and friends of St. Steal -Len% which was
held on Friday in. the church. It• consist-
ed of singing by the choir- and the child
ren, reading and reeitatiens and 'an ex-
bellent address by. Rev. Mr. Johnstobeof
Goderich.. 'At the close the children were
presented with prizes. The Sabbath'
School at Zion intends hiving ft' Christ-
mas tree, - s • • ' • •
• •su"-1-7---7----- •
nitrisLEmer. .•
Acoi uNT. —A 'few days siiseee a son of
W. Steven's, met with a paieful accis
dent through the thoughtlessness ofa
schoolnsato. Some of the. children were
out in ther school yard, when ego of Own
threwnt stone at another. Instead of hit-
ting the one intended for, it stritck young
Stevens on the forehead, cutting open
his skull end. inflicting a' Wound that it
will take some time toineal
RETtnthin.--Mr. 'T. ttiVnstacott and
-sister (children of Mr. • Geo: Westacott,
Htillette) have remajji di rid niers— Mr. W est a-
cett was enfortunate (luring the pest year,
losing his entire crop of ,1,10 Acres by a
hail stottnotwithstanding this he
likes the country welland thinks he could
not content himself here. ',Speaking of
the fact that a number of Canadians were
eecently elected to TaTiOn8 positions at the
.late State election*, he said, "it Was no'
wonder,.fornineetenths of the population,'
nearly, were Cenadiabs." •Up to the
time he bad -left -7a few daYs ago—thee
had experienced very little cold weather,
but several bliiiards had taken place
. .
C11unCil. —Last Sunda.y morning Rev.
Geo: Jamieson preached in the Presbyte
rian church, choosing for his text "Come
untie me all ye that'laber and are heavy
laden, and I will give you rest;". he.ex-
plaibed very clearly what was meant by
coming to Christ, and also the reward for doing. ' :Rev. Mr. Gee preached in the
evening; his church was packed full, he
is a good preacher. We i•egret to hear
that Mrs. Gee is very ill, and no one toilic
her place at the organ Sunday evening, so •
.Mr, Gee Ied the singing himself, melte
can do it well.
Mmes.—We are sorry to learn that
Miss King still eontinues in, poor health,
with little chance of recovery. Good'
sleighing ,here itt it only will
last. The reeve has gone to the. eouifty-
conneil this tveek ; nee hear they meet in
Brussels; this ie surely wrong, as God 'rich
is the county town yet, and the place
where the council should meet; it is more
expense to the county, there is no doubt
of that, and all reeves or their deputies,
Who voted for Brussels, should be left at
borne next .year. Our fishermen are all
home now, some of them have laid .up
their boats at Kincardine, as the weather
was toe stormy to get down; this is not
so sitisfactory for their owners, but what
can't be •cured must be endured, Our
Sunday sehoote are beginning to prepare
for the Christmas free entertainments.
M. Thirsk, of Stanley, accompaeied
Dr.' Stanbury, of this place, visited To.
ronto last week, in order to have an ope.
ration performed on the former, (on his
nnse)"frorn which he has been aufTeritig
tor some time. John McLeod -sold two
good cows. to Charles Walla ee dile week,
Charley is pushiog ahead, and somebody's
daughter will be missing soon, °judging
by the preparation making John Mor-,
gan is tal k eaof rie it probable candidate
for councillor for next yerte; now diet he
has disposed of his hotel he would be a
Bazars.—Tho good teniPlars held their
district meeting in this village on the 1st
Dec. The Rev. A. E. Smith, of Varna,
is to deliver a lecture on Prohibition on
the evening of the 7tlx; Dec. Hon. A.. IT
Ross will deliver a lecture here on the
evening of the 3rd inst, Mr, Westreof
Anse Craig, is assisting Mr. Tumor with
his revival services, whicti are being held
in Westfield. ltir, Henry. Maley is visiting
friends in the vicinity of Ottawa this
week., A gentleman from Galt is trying
to start a creamery her; we 'wish him
every success in his enterprise.
• TIJO1(E1ts111.11.TIL,
dOUNCIL.—The council met on the 22m1
of Nov, All the mernbers present. Min-
utes read ands.approved. . The chairmen
presented tho report "of the Board of
Health and thenonneil expressed its plea -
sere at receiving go satisfactory a reportof
the sanitary condition of the people °Mlle
onship, and the, ,Treasurer was in.'
struoted to pay the mernhers of the Board
$3.each for their services. -;Carried. Moved
by Mr; S. Smillie, enc. by Mr. G. Broad -
foot that the folio wiog 'accounts be paid :
A. Mustard, lumber, $6.1 ; John Alex.:
ander, gravel, $48 88; P•.:Cooper, gravel,
$2,72; A. Patrick, gravel, $; Win. Smith,
culvert; 5'.50; John Rinn, culvert, $5; P.
Moors,' culvert, $44 • John Sprout,' tiles,
00ete.; D. Campbell:, repairing at bridge,
$3 ; J. Welker, culverts, $2,50; E. Walker;
hauling cedar, 57.50; E. Valker, rep. cul-
verts, 45,50 ; Wui. Dixon, use of hall at
Court ofalevision, $2, -Carried. Moved by
P. Kennedy, secs by R.. Elgie, thatthe.
reeve be paid the sum of $45 and the,
deputreecve and committees the Soul .of
$35 each? and that the Clerk draft•it by-law
authoriziog, payment of the above aalaries.
Carried. Moved by Wm. G. BrOadfdot,
see. by P. Kennedy., that the n'Orninaftioid,
for reeve deputy -reeve and. couucillors
and for school trustees, he _held in school
lionee No. 8, Egmondville, On Monday, the'
27th day of Debeinher,1886, et the heur
of 12 o'clock; noon' . and. if it poll t
niie.. de-
atideCthat the foliowing persons be tip" -
pointed to act ai deputy retorning officers
in the respective polling Sub•divisions
Polling siih.divlsion No, 1 at school•No. 8,
Wto, IcContaell,' D. R. O. ; No. 2,• at
school No. 6, 2nd ems.; ET. 1. $.., James
Broadfoot, :D.R.O. ;, No 3 oat snbool No,
2, eon. 3, H. R. S. James Mtirray, D. R.
0 ; No. at schoef.N.e. 9, eon. 9 H. R. S.,
James Cumming, Ile R. 0.; and that the
clerk be initrooted, draft it. by law to
coefirni the -above appointments and to
give all necessary notices.—Carried..• • The
council then adjoni•ned to meet again at
Dixon's hotel, Brncelield, on the 15th day
41'.December it .1t/ &thick a, m, :
.• .-• ,WatMcCONarniq,,•clerk. • ,
Frtineis O'Hara white
playing In .Kelly's grist will, got his -little
finger caught in one of the cog wheels -rad -T-
had it so badly jammed that it had tt. be
ifin-putated-114--4-'-theitrterktrion- of tho
trusteet. of the • Methodist' church tO get
some young Man who Leaked some. ex-
perience to fill Mr. •Mills.placohere. pr.
Sloan has tented his farm adjoining the
village to Wm. Campbell, for ere term of
5 years. • Mr, Wm. Levy's horse ran away
coining from Auburn, on Saturday, throw-
ing•him and rinsing his head consider-
ably, and broke the Cutter ; all resulting
from • beinglaitched too short. ,The Pres-
bViltrian 5; S. en tel tainmEni; is to be held
on Friday evening, in ,the basement of the
church. There. •no . stir a Yet in Muni-
cipal matters, the Provincial S electiotia
seetn to be the most important. 7 Our
band serenated the Citizens, on Tuesday.
evening.; :the band lost several of the old
'members but their plapes have been filled
by younger ones, so now it ie as strong as.
ever and improving rapidly._ HOW la it
that tit those big Tory. demonstrations
there .are 'so mahy•persons find theneselyes•
relieved of their caps., jewelry and purses,
and all•em Grits tooe surely this: is
not parteof the preceedings. • Mr. John.
Young has beer'. laid wi dean Attack of
inflamma,tion but is.opeedily .recovering.
Mr. Wme Carnphell has been cofifined to
the house the last tWo. weeks.- - ,
i31.0 ITE VALE.
BetiEF0,—The W. G. et V. new iron
bridge over the Maitland, was completed
last week. Two men—Jae, Meliarrly, of
Bluevale, and another, whose name we
did notlearo—iell a distance 0E25 feet
Oue day recently, one fell on the stoney
bottom of the river, the other among the -
disordered timber from the old (structure e.
both hadsiet be carried away; the extent
of their injories are net yet learned.
• . LOALDE$11011.0.
BnIEFS.—Election matters are getting
lively here, both municipal and political ;
we might say political Or that includes
both. Geo. Newton is starting a grocery
in connection with his other business; see
ills advertisement and posters. 'Mr. E.
Huber, of the roller mills, is making first
Class flour, and is shipping every week.
John l3runsdon is rushing the weed busis
nese to the station again.
• BarEys..-Inspector Tom visited "bur
school Wednesday. Mr.,A Whitting-
-hams who -has -'been -working on- the G. Te
R., near Brantford,4returned on Wednes-
day; he says there is no snow' on the
ground in that locality. Various rumors
are afloat concerning possible candidates
for munidpal honors in ,this township,
hilt there is no telling what really will be
the position of affairs until nomination
ACCIDENT.—The youngest son of Mr,
T. Murch met with a painful accident on
'Tuesday Assthe inipa.tes were in
the act of using the clothes -wringer, the
lad placed his finger between the cogs of
the Machine, and -try this means had the
flesh conapletely tan off the dm of it, lay -i
ing nakedthe bone. His sister auddenly
reversed the machine, and as she did so,
the lad threw forward the other hand to
.relieve himself and, was.again caught on
the thumb, pushing it severely and tear-
divathieedi.nttl nearly oft, Ile is now rather
, WANTON .111EsTaqoTtoN.:—Qu the even-
ing of'Sir John A. Macdonald's lecture
in-Goderieh, a number of young men from
the .ceuntry, While eiitieg for the train
at •the small station here, behaved' them-
selves .rather unteeroly: • One of the stilt--
ionary seats in the building wits toru into
shreds,. the door' torn off tue. hinges, and
etherwise injuring the same. It
cult to see the propriety of destroying
that. which .is. a benefit to themselves as
much as to. others. Possibly the .said
parties are .net aware of the penalty at-
taehed to such depredations. All who
wish to remaiii -outside the penitentiary
are hereby cautioned to refrain from such.
dastardly proceedings in future.
Ameresetsan'Y SERVICES.—The anni-,
versary services will be neldehr the Union.
Church, Blucefields on Sunday, Dec. 5th,
when John Grey, of Windsor, will
preach both morning and evenings On
the following Monday 'evening the annual;
team:meting will be held in the church.
Tea will be serVed at 6 o'clock. Addresses
will be given by Revs, John Gray,.A. D.
MeDon Seaforth; J. McCoy Egmend-
ville, J. Musgrove, ; Acheson,
Kippen Thoinpsolra Henson. The mitsie
will be 'furniehecl by Mr. JamiegOrk and
his elude.. ' • •
13axgrass-,Miss Marks returned from
Kansas on Saturday last; she was sum-
enenned_house toSivait on her mother, who
it number from here at-.
tended Justin McCarthy's lecture as Sea -
north, on Tueeday night of last week.—
A dancing-varty-was held in Robinson's
Hall on Friday night last, which proved
-0-he; it verk-Veasant affair. ,
• • • Lit.annuN. • '
. EAST VVAV, At:i0;411..
le •
' wo tnarriages phtee
last week so quietly that your correspon-
dent failed to report in time, On 1Ved-
needity the inst. ; 'Mr. • Jonathan
Bently Was wedded to Sarah... -third -
daughter of Mr. John Blackbrough. Rev,
Mr. Berke, of Blyth, tied the nuptial,
knot About the same hour of tins morns
inge viz., 6 30 a. in., and just aer-sis the
road from the sceneof tlie•first marriage,
Joseph Jackson, of .WawanoshS was
married by Rev. Mr. Crofts, of,Bemeiller.
te Hannah, daughter of Mr. Fred Toll;
the former couple went .north,. on 0, wed-
ding trip to Kincardine the latter south
to London. . '
Alextwet—Considerablee anxiety .is
tele :for the safety of U. Kernaek and W.
Quinn who set out for the lumber woods
Of Michigan e more than two o eeks ago
They are supposed to have been Sailing
on, the lake at the time the hurricane was
blowing so hard and disastronely, on the
upper lakes; no word- has beet' tedeived
.vetefrom them although. abundant time
for seeding it mom& ha.) intervened.
• 0 own.attended
The Moises AfcMatius and I/Orton and
Messrs S. 1.3, Williatns and Gs Fulford
were:appointed as delegates:. to attend the
district meeting in Manchester this Week.
ACCIDEw.r.--Mr; Joseph., Horton met
with A painful accident lust Friday; whirl,
has laid him up for' a few days. .He was
Stooping down nailing on some hoards in
Mrs. Fs Horto,ns stable when a plank
loosened overhead endlell across hie hip.
He thought at the dine it wasn't much,
but he has since been obliged to quit
work altogether. •
We • would inform the- Halmesville
Knights* that Mir correspondent • of the.
Sigeal, (described last winter as upsetting
bis fair lady in the sno.w drifts, near the
picket -fence, while gazing at the big
house), that he need IPA be afraid now of
the drifts, as the piekets are all gone and
wire on instead. So we hope there will
be nothing to hinder him from gliding
along now even if' he 'Mould cast a glance
at the big house.
SUal'ItIfin.—One night ' last week about
two dozen young people gathered at the
home of Mr. Jos. Horton quite te his
surprise. They were made happy how-
ever, and the hours flew quickly by, when,
all, separated with putt expressions as,
" hadn't we a Died time, '" wasn't it just
sphiticlid, etc.
DIWEASE Mas. 11,1001tE.—The lady
referred tosin the following paragraph,
from last weeks' Expositor, was cousiu of
Mrs, Thos. Stevenson, of this town :—
Many of our readers Will-eleare-with -feel-
ings atilt) deepest regret of the death of )
'Mrs , Moore wife of our esteenied librarian
and secretary of the Setiforth
Institute, which occurred on Thursday
morning, in the ath year of her age.
Mrs. Moore had been ill forseveral weeks.
, bile was it most amiable lady, and was al -
1 ways foremost in good work. She was an
ardent friend of the poor, and exemplified
her Christian character by oncettsing la-
bors of 10Ve ttfilengst those Who Most need
care and symPatens. She will be inissed
by many, and particularly so by her be -
relived husband and daughter, to whom
Fthe was particularly endeitrecl,
ately, who.have just talent enough to at-
tend to everybody's besiness but their
• A Menai Local News.
Local Legal Notes. •
_ Regina v Falton,—Some months ago
Reeve McMillan and A. Govenlook, J,Ps.
tried the defendant, ton, for a breach
of the Scott Act, and fined him e$50 and
costs, rba defendant- mov,ed, tar quash
thelconvietien on various grounds, and the
ease was argued last Friday, :before Mr.
Justice Armour, at Toronto. He gave
judgment for the magistrates ota. every
point. Manning St eScott for:ethos:Crown
and magistrates ; L. E. Dangey for de-
2Womnsson v Yivitchell.—In this case, in
which tbe validity of the Act tattle On-
tario Legislature governing assignments
for the benefit of creditors conies into
question, an Order has been made by the
Local Master, striking out the jury notice
of the defendant, on the ground that tile
cue is one that properly comes within the
chancery jurisdiction. Sense questions
entirely new witlearise in this suit, And
will be of much iutereat to the general_
phrtilte. igt Scott for plaintiff; •
0, Hartt for defendant. The order of
the Local Master has been appealed from.
' Haywcrre/ e (idlum.—This is a County.
Court action on account. An application
by the Plaintiff for judgment, .Was heard
00 Friday last, before:Judge Doyle, and
dismissed with costs. F. R. Powell for
Plff: Manning & Scott lin Deft, ,
Mr. Scott was absent on Wednesday
attending Division Court Sitting a at
Clatideboye, where he had several cases
befdre 4udge Elliott. '
It is expected that Rev. Mr. Sperling
wilt supply his own pulpit.on Sunday.
. The Ontario St, Methodist church have
resolved to hold their anuiversaryserviCes
the first Sunday and Monday in the New
YeItr.has been. decided to to introduce the
Hymnal into' the service of the -Presby-
terian church here commencing with the
lst of January • • ,
Rev. Mr. Rupert will preach anniver-
sary sermons ou Beniniller circnitsin Sun-
day, and his place here will be supplied
by Mr. A. AlcKibben, of Dengannon *-
bide .• • •
A social will be held on Tueiday even-
ing next, in the basement of the Ontario
St. Methodist church, under the auspices
or the Ladiee' Aid Society. A geed Pro-
granithe is prepared. It is expected
Rev. blr. LeGear will be- present on the
occaeion. Ad m issietefee-I5 -cents. 3
. At a meeting of the•Tratee Board of
Ontario St. churelieen•Wedeesdey•.even-
ing, the following resolution was paesed:
-That this Board express its hearty alpe.
predation of the services during the past
year of the choir of the eliurch, udder the_
leederellip of Mr. G. F. Oakes, for the
•conitant care and attendance he hits.givep
to the singing service *of the 'church and
S S., and we ,aleir tender hita a nuaited
and hearty request to continue as leader
during the cenetrg year.
IT PAYS IN EVERY 021113E.-1,To clue who
reads a paper intelligentlysever considers
that he has finished it uneil. he ha made
hiMself-acqualeted not only with the suh-
ject met ter of :the local and geperal 'col -
units, but also that of the advertising
col -
Limns. It pays to reed the advertisements
just a le, pays the advertisere to expend
money in. advertieiride and especially at
One season of the. year; When.. beetnesi
inSu are oficting Specialties.,
FURIOUS Itraynee.—No • sooner does
the spew get on the groarthan owners
of fast horses bring them out, and drivo
them for all they aro • Worth. along Albert
St. If a farmer did this instead of it
:tOwnstaan; be Would be yanked up and
fined in less than no time. 1Ve don't be-
lieve in making a elletinctione If' horse-
men want to spehd' their animals, let it
back street be taken for it, and they will
soon hest) a good track there. It has been
said that the owners of fest horses are
good drivers, and there fs, therefore, no fear
of their running into anyone. ThiS may
be true, but pedestrians do urot care to be
gightened At the possibility (if being run
into, particularly on it busy street like Al-
bert.- We hope this notice will not require
to be repeete during the winter.
•Comstriimen,--the -trial of Mr. Arthur
Knox of.liofmesvitle on the charge of
assaulting a constable ' while in the.
charge of his duty, came off before Mayor
Williares, op Saturday afternoon, ' The
council chamber wasjam full of interested
spectators. Mr. Campion conducted the
case for Mr. Knok, and objected to the
proceedings as irregular, on the ground
that no information had been laid against
Mr. Knox, prior to the issue-of.the search
warrant. The Inspector, Mx. Sprague,
claimed that an information was laid at
the time the search warrant was procured.
The Mayor intimated he would 'assume
that the constable.was there in the ?riper
discharge Qt his duty ; if the proceedings
were irregular as regards the information,
he had nothing to do vvith it. Tbe evi-
dello() went to show-thatsthe de'fendant
had resisted the constable after the search
lied, been made and there was nothing to
jeteene' that tho Inspector and constable,
had exceeded the bounds of propriety in
their search. After a careful hearing, of
the case, the Mayor reserved his decision
until Wednesday of this week, which de-
cision is that Mr. Knox be committed to
stand his trial, •
. There nee mon in this world, n ifortun,.
• john Doane, 'ot• Wagon Wheel, 'Idaho,
died recently, end his mother, a widow,
and his two unmarried -sisters wont to the
town tO attend the funeral, and remeined
to look after his property, They ware the
only. Unmarried women in the place, and
before the flowers had withered on John's
grave the widow had been married to the
mayor of the town, the elder sister to the
Sheriff, end the younger to it prominent
citizen. The three weddings were held at
t he same time ami WI e tl e t
Politieaj Conventions.
The Liberal-Ocinseryative Convention for
the South 'Riding of Hume was' held NV
Tuesd4 afternoon at Hensel). In tho absence
of President Ritchie through illness, Mr: Geo.
Jackson, Sepez.,,,,,pene4 and
read a. lotter-frOm• the ilireside.nt explebsing
his ab'Serice, and hoping that Alie objects of -
the Association would be happily accomplish.
ed. The meeting Was held, in tbe hall of •
Reynold's hotel, and the place was crowded
to the door, l'or the office of President the
following nominatimse were made 4 Messrs.
D. Mills; Exeter ; Dr. Rollins, Exeter ; Geo.
Mee, Seaforth; T. B. Carling, Exeter; John
Baker, Goclerich, and .Geo. E. jakson, Sea -
forth. Mr. Jackson was elected President
and Mr, 'Eacrett Secretary. The following • .
candidates wereproposed —Geo, Jackson
EgroondVille ; Eilber, Stephen ; Dr, Rol'.
line, Exeter ; J Beacom, Goderich township;B. .
V. Elliott, Exeter ; L. Hardy, Exeter; Geo -
Case, Seaforth ; W. J. Biggins, Stanley; Dr.
Coleman, Seafortb, but all declined, except • •
Dr. Coleman, who was not present, .
illness, and his nominatioo was made. ulna- •
inions.'. The delegation compiised 12 from
Usborne, 15 from Stephen, 13 from •Tuoker.
smith; 13 from 'Stanley, 9 from Hay, 23 from .
Exeter, '18 from Seaforth, and '5 from the
South DiVisignof,Goderieh Township,
. •
nAsT • ItURON 1.,TnEjlit •
A large and very enthusiastic convention
of Reform electors of the East Riding of
Huron, (Local Legislature) was convened oa
Timidity afternoon in the TownHall,Brussele. .
One hundred and fifty.six delegates recorded
their names, representing every municipalityin '
the riding, while' the friends of the cause
present . numbered 150 More; . After it short
address by the Preeident, Mr, E. E,' Wade, ,
barrister, nomination si were askScl for. It..
was moved by Mr. Thos. Straeban, reeve. of
Grey township, and seconded by 'Mr, 'John
McMillan, reeve of Hallett Ownship, that
Ur. Thos. Gibson, who has represented the,
.constitueney fol Many years. be the nominee.
Messrs,: E. E, 'Wade, W. IL Kerr, M. Y.
MeLean and D.D. V1bon were also nominat-, :
ed, but all Withdrew in favor of tbe trieci• Old
trustworthy representative of the past.
On coming forward Mr. Gibson was most*
etithusiastically.ereceivedi: He thanked them. .
for hie unanimousnomination, and Said that
although he would rather the honor had fallen.
iipen some otherperaon, at their' request ho •
was willing to'assumeonce inoro the respon•
sibilitias'of being their".canclidate, and with
their united aid he hoped once more: to lead
them. to victory, He, hem:4er, cautioned .
them against ovei.eonfidenee, as he saidevery
'Reform xote,-in--the-POiling;• es well as the .
Vote of °Very other' elector who apeeeeved of
the course of Mr.,Mciwitt. would bo required,
and must be got. He then cloalt with .the
timber Policy of the Government, and showed
haw. that 'was :conductedin the interests of '
the peoPle, fie also defended gueeess tally thS
Government from the cliargoael extravagancee .
and wastefulness, and imanswor to•rt. 4nestion; • •
defined•hienositienon the temperance
tion, ,Mr..Gibson Said that in appointing In-
epectore, Comaiisaionere and Police Magis-
trates to enforce tlie•Sdott Act, and aSsnming •
one -third -of the cost,-tbe Government are do-
ing all they Should be asked to do to enforce
tlse Aci, and that the minty councils should •
uow do their share.. Personally, he was now -
and' had alive been a total abstainer,and
although .he had thought that the passage Of
the Scott Act was premature voted
for it, and he thought now that -as it was tho
law of the land it should be 'respectfully oh -
served and rigidly enfe ,fi. 41`,Jirther than
this, he sal], the Local: Niiti,irdhikknoth-
Mg to-do with. the la el. question
Prohibition, but if any qUestioit abbiiid,applet?.F
as favoring prohibition or temperance,
lite•long 'temperance man he koala not do, •
otherwise than support it.; • •
Dr. McDonald •the Reform eanclidate for
the Dominion, WO called upon,nnd delivered -
sine c.f hisaisually logical, ,pithy and eloqUent
addreSsell. After matsieg suitable reference
to••tha .noreirtation of Mr. Gibson,::and 'the ,
cool:ma:deal management el the MoWat Gov.,
ernment 'he dealt with Dominion affairs,•tak.;
ing up the finance's, the sYstom ef,superannue
r . •
ation' and the Senate, and referred to the
number of appeintneets which 'Mr. Farrow,
tho spresent mensbee,'had received from the
Govereinent for hid relatives and friends, and .
showed bow it .is iinpessiblo fdr him to act
independently . • ,
.When Dr. McDonald cline:tided his.address,
it was getting :late, •and the meeting Was.
brought to a close by giviog; three aheers for
each of the eandidates and threo chcere for
the Queen. ,
' , . S'OtITII nUrcOli LIDERALP.
A large and'enthusiastiemeeting of Liberals • .'. • .
representing the South- Riding of Huron for
the Local Legislature, was held at Brudefield • ' '
on S'Vednesday;• the full quota of delegates be -
Mg present. Quite it number of Persons were
nominated but all retired .exdopting Mr. AD,
Wilson, President of the Scott Acit Associa-
tion, and Mr. A. Bishop, M. P. P. On a vote
being taken the latter secured it majority,apd
his nomination' was; 'therefore, Made unroll -
mous. He spoke briefly, thankinglp' titi-
porters foetbeir dontinned confidence ' him,
and asking their assistance ih rotai ing ia
power the administration of !Ion. Mr. Mowat.
• A big wolf attacked a little 8 -year-old
girl as she was driving the COWS to water
near Comstock, Minn,'but one of the •
eows charged the wolf, tossed it in the Mt,
and then the farmer's dog came to the •
rescue, and the wolf fled. .
TwentY six yam) ego. tho Steamer Pad•
fic biirned and sank ni the Ohio River at
Uniontown, /Cy.. The other day a hogs-
head was dug up from the wreck, and be-
ing opened, the tobacco Was found to be
as bright and good apparently as when it
w.aseyoung g conple of Valley Ford,Cal.,
ran away.together, and were married at
Same Rose. The girlie father chased
them vigorously,. and caught them just as
'they had been made one, but instead of
shooting his son-in-law full of holds, he
asked him what in blazes ,he vanted to
run away with the gullets when hescould
have married her at home for the 'asking. -
The Windsor alderinen had a hot debate
over a recommendation of Mayor Beatty
to make nine hours a day's ivork for men
employed by the Boara, of Works. One
alderman wickedly insinutited that it was
it scheme to catch the labor vote, and the
Mayr replied that the Man WhO would
say that was no gentleman. .The motion
to matte nine hours a day's work IV0.8