HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-26, Page 8B x 'Fe The stater Iieliector ratter
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'�' -. NEW M� �tl E E
Q• , its appearslncelastaeekagain; Vitae dite
NOV. 28,1886. would .soberly ap himself to business
F IDAif, .:,,.-----:-..,.--------=-----------------_----=----- be could do well. couple Of Scott Act
LOCAL NOTICES, eases came up before Magistrate Smith, ,
For a ar, ea$ elasa Set of Ev $ilVer
•ITCEed H trate wast �not ceon rtain about he:•iWit ntoxiCa-
S,ingle Harness forr'114 g a ting nature of ginger•ale, and withheld
`•.7-` .,,-• _ - ud meat until he eau find Ant A Mrs.
ELL, UeClinEGo gg
Woollen pooch• given its cxskan�c for woo Collins, who claims to be one of the very
ax Wood ac crancort. Woollen bfilla, DAVID first settlers in Goderioh, wAs in 'torn
NRAIJAM. • looking fear a houseto rept on Friday ; she
Mr. Johan ,Robertson goes to .fronto s to. day viva', wonderfully pleased with Clinton
finish his purchases for .Ehe Xmas avid equally displeased with GP elife.
to • where she .hall spent fife years of h
• 0 8.
' acs - tc r1
A n e
ee ss orm .
5. Felt Boots and ,
JusE think ofof pretPrice, M . A: Yuill of hioago,. V 9
hire. ,7aa
iss McTavish, of Clinton) it;
Rubbers- at WholesalePaIce•a Ir• 2'lVI?Cfl' the paid singers. in a Presbyteran. church
LT+Ir'S; Cirnton Muir, late of the' Ez•
.8ENNETT, at the Red Rocker, o�ealer in that oiliceyhere, bas taken a situation in
-� leadinst,,, seems er and Partaturo pressOn
ab lie red,tie eta o ' epi ture aril Iett, ,!Corns Toroneno enough
to throw a stick through he
rtd,ticketsf 'u mean window
this is
srsd: Stanley S)eov°, Re always leads but nee• once window of Mr. James Scat;
e follows, the third time such a. thing has been done;
. it isa•very small way indeed ofexpressing
l tU>x,0111.05.spite at this gentleman. Mr. lly Stevens
.ass RIDING• CHItIBTUAs in is ocon yes ter ilioys attack. One pfier
a meeting of the West Ridin ag
- al Soviet , 'held. at -G{rd' i i on $star- night last week three young men who .
day last, it was ilecicled to hold a Christ- belonged to the Y.L. C, A,, got into an
mss Cattle and Poultry Show,on the 22nd` theaIandt,about the grants thereto, t and before they
• of bee, . • could settle it, they resorted to. blows;.this
•0Aanwanz.STb s.-•-J,•B.. Swat• is evidentlyon the principle'that "might
field formerly of R. W. 11icIenzie's Hard- is Tight." r. Wright of Bruasels, - par=
'vara establishment, Godericb, has ,come -
chased a ticket at Clinton ata/ion, on,
to town and..opened out ii stock of hard-
Friday for. Montana territory. , Mr. W:
ware in Smith's Block, in the store for*, ,-Jamieson,of Londesboro, is now keeping
erl occupied by - Jas. Thompson.. 113rt the booksof Mr. Thos. McKenzie, of the
swafiield will make specialties of• farmers , Clinton Planing Mi11s. Mr. Geode Ha-
_..- and -builders'- hardware. We bespeak for stepson o litir. ffearn, iYho lies been
�^ bim'a liberal patronage from.: the inhabi home on a visit for several weeks; returns
tants of (Minton and surrounding• country. to New Mesien in a few, days, While
NOT Acci ST-0MED To IT —The other Mr." Arthur. Woodman,. of Londesboro,
-day lair. T. Jackson • was doing some re- .was driving along AlbertSt., on Monday,
pairing at hopie and went down to Har- his horse got frightened by a hearse, •and
land Bros.'store to get some glass.`' For- ran 'awayf; .before it was stopped, the
getting "the size he telephoned up to a buggy was•soniewhatinjuredand the horse
man; who was working at the bouseato had cut itself about the legs. We under,
give him. the .measurement. The man •stand that Mr. John ,I3oles.has sold his
- measured the space, but not 1 nowing,tb t ,houses and lot on Ontario: St., to Mr.:''
he could send•it by telephone, 'calmly Carter;"this means, we believe, at noveer
walked up to the store, :while the others distaoand wet date, his
to movalr from •our town, h
were anxiously waiting at the. other end has met wire' reverses in business, he has
ofthe--telephone to get ft,, • been, a good citizen, and. will be' missed.;
".TTi °Tans LOST TO SIGHT To itilEEioEY the good wishes .of, .many acquaintances go
DEAR," -Sixteen. yeara,ago Dr. Scott, of. With him whereverlie goes; the price paid
Seaforth, .and D,r. Buchanan, of Zurieb,:was $1300. Mr Boles takes,. ter the •pre-
. were students and roommates at -college, sent the house occupied by. Mr C Reeves;
graduating together. Both settled in he who mores into Gallagher's, Provisional
county 'et furca; where each, -has-es- -arrangements'for anew. trial --in the,c+ise
tablisheci'a successful practise;, and al of Perdue vs.: Clark, are being.' made, and
• • though residing so near each 'other, they' itis:possible that a new trial will be se-
never•rnet from the time they left college cured;'in our opinion it would. bejust as
until they shook bands' •at. Brucefield . well for all parties if the Matter Was drop-
• Liberal Convention on Wednesday. ped.. Mrs. J. Hodgens bas been confined
to the house for: a few days by a severe
us ref
I The • , N:S., St' ndard,' '•cold, but is. recovering A disturbance
thus refers to.a nephew ef,Mrs. . belle.occurred 'at:the Salvation Army meeting
of this town :—" `.There's one on Sunday afternoon; a. couple of so-called
visitor who never -knee -nor stays:, de^� .young niers having aufisticuff. encounter,
• mond admission ,even in a Masons' dge. We have received from,the London' Ad-
-Six t mes-d ord.can daunt Grim Death: vertiser a copy .of the'` Holly Queen'?. a
• Six timesaduring the last fifteen months very pretty picture given as,u remium to
has he invaded- the sacred tired:10i of subscribers to the, WeeklyAdvertiser.
Keith -•this laat.time taking P.S. Warden If " Ratepayer,";who'writesto us concern-
Bro.:•Wirt. lfoss, in thenprime.o'f life, and ing some actions of the School Board, will
.robbing a .young, wife and three mere in- send their nes „e to this office, their letter.'
tants of•one of. -:he, -kindest of btisbands 'ivull be`. inserted; it is :About, time, That:
" and.. fathers» [London and ,Petrotia pa- parties sending letter's' 'to the editor 'keew'
p.ers gleasecopy.] .. . ~ ••'•r that itis an invariable -rule in a printing:
"Boosss AND No'iorrs.' a trade journal . office, that the writer's name 'must accom'
of • Toronto, thug • compliments...,a.: well- : pony the letter not to be. made public, i
-known 'Cliiiton:'lady:—"`A Mystery," by butas a. guarantee of good faith. . We {
Caris Sima, mentioned last 'm.onth• as one are pleased : to !,earn that. Miss• Bean, who -
•• of the lute publicationa-of .the Rose Pub- has been dangerously•ill for. several days,
lishing Co., is the work of.a Canadian ladyhas pas ed the: mists, and is now almost
who, having; written poetry, ta rattier out ofd nger: ' Mr. A. M .Th,ylor,ofTo-
high order of merit,,,was persuaded•tQ try route, is here on a sheer Vint -Mr. 3. I'.
her pen in a prose work. ,The. resultaia$ Balfour, forinerly. a teacher in.toiyn, is
been:this.novellette, Which is mainly con- now en the road'.representing a wholesale
•versational; • ora. very natural and .every-, grocery and .Confectionary hoose ofToron ,
flay. style;.nething stilted, as is often the to; The son•of Mrs."Whitt, we regret to
case with :a writer's first essay. A pleas learnt has lost the, . sight 'of. one ,eye,' by
ing .oto ' -prondiising'well:fer any future •cataract, and -it is fared be may possibly
effort. •• lose. the sight of the ether : also.se
, Mi
- a rrs:_' _.11s• 'tjur• Sarah Drummond; formerly of Blyth,who
- t r—Dsrs—tiVin: She
Goods This Weotl:1
---CONSISTING O l - --
CONSTST,[hT _ _ •
Worcester's Unabridged Dictionary,• Webster's
Unabridged ' Dictionary, Chambers'' Dictionary,.
Chambers' Encyclo oedia Matthew Henry's
Chamb y P �.
a ... . __ Copies - s _-L' l .Series-Nearly
Commentary, 300.. Cop e Lily � • 3�
7,000 Copies the latest Sunday School Library
The latest Readings and Recitations, .the
Books.. g ...
Boys and Girls Own:Annual, the Royal' Road to
Wealth,. &c.,: &c.
The strike we mean is at long prices; we are determined it shall exist no long
in this part of the country. We know that we have cheap goods, that we otlpi*
the public prices that will compare with anything that's on the road, No matter
what. shape the goods may be ofl'eced, we are determined to meet any kind of'op?:•
position and prices." All we ask is a fair comparison.
-Costonartsn sf Mit. � , ,vas: vision • er sis e
readers know, Mr.. Yates; D ease Ine `per<1, of rayton,Iown. is at present'visit-
• tor, went to Nev Ynrk to '.undergo' an "ing. her sister, Mrs. Wm.'McMurohy;,but
es, pects. to return to ..Canada' about the
in.idde of .December. Mrs... Parsons, of
Soiel,• Que., vi iting her daughter, Mrs':
13, O. Brewer. Mr. • S. L. Turner, .t>f •
Tuckersmitb',:.left for Manitoba on .Wed-
nesday ;
W,ed-pesday; he went by the 0.' P. E. 'Unto
date .about 70 ear loads of apples have
been shipped ,•from. Clinton. station • this
year ; this represents„over. 8,000 barrels,
and as a good malty have. beep shipped
.from other .stations; some idea of the•en-
•crmous yield of this . section can be gath-
ered. • Mr: G, E. Crawford will have 'no
auction sale of all.hish'obsehnld furniture,
tr-Sutu-rday,• 4th--of-Deers- lie--Me•Isean-
shipped a- car of cattle this week, and iMr.
'Winters two cars.' Mr. B.. M. Ii;acey” has
laid in about twenty car rodent' coal this
fall, .or about 2'S0.toes. • 1Ve:have a -letter,
on the football 'controversy, butt as': the
subject has lost its. interest f�r the public
we deem it best to,omit it, several ether'
letters are also laid over f'or 'next week.
The %nether •and'sister of Mr, W S. Perry
are • here on -a visit. The' Provincial
Grange is in session • at' 'Toronto ; the
• Worthy Master is -Robert Currie, reeve of
1•:ast Wawenosh,: and Messrs. Robt. Mc-
Mordle, Kippeu,. and.George Hood, Sun- .
shine, are among the delegates, Mr. C. J,
Tothill, of Woodstock, formerly of Clin-
ton, havingbeen sorely troubled bf Would -
he burglars, announces that for the next
two weeks his house will be open to them,
after which he hopes to be left in peace.
Mr•: Macpherson; tar,; of I� jugal, is here
i31•.Y31ILbig I . .
Bttxarg,—M. Haml. Fisher,..at one tine
a resident -of -••-C tborpe, but now of Chi-
cago, *pont a few days here last week.'
II, .Fisher, son of J 1- Fisher, Colborne,
now a resident of Minnesota,.is home on a
Visit ; he is engaged in farming and likes
the land of cyclones'tgn i blizzards. Bond
Lawrison, who has been in the employ of
J, Miller over a year; left here• on Wed-
nesday for Londesboro, where he has se-
ctired a•place with Dr. Rose, Thos, Gond
is on the sick list, Geo Terriby curries
his band in a sling, a heavy plank fell on.
it'and tore it badly. A number from this
vicinity went to Goderieh last .Friday to
Here the big guns; •wed✓id not' hear of aoy
of the reformers who veatbeing-.con.yetted..
Nearly all•who drive over the new bridge
dues so on a smart trot; it may be that .it
requires a lot of fast driving to get it fast
enough to stay ; parts of the old piers still
re'biain standing and may cause serious
damage in the spring.
WOOD.—Fanners who aro part
dobted to u$ mould greatly obligo
b bringing in fiords' Weide. NEW
operation for the 'rern2val of a tumor, He-
wes .placed underthe influence of ether
:it 12 o'clock on' Monday 15th inst,, the
operation lasting about two boars. , The
shock to his system was such that Mr.
Fates rapidly wank, and it was 'feared he
would expire before morning, but he ral-
lied, aind'gainedstrengtl; daily, the wound.
rapidly healing. I -Ie was in a.splendid
way for recovery,when be •unfertoinately
—took inflammation'•of; the lungs; from
whish' he is suffering:.very. severely at pre-
sent, and his'ree'nvery:from Which ;is`a
matter of doubt. • [We "have. just Iearn:ed
thati e -i eoverino '
H01E AuspiTtns:--Mr; S. Davis is re
pairing the«stained-glass windows of the
Presbyterian Church, which were lately
' `broTcen by some mischievous parties:. One
sometrnies hears. -a remark that we have
not mechanics •in •our:midst •to do some.
,certain • plieceof work, :arid parties send.
• elsewhere without giving home tri lesmen
a trial.. Mr Davis is an old hand' at this
' kind of work. The same idea •may be re
ferred to in connection' with parties who
;;o elsewhere to buy any kind of goods.—
Ont. merchants belie 'a'large assortment of
all kinds, and can get anything that may
be out of the ordinary every -day., at cheap
' . as other parties on 'who send'' elsewhere.
Patronize home product' in every, way and
at all times that ate possible, •
AFFLICT101,"S, ,Mr. Armstrong, Collec,-
for of Customs, was called to Toronto last
week by the death of his second daugh-
'ter. 11ir. W. 3. Paisley's mother, wiio
]las •been ailing for some time,• died at
W.roc,eter. nn Wednesday of last Week.:
:Rev. W: -W: Sparl1ing' is away at Meaford,
where his mother lies,. at the paint of
death. Miss Musgrove, of Bluevale, who
Jr.' is attending the High School here, rereiv.
• ed word last Week that her mother was
dying, and she left town accordingly. The
bony of Mrs, Cullis arrived here from
Chatham on Monday morning,' and was
interred in Clintoneemetery ; she was the
mother' of l.Xr. T. Oullis, of Blyth, who
formerly drove stage between Clinton and•
Wingltam, Mr. Thos. Lavin, formerlyi•;a
resident of Goderieb township, but who
bast been a resident of McKi lop lately,
died last week, and • was interred fn. Elul -
let P C. cemetery, on Mond•r. ,
Titzi;tt•,s,-Four weeks, and Christmas
will be at hand ; again there will be a
slaughter of turkeys.' Regular meeting
of council next Monday night; under the
heading of ' New business a natter i f
v'itxl interest to the town will likely he
discussed, The araip market has been
• booming lately; Oliittan"leads the van and
the farmers know it, Sunday was a niag-
nificent Clay, and drew nut large numbers
of people.. -
• 'Torii; •now opened a .. Come and see' our good:,,
Tiirect from New Yo • , 1?
Agent for all the BOOKS:. and PUBLICATIONS
of the Methodist Book and: Publication House,
our DR ST o 0-o0S`. are Cheap.
� i
Our Assto tment s Large
We Invite Inspection.
Grey Flannels, Com : or ables
Gloves, Jobs
.�1ankets;Jobs 2n
Hosiery, ` Jobs , in 7oweas.
Our OVERCOATS are very cheap,
Our CAPS ' are loww. in price
MEN'S ,IUltB RChOTLIING away downs..
We have tooextensive a stock .to tell you all abut it in the space we have to buy..
from the NEW EInAg•bi t what we do say we always back 'ups don't forget that.
A !8111..
I.The'Anson is here when eveiyl,ody,should think what they require in the wa'. o' =
• FURS, and ss'Is went to call special attent rr._to-ourgre>ft'au�sortment of Fui•s.for
'both Gentlethen's wear: in the first Place we will call attention to our
re still to the from in
Give : them a ' cal.._ ..
a a RANOE &
TIM'f�''`j�'j' /'y'j� iji �j, ,V,t�
-i iJ HUB aLo ,L IER,8 .CLINTON,
r. hree Doors Nest. of Dickson's Bok Store
Comprising acboice assortment in all sizes and lengths
We are showing a Satin Lined Mantle at $30, wbioh
we think is the greatest, bargain.Overoffered .in this
section, and hullos thinking about making a purchase
will not do themselves ;justice, unless they 'see our
stock, • Our selection in•
• •
Ladies' Astrachan -Sets ' -
Ladies' Mink Sets
-i. ' sian• Lamb Ca pp s
Lades Rus '
- ` Ladies' Persian. Lamb G s •
Ladies'' Seal. Caps
LeAdies' Fur Capes.:
Ladies' .Seal Sets
Ladie..4,; Beaver Caps
Is fully assented and we'$lain'! to carry one of the tat+gest stocks in the count..
y Our stook• of .. • •• '
• r
in S g. Seal, Pers'
Men's Fur Caps . .
sian Lamb Beaver. and Astrachan
Is full in all r lash and styles. We are fully prepared to quote the biggest bargains
ever offered in Clinton, for No, 1 goods, and we tisk an inspection ot, our great
The above cut shows BFACr1 1.' COLLA Lt acid . CUFFS for coon's
overcoats, which is a most complete article, and which ate having an immense sale.
C LattN nL ( )74,4T. .