HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-26, Page 4.".(11)erti$glUCOD.
A Christmas rote brat3ce—Taokson Brot,
New spotlit tbte week -Chris J4ialnipu.
leves-Jaeltson Bros.
To be given away -John ltebertson.
Jearnetts and tinware -Geo. NeWton.
Horse and oattle feed-As.Steep,
Got win:Ma-Mts. Keefer.
hest for service --S. Orly.
Stray steer -L, Manniug.
Stray sheep -R. Gardner,
Auction eale-G. B. Crawford.
Dreea and mantle inaking-Detlor Ce,
tlinton t111 ta.
FRIDAY, NOV. 26. 1888.
ca the West Riding, of the count, of Huroa Additional Local. Nis,
right to do On the sante de?' yon and taro tate Orwlsa Mt Cilletabra,
oa a political mission, as you had a perfect
of your ocIleagues beld inesti gs at Dungen.
non and Goderarb, to (Recasts political quo. Notwithseanding that Thursday last
dens, as you had a perfect right to do. At was a bitterly cold day a large number Of
both ot.theae meetinge-yon walled me in me
.measured reef/Wink the' •Obargea 1
made againakyour managTement of Wien af-
fairs; 100n thtarr-iT4TVIt isuleato and ha the
presence of tha rePresentatives of the people,
arraigned you and your government for
grope miemenagement, for cruel ane °allot
neglect in your administration of Iodise af.
fairs. That indetnaeot preferred. against
you on the 15th of April, 1886, Parliament
did not prorogue until the 2nd elf June; you
had thus ampte opportunity to answer me be.
fore the Commons of Canada. You did not at-
tempt the hopeless task, Six months after 1
arraigned yori,you cruised some of yoer under-
lings to.prepare and issue a pamphlet, which
Purports to be a reply to the hltarges made
against you in parliament. -; 'Thrs parophlet
you caused to be printed, net by the depart•
mental printere, Ottawa, but at the Hamilton
Spectator office, at confidential ratel, and to
be !mattered by the thousand alrover Canada,.
at the public expense. Then eon visit my
constituency, and avail yourself of the oppor:
tunity, behind my hack, to denounce me, ta
charge me with having garbled the publics
reports, and with having preferred - false
charges against you. But you took good care
not to invite me to your meetings, not to gire
-me a chance, in my own comaituency, of meet.
rag you ffice to hoe, and answering your
slanders there and then. 1 now challenge
you to meet me either at Dungannon or God...
rich; at any time within one month, to dia.
cuss your Indian policy, when ithall• prove.
to the eatlefaction eif all reasonable men, that
the charges I made against you ane yonr Gov -
eremite% are in nearly every case absolutely,
and in all substantially:correct; that tie pain.
phlet hustled anonymously, under your au.
pesvision, and which you hadnot the courage
to father, in answer to my indictment, and in
juetitication of your conduce ofIndtan affairs,
garbled the official reports, misquotes the of-
ficial records, misrepresents tlie official blue
books, emasculates the official returns, midis
in -other respeots knowingly, wilfully and au-
daciously false. 1 have the honor to be
Nov., 1856. M. Q. Ceetearisr.
, lir.Cameroo to Sir Abort aodonoid
That Mr M 0 Caneron has touched, the
sore vets of the 'Conservative party is
Only, too, evident,' Ever since the last
session of parliiiment he has beentutligne•
. ed and abused by the whole Conservative
press of the Province. From the Mail
dowis to the whipper -snappers of this couns
•• ty the whole pack have ipined in the hue
• and cry. . Every term .of opprobrium that
could be devised has been used towards
• Me Cameron, with a vindictiveness that
we are very glad is not often showu to-
• wards our public men, The reason of
all till's is not hardste discover. Mr Cam.
eron has been a them to the Conservatives
• ever since he was first elected. Three
times the county has been gerrymandered
in the attempt to get rid of hire, but each
6 me he has been triumphant. Tee last
'• gerrymander was supposed to leave him in
a minority of Over 150, andthis he turned
into a Reform majorify.of,20. . He under-
took to contest West Huron :against such
odds, when he was offered a seat absolute -
1 .NSitfe with on finmenSe majority, and
wonevehat Ives thought to be a stronghold
• from thesehienty. Conseryativeisto never
'forgets, and but seldom forgives.
Another thing, Mr, .Cameron 'prior to
. and duringlast sessioii, gave his time and
talents to the investigation of certain deal-
ings between thee supporters 'of the Govern"'
pent and the Government itself.
. .
When he made his wellknown. eherees.
. .
against the inenthers of the House, prior
•eo the last session of parliament, -it was
. •asserted in reply that he dare not make
. theni on the flocir of the House. Ile did
• make them. on the floor. of the House, at
he last session., and so seathingly de-
-ffneett the inairibers tha na0 been ap-
plicants 'for ' end recipien`h of timher
. • s
limits, coal areas, itch eiKe that 'Geis
• based a certoon en it, slimviag the niem-
• hers in their du'mb attituee, while Mr.
. Cameron hurled :charge. 'after charge at
• them. Iteferving us the fact that these
• chargee were hot denied tee House; the
• London Advertiser says,
The charges have *been made, 'and
made with a plain "less of -speech and a
fulness of detwil •seldom e equaled .on the
floor. �f the 3d-otiSe of Cammone, They
were flung ioto the very teeth of the, Min-
isters, •The names of • the ineinbera who
• . have fief:flaked, et:heir own honor and
the public property•were openly mention-
: ed. Dates aid. particulars f era nsactions
the meet,' corrupt and shameless nere
oiven. • -How was all this received! Was
. thhere mu& indigeant denial, muchprooe
• �f falsity( much denunciation ofslander?
' Not much. In the great majority acmes,
as everyone knows, the accusations were
received with the Confession of Idler:tee.
Conference year ; he haii accepted the in-
-citation, eubject to the appointment of the
Stationing Committee,
The epecial nseetings at Alma, which
have been ping on tor sonte time, have
Owed. Over seventy ersone presented
Stoirierbie eineaPrecebeienerag beerne4 tthhee'pr 101:hitYy themselves for prayer an sixty have united'
with the church. Sixty reeraloers atteudid
Band to the skatiou to meet him Qt1 his class meeting led by Rev. Mr. Howell.
way tereentlerich, and number of others
Alma was one of the places in this coun-
showed theirheuriosity joining the ty teat was badly in need et.a religious
crowd, which numbered about five hun-
dred altogether. 'Sir John was escorted r"leralt
to the platform by Mr, Racey, where an There was a good attendance -at tile
eulogistic address was preeented to hint
laY Mr. P Oantelon, jr., on. behalf of the
Young Liberal Coneervative, AbsoeiatiOn
Of Clinton, Sir John spoke for about
fifteen minutes in ecknowledgment of the
same, referring to the young men as the
futare hope of the country, to the (success-
ful building of the C. P. R., claimed that
many new indostries has been established
as the result of tbe he, P., and that Ca-
nadians no longer had to earn -their bread
under a foreign flag. The integrity of the
,empire was threatened, he said, end he
urged them to prevent this, by supporting
,the Conservative party. He incidentally
referred to "our great Coniervativeorganh
(no doubt meatting the Mail) said the
government' had only done its duty in the
Biel matter, apd be closed hy remarking
that e M, C, Canieron, who represents
this riding is de credit to the party," fie
was occasionally cheered during his re-
inarksebut Aber° certainly was not that
enthusiasm which tve looked for. He as
followed by Messrs, White and Thornp.
SOB, also of the • Dominion Cabinet, and
Mr. Meredith,' leader of the forlorn hope
in the Ltical 'House. A 'spread had been
prepared for the entire party at the Com-
mercial hotel, but Sir John„ refused to
come up town, as it. was too cold and he
was too fatigued to stand it, The re-
-minder of the party, however, accepetd
of the hospitality offered them by the
Conservatives of: the town. On hriday
evening about two hundred from this
town andsvicinity, went up to Go,clerich
to hera the addressed teat were delivered by
the party tin the Palace Rink, the Doherty
Band also'accompanying, As the special
train carrying them ran from Mitchell, it
-gathered up quite a 'number at each
stationeand the -Rink is said to bitae been
well filled. Parties, who owore ,present
tell us that the meeting was a grand suc-
cess, from a party standpoint; and wenre
willing to give our Conservative °peen -
cuts the eredtt of the demonstretion-hut
all. tee same, we doubt • if half -a -dozen
erotes were. changea by the meeting;
is an
. .
Loma Political Pointe.
. ---
East Huron Liberals 'teethe' Brussels'
on the 30th inst., to select a candidate for
the Local. th ' ' •
Sir R. Cartwright has been unani-
metiers, nominated for South Oxford. -as
strong a Liberal 'coestituencr as, South
Huron. ' .•
With the Provincial, municipal, school
trustee and Dominion elections on hand,
persons politically inciiried should. eave
their cup of happiness overflowing;
The date Of the Ontario election's has
been elmeged otie day. earlier than pre-
viously announced, as•the school elections'
come on the 29th .of Dec. The elections
with therefore, be held on the P.8th. •
We have little to add. Mr.Cateiron has
the hearty and loyal support of the Libe-
tale of the West Riding of Herein He
has promises of support front Oonseree-
dyes who hitherto opposed. him, but who
admire fair play and manlinees, life. has
• assurances from men' who though they
never were -strong partizans, have been Al-
lied with his opponents. hitherto, that they
will sepport hint because they can no long-
er tolerate the vicious acts. of a tiaoribund
government: He goes into the 'fight with
thehirestige which the. aleintatice of a
geneiel Liberal yictory 'throughout the
•country can give a Liberal candidate, and
just so sure as anything humait can be
epee to be sureehe wIll again he returned
for West Huron.••
The lEeealln Zliebtlen
It was , a, difficult task tie find smile One
who wanted to b aleeghtered in the Con-
, .
servetive intereetit
for the Legislature...
e pending election
oppose Hon. Mr.
the man is,
lad to fincl
Rees, we do not care ey
means certain defeate Weer
that though the names of. seven. 'gentles
men from Clinton were mentioned eon-
•- . . • • . .
'section with the Conservative nonuna
they all wisely declined. The utter &s-
pew of the Conservetwe party can be best
evidenced by. the fact that a prominent
temperance Liberal of Clinton was ep-
• preached,' we do not say officially, but he
was approached and asked to run against
Mr Rees. 11e refused and said that as a
consistent temperance man held, a good
Liberete he could not opposeithe Mowat
*Governnient. Dr. Taylor, cif Goderiche
was the only one out Of dozen nonaina-
'tions nsade,at Smith's Hill, onWednesday;
who would accept the thankless and hope -
The Ministers sat dumbon dogged 'thence leis task, and he•has our heartfelt commie -
upon their purchased majorities. "The- seeatioe.. It only remains ler the Liberals
inembers,with theexception of a veil, few' of the, Weetjeiding to givie Mr Ross a
denials, whichwere- shown' in most, cases bumper majority on the 2eth of Dec., just
to be matters Ofdetail, made no attempt to sisow the Conservatives what tee can :do
at self-defence. •-The reason !then. No When we try, •, . • .
. .
reply, no derence 'was: possible, bechelse The :candidate's nominated -were John
the peed was complete arid indisputable. Ransterd, E. Corbett, W. Doherty, .T. C.
It was found in. the blue books. .. The Dater, Clinton. Dr. Taylor, WsIejohn-
• minieters were 'convicted,' if not out Of sten, W Mcleean, E. Campion, C. Crabb;
their owte mouths, by means of their own Goderich. P. Kelly:, Blyth. Beacenne
pens and these of their official suberclina- Goderich township. j. M. Roberts Dun-
• tes. Now, liowever, that' Parliament is
no tenger, desperate attempts are being
• made to break' the force--ot' the damning
facts and figures. Mr. Blake aed Mr,
Cameo!' are accused of garbliisg. The
omission of a sentence here and there from
a report, possibly an occasional clerical
erroe inaccuracseituch• as will inevitably
occur in a mites -Of quotations, are cited as
proofs of bad faith and deliberate wiisre-
presentetion.e e • • ' .• •• •
. .
That a deed eet bee been niade; and
Town Hall on Tillltedarlaet., On the occe-
Mon of the union thanksgiving service.
The merman was preached by Rev. Mr.
Rupert,(Mrs Spading being away), and
the singing Berme was conducted by Mr,
G. F. Oakes, The collection, which was
devoted to the poor of the townhunoueted
to abed $26.
The tea -meeting in the HatteubOry.St'
Methodist church, on Tisursday evening
last, was not as well attended as it, might
have been, The chair was occupied by. the
pastor,and excellent addresses were given
by Revs. A. g. Smith, ot Varna; j, Gray,
of Clinton, and J, Fishers _of Ilegimese.
ville. Tine addreetaif Mr. Smith was an
exceptionally good one, being practical ad-
vice to young men. The choir, under the
leadership ef Mr, Doherty, furnished stilt.
able music.
• . •
presented, for instance. if Huilett gave a
majority of )0e to the I, berate, h was cos
titled to send more reereseetativee te.
convention than 'Alckii.op, wineh gave a
ramorife the other wa,e,. providing beth
had the (same number of polling eabolivi-
sions, and a committee cousisting of the
followIng gentlemen was appointed to
draft some resolution that walla meet
the costs J Hullett ;
j Waniees, Stanley; leshAlcDermaid, Hay;
G. Walker,_ Tuckersmith ; A Greinger,
leayfield; M Y McLean, Seatorth M
• Murat) jr., McKillop. The following re-
solution was prepared: -The committee.
• spe leaye to report -that at all the Reform
eonventions held in the South Biding of
A 'neon, hereafter, for Dominion purposea,
tee repeeseetation be on the followiog
etz. :-Three delegetee fer the first
efi Reform vote* cast anft 1 delegitte for
each subsectrient 25votes ot. fraction theres
et, and that the votes eatt at the last pre-
ceding election for the Dominion 'Fatalist-
ment be taken as a" basis. Also ehat the
several municipalities be required to elect
an equal number of. delegates for each
polling sulndieision, and tie the event of
-their beinghodd numbers, tbe 'erldrepre-
- sentatives be distributed equally betvreen
the pelting sub -divisions polling the
largest number of Reform votes. Also
that the Assetieatien-Secretary notify the'
'several municipal chairman. at least ten,
days beforetins holding of any eonvention
of the number of delegatee each !jelling
sett -division in the respectire muracipali
This was the subject upon which that ties is entitled to elect. Some of those
distingaished Irishinan, Justin McCarthy, pressen t thought it -best to leave this over
lectured in Sestforth, on Tuesday evening. ontil a subsequent meeting, but on it
last. Quite a company went down front being put to the Meeting, the reselu-
Clinton amongst theparty being Rev. and then wasalmost carried.
Mo. M. 'Stewart, Meyer Williams, Reeve , m
Menurchie, R. Coats, W. W. Farrah', A. Nominations were then called for, when
11. Manning, D. F. Macpherson, Jas. Nr, Ian McMillian,reeve of Hullette was
Scott, H. B. McLean, J, Wisenian, Jas, nominated; by M. Murdie; jr., of Mcleil-
Smith, he Stewart, .of Stanlee, and R, lop, seconded by Mr. D. .dardnere ofseles-
elohnes. The late train -was held, over loniete.•
until after the lecture for the accotieniecia- Sir R. J. Cartwright Was nranituttedhy
fstheBeCtlwioeteonn 500
od Ganodder6i°9110 Continpocopi; by J g: Beak, 0 f Bay.. McL
Mr,•Af. Y. of Settforth, seconded
were presenhancl the audience was a most A billet being taken, 'Sir Richard was
enthusia•tic One. • Justin McCarthy, toned. toe have a majority 'of. the votes cast,
through hie farnouseeelistory ot our own and he was accordingly deelared the nom -
'rimes" Ruth Other works, wasknown to inee of the•Conventiem, whigh then Made,
most of those present. Nearly the wbole the nomination unatomous„. • Mr: Johle
of the Olintonians had the plearlare•of an McMillan ,made a short speech, iu.perfect
introductions and a shak.e of the hands barmony with the proceedings of tempen,.
with the great Rome Ruler., His lecture. vention, urging the Liberals to etandby
was a. masterly exposition ot ehe • Irish their party' leaders and do theie utniost to
question, fee.° heona enythitig like • rant etrengthen their hands •
and Without a solitary discourteous refer- • A resohition Was unanimonsly passed
mice to hie opponents. His descriptions. that in mile Sir Richard: Cartwright did
Pinang not accept the nomination -he having ala
.4Woeurcehegdraittini t,'hpeiecpetisre. sobf •most
'chaste so been nominated for South Oxforde--
language. His recital of the events' lead-
lug to the introduCtion orlYfr. Gladstone's ifirous choice of the
uJonMcMillan. should be the mien -
Liberals of South
te Btil otbieytisnenidsbtbeH
eiritsof tit House
the..great ur6.
Cheers foe the Queen' end Liheiallead-
debate, •
Commons, was meet eNtient and just. eta:brought the convention to a 'close.
.His eulogy upon Mr, Gladstone, who he. - heeeh
gertedeet 'orator.° the nineteetith centuty" on es oro Creamery AmMal Etta
was posh vociferously pheered hey the • ,
The Cause ot Ireland.
patrons', as he was a straightforward. and
reliable bueinese roan.
hfr W Riddle was satisfied with the re-
sult of the yearet bueinese ; he recoutesead.
ed the erequent testiug of the cream.
Mr game. Ouninghate elated thot for
the eve month* Aunt one weee theft the fan.
tory • WO running this year, he had re-
ceived *103; hid sent the cream of four
owe and one two-year old boiler.
WOunnittehato hid received ea ever-
ege of (I 22.78 per owe.
Mr John Knox had reeeived an average
.a 20.50 per cow. -
Mr le 1:1 Knox, #20.50 per cow for the
same length of time. .
Mr Alexancler Watt urged the patrons
individuelly to show to their neigikbore
who were •not patronizing the Creamery,.
the good and profitable results that were
being attained, mid endeavor to prevail oo'
tlleafT0 fall 'Ate line and emit a beady
ehpport. The price of making the butter jf
this sewn had been one half cent per lb. •
less than had, beeb.eharged in former years,
and he had no doubt that if the farmers
generally would give their support, thus
plaoiog the inanagee in a position to make
a Much larger quantity, the priee of •mak-
ing could, in the near future, be still fur-
ther reduced.
A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr
Halms for the praotteal inetruction con-
tained io addressrand also for the pub
and energy be bad dieplay'eci in placing the
products of the •Londesboro Creamery in
the best market.; of gngland and Seotland.
With, votes of thanks to the Board of Di-
rectors, the Meeting wak closed, •
• — °
At the meeting ef shareholders beta
the morning, all the officers were re-elected':
President, George Watt, DireetorarMeasrs
A Watt, jae Cunningham, R Krunt, W
Cunningham, Auditor James thairmbellete
Secretary -Treasurer WI °anisette The 'I
•company this year paid le dividend of 12
per cent on the paid up capital,
W L Ouiararrs, SeCylreas.
said was "the Freatest statesnian and •L
, . •$TANLEle.
• Baxess.-Mr.G.Bates is atill packing apples
for 0antelo4 rt Co, of Cantor), Mr, Ritchie '
has recovered' horn -his illness. The auction
dale of Mrs. John Peak's farm is to be on the ,
.2nd ofl/ec.,,instead Of the 3rd, 49. was givea
in lest issne. A large number of the members
and friends -of the Yarua, Goshen Line and
Bayfield giodish churches, inet at the per-
sonage, on •Vriday evening and presei,ted
Mr: Hodgen s with an address and an enaelope
containing about 850, for the purpose otse-
curing a fur overcoat for himself, and after
Upending a yery pleasant evening with their'
.paster, rill' dispersed to their -several ho•ines,
happy for having each an energetic' worker'
as Mr. Hedgens is in church affairs, in their,
Mrceieet, bevree; the Irish Home shale
' ' /1" t Toronto,St
agitator,an speec on a in -
day night; asserted that Dr. Icarre, and Mc,. ,
Smith, the gentlemen Who recentX ;spoke.
against Home Rule irciGlintoir; esthetes as .
eleenhere, were. net—liere-orr-.
; holiday as the., stated but to escape givip
•large. audience.
One point in his speech has a perticular Y. 6 evidence before the Royal Cominissiorf apa. .
significance to Clinton. Mr. George 'Hill
22nd inst. ' being the 5tli annual tneeting fast riots—the evklen
was •held at Londesboro on Monday, the
A ver large and enthusiasticrnecten t •- ' e '
ce taken before iyhich.;
pointed to inquire hito the'. ofigin of the Bel.
Smith, when he wee here, asserted that
Mr, Parnell, the Rome Rule Leader, had
evicted 'bus own tenants for non. payment
of rent, Mi‘. 140arthy, at Seaforth, Mr.
Devitt, at Toronto, And Mr. T. M. Healy,'
• M P., have all indignantly denied this
assertion and giVen Mr.• Smith the 'lie di-
rect. There is no, excuse for Mr. Smith;
inasmtach as be must haye known that
Parliament Mr: Parnell
had deniedthese charges, and his denial
.was univereally accepted. We thought at,
the time, and at re now. convinced, that Mr.
:Smith was far too economical of thestruth
in bis epeech here : • •
will Turthersbe Made, to defeat Mr. Came,
. .
ron in the cemmg contest, iii plainlyevi-
dent •, Not ofteti de three prieminent
gabenit Ministers visit a, constituency and
hold two •meetings, 'with their .attendant
side ibows s tinlees, it be -in et desperate at-
• terePt to defeat some 'One W1)0 has preyed
himself obnoxious to thenl. • Sir Jehe
• Macdonald, with. his colleagues,Hon Theo
White, Montreal's gift to Ontario,' Hon
S D Thompson, front kova Scotia, and
W R 'Meredith, the hope of Ontario,'
'invaded the constituentrof West Huron,
with a determination to make a novrardly
attack upon Mr. Cameron, at a. time when
an answer was impossible. • The attaek
Was a system Mid one,pre-arranged amongst
the three Misters, all the more cowardly
because of the number, and shed no puttee
upon men whe should have knoevn better,
• They are, not to be.. allowed to go un-
answered, though, for 'Mr. Cameron has
issue's' a welly thallehge to Sir 3phn
Macdeneld, to meet him and dismiss the
idian questiourbefore the electors of the
. 'county, Mid a -MUM' the eharges which
h Cameron will make and 'ffitheeentiate fronl
the public doeuments ef the,Dominion,
This isthe elle:110%o;
TO TOW Atone HON. Stu hue tieceottetee
gannon. All retired except Dr, Taylor,
• Ae meetirig of the -Liberal electors of
Polling Sub-Dividion No, 2 Hullett, will
be bele at Harlock: at p, eharp, 'one
the evening of. Meedeeteneee, to appoint
delegates to time laharal.cOnVentiOn• for
the East Riding of Heron. .
The Conservatives of South Huron meet
at 1 ensall, -on the 29th, to pick a candi-
date • the Local. The Liberals had aet
pointed e sarne time•and plaocebuts they
have clian d the time ef their .meeting.
to Wednesda Dee. lat, at fe a. m. •
''Reports from e East Riding of Huron
concerningehr donald's prospect for
the Denainien House e very encouraging,'
and indicate diet the s. is likely to re-
deem the Tiding at the n t general elm- •
tion. We hope he may, as heWpuid be a
Credit to anyconstituencye
A Largely Attemfed and Entittisialin
• • • fitecting.. • . •
. .FOuth Huron Liberals.:
• On Tuesdaysnioreing lest one of the
beet attended edenventiotte held. in the
South. Riding, assembled at Dixon s hall,
Brucefield, W nominate a' candidate to
the South eRiding 'et Huron°, for ,the
minion. Every delegate fronneverimuns
icipality answeredtoiris nameiend alarge
• It is•eumered that the•Conserva
Hullett intend to run the follewing ieket
in eptiosition fo the gentlemen who have
been nominated by the Liberals seeFee
reeve, John Britten ; for -deputy, -John.
Lesham. For councillors; Messrs. Church-
ill; elcConnell and I. Barr. • "he
• 'We hever .1cnew the Liberals of the
County �f Huron to be in better spirits,
woektng more harmoniously or unitedly,
or in any respect in better shape for telec-
'eee of number ofLiberal 'seiiihathizere were pre-
sent iu addition. Theefoelowing is the
list �f delegates preseete-
• Stanley-jno, Giltniehr, Jas. McCully;
D. Ross, Silo Murdock; W. Murdock, H,
Reid, Geo Anderson,* jas • Wanless, • A
Mitchell, 4 -Kennedy, John Morrison, H
McGowan, A M Camptselle.h. Thornisson
and A Douglass: , '. '
Tuckerstniths-W Payne, Jas Forsyth,
• SeLorideshore, A Elcoat, W- Broadfoot,
W Sproatesechioige W:. McMillan, G Wale
ker, VIT'Fiedlayson, Jno Sincleir, D. Mc-
Intosh. •
• Bayfield -A. Grainger, Jho Morgan)
• W Widdin.•,
Seaforth-A Young, J Wetson, M Y
McLean,',W M Gray, W Robb, R Lunn.;
den, se Lyons,. W -McKay, G E Bender -
Son, Dr. Hanovef, T AI Best, Dr. Susith,
'Dr. Scott,l) D WilsotoeT A. Wilson. •e •
• Hullett-R Et .Kno.e, Jno Watt, Gee -
Twee in im by tee people,of Ontario, .The regular meeting of the Ws 0. T. IL Watt, J 13 Murray„, Geo Stephenson, Jae
. _
They 'should, and we believe will,' ehoW 1 • • e '
w 11 be h ld et the home of MM. Biddle- Hincieley, T (embed, P Quigley, D Shan -
their apprehiation of hint `by giving him se • - - -
combe; next Tuesday, it 8 p. tit ahan R A.dams, R Scott, J/10: Muth, A
a stronger•majority at the ceming elec- McDonald, G Sprung, W Caningham,
. . . , • • • Rev, J, tray will preach in Ontario St: 1
tionse ' W Jackson; .1' iin CaMpbell, D Ti lady H
Church, on Sunday nr1Orning neht, and
Rev. Mr. Patten, of Ilolnsesville, in the Snell, elite COrresh, A Watt, S Woodman,
Jno Brieham. " '
. Ier the consing tocal elections, much Rev. It. S. Rupert preached excellent '. HaY-A
. - c is er, lorres , Love
Educational, Society or the 'Methodist A McTaggart, W Chapman, he Sherry, R
111)trileteZ_,_t' IPWcaln"./.11'rnhItleifeecrkdi
teoubletsay be avoided if people will re- sermeits on Sabbath :hist in baealf of the
member -that they can •',Ally vote in the dhurch as tesseesbeeo
. . and leinburn, to ,
R Johnston, A Geiger' 0 Holtzman, Jno
•• tion work, than they are at present. Still
„• 'over -confidence should be guarded against,
and as every Liberal realizes his obliga-
tions, we expect they will disch,arge them
to the best of their ability.
•LOCAee' cHu4cH
A. •reeetiog of tlie Session of Willis
Church, will be held here this (Friday)
evening. • '
• IN the fourteen years that Mr. Mowat
has been in effice, not.a solitary charge of
wrongdoing hese-been fastened against'
hint. He has wisely and. meat judiciously
reneged the affairsof the Provinceethown
himself a superior' administrator, and has
proved that he is worthy of thehonfidence
of the Londeeboro Butter arid CheeseMan-
UFactiiriog Co. The secretary read o report
of the business for the season just ,eloped,
es follows :-.-The company received ' during
the season,"17,207 inches of cream, from
which:was manufaetured 52,235 pounds Of
butte, an average of 112 4-1.? lbs: better
from 100 inches cream. The butter was
.sold at an average price of 20 ceotaPer Ib.
and realized thethandsome sum of $10,447.
. • evening, providing Mr. Sperling is away.
• m Air t er t
municipality ot division in which they large and appreciative congregations. leltildrew W Lehman, W' hIcKee, D
reside. There isno such thing, for Sunday. School Anniversary sermons Spencer, 'S•Rannie, W charters, A- Dou-
e ' .. - e ee. will be preached in Rattenbttry St. Meths geld,
eleetion, as a nonereeident vote. ten-
dehthe• old law g a man owned property .odist church, on Sunday next, by Bev, E. . eteXillop-W Cash, W McGowan,' Ina
Scott, of Charing Cress, who will also ad- 'Grieve, A Gardner, 11 Cash, A McLeod,
in the Eat, West and South Biding, and dress A mass meeting of scholars in the af- G Murdie, Al hfurdie, jr., Jas. Heade,
was living in soap one of these he could ternoon. On the following elonday•oven• E Hinchtey, T test, W Grieve, D Mc-
vote in all. Under the preeene law, he ing t p .
he usual public service will be held. Laughlin A Clevenloek,
_ , . T Lahslie, Jno
'Wi3 of a recent is- Wila°14 R G I k W Ar h b id Jas
can only vote where he reisdes, no matter The West Derham Ne
. sue, contains tne account o'f' the death of °Teleran a Blanchard, Aitchieon, G
t •Mm. Roach•, wife of Re.v. W. R. Roach, urnbti 11 W McGavin, J R Govenlock,
.what property he has elseWhere. • ,
SI his res -
N wo or three occasions . ately, Su. this sown; heert disease was the cause of g n se Prestdent of the Association
of A vening, formerly B. C. Minister of . Mr: John, c. I an, tendered
0 T 1
Sohn Macdonald, ewe several �fbis mins her death, and there are warty here who an dgave a brief account of his position
liners, have travelled on the trains on remember her, that, will deeply regret her refuting certain slanders that had been
Sunday, to meet political •engagements. denlise‘ • circulated toneerning hirst, stating that
The eblertainrnonts of C. Paul's Guild he was niVays in entire harmony with the
• A comparieoie withhhe years immediate-
ly preceding, shows that_the intereaLk
making:rapid strides. During- the Season
of 188-i the conipariY • merle 32,809 lbs. of
butter, which was sold frit. $6,795. Ie -1885
41,215 lbs. were made, pelting fee $7,778.
Mr. 3 -oho Hanna was called to seethes.*
the tie:toting. Ile directed attention to the
Creamery Assoofation recently formediand
said that with such an .orgarlization the
eueeses: of the crestruery seettein of making
better was assured. • .0ne object of the As-
seeiation was to ettiploy expertenced.'and
:practical men to visit. ereamehleethi rough -
get the. Prcieince, and ereleavdieto iive all
factories produce tie nearle as peeSible • an•
article of high and nniforap qoalitY ; by
this' means a 'large quantify of butpri•of
high and uniform gra.de amid be placed
upon. the. inarket ' while fresh lied sweet;
and higher prices . vitruld be . the, result...se..
Aozither object of the -Association sverunt be
to correct. the Wrong impression prevailing
in England thee American Creamery and
CanadianCreamery were one and the same,
Prof. Robertsimeof Guelph, now • in Eng-.
land; was doing a great deal towards cor-
recting this idea. The sale of. inferiorAm.
eriean creamery' leutter.had injured the ire-
pu tatien,of 'our product ton cousiderable
extent, but this would* be overeoine by a
determination to export only a high grade
ef butter, and • thus establish a marked
disti�ction between the peoduot of the. V.I.
S. ereameries, and the prodnet of Canada.:
Canadian cheese stood well above eAmeris
can' cheese in the foreign niarkete, and .it
Would not be long until Canstilian .butter
would. also sensate a firm held. He Celled
the attention of the path:Moho the neces-
eity of keeping. the milk &eh and of (risen.
temperature he order to get the beet hes
Smite. Recominended :more attention to
the daireieg i‘terests. Creameries and
stock -raising worked together harmonious-
ly. He attegested the placing of salt where
'cattle would have free /loess to it, . Be-
lieved it *as advissable to place the ieethy
tnade butter on the local markets, and that
the butter -Making Manton ithould beau's:-
• ded later in ihe fall, when 'a higher figure
would be realized. •
Mr. 11, Stalker .expressed satisfatition
'heith the reeult of the yeares operations and
the progress of the creemery,
Mr. A T. MoDonald was welt ,phiaeed
with the reault of this year's knisiness, and
wad gratified to learn that the 'Creamery
was having a largely increased patronage,
and hoped it would continue to prosper. •
Mr John Knox.• rialto agreed yith the
eeateinents made by Mr Hanna ; thought
his etuggestioes should be acted upon; was
glad to know the quantity of butter made
this year trati eti much greater Ahab that of
ariy previous year; and he Would contiroiet
to give the Oreainery his hearty support.
1r-Burgose said he had beeteaspetron•
of the Creamery for fotteyears, and had
elways been plealled with 'the results; he
would give it his impeoet in flititre, Re
.had. no dithenity in raising good Shook, as
all the •milk vras left on the ferns. tied.
!told 't -year old t Attie for $10 a head
more than had been paid for cattle of the
krone ago raised by pence who petronized
• There can be to eheuie tvhatever for tiny- were re-openeillei the winter months on Liberal patty tever haa -ally letentionses
had been statelchof running as an indepen-
thing of this kind, and every hocillef"jOue, ereitelay evening lest. Amo g. those take dent eatdiclate, in case he did tot get the
nal .in CIAO Ifilld 6110111d AdrlOall CO it. !ng part were tile YeeeP1.19 -Betulf'rqle nominAtiou of this.coneentton, and placed
Ernergeneies niay arieehedasiotially,wheres lastin7cearset.egieen . by J._ 3. tt _anti ,1N iss hirneelf entirely in the halide of the eon-
] , music by Allsses Robertson,
in it becomes necessary to travel on the Kendall, Deem, Meech, mre, Ransfoee . vent
ion iell r.
M John Hanna was then elect -
Sabbath, and at such times there is no lan. -•
est as President, in place of Mr. AlcIliii-
and Mr. Sibley.
wrong in it,tbut the occasions 011 which. Rev. David Regershof Ailsa Clraighlete It wee suggested that foe future con yen.,
roOeivtd an Gilaillinfill2 illVitfitiOn front 1.10tiS, a ehange should be matio in •the eheeee fectories. Was pleased to know
the Quarterly • 13oard of ,the Methodist manner of selecting Eandidates, so that thee Mr Hamm was to Wive the manage-
-church of the Londethere; cirenit, to be 1 the numbee of Iterorin votes cut inc ,h cwent of the Creel/NIT next year; cousiders ,
the Superintendent, of that cireuit for the municipality, would be -more °gustily re. ed him worthy of the eoutidence se. the
commission went 'to show c000lusively that
Dr,'Kane and his followers were the prime
movers in the whole unfortunate butmess..
It is now linderstO .dahat the Dominion'.
Ministers will take the stunib. and do their
utmost to help Mr. Meredith at the coming-. •
Provincial elections:
. .
. ,
MRS: REEFERTItatlenbury
ALT Apply to Mt& J. 0. GIER0y. • •
-LP so keeps on his premises, lot 93, con. 13, Huila%
a good_ Berkshire Boar for service. Terms Si with
privilege of returning If necessary. S. GRAY •*4i .
premises, Base ArsAneTIN:TrnqiI:EdgeilrBt,9Er:
fillip, about the 105 Nov.
years old past, The ownirr is hereby notiried to provo
property, pay charges and take it away. L. MANN tiia
1-7 MS unknown, have for some time been fee and
housed In the premises on lot 4, Hayfield con.,,Goile-
rich township, 1 Black Evve, 2 awes, Gowns, tails un-.
cut. and othercemtrion stock Eives„.tails cut and ears
mari.h1. It hot Manned within a month they will bo ".
sold 55 pay costs. Hayfield, Nov. 22, 1888: 41t •
EFFECTS, .• , •
Mir G. E. ChMayorth worsen by PulAN
his rosidonee, Ammer Sr., CLINTON, Off -SATURDAY,
DEO, 4th 1880, commencing at 1.,p.ra-, the•following
articles, viz: -1. black • walnut bair-okag parlor sotto., .
uew,1 black waiuuteentre fable, 1 pair gilt intim) oil
chromos, coal stove cook stove, bedroom 'box stove,
new, and about actioniths pipe, elbows, eta., all as good '
as new, extension tab cr. drop-leaf table. kitchen table,
2 sideboards, pair fruit pictures, 8 cane -seat dining •
chairs, 8 .kitchen chairs, 1 arm rocking -chair, 2 small
rocking -chairs, I couch, 1 bed -lounge, 2 dressing ca.ses,
2 bedsteads, a single bedsteadjsprings and mattress, I
spring mattress, wool mattress,1 wash stand and 2
bedroom- setts, white, parler lamp, 2.1arge lamps with -
globe, 2 smaillamps, house plants. 4 wash •tubs. wash- '
int Machine and wringer,.batit nib, lawn mower, mil', •
.tion shears, hoe, spade, eta, tapestry carpet, rag carpet
aboute0 yds of new Moth -proof felt paper, 5 quantity
echoic.) canned frults and. pickles, cooking utensils, .
tinware, glassware, earthenware, crockery, and 'miens •
other articles. Aldo 2 set of single harness, geat robe,
coon robe 1 open phaeton, Everything must besold, •
as Owner 'is leaving the country. terms cash... JAS.
ITOWSON, Anctioneor,
• STP.Nntirr iiE.Nfill.th OF INDIAN .4.P. teitejohn loisheen setting the bad example
totes. . e of travelling on Sundaywere none of
-Fin,-.On Mc loth of 'this month you visit. these, • ./
41(0111C1i1[14,10t LINE. ,
Light Rouse, an English papor devoted to commercial •
and nautical matters, says in its iSsue of May 8th t
"For Mane time pastille Adriatic hat been carrying
intermellato passengers with so much Seeeedg Msat,
this elms Of acoomodation has boort introdtmed �u
board the Celtio. The dining saloon set apart for Inter-
' mediate passengers is quite up to the old fashioned •
stylo of saloon,and realty it seems almost next to ab. • '
surdity when we look at tho aceonnuodatIon provided
at so ridiculously low a sum as 830. Ona thing is
eertaln, and that is, that Into:Mediate passengere ell
'board the Adriatic and Coale ,will tare much better
than they Would at double the rate bit some steamers
now rut:Mine'.
BAILWA.Y & stEfrmsatP AGENT,
• ' • CLINTON, ONT, •
S. rt,40031)/ti
litOcNit 4*.11) STA.T.M.1fl14