The Clinton New Era, 1886-11-26, Page 3dallISIN1111111 FRIDAY, NOV. 26, UK widarinser. Pan -EXPElataarCa.WITII SWDIDI.ERS BAD. ' *ARR. HIS HARD TO BEAT. . •• ' • ‘Nts you Can't come'any o'• your d'odasta on me,' tea a grangerfisel passen- ger, as a man with a big jinglitig ring full of bets checks accosted him With the inquiry, if he was going: any further than Chicago. YOU can't play ale for a eacker.I:tell you.. I have had my eye- teeth out, I hay. .1., have had three . ligh.rag rode put up en, my ptactsaevery One f• Which cost me Seven prices, pae the tiete at which it has been lamed and the source front which it emanates. been etuck on Bohemian oats; Russian oats., Australianoats- , hullessharley,gold: Does an one believe that it the Tory leaders live been possessed of even a data wheat, -Seneca chief wheat. red line kwheat, and all of them things. The Iasi., partial' defence of their administration of' Northkvest affairs they would have s man who caught me. on this scheme said he represented a eig---ealapanaa_ana that left Mr.aCameron'a masterly exPesure in Parliament unenswered: until the eve he was. only allowed to sell ten bushels -to one farmer at $10 per, bushel. Bineii of an eleetiOn,—liamiltoli Tittles. by md 'adse he dame around and said he'd • What Welid the !Amid de - -the fifty heaheliaima the sly -for cash, pro. withoutuuseyourac • Tiding I'd sign an agreen3ent nob to tell mnietlhina.14:5 .6i-472611st ;tea on hitn. He said he had taken a liking out to hied. 01 course gtrewhountean to Me, and would pita as soon See Me get 'be world would "'t "bit Without "P;03/ riehas his own father. I ;CA the fifty Li" question is itratutiotet l. It would hive behe en $taixk: What w. bushels, paid him $500, and Signed the world do agreement'. Three asontim later I found eriihaus panseena for a vpity!tntiUa and otirdiSs°1 that agreement in the bank a promissory eurfilor. her Peenliar diserosli. In at Word; what Would the 'world do without Deasioroe'e --inite-for$500-rwarea-whiclalahadatoapay_ 1 haye been .caught on worthless fruit Ow and fertilizers, and other olaptraps by bb. dozen. One tim.e 1 ordered a new rewind edition Bible, and the blank aaarder which 1 filledturned up, a promis• Illbry note for $100. About A year ago a stranger stopped at my house just be- fore dinner time. Of _course I- asked birn-to-Sit-upanti-eataavitiana-___Httaistid. he was an agent ,for the Bible Society, and was not permitted to eat meals without paying for thetra but would be 'pleased to, sit up, if I. would take the pity. Of course I . agreed', and you just lag& to have- heard that Man pray. He was. a prayer front .way back, and My appetite nearly made lee sick before he got through asking the blessing. Af- ter dinner he asked ree'to sign •a receipt which he uoald show the Bible -Society as a voucher ,that he had paid for thd meal. Three inontha late r that receipt asseturned up in the haek sia. a note of •$65: . 1 had to ' pay. it. Lasts sun -oiler. I ..built a new barn, and, of course, I. wanted a -lightning rods -on it. A Man oarnealong with his wagon and I dickered with hint for a contract,. a He eaaised the barna:aid • said lie wanted t� do a gOod job in toy When that task is completed, the Op; neighborheoda'seein', as I . was tr•promin,tflo fartrierwill haveto torn his atten. ent mae aa' my recommend would be don to the subject .of. making 'the most valuable to .11im .11.114*busines, an'drew Of his resources its •the,rapidry changing. up plans for enelatrorate system of rods. 840- of .eatiits.• - Of one thing he may which he agreed ad pia'. up for $10... It' -rest- essureda Unless m , the event of a was dirt cheap, and scaI sighed thecon- waaaaeed thee the ihinge for tract. .After the work was done I paid thebetter Weald be temporary, --he must hit* the $10, and, s'posoft, that was the make tip his mind that the day of a -very end on't. But it wase't, The$10 Was 4igh -pride foe' •wheat is. pasta •• With simply for putting up the rode. For the' .eleils-37;-'trikti irit large measure from rode themselves alahed: to nay $280: I've thh people Of. ‘Cnterio—a much bigger lpaid royalties, on patented farm rnachin,a sun'. than was actually necessary—the 'e-iy• which felloWs svould kerne elorig nd. Ptssen't Admiaietration has subeidied . find in :my possession, aOcaielaiiniag the t the Canadian. PacifiC.IlailwaY • to carry by using the Machines :F had infrin.ged Wheat, which. is the ,great staple crop of en their patent's,threatefiedteprosecute the. Northwest, to. .the guiopean mar - me if I didn't settle Op.:, I've bought 'kets,• • . Year by year the quantity. for half-e-dozeur receipts fOr the niannfactuae export Will be increased ' • and 'grown as of fertIlizers,. and as' many sure t tires, it. is on the virgin soil .ofthe prairie,ft, foe the liog-cholera'. • :rye been taken in . isnot -to by expected that the farmers -of on freight receipts, lotteries, Card; .Ontario will be able to aucce4efu,ly. porn- bames7 ' insurance frands petesa pete with :their :brethern in the Noah:. a -' • right vendors., widderi, bogus ministers, :Nest unieWrbeY their a4en;i4:1 aipeaious-ehaaity agentsaaina all scot :o'' moisteatal more..to dtversity 111 pioduc skin games, 'but 'I'vetat my eyes operaata:sti°14dititi43""e44e11* last, stranger,• ,• . the growing *parts of •wheat :ante I'M gain" farther.' thanCtacaao/ 'but •Great Britain .frara indla,rendeted niOra • . et, et you think von cangib abaladollar out profitable that the importation of wheat of .me for that littlepieee' o' pastebpardfroi0 this country. laectiuSet the -Indian and that brass check, yerbarkingalp the Government ::placea.few :matt ittions on • wrong - tree. Do 'you teialme for a man'. -tlie importation- .ef Baitieh. -products- in who' has had no eXpefiehee in -the affair eaca tinge. fanatlas• wheat sold, •while this ethe ldl'--.Chicago . Canadian 'inverter is met with 'high takeoenevery article he taidettakea to. • Invisible but InetantaneouS. . . bringinte the .co.untry. ' . •. Apa u ins or aches' will be ,Mstantly_reinored -a 1,•Yl Afew drop-ii-bf Fluid Lightning applied over -What-our-fartneas now neetianore:tharsa the' affected parts. No time lost ; no' nauseous evetais the right -to make the: meet of the medicines needed; no poultieing •or using greasy liniments. It will not blister or discolor the skin. -Sold at 250. a beats by Worthington .Druggist. Sufferers from Nettralgia ;Injure us . that they never fear it when their house con- tains -a bottle of Fluid•Lightumg.: • • '. 111, • Tory "Facts" and Actual Fact.e. , Mr. M. C..Catiseron M. P. made his. obarges ofrascality in the a niinisteat on d ' of Indian a-ffairsr in the Het* .of Com- mons, in presence' of half a'alozen Tory leaders and of overeats' bemired of the rank mid -Me 'of the -patty. The. Blue Books from Which be 'quoted were be fore them, They had ample opportunity to deny - the • serious -accusations. Bet they were dumb; they opened not their mouths, • By emit:domes Iconkeet they admitted, that there had been the Most •flagrant Misgovernment in the•Ntirth west and that the discontent that . brought; about the rebellion deeper than the mere anxiety to go forwardatral be .shot dowe by the ' volenteers, . It is now over six MoutbS since thetas' charges were first made. At that time Sir John lbscdonald merely said that he would appoint a tontinissiou to ittvasti- gattthem. But he changed • hie mind, Ile 'knew timathe people .would have not confidence in the work of a secretor par tizan conitaission. The Pacifie Scandal Commission taught them- a leaser) on that" heed ;• but he also knew that it would be verydamaging ±� his Govern - merit if he went to the cOuntry without eseriying some answerto these charges. So he employe the Haieilten Spectator to compile and print many thoutiands abides of a. pamphlet ofgarbled extracte.from. public teportia the •ohjeet of whims,- as every independentjeureal which has ex- amined the subject as stated, is to pais, entirely imspeaded. .The storm iti gener- lead the people and cover up the peeula- • al throughout itOWtt, Nebraska, Colorado tions bf,efficittls and tad teglect and ita and Wa teeing. ^ competency of thee° in eharge of the- • panvoro 001 Nov, 17—The 7'Lead ee 1 passen A. relief party dug out the Department, in a mass of werds. And ville etage was caught in a snow drift for this election dodger—thiet So -Called yesterday on top of the mountain, fif- answer to the damaging accusations been miles east of the Aspen, filA, was against the Ministry and the Boodlers carried over a precipice 200 feet high. wins hangs to its skirts—the' public funds, the time wrung from the people from the avalanche. Four were unhurt in times of trade depression,. will be paid but axe cannot recover. There was a th over to e Spectator, winie.the Tory wild storm throughout the country. The bosses go chuckling around, congratults- west bound PacifiC mail train has bgertis ting therneelvee on the fact that it is an snow -bound at Brookville, Kan., since easy thing to run an _election when the Monday. No Burlington train has sr. taxpayer foots the bill. for carnpaign,lit- rived since yesterday morning. The erature. Thevelue of the distortion of thermometer here is 4 degrees below the truth issued under the title of 'facts' zero. Other portions of the state very can be best gathered by considering from 4 to 20 below. Canton, Dalc., NOV, train of 100 passengers is snowed in seven tniles west a here. . The Milwaukee Railway is lined with dead engine% in snow drifts. PERTH NEWS. Mr...Alex. Kennedy, of Downie, re- cently aeld a six nsonthe old Norman Percheron colt to_ Mr. Miller, br-Ellicei for the sum of $120, • Mr. Joshua Challenger, Huron road, near Mitchell, has purchased farm a of 1.02:acres on the 8th con. of Ehmawithin one mile of Atwood. Price $5,000 Mr, A. F. Love, who has been a resi• dent of Mitchell for twenty years, leaves -1aFaveriterrescriptittra-great rOinedy-fer an -a• few- weeks -for A:urora, -wherebe has female weaknesses ? It is •ineaspensaale for received a situation in ahe -Fleury tha ilia of womankind. Works. • The Lessen Taught Partnere- . Whatever else the experience of the , last few years teachesait has deinenstrat- ed that Ontario farmers must, as the aears roll on, -rely more upon stock rais- ing and dairying, and lees • en the growth of cereals, .A, few eeara ago a majority of them cheerfully sehreitted to high taxation on clothing, sugar and other neeessities of life, on the assurance that if they did so the taxes Would be se arranged that_the;price of farm pio- duc'e would be kept- high. The politi clans' have ' failed to keep their part 711111.e.... bargaia, and ' no doubt : e the farmers will resolve to so vete in the ensuing electi na that theluelatans who misled them may be sent to private life, and their places be ailed with. lit:m- eat citizens Who will avoid extravagance reduce taxation', aed enable the agricui; turist to get full, value,of the good things Of lite in exchange for what he has to resouaces—te reach -the worlds- markets .by the ahospest. Available route and to obtain the beit•coesible aalua inaeturn for what they hav.e,to sell, . It hats been. rendered abodantly evident that: they eatinOt be trxedrich, and we are certain that theintelligent majority of them will not again he :eheetiled into the belief that high taxation means. aprtisperity for flume, or for that .matteafor anybody else. • , • • The ;net .Year. 1886. After the 0°0 yelif,la ended there need be no. Person suffering from Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, tubago, or any acute pain, if they will only purchase a bottle of Fund •Lightniug. , as itettres itistaiitiy; pain ,cationt stay where it is used. The name is Fluid Lightning. Sella by. Worthington, Draggiat. • waling : • • . THE 'WORST BUZZARD_ IN TEN YEARS PRE- VAILS IN IOWA AND DAKOTA. . . Sioux City, Iowe, eev7- ereat bliza ird in ten , years prevails in Western Iowa, and Suethern baketa. The atm& ere blocked and unsheltered stoek are suffering badly. SG, Paula, Minn., Nov. 17.—A. bliz- zard prevails here. ' It began in the western part, of the state and ewept taint and south through Wisconsin. Railroad aial street ear travel is greatly impedad. No such storm has °cote red so early in the Season for years. The snow'storte which hegunabere Monday night hoe now beeo raging 48 hoursaind shows no signs of abatement, The street cars heve not been /ginning in St. Pao! -or Mitineeota today; Omaha, Neb., Nov. ,17.—Trove1 is laaye you 'ever tried McGregor de Parke's Carbolio Ceratis for sores of any kind 4 It Is beyond doubt the very best preparation in the market for healmg and curing Sores: Burns. Cuts, Pimples, Blotches, and is the only proper method of swathe Carbolle Add, Sold at Worthington's. Drug Store tor 250. per box, One day ltiat week a trap door leading to a collar, in a sidewalk, gave way un- der -the weight of kr: J. E. Davis, of Mitchell, who is not aery heavy, and precipitated ham to the, bottoni, se 'see- iously injuring ban chat he was coefined to his bed for four. -.days - . On Monday, while clenching thenails itt e hoese's.shoe, at Mr. Dev's's bleak - smith phase Mitchell, an apprentice, Jas. -1-1ill met with a bed rnisfortime,-• The animal pulled the foot away -and corn - teemed plunging, knocking the boy's knee out, of joint and injuring. the cap. Or; 'Saturday last a painful accident happened to Charles son of Mr. Thomas Connel, Of poole, He was driving the horsepower at his' father's barn, when he accidentally slipped, his foot ;got -ting tfialiaatia-eeliTiao large cep,: wheels, crush- ing'it very badly and. leaving the, boot among the wheels. • About One o'clock bn Saturday morn- ing fire wee' discovered in the building' on Elie st., known once as Weir's. fan- nieg mill factory, •Stratford. When seen the fire bed burst through the sides and roof, so that to save the beilditig was oat of the queStieraancl a few black- ened timbers are • all that now remain of theanein structure,- ' Mayor Macgregor, �f Stratford, Met with an uiafortimate aecident on Sunday. In leaving the door of ,St. Andrew's church in order toareech the baseenent his foot -caught in a scraper,Onsing hire to fall heavily to the ground. He sus- tained some injury to his right side,ren- dering his arm useless for several days; and hiavight eye is badly bruised. . ; ' • • • At the last Listowel cattle fair there were moroaniroals offered for sale than for speeral•months previotis, but there were very few choice animals on the .ground, and 'buyers were 'not anxiouazte- pnrchase at the price asked. MraJones, .of agitaiaellaasaad Aar Sentt, of. worth; bought a .few•of the beet. Two year old steers changed hands at about $50 per , head, Poor three year olds at -from $75 to 880, and cow.s•-from $2616 $9.5. . •' Nightmare, -- ick headache, depression of spirits„And.want of ambition; ine-nyinp toms' of a di -it -eased liver. The lunge, stomach and, bowels are all in sympathy. Meta only a living death. Dr. Picrods "Golden Medical Discovery" acts upon the torpid liver, .and effectually remoyes 11 these diffigalties and disorders. Nervous twinge,: gloomy forebodingsti, and irritability of temper, all disappear.; • Personal and Political-, ' You can hear on every side the ad- vancing footsteps of the victorious Lib- eral legions: Fredericton, (N; ()leerier. Judge Angers, who was asked to he - come Premier of Quebec inplacOof Mr. RoBEI, has positively refused to leave the bench and reenter polities, . Reformers everywhere must. work. The work of organization 'must go on inceasingly till the last vote is polled, and Mowat's majority is made secure. . • Iri his present tour, Sir John Macdon- $1d does not tell the farmers how the N. P. will raise the price of wheat, though that wai what he Promised theta as a result of submitting to the policy of high taxation. ' , a • is stated that the Conservatives will notnppose Hon. C. F. Freser in,Brook- ville. A correspondent points mat that at the hut election the Dominion Gov- ernment .had to grant all the oak timber on Walpole Island to a catididate to in- duce him to oppose lair. Fraser, and yob the latter' won by 950 majority. - Rev: W, W. Carson, in his sermon a the Methodist union thanksgiving ser vice, in the Dominion Methodist churth, Ottawa, on Thursday, strongly advocat- ed the study cif politics by the yo nig men of the country, Practical polities in the country were, he said, disided into two greet parties, in one or the any kind of grain in other of which every youag nuth would exchange. find his place. He had no faith in the 'No party' or 'Third party' anevements, JAkts Free trade; The reduction of internal revenue and tke taking effof revenue stamps froairroprietary 'Vedanta's, no doubt has largely benefittecl he oonsumere, as well as relit/vats tbe burden of home manufaoturers. Especially is this the gas with Green's August Flower and )30a:thee's German Syrup, as the reduction of tbirty•six • cents per dozen has been added to -increase tbe.size of the bottles ceatainiug these remedies, thereby giving one fifth more mecticine in -tate aa, cent size. Tile August klOwer foz DyppePsta and"Liver COmplaint, and. the German Syrup for Cough and Lung troubles have perhaps, the ltrgest sale of any medicines in the world. Tho advantage of in °reseed ;size lit the bottles will be. greatly appreciated by Ma siuk rn.1 afflicted in every town audIvillage in civitizeicouutrtes; sample fui 10 exits remain the same tize, Invalidditel I:Surgical Institute 3ircrxwA.zo, Orga314E1.11 Witk Nair eV eighteen Experienced on* likillfusi Physichirse and Surgeons Zer Inietinent OV . Chreuie lifiseannis OUR FIELD OF $1111EIL (thyme le Naeal Catarrh. Ticrout and Lung Dixecuont, Liver and aisaney anseases, Bladder Inseam% Eiseman; of Wo men, Mil o od Eiseases and Nerv- ous .a.fleetions, cured here or at home, With or without seeing the patient. Come and see us, or send ten cents in, stamps for our " Invalids, Guide • Books,' wkich gives all particulars: Nervous Debility, Imp°. teney, NO•cturnal Loses, And 11U IllIorbid Conditions - mused by Youthful. Pore ifes and JPernicious Soli. tary Practices am speedily and permanently eared by our Specialists. Book, post-paid, 30 ets. in stamps. Rupture, or Breach, radi- i RUPTURE. EilF: lc:FA titilretn;i: knife, f book sell /oil ligi Itgi in stamps PILE TUMORS and STRICTURES treated with the greatest success. Book Sent for ten cents in stamps. Address WORLD'S Disrstm.aitlt MEDICAL .AstoCiATion, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. • The treatment of many thousands of eases of those 'diseases pecluliar to • . WC, 'WE 1\T at the Inv/aids' Hotel and • Surgical Institute, has af- forded large experience in adapting yemedies for their cure, and . . DISEASES OF WOMEN. DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription Is the iesult of this vast experience. . • It is a powerful Restorative 'Tonle and Norville, imparts vigor tind -strength to the system, and enres, as if by magic, Lou- corrhea, or “whites,” oXcessive flowing, painful menstruation, un- natural suppressiens, prolapsps or failing.of the uterus, weak back, auteversiou, retroversion, bearing. down sensations, chronic coupes. non, inflammation and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, internal heat, and 4bleinale weakness.” It promptly relieves and cures Nausea and Weakness of Stomach, Indires. tion, Bloating, Nervous Prostrat on, ' and Sleeplessness, in either sex. PRICE $1- 00 nu? ram Sold by Druggists everywhere. Send ten cents in stamps /or Dr. Pierce's large Treatise. on Diseases of Wumen, illustrated. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 683 Main Street, DIIPPALO, n. SICK -HEADACHE, Bilions Headache, DIzzifuess, Coustipa.. tion, Indigestion, and Bilious Attacks, Promptly cured by Dr. • Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. 25 cease a vial, by 'Druggists. • .. HUFtOltil A,111D BR 4CE LOA' and Investment Co!y Titis 'Conipao is Loaning llioney on .Parra Security -at Lowest Rates of Aiterest. ; • MORTGAGES - : -PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 4 and 5 per (lent. Interest Allowed ori ; --Deposits, according to =bunt. . ; and' tirlie—lef 1. OP.PIOE.--,Cornis 'of Marke• Square andNorth Stree, • . . ' • . 110RACE. HORTON. • /Lanigan 'Goderich 'August etb1130 STILL on the TRACK Tiaisubs.ekber begs to return his hinder° thanks to all Op have so, liberally patronized him during the past three yean, and to inform them that ho is still. On •• the track, • • HURON ST:, CLINTON. • • With cifull line ' . FLOUR, FEED..& VEGETABLES Of the best qualities, which' he will Ea at the lowest remunerative prices to all who may favor him with a call, His stook includes„.FLOUR, OHO?, SHORTS, BRAN, OATS, PEAS, "HEN FEED, GRAHAM • FLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT, GRANULATED :ROL- LER, and STANDARD OATMEAL and CORNMEAL, all kinds of Vegetables, BARREL SALT, all of which I will.soll for cash or wane grains. BRAN, SHORTS and FLOUR by the ton or cwt., and everything sold at mill prices. All articles delivered free of charge within the eorporation, My motto will be "Gibed goods,•just weight and ono price." THOS. WATSON, Milron Street; Clinton. Goo)? .NEw5. .071, COAT5 • 'HAS Roll Plated cuAxxs, snoocums, atm, - BUTTONS and EA:11. IIINGS of every de- scription, at bottom prices: 11,4111#11=1.1111.1111111.111.F#11,11111,111WOMIM LyMINOUS DIAL ALAu •GLOOM. mem= Everybody, should have one. You van eta the- time—inthe nightaWithout a light. f;NS'INNistoisalliMimmas The C GUT B. V WATCH,. Which is .the Strongest and most Dud • Proof .also the ° neatest watch made,. .S014 only RoW,Coats Cheap Watch A: splendid Solid Niel& Stem Winding .Watch at a very" low price. lust the thing for it. boy. PLATEDWARE. Rodgers -Silver Plated- 'rouVEs,roimstSPOONS ae„ in every weight moll 'design,. Come where you eau have a goo4 seleetiop. LAMES' SETS. Ladles' 15 1K, 00141). SETS at prices never be. fore ogered to: the public. Call and. SCO thew and be convinced. Spectacles Lt Eye -Glasses The a genes,. for Da LA laltia'N C ES SPECTACLES tk, EYE (*LAMES. Mr. B, Laurence will be here on the 27th Nov., to fit .any alifficult sights. 1 Silverware,jewe1- lery, Clocks, Gold Pens and Pencils in great variety.. See my 75c. &$1 trays of Brooches THE sooT MAKER. MOTTO: -10,001) WORE.:, PRICES ACcOltDINCLY AND A - NvAys :READY. . . CHAS. .CARLINE, COMBS.. 'BLOCK. 'CLINTON 011:T.R..CiLE4T Froin us, all the Newest' Styles may be had, and the Larg,est Stock of MILLI- NERY TRIMMINGS kept by any Loose in the trade west of - the cities to .. 'chose from. • . • GREAT BARGAIN§. IN Ladies' and Children's Kid and Cashmere Gloves, • 'Ladies'. Underwear,. Hosiery, Fancy Goods,'. 'Woollen Goads and Corsets.. . , .Aa we have decided to discontinue keePing Heavy' Woollen Goods, we are clear, • • mg out °Air Grey Flannels; Winoeys, Men and .Boys! Underclothing,, re. Igardless. of cost.. - am .X SELaaING:A.',.rilsTE IRONSTONE CHINA TEA -SET 44 Pieces, for $2.25, Regular Price, $3. Theae, Gotta -are itrietiy"firsteldas, and are the Cheapest ever.Offered in Clinton. --- ----Gall- and 'see them. os ooper Son, OLIN TON". entral Grocery, rp. ItiColEtit'S Cold Stand. The sebscriber brie bought 'Out the Stook of P. Robb, censisting of GitOCEnIES, COOKERY,,OLA.SSWARE, Which, bought at low rates, he is enabled to offer at the very closest prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orchsts promptly filled. Rooms to let. H. II, VVALKERg: CILINTON. & J. TAYLOR, ronto SAFE WORKS 31 YEARS ESTAMiISHED. F L 0 m R 0 ow. N The Only manufacturers of. )?IRE PROOF SAFES with riEST ROIlEle VIAOTJB,, $2 per cwt. 1V03:1.a00334UCti4g tiatat Flange Doors. LOW GRADE FLOUR, $1.50 per eivt. ,. • A .., All ottr new styles of Fireproof Safes are fitted with in AIR 011AhIBER to prevent dempniss to papers. ' A. large assortment of SECOND HAND SAVES . Will, take for sale at low prices and en easy tame of payment. Oatalogueo on 'application. ' 1.1:7‘itod 119 FrOnt Stieet, East,. Toronto. v•? 4, CLINTON,