HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-26, Page 2So.
'allr—• • "••••
EitIDAY. NOV. 26, 1886.
Love,-Itother Love. -
Lifrs radtant flower;
ab' tend
tenderest.* t
The heart's one power,
mwte not to die;
Without they light the aoal'a undone, -
As life is death, where sttinee no Bun.
God's altar yields
This heavenly fire,
Which wotnatt wields
O'e (shad -and sire ;
'Bet first imPlauted it mutt b-•
While fondled on thy mother's
serene ..ted purer,
Its mean/ NU
Ott rich andveer,
Bat stately halls,
Leas often wit, her envious kiss,
• Less oitiut thiuit hex heartfelt bliss.
7d-iiilt-ia-ei- -
Spring. tide , the eve -
Much love must bide
The Dutik's reprieve,.
• Now mother love, wave after way.,
Break's o'er ate child its R0111 to
A hely balm
instila the breast ;
• A sacred •poolm;
New sweetly press'cl,
Sows seed, that eerth can uever ki 1,
Though earthly frosts do often chili.
• The story told
13ear'ng Bible truth.
Deth slow unfold,
. O'er shadows youth:
The wakening .den -s, mother's kiss,
A mother's etude, the sanahino is.
Thee., nightly said
• By mother's chair, •
The°•way• LI as led
By slow 'degrees; from death to life,
Though darkened oft by sensual. strife,
Mothers 1 inetil,
For Jesus' eake; •
This loye which will
Ohrist.love awake:
• Love.whiob sinks in the soul like rair,
And rises as a.fonnt again 1
A. M.,.Blyth.
- --a 7 -
The Todd family were big folk in
Battleton, and not to be desplaecl out of
Battletou, take them altogether. There
were not many of them, they consisted
of Mrs, Toed, the relict of Bartholomew
Tvdd, who had made mnoh. money by
wholesale gnma and •India, rubbeta,
down a dirty shun in Mincing lane, and
half of whose property was settled for
life on his widow, with reversion to an
only son, the'yeung Todd of our simple
narative ; three Misaes Todd, all one
pattern, ent crosswise and with many
angless and with strong biases towayd
high church and high church enratess
• end ,whose money • Wad Mealy settled
on themselves ; and young Todd, 'whose
Money hailliettled itself strictly on him
_ _
too„ up to the present period of our
story, rot no one save himself and tbe
girl it the refreshment counter had seen
the color of it, enviqus people said,
Why be was °stied young Todd it
was bard to declare. When there was
an old Todd flying away to town by ex -
the woi Id nee Is no r p
virtuous pages. tils sisters Batirized
him. and his tastes, and he lave it them
hot," as he afterward expressed himself
to,efriend, for meddling,with bis affairs
and what •didn't concern them. He
never interfered between them and their
larks with the curates, did heft Let
him elone, and he'd let them alone; no-
body need be Afraid he was going to
make a fool of himself', or throw himself
away;• he knew valet he was about well
enough. Trust -him.
But nobody trusted him any rolore for
this decimation, and the home of the
'Todds became shadow land, in the midst
of which much suspicion, and oncharity
and conspiracy were brooding. • They
affeetecttolorbim alone, and he let them
alone, according to Ma usual way --
which was very inuelvalone indeed--hnt
they wrote long letters, and, urgent :et -
tens, to Uncle John, the mainstay of
theTamily, trustee, executor, man of the
world and man of war in the' Indian
press every morning, ?..t might have been. aorrloof 'and the/ :k)e84ed vofY alultestlY
. Appropriate, hilt when Todd had flowit for 1111014 John to take the matter up,
away to a better world than Mincing as the whole affair was becoming very
lane, young Todd became a mistionuir serious, indeed. They had no influence
especially as young Todd had reached ow" Edwin -young Todd was Edwin
eight and twenty suminerS, clear. Cer-' he was his own master, and they were
teinly he looked young. He ems e very deoperately" afraid of what would come
slim man, without a hair or expression of it.' Tgoi had tam afraidiralzo to tel
-Iiis-face, and-be-worertnrirdowireol, 1:Tnelo alln-Janfnm; till aid Twtailcil in
lard, a short brim jacket and a polo cap. truding upon hie studies, his new work
There Were. Vireo things which he bac" on 'Fortifications and fireworks,' hi
ton -his pipe', his bull terrier pup, arid
came to Battle:' new
°SheacrrgetlrYedobfoStaanted. afl:rEthWinfig; libg11.1tit/S
loved before Miss .Daly
himself ; but she had changed all this as iron -plated istocking question; they knew
with the touch of the wand of the en- he* hard be but been upon hie nephe
chantrese. She had called the bull ter- and Pda°n in. nmnY matte" ; but as h
eonsiped to its kennel was the only being whom. Edwin regard
rier 'that nasty dog,' and it had been
'she had hated the sight .,f men' with
from that hem, . ed with any degree of awe, They trinte
he would come to the rescue and 'put
• .< 1 ner, •be bad beard. her say once, and b stop to it all' before the family was di
short pipes in their mouths before -din -
&•Fascinating Girl: . e gt ac • ' d ever b a misallianc
' had taken' to cigars and to smoking er by some dreadful scandal, that wa
)3y ! Ri;bineon. •• ' I'll /loon t au end to•this nonsense
litter eight p.in.;: and tee for himself ..all"et• as bacii if not °Ile' as latst4I'g.
at, tithes, when be thought he -should 'said Maj. CrawshaAe, after reading h
• -ottArreu '
there were fits of desponclencyoupohim n
• rather like to shoot himself than Other- sister's letters. have no more
Not that Miss Daly wss the only.maid WieStil, the tinie had not i't* of nonsense in his 'time, being a her
He had put an end to a great de
s. • lConn. yet,
in attendance behind the counter at the and riot% Toarrlived at the counter of
big refreshment 'room at Battleton juneBattleton unction, go long as miss headed; sharp old soldier in. his , wa
., J
Daly would serve him. When tlie trains danethd oillatwinaga•tvhe;Yssoa:pe_ba,‘If b' bliti.: , liafe9:ievr, 1
tion, but.that she was a girl with a clif.
came in-. and they were always coming
from her six conternporaties einployed leas than four and twenty hoors. H
knew the world and ivhat it ',mai ma
ference,and a reinarkable differiMee-
in at, interesting crises of his career -he
by Messrs. 'Javelins & Freshwater, the would retire to ..the back and stand on,
eminent .contractors to attend to the •tbe 'ffl:-' ins, so that he might *etch Miss :of ; he understood men and vim:nen' pa
ticularly foolish men and designing w
wants and wishes of a pegging crowd Daly over the heads 'of the travellers.,
men, whom he had come across in
clamoring for soup, skits") rolls, buns and make_nure_that-ambody had fallen
e infix erne of "ErfaxiiriVity ;
and bitter ale to the frightful- accompa. HI love With her, and was intentionally ..
lingering over his pork pie or sandwich; whath he taught l'iaa°111 and gilr
ninfent of railsway bells arid whietles, and
d when the trains went out e resum-
Stentorian, conintands to .' change here an . . . h
• W.arning before this -ah! many .tim
alone in bis glory he was a trim, good1 • •
looking stalwart gentleman of impoung
old buck: and asked Miss Racket behind
appearance, ) Miss Ba Id called him 'an.
Miss Racket dia. not answer her rune net be reeved without causing the most
question, and thought within • herself excruciating pains. A.yer's fiatsspaellia,
and middle aged bucks are deserving of
a little COnaitlaratina when itulibeybosorr:
the soda water bottles who, tbe old buck
that he was Only a naiddi%, egad hook, eboyndittstioaact,ioanndoinv,sttlioereshltohoedi,orienitiest•teostxtololidS
Strilar litil of a heap' at first sight. There , .Ayer's Sarsaparilla has effected, in our
Was that 'Wan roaring eyes at her, but
, ..
1:::;r:'411:17,,:rhdr:egra.tbriantrtre!celtg,' aot °Mt;
bWeerretintanaenityattialceois,mteineanOrafta::, stern gen..,
).oreary, I ceuld give the names of many
A Creaking Inge
d -
n. IR,AILYWAY Tzivir cAR,D
in Trairs leqVe Clinton as follows ;,..---
de , Going East. • Going West. '
"r.,-••'7.25 a.m. express , . 10,0 s.ve. mige4*
• 1.05 p„in. •Mixed 2.20p.m. exprose
4.15 p.m'. mixed, 1 9.15 p.m..exprese
an (MEAT lirpgaLt..NLE.A.n.yr.s..:v.
to , GoingNorth.. "Going South.
eri . 05 tas"..mni: texxPerreetsif *8133 ap..mai...eexIpPrreC'fit:
es .
t,.. INNING &' SCOTT •,"
• Is dry and term hard, nail oil A3%1)9110/
'• after which It moves easily. 'When tbe
joints, or blows, of the body ate stiffened
Ruil jamas* by Rheum:10am, they cans
of lucky 'catches' in this fashion, perhaps , est experiencet1 physicians. Were it
tleman was her fete, She will
had not let him ask so many times for
tea_ new, and that he Wptild not glare
quite so -fiercely at her, perhaps there
was a 'black' somewhere on her nose.
The 'blacks' cone in very frequently
through the open doors of the refresh-
ment department. She ba ten tlis
yesterday, having been all that time :nidanagi:hreunn:tii:0::::e1.0a( nwrae:ht::t1Giseciti:.c't
.Ayees Sarsanarfila e re 1 e
cCilithscOtrts)loYolsrimnuglignetoci .ftohre gtel:samaintlIttebse disease from MY aYstern. -R. R. short,
back of tbe counter,
lammatism. The disease
would. .15 has eradicated every trace of
wr " • tunny months a inter
4,. . • . er
tardy, ht spite of all.the
"f17;41ahfiellrievmeniticineg,a' ec:ind9ttihenlit;• ; 6•1°r* find. Until 1 comuteneed
• .141;:itit:tlee:itoletitillePreltoPitalltr.tilti!itOWItain1,8.11)teletltel--
Yes, sir, 'very fine.'• u ng Ayees Sarsaparilla, took 4ever8t
sup' pYoosen;1,1 soon have 6nished here.,
'Some of us will,. and some of nswon't.
-Ilas-one.of-the-gwonite this evening,' she
-said facetiously.
'You'll excuse me, ynung lady; he said,
punctiliously, but I do not mute under-
stand you. What is a "wont"?'
'Won't go home till mornin'-almost,?
she tad lightly. Why, hew dull yen
'Yes, ara always was doll of
comprehension, Imo afraid,', he replied.
Yeti mean as trade falls off a less :number
of young ladies is required at the refresh-.
meat stand ?'••
• int ividualswhobeve been cured bIttaking
thia medicine. In my own case it as cer-
tainly worlted wonders, reheving me of
gter•bein.; troubled wit' :or years. In
this, and all other disua. arising front
Impure blood, there is no remedy' Avith
which I ant acquainted, that affords such
relief as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. -15.. IL
Lawrence, i. D., Baltimore, Md. •
:,..young or middle•aged .men suffering from
, .
nervous • debility. and kindred weaknesses,
should send 100. In stamps for large Mesas.
ted treatise suggesting linre means of enre.-
World's Dispensary bledical Assoeiation,Buf-
falci, N. Y. •
before for other people s sakes, and h
clh I t ne lbo the coun- '
pearance was attractive .was 'her good. tar/ and., talked and gezedgeneroy. 'awn. Lot him nuirCh nod a*aY, aga ns
ti •
for :every where."'• That her personal itp. p ace pu ,p, e w on
fortune or "tnisfortnne, and' WaS certainly gazed., . as . his. powers of • conversation . arils icituis
B t
te.ene. my at once: ' .•
not her 'fault ;. she would ScarcelY have .vvero limited,'audilliiss Daly did not pare' . (minim fr.
been*:placed Battleton Junction'. had fir the subj'ect• on which be was . • ' •
.disposed• , •
she been; old, Ugly or 'quai'.• She was to grow elequent-t-billitirds and ban CitAi7SHAW 31,itisugus To usw.)1, ." Conurassieners'for Ontario and Mango
a tall, good looking girl, with brown terriers. • ..:,„ _
eyes and-broWn antl-gbn att!end°d; Se regular it lounger et the °tinnier, :lho last train ft.°1° thwn -had re'ehed
pelnumc„,v,,, •
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver Sc Co,, Lowell, Miss.
Sold by all Druggists.. kriee $t; six betties, aa.
,Tax, fianikrIvi7o_i_z awl)* ormoke
ipARGE! !Wk7 -O$ ,i4Arol
The Wire enunneatal Roan sad *MOWS NW fro
at vary tow prices, as* dasse anatins
On omen** nil WS lanai af
0.740•4 RICO Pik be ponsto *Koos .f0
300111 2TEINAIT,.
WU. Zeo.daUthil*Pait
A kiaola prowaty lensed at lowed tariff rstos,
rtroigasi campales.
111 'CAM VA W. W. T. 00. UWE liOAXido'
a NI
by all rail Hass ever the OMANI) TREE" wade -
DA PACIFIC to *wry point cm Hat line, Winnipeg,
Erahdon, Dakota. Kaman, er an7 MEd MARK
by rail, toed or forage.
Oa% mut sae me before Vut WY' .119Y1171tere.
minuttotuier mad Proprietor ter the beat SAW Wilt
Beg in use. Agent for thosale and application of
STEAM FITTINGS furnished and applied on &hart
• • ' notice. • • .
Boilers. Engines. and all kinds or MP
• ehlaery repaired espedItIonaly and .
In a matiollactory naanner.
JAti; TliOlirSON Clinton -
balr 'to her duties with a grave self-possession so. good a customer, so well' known '..an Battleton Jimetioq at P:30 parr., and. the
,that .. was remarkable in the Battletcin .
inhabitant of Battleton, was...Obliged 't,i, station•:girIS . were extras busy in co.nee-
' 3unc5ion gcrls, Who were demoilitratiye;• .be'received. with a fair amount of a ' ' I:pence ' when •a tall stare'. bronze-ftieed
.l'i.fusay-cr coldly indifferent, according ' logy., and be; wits received in quite. a sis-
our- , .1. . ./ . • 1 .
man,. with closely-croppedgray .hair and
to the clasS. or 1.1.stotuq' who ,presented tisrly--:-pessibly more than sisterly- an.10!t gray. minteehe; sttode up to. the
himielf.': to theit. inpreifnl consideration. manner bv. all bat. Miss. Daly. miss :counter and demanded a .cup of .'te:t.
It. May he said. at Once:that. the .1 intO.' Daly 'good morning'. and 'good 'evenine‘,' litAi-' Crawaha* bad chosen his: tithe
. tion girls,•tis' they Were. generallyterined • especially 'good eVetting,'..very. grade:tl-. well, for young Todd was tot present on
• in the -ancient town of Battleton, did not ty to' hint, btit site did not imitate . the the. 'Oecasicin-the .T,odds dining late ori
thinktnueb of Miss .Daly,. did not make style of the yest'of the. young ladies,. or; that partidulat evening, by some khaki
great .friends With. .Misg• Daly,. did •pnt herself out in anyway for "131.r.TOild,', Wine°, Which bad been Carefully, pre
take her into their little confidences, or Consciong of the power'she w lamed °vim. 'pared-- beforehand, by. More than -oin
ask her •to join them in their little strolls " his isusceptible breast she lid . t
, t no hasten.. .
... conSpirator, . ' ; .: . ' •• ' '
fOr.--the-to:7,IneetAtinteeptirements:atthe bar ; did . ' Maj. 'PritWahatv... bad. Marche& it Once
' night, Or when lituirs, 'off duty' allowed allowed' ,not lean. ove . the cotiliter and talk to to thekpOrtion of the counter' over Which
• of country. ramblosiu vericies•directions hirn Intl/Nen the sandwich stencil: and .M-iss Racket presided.. From a hasty
. and under vatic* a..nd .somotimes s.trilc-.' •the 'dishes of buns. ;' did :not re aril Niro glance • over the heads, of a ' stiugglike
me' . c rem s anees. ins PalY. n' a languishingly, while ..an irato. pastenger mob, „hie keeiveye has taken stock of,
tstbuck Up"- 1\fligs Dart gild; but then Miss was hainmeting away. with the milled ' Miss Becket, -.her tall, full figure, her
' .Daly had:declined to isen the:000a in. edge of a'shilling to attract her attention; . roUnd, rosy cheeks: and broad, continual.
...Battleton„witli her, aftee cue evening's .
did net whisper- or laugh :or.elati .hiin..in 'Senile; and he had decided • that this .w as..
experientzei during whichMias DIrr 114 : .it kittenieli linpelse.; And. betrayed • net the Ortieular vixen whet. had. upset .the'
giggled spasmodically :all ,the Way Jig even a jealous symptom When he talked Mental equilihrinm ' of his family,. and
-High-street,. and looked atter-eveti well to Miss Dart or Miss Bseket, at 'any. fascinated. his fool of a rieplievi. lust
dressed " man. under fifty, betWeen, the body 'do, ' '. •• • . " the. sOii of -young woman 0 wind. poor.
Corn' Marketi• Ogcbarreine .4goe&-everi-_ ',_ .. , • '• , • . little -Tali Yorind her finger, he theught.
Jo:- :-. - - --. 1-catrt m betake out ----he.siohloquized.
- ' --''. ---ii" 're --iT 'e.-de'Ds' with A fair ten • - • • ' --•,r-pett . showy, saucy, and far frore un._.
nign an -.1-W- Y ' .. • 111 the. qutetude of his bedroom, three ' ' •
Per cent' of the ntimher. Mies Daly was Months after. Mise Daly had been in. reserved iu her .detinanor. . This was
. "sly;' --Miss BlatidthOught; but then Miss B ttleten and after she had Said e. No .she, W Liao .doubt
' i ' nt a
atonic •yon,"- to half. a dozen . pairs•
" . '.Misii.11acket drew lam his. cup of tea.
. • i I ' I let .r!' '
.„,..Iliand was a plain. -Spoken g r , w to. . • .• .
tionrvOisier's. gloves, 'of which be had leisurely and; indifferently,. after 'five
• tbem-.--t.e.,. the ,enstonieri.-711tave it' if,
they bothered her too --or Tether bogged her. aceeptance.She isn't like. Stentorian appliCations for the beverage.
anybddy.elhe I" ever keen, it the jute. ,:
She was in no hurry, it , he ,were, and
at times aid no lot thew have it, but .
w--4 "a st"Y • flan •,:•Folly 'Racket "socuild.make sik of .
tame' was a young man to attend to who
looked ' over. their heads • itl
glare, , arid -allowed them to.; scream fer; her, for fan, 'bet, -she's an awfully nice: was going: neeth, with a white ha.0 all on.
drink in Vain, Mips Daly was 'apoons mitt, sogielsoW, .She fat' silly,. either, .
ono.. side, and who ' had.•dompl!..mented
or she'd.ftiney I was going to ask her to heron be appearance that evening, and
' on yoUng.Todd, tuad.oaght to be.ashatned "''''
, marrY.. She's a abarp, 'cleVer little. wo- regretted that he did riot .1i,,N at Battle -
of herself t� lead him 'on like that, Miss .
Racket reMaliced;.blit tholl Alf•i8i:ltaCwa . mat, *"poti My soul,••but I can't,make her ton, and would have. heaped other Com-
nt And that'S denced 1,4a, toO, seeing plitnents had. Ainie • allowed bite, and
bad been 'spoons' on young Tedd her- 6...
. Self, had launched herseltat :Todd, and
. vvhat a lot of girle have been always MajrCrawshaw bett,Matita.W.Jild Persist-
, been taken Out once for ,a quiet drive by•
rtitning aftar me2 •ently for tea over his left shoulder... .
Toddo'in thelappy halcyon days before .. • - ' • ' - . - The Major dank slowly, and ate, a'
Miss Daly, ,eante. among •tlieni like ti
• beyon e imoyer 0 so n go Pa ' • his
It was not odd,IA young Todd Wag ham sandwich meanwhile, which he for
blight, "--- . - . a th di YV the' 'Mies of . t te y for ttntil another of the young
• ... Miss DalY hardly looked MCC A blig t
i; the Mystery ; his sel£;compIaisances Skied ladies retninded bird Of his error. T
in the. way, and the girls who ran after Was Miss 'Daly, always. tur,,sbarti, is At
behind the refreshment counter ; she was
hint ,were of the Ordinary 'class' of high needle in her employers' . interest.; not
always very Pee and pretty in her black ,
steppers, 'Whose Mission in life waste be Miss Racket, .who, when flurried by ad-
dress, and gettetally very staid, unlese
always. running after somebody.", Viten Inirers,•,woulcl have allOvved 'a quarter of
something out. of the tommon-young .,
• • • i hisin•own sphere,
till where the exaet hundred of' Walling's pies to ' escape
a her
anietitit' of his income and his, expecte-
tions were known, young Todd was
sought and, flattered, by some of the
vsieek and • shining creaturee .. of the
chase..;" but young Todd never proposed,
and had been always happier arid mare
at his ease at the static/1i 'Wig, or in
the streets when the Simi) girls were go'
trig home. Ilappier,,till Miss Daly ap•
• pared; then it was Over with itita and
, his. rio'nchalant airs, and grins and grim-
acias.;, He .strolled in and out no there
in his -*old' patronizing way; be came in
early, and. stopped, as a rale, all day; he
waa the stave of the refreshment couu,
ter, tiiii. ghott of his . former self; the
talk of the little town where everybody
talked, • --
IIis mother.condescentled tonsivklew
cprestions of him at last, and, 16 tell. him'.
%Old ate %verb' was wiying ; he laughed
MONEY Nrertli.gbRrifItsollriSIIIL:
. over J. Jackson's store, Albert Street..
1311 undersigned at the Library Rooms, -Smith's
Block, • 143 JAMES • SCOTT.
03.1(61 EXCELSIOR .011G A)
Fit'ml-roPietnents Manufactured and repaired. Stemn
and Water' Pipes furnished and put imposition. Dry
Kilns fitted up on application. Charges moderate. •
WIEN UT RICNilis, , an interestoin advertiseasention%
there is no evidence of hurabaullgt this. On-tbe con=
also advertisers are rerylsighl Indorsed. Interested portions
Budge. N. Y.—TaInflo livening Bet.
Parties going to the Mil country, this. slimmer Should
take this popular Hee.. The boats are the most cons -
plate UM the Atlantic, and accommodatioa unsurpasSed
CAHIN ioanEs VERY IhOlt"
.4. Mt EA ' xcurasfos • st,t,r05.
• .. and gbt all particulars of .
AGENT .0. T. It.
• 1
Minna en good mortgage security, moderate
ate of interest. H. HALE, (Minton.
• Physiciem, Surgeon, etc. Office and residence
next Molson's13anki Market square, Clint:in.
APPLET017.-OFFICE-AT uusronxcE
I on Ontario street,ClintomopposIte the English
ainren.' id:nuance by side gate.
Prey' Dotal 'and Dominion Land Surveyor,
Architect and Draughtsman, Paulin( jiLodlt*
Clinton. •
Ail Murray Block, kivo 'looks east of, Hodgens, ett
Lrft1100. IlesIdenee,,,opposite the Temperance Hall,
Huron Street, Clinton.' Office hours, San. to 8p.m.
fer the County of Huron. Sales attended anywhere
In the County, at reasonable rate. Residenee,A1 bort .
Street, Clinton,
oinDepartraontof ViitoriaUniversity,Toronto,for
*nerdy of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, Now York
Coronerfor the (Meaty of Huron,Bayfiald,Out.
Todd was out q the common -brig iten-
ed her features with a smile.
If triuy be a matter for speculatiou
:to the 'spoon' Ott Miss Daly,44 part, but
„there nee& be rid mystery as to ate feel-
ings of young Todd. Ha made no mys-
tery of there, himself, be was even proud
of them, his feelings had been engaged
some twenty titnea before, and in nine -
•'teen cas,q8, by the fair Ilebes whom
Messrs. javelins & Freshwater had Sat
attthority at Battleton Jimetion, but
in no instance had young Todd been so
deeply and terribly impressed, as in this
particular affair, which was now absorb-
ing, consuming and softening him to an
unparalleled 'degree ; which was giving
hini distaste, for Ills family and fainijy
surroundings ; which was egeiting at
last 'the curiosity and 'anxiety of the fa -
mill itself, that had been a slumberous,
apathetic, do.as-you-like kind of it family
' for years and years before 3.11iss
notice with impunity.
:-Witertrtfie-failiVity bell had rung and
the White hat had drifted away with
other travelling atoms, and there was
peace, and only one thee left at the
counter, Maj. Crawshaw began to attract
the attention of Miss Racket, IIe, was
not going on by the 995 ; was resi-
dent At Battleford, oe a visitor, on- for
such odd things do occiir at refreshment
'coanters-he had been struck by hes
personal appearance,' and, di,sposed to
proceed by the next town train. Miss
lineket WAS in11311181.V0 TOnlallei0 and
leaped quickly to conclusions, but then
the major stared at hes very mu* did
tot even • take- his eyes off her 04101
drinking his ton, hitt glared at bee will
thq rim of his cop.-pressod against the
bridge of his acquilino nese, i‘l.iss Rack-
et glanced at • him 4(ga1n., • lieside tha
at hat (it -mations as irrelevant, and the effusive youttei MR itt the whitehat he
shocking expression he uked as regarded had appeared grim and oid eaough, but
• MIRAN/I -R.- POIVELL,BABRISTER," sox)cyron,-
.12 Notary Public, etc. • 0111.as, samme's Bums, AL-.
sans, STABBT, CAINTON. Toronto agenni, bletisrs. Ma -
°artily, Osler, Hoskin & Creeltnan. Private' funds to
•mut at lowest rates of inthrest. • -
*Toronto Uriiversity ; member of theCollegenfPlay
olden" and S orgeons,Ont. Orrice k Easnmacs tho
boeserormarlyceeepttd by tor. liseye, Albert street
Clinton, . . '• DB'
Ateouebedr,Lieentiateof the OollogeofPhyoloian,
and Surgeons of Lowir Canada'aid ProduoialLicen.
tia to Wad Coronerf or tlieCtithity oflitiren OfIlosand
roes Lb.e1b01:1118d7i1s.g..f arse s osenplea by Mr.
Thwattes, Baron treat.
ARY and Reading ROOMS, Perrin block, down
stairs. About 1,790 Voitimea in the Library and
all the Leadomg Newspapers and Periodical's of
the day on the table. Membership deka Si per
annum. Open from 2 to 5 p.m., and from 7 to
9 pnt. Apptiontiontaer_menmerpatisp„,,,teolted
by the Librarian in In tue-roput.
Leading; Underta!ker
ci_ALTN.rr CoN.
Anliceptio Embalming Fluid kept
on hand.
. .
• My Yilaeral Director; O. Steven.
sett, has attended the School of Em-
balming, in Toronto, to make himself
proficient in the art of etnbal ming.
THE • Tovex.
$50,000 To LOAN -at 6 Dor Cot.
Why, pay! others 7, 8,9 and 10 per cent,. •
when you can got tnoney front us at 6 perp.
Vit./A.01am; loa5icent.
nsSitpeercent. Large loans
•TERMS made to spit home/ker., regardiug
s' ' : -pay tnent.tindperied of loan. .
; Apply to • ' •
.1 After the seVerest teat at the•latelair itt
Clinton, it ayes 'univerially admitted that
EXCELSIOR was • away ahead of ell
ers; and destined to he the popular, iustru-
inent of ate day. Vas, along with the fact
that a speeial prize Wasasvarded it, Certain
ly speaks voltiMes forth&insttumente, and
parties: purchasing should see the 'Exam,.
sieit before buying elaevihere. ,
.GEO. F, OAXES;"Pact,eatyron.
Factory three doors west of MulloY's Pump
• •• Shop, Ratteobuty,St., glinton. • "
POOING done very neat mid tO salt
every person.
JOHN ir..tittqvaitswv, Smith's 131Ock
Hold the exclusive right for ibe county for tho 'llurd
process of administering chemically rano •Nitrogen
Monoxide, which is the safest and best system yet dis-
covered for the painleas extraction of teeth. Charges
mederate,. satisfaction ttaranteed. Onion,
LIOTT'S l3t,001t, over Itance's Tailor Shop, Huron
• Street, Clinton.
McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance 0o.
NOTIC E. -The undersigned are Antonin tad
to net OA agents in tse townatuo of Cloderieb,
tfuorn3tliulotcrilmetrn.4 taillivatricorrsama.•nviculptemtva:
will apply to either TMOS, NgEhANS,EXar
Moir. or SAMUEL, OkRNOCIIAM, Seaforth,
Pronipt attention will he given.
• rkr.fikr T S ,
coAirs ntkeit
•• •
• .
-; 13
TILE -1WOLSON6.1iiiN-Ii..
• Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855.
CAPITAL, - $2,000,000:
• THOMAS WORKMAII, ' President.
• J,,• H. It. MOLSON... .••
. F.-WOLFERSTAS THOMAS, GoaeralManagok;
Notes • discounted,. • Colleciions made, Prof
issued, Sterling and Anierican eickxnge
bought and sold at lowest •'
current. rates. •
' --
bite-rest. at 4 per cent allowed on deposits,
. —
`• trAtIELNIXCli. •
Money adianced tolfarmers on their (iwn notes svith
.no or more endorsers. No mortgage required as
11.0. BREIT lat, Manager,
'January 188 •• • • Chaton
COT • Clip ton .
A large assortment 'of evoytbing
in the Undertaking lino.-
. .
Tod.•Rocker Store, Clinton.
B'tpDLv cogB1.;
%Ilit*:Watch ,aod Clock Maker
JIWRIA.1411;- &et;•
�PPOSITE irsti 3AflI5.ET, caiterio.ol
'Vf'here he keeps a sewn assortment of •
Which we will pelt at reatonablere.tes. •
Repairing of aviary description promptly
tended to, and all work warranted.
Otinton NOv. 1882.
A C.3 tatNr.100N* •
DY• 11.4.1i
VgaR 108
risitg strasartingn II ii-VIN*G JUST COMPLETED
and furnished his lieW ith Machin-
ery Of the latest improved patterns, is now prepared
to attend to all orders In his line in the tisost mem pt
end satisfactorY Manner, atal at reasonable rates. i Ile
wotiki aldO return thankq to all who patronited•the
°Mann before they wat burned out, and now being
In It better position to execute orders expeditlotrdV,
feels Confident he tan give, satisfaetion to ail.
* ACTOR r --„Year arana Prank Rail
way, Clinton,
TliONt&S ldeblENZIE,
liOndueted both on bash end'Ifiitttal
TroX, Jan,- I(Otran, M: 1",, - ADAM S7ittninc), 4144 Q2. Managing Vl(I6r gist tediletitint •
Enters upori its FIFTIETH Y11.3.13 hutch
stringer and. More prosperone than tat any
previous period, having $218,896 �f Assets
and pratically NO' LIABILITY except a ite
insuraneeReaerve of $30,000; There are $20,
000 deposited with the Outarip Government
and (+yet $9),000 held. in Mortgages,..Veben :
tures, and Oath, immediately evadable' M
• meet losses, vo)
Mutual Poliepholdera in the "Gore" as •
20 pet cent; with undoubted security.
For Dili partiatilars oily to HEM) th'rtca Mita
or to SOREN itmoteS", Agent, tnintess
AT $2,10 WT,
BRAN by TON or c,IVT 5
AT 60crs. PER. OW T.,
Delivered any where in town rue of charge