HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-26, Page 1VOL, -21le Nes 46 ' 3ignias-41,50•1Per Mann' in advance MINTON, ONT., kihriotsi Rimiruco .A. few niers ween.s and Christmas will be here, a seasonswhich should bring pleasure ana joy to young and old, The good old custom of rememberiug frieitds at One stun eon brings many a comfort to thousands of people, and many are the hearts that ,ttaat with the joy of &dam to tind them, selves not forgotten. Amid the struggle* , and vexations of the neer,,Chriatmas comes with andintoldnlestaurerand what is &mere pleasant sight that to see the numberless ' orewds making their selections which brings so much happiness. Matijr hard tboughta and opinions are scattered when at this relation, a token,. however emalL pregented, showing friendship and goodwill, and, it iea inpatient thing to know . that thisegoodssoldeeustom-is-inereasing- 1 year by year, yTo people who are .figuring mit theit liat for their Christmas remembrances we want to present our list, from wbich can be selected teeny a highly prized gift. Ladies' Fur Mantles • 4 . Ladies' Fur Sets Ladies' Fur Capes 'Ladies' Fur. Caps en's Fur Caps Men's Fur Coats • • • t • ••• •, . • Fur Collars tt Cuffs •NEPKW.A.R: 1 Silk Handkerchiefs liowsphii) atui'Vtlingt WittinWINTIIIWPg (By a rambler). Ova SCI1001.-Mr. Fe ?eaten, our teacher, .ha s been engaged again for next year, at a salary at 450;$Miss Goyenlock, the assistant teacher, is leaving, her cer- tificate having expired. She intends to take a course at a High &boo). 13(d.h --teachers are held in high esteem by the pupils. Miss Campbell, of McKillop, succeeds Miss G. It is pieasirg to notice the number of flowers that adorn the win- dows, vvhieh both teachers and pupils de• light in rearing, an example worthy of imitation by other teachers. A Gnestedeg Criaxon.-Mrs. Campbell, of this village, has been, confined to her lbed for nearly four years, with the palsy. IMr.Win. Campbell, her husband, has been appointed captain ot the Salvation Army here. He is a convert of the Salvation Army: He says be used to take pleasure sine- drrnkin garet r-arattelisT-difFei ng and swearing, and now he says it is only about two Years and a half that be has bad real pleasure. Before,he spent a large portion of his earnings at the hotels, now, he is. clothed and in his right mind,•and he saps he has not drauk aglaps of liquor sine he joined the Arroy, and, les; God's help, he never will. Now, let those people who hold up their hands in holy horror and say the Salvation ,A.rmy,is doing. no good, go and bear this man relate his ex- perience,. and they will see that this is one of tne wenn inetances of the good the Army has accomplished.. • Lierturinr. • BarEFEL-J. Horton shot a large white °widest week-, its wings Measured 50 inches from tip to tip. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hillier spent a pleasant, day in Leeburn hot week the guests of Mrs. J, Horton. Mrs. J. Cook left last week to visit friends. in Holmesville. Hugh 'Thurlaw, who itas been very low for several days with con- ge,stion of the lungs, is, we are glad to say, a littlehetter. . • Accumw..--7Miss N. McMatins met with a nasty 'accident last Friday, which might haVe peeved more serious than it did. She was sitting in a buggy at the side of the street in teem, waiting for tionle one, when two rigs came racing by, one catching the wheel of ber buggy,com- .pletely overturning it_end stetting her horse, winch run quite a distrinee She was thrown out but happily received only a fee/ bruises. , ,•. col. Bp xpix . • 13aiets.-.-.4.1iss ran py Strong, nf Oran a - for& is the guest of her sister.. Mrs Jas. floggart„ el•r..Wm. Vanstone. is on • his neual round gettiening 'taxes. .Mr. Jas. iabb has three sheep whose *live Weight a lemb five Months old weighing 138 lba ; igiespectieely '226; 221 and.1.218 lbs., also 1 ' wholean beat this? .1 • atmeEtiltitt ToWrisiiir - BEIEES-Mr: C.Young, of Flint, Mich., is visiting with her brother John; for the winter months;•and runiqr has it that be is looking after some one's fair daughter to take back with him in the Raring. Mr. S. English, of Stephen, has taken up his residence wit h Mr. ,T. Young, 4th con.-' Miss Nettie Shankleh, of.Goderich, is visL t ng-friende-arou n ere: Gloves anti. Nits , Collars and Cuffs UNDERCLOTHING,. F.A.14dY. 'SHIRTS HOSIERY' •• • TVG Eitaitt . lanre:--11,1r: John Crieh is seriously ill with biped poisoning in his arm, the result of a slight °scratch on his hand, in which he caught cold. Mr.•T Cressivell, the Celebrated Canadian Artist, and his brother, al r. G. E. Creswell, intend start- ing for California, io a few days, where they impose eirending the Winter.' 'Mr Chas. Barker,• of Egmondville, has re- turned from Dakota, where he spent,the greater part of thesummer • siVaNi.ux. • AWAY. -Mr. M. McEwen and wife,Mri, weit,-M-r,.-.Jas. A k en li eadean demifee have gone to Rent no. this week, to at- • tend the nteptials. of a relative, SaniaTti SCHOOL -The Sabbath school • in Section is:To. 1, Stanley, was closed for the seastin Thuretlay. Nov. 18th. 'Reis ings,'of Brucefield was 'present and .examined the children in the ;shorter ciftechism and the bible -lessons taken up during. the sionmer. Notwithstanding the inclement weather; there was a good ,1 itteedanee•of visitors and children. The „ 'children acquitted themselves well, -Red 9,1f were well pleasedwith the proceedings. 44. •MEN'S MEN'S Itill3BER.GOOIM MEN'S CLOTHING OYS' OVERCOATS, BOYS' . BOYS' SUITS. JACKSON BRO., • oaRA MOUNT. 13ntend,-Mr.eFergus McInnis and his son John, left tin Monday Jest for -the lumber wnoris; Michigan, where they will remain dnring the winter. Mrs Robin- son's sister, from Clinton, is at present visiting her friendhere. Mr Peter hlurray lost.n valuable horse hist tyeek; its (teeth wattsupposed to have laeen ca used by eating L'frozen grass., Frauk Murray is 1 he new assistant in, the savv- ntill ; he im a stt ut kiddie and will be able to boodle the slabs with perfect ease. ••••iiM.•••••• AY, NOV, 26, 1886. irtostEnT pun; talker. alive to the importance df the struggle. Last week a political meeting was held in the adjoining section (Hay), for the pu r. Aoki of selecting delegates to attend the Reform convention held in „ldrueefield; on Tuesday. Mr. Robert Bell, who went to Dakotaearly last spring, returned home a few days ago; we believe he is about to go into the milling business, in 'Huron. Miss Agnes Love. is visiting her eisters in Colborne. Mrs. Cox, of Goderich town- ship, has been spending a few days among her Stanley friends this week. While us- ing an axe a few days ago Mr. John Coch- rane, jr., cut quite a gash in his foot. Wocd bees and parties predominate -the former during the day, the latter at -- 'Oh Monday Mr. M. Smith got a number of "hands" to assist Pim in cutting wood, and in the evening gave them a dance; similar gatherings took place at a iibei of other places around. KielBritN. _Our -blacksmiths Messrs:Halls and Suth- erland are busily engaged getting sleighs and cutters for the winter. Mr. John Fowler returned home from Brandon, Dak. on Tuesday,looking well; he was over with some horses and we un• Ilerstand dieptieed of them to good advan- tage. •"' se Miss BellaSehoaTist who has been vis- iting her brother, N. L. Schoalis, M. D., of White Rock, Mich., returned home a few days ago; glad to have you back again, Hell. ' Mr. John Elliott; of Sheldon, Date, and nephew of Mr. Wm. McIntosh of this village, is hetet' on a fleit. Mr, a re- ports that Canadians, and especially Ilul- 1ettit in that section are getting along well. Air, 1. Rinchiey is baying an addition put.to bis huge and commodious house, which will be used as it weed shed;, Mr. Hinchley is olle of -1l ullett's early settlers; ahd we agreed with him in having pieces convenient. . ' Messrs, Murray And, King •went to Bluevele cia Friday evening, and, stayed "till Monday, hence they were.not present Sunday to take•up the collection. DoiA be away. on Sunday boys: . . Mr. S. S. Cole .isagain ready to do grinding at Kinburn. .Farmers 'teed not take their grain Out to the town as they Gan depend; on • getting good satisfaction. He will -be ,ceushing on Tuesday and Wednesdays orelch -week, Thellarvest Home held in Kinburn on Priddy evening Nov. 1 2tn,was ittevery re- spect it suecess. The.'diniter provided by the ladies surpassed anything we ever saw in Kinburn. • The 'speakers anhotrneed were present. Mr. •Mosgrove Was first called on end give an excellent speech on menliless, and. we Sincerely, hope some of our 'young men iyill profit by it; Mr. Howell, of Seafortle;also gave an excellent address on the Study. of the Bible: On Monday evening a social was .held. 'Pro. grairitne .consistecl Of 'readings; singing, recitations and speeeles. Total receipts of both, $47. • • , BEUSsELS. A DARING EtraoLart.--BorgIars,entered the residence of Dr.T.G.ifolmes early Mon- day' morning by effecting an entranee through the kitchen.window, and white the inmates were asleep proceeded to 'rifle drawers and every place „where valuables might be-kept.-Wliitrihelitirg-fars-were-go- / Bargre.-44E:re7piltv pleased to note that Mayer Coleman NIS SO recovered from his late illness as to be able to make his ap- pearance au the streets once again. Nearly We bemired tickets were sold at the sta- tion here, last Friday evening, to parties who wont to Goderich to,attend the Con- servative demonstration. Special services began this week at the Methodist church, conducted by the pastor; Miss L. H. Dins - dale, of Barnes who is eminent in even- gelistie work, is expected tq be present to assist at these services during part of the time they are being held. ANQTHER onTRACIE.-On Friday even- ing last some evil disposed person set fire to Mr. M.Y. McLean's stable, which is situated A short distance from Its dwelling house: Fortnnately.hy-some means, the tb-Wilif-out. before any ierioue damage Waf done. It is supposed to. have been done by sienna one takitg offenee.at, What appearin in Mr. McLean/Limper; the Rae_ pewter, "Test week, concerning the Varna outrage. The front of the stable had been satitraredwith coal oil, and a quantity, in a Warner's Safe Core. bottle, stood in tho. fence near by. • The perpetrators of such outrages as this need'nt think they•ean go undiscovered' for the aid of the law will be invoked, and stern justice yet meted but to some of them. . . SEnaroN' ON • PnomnrrION.-Probably tile largest congregation that ever assem- bled in the Methodist church was that of last Sunday evening.' , It was the occasion oUthe preaching by he pastor; Rev, J.E. Howell, by special request, a sernion in. the interests of 'prohibition. The Rev. A. D.McDonalc1,*of the Presbyterian church, Withdrew his evening seOvice, to allow his congregation the opportunity of being present to hear the sermon, which Was a masterly effort, aud one of power... The reverend gentleman preached with such force aa to almost exhaust his steength. He teek as his text ' Ron ye away the stone,' He seid thereavere many obstacles in tbe way of Christian work, but . would only deal with one, and that Was intem- perance, which he Went on to show was a hindrance to every department of chijstian work. Were We able we should liked to have taken .the discourse down verbatim, for many of your readers,who did not hear it, would hive taken interest in read- ing it. , .Theentsteivinne--The thanksgiving fes- tival, ;held tinder the auspices of the La- dtee Aid Society. ofehe Methodist church, last Thursday evening, was a decided sub- eess, notwithstanding it being it very dold and stonily evening: . The attendance Was large) incite:ling it number from theeouna try. Dinner was served from half-paat six till eighti oielock, in the basementof, the church, aft& which all :repaired to the audltory; where the following. programme Was.rlisposed of, inuch to the interest and apparent stitisfectcon of All present :- Chorus, :‘ Ye 511 al 1 d well 'in the land' choir; .aildress by the chairman, Rev.J:E.Howell; soli), Mrs. De. Smith, ; address, Rees A. D. .,McDonald; organ solo, Mrs. J. A.Wileon; 'duets 'All things ate &eautiful,' Mrs W. D. Bright and Mr. J. Scott; redititation, ' The maiden martyrs of Scotland,' Rev. J Edmunds ; solo, Miss E. John - eon e solo, Send out the light,' choir. The basement eyes •bettittistelly ,decornted him. What makes the assault. more VARNA., SUDDEN DEATIL-On -Tuesday, Mr. Thos. Marks, who lived about one mile north of Bayfield, left home to go to • Brncefield with his apples. He had takenss. his load to the etetion, and while return- ing he was taken violently ill. He turned in to Mr. MoNaughton'a to get sontething to. relieve him, but he gradually grew worse until the following afternoon, when. death -ended 'hie- sufrerings. ffis wife is almost heartbroken by the telrribie eudden, loss which sbe is called to stiffer,. a3 cowardly is the fact that Mr. Galbraith is very weak and sickly, and under strict. i medical treatment, Lemmix was sum -1 moped before Mayor Neelands aid fined $5 and costs, on Tuesday. [He got eft too : easy altogether.] Drs4tprorsrun Toargs,-The town is just now full of badly disappointed Tories. Sir John and his ministers Ressed through here on their way to Goderich, on Thurs. day, and of course a deputation if the faithful braved the snowy terrors and went to gaze upon the beloved 'counten- ance of their great Chieftain. But, behold, their, beloved was so sound asleep they were permitted to gaze 'not. However, this proved to be only the premonitory ebullition of the earthquake that was to swallow their scbemes later on. Arrange- ments had been made foe a grand demon- stration on Tuesday, Posters were scatt- ered over the country and all the brass bands -within hiring -distance -hired: -The Horticultural exhibition building was secured and decorations commenced. It was to be a grand affair.. But a telegram was received, Sir John couldn't come. The faithful said, "Oh it's a Grit scheme" and elle decorations went on, turd it was not until the assurance was repeated that, though still dubious operations were FIRE INQUEST. -- Dr, 'Campbell, ofe, Seaforth paid us a visit on Saturday,in his official .capacity as coroner, for the per - pose of enquiring into the origin of the fire at the dwelling of !as. Wanless, on e 15th inst. A large number of wit - eases were examined, and upon .the care- ful consideration of all theevidence avail- able, the jury -decided to the following ef- lent, viz., that--the--building-wasrbrennae 'person or persons maliciously fired, but such person or persons ere to us unknown BesErs.-Special services in the Mettle - dist church closed on Wednesday evening, Mrs.Clark, widow of the late Wm.Claike, , removed flom the village to the house fee• reedy occupied byChas, Wells. Farmer Smith has returned from a trip to Mich - stopped. and the faithful coeamended to gan ; -he has eXnhntiged his land in Minh.; for some town property -in Windsor. - see as through a glees darkly that they were • sola and their labor had been spent for iTnhgoe; -,aNn3Vyolriee gisennioaer, cboullseyotWairn,bwhelsarceoslluereet: naught. There is it good many pezzled. „ ___..................-sd- - canna be found. in the. country. Kr. 'Tories here this week. - Harriid sale- was wellatteuded on ,Mr. ' riAR.LoOlt .• day despite the rain ; we. are sorry lie is ... . frousu 1:tuovriox.-.--Prot. .Brush, ari. so soon to leave US, andswish hini. the belt old horse traintr of over . tkventy years' Snenese ivherever ;be goes.: Mr. Buren* .practiee;operied a school in H. IV. 'Allen* was brought 110010 last Satiarday. very ill, 'barn lest week, and considering the hide- and still remaine se. • inetacy ,of the weatheiTinftneged.to secure 'quite a,class. The Professor understands Ett1.10EPIET.w. • • . . • .. bis business, and gave the -boys a geed, . PnOciiiksavii.-13rucefield' is inking a _. pseful lesson.. on • horse -training; •whiesh etep. in advence;' for they have organised a ., Was Well Worth the emall:fee charged.. , Mesical•Society. • Rev. Mr:Ress has been. . liEnTuan-Rev, 'LA, ,Wilkinson,agent appointed'HonaPres:, Rev. ;Mr. Simi:lion, fer the Dominion Teniperence Alliance, IsionsVice-Press; Mr.' Alex; ,Ross, Pres.; , lectiired in the school houseon Saturday ,Miee Mustard, Vice -Free.; RS BeattieSeca night, and be advocated his eat* very .G. Forrest, Treas.; Directors, Messrs. Gor- .earriestly. Tne -fercible and expressive 'don, Higgines . Baird, McCartney, Dr. Mapper in which he delivered .hia•address Gdpn, Misses Ross, erilmore,, Ken nael and • plainly shows that he is the right.kind fif Mrs. Pollock, Mr. McKay has been ain. a rnan to have in 'the fiend. He plain y .peinted Musical director. Rev: Mr.Simp, allowed thnt if the.Settit Ant is violated it son. addressed the scielety the ether even - is not the fault of the act, but .bedause it big on the study of church =isle, ' Mr. had not been .rigidlY 'enforced.. We.'ber McKay's 'Mode is entirely new, and dif- lieve the .plan . tvhich the...Alliance' Ints ferent from tbeold style of teaching aing- • adopted is the ippedieSt tecans'of bringing .., . . ., ing 'schools • abut prohibition,for, if ,it is known :that ,.. • • a:goodly ,,nureber. of both political parties have pledged theinselYei to stippart a prce .. 1 s ' ziot,measeete:nd • ,. dh iidbttitticr ocittin etiasidifeirteeeor tni.lotinte:a;t1Isn. hte.heveint..- I',v0esatitzeArfr:1;: jpdt..,n 11,10..a.adiebifa,ck-ionfg.sil'iesivit. .: ges. himself to 'support prohibition:in the home this week.. Tie •has. entered 'antes.. . .HOneeshis.chitnehes of winnieg the elec- partnership- With another party, and 'is tion %vitt he 'small. We.believe. electoral - :unions have been ferreed in nearly all the dfloi rwnni t• uferre tahileti purposeude rak•Sti ifi'gb ugyoionags . ails:L:711e ka'doef - places .in the riding where it 'has been the trip here by way ofthe-C,P.R.,in bi days tried, -and in So.me Orli Villages :there ia a•meriebershin of, pearly fifty,. consisting and d iarsepn rkossnpnetelltsu a; ihanatisataaltitnflioti4vtutnlitrit • of those .of both parties. '. Some piohibi- e nigration there has beep . largely .Over- ' tionists are a little reluctant • in signing dene this year. . - ', ' • s ' the pledge; as they thin it will interfere .A, S.EN:31TION.No li ttle 7 eensation tias• . With their privileges, but tbe pledge aim- created in our village last.Monday .after - ply asks' e• man' not to vote for an end - noon, 'on, discoYeripg :thee the•license in- •• prohibitioniiik, and Ube' is it strong pro- epectors.atte.nded by e ,emistable neined- hibitibniet. be son'd dee it ,anysnieie than Roblesoui was 'ernployed ip eearthieg the , a etatinch Referiter ivill 'vote tor e Censer:, premiees of our hotel -keeper,' •;Mr:: A. waive candidate, or.a.stauneh Conserve- Kriox. Shortly. after •Mr. Knox tied left . xt.a Reform candidate so what • • assistzurcesof Pottererrid-aVY; with him, entered this hotel, and after reading the search war- rant, proceeded with their Voils: -They, found, we regret to say, decanters, janf, etc., contaireing intoxicants. Those placed on the platform to await the arri- val of N1r, Knox. Onshis„arrival, they,to expedite matters, deemed it advisable. to ' handcuff Mr. Knox, This being done a clearance was soon efleeted .by the cons stable with his prisoner leaving for Clio - ton AndlneinenectOr, With the:liquor, for Varna. is to be regretted- thitt Mr, _ Knox, who is in many ways a worthy cif- ; izen, should treat the liquor regulations • „wittsetich apparent (11.___Iiereepeet, ‘14.;. to. ren-' dei' himself liable,' as far ,tur observation 'gees, to the strong ;min of the law. , We.: 'await the result. 'The reason given in Clint n for the arrests and handcuiliness of re -Knox, WAS that die'resisted the.con- stable in the discharge of his duties. On s being brought before1VIattor Williams, he was admitted to bails send, will appear be- , fore him migrant. (Saturday) morning. We are iriforreed.the statement circulated to the .effeet 'that Mr. Sprsgue and the constable illAiSed the members of Mr, Knox's family While melting the . search, is incorrecteeEd. Nutt,- ERA. • with ,evelgreens, on, the platform was tive vote tO for Porter's Hill with Het Her Maj _ s • 1 _g ' stan whir& nontiiinALevery Variety- of - -pmval- .ege301 h , • ebe-den a 14 y sinin .7-ve the'-ultablerikrthe -ttretledge-Practicaity-thwariuneli7pro- leg -through the bereiiii-drawers in* the . .g. , doctor's room., Mrs. -Ifolines awoke; but bddr of thd Obit reh, was a lot of fruit ite. • •, watt so startled that she hnd not the power the best very nicely arranged to show to to amuse ner*usbitutt. After the burgle.? advantage. The ladies are to be cOpgre- . got throtigh Mrs. Holmes woke the doctortulated neon the successof the meeting: , Who immedintele :proceeded to follow the The amount realized was about 88q. robber, but was met: bY binisin the hall and was threatened if he Made any resist- ance) it would. not be well for hirn, at the same titne holding a 'revolver to his gide: The robber seCornd two gold, witches and. Iwo chains. After finishing his work he cooly • partook refreshments in the_pantry and made hiireibape, • It is grippoded that tile burglar is the notorious Little, who was the terror of this twenty some ,y_ears ago MANI:MESITA. ' BitterS.,-At a meeting :of the creditors of the late firm of Wettattfer & Xenner, Mr4Wetlaufer made an offer, which Was 'hibitioeietde aiready•pledged'ip principle, for, how cad lie vote for the Scott Act and be a Strong prohibitionist, and then vete for an antiprohibitionist to go to parliament to legislate in direct opposition to his principles, his belief and hia wishes wINGItaini. , . . • -:-now What cotild a prohibitionist.con- T -4— i - - 'h 7..'f . scientiously do -why, Vote for a probibi- _HeNKSGTV_XGDAY. - 1 e majority o our citizens were-etriTteArto spend Thanks' pledge required. Now as regards eikhts. tionist or none, and that,is just what the giving 'Pie." at 111)the* Services were. Have not thetemperanee people a right; to held in the Mdflibdist and Episcopalian. churches. the-evenbig-the Fire 13rigade ha -re -alai,- eiffoited -Mc they carried by were called out but the fire proved to be sixteen bandied of a majority? and they all know only it burning chimney und,tbeir services • •that it•hai not been well.en- forced, and their rights and privileges were not required. ve been trampled upon, and they-hav Ated-Gd:-PedRe---The contract for on - not yet golt their rights. • Let the temper- strupting the branch of the C. P. R . into liam has been let -to Messrs. T. and ance people unite and Vote for prohibl Wing • tion candidates J. Robinson, - Harriston, and operations only, and in a short time will continence this week. We understand accepted by time creditors' ; we expect to the contractors are bringing it large gang see all things taking their minal course in 'of Italians to do the work and our mim- e ft* days. . The Rev, Mr. Pritchard, late pleyed laborers are very wrath about it. prior of the Presbytetian congregation ,A large number expected to get work on here, left last Monday fer his new rphere .the roatiAndare veryanuch disappointed. of lallni; the congregationis in, arrears on litAteer, we suppose, there is no help for it. • Noris. --The 'Winghtim 'Comedy Oen- cert Co. will give an entertainmentt in the -Towaliall, on Monday evening.' Mr, T.. A. A11,11s lost a very valuable young mare last week. The following occurred in the P. 9-, last week ; a prominent Toil taking' it prominent Grit by the arm and pointing' to one of4the Grand Demonstration that didietlemonstrate bills, said, "what, do you think of that ;" it was signed by .J.' the stipend gpestiOn, over $1 00 ; the pulpit will. be Supplied by the Presbytery for ilie preeent. The Rev. D. Ramsay; of Londesamm, preached in the Presbyterian church here, last Su ridev , and deel ared the pulpit vacant.. 'Mr. R. J. Sprung, of tlie•baee line, Bullett, .tonk in the Dun- gannon petvewew letst week ; overcoat .tvae'of rather a Beamed turn of mind, and found a newowner; even the presence of the Minister of Justieerwill not deter the evil doers. Some parties were so•inspired Leech, Pres ; Leech, Sec.; and Payne, with the proceedings at Dungannon that Only Secs "Well," said the bad Grit, "it they could hardly keep their equilibrium; Strikes me very Payne -fully that there are the vicinity is low, awl the water must he too many 'Leeches attached to it," probably rather strong. One of the Colborne edti dators of the youth took in the Godetich demonstration ; hiircap, wanting to cover ENTEATAINAMNT.-There is geing to a new set of aloes, tnok its•cleparture, and be on eniertaininent in the Paramount has not been beard of since-,-htidge on. aehool„ on Friday evening Dec. 8id,which Last Tuesday it shouting match, at the promises to, be a grand affair. Instru- hotel here, was the amusement of the day, mental music will be lurnished by Messis, Neil Campbell and Jamee Kerr, Amberly; feel ta dons, singing,dialogues and readings will Inc tbrntsbed by the school, children alai it number of the beepsingers and re - titers frtiln Ripley, Hemlock Lee, bu rte. Lochalsh and locel talent. A good time is expented „ Doors open at half past seven, entertainment begins at 8 o'clock A small admission fee° will be charged. Prodeede to buy prizes for the school children. ' 1111etil4: D0Ts.-4t is very true that times aro exceedingly dull, but never tide& this state of things will not atways last, the vete (nubble ended of a" great political latitterml, colhest drat 'n near• and pec)ple seem g ets • and a lecture by Rev. Mr. Wilkinson oe- 'eupied the same evening. • • t1't.1 1441.1TT„ 1-InAtelt-41r Isaac Lawrence, of the 14,11 con , has had another bad time, but -btu 14ttle better again. ' Hie neighbor, Mr Wil liarn Brunsdon, is laid tip with it laine beck Mr McVittie, sr., is slowly im- proving. Mrs Best is Around again, el. tneogh she is yet very weal:, Mrs J L Allen is considered to be out of danger, Omagh her restoration to health is very -glow. The youngest .thild of Mr Carter was in convulsions for three hoots on Wednesday laSii, but at the last Word from t he friends,' was Somewhat better, Mr. T, Wallace is mall eonfineclis room, but is improving,. indicative of the positam of the adminis- tration, The Band Concert conies off next Friday Mies Jnnno4ingIe, daugh- ter of Audi eW 'Ptitigle;died very suddenly Sunday afternoon, Col, A. M. Bele wag in town Thanksgiving day. . 00wAitimv ASSAULT, -In the 'lsst two issues of the 'times its editor had most effectually treefl A councillor here named Lammix, thairman of tbe printing corn. mittee, and this would-be economist, not satialled with the starvation -rate -divided - by -two policy .which, for some time has marked our-toon council in connec- tion with the town printing, retently stated his belief ,that the fi.diranee and Times had, in his opinion, entered'into conspiracy to roh the town., This, the._ editor of the Taxes indignaetly denied, and in reference t6 this and other state - Talents gave Lerninix the lie direct. While ' Mr Galbraith -11m Times editor, was on his way home Saturday evening, he bad or:easier) to (tree into LOMMiX'S shop on btlskess, and Leininix found him there and most cowardly and brutally assaulted total prohibition must necessaril follow 60 111 all reason the plan whicff the Do- minion 'Alliance has taken, is altogether the best yet•adopted to secure that end. "[We give thisjust as our correspondent sends it, but 'verbal Obiections have been raised bysome against the pledge being pot in the Way it is by the agent of the Alliance;.they allege that bY.its adoption, they become committed to the candida- ture of any, man who pledges himself to prohibition no matter if thtat candidate 'happens to be unacceptable forother ren - Sons -Ed. NEW ERA. , EAST WAIvAXOtitt. HatEra.-There woe it medial githerinn, lit GO. NIcGowan's on Friday. last. Ru - mar says that tne boys have a game of fistieuffs near the Mien church about once a week, Mr.' Jacob Younghtpt ex- penicnced an attack of paralysis 01 0110 side of the faee recently; his condition is 50010 - what iniproved. DEATII.-Mr. Sohn Bradnock, who has been ailing for two years, passed peace- fully away on Sunday night; and was buried in the presence of a large assembly of people, on Tuesday afternoon. De- ceased. was born in Lanark shire, Scotland, in 1825, came to Cana in 1848, settling at. Galt; in 1845 be e moved to Oxford county, and during the last twelve' years was a resident of Wa- wanosii. He was a man of much intelli- gence, and of good.judgment, end was highly respected. He leaves a widow and seven young !liid:10iit. h ti!oxrnj, 1.20613. v SAn ACCM1MXT.-While Mrs, Geo. Turnbull, of Elimville, was Scrubbing the floc* On Settle -tiny last,a three year Old child accidentally 'fell into a tub of liot water and WAS severally scalded, the child lingered in Agony until Monday, when death ended its suffering. 'elle parents have the sympathy of the entire OM intiniON ICIEPIEN Brum.78 -AS Semi+) of the young people of be Methodist church herewere return- ing from special service at Ohisellititst on Wednesday evening,t,we of the rigs were turning opposite corners the wheels locked, ovenurning one buggy and throw- ing the occupauts out; very little damage was done and then parties unhurt, The Women's Foreign Missionary Society are , having grand success ; mostlysevery meet- ing adds to their numbers ; we hope they may still continue t0. increase and cavry on the good work. Magee Velsh and Boles returned to Clinton last week, after spending a few days with the Misses Mellis, of this place. , IIENS11.1„, ERIETS.,-.There Was (rite a flutter of eXeitenlent here over it marrieee that tient phial recently ; in the evening the boys gathered to make MUSIC btit tbe;arlo'ney Was forthcoming and the erowddiepersed; • " well that ends well," The Rev. Wm. Torrance has been called out of town to attend the funeral of his brother's wife ; she lived near Listowel and died very suddenly. Mr. Harry_ Houston has twitted into WA village. • Mr. Wtn. Col - will has removed to his handsome new residence. Mr. Mnrshall has rented his MAY brick block to Mr. Morrison, of Ray. field, who iotenda moving here shortly, ,Our local politicane aro all on the gut tiVajOst now over the electione impending,