HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-19, Page 8CLINTON NEW ERA, ]?BIDAY4 NOV. 19, 1880. ----eeetneereeete LOCAL NOTICES. ., Fon a First -doss Set of Siler eiteiteeed Sin& 'farness for, $.13.# o o JPlluTco ALL, Clinton, r„ Woollen Gitods given in cxchange for Wool or WOO at Minton, Woollen ;Mills. DAY ID i.VRA11441: "rust think of Overshoes, Felt Roots and Jabbers at Wholesale Price at J. TWITCH - Clinton. Cheap Woollen Coods J. sale at the new lroollea Mills Store. .Renioval to Searle's' Bleck Auction sale Sae/Molt Meet. le R. CORBETT. BENNETT, a he Red Rocker, on.Olint, the leading Undertaker and ,Furniture to Ohe front again. Re carries of the hintora end red iieketsfer furniture at Hallett, Morris end Stanley,Shows, lie always leads but nev er follows. .1110NEY,--An advertisement of Messrs. Manning #C2 Scott, Barristers, crowded out this week, offers money at 54 and $ Per cent, Prive(e and. Company funds, On easy terms, • —.„----------------- ------ -- no value whateYer, except to the owner. DeseeenPisee Oirreeoee--Some friend The office tands isolated from oiler to the liquor party attempted to° perpete buildings, but there are several houses rate a villianous outrage at the house cif close by, none of the inmates of which, Mr, Jas. Wanlese, Vilma police inagia lsowever, heard anything unusual during trateeforgenth Unreel, on'elonday night the night, Mr. Alegeeze's loss will not last, • The family were all supposed to be be very large, although the safe is badly attending special service in the Method* ineured, but tbe annoyance and ineeneni, church,when a quantity of cotton batting, ence will be eonsiderable. The burglar saturated with coal oil, was laded in a was no Peelers at hifebusiness, but he evit shed alettehecl to the houieeind set on fire. dently lacked judgment. when he eaten. .A.s was afterwards discovered, bottles con tarring coal oil were placed amen the lated on Making a haul here. batting, evidently with. the expectation SHIPSENT OP Glares—The following that they would explode and spread the figures will give some idea of the large Are. It sq happened that a boy had been grain lcusieess- done here. During the left at home, and having occasion to go zoo goptro.. past three months there was no less time Out, he discoveied the fire, throvvieg hine- one hundred Loa fortynine cars of grain self on the batting end -thus extinguishing shipped from hereecontaining a total of it, and then drenching the side of the 81,1741eu8he10. This includes wheat,peas, burning house with water. The party, •berley and oats, the largest amount, of who by this means attempted arson, was course, being wheat. The elm total else attempting to tOninut murder, it be- araounted to 4,420,440 lbs. ing well-known to eyetybody about Var- na, that elm. Wanless, or. (aged about 95 Ernioexioet No'ree.--Students intend- Years) was an invalid and never left the ing to write at the entrance examination house, .Had not the fire been discovered in Clinton, should not be misled by a cir- just when it was, there would have been culla hailing from Seaforth; as to the date no pessibilitY of saving her life. I lan- of opening the examinationin Another guage strong enough to denounce the vile column we give the correct notide. Mr. lainy of any one who would thus attempt Rarstone, of the Seaforth Rig.h School, is to destroy life and property ? we think to be succeeded. by ?dr. Clarkson, of the not. The matter is not to be allowed to Toronto Model; Mi. Ritestotie *gees to rest here; andeirtheigti, ilfee ttarty can be Lindsay, and Mr.Clarkson reeunies the pol . brought to justice, he will be severely pun. nitron he resigned a few years ago into the 'shed. • . bands of the former. About nine or ten of the the present Model School class have LOCAL CHURCH. secured schools. The examinations at CHIMES the training institutes for first, claim teach- Bev. P. Etralth; (eon.of P. Straith,Cline me begin. on December•ah. The Normal ton), Preached in Willis church, • on Sun - and close on the 17th. The examination Rev. T. L Wilkinson, Agent of f the lee begins on Monday, De-' ' Dominion Prohibitory. Alliance, will reach ie Blyth on Sunday next. • Moznetzerrs.-04 Mondey last several new monuments were erected in Clinton cemetery, a very handsome granite one being to the Memory of the lateeike Taylor 'and others for members of the following families :—Dinsley, Ewing and McMullen. A base is also laid for one to the memory of Pie late W. Rattenbury. • •SeoTT ACT ClAsES.,-Mr. Jaa.Scott, bar- rister, went to Brussels last week. as legal counsel for the Inspector in.the East Rid- ing, who had laid cbarges against Messrs. Stretton O'Neil and Goeble, of Brussels, for alleged violation of the Scott At. The •cases are the first hat have come up emtvbe- fore.Police Magist e Smith, but when they came to trial the're was net a particle • of evidence to substantiate the chargee, and accordingly all were dismissed. While it is desirable to secureta eigid enforce- ment of the Scott ,e.ct, care should be taken that prosecutions are not entered upon unitise there is some foundation for 1 the Thanksgiving services in •the Town Rall, yesterday, (Thursday) merningeand also in St, Paul's church. Rev. W. S. Blackstock, of -Toronto, (at ne thee stationed here), has been yery cember „15th. • Bneurs.—Mr. Geo. Stealth, of Chicago, is home on a visit. By a recent issue of the Manitou (Manitoba) Mercury, we see that Messrs :T. Haggard era OeMaening, two former residents of Hullett, carriedofr ill with eyphoid fever, -but is now COU - o. large number of prizes at a recent fair valescent.. Mr, Blackstock was the editor in that locality. We undetstand that Mr. of the " religibus eolumn" that • was for S. Pratt intends to take up his residence some time a prominent featerenf the To - in Winnipeg. The family of Mr. J. OH- route Mail every Saturday. . • " boys" of the family Will be missed, any- nounced to preach Educational Sermons• hey. E. -S. Rupeft, of Clinton, is an- • ver, shoemaker, left town this week; the Clinton, but' who bas been teaching dues in theMetineelet church morningeind even - how. Miss Jean Dickson, formerly of ing , at L d b oro, an ing the past year' in Morris, near Blyth, at Kinburiewhen collections will be taken, op es d ' in the afternoon she intends to supply for one of the teach.- for the Educetional fetid of the Methodist h Rev Mr Hough will take ?Jr, has not re-engaged tfiere for next year, as em in the Seaforth school. •A young man named Carter, who has been working at Stapleton Per sorne time, has gone to Michigan for the winter. Mr.W. J. Pais- ley received word on Saturday that his mother Was very ill at Wroxeter, 'but he heard subsequently that she was Out of danger. We believe all the teachers of the High School have expressed their willing• nese to re-engage for the ensuing year, ,on. the same conditional they are engaged at • JINENILL tonuisms,„; Saturday might eeveral small boyf of tender years, • managed in some ray to get possession of • a bottle of whiskey, and before long sonic ofthem were helplessly drunk. One was sO completely demoralized that his com- panions put hira in a wheelbarrete.and at about half patt teielve they wheeled him to the house of bis employer,. but not be- • ing able to gain admission be was .taken • elsewhere until he sobered up. It is a dist .grece, in this age that such persons are able, under any circiiinstences, to secure ___,eufBeient-liquor to make beasts of them- yemoiei By purchasing your geode et \, 1 1.4son's Bookstore, Re sells cheaper than aeybodrelse. • Just received a lane stock of . N:1°W. Iturip-E And ROBBERS, • .- Which are being soleerery cheap. • of B. 1)z:en:el—The many friendsMr. S. McLean; of the High School, will re- gret exceedingly te. hear of the the 'death of leis wife; evhiph oecureed itt Detroit, on Wednesday last, She had been in. a low state of health for some time,lhd went to Detroit during the 'summer, (where she hadfriends) with the expectation that a change would prove beneficial, but instead of recovering, she appears to have! got worse and., gradually' senk. Sbe wet a • „dauehter of Mr. John Brawn, rif Eaat Wawanosb. (teeter. of Mr. J. W. Brown, teacher, Hills. Green) end. prior to her • marriage was engagedeut a teacher.- She , was most highly esteemed, a member of the Presbyterian churcle, and Mr. McLean bas the sympathy of all in his effliction. • Her remains were interred. in lElneweed !cemetery,. Detroit, on Friday. . • • $01061, BOARD.—The regular' meeting of the School Board,was held on Monday Ovening... Several oe. tbe. junior teachers hadeepplied for an increase in salary, and ,atethe requesteeLelieleard, the'Secretteree — bad correseenfidel-ev. -1th-different-plates-as to the salaries paid, the corresporidedee showing thet Clinton paid, on thenverage, fully as high salaries as were paidelse where. As the board last year hadprom- r - feed to increase Misi-H-eylar's < year, the Present board felt in deity bound - -+ to carry' out the obligations thus. 'entered into. and she was re-engaged foe next ear ie increase • • at a salary of $800, whicb of $25, Miss Holmes retiring, her place is aupplied by the engagement ofMiss Amelia Plummer, (who comes well reborn- * f eiresent. Me,-Jo..Townseed bas put up a new hotigeoilVowniend,$t. • just to the rear ofehe one:occupied by Mire. 'CrIch,on Ontario St. The other day weile•ii, young man waseenjoying himself at the Roller •Riele, he slipped and went "headfirst through one of the side windows; be was net hurt. Mr.. E. Wise left with us an ordinary garden paesnip, that measured Itairarrommoommal.*.ar Tho strike we mean is at long prices; we are deter:Pined, it shall exist no loop n this pert of the country, We know that we have cheap goods, that v*ie offe the public prices,thet will compare with anything, that's on the road, No matte • what shape the goods may be armed, we are determined to meet any. kind of position and pricee. All we ask is a fair comparisou. """"'""."`""""""•"*""'" pur DRESS GOODS are Cheap. 00r Asstortnient is Large We Invite Inspection. New Fall Goads Arriyiti Daily, RuPert's work here, on Sunday heet. •• . , The "WEEKLY" GLOBE, -MAIL, NEWS, WITNESS, ADVERTISER., FREE PRESS, from now till. the :end of • next year for ONE,DOIsLAB. • • There. was- a large number of ladies present at St: Paul's School House on Wednesday 'afternoon, Nov. 10th.. e wen• ty-three of whom enrolled ,themselves as members of the Relief Committee, at. a membership fee- of 50cts, Mrs. Jas. Combe was appointed Treasueer, and the following ladies were named as a special .committee, Miss Dean, .Miss Hine, • Miss Rance, Mrs, Scott, Mrs. Win. Coats, Mrs., W. J. Coats,Mrs. May,Mrs. Biddlecombe, Miss White,Mrs. Whitehead, leirs. d Mrs Andrews. • :It was decided toXT hold a meeting to sew for the.poor,at Mrs. •CFIRIS DICKS Jas. Smith% opposite the • Ontario St. Meth. church. on Thursday, the Seth, at 1 clothes to give stway,or matereals that may 13°..e.lrecr. alte Statiorter, o'clock... Any one who ha any cast-off ••„ • Giaby ailike-W-Comfo-Kables Blankets, Jobs in Gloves, in Hosiery, Jobs in Towels. • twenty inches in circumference; he claims beemade up, are earnes y q d t to have any amount of them that measure send them to Mrs., Smith's residente be - nearly the same. Mr. John Sheppard, offore that date: '• . Lambton„ Dakota, who has been. visiting • ' . friends here for a• ehort time, returned to ' Dakota onTriday. Mr. Valentine Diehl, - • • • . of Stanley, 'expects to give up farming in • the spring, leavitields boys in charge,and will likely take etp his residence in Clin- • ton. A cow belonging to Mr. R. Fitz- • simmons died from some unknown cause Iast weak, The next meeting.• of the- Cotinty Council will be held' at •13russels, ,• • on the ist, of December;.bad the place 'of meeting 'been Clinton, there would 'have been some jeetifteaelon for the change ; as iteen:theeteritiepenee M -r. Andrew Duff, formerly, of Rolmesville; now: ofInvieler County of Lambton, will teach in S. S. Isle): 3, West WawanoSh, next • year; his family, •who are at present residing in intoneevill remove to their new home near Dungannon, at the endeeettlie pres- ent year; Mr. Jos. Wheatleyhas not bought mit the "Bettie Bros," but the interest ofildr. Jas. Beattie, and•the firm ie therefore Wheatley & Beattie. . Mrs T. C. Doherty has bought of Mr.A.D. WiItse, , of the London road, a flue. two year-old • Rees] Revenge vette pitying a., good ,price therefor .; Tom knows negood horeewhere he sees it, and evidently has a weakness for Royal Revenge stock. W. Steep, jr.S lieriebouglIt a small—house-andeleteatethes northern extremity of North , St., 'from t. A. Forrester, paying therefor $809. Our very spicy cameo, the Brussels Post, came out lest week in enlarged ferns and nevi • &Isis ; the Post is one of the best papers in Huron, and deseivee the stecetite 'that it is evidently meeting, with,' The Wife of Mr. S: Wilsonetraveller, is laid up with inflammatory theumatism. The friend's of Mr. CharlesIelcLeod will regret teeearn that he is unable to work at pre- sent, owing to illness, which, we hope, is only of a temporary nature. Mr. John Beibertsbn is at Toronto, picking up geode for Christens: Word has been received fromDr Worthingtop, who accompanied Mr, Yates to Nene York, to the effect that while the doctors there are not san- guine of effecting a cure in Mr. Yates' catie, they believe that the operation which he has, undergone since there will give temporary relief. It is rumored about town that Mr W. Doherty, of the Orgill] Factory, will be brought out as a candi- date either for the Local or Denalidon House; in the West Riding.; We D. IS it pretty decent fellow, and we hardly think he is indiscreet .enough to -:court certain defeat, which faces any Conservative who runs for 'either house in the West Reding. Mr. (3. E. Crawfordintends to have a sale of . household furniture about the lst of December. We have observed with remitt- ers teat our old friend Archie Taylor bas successfully. passed his final examinations in law, and is now full fledged and ready for work; fully expect to see Mr.. Taylor rapidly come to the fore, and con- gratulate him on his succeSseS, - Cadet. Grant took her farewell at the Arniy, on SU nday.' " Conductor Lynn Crawford se - Peered this week with a brand ucw Pas- senger train, the coaches being a bright. red color, and handsomely equipped It is reported that Sir John A McDon- ald and parte will arrive here at 4 p. rn, Taursday, from the north, and/ remain o'er until the 9 p m. train for Goderieh 'should this Wee correct, there will likely be Immo demonstration got up fi,r The NeterEee. heissued a little earlier than Seee ' • elierided) at a salary of $250„ n the appropriations for the year 1887 hay. • ' ing been made it was moved by Mr.Searle, seconded-bye:Are-Scott And carried, 'that • ;the hoard is thus unable 'to make any • further allowances in •the salaries for the • .ensuing year, and .that the present.teach- ' ers, Miss .Fexton and Miss•Leslie, be re- . engaged fer 1887, at the salaries hitherto paid, . viz t.:•-•$800- and $275 respeetivelet. An account ofJ. Chidley, $3.25, for chairs, wits ordered to be. paid. blesses. Searle and MeGaiva brought up the matter ot holding the school elections simultaneous- ly 'with the Munidipal electieror, but as any adion in this direction muse be taken in .Seotembere nothing weld be done further than to discuss the matter. It was decided that the nomination aied election • foe ttuetees be beld in the council cham- ber, eV, 'H. Hine Le be returning officer.' , - • Sawn BLowtnn.—It is a good nicety years eiece any burglar was fooliali enough to break open a safe in this town with the expectation of reeking ?money thereley, and 0. great deal of surprise was e4ressed, ott. Sateiday morning last, when it was learned that the safe in the office Mr. T. McKenzie, of the Clinton Planing Mills, had been blown open. MIT McKenzie was at work in the office until after tee o'cloek the• :previous' night,. and et what tiine the worlr eves done eo one knovvs. Entranee into the OffiCe was secured by ' the burglar eaiging a baek window, and he haethen gone to work to blow el the safe doer. in the most.systentatic rummer. The (lac wits not a combination lock, Iinniediately over the door knob the burglar drilled a hole, having previothily taken a brace from the workehop, With which to Work the drill. He had than inserted either a Onalnitralatrid blasting powder, and whent te',ie exp oaten took place it tore the froWdoor oft' its binges, breakinge theeemer sheeting and look of the door to plebes, So greatewas the force of tht eXplottion that the door or pare of it was thrown agaitpt a viindow sill, which it broke as if struck by a can. nen a . I . does in the o ce were , allehettered to pieces., ,The hurglarlfound .. l'' tily no. wioney in the safe, and even left in the $,. „it draaer a drafe drawn "payable to bearet." bue lie parried away .4. small ironevault ' the inside of the Sae, in , . • • CLINTON. • :Xt Our OVERCOATS are very ellea,p,, Out CAPS are low in price MEN'S• 1UNDERCLOTIIING away , down ttrar We have too•extenseee a etock•to tell you all about it in tbe space we have to buy froth. the ITEW, MIA, but -whet ere say we- always back np, don't forget that. • . . . . • • . • • GECj. E. szcp. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM Or CLINTON Are still to Ike front in , IRCHAT TAILORING. (lanai Ibis Week,. on adconnt ot Thanks. to WW0h. Were a number or papers ate.; Of , giving day•eonaing Thursday. e ongi g 1 Give them a «til. • . ' . • - . . . • . . It is:generally, conceded by the' shrewdest business men 'of the country, that'we are on the eve efreturaing prosperity, and be a eery short time we will hear :very little of liard times and low prices. Advic'es from the old country report every., thing on the move and a. tendency to upward prices ' in all lines, and it is a. well- • • :kuowh 'fact that hums are never better than when we have geed prices. It may he a few Months' before we feel Any change but the reaction from dull times bas surely come and will be felt before another year eolts emend, In, keeping with the low ,• prices-weehaVe i'wondeeful stock of . • , • iVi .• • e n '•,...13bys:alid 'Childrell'.i'. • , ,‘ . l• • • • • Which we claim were never offered at well low prices in the history of eur ee- tablishment: Good goods at low prices will always conainand a go dd trade, and if • you: will Came and deal with us we will give you the very best of goods at the, lowest livingfigurei3. We have on exhibition a Grand Assortment of Clothing, mostly our own make, at wonderfully low prices, considering quality and make; and we are confident we can bave you .money if•you will come and inspect. Come . and see our great specialties in • • Merl's, Youths', BoSis'-cf4 Children's • OVERCOAT S. Froin $3 Up to $25: , 0.0, RANGE & TEM 4t13 cLerritinnso ,CL:1141101\1. • Three Doors West of Diekson's Book Store Comprising an assortment rarely, seen iti any one house, We are making prel..P.1 paratioris for a greet Chrietrrias sale of Clothing, and in figuring out your presentee put down some article of ellothing from let:keen •Bros. h BOYS' CLOTHING we have waded in very extensively, arid now present a very huge assortment -hall inzeseand, What.could be nicer for a Christmas offering than a ist.E.WAUIT • OVt11.00.4.1`,. a. JACKSON BROS. • ANT, )1ST I • ,