HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-19, Page 5tosma AND WiNTE818847 •OTS. cull lines Men's Felt BootsAmerican and Cana than Overshoes and Rubbers, German Felt Slippers, pp, .laadiee' and Gent's Fine Shoes. our stook lo other lines is large and well assorted, and will be sold at close prices FIVE PER CENT OFF' FOR CASA WTAYLOR & SON • 10 E DRY GOOD .— np NOVSE, Fultistisnxism DEPARTZSEN'T. We ' are S3Tshowing splei�dxd value. and a. �-ver large assortment in the above department. tment. "Newest desi ns i�, TAPgPTIRY, andBRUSSELS- Car WOOL BR CARPETSCarpets NEW OIL CLOTHS and LINOLETT .V1S:.. • 1.!peci:.n _ Z ,0 _YC ,TA,INS... and CURTAIN NETS. Stock fully assorted in every departrnent and at the closest prices. 5 ter c. off .to' cash* JOHN WISEMAN, Manager, Est to j' IOPCIEN$ .ETE OR ARE NOW OFFERING ` SPECIAL: DRIVES IN DRESS GOODS. 200B:augh.t before the recent advance in, rices, at a discount ofOVER .PIECES_ .• 25: ger cent. p They give thef.r customers the benefit of this great :reduction -in pr' • 1CeS: RE SS :PLUSUE S, PLAIN and, . , .. I':ANCY". BLACK :rend COLOREDHO,STE.47T ,a,44. GLOVES: at. PAiiic . • T.,.,i DIES' aLnd GENT' ►WOOLLEN UNDER W prices that:•�cr ' .A�R at � � �i1 1 astOniph. �, isand at rices that will make Their• -stock of:� furs imm.ense, � price •you happy Notwithstanding �tl� .... • g e. • great advance in WOOLLENS. and COTTONS they are selling this - g .:, month •at old paces. , •::Now is the time:.. to secure bargains, The newest styles. in MILLINERY. Big. stock of MANTLE.GOODS J C. • DETL.OR & CO. • _SW ohn Macdonald is said to favor''the• nomination of Mr. Edward Gurneyas. the Conserve tine, 'candidate for West To- ronto. At the elections for the Legislative Coun- cil of Prince Edward Island, on Thursday, ' the Liberals•, sccurcd a splendid victory. Out of thirteen seats'the Liberals carried ten; They had a majority of two or, three ' in the old Council fro» which thWhaVe now expelled ttvb members, of the Tory Government.' ' Probably in no countryar.a. the marriage laws so strict its. in England.. Clergymen 11 is alleged' that a com plate change has taken,. place in the political ,situation at Quebec and that Lieut. -Governor 'Masson 1s not only•sig.ning money' warrants itow°for'. the Rnss Government, but Abet he •'has given the :Premiercarte blanche'to remain in ofl`•.ice.. Two pauses are assigned for this change ; '.7,at. That Sir• I -lector Langevin. has, assured His Flonor that the'Govern-. ment will command .e majority` When the Legislature meets, and that his. responsi- bility will be saved ; and,'decond, that the Federal .,Government • has :threatened . to dismiss him,as they dismissed Mr. Letellier unless he carri „Ont their wishes to the are especially, severely dealt with if they letter.• marry persons ander, the age, as Rev. J.'H L. Bateman, vicar 'of. Haile, Cumberland CLINTON DIARKE7.3. county has discovered'. At a recent, assize. 0ar5ect devory'Thurs1ay aftbri.00ii. court thisrev. gentleman was found guilty - Thursday,,' tov, 18, 1886. ef.having feloniouslysolemn'ized a marriage • Wheat, spring •--- .- ., 0 65. a 0 72 • in hiisichurch between Robert a youth White: and red 0 6S: a '.0 72 under 18,.and Mary Jane Cockburn,' with Oats,' • • '0 26 'a 0 27 out a license, and withcint'previous publi.' .: Barley, •• 0 4o a 0 '50 cation of the banns, Hewessentenced to' Rees,. • 0 48 • a 0 48 • ; 4 .00 . a : 4 00 0 40. a .0 45 . . 0 14' a 0.15 Bggs, 0 15 .a 0 17 BORN Pori., •5 50• 'a• 6 00 ._ PROL'D1 OOT: --In Clinton on the 1 th Inst., the ▪ $ 00 a 8 00 wife of Bir H. B. Proudfoot. of a deugntcr. Hay, STRAITON.—In' Goderioh, on the 11th inst., the• Wool intrader • ! 0 20 -a 0. 22 . '.' . wife of Bir. A. Stratton, station agent, ora daughter: • Woo1 for cash, ..0 18 a 0 18 We have en]araed .Our premise by `'dd.t• f t tl f t• Lamb skins eighteen months imprisonment, with hard' labor. Flour, per bbl; •Potatoes, Butter, Clinton • CS0 a 'il�lIARRiEo —. Sheep pelts • 0 50 a: 075 MsDONAl;D-PRATT.•-At-the' residence ' of ' the ' ^ r the count . i aviary Over bride's father, on' the 0th inst., Mr, Jas.,3feDonald,nf Clover, per bath. • i 00' a . , 50 y, b 100 to select from.. �t e keop.only 'ths leadinry lines and y , 4 a s an a = 1 ion O on e• s cry' on le rear 0 ours ore; 0 00 ' a 0 80' ' • and have now hand,one of .the largest and best asserted stocl s. of STOVES in (.ardnor, Dak., to. Miss. Annie Pratt, of Noble, both - ♦y• y�•y ,,Yu. �•p�y{ are So1e•,;, A�pgents for the CELEBRATED RADIANT -HOME, ART, GARLAND ormerly of Goderich township t�u " ^ ti rtitz7fenxe'fits . and R'L' 4rA . 'PEN'INSULA. CO at) ' ' j ALEXANDER--wMIAS1S At St Geor,$es•Churclu ��• �� AL STOKES; COW( S7OV>;S and 1AP• Galeria), on the 10th 1 St., by the Can: Archdeacon. 1;'OR STO VrS 111 ryl'eat.yariet . and at reduced )rices. • . Ellwood, a y l an 1).Alexando' daughter of l by R v. tV. Johnston, Mr.. Waiter GOOD GENER-AL SERVANT WA_N�.E 73T THE Nin.;ar Valle, terminal eldest l�' 'A �l t0 MRS C' I OX 1 ply J r11: , 110M AXE XitrEaNTAIEiFS A. SPEGl, giMW. RAYSION D --P bride's -father, 07 he Srdinst.. Mr.•H. T. RaymonT,._ . toldiss Eva, eldest daughter of WM. Plunkett, M, D„ (formerly clerk of Stanley) all of Redfield, Dakota, as.• 1I. 1'illiams, of Got1onch, • • x T. --At the residence of the • ..�-•:•Air---�,- FOSTER ;U;RAYL' i. .I: S PII0T068APII STUDIO, CLIir'TON • ' TWO ELEGANT NEW i/CKGR ij it S Aro just receival, one exterior and one interior,' beth trbm the brush of tie greatest Scenic Artist of the day, the world-renowned SEAV EY, of libw York Your friends 'aoili want your •Photo. Xmas Conn and Bit for a negative. before the lZoliday rush' commences. . FOS'ar1 . & . $ ,"SGTJ Y BEAVER BLOCB, 'CLINTON WAKTE A LAR GE' VAl\T'i'ITY'OF APPLES, FILUMS & PEA x10(!1 it AND STATI0N11R INT(}TICS THE CfiL'NCIr' TIE r And satisfaction r?uaratit'eeil I�'e •irh now nut t t f 'n "H01' AIR' OF • I COR UR- h nl, lU dC It In a: I. ArioN pi too County°, Huron, wIll moot the �; Town Balt, in the village of Brussels nmWprssei v NAGE setitall]e for ordinary sized rla'e11in^s, They ctjnle low in mien and give DSC, 1st atthree•*tlocl p.m,1.'AD.ABISON, Co. the:best of satisfaction. Also a tat Of. SECOND-IHAN7,7 STOVES 'NOTI''•�TrA CE TO lllWEltS AND 1iitEEUIIIS OEC L' P1(11 •Subscriber -will keep for service a pure bred Berkshire Boar. Terms SI, with privilege of re- turning in if necessary, ' LOt 20, Con: 1, Stanley, London ltoad. -JOHN STANil1.J•tl.. 41*. • . • iiOTIOE.—TIIE' ANNUAL MEETING OF TIE' Londeaboro Butter and Cheese Manufacturing Co4tr will be held at •Lotidesboro, • on MONDAY, Nov.'22nd Slidrebolders Meeting at 10 aim., general meeting at 1 p.m. 0E0. WATT, President. • .. �. AzAYTJ1' HEIFER.—CABIL-•' INTO SUBSCRIBERS premises, North street South, Clinton, about two weeks since, a two year old red Heifer, The owner to' hereby notified to prove proparty, ivy charges and take it away, PETER "WILSON. BERKSHIRE. BOAR FOR Sk`11vICE.—TRE . SUB- SCRIBBIO keeps for service, at his farm, Summer- hill, a thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, of good pedigree. Terms $I at tune of service, With pprivilege of returning. if necessary. LAWRENCE MANNING, �1TRAY CATTLE.—CAME INTO SUBSCRIBERS • 1 Y premises, Sud eon., Tuckersmith, a short time since I Five Yearlings, part of thent red, the others, red, and white. Also a three'ycar old Grey Helfer, Owner Is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and • .1 take thorn away. THOS, OBRIEN. • TRAY CATTLE, -T E INTO SUIiSCl1IBrva t1�� premtaes, on Nov. lot, lot 30', con. 1, East Wawa- �( nosh,1 red heifer 2,vrs, otd,1 red Steer,, 1 spotted • •' i Steer and 3 spotted Heifers 1 -yr old. The owner is hereby hotbed to prove propporty . pay charges and • , take them' away. HENRY .007IL'1R. 41* . MILS WRITT, TEACHER. OF MUSIC. REST- • Orange streets, at HAge itiof the Ontario Music Teacht a' Association. '"Seo:, ILO. Collins, 2t Carleton St., TO. ionto; fres.,. Dr. C. A. Sippi, London, Ont. 1�'1TRAv CALF+,--.CAtHHE' INTO SUBSORit#ERS ' premises, Bayfield road, Ooderieh township about the 20th ot.Oetobor a small Red and White Calf. Mhoownerishereby. notifiedtciove_nproporty, pay charges and take it away. LEVI TRICR;. ; . - *41 ' I OLSE TO 111:t4T.-THAs SPLENDID HOUSE on Mary St„ at present occupied by hlr. W. 8y,�• cies, aLaweeovoi l offered to dini1111 ng 70A(1nand silting room. only reason why oecnpant la leaving is that he mover to a larger house. hent matiorate, A. ' oonnEL1., 't'llntvr. HARDWARE in all its. branches American and. • Canadian COAL OIL.. It will pay youtogive us a call before pitrob(tsing.' Sign, of the Padlock, 114 14 N D BN o Albert St .Winton. .; I. ...• C .,A..s CAP01J , THE• BOOT MAKER. MOTTO:-GdoD' WORD, PntcES'. Acco11DINc LY AND fir,-• • 'WAYS•• READY. °HHAS. CARLi NE, cO1vIBE BLOCK.' CLINTON} .1480,0411 •.....'s 1.,11 ..8 1.•,k• • -'1 PLq- be i•. fU..N 5 7 a4 c _ W rG• 04e. Ct=1 grei el rH/1 • 4•a G E ..,al ▪ Gi,-i pa -42 E.y r✓ +,, 4-.1 , A large cletatchment:•of:B''tANKETS' just to 'hand, .which, will be sold at Mill Prices. Call rand inspect thee goods; betbre ori bu gilt rando 1 y .Y n, B NDER1CLOfl I . We hate the,largev stock ofIND;ERCLOTT3ING rn the_ county, which" Were . purchased'' ,'when' the markets .were. the lo- They west. T , ey +� 1ll ue solei ��lt., figures which defy .competition, rangeing from' ' Wets. a suit up;. Remember the place to buy: R3�'-'rOOTDS•IEI' i BER �G'1=i,EAZ` ST'0r;]. Our stock for..':the ' Christmas , season is newcotn}ilete• in Groceries, Crockery, China and • Glassware• -..- AIT'LL LINE Or rrEWW MUM, Mr VALENCIA RAISINS; .SULTANA RAISINS, SEEDLESS RAISINS, • LOOSE MUSCATELL FRAISINS, LONDON • 0 LAYER, BLACK BASKETS, &t. New Currants very choice. t New Coarse Currants ex ra deice. demon, Orange ;& Citron Peel, Figs, Nuts, &c. FUN line of Canned Goods. Tals,. Coffees aisd'u,ra Spioess os, Specialty'' • Seo the novelties now beipg,opened in MIN' and GLASSWARE, wmostl: suitable for presents. Low prices being the order of the day, the tbove'goods aro marked at a small advent() on, cost.. -•-],•morn• our experience' in the past, we coni - dentally expect to do, a large' nthout t• of businessthis season. Goods delivered promptly anywhere in town. ' a. ' p.A.ZollitiStTryloiRiztchi ' OO . 1 to