HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-19, Page 4Canton
FRIDAY, NOV. 19. 1ed6. "
-77- Mil atitibltistrosicolinued
ducted and enlarged. In every variety of
Jewellery, Silverivare. Cutlery ate., his
stock is complete, kle bas made ailgecial-
ty of the watch trade, and hut become
noted in this district for the atnek of ,witt-
&es he carriers. The best Amerman
watches, seeh res the. flarenden, Aurors.,*;
Columbus, Waltham and Elgin;. are 'con-
stantly on hand., ilia stock of. silverware
is frnM the very beet-menbfacturers and
guaranteed. In theae days no successful
jeweller can atiord to dela in " shoddy,"
and Mr. Coats in selecting his ;gook, is
particular in getting. the very best, Ile
has also gone into, the Spectacle trade very,
extensively, and is the Own agentefor the.
beat makers. Altogether he can very
eaeily aatisfy the most fastidious, lbhi
various lines. A visit to Mr. Coate' es-
• tablishment will be well repaid, ache haa
a.magnificent set of tools, with which can
bedone the finest of work. With. his
lathes and other machinery:he does the
work hiuiself,which many ,conartjewelle're
have to send to Toronto or-,bliiewlitirb trf
have done, Ile is aloe a first -elan en.
of and dealer in .13eets and Shoes.
This enterpriaing firm has now been
before the publio.forabout fourtedu years;
• and his built up a. businese from Overly
modest commencement, .to one of the ler,
gest in the county. One of the principal
reasons fop the success of this firm, is
found in the fact thae their stock em6races
. some of the bast lines of goods manufac.
eeleredinthe Dominion, and -their numer-
• ous custnniers have' found out that they
• can strictly rely upon getting, in every
case good. value for their money. This
• stock for this Season is very. Complete, and,
is much larger thanWas ever before shown
• by the firm, It:includes -egreat var-
• iety of overshoes, rubbers, felt boots etc.
• The, assortment of ladiestine sheee is very.
great, and would well repayethe tremble of
•,„,ate inspection ; manufactueing i. Alsip dope
• on the premises, competent.Workmen and
• the gest material is used. 'Repairing. is
• also promptly_attended to: This. firm
thoroughly- enjnys the confidenbe of ,
public, and is doing ,a thriving businees,
"1 Armor r
American menufacture, aua include also le a practical harness welter himeelf* and Vonatip Ana WIttrts
a full line of robbers, overshoes, etc. me. gives, direce pewee! superviaion to all work
About nom ere conetently em- DWI IDEXISI.D.
Banws.-Word has been received from
Wow; Marko and Campbell, stating their
safe arrival in Kansas, on•Thureday. last -
Mr. Hugh McCartney shipped his Sep-
tember and October make of cheese, at
Beefortb, on Wednesday lmt ; it was sold
to Mr. Chas. Laurie, of that place, at 12c,
per lb. A. singing class bas been formed
for the winter months, in Mr,Roits' church;
the services or Prof. 3,IcKay Wye been se -
plop& TAll gra ea of harness are raanufaa-
witchell is also agent for thu.sale of t
Gteergian lifey shingles. •••Mired, light hareem being a epeotalty. The
Fp- 31. %NV, General Hardware 'business enjoyo a large patrooage from farml-
and Iron -Merchant. ere„ liveryinee_ and othere and us welt Ovule.
.S! PaniSer & Co., GroceriefiSpIces,
rank among the, mercantile institutions of
ing of tile reputatien it hoe earned. •
A. busineas that has Jong Wimps taken high • ' •
• westeni Ontario is the hardware and, iron Crockery, Glassware, Etc,
ji.bout seventeensests ago Mr. Racey eetab. The above named veneer grocery estab.
libhed himfielf in the hardware beelines, in 1 liehment ie one of the oldest iu °linter], and
Clinton, Q11 a comparatively. drosel Perste, deal- • beet Patromeed. This progreeeive businese
ing principally in shelf baedweee. Dy strict has been establithed for over thirteen Yee.rs.
attention tc the trade, and his weit.heewn Mr, Thos. White, the efficient and obliging
honorable business principlee, his satolish. manager, has bspn a partner. in the baentese
ment grew and flourished. With the opening of since ite coMmencement, and to his careful
the L.,f1.&B.' Railway, .giving the town in management end general.knoieledge, the sue.
creased shipping facilities, quite a wholeettle nese of,the Wetness i* largely due., • •The aim
business was the result, until at the present is to leeOP a really first.class steak a goods.
time hie whohteale trade is (sallied en to alarte NC oheap or adulterated stook iii handled, Its
extept, principally win, towns to tee nort , the 110ei of tea, coffee, apieee, ete„ the store
His business establishmesit, which is very has become townie, It IA sunPlied with a
commodious. is located on the principal bnin. coffee roaster. imported from Loudon, Eng.
nem street of the town, and contains a very iand, and iv" roalited toffee in alwaYson
extensive stock of goods. • There are also three hand. The Otoolr of atookery and glassware
large storerooms,
depot. Aer space*ill not permit a deseription ported and ranee in prures to suit the caste -
one of winch is located at is •magnificent, and should be inspected by
the rear of the store, and the other two at the
eyeryene. These geode are priamPally im-
of elie large stock, NVe Will confine .ourselvee mere. Everything neeallY handled in a dret-
mainlY to special lines. The Storeroom at the class store ef this kindis found here. The
rear contains a beavY eteck of bar iron, car. Proprietors' aim to keep good gooda is fully
riage world work, &o. The basement, which ia. appreciated and thebusiness is Meeting- with
the fell length of the buildh3g, ie well filled great aucceSe.
business conducted by Ur. -n. m. Racey.
• • •
with-glastrrcut-nailsr-herse-shoes,bnildi - •
per, cordage varnishes, linseed oil, lubricating
Fancy Goods, ace. 1,1
turpenZine, dry colors, &o. rite seeon "-
flat contains h very large stock of carriage,tireWhen the representative of -the-epeeial
and eleigh.boltsovookscrewe, Ont taeks,bales edition of the New ERA stepped into this
of moss, epodes, shovelicforka, ptforra---anet. well ordered drug store, be was cordially re.
counter scales, carriage springs, boring ma. oeiiitaby Dr. •Worthington, "whd-was, in his-
ohinoa, cress.out saws, le.olp chimneys, got offiee at the rear of. the drug store at the
mouldings, weaver'a reeds and eupplies, oar- time, and after the reporter had ended his
pet fele &a, • The first floor, besides exhibit. business, the (looter very freely discussed on
mg fell and coMplete lines of shelf hardware, the rapidly expanding eausiness interests of
builders' materials, 4tc., has ale° specie' lines Clineon, wed volnuteered.• all informatien
such as barbed and all kinds of fence wire,about the drug business, recently established
horse nails, a*es, water 1ime calcine plaster, by himself, but was quite reticent about say.
•alabastine, dm. The business alsoincludes a ing anythiag for publication in connection
large trade in coal, and makes (mite a specialty with the profesaion of whit* he is an honored
of steam fittinge." The bueinese is one of the member. • The drug store, which was opened
most important in Clinton, reaching about by the doctor in the early part of the pres-
0;000 worth pee annum.
mit year, is one of the best equipped and most,
$5 .•
Iluilett, bagged a fine fox a few days since.
A squirrel or fox hunt n asheing arranged
for Thanksgiving day Mr. E. Walsh
mid his farm stock on I he fith inst.; two
cows, the property of Mr. Thomas Bess, t all the rneMbetil are requested. 0 be pres-
were sold at $51 and i7.) respectively. In....tent. A union was organized at Sprting'e
etor-Mkiloch has 'Nen vieiting the irehnnihnuen 011.-ThrynglaY evening, Anil
schoels of the township, , meetings will be held in the toWnehip on,
1131CXMILLEK. the other evenings of the present week;
,. Oa Friday at Kinburn and oir Saturciey at
Sosix Faun CiniCaRNING. 'IT. -Ben all rlock. The Prohibitionists are getting
miller is situated on the bane of the .
in eareeet, and evidently mean to win,
River Maitland, 6 miles distant from We wish them every success.
Goderich and is surrounded by a fine J
Bev. Rough, J. Tamblyn. jr., John
!OA E. Huber and, Wm, Neal. 'The
next meeting will be held, in the temper-
ance hall on Tuesday the 30tb. inst.,when.
cured' meteacher ; we think this is a step , firming district. A comfortable stage
in the right direction, as the singing of j tvayes here for Goderich at 10 o'clock a.
nyarty of our congregationk, aa a body, ie ! in on Tuesdays, Thursdays andSaturdays,
net what it ahold be, Mr. Wadetailor, : , .1 arming leaves Goderlch at 4 p. in. This
of this.place, and twiny, leave for..Wing..„.j. run by INIr.. I Miller, proprietor of
ham in a few claye; although" M. Wade l;miniller Rotel., who Iilso carries •the
has been. here but for it abort time,,he has, mall, The hotells quietly'and decently
by his genial disposition and straight for- conducted by thelproprietor, who is oblig-
ward. dealing, made ft host of Iriends,who ing and attentive to his gueet and therm
. rill be sorry to lose him. Thanksgiving who call this„way will elwaye find splen -
services Were held in both the Union and did accommodation for both man and
Mr. Ross'. church, on Thursday, at 11 a. beast. Vhere is in connection with the
m. A parlor social was held at Mr. Wm: hotel a splendid hall in which the. For-
McQueen's, on Monday night last, under resters held theirmeetinge, There is.also-
die Aus-pioes °rale BrueefieldTenierande In delineation a stem now occupied by
Club, all present spent a very enjoyable Mr. Thos, Gledhill, who has charge ofthe
time. Post Office, Mr, Gledhill keeps a well
•„ itokesitsvlia.,E. • assorted stock of everything to be found
•Buims.-The father of Rev, 'W. M. • la a first class general stare. Elia Pads
Patton-, of this place, preached in the ar° all new and at Prices to snit the time”.
Nothodist church here last $abhath mom_ He is attentive and obliging and will give
ng; he is intensely practierel in the pulpit, • good goods it riglii Prices to those who
laver him With a call. • He ia;building. oP
ane does not shun to declare the whele
a good business. Our woollen mill owned
truth ;a sermon from the commertrial tra-
veller will be acceptable on aay future oc- by Mr, Jesse Gledhill, is a gee c:onerete
Wilding, built on the bank of the stream;
°mien. A Thanksgiving aervice was an.
known as Sharp's Creek, which enters the
flounced to be held in the }Xethodist Maitland river here. The mill is equipped
church on Thursday, to comreence at 10
with all the latest improvements in ma-
e'clock. Revival services' still oontinne chinery for the manufacture of cloth,
lit Sturdy's appointnient. A Shooting
blankets and eyerything in his line. There
match is to be held here on 'Thursday are four hands kept in constant employ -
next ; it is hoped it vtill nol be held at the •ment in this Mill, and very often an extra
e• one or two is. employed, Mr. Gledhill
• heir ofDivtile Service. • :
sultwowris.• turris out first class work and by, honest
BitrErs.-The new Ssiliation Arm. y
iiar... dealing and Giese attention to business he
raelis.are in course Of 'erection' on N•orth has binit up it large trade,. Whieh is ever
Main street. Rev. Mr. Acheson, of Kip- increasing. He, gives•satisfaction every
'pen, preaChed morning and eventng at the time. Our blacksmith, waggon and gen-
Presbyterian. church, last•Sunday: • Rev. eral rePair'shoP, owned and eoeducted by
J. E. Howell, at the Methodist church:, Fisher Bros:, does a thriving trade„ whieh
lest' Sunday, morning and evening, de- is, no doubt owing :to the fact that .theee• .
• turn out first class work, are'a;teentive to
livered excellent sermons te.young men.;
the cOngregation in the evening was tine businese and 'give satisfaction to their
• numeretis customers. Our carpenter and.
!mese, buildee, Mr. ,Andrew Heddle,also
•does good work in his line and has Won
for himself the reputation e'l always doing
a_first class ejob, and_liebas never Item'
known •to slight any part of a =tract.
There is also a tannery doing a prespet.;
pus besiness,•conducted for a number:of
Geo, Glasgow, .. :Dealer GenVs.
7Furnishings,'Ilats, Caps, • Etc.
The irmuy'frie'nds of•Mr. Geo. Glasgow,
• will be.pleaSed to know of the successhe
ineeting recently established busk
hese in gene's furnishings, hats, Cane etc.
..I'dr. 'Gllaigow was formerly with the well-
. .
carefully managed. in the county: It contains
W, ThiliertY .4t, Co ' Oih•an Mann, a full lige of Pure' dregs; apd druggist ann-
. . .., .v
• . wayd very , carefully „attended to.••• The
•In bringing about ilia greet Areprovemeht
store is very•
neat in appearande; • and shows
marked thelast ten years, the firm of W. great taete and. skill in the arriingenient and
display of. the geode. Everything to be
in public taste ie musical !natters which hati
Doherty &•.Co.,. Organ Manufacturers, of this
• dries of. all kinds. Prescription work ie al.
town, have taken an importeat part, so flat
a few vroras concerning their extensive Works
will be apeireciatee.. The premisea are sitnated
Raglan street, we might eay from Prinpeos
to Itattenhury. The : three -fa -atomic were
erected especially for the • manufacture of
organs, at an approximate cost of $10,00.0,
and have capatilly .for turning out 200 organs
per month or organs per day. Number one
factory, &it floor,' is occiipied by Iron Work-
ing Machinery in charge of 0.• J. Reeves, Who
is also Chief Engineer. 2nd flat, .Key making,
fine Key Machinery, Reed imported
from England and in charge. of Mr. IL 'Er,
. knownehrm of Glaegove, McPherson ,Se .
0 Chant, . .
His stock of goods is as ene at the markets Bellows making with all its intracies, im.
.. •
tea Rubber Cloth', etc., in charge of Mr.J.
• can -afford, and by. inakirira specialty of L Doherty. .
• •
the lino he corriea, he is enabled to .offer' No 2 Shop Ground fiat, Floor is literally
to. the.publiC greet bargainsin these goeds. Covered. with Fine wood.working machinery.
Without attempting . to particularize; we Here-thereiti WI), $wing, Ciass.eatrret,and
noticed a fine line of the Good -year rubber Band Saw Tables: Two Pliners;(orte nil im,
' coats, and from their prices' we judge they ported Machine, Double ‘...Surfacer, :Planes
are of gond .valtio. The line of collars, both sides of h board at one going throngh,)
ties, etc., are all Of the latest: etyles and Three . Tinning Lathes,. Boring 'Machine,
. best manufacture. : In underWear there is Shapers, Tennouing Machine, Dowelling. Ma -
an. excellent; assortment. The stock 'of chines and numerous other machines.- Tins
hits and Cape should be inspected by every inaliertent department is under the dheetion
. 1 1). C.
• and:management•of a r, rr.'
same fine 'Persian lamb caps, also South in ep, we find a combined.
• sea seafe-e-Metflaegow is .well ari-E-fi7 Saw. Table•that adjusts itself to almost any
ably known- to-theepublia,ancl is succeeding required shape. A Sand'Fapering and Polish -
beyond hie anticipations .in hie- business. ing Machine, Glee and_Caul heaters, Emery
In the satne.store the besinese of Wheels, Boring MaChines and Veneer Presses,
. n, jEuwr the. wen,kitowii 31(,.T. Cramps, Hand Screws, &a... &a. This fine
• t .; ' Oita Tiiikit wood woelting departmeot is preeided ever by
. • . , Mr. 1.), s. Cleft. • . •
is lowited:: Of Mr, Fialierei ability as a •No. 3 Shop: On first floorlwe find.the Office,
'Cutter and turning:mit work in. the highest Tuning Reores, Store., Packing and.Shipping
• stye of the art; et is unneceseati for us- to. .Depiiitment, and a rooni fureished With a Saw
speak, as hie' work ably speaks for itself. Table for the purpose of cuttieg out the boxes
Some of the finest work in Clioton is done and action material. • ..
by ege Moon% His experience is vory Second Ftat.FinelAction Making' 11;taphinery
• • Action thaking from the Haw Material, (Felts
intending purchaser. . Among those are 2rid flat. Case making, -Designing and Oarv-
foetid in a first.clatisarng store ss here: • Cit-
izens of Olinton who. relish a good cigar can I usuelly.large, when Mr. Howell based his
:discourse on the character of Daniel as a;
Bnius.-Mr. Wettlaufer ha a returned.
J. Washington will .preicla in the
Meth,OhurchSunday morning. W Sjurdy:
has gone to Parry Sound. Wm.,
Beadle, R Medd, and H Jones have
gone to the lumber woods,. Mich. There
will be a musical entertainment in the
Methodist church Witt week, Old Mr.
Wilson died on Seturdry inst. aged '
86; be wad very healthy up to his death.
• SirirPED.-.0n Saturday, the 26th it'd.
Kennell, lately of the firna of “Wettlaufer
ez Kennel" cabinet rankers, etc, left by
train on business and on Wednesday
•letter was read from him' stating that he
would not be back: Whensthe book e were
examined by the creditors and biettetions
made known glite an excitement ensued,
notes alnotinting to about $400 bad been
backed, .money borrowed, property mort-
gaged, and wages to upwardsiof $1,000 dm.
Little did the people here expect such
treatnsent it the hands done who did
much to encourage trade and build up
our village.
Pritchard, who has been pastor of Knox
church here for eight years, has accepted
a call to Forest, in the Presbytery of Sar-
nia. The congregation assembled on
Thursday nigbt and presented hint anbt
Mrs. Pritchard with a handsome tee set,
accompanied With - an address. _After
thanking the ,,people for this manifesta-
tion of their esteeip sled also for the many
kindnesset they had shown him eied ,
beloved; partner, he said he thought it
proper to make this chafige, as be will -
have but one,charge, and will be in a pin
• sition-to do greater work for the Master.
A very pleasant evening was spent and on
leaving all felt sorrowful that the end of
the opportunities had come to spend an
heur at the Manse, which bad been so .
hospitabfe`iind entertaining. A Very large
ecingregation listened. to his farewell on
Sunday. Next Sebbath eEr, •Ramsay; of •
• Londesboro,will preach, and the following
Thursday, afr; Pritchard will be onlained
in his new field -of labor.
choose from a very select lot here. The store
is under the ebaree of Miss Ella Worthing-
ton. The decor is also proprietor of a fancy
goat' store,and putting in a stock of holiday
.goods This will doubtless be be glad 'fftlings
for the "young folks." A stock of fancy
goods and art work all imported direct from
Germany, will arrive in a short time. Mise
Luella Washington haireharge of this atom
all who came to inspect the beautiful. fine
art work, and novelty goods' will be mire to
be suited, and sent away happy. Before the
reporter bad finished his conversation with
the doter, the lattee's attention was called
to professional duties, in which tlfe doctor
was making arrangements to accompany a
patient to New York for Medical treatment.
We have been informed that Dr. Worthing-
ton's medical praetiee extends over thirty-
fiye years and with brilliant success, fifteen
of which has been in Clinton, where Ilia
tiesare highly appreciated. The drug Nisi.
netts, we understand, was opened for• -the pitr:
pose of lightening his Arduous professionalla
•nors,•as the doctor is now growiug into years,
and his extensive practice is becorning too
great a strain upon him. , • The .1New• ERA
wiihes the dutch every .success his enter-
prising efforts,
•Th0111118 CO9filr SOn, dealers In
extensive. Before oommenclug business ece imported from' England) in all its minne.
leacling• tailoring 'establishment in estLarke Two Manual Pedal Bass, "detailsirom the little Single Reed to the
fgr .himselt, he had acted as cutter
Wilkabare, Peen. He was. also , for Bathe containiog
from four to twelve Setts of Beetle, also Octave
time with A. S. 'Fisher; of Clinton, and Couplers, vox Hiniaanait, Tremolos, here also
laterally with A.. Beatty St .Ce., • of •S. the work of all the departments ig put to.
Marys, alr. Fischer keeps oe hand a very getlier,. resulting in the :birth of eTheDoherty
fine' stbck of tailoring clotheao select from, rgarte." The father ef this reoet iinportant
These 'geode ard:all of the :latest styles-, and department is, erg A.Arrustrong,ably assisted
most feethionable patterne. The him of in the Action Detiartinent by Mr. R. Stone.
tweeds and worstede offer great induce- barn, awl in the Fly Finishing by.Mr. F.
mene m
ts for thoney. he goods oanoo•t iPileber, and in Case Trimming . by Mr.
. . • . • ,Boles. - ' •
be excelled, the workmanship is in the . Thlixl. flat. Finishing, Varnishing,Polishitig,
highest style of the art, and the prices
very reasonable. ,Anyone wanting a enit, R.
&c..„,,untier the -perfect management of Mr.
or garment of eii5Oriud, cannot do better Tening' and tnicing,. If there ig any one
than* eall mean Meeliehere one a Clintoree thing that has brOught the Doherty Organ iip
'leading merchant. tellers. • e
GrOceiles Creckery etc.
This firm have one of the largest and best
equipped grocery stores in the county, On
one hide of it,ean he foiled au aethortreent of
staple and fancy groeeries as fine as any City,
in the land can produce. • On the opposite !tide
they•dispeay a very large stook of fancy elass.
wire, crockery, deeorated tea and chamber.
sets, 'lamps, etc. Although dealit3g largely
the above lines, their peat specialty is
They claim. they. can . sell tea cheap or
theriper than -any. one -in -the ,trade t and the
pnblio seem '
to be of the same opinion, as tho
firm have a very laieetrade in teas, • The feet
that since the 1st of April they have sold 3000
lbs. of their 45c, Elyson Tea alone will give
an idea of the.extent of their teal trade. Fish
andlewl are also extensively handled.. Oys-
ters ereeeceived three times a week from Bel.
tiptoe, It will pays you te givelhem a 'milt
whenin Clinton. •
Grand Union Hotel. •
model for young men. Alittle three year
old daughter of Mr. John G. Constable,
of Lon on,x�enialrefIigellibee; died
last Thursday, at the former place; the
body wee' brpught here on'Saturdey, and
interred in the Maitland Bank cemetery.
• ENTEP.TAINMENT.-The weekly enter..
tainment at the Y.M.O. A . rooms, on Wed-.
• interest and profit. • T audience was
netelay evening of last 17;4e, was one . of
not large,' but all present apparently en-
joyed themselves in listening to the pro.,
gramme, wnich was as folloies Instru-
Mental selection by Mr. and Mrs. 3.4.;
Wilson, and Messrs. Henip and Kent;
gundette- by Misses ateFaul and Oldham,
Messrs. lienip and Patch; reading, "The
Vagabonds.' Mr. E. B. Hollis ; instru.
mental selection,Mr. and Mrs. A, Wile
son; duet, "The King's highway," Mt.
and Mrs: S. Pyper recitation, "The
funeral," Me. Wm. Piliman ; solo, "Not
half has ever.been told," Mr. J. E. Kent.
to its present unegusAled and hitherto mean,
Sosepli Chidley, Household proechea excellenne, it is their tone which
• • ha• s been properly d.eseribed in the tesimonial
• 'Furniture, &T. •
of the Whyte 13rn t,
os. when they Ba
Mr. Chidleyei pepular faniture Ettore is one Ot.v.rror Oat • ,--blep
t. ret ROW
et the
. recent Acquisitions to Clintotett business, '• ete nollerere eene.. Ghee -T-6, h'steees.3r'enie
interests thet is derterving 'Of mention in the.tli of the ookeity'Organs stands unrivalled. lustart, Vnt:Tutsx
wolit.r, cannot prpdata an organ meat..to • it ari the
. special oditioo of the NEW ERA. Itis ithent
• two years. slue° Mr. Chid* established in the '''`",r'i.8,•cylc,,,, ,i.AO1,;7'.'13,VT'X,y,r,:i 3',11„1iI,t,1,4,XV;Ve141>
furnitere business, • and he has \ 'worked up a TIM tio;•ial T.11::tt'A 1,14811. •• (Signed) 'WON'T?. 33ftas,,,
singaig rvitag lists Paris OM 0 mall,
very ilouriehing,trade, He has been in his • • 'i, ' " ' ' " '
• present very convenient location in the Elliott Thaw -vitt important deeartment ia managed
• block ,itieo Alert* last, where be has on hand by••Air. 1, L. Stahliker, aided by, Ms. Sibley
a very corepleto and really excellent stock Of and others. " • ' . •
all kindii. of patter, kitehen and bedroom fur. Cerving.and Dosigtieg. The.filin, have Demi
nitiwo. As R. description of the stook would exceedingly fortunate id securing and retain.
occupy more spsiee than this brief notice al- ing the eervices of Mr. Chas...Blackstone, who
• lows, We call abtention to the follbwing lines, also is Leader of "'The Doherty Organ Band,"
of whieb, from eeknewledge of the geode, we composed entirely of einployees. . .
call oordially recoremend. In the Beene:Pm ' Dry lellns.' There are foer Dry Kilns with
Sets there is a Particularly .fine line, ranging a eiteacityof.50,006 feet every ten days heat -
in price from $16 uptvards. . Parlor suites are ed by steam supplied from the' two boiler,
largely handled, and. can be obtained from SO horse power. The factories are also heated
stook or ordered, ' There. is AR excellent line • by the game. means. '
of 'kitchen furniture of all kinds, as tablet, Fire Protection. The eelehrabed Eire Fly
'chairs, dee. We alio bottomd. a great variety. Engine lioee Reel and Anse. onee.tha Pre
of _easy chairs, rookers, &e. Seceetaties, book party t;t the town, a plentifel supply of grew
eases, tithing beds, mattresses of all kinds are ado% hose attached to boiler,p ails Of water
. kept in great variety, The stock is always on every flat ied Tanks of water, is there
found, complete, and anybody wanting any. stock in trade for fire protection.• • ,
thing in the him should call upon Mr, Chidley, The wholeebusinees is very interesting and
• .who ale° has a, huge wareroom on Victoria inettuctive, the work acne, or the organs
St., where his reserve stook is kept. He is matitifaetured, are the very beet. The. pre.
thoroaghly meeting the webta of his oustotn. eminent reputation which they have gained
. 'erg in his line, and hid business iti appreciated for their extreerdinaryeeteellenoe as Musical
by the publise , •
raving Vepintfit-
ELECTORAL meeting was
held in the Y. M.O. A. hall, last Friday
evenieg, for the purpose of organizing an
,electoraillnion. for the municipality of:
Seaiorth,' on the basis laid down by the'
DOmfnion Alliance, whereas ibis desk:.
able, in the interest of temperance reform,
that prohibition reieresentatives be elected
to all educational, municipal and Parlia-
mentary bodies. The Bee, T.,L. Wilkie -
son, of Toronto, addressed the meeting,.
We _have not, for along time, likened to
•a more fearless speaker • in condemning• '
the liq.uor tinifie he callkd everything by
their right names. The reeding Was very
thinly attended,' and nothing of any ini-
portanct was - done in •organizing an Alec-
teral ninon. '
A visit to.Clinton will be sure to bemade
pleasant if ftott stop at one of its leading hotels,
the Grand 'Unien. •This is at present one of.the
best hotels in the county; and few are able to
afford the accomodatioes this hotel has. The
house has been recently refitted throughout.
The, rooms are large, well furi3lebed and very
neat and attraetiee. The 'dining room is a
neidel of artistie tagte, and. the. culinary de.
pertinent cannot be excelled. The building
is a throe storey* brick 'structure, and Mrs.
Morley, the -proprietress, has gone to heeety-
expense in the improvements recently made
Mr. John Curry is'the general manager, itha
looks after-thircontiorts of guests. The
Oren& is fait acquiririg A ,.splendid
Patronage, as it . deserved,
. •
Dissolution :of the OlittriO tools-
years by the late Mr, Gottfried Meedel;
but now in charge of his son, Wm. Maedel.
He is a steady and industrious 'yoieng•
man, is,
'will keep lip. the. reputation:of
.the establishment..• Higheat market price
paid for skins: The nursery .owned by
Me. John Stewart; also deserves mention.
Mr., Stewed has by industry tied perse-
verance increased hie business until it is,
now one of the mob prosperous. He has
been constantly adding' to hisplantation
until he is now able to keels" on band a
supply of all kinds of trees and shrubs.and
all in geed. condition and tit removal*
prices. He also keeps on hand' e„ full
stock of choice flotvers.aud, plents. These
desiring anything in, his line will do well
ecrgive hitn a cal , as you can depend:on
the article -being as he represents. It is
worth while to visit his place in the spring'
when things are blooming out. Every-
thing is tastefully eiratized. There is also
a substantial frame.school house well fur,
oisbecl and well. ventilated. A plentiful
supply of shietle 'trees have been planted
and the grounds arb clean and tidy, the
fault being that they are not large enough.
Two excellent teachers are employed, the
trustees, being aliVe to the hese interest of
the school. Our grist mill is rather:out
of kepair, but it is a good. stand for a mill
and there • 'always was large business
dene .here until the roller mills became
the order of the day. There is a splendid
• • -
Inetrnments hoe hardly been precedented.
Sits. L. tiny country' by that of any allude 1 t
TV AU:411N AI Jriariless inuitinac- ,flent whatever, ' a 6 t
titre'. and Aealer iulloots Sz,' Shoes
lading notablionnent in it ' 43100. At Slifiriodan Huness Mania.
a lino is .• • t • •
that conducted by the above named pop- ilt,c ttte,d) and pettier in.Trunks,
War and enterprising gentleman. Mr, • Valises Etc •
Twitchell hats been engaged in the win*, The above named gentleman, as ia wen
facture of harness since 1865,and hundred& knewn, is engaged in the manufacture et liar.
of femora arid other, who have dealt with ae" in -all its branches, and abgi cleats largely
him, can 0660 to the excellence 0( cho in Ow, triteka, valisea, ladies' eat/bolsi etc,
goods ho mshufactoros. In1.878 hotop,., Mr. Sharman haebeen ongagedin his bilabials
boots and tiliees to his *took and now car for several years, end het Won a well eetain
Relied reputation for, gcocl work, As an old.
'. rine one of the best assorted Iines of these
quite& than the large number of fitseprizee his
• Cnuneg Mirirnee.-At the quarterly
*ofiteial meeting of tee Methodist church,
'held last Thursday evening, the businese
affairs of the eitursch were conducted in a.
Most satisfactory manner. Among other
iesoleeitions pessed was the foltening, con,
corning the removal from the @enroll and
tewn of-Mesers...--4W-Arinitlige and 13.Wat-
son, the former to Toronto, and the latter
to Brantford. Moved by -Dr, Sniith, sec.
by.. Weal. Gray, and resolved, that this
'quarterly board takes this opportunity of
expressing the :profound and sincere re-
gret felt at the remeval, during the .past
quarter; from our town of Messrs. 'Alex.
Armitage and David Watson, both valued
members of this board; The -faithful And
painstaking. manner•in which Anni.
.tage devoted. his best energies to promote
the welfare of the Methodist church in
Sean:nib, mid his untiring zeal for the
prosperity Anil for the financial interests .of
the church, will long 1.36 remembered. The
earnest • and loyal.support of the church
tit Mr, Watson, and the punetnal • dis-
charge of his datie,i, as leader of the choir,
have earned for him nhe esteem Of everY
member of thc church, And further, that
we assure'each of thete brethren, that in
leaving us they carry with them our best
wishes for their future.success and Nipple
nese, a•nd our sincere prayers that the head
of the church May continue to bless them
and mike .thent a, blessing in their new
homes, and among their, recently formed
associations.. .
Beitrs.-Lit is said that Mr, John Wil.
Barns intende‘to build a frame barn in the
• spring, Shooting and listeeing to foxy"
stories are now all the rage; net eOntent
With black 'squirrels and partridges,. the
timrods have been making determined'
and snecessful efforts to secure foxes; still
further they haie striven for wild cats and
Mr. Robert Somers was fortunate enough
to thOot a fine speeirden it appears,
• • inttire, ••
, Tuesday's Globe says: -Wo have to an.
flounce that oft the advice of Mr, Mowat the
Ontario Perliament has been dissolved. The
writs for the election of &hew house will be
issued imMediately. The day of 'polling will
be, ovar tbawheleof the province, Wednee..
day, Dee, 2e1th. The uctniriations will take
place, except in those scattered sonstithencies
as to which calm law otherwise provides, on
Wednesdae, Dec, 22nd. In tendering to the
Lieutenant Governbe the advice wilt& he has
Aoki*, Mr Mewl& has been actuated by a
profound sense' of the ditties ireposed,upon
Itine by conetitutional usages. It hes been the
invariable rule for British Parliaments, after
-the franchise has been widened,to situ° lents.
er than bits been absolutely required for tho
transaction of indispensably? necessary busi-
ness, In Ontario the franchise hail been ma-
terially changed in two directions. Ori the
one hand Voting power has been contorted
upon votes thousanda et hitherto voicelese
citizens; 'it the other hand the franchise has
been taken away froni non,resident ;property
holdere, and tho'nrinelple of "One man one
vote" has been definitely and fully recognized.
In a deuble geese, therefore, the House which
has just beetndissolved, had ceaeed to ropre-
thii-416.01)111; and Mr -Mowat, recognizing
the feat, determined ,to dot, as he always does
apt, courageously and promptly, and to appeal
for 0. renewal of the confidence bedewed upon
him, We now call upon the people of Ciotti..
rio to exercise with wisdom the power that
has been Dittoed in their hand, Their been
tied trusty Premier, after niers than fourteen
years of soeviee,theimportance EWA the faith.
fulness of which it te impossible to exaggerate,
nth for renewal of the trnsthe has 80 RAO
pOtfOrttlea. lie can point to a reetird of
aehievenieuts which Cannot be paralleled in
this or any other etinetry stlie?e constitution.
al government prevails, •
" •
. .
Jos. eleEWati; wito.se
barns and stables were burnt a feiv weeks
ago, had a stock side onMenday; 15th., ,
at whipli cattle 'went very dull, 3 year olci .
heifers, and bows suPposed. to be in calf,
went at froirt $I0le to $24; Spring calves
for :87.„ The boys of Varnadare doing '
some fine kicking, with their new foot- ,
; .boys :don't kiek tb6 high ,as you
may oommence "blowilie. L. WeDiehl,...
leacher of S. S, leTo.'8; hag Atiting this last
bicycle season„travelled miles on
becyCle, chiefly by going te and fro from
scliOol, a distance of 3e, miles, morning '
and evenihg. Rev. , Mr, GoodwillY
preachedin the Psesbyterien churches bit
the Bayfield; road and at'Blakenn Sunday
last. The farm.belonging to Mrs. John -
Peck, Bayfield road, is to be sold by.aueee
tion on Dec., grd, at Mr. Thibet's ente
on account of the mortgage.. Rev. .
Iledgens, Of Rayfield, is holding cottage
. prayer meetings, on the Goshen lino, in
connection tvith the En elis church.
• •
1 •
• ---- • ,
To the Editor of the Clinton Woe Era,
Sie,-4 ant exceedingly pleased to that
the Eeformers of :Elnllett have roused' un'apil. •
d termined terid themselve'of the -odium of
,chance here for .sorniegood :buy bY the Conservative .inineritY of
this and Mat np properly and he cefl. this tqnship. We;have been notorious for the '
do. a rushing business' We =let not past few years on account Of the remarkable
oMit to mention Mit lime works, owned ora-tesion of our council. Some of the. tine,
(lett:04010 capability of alr,Sharteen to get
)otit3.11.1 town, He occupies ono of the out. tbe best 'work, no better testimony hi re -
finest establish menta ill Clinton, and is id.
ways propered toeneet tho wants of bis
ntitrierOttS cuetorners with anything they
y want in bus floe. Ills -gook of hems.'
anti goes are of the best Canadian arid
goods have token at Varteue p
tions, ifisaat Mir 'minty fairs. All Work
is done en the pretniaes, by. skilled iverkinim,
and from the best ot material, Mr. Sliarrean
anti managed by Mt. Thos. Good; 'who
turns oat, a 'first. elass aetiele:in his line..
Infireniteis-said is second'
to none. Mr.. Good turns out about 20
kilns 'et neatly 300-busirtneneli-eyer
. .
son, '•. . ,
t.Oeise ES110 ILO.
•Bnixts.,-M.•1_,, omelette nes Shippea
four ear leads of apPles to the old country,
as an experiment; if 'satisfactory look out
•Or' large shiptnents next year, alr, J.
Brunsdon has, rented the lower part' of the
Forester's emit for it Carriage shon. • Mr.
Gee, Neliton is this year showing the
largest and best. line of goat robes and
•horse blankets ever shown in the villager
and the low •priceS tvotild astonish yo.
Mr. gewton's advertiseihent, received too
late for this week, will appear next i it
embraces a general linruess:
Trail an occasional correspondent: ••/
A DEAD ..Loss. --Rev. lIongli Met
igith serious loss on Sunday • evening
last., On his way from Kinbura and
when netieborne, his flame coughed sev-
eral times, andwas found to be "bleeding
heavilY• from the lungs, It was lett home'
carefully but died itt less than, an hotir;
It was opened on the foilosving day; end
the lower part of both lungs was:found to
be decayed and rotted. The blood had.
evidently been oozing from the small
around the lungs; 'frit some time peat, as be showing respeot newest side of tfict:wii-
it WM aold . tO him, the sale was made. good eatiefaction, and is well worthy of oar
accordingto repeat 'that the beast has
we had both reeves Zlonservativesand, lately one .
Reform and one Conseintative, ,As matters of
importance ht the.Dounty Council are decided
on straight party Bribe, for. the past two• years, .
we have. been practically. not represented,. on: •
na, ount-eft-the-Lreeves-arsoting-against.ettch-other-L—'..72.--
I see by the -list of names_thAt are Preposed as .1-1,-, -
enndidatea, that there has-been an excelliiit'se-
lectiont mentally, morally, physic:illy and finan-
cially. they are it credit to the party. There can. •
be no solid objection to . any one of them, so
hope -the nefbriners will Present a Milted front • -
to the foe, and with it, long pull and a strong pull
and it pull altogether, we will redeem what is
our just positionin the-councilchamber. •Th ' .
„Conservative party have persistently cried.'no '
Polities in/foWnship, reatterS," and at the sew' ..
time .thWy ninst have been voting straight 1 r •
they Could not have had matters ai they are,.
Tiler formers have linen driven tS this course al
au' .t of fit!lf preservation. . Victory • seems Ltil '
be' mrching on the ileforin banner throw:di tit.,
whole Dominion,. 'We have seen it in NoN a. .
Scotia' 'Now Brunswick, Prince Edward, 1 bo.,!-
becoati'd heveral.parts of this Piovince, and wl.y,
should not gualebt . have • it ..itharlt 'in Ale. . .
glory. Thole candid:at:v.' ha`ve gond ' it,
tc) Will and / OA, OM electorate of t10
.toWiiship to do' your dtity . and do it well '
Thorn is no need to say untelt about tho pro-
posed pandidates, .tts 1 think theY are wea .
known in the township, nog o altold resi-
dents. soma of them being rite cars; oild it
would be only a fitting. complimo 'Ito them to •
elect Mc in 'by acclamation. Mr; .7. fola ll la n , ILA
roevo, has been a arddlt 10 ns'in 13 0 :tat.
and :
we have every confidence in him. for the future.
Mr. A. AtcDontrid served faithfully as a 'council..
lot, and-showod liiinself its a useful, ' an at the ..,
board.always having an opinion 0 In own,and
bleod Vessels into the Cavities. in and (?A'o'i!iPt4 aatirTitAne18 gre.3,1311i`Zt1141,1Vn Wigi .•
it bad been bleeding frone the nose before ' :It ails'itri.'3'llirgeig! gloligielit7;ro,nintts0 Att:
only two 'daye"..hefore it died. There is . port in the future. rilestsrM T. Carsert arm
Mr. Hough, and strange feelingtoWards practise win .MatIty the expectations of those .
much sympathy ainong the people for 7.SitaliTtieurg trilitiggtegififiai°wVtilirti„
falls on 141r. Hough: , .• peones,. Mr. Editor, are on the Beform side,
who • have chosen. them. Although yew! sym.
I do not wish to trespass toe far on your yam -
the party Who sold it to him, eis the loss
Terfgennaleng.-On. Suraley test two 111)10 80000, en I wilt Conoludo by hoping tam:1
mons were preached in the Methodist report of the election 01altthese eantlidates. t
giragfe.irtgaritirigTrntlAriFivitilpeg. tguirnotiirgrt!!,roYe ,
Very, orcible, earnest atid excellent sere
trehets a Itinburn and Lemdeshoro, Oa AM yours, dtc., •&walk,/ c It.
t e subject of teropereitee, by Rev, T, L.
Wilkinson, agent of the Dominion Pro- erttotmesit0,
hibitory , The congregatione
were large and listened with mach appre-
been inaking the Ittte hicleouS fet ;gal *1
cintion to 'hoth esermons, On Teesday ," s
evening he'held ex meeting in the temper -
wee hall, Londesborb, for the purpose of
organizing an EleMiv.e Union here. The
hall was filled by an interesting congrega-
tion, who listened t a very lucid and
earnest le ure on th present position of
the eranee (pee ion, and the means
recomm nail by the Dominion Al I ia c e
roh ibition for the Dominion
persons in a certain istrict and on Feji,'„
day night, two 'weeks ago, Mr. g. tOok Tho long itrute-ray *o
Notice -Peter Adamson
dotvri Ins gue tO follow .the anim al,. which' seeciai drives-, Donor &
was at the mei-Mint pursued in the orchard Stray heifer -Peter Wilson ,
• I, Stray eattle-Ilenry Oovler
by a dog;.with MAIM nifficulty,Mri Somers Stray eattlo--Thomas 011rlon
destried the animel, and plain the lan- Our great trado-neesley sr co.
tern on the snow fired jtIst at a moment
. Overshoes, oto-4tis; Twitchell
Animal meeting -Horse 'Watt
when the lynx sprang et hi enemy ; the Emmy te loatt-Idanning It OW .
shot took effect and the shooter is to be
f Vert -tattling goods -Jackson tiros
complimented on his steady nerve during The boot maker -Charles Carlina
Funeral ellrectot • A. A 'Bennett
the (Acta ; the- distance the cat jumped Christmas groceries -Palliser &Co
is tuenty.two feet, Mr, Wm. going Olso masses shocs-W Taylor & Son
claims to have shot' "if large eatainotint on Noma to tanners -30m Whiten.
Soar for 'Service -Lawrence Manning
the farm of Mr. lerethery, but the animel
Jewellery and watches -Sob W. Coats
Was So heavy 1W -could not carry it home, henirn of prosperity-laeloott Bras
and on his retttrning with help the body
. 811r10011Rteit harass., .
Stove4 apd hardware -Harland Mos.
WO not to ),)t. found, Mr, Sainuel. Liarr,of See...Trees., A. Woodman, Committee,- IllanketA end underclothing- ..tolut Itoltert..t!e.
for seem
A branch of the Eleetoral Union was
formed with ahout 40 _names, and the fol.
lowing were oppointed as officers. • Pres,
darns Vice•Pres., Alex Callentler.
• r •