HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-19, Page 2" FRIDAY. NOV. 19, 1886
Iu oftinier.ine.
The first cart contains the •apparatua
of death : the other, a" rough receptacle
Nvhich •comee empty but will go away
tell, The red timbers of theguillotine
are raised i
some fifteen paces n front of
the prisongate—raised almostooiseles&
no hammerbeing used, but every
part being screwedinto its place. By
the light of a couple of lanterns the
imife of the guillotine is axed into the
grooves, and the executioner makes hip
• 'experiment to ascertain that it rune
sMoothly. By-and-by the spectators
inerease. The riffraff are there, the
amateurs of the sensatioual, some jour
waists, and—shame to relate-- a party
of youthful dandies. Ord.or is kept by
the police, but later mareb ;tip the muni-
cipal guards and trot up the splendid
gendarmes of the Seine, massive troop.
era in bearskins, like the Scots Gram
-,-and they form an enclosure around the
Machine of reprisal. •
The emecutioner on.this occasion was.
Efendreich; Ho did notpreparerhirnsele-
for his work on .Veer and -horehound;
his pierdiarity WaS to make a meal of
=eke end. new milk, before a ro '
is ,horritle-- . .pecu larity of
snceeseor, Boob, was to supervise the
proceedings 'without removing Ilia tall,
Shiny silk hat. M. do Paris, as he is
called, has higher emoluments than his
• English colleagues, He receives nine
thousand francs a year from the Statts
rerseinedi ta_niX
Mayor Howland, of Toronto, will be
brought out as one of the candidates for
the Ontario Legislature lay the Prohibi.
tionist party in that city, '
As certified by their financial agente,the
election expenses of Mr, Merritt in there- oeoupled by the subscriber, on Ontarie St., s ere
cent coutest *in Haldiroancr were $24Q.28
ler Sale Ott matioriable terms, Nay be mspectecl et
and those of Mr, Colter $159 07, way time. JOHN 130LES, Clinton.
Rev. Dr. liana and Kr. Smith, hPristers, 4 -
the anti -Horne Rule delegates," have srrieed.,
at their homes in Armagh. They say tho, accromerotrttioarisobrosuseillef Clironlinewimpag4uitable
think they could. collect /urge sumo of money good collar. Rent mmoPtierare. Yiyply toanJA13). STPri
on this contiuent, if it were Waite& or J01111 Q. ALIOTT, Clinton.
HOD. Peter Mitchell is spoken of as a
Liberal candidate for Montreal 'M•
et trritiis to tent that conveniently situated beanie, on
Judging by the amount of "mud which is Victoria et: Barge tram house, good stone
Mud /unison water, good stabk, tWo lots If needed,
pelted. at him by the Tory writeis,
"' Apply to. JOS. ALLANSON, Oartiner.
hould suppose that the bon, gentleman
inte- A strong run. cykl3TIcoN,--T118
a -
at n ite• orondsorv note dat-
Sir Richard. Cartwright "I. do • not ed g,1 getein
18SOC,-inatle Jiihn Madman, khan
deny that there hes been some eonsider, tawash1n,ameelltingto$110, payable eix menthe efter
able material progress iu Canada in the dat°. 7he 82131e h"leg. hee" 1"t' U4°' wrissf)11'
LOndoshoro Oct 1588 *41
last few years, however much a
mlt repu-•' ' *
-diets' the finpudent falsehood that such 13 -OUSE VOR SALE Olt TO RENT.-FOlt SALE
town. Th
or to rent, good 1
prote!ess is due to the polioy of doubling or a 1011SO and lot in e
trebling your debt And yhur taxes." hbaaxe bedroo
it ms, good cellar, dte„ while on
the lot is a good garden and orchard, hard and soft
I. Mr. Geo. A, COX and Mr, J, B. Strattam, •wator, stabling for five houses, dm. \Val be sold at
bargain, or rented oo reasonable terms. Apply to the
of the Exaniiner, have been nomipated. New BRA oeeme.
candidata for the Commons and the Leg- • -------- ,
islature res ectivel ' .• ICTO BENT.-;•
-x•-f. That con vemently situated 110050 4104 3 lots on
es °ter oro, A strong beliefis pre- victoria St. House contains7 rooms, good wood shed,
Valent that.this riding will be redeeined in with hard end Daft water. There aro 'three lots in the
the enauing general electiOni. • Prenerty. with a number of fruit trees ; will be old or
4.0,fted mee a good stable on the_prendsoi.
The Hamilton Spectator takes upon it- Apply at IIEW ERA Mee or to A. DODSIVOlITIL
self to nominate Sir Richard Cartwright pAINTINO. — THE 'UNDERSIGNED BEING A
d011ht Sir Richard will appreciate our con- Illimg,&°, a8'11,11/Mit °,1„;YrKanti*c}I;glit.
• fao sold out his •ilairY MISinesa, Offers tor lode
10E' chOice cows, to valve in front ono. to two weeks.
Alao a good heavy two-year old colt. A. alAY, Huron
Road, Clinton.
•hnillt and situated house and lot
o •
The fkietraeoe Examination for admission to the
Tligh Scheele, In the eousty, will be hold In Clinton,
Seafertb and Wingbara, On L110 9.1st 22n4, and 23rd
dayao Veeetabernext; counnenclog each Ingrain; at
nine o'eleck. Candidates who intend writing will send
their emu not. later than the 1.,,t of necetaker, te
J'Ati. T111E14%14 .A., Clinton,, Hailstone; H. A.,
Beatorth, E. GROVES. ESQ... Wingliam, and the under-
signed. D. IWO, MALLOCII, Inspector
Schools North Huron.
, •
,, NADA-!@. FAY013-ITH,W!EXI•Yt.
; ...
fixe "iVestern Advertiser„
Has here vastly improvea of lote, now appearieg regularly
in twelve.page forea.with the addition o flew "Le ;ennui:08p
Illustroted Articles7ete. Ail Its well•knowa popular foe,
tures will bc retained for 1887. Only 81 per annum, lucks&
Mg the remainder of to bona -tide new dupecribera,
1101/1.0t 1115.EEN.'2
This lathe title of our bow mut heautiful' premium for 1267,
Seyupd deuht tho not charmIng oleograult (colored picture)
ever olvered with any newapaper. 10se 14 x20 mehera Only
10 Rots la ayhlition to ytarly subscription, Ageuts intoted
Inerywbere. Fifty valuable poxes to he awarded, over and
above caoh commission, to the moat successful agents. Pot.
free sample papers, tering Ca ageets, etc., address
sTARapirtici, .
as Reform candidate: for Hamilton, NO. PraCtiCal Painter of riiinir‘ years' experience, is
• for expenses. and four thousand francs tenToraryls interest itlh,,, bitnet as.,11e_haw,
re' be 'Ewe ether constitu
• As the dawn'approaches, and the gas • e„pcies he does not require the Spectator's
over the jail gate waxes yellow in the kind ofricies.--Ilamitten
advance sbafts of day, the ellatdein Justin noCtfrthy; in answer to a Moo -
drives up 'in a•cab and enters, and such treal interviewer, who asked, What do
sinister adinnets of -the fianetion as buck- you think of Lord Randolph ChurChill as a
ets Of water, bran, and the zinc bath -like 'leader ?" replied, "Ile is clever, but has
• .ce,se to receive tile bead) become Yieible• been described as a regularJack-i n- the -box
.Elendreich enters after the olaaplain. rob changeable and. variable as a March
• The licur is at hand. The gates fiy open, wind, He is consistent only in error, cor.
and the 'procession appears. •reet only in inistatement, Itnd his word
• The felon, with hair cropped and plitical] can be relied on onlyby
n Yoartv and then for ittime only."
naked to below the neck, still in thestrairhis ow
waistcoat, hobbles along; at the foot o of '
the ascent to the guillotine the chaplain The Ontario Government has contribut-'
kisses him on the left cheek: Hendreich ed $1,000 tow,e.rds the relief of those of the
• supports him under the right armpit, an• Southampt&n.stifferers who have been ren7
assistant under the left, another presses dered destitute by _the.late fire. • The mo •
froin-behind. A fourth stands by an up. ney thus promptly given will be applied to
rightplank, whioh riees to thellevel of the relief of ca,ties of actual dietress„ and
the felon's breastbone. 4.9. he reaches not for compensation for loss of,propert-t.
it he is pushed and falls on his Stomach Detective Murray was sent by t'he Ontario
• to the plank, which is shot rapidly for- Government to investigate the causes of
ward until his neelc falls into a•semt-cir. the tiro. He is satisfied that it wa4 acci-
cular hollow under the knife; the npper dental,band in this view the leading busi:
part whieh.completes the circle is drop,
pea: Hendreich .touches a leer, the
• blade fia-shes.downward, the head jumps
into the zinc ease, • the hotly is turned
over into the tumbril; the head .bein„a
• shaken from its conch of blood..clabbled
, bran alongside it.
All is .over:— There .The
no solaieleos•
• formalityof inqueit. • •The severed re,
' maims are galloped off to the Turnip
Field, there to be buried; the head be-
: - tween the legs, beside the paupers from
,the hospitak and the -poor unclaimed
unforitsmates :from the morgue. •
Elizabethan inuedicine.'
The housewife ,was the great ally of.
. the doctor in'the days of good Queen
Bess ; in the still,,roem the lady with .
the ruff'and farthitigale was ever busy
in the preparation of cordiale, conServes,
cociling waters and simples. "All the
herbs and floNverizt of ,field and 1,30,rclert•
„ passed through her fair white hands.".
Poppy -water was good for weak stem -
ache ; mint and rue -water wag efficacious
for the head and brain ; and even 'wal-
nuts yielded a cordial: Then there was.
cinnamon -water,- and the essence of
cloves, gill3r-fiowers5 and lemorkwater,
sweet marjoram -water, • and spirits of
• ambergris.• ' • , •
Some of the remedies gravely believed
in in. those days will make the reader
• smile. , Who:would suppose' now -a -days
• that the herb called shepherd's pouch
15 satiefactory manner. Residence for the present at
FittPle bglOw the G,T.E, J. liTAYNO,
10 a fine enimal.12 months old, got by a alyeie. hull,
and, blidatu %Matchless cow, gran.daMMatehltialt 10tlx
by Impt. Statesman AP d from Impt, Matchless lath
by Senator, de. Also one Matehleas Cow due to calve
in November, and one kabella calf 7 months old. Tho
above will be sold on reasonable terms, and will be
entered in the Dominion Short Horn Derd Book. For,
further partitularsapply to W, S, RIGOUTS,. Elim.huratFarm, Clinton, Ont: *31 ..
scosesepe. . 4"1".""mrci
flliI(111O74El) has a splendid young Bei Wm° 13orir.
'for service. It bas taloa first Mtge wherever exhibit.
'ecrthie fall. Tonnes, $1 with nrIvIle,ge 01re-turning Af
tiecessary. THOS. 0ALtfl11TT,1TuUett. 2i
g d boar will bo Rent for service, on
lot 13, con 1, Tuckersmith„.Lenden read. Terins 51,
at 11010 of sorvree, with privilego,of returning
ifWaleimary, JAS. NOTT, 21n*:
• „ A lar e bred
scintilla. keeps. for 'Service, at Londe:dim,. the
thoro'hrod Borkehire Doer, Lord Kingston, bred by
Simons it Woo, of Ivaninire Lord Burnet, dant nese
b Sluith ersot,. Countless by Sandie, and ()there all of
fleas inee of Southampton agree.' • - • • • -
.year t Toronto, -.Industrial, 106 of .600 Provincial,
and thnlowiti at the Western, autl• 1st at.
Vieth: Terms. ---41 cash; with privilege of returning.,
if necessary. 13. J. 'BELL, tondesboro.. *41 -
imported stock Lord Kiugston took 2nd prlie tide
A point.made by Mr. Justin McCarthy
hi his Montreal lecture is that tho Home
Rule party has hactatIR-VI-leaders in -suce
cession all Protestants ; Isaac Pitt, an
Episcopalian ; Wm, S,haw, a Preabyteriani;
Charles Stewart Parnell, ap'Epiacopalian.
Mr. McCarthy thinks ' that this ought to
Silence the creed cry that. has be raised
againet his party, for if every Roman
Catholic in Trollied were content with the
Union as it is there are Protestants'in Ire-
land:who would titill demand the Union. as
• dr. :Leerier, in his speech tit Quebec ofi
Thursday night, made a special peint•of an-
swerieg she charge a the .51inisteriatpress,
that the Riel cry was one of. ,reeenge• on the
patt,,of ;the, French-Canadians, who wanted
to be made egceptions to the general lave' of
the land, 110" emphatically deolared aa a
publie.man that:there was ncit a -word-ho,-
uttered or would titter before a Frenelx
•eucethat he was, net prepared to repeat: be-
fore aa Englith speaking audience in any part
of the cottetry. He hadpleaded for the Half,
breeds, not because they were' Catholics and
of French blood, but because"they. Were Brit.:
iah subjects Who had been,treated• •with the.
greediest mjastice and on the broad grounds of
'humanity. They, like other unjustli op.
pressed citizens, had aclaim on the !sympathy
and champimiship of the •Liberal party and• .
of all other fair-minded British subjects. He
clid'not condemn the haeging ef Rid because he
was a French Canadian and a Catbolie, but
because he felt that in his ease an injury had'
held in the band would stop the.bleedin,.g been done.to a British 'subject ,which every._
of_pieltere_svirord _wound, or -a draft -at other British :subject regardful-,-ef--his—nwir-
• scrapings from ..a, hffintin Skull taken • rights should. resent. . Ile Would be prepared.
•daily in -white Wine stay henaerrhage ?. tomorrow, hesaid, to de, the same thing as a
Lady Mapbeth's doctOr-.-mie, though, of Pobiic., roan, Were an injustice done to: an
• Shakespeare's time -would- have corn- English.; Xrish or Scotch ' Protedant, or, in
posed a poultice Of pounded garden fact, te any one who wore the human , shape,
. snails, while 6 quart' of ale, dramof just as warnily tia.he bad deine.it for Abel. .;
treacle, handftil :of rue,. and a _400441
of tin shavings, boiled together; compos. :, Two instep -ma of•cont,eMptible 'Mean -
ed a remedy against the bite of a madnemhave just been' brought CO light,
• dog. The plaglie. i.medieines were very says London Truth, ' Fitre . visitors .at
niimeroue, and in all probability never Colwyn Bay went out in'a boat and were
• -effectualif the patient recovered at all, caus- ahb in e• '
ale ' They iVot.dd have been
he had to thank his .own constitution. • -r' •
drowned had not five sailors; at the risk
One of the plagnamaters is composed 'of
rue; t:griznonyi wormwood, Sage; rind. .of their 'OWn liveS,:resetied themi indeed
wort,• dragon' a root; pimpernel, marl, they had given thereseiiei Up for lost.
gold, fever4ew,' htirneti sorrel, Weed Tile...sailors were . rewarded .• with the
• • betony, brown ringviorb, tormentil, reSe. munificent' 'um of .'60 : cents ' for • their'
—mary;angelie, burdocks, green' walnuts, braVerv and toll. The Other tram isthat
• shredded hato a kind of salad, aid mixed • - '
of a•i3ailor named Isaacs, who. was instru.
With roots; 'these were infused for•three
• days, covered close; and then distilled. Mental in saving the Heather Belle and
• ". Same think,',' says oldturtort, " playsi. 4,00•persons from shiPwreek oh the Isle.
chips kill as many as they save, andwhO of ;Wight Coast, Fcv this he received it
: can tell, hovmany: murdere they, , make Ireward of $25 from .the Joint Packet
in a yeai, that .ay freely kill raan aila
have a re'Companies. The ship was woi.'th$25,?0,0. '
• ward for it." Who; indeed,. .
. especially' if ' allowed to preScribe is -Upon the arrival at Dubois, Va., of a
above? But.Burton, who wrcsugbt over mail train, north; on Ratak, Rochester
sixty years after the'death of Elizabeth, & Pittsburg Railway, on Thursday, the.
recommends as infallible a human skull 1 'car inspector discovered three dynamite ,
._ ground to powder, the corns 61, liorse'S.
legs, and a wolf's liver. boxabs , ..• • end 'Caps' faStened •untlee the
• The idtoie system of medieine in 'th. a 1 springs of .e leer eachh , c 'bomb
t . The s,
• days ' tinder review wart founded ou a 1 Were removed, and there wore Many
series of curious theoretical View% partly 1 pale facee affang the paiiseugers When
*I)" 1°I Pilmelstliio - 'Ms PhYsiaiam 1theilearne'd the terrible fate they had
• divided:4 the body int() ,. humors , and So •narr.Owly- eFeaped, ' The train Starts'
spirits; the humors. were blood, phlegm, from' .,. , : , , • , . , ,
choler and melanolaely. )ourags was .renxiinta wney es my. rooming, and
• supposed, to have its spat in the heart 1 it is undoubted;y at that place that the
and stomach, reason in,thn !head, :adl bombs *were plated tinder tha springs, as
passion in the liver; a whiteliyered man it only makes short'stops between there
was a coWard,. and he Who would not and Dubois. ' It is 20. miles' from the
fight had no stomach for fightin' v ' •
. , oplace of starting, and how it was pea-,
.Tilart31Ili iffeKILLOP Felt Baal -LOT 84,
Com (1.—Gond place. gem' buliclings;. and gond
Come 115(1 800 it. Wilt ho sold cheap. W.
11. 110111011d115s, Constarieu-I,l„ 0. 41
Liana( P011 a.LE-sPART 'OF f0T2a, trg TIIE
;4th on. ef the township of Heitetticontaining
11booi.463.s85e5.. Terms te'snit purchaser. Apply to
O4MERON,EOLT.2.CAAIE1SOlif, Barristers, Godorich
X of' 100 acres, bei»g lot -28; 901 con. a usnat, Is
'offered for sale en reasonable terms. • Good new frame
house, neW frame bern, and other. butbuildings ; fifty
• aereS -under eeltivation ; 12 aeree fell wheat, 27 ecru
- ploughing done, well 'watered.- ',Situated 11 miles from
Londesbonc. atid miles 'front the team of Winton.
rritio, 344;300;.:8,4111V.EB JA101BSON, .Londesbero.
valuable farm complied of lots 29 and 30, con. 8,
111111lett, .200 'acres, of thiSlabiterea are cleeret),,.the
balance good hardwood. , bush, Bearing Orelduct ot 51
moron: Ordinary dwelliOg house; good .frame barn
and outbuildings.... Fend ni well watered, and aituated
about Similes 51 01» the Toon ot Clinton. Terms (may.
Apply to kr, MoTAGGART, Clinton, tf .
Orr Mier', lots a and 41, • Goderich toWnship, con-,
Stating of 141 agree, ia offered for: side on reasonable
terms. About 120 acres cleared end in a.000d state Of
cultivation; Valance -gond hardWood, . good frame
1201190; &c., general buildings, plenty of wider, bearing
orchard ;11. miloe from the tieing town of .Clinton.
Particulars Maybe obtained .on the premises," or .by
raddibeashigSAIIIES PERDUE, Clinton P. 0.
I•Pigrarm irAlur FOR SALE. -THAT
k..7;10(7e7.ftrori Of 194acme,beinfr; lots .08, 70 and.71;
• on :•the Xaitland cencession Coderich toienahlp,'
...A..b.eixt.135..attesteleared.Aingood state of whim
On-the-premises-is-a-good-hriek •houit, with all
conveniences of stabling, bank harm, well wateredr,ec.,
geed bearing orchard', churth on the farm and smoot
net far away, about 0ntiles Irani the town et Clinton;
This farm ie'one of thebeet in -the township Of Code,:
riehi Positission given at any Com Pull particulars
on application to the proprietoe, JOTIN RUDD, Clin-
ton p: 0, or of the NEW MIA: OF:pleEi, Clinton. •
• sible too a train to run that distance over
.Konmiss.—Fill a quart •bdattle up to
the 'neck with new niiik, diss,plve two
tablespoonfuls Of white sugar in Water
over a hot fire r add it, with a tablepotinfl of good yeast, to the milk,
Cork securely, shake welli and place
near thefireat alemperatare et 05 de.
webs for aix hours, then get' on ice. If
Curdled, the kotuniss is spoiled.
Regent's Plinch.—Take torn lar8e lem;
Onsy roil them end Pere Very thin, cut
- out all the pulp and throw away the
seeds Ewa tile white part of the rind; put
the yellow Ana an the pulp in a pint of
boiling water with one teaspoonful of
raw green tee of the best quality, let
boil ten minutes, strain through a linen
cloth and stir hi a pound a loaf sugar
and the juice of two lemons; set over the
fire when roady to boli, remove and
gterve hob.
short curves with the amount of dyne-
tnite and caps under the springs is a
mystery. Thirty-fourr persons were in
the eciach, and had the accident occurred
as intended, the loss of life would hate
been very. great.
Train i leave Clinton as follows :-
Going East. - Going Viteit.
a.. express ' 10.0 axe, mixed
1,05 p.m, mixed 0.20p.00. express
• 4.15 'pan. mixed 0.15 p.m. eXrlreSe
eltEAT W ESTE Itatf,WAY.
• Going North: Going South,
9,55 a.m. eXpresa 8.03 aaa. express .
6.50 p.m. express 4.13 p.tmexpress
3011sa.LE.-T11,1.1.' CHOICE FA1124,T43E
-V estate of' the late John Thompsota,being west
half of 105 40, con. 1,, East. Wawanosh, containing 100
acres more OU less;•80,aores cleared. 0,nd la good state
`ot cultivation, well drained and free from obnoxious
weeds, 10 acme bush and remainder pasture, 13 item
'fall wheat and fall plowing done. On the Jana la a
how frame dwelling, barn 45x55, stable, 02228,rand
other outbuildings; 2 walls spring creek antra good
beariog orchard, The farntis situated on gelid gravel
rhad. 1 Mile froin Myth, 10 miles from Clinton, and 12
=Hainan Godorieb; well loneed with hoard, rails
and wire. For further partfeu lain apply onthe promi.
see. or to nits. Joubi 'flIOMPSON, Lendeaboro
That eligible Cottage Mid • ,half- acre of laitcl, situate
next east of and adjoining the reddened of W Doherty,
Each will be old cheat -remit any length of tluio given
for payment if required. It not gold soon will be offer-
ed for rent. Apyly W W FAItRAN ,
Pimples, Boils,
Aad Carbaneies result irein It debilitated,
impoverished, or itnpure condition of the
blood. Ayer's Sarsaparilla preYeuts and
cures these eruptions and painful tumors, a
by removing their cause; the miry eat,.
tial Way of treaties tlioni.. •
,• Ayer's Sarsaparilla luig prevented, the
usual course of Bolls, which °have pained
and distressed me every season for several
years.- Geo. Scalds, Plainville, Mich,
• a 1 was badly troubled with Pimples alt
the face; also, with a discoloration of the
• skin, which showed itself in ugly dark
• patches. -11'e external treatment tild more
than temporary good. Ayer's Sarsapa-
rilla 'effected
A P,orfeof Our,
• and :I have not been n.9.111)10(1 since. --
I% W. Bodily,: River st., Lowell, Mass.
X. was troubled with Boils; and thy
health Was Much impaired, 1 began
using Ayer/it Sarsaparilla, and, in due
tinte,,the eruptions all disappeared, and
my health Was completely restored, -
John it. Elkins, Bditoi,Mantey 06server,
Albemarle, IC C.
Was troubled, for a long time, with e
humor which appeared on my face in ugly
Pimples and BlOtchCs. Ayer's Sarsapa.
rine...tared me. I consider it 'the best
mblood purifier' In the world, -,Charles
lmtth,XerthOraftsbury, vt. ,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
lipoid by all druggists and dealers in med.
Ask.for .A.yees Sarsaparilla, and
do nithe persuaded to take any other.
PrOintred by Dr. J-.4:), Ayer &Co., Level Moon
$1; MX bottle,
TERNS sold in strips• for Embroidery,
'Braiding,. etc., and complete designs tor
Slippers, 13racliets, Aprons, Ladies Foot
Stools, Cosies, Smoking Caps, Pillow;
Shams, etc. Hundreds of De -signs. The
design is Warranted not to crumble off the
paper pattern or to rub oiftlie fabric when
Sidtable for any business, in SeerWa Nock, en,
Lelisr Tering at Credit. „Mae ,
One Dweiiing Rouse,
Centrally situated. Vor further varticWars Apply to
W. Q. sEAnua. NTC0114.'
GoDar.a 1:$00..tc
Irtti• 1857. Solloplit Very, 18- Vents.
• •gon ONLY
Will elirry s hailViee NVetirilt 11140,1 'anY
waggon. made. • .
flE t',/7'.Pelf\TF:E) ez-T1
CI' ,
, 3)F1' tz
T,)ft.h1F3E 1.g0q4
7'ro',-7/4.1e11t, 'entZn.-'12,4nts to .pur-
elf i;;; u lehose stanaino 515
call I .,i•M4,.:s a a latrant ee for 'th
p e
hPir,waves."- sterling mottoje
a :1;78 5:110 Su regard to pat ant' medicines,. buy
on' r t ,1•,F0 iniide, nraetical,nrotessionai 'Men.
i • 1••• l.:t 10 t.001VOil and favorably knovti by -
1p1 b.:aoles 1.1 i.iquire any rehommenda-
ti 11.. , • • • • .
. Citastfe Liver Cure has it receipt book
t ;iv:land os urybottle whicirig worth its -
;:..•1,I, ' • ,
• 17: 7 A .:...14.1,1i•Cr Cure is guaranteed to 01)10
0..2n3son1 frnal a; torpid OE inactive
• i• .• 1:: 71. cc 2,..ver Canso:tint, Itlyspepant;
,•:;.•-•.•: • •a ion.,'111110:ashees, altutudice, litLadr
045,k.i.,5ee's1,4e.1, eaireiv Coineiexten, etc.,
1r 'ittE'S1 IicrCnrois rtbortaiticute 'fov
. al I •,lor.iagoriton le cftIto kidneys,stich as pain in
• titylmiiit111111 inloWer purtiowof theltbdornen,
• ti 1 omit . (nitro to pass:urine, red. and white
g 1-;•.oeuts, ehooting ;mins in passage, Bright'S
•.•33 nod. all urinary troubles,.bt(.
ttko n,) other, it Will cure you. sold.
..11r,..1dettlera itt 51.110 per bottle. •
'IP. EnallIAN'50114.
loilfloskro110 Roller MilIs
After being thonnighly overiumled and re-litteti with
NEW MACHINERY Of the moat approved kinds, these ,
Mills are now in splendid running order and will not
be surpaased in the quality of the ivork 'done, by any
mill in the country.
S. pedal. HMIs:- -to-411183f
. ,
Satidaction guaranteed. Parties Wonting anything
whatever in this line 171118mM tollteir interest Is
give lice call.
TER1VIS TO 0141.1SE.
iETItAL Pninnusts TO CLUB ItalSaltS•
2 Copies sari)
•• ...... .... ........... . 4.59.
45- „.
0 ... .. ..s.••••••••WpsTo; 775
For list of Premiums and terms to larger clubs, send for
sample Copy, which will give you luformatIon.
• GodeyPE, at the present timo is admitted by press and
peopld to be superior to nay ladies, magazine in America,
tiering the greutest variety of departments• ably edited.
Th lit femur r S , Novels, Short Stories,
Charade_,s Poems, ere. Atoppg,thp„pappato.apthomswi,„
'11111-delitribitirto"Ei3d8f; 115In . V. Prnbard, M64'11017
Reid, j.Churchill, Wm.111. Butler, Emily Lennor,and others.
Engravings appeei every nuniber,ef subjects by well
known artists, aud produced by the neweat processes. In Ito
colored fashions Glodora leads to colors. ,and styles, Both
modistea al:1(1140nm dress makers accord them the foremost
PAVER 'PATTERNS aneoue of the important features of this
magas I ne each sutscriber boles allowed to select their own
pattern every month, an item alone more than eoferiug the
•subseriptioa price.
paacriem, Hines upon pressinaking show how garment),
can be renovated aud made over by the patterns given, _
PliacTicAtqlin,ra for tbe Household 41085 young 1190s.
keepers how to manage the refinery departzuent with _amp.
4E7 and skill.
Minor NOTES, at nom ana Abrolal, er(lry
lady's heart.
THE cnosso and Black W'ork-Dersigini elite -aline new-
est idese.for Wee work.
Tim Commie recipes are under the control of an-,c/pert-
enced bousekeePer•
THE Anenrrecyrunat Department is of practical utility.,
eareful•estimat• ,eagen with eirth elan.
P •
GOREY'S has arranged to give elegant silver Phited ware of
impeder makers as premiums, the 'mole cf whIeb 105(15(6 In.,
stances metes over $25 fin. one premium. Pend 15 (Tufo
foraamplo copy which will coutrlin illostrate(PpreOdumaiwith
1111 particulars and terms. Address,
.GO.D.RY/1.4 'LADY'S 000K, Plallad.olphla, rot
P. HUBER, Proprietor.
ORA NOBS, LENIONS and OvNrgoriosg.
nay or ALL .
e. per qt., direct from Baltimore, 15e,
mud 20o. per dish.
WANTEE.—Cheico Roll Batter„ 'highest
• erioe yald. Fowl a all lands bought.
31311.0D• IOXIMOIZ'S.
a'Acesorr IlLocx, HURON STREaT. CLINTON'.
Tile Great Envish Prescription.
A. successful aaedioine used over
30 years in thousands of cases.
Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous
Weakness, Xmissions, Int3lote15G71
and all diseases caused. by abuse,
Irizroitni indiscretion, or over-lexertion. Anglo
Fax packages Guaranteed do Oars/Mena others
• Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Great English
Prescription, take no substitute. One package
81. Six 85, by mail. Write forPamphlet. Address
.Extreha Chemical Co.,
Sold In Clinton by T. 11. CODIBE•and DraggUits
Head Qith rters . for ..
ong Noted for Best Value in. !PEAS and fresh
Roasted COFFEE.
DtsiniR) csz OO,b
• CadariTOZT.
MILTEBTO L117337 EEO 124W gqi
ItaS the finc4und cheapest. G'ROOLCRIES'in.towP
C401-t10,11:1k and 4Gri.,.SAVA..JR.30
A,..prices which downthern all.
, Prescription or a physician whe
has had a life long -experience in
, treating female diseases, Ia used
monthly with perfect success by
over 10,090 ladies. Pleasant, safe,
effectual. Ladies ask your drug-
gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and
take no substitute,pr inclose post-
age for sealecIpartieulars. Bela by
\ all druggists, $1.per box.. Addresa
Wila =ROLA, CHEMICAL .00., Oneturr,
Seld iu Gelatin by J... 11. COMBVii.fid Druggists
• '' everywhere. •
Itepairng of all kinds promptly attended to apoason
• able rates. Atrial 'solicited.: •
Protective and Collecting Association
• nem' �I�ce JZamIIlon, Out,
Is ail Association of tantrums and prOfeesierial Mon,
having for ite object the
And to preirent its members, making bad debts by
furnishing thorn with lists of parties who do not pay.
Merchruithinid others having 0000110 to 011eet and
wiabing to b000rne members by remitting $7 to our
Managers, Hamilton, Ont., will receive by return MB
full partioulars, certificate of niembership, 80.
3. 13. MILLS Sz Co.; Managers, Bainilton.
Or to 3.41. 'Tuomrsort, Agent, Clinton.
N. IL—All perreina aro warned aga1.nsta man Mtn, -
ed It. Faulkner, bailing from St. alarm we will not
recognize any members taktin by him after this date,
of monies peld to him.
Read This and be Wise.
hays opened In Blyth, tt first -elites
XIOVre 0' • SII0g • o '413,4
. .
I Make and Mend all kinds of Ponta and Shoes, and
keep an excellent ate& on band. girst-elass work.
11A-1INESS{"yea want anything In thia
315c11 will pay yoU to corn° and
gob me, 1 Iteop froth a bane strap to a No. 1 sot 01
SINGLE 01 DOUBLE nAnxtss, beet ot fitook and
WOrkManahap may alwaya be expected, Please give
tner a call.
Any' quantity of Apples,: Pears., ..P1uni, and all s
kinds Of Farrn Prodnee.
From: 'end of
1887, to new subscribers, for:
$2,50 Cash
Cox- the: ..te,teNsi• iEra alone, . to th.e
end of 1887
toisorliss.c(1 for collititcoos. ill ilk C011ity.
Prices consistent with Mit work.