HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-19, Page 1• 0.0.. Tot% 21, IMO. 47 lege-in.en Per Armen in eavewe • . MEN'S 44 CLINTON, ONT., FRIDAY, NOV 19,, ItOnE11111r 111(01 :Oleo Publtsiset 01..411\71101•1"-' 4'••••••••• [.TRE HUB OF THE COUNTY. GooDs A glance at tIie'Town:and some of allits Mercuntile Mechanical Interests ankIndnstries. • teetflig. "TIIE • IMPERIAL" • 'Is One,of the beii4t selling ties weever car. ried. In. Black and all the different colors We carryw swo*niderful range of NECK - 'WEAR in ell the neweet-stylee. ,eer • Never before live we carried such a large 'assnrtinent. of Fancy SHIR S .....••••••••,•• Iu this issue of the NEW En.A. the aim has been to present in brief form a descrip- tion of some of our leading -business had- tutions. While neither time nor our limited space would perrait anything like a full rneistion of all the business firmeegfe IngtowiteeweetellefefflArWeTrcitlien of Clinton can justly point with pride to the growirg and expanding interests of this long list of enterprising 'business firms as an 0 vidence of the general prosperity and - thrift of the town, That Clinton is and has been enjoying A STATUS OF IitIsiNESS -that wi 11-com peree-most -favorably,- with - any town in Western Ontario, is a feet' that has been repeatedly established. -.- There are many reasons why Clinton has so prospered in the past, and is:sure to in crease in prosperity in the future. The area of country tributary to the town and from Which a permanent trade comes, is larger in extent than can be claimed laY any rival town. This is secured through tWe" Wilinittal-agencies, viz: centre], loca- tion and superior railroad facilities. The country surrounding lea rich agricultural district, and is settled by a progressive and welt•to.do class of people. In speaking of the location of the town it cannot help being admitted, as we have oiten ,demen- strated; that. in the early sgovernment �f the county, re mistake was nude in the location of the county tOtin. By evert' consideration that can be brought to bear enethe subject, Clinton. is the place where the government. of the county should be carriedon. That this mistake should be rectified at the :earliest possible moment, the interest and convenience of the county demand. • The town has an air of neatness and general appearance that creates a !aver- se eble impression' to especially the visitor. The residences are very tasty, a large part of them being constructed of brick, In the business portion of the town there are Many, blocks which iival those dale cities They are substantial, . commodious, and very, iropoeing aPpearange. „ • The inatiufactuiing interests. of the town are quite extensive; and prothise to largely increase in the future. Among our mann- faduring industries maybe raentitmed the. following well known firms and business men:—W. Doherty & Co., of organ fame; Meisrs. Ferran, Macpherson & Hovey; threshing Machine manufacturers; P. W. Hayward, F'Rumball and J car- riage makers; McMurchie & Co., fanning nsill 'manufacturers. There :are two salt wells, viz., the Stapleton Salt Works,' and: Mr. Joh n McGarva s. An .extensive roller. 01111 conditeted by Mr Jae Fair; the iarge Woollen Milli Operated by Mr D Graham: Two tanneries, Doan's and Moore's; A new.Orgen Factory by G. F. Oakes; two planing mills, by Sevailield& Cooper; and T. McKenzie. Forrester'e flax mill, and either smaller iiidestries. " • Clinton possesses a good market for grain and faern produce—we believe the best: in . the comity: Messrs Irwin arid Fair are extensive grain dealers,' both ewidelere-knoWn 7b.eeause-of theirein•tegritys- . and. fair -dealing qualities., The '• former 'has an exteneive elevator at this point,' eanable of handling any genntityef grain. In -reference th the , • We are 'offering a line of GREY KNIT SHIRTS at .76c., Worth '$1.25; • and we have field' a tremendous lot of ,thern. if you want' anything' in SO1RT$ we •nan shiliv by long 'Odds the largget asiortreent ' in town. • • • If you Were considering about mskirig a . purchape.of anythingin the way of FURS, come and inspect our line- ofegoods. We have the, very_titese. gopda Oat can be purchased, azidwe lcnowaveecen please you In MEWS,PERSIAN LAMB CAPS.. the firm, they have received the highest encomiums. Today their trade relation. ehipe extend over the whole Dominum, and the business is gradually expanding to meet, Its reeellreMerltr. In 1880 the bee!: this respect. He enjoys theeadvantagee of peas of the bait had grown ao large that it reetropeetieo experienee in ige nee, haying e alg became necessary to extend. the store, and f ir same time held leading positions in bends of Mr.W John iseman, who has a large addition WAS added,. thuo- making souse of the largest merchant tailoring es-rmairs.edwit4temtoonibtaaapebeerieennt w1,1ith thfirm ler 1811 standard.ions4• tThtove earned entleman is one of Olin. on's 'Mist progressive bueiness men. Pre, business, which be has - e yto opening tbie two mammoth stores. mone. Hata and furnishings were then separated to the additioutil buildine,aurl taken by Mr. Wm. Jackson, who had been a member of the firm since 1878. • About a year agoMr. Jackson, sr.,, retired from the business, when the present proprietors assumed con- trol, gr. Wm. Jackson inenaging the furs sou, tr., the tailoring department. . In niahing department, and ,M.L,7:.. Jac.lcs • - • • . eFfOnees ....],,IL_et -the two himinesses w amalgamated"; sAelerieription of tnis really palatial establiehment, • which is justly re- cognized as a modeeetore in every respect, 'cannot fail to be of interest to even the •thousaudrofbustomera Who make the store their headquarters for purchasers. The building is about 75 feet deep and 00 feet wide, and divided into two Main depart- sments-eMbensecon dellat•containsehesweeke rootns. With regard to the stook of goods kept by this very enterprising firm it Is nem:1161s fcr useto speak,. as the public are aware of their great variety and geneine. merits. Among the Clothe of tbe tailoring depsettnent we found the leading fabrics of domestic and foreign mapufacture.. We would call particular attention to the line of tweeds and worsteds as being,very care- fully selected. , Mr. _ ThefeasJackson, jr., who atteuda personally to the work of cut- ting, enjoys a very advantageous experi- ence, having learned the art in New York, • where he goes every year, to enable him - sellers; give his costomers .the benefit of the lateststyles, etc. A very large . stock of reell'airhoYa' and children's ready made , not stop long to admire even this loveleedis. clothing is alao kept en hind. The for- pay, for the attractions of the 4' Amy room"! niehing department centaine everything to are irresietibly magnetic, • There a bewilder be bad in the line. The stock of hats, fog vat iety of shapes, styles and colors,rneets caps and furs is particularly firm The: your, -gaze. • The brilliant plumage of Bee firneemployis aboot twenty.five experienced wines and " moents," .rival the delicately hands. eThey -believe in jedicious. adyee. Colored Plush, Aettakhan, Silks, Aigrettes, tieing, and their business is ,meeting with ' ezo„ in fascinating lovelinese, -Evei:y bat is' great; pubic favor. ' ' • . . an, art gem andeeachlyies withite eeighleer in • bidding fot.your admiration„ which is dentin.- GeOrge E. Pay & to., Di..,T Clesii(18, ed by °eels in inrn. As yeti. fioish your in.' •Carpets,:Nantles, liats,-tips, &-e--- spectione of these beautiful gods, and . the nodding plumes bow you; Oleo; the eye oat. * The above-natned popular progress- ches a gliinpse of the lovely little bonnets in.- ive firtn is too well known to the eitizees ef . • • their departments, and you really don't. knot,/ Clinton and serrou riding country to reqpire any introduction b,y the special edition Of wbieb is the moie hewitchiag, and are cone- pelled to refer the puzzle to the accoraplishod 'the New ERA. Mr. Geo. E. Pay' has ieslei- attendant for solution. In answer to before the. publid of Clinton for 'Over 20 your enquiry yourteern that eleven or twelve yeare, and by his honorable course o[ busi. ladiee ere employed in the straw Work and mete dealings, and looking well to the it. trimasing departments of the firm: 'The straw tercets of his customers, he has. succeeded work, ander the skilful managentent of. Miss in building up a large trade that well migh t Beesley in carried on in.thei premises 011.Vie- h� envied by firms of tire large cities. me toria.St. The trimtning ;department has its Pay!s firth busineskrelationship-in Clinton quarters in a room above the store., and is carries an immense, stock ef • Silks, Satins, , was in connection with the firm Of It & •• and Bean who With their staff of Well. ,• • • • • • i presided oversey the. gifted Misses Shepperd Pin/these Drease Trinaminge Shawls, Table lIndgens, . The bnainees establishment ia .. ,, , . . . • . (severe, TeComery, Ladies 'U.niderweete ,Lreseene trained assistants turn out. the anpurb "wares Embroideries, Small warps inenilless :variety, one ()Utile, - most'atitractive and best sup- that.have won for' the po nlar firm of " Bees- and staple goats too numerous to reentionts-, Plied in the town', of cids is ly & their celebrityP and iaceess. , • . • plate glass front givesit A very beeutiful appearance, At theetear is the cutting 401)001)3HW. 'DX! *cannot been said in praise a work done by Mr. Rance in ) The business hes always been recognized as la leading one in Clinton, mid enjoys very iiberal patronage. After tile deat of Mr. Floclgens, e blob sad event occurre about three years ago, the general menages tuent of the business wea placed in tbe to the mill:eery artnsent, and ibis fully up to the times. business a a very ne, portrait one, and is very amiably copducted. Chris. Dickson, Dealer in Books, Stationery„ Fancy Goods, 115111 Papers Ete tablisments in Toronto, London, and other large oitiei. The workshop is under the supervision of Mr. G. T. Deli. Beesley's. Millinery EmpoOurn. Is there one flay reader of thie riper, we wonder, who does not know where " Bees- ley's"is, If so we hasten to inform her that over fivesyeare previously, and had also raised to ouch a greed success, Mr. Dickson ° beet) with., Mr. Geo, E. Pay, fie has was successfully engaged in school teaching. consequently, had aillnle Practical, experi- About laiX Years ago he purchased the 'neck of once, and his abilitiesaro recognized. Tho , Mit,r. a. nWa. by the tEhlieliesnftoerrdp,rmiseaditeolaerxgiettabditdeidtioinneht stock is kept up to a very high 'standard, business from the beginning, and wiiieb ho and embraces a great variety of lines. The has ueifornity kept up, he entered at once artistic appearance of the Interior of the into a thriving. and groviing business His BeeeleY'a la located in the Beaver Block, store, loaves an impression trane has reached to wonderful proportions, °pee the vim- . . • Albert St., Clinton, and is THE spot for tor that is not easily forgotten. . On the Millinery, lovely to behold and el:_' -1 : ve-sgeseeeerseetee *severyeteetettas if tfl-19V:::40' .17eril,'"i'gaiyarBeeilelle.sdloolifur4Pe,, telltn-ideellAberefe'bruareinteirse.reTi- lr. '' opened out a stook of millineiy in an uopre• heoreeieurgyed4cfieraaitt'd smextendingali viare a ' hack, gloves,amost lationship extends over the entire Dominic's:. tendons store on Victoria St. The little bus - elegant assortment of dress googre embrac=1From one to three travellers constantly re, Mess there coninsenced, was so well conduct- ed that it iteadilydnereased till in 1882 more ing all the leading lines, novelties, %rime" present his wholesale trade. At the present commodious prenusee became a necessity. tnings: On•the left is the tailoring clothe, time the bneiness reaches to about •$2.5,000 The stook was then moved to the present as tweeds, worsteds, also gent's furnishinge per annum. The stook.of gocids carried is as stand, Mr. Will Beesley becoming inariager and styles. At the rear of the show room endless as tbey.are of great variety: A mere mention of their nameasurnuldleampossible-- - • • lthlirtlie-Tniace 'this artiole, muck less a ; description of them. The store is very oom. modioes, and is literally packed with the °Widest selection of goods. The book and etationeey department would do credit to any establishment of the Wed. Beifides the gene. rid standard winks aud miscellaneous hooks, quite a specialty is made of. Sunday sehoel libraries, Tbe stationery %eerie embrace everything inthe line, including general school , eitationery, aa ,boolekeeping booke .note paper, . envelopes, 'legal forms, 'also penvils, inks, pees, the latter being manufactured in Bir. mingisam, England, specially for this • busiss nears; We observed else an excellent line of Berlin wools,. fingering -yarns, and limey art everts, as tensele, ponpons, ;maceame, cards, etc. A stock of fatally andpocket bibles is ,carried that would well repay the trouble of an inspection. . These goode, are.also sold by Mr. Dickson by subscription. "rite line of gent's jewellery, and ladies' brooches is quite an iMportant feature in this mammoth stock. They are very fine and of great variety; The silver plated ware demands special'. mention. There is here the largest:stock of these goeds carried; by any dealer in the county, and tit - eludes all kinds of tablewear, secured from ' the best manufacturers of Canada and the United ;States. Some idea of the extent of • this line. may he learnee from the fact that $2,000 worth has been secure -dim the holiday - trade. The. Eerie of in 'albums, ladiere : hand satchels, ranging in pricers front 30 cents to $8, fancy china cups and saucers, cigars - and tobacconists sundries, plush geode as toilet sets, elegant work baskets, musical hut,. struments, including violins, accordeens, eme- certincis, mouth organs; etc., and novelty goods of all kinds are very select and well as, -eorted. , • In wall papers an extensive ohnsiiieSa' is done, all the beet lines ef American and Canadian manufacture being handled. The deporated window blinds and spring rollers are noticeable for their• elegance. • Oolecons might be filled describing this inemmoth strides,- ---- • -- e- ----- • but as spacewillnot permit, we .candidly ad -e, . Vise our readers to call and exatnine for thenv selves: Me.'Dickson and his efficient corps of clerks are always pleased to show oustomere anything they may desire in threstock: This blisiness aniumortant factor Mello merean• tile interests of the town, and its present managensentineemestnit permanent successe . of the business, and in the year followIng, a is' the millinery and mantle depertmente nartnee ins.thefirmeefettReel3eeeleY-&-Sonett. TO-falltratiiiireelatilfie excellence d these -- Since that date the volume of business done departments they. must be seen. Miss by the firm has more than doubled, and has during any former period. Upon the death increased this year in a greater ratio than acknowledged Holloway is the mitlineri. and Miss Ogg the mantle maker. Both these ladies are artistes in theirs -lines. The of the senior partner•last fall, Mr. Will Bees, emend flat contains an immense litie of ley became head of the present firm of " Beesley & Co." whlish does one of the most hats, caps, ready made cluthing, also car - extensive trades in their line of any retail pets, house-furnishinge, such as lace cur - house in ;Ontario, the large cities net excepted, tains, oilcloths, mate, rugs etc. This busi-. and enjoys a wide reputation for stylish goods bess is a deservedly popular one,' and is and artistic _trimming. You surely have not meeting with increased success. • , walked the streets of Clinton without stopping I to feast your eyes upon the tastefully dressed john Roberton, of the Great Cash show windows of this establishment. As you Store. *step inside the door yonvattention is et, once mee been a citizen of Clintop for eleven years. directed to a stook of ribbons, more varied- Throe years with A. S: Fisher, Ave with tile and eXtensive than is carried- by any either late John Hodgens,(One with J. Craib .it Co., retail house west of Toronto.' But yeti min. and for the past two years he bas been doing business for himself on lhe broad and sllid .basis of cash and trade. He carries a stocle of general Dry Goods, Gent's Furnishings, and 1gillinery. In dress goode and mantle cloths he obtains for himself a mest complete.and superb stock. A -lady going into this estab. lishment and•purchasing for herself the.tna- terial for a dices or mantle; can have it made up on the premises, by Miss Noble, a first. class mantle and dress maker, (engaged by Mr Robertecas) who has bad large American experience, adopts American style, and cuts by the most approved tailor's system. There are over a dozen hands constantly employed in -this department, , His stock of Millinery is' one in which he justly takes pride, Wielektip top Trimmer at the head'of it, and thorough careful baying, coupled With courtesy and a desire to please, he has thoroughly Worked himself ink! the confidence of the people. If you • have' never purehased any millinery_from you ought, at least to make it a ponit to see the-assortinent at the 'Great Cash Store. Whilst the alieve are his specialties, also . . .Hie Gent's Finnishing department comprises constantly carte that exhibus Mr. --------------------Co,"white woollen and flannel abuts, undersvear experience and knoWledge of the wants of Foster & Bayley's 'Photo Studio. • • .of all'kinds„ seeds; ties 'cellars cuffs, &c, ,&c. his 'patrons: 7 The interier, of .the eetere -Of all the: brisiness.eatablishnients ire,Clin. • This enterprising,man, chiring,'the Month Of. .pretients to the customers a enost pleasing ten, none are mere .worthy of wean • at will 'Dieember, makes a Gigantic Gift Sale, When appearance. The arrangement of depart!. morirabundently repay .,the visitoe' than Fes - cents and upwards, is. Mitigate 4 present every one making a cash purchase from fifty rneptri; and the manner in which the goods t%,%. Bayley's Photograph Studio, This firm sire exhibited seem perfect. On the eight Iii,1:::: e a wikde. anbtaation.' for tthe .expelleiecy 4 varying. in value _with that of the parcel. - Mr . side. of the quite after entering, is seen Is TlesleTi: rioble3inasee; .whe !Seem to be in the highest eestacy. of de• Robertsenbas A very able- staff of assistants, ,dieplayed in. beautiful harmony, generel staltirtrirM:rasin tlesieneeese situritYed nettle Bgeaver Bleak; •The,show wine- 'light when they are showingtheir goodsto the &all:wares, as glirves, hosiery -etc., With many .oustomers that throng Ihrsir store. L eitepre 'geode extending towards the er'a fancy ,stere, indicates the.spet, and the. dors at the' foot of the eteirway in Mr. Coop, Voill.anitify repay you to call.eetcl leek-throngh rear. At the left le displayed a. splendid photos displayedthere are ii tempting bait to his well -assorted stock.. ... : -:, ;. ,etock of. twee.ds ' wrirseedecte... At the rear toilers of art,to ascend t'he stairs.for reneen in of the store is the shim rooms in Which hi the studio itself. • The *Wills of the Waiting , .1 X' Coats't Sin' Dry Goods, display.ed,ea very Select stook of ladies' .00113 are thickly Ming with •fraines, contain- . e . - •• 3 97-na-iiliti--a-OW•etipOrTdilig atnek-iirdieiit .-aud-tharming-babies.:of-flurim,---which--are- in de:Voting-in:mete to h 'brief descrip- Gi.ocerrs, Etc, . ----:.. , dresegoods,...ae•silks,satine,castemerese..ste,,_ irig,pieteresnteheefairentaidenee_breve Men_ . • • :' ---The....-apecial. edition-.of---tie-N. hair iriminings. '.isi.! featare :of importance in' j.eate of photographic' art. Judging from the pleasitre this department is the mantle Making, jolly faces and graceful attitudes Of the chil._ tion of the popular bueineeeconducted by the : ' Under' the competent charge of Miss Dear- drop, the firm are favorites With the • littlabovena.med enterprising firtn,Messrs. R. e Gnat's. & Son,: To this business the mercantile Wks, and are' strikingly euccessfu I 0:Catching .nesti: • This lady has' had 'charge of this institutions of. Clinton' acknowledge Priority their shadows. Ecnially . attractive are the. ' deeietence, beitig•the fiest eStabliebed in tbe depertment.for ver four yeare;and d tiring truly artistic. specitnens in al 1 the,other elaeies. , that-ti.nie-heis tUrnedout workeinthe highe'esTlre-:poeiegiegratteful and-tratirrali the -light.- ,:toWn,-ind..frifan...whiCh...the Vest and important est styles of the art; • She is an acknow- - in andfrotouching•Se-shilfelly, done that the. Mercantile interests of the town' took their a e in 854, Iedged .artiate,• and ' any lady who titliniree iciest .pleaeingeffects are reduced. will the rise.. 'The business -was establi h d ' 1 Wm. oats. Three years afterwards elegance ie thie line, as of ceerse, they all charttoters making .feattires. of the face _ are ' P • • • °--- 1 e litt Mr. w • c ' • do sh mild call an ' , . . Miss Dearness. The not destroyed. 'The printe are rich and ben- Mr. it: Coate became a member Of the firm, second fiat • contains .a tnamtnoth :stook of liant; and the softness; end 'delicacy Of the wbieh.partnership continued until 1830, when : carpets, oilcloths etc.' also hate,,capseready - work is a treat- to the eye.. This firin was Mr. Wm. Coats retired, and, Was succeeded ' - • meclecr ,clothing anrn'bber. goods. The es- the first in Canada tointreduce the Bromide by Willtem, son of R. Coats.A description r s tahliehment is (loge 'extensive,being about of Silver System by which their beautiful and of theiestabliahment can- - extensive businsi 100 .feet long by 80 feet wide:. Upwards. perraanentiife-siZed portraits are'made. Inot fail to be of interest to our dumerbuen customers. As is well known to the general this department they have attseled•suelt-pro- ne a 'd,,zen hands are coestantlY employed. the girm deals very largely in general Mr.'Pey ' besides looking -after tile •owneine ficieney..thlit at :tbs.-recent art exhibition in-, Anblict • : E INTEEEsTS the town .araintonetakes rank -- The schcols, are ably conducted and are doing good week. Every facility is afford- ed the youth of tire town and vicinity in educational matters, from %the primary grade to the hip seliod: The High We have a lovely class of -goods : in the School building 49 a • wet,' cinnmodious Wedge or Roll Band Shape, and 'at the brick structure; Mr James Turnbull is the limrest prices. Our assortment of -efficient head master, and under his care the (school has achieved a splendid record. ,& county modelecheol is located here,with a staffof nine telchers. The head limiter. Mr W B Lough, is discharging his duties in an admirable manner. From the number and -Character of the church edifices,' it is 'evident that, the citi- zens of Clinton are a Church -going people. The following denominationthave,church buildings, Presbyterian, Bev. A. Stewart, M.A., pastor; Episcopalian, ' Rev; W. Craig, B.A.; Rattenbury . St. Methediet. Rev. E 5 Rupert, M.A..; Ontario St:' Me- thodist, Rev. W. W. Spading; Baptist, Bev. John Gray. The Brethren have also e meeting room and the Salvation Army are established 'here. • THE GOVERNMEXT OF THE TOWN is carried on by this following gentlemen: Mayor, R. W. Williams M.D., Reeve; A. AleMurchie ; Deputy;Reeve, E. Corhete,. Councillors, A. a Manning, T. C. Do- herty, T. Jackson, sr., B. 'Haywood, T, 'McKenzie, R. Fitzsimons, T. Cooper and Joseph Copp ; Town Clerk, sW, Coats; Our aesortment of styles in Caps is not Treas., N. Robson, equalled in the County, Mid when you de- We will now introduce to our readers eide that you tnust hate something, niake the following representative butsiness men, a bee line for the Famous Hat Store. which it shotild be remembered, embrace only a part of the business interests Of the town: LADIES' FUR :MANTLES -Is very large and oia. lines ciaine ' -40 h� the Mealiest _Mantle ',ever offered. Ladies' Astrachan Sets, Ladies' Mink Sets, Ladies' Seal Sets. 'ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES . IN O&PS. FOIL CHILDREN: 'Pe will shew,fthe Ohriatness teed° it lot of novelties in onr Vernialling Depattmnrit and don't faileo put us down on your hat. JACKSON BROS„ clinton. Jackson • Bros.; Clothiers, Fur- nishers, and Ratters. Among Clinton's foremost progressive business firms Meatire, Jackson Brom have this brief instige would necessarily be finale. long since taken a pre-iininent place. The I Er -ere delighted with history of this flourishing business is ui. y customer hat been the mercantile intereste of the town. It I t goods displaited and we would isepsrably connected with the history of I stock o aPPferee" 4 the et"e and the select fo ono of the pioneer business institutions Bitti,didiy advitie every citizen of °Retort . . . ante country surrounding, who have not 'dry goods, ready made clothing, f srmshings, Toronto, their work was admittedlysuperior hats,. caps, groceries, ete. The establishment termite, heti fOnnd •tiine also tei serve in the to the elaborate display made by the.exten- public interests, having been a Member of sive Rochester firm which manufactureis the is one of the largest an town, being Abut 100 the 'School Board' for ever six years, of bromide paper, upon which the prints are feet long by 80 feet wide, two storeys high. which beard he is now chairman,. His made. 'A. look into ,the operating, printing The stock of .goods; for quantityand qualitye business bee leading one and is deserving and finishing rooms reveals the secret of this cannot be 'elvelled in any town in •western of all itaid in its favor. ' • firm'e stleeses. 'The operating room is lighted :Ontario, and the people of Clinton are fortu- . with the coveted soft, and brilliant North nate in poseeesing it store which gems all the „ st an al . light,free from Mfieetions front high walls that advantages of .the large cities. Aniong the C. C. "Rance & co . 3terch t T '1 oring, -, . . many operating rooms are caned with. Ac goods in the leading departments, which are Among Clintort's inoet progressive young' ceisories.ie great variety are utilizing every very neatly arranged, may be mentioned all .busineere hems that of Messrs. 0. C. Rance too) Of apace than CAD be spared by the opera- the latest novelties in the 'dress goods and & Cu; takes a high tank. Mr.Ranceattd his tor In his Work. The studio is morecoin- - Winn:tinge • department. 'In thetailoring business partnere have demonstrated their pletely furnished with accessories and back• cloths there is an excellent line of ,tweeds, ability to conduct the business they hat/etre-- grounds than any ,Canadian galleries, except worsteds, :fancy overcoatinge, eta. This de, the 'very , few leading , city establishments. Pertinent se very extensive, and from it sotne ceutly sterted les a manner that has won for fi e work is turned out Mr. J •C Col Tem, lovely grounds, one interior and one Yell e . e . . . . e them an efiVitsble reputation, and secured 18 the efficient cutter, Who is giving gOod satise exterior, have met been added, the finest that canbe produced. B th f h brush f faction The, grocery department is alvtaya e of their numerous o AM from t 0o . the utinuitt eonfidenc ' customere.l-A-on a year ‘ t an • d a MAU ago the great Seavey,of Nevr York,who is the peer found well stocked. '4A large line of staples; this business was estatiliehed - under very of every living baokariMed painter, and whose Sot flannels, cottons, winceys, etc., is always favorable anent/see, and nothing has since productions are in use in the leading 'studios on hand. The second flat, besides ocntaining been left, undone in the management of the of the old -world as well aephe new. Messrs. 'the work rooms, exhibits a naammoth stook same that would guarantee to customers per Foster Sp Bayley tpare no expense iti keeping of carpets and general house furniehinge., also feet satisfaction. A very desirable iodation abreast of the times and keep their ;Moto a splendid stock of hate, caps,furs, eta. • The was secured in the. Elliott and Jacksons work fresh with the latest novelties and fin- firm bait also a firstelass.itarsortinent of seedy. block, and it was not long before thee, pi:leiniments. A new Emyecope lens has jrlst •made clothing, in which they are offering lie 0101'4y:realized the ad vantages ti era been invented by the famous Voigtlander of great bargains. In conclusion we are glad to by the petite firm, and bestowed upon it / a littera, patronage. At the present time the reputation of the firm is ao widely and favorably known that theirtrade has reach- edbeyond the -bourida of a local business. To attempt to describe this 'magnificent establishment within the short space of Harland Bros.;liardvrare & Stoves. This thriving business dem dates Re:ex- - istence back to the commencement of the Dominion., .• It is'one Of ehe be/it:known • and most exteneive. Clinton, and thee proprietors arngentlereen of push and ta- terprise. Their besinesci hae extended to wonderftil proportions, and embraces . 'a • very wide range of gcods in the hardware . line.. , The firm is capable of and iettlakillg-Le-.-•: Ca-protninent7feature of -ItTi-miehifirrliiiiiesetr-- - with everything that :is required in the - _hardware line; from the ConstriictiOn of -a house to its equipment. 'They inatlufae- ture a line of •furnaces that hi :deservedly popular. They have recently put in eight of theie•in houses iretheeencinity of Cline . ton. The furnaces are quite. inexpenatve ' :and are giving' most excellent satisfaction. The 'firm is also sole agent for °lintel), for ihe sale of the celebrated- Watters 'metallic shingles,' .risanufactured by the National Sheet Metal Oompaner. The construction of eavestroughs, etc., for headings, is also done by the firnt. The• premises are. very extensive rend reflect credit upon the en- terprise of the proprietors. The building is about 80 feet long by 23 feet wide,. and is tven stories high, and is literally packed with goodies mere mention of which would- -' excesed the bounds Of this article, among them we•notieed stoves, tin, copper, islieet Iron ware, lamps', coal oil,' builders, , hard- ware, paints, moieties, gime machine' oil,. lookti etc. Farmers and others wanting anyelfIng in the stove line,cannbt do better than to callonthiri'firen. All,kinde of tinware manufactured on the prem. iseee, The stock is at pretierit very large, and a visit to the stere would be amply re- paid. There is every facility for the hand- ling of: grind on the ;mimeos, notably . among svhich is a large hoist for loedieg and 'uploading geode toand front the second floor. •During , the lest suanner many marked, impeovernents were made to • the premises. A !second storey was added to the building which *niakett one of the most, ecinsinedious and finest appearing bnsiness establishments .in the town. The ware - rooms at the rear are very extensive, and are used principally for reserve stock. The • basement of which mention has ,been: made is a large department containing inch goods as glees, machine and paint oils, nails, barbed wire, °W. Thie'firini is highly ap- preciated by all customer's, ana is meeting with great snacesser note the steedy progress of this enterpritung Vienna, Austria, for which great advaistages firm, and predicit for it a ;Wilmer° prosperous are claimed;and Menses. Foster &Bayley have promptly pieced their ordeefor one of ehens, future. ._„ e , • ' for if better results are possible thei are after J. C. Detlor & Co., General liter. them. That the firrn's reputation is not einee. , chants Millinery, Etc. ly local, is evidenced be the„fact that they '.- . ... P are now getting up some work that is to. The welleknown mercantile firm of Meagre. grace the carnival number by the Moutrem J. O. Debtor & Co„ have been in hustings in Star. If you, dear reader, are ever within a agree county ese, shirty years, sae are gen. thousand nitles of Clinton, don't fail to run orally recognized as leading busineserndli in in andesiefor a portrait et Fenner it Bayley's. the county. Besideit their raatinnoth More -se. - - here, they haye stored in Goderioli and Bays Estate of John modgens, General field. - Thitt business is reaching wonderfel Dry Goods, Millinery, Furnishing, proportions, and itt constantly iocireasing, We are informed by me. Detlor that the trade el let°. °leg eete " 6 148 ear Y all as yet node a visit feeble atore to do so Etc. of the present proprietors. Fro tt the oily , and be en -evinced of ite merit. 'The show The above named popular mercantile for the last few months is about SO per cent. 1854, by Mr. Thomas Jackson, this father room, which is well Stocked ants !in ex. , business, is well known to the public), and •igzit yearter.h a iiTfhoor a tt horee,c ewer:I:ph° iiiiid oi corresponding on; einhteliisaorf , of its inception, until the present time, the co lent &spiv ef tailoring ei„tee ne,teeeee i is , in a very flourishing. conditien, The gest in town, container; Air immense, stook of business hats grown in popular favor, and of "vigil tole Aomest ic me ettgeeore, er,e, f Imsinese wait established in 1866,by Mous rode, ea dresii goods, trimmings, staples, hes- .0 . , with liCt At) lig IS At% 0 A (t,, ts a ou , , . . moo twee& worsteds hats, ea Vt . h 4 ,e, t" it te t, d SG " h t Irwin & tiodgene, which partnership cods from the numerous Customers who have ns furs cae• t und it to their adeantage to deal : fanned until1871, when Mr. Irwin retired. * inin:ir s 1 i e ' • *. - y. pecia attention 19 given 7ft f 1 b 80 foot "c1"' Th I eet bung ywi 0. e large , pets, re Rob. .W. ,Coats, Watfhmaker [and . jeweller." T h young,but pUsh ing bumneas Man,con- adds One Of the largest jeVrellry and watch. making businesses in the county. Ile has had the advantage of a first-Olose training in his calling, e rider etperititieed men ,and isin every reenact a Well-qualified jeweller and butaitiess matte Two years ago he came tO Clinton, Which for thirty years was the both° of his father, now deceased, and pilfebesed the Wainer% then -carried on by S. Fowler St Son; which, he hati.siooe eon. (Centlnued on 4th or editorial pa(/.)