HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-12, Page 8�: teBi Bitten—We
Me.a understand that is the in -
i .l_iINr1U11i A 0. E. Crawford to drove tai
FRIDAY, NOV, 12, 1886. C 1 redo at an early date for.the benefit
,Fes u: good set.of�� ,Silver Rinylr Jtorncs8,
oft $13, go. to JAS. i.' 1Y..I1'CIIalere Clinton.'
:For best Blue in Coat .?ober and ,Ff'orne
Viol kers, go. to ,t. T W1J'OIIIJJ 11, Clinton.
Woollen Goods given in (eha? 8 for Wool
or Wood at Clinton Woollen +.fills. DA 1 ID
' Chop Woollen Goods for sale at the new
• Searle
ee t
o ,Se
Lio d
1PooElen ,biiEls Store. Re i
:,BEvck Auction sale "Saturday night. P. E.
ilEINNETT, at .the Red XRocJ•er, :Clinton,
the leading Undertaker ancl'1'urniture Dealer,
e carries
1 .f
in, I
to the rout again,
and red ticketsfor,Furnitere itlfuflett Morris
ecyid.S'taitlee Shows. .fie always leads but nev-
er follows.
Zoe issue a special edition of the New. Era,
and we would like to hear from all of our.
correspondent$, and as early in the week as
convenient, because Thanksgiving Day fails
upon our day of publication. Please make
an a ort, friends, to boom up your several
-loeatities, Advertisers will also, oblige by
sending in their . "changes" early.
>xlult i1tojli.CLi.
O1Erta Tzo24',—•A. few days since a small
tumor was.successfully retrieve -1 from the
arm of Mrs. John Taylor, by a'couple of
medical men of the town.
Gs E. a as:sans,, of Brantford, a gentle-
man of considerable : jonrnalistie ability,
..,.._.__..,..�.....--will'Wr to up•i�-the-••interests--of-advert;ia
' ors, the business interests of Clinton, for
publication in the NewEai of nestweek.
A eel large edition will. be issued.
THE \\Twa's%—A couple of inches Of
snow on Sunday morning, and weather
in keeping with winter, was a surprise to
most ;people who had been enjoying 'the
delightful weather of the previous. week,
snow and
of continued
Asia consequence
rain, the roads are getting bad, partici'.
larly in town.
Ooscus$iON ob. ,111Z BRA IN Mout
two.months•sinee u small boy aged nearly
,rive years; son. of Mr. S. Cassels, Was play-._
• at
O a fl
i some
'ing with
stood. on the•G.T.R:, when he was acci-
•dentally shgved.oic fell off, falling on the
side of his bead. }Ie complained of being
Burt at the time, but nothing serioutiwas
•antieipated,i until a couple of weeks since,
when the Tittle fellow was laid. up with
concussion, of the brain, and nothing could
be . done to save his life, aa he died ;e n
Sunday morning. Mr. Cassels has ihad
his share of trouble, and the sympathy o
tbe.eommunity is eattended to him.•
NEW MACFIINEitY,=The Doherty Or-
gan Factory has just added. to their well
equipped establishment,'O Vertical Boring.
Machine,. a Universal Saw Table and a
Vertical Sand -papering Machine,- All of
these are of the very latest, improved
make, and will. facilitate, work in .this
very extensive faetery. A new. 45 home -
power boiler has been added to the.faetory,
which will now give them 85 horse -power..
A new planer -to dress both sides otilum•
ber at once, will also be added in a few
days. The addition of this. machinery
will put the factory in a better shop -than
ever to meet the constantly increasing de-
mand for the Doherty' Organs,. which are
now being turned out. at the rate. of two.
hundred a month. •
point of death for sortie time, bas recover
ed and is again able to be out. -
a o , The tear meeting to be given in the I.tat-
of his wife's. health ; he has dispotted of tenbury street Methodist chum b, on tbo
his house to Mr. J. '1'. Blacken, for $050; evening of the 18th fust., will he addressed
the buyer bas a bargain. Miss. Ferran has by Reis, J, S. Fisher, of Rolmesville, A.
gone on a visit to friends in the county of E. Smith, .of Varna, and J. Gray. of Olin -
Stormont. Mr. Bastin s, of Walkerton, ton... Tea will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock.
bas 'taken -tipIllsresi once. in. Clinton, • There was not a very large audieuca at
The temperance lodge, which discontinued the Baptist church, on Thursday evening
its regular weekly meetings during the. last, to bear the lecture on "Marriage,".
summer months, bas resumed operations, by Rev, J, S. Dyke, of Toronto, The
its first meeting being held last week. lecture embraced some good points, trod.
Miss Nellie Eolmes, of Toronto,. is here was Presented in a pleasing manner, Rev.
on a visit. For several months pasta J. Gray occupied the chair.
horse with a broken fetlock joint has beeu
grubbing along the London road, near rho street Methodistmeeting
were conduct-
onfine -
town ;pit was; grubbing there last week,
and 98 it eun:.uever be of any service, some e utlld the
sto , Rev. W.W. . Sperling, on
one should put an end to ita. miserable S ay
n e. We are pleased to learn that assisting:The mornig services Rw were
Mrsts c eciall interesting and. g
Mrs, McDonald, of Granton, who. hurt P y . .
heraelf by. falling downet,airs, is recovering numbererparticipating
sacramentaliothe service,
much better than was anticipated. Mr. ship g'
a.Alex. Welsh,. of Goderich township, will The official meeting, held on Monday at-
take up .his residence here in a -few days. ternoon, was rei satisfactory as could be
Bettie Bros. have disposed of their• livery desired.
business to Mr. Joss Wheatley ;' the boys The quarterly meeting services of
have not yet decided what they will do, tenbury Street Methodist church were
Rat -
Mr,, Charles Wilson has disposed of his more largely attended than usual on Sun -
horse and buggy tosetr, H Mr.fh, air• daymorning lust the lovefeast (held be-•
of iedju field, (brother of Mr. s- t wer) fore the morning- service) being partici-.
has moved into wiwn. Mr. Chas. Stewartpated in by a very large beret, and the
Mr. W wed his wife here from Wingbam, stimonies being bright and clear. Sac•
De. Will writes whb recentlysgetting moved to ramental services followed the morning
Denver, that. he is along service. The official meeting was held on
well, and that his health is improving . Monday evening,. when the various mat=
..Far- ters relating to he merest€. of the church .
vastly- A few days since Mr. W,Wran sold one of his drivers to.
Mr.W. Baw were all attended to satisfactorily.
den, who. put it on h' arm nearr Gude
rich ; next ay it was : hereto lie found, At the quarterly official meeting of
t •field-butitWin - Bl ethollist-cii.urelirlleld-on 1llonday-
found•in-u� l ut o 1 Idecided to• release Rev. Mr.
found after several days search. Mr, L. last, it was
P, Davis, formerly of this -town; but more Mills from his engagetuent there, owing
recently Vice•Presidentof the Unique to .continued ill health, and an effort will.
Manufacturing• Co:, of Minneapolis, has be made to secure a suitable person to work
done so. well that he has been able to pur- the .circuit,.for the,balance of the confer-
eliase a fine dwelling in the vicinity of ence year. Itwas .with extreme regret that
Brisson, where he purposes residing in fu- '. the Bnard arrived at this decision, but -Mr.
ture. For being drunk and disorderly P. Mills'' health allowed of no alternative.
Reynolds was fined by the mayor last He has made many warm friends since
and all of
' circuit, r
tothis week $3 and costs.. R.Fitzsimons shipped his' coming
a car load of sheep this week to Buffalo. whom -will regret his intended- departure,.
Mr. D. Tiplady, of the base line, aveighed The following incident shows the difli-
a heart a of young.: scales.
the 'other -day, culties experienced:by ministers in
Pre turned the weight.
at r.2 0. lbs, which appointments in former dais, }when rails
isWhen good weikot. Mr.: sperfderWayfacilities In
not what they are tie
of Wheatland, w hfrien, has been -spending i.,ty, da , this bein . before the L:,H,&B, was
Tfewi'eo wirh•friends1e accompanied
vipinied :built. .A,numberof years ago•Rev.John (j A pj n �jj
The wire of heir. W. Shipley, accompaniek .Gra now of this town, was iii London ' on New FE- .Goods Are" Dllll*.'
by her mother,'Mrs. Mills, ,left rlpurpose
ose,Satt r+day night, having: busigess;that de -
for Atlant Teorgia, Orli heheae purpose twined brit until a late hour. He had an
e inti s time for the benefit of the ed hi unci y
�'� appointment
nrchasing your gods at
Ile sells cheaper than anybody else.
Just received a large stook of
e hea .
Which ar •
e being sold very c, p
next da atFraneistown,
one mile north of_Exeter,;r, about: thirty ��.
miles • from' London, and hoe footed it all The ,'WEEVA GLOBE, MAIL,
- RAILWAY No`s.•-41r :Pettyfield, of
London, takes.. the place• of the, late J.
Carey;'as section foreman .for this`branch
of the L. H. & B. Mr. Jos. Stephenson,
Superintendent, and.W.11.. - Tiffin, Assis
•-tant-Seperintendent--G. T; --It ;were here
. on a tourofinspeetion on Wednesday.
and complimented Mr..'Pattison, station
.agent, on the general.• neatness of the sev-
eral departments here: Quantities of cord-
` wood are being 'shipped from,Belgrave
station to. London Apples, grain and,
general .produce' --continues to, go east �n
large•quant ties. --1) L.—Oaven, fibs -tray
elling passenger agent of the Chicago,
-Reck Island & Pacific Railway, was. in
town this week. .4 train of thirty-two
loaded .cars left here one -day last Week.•=
'HE DOEuERTs AT T1LE GoLoxcTer -A.
McD. Ylllan, of Goderich. welt known
-throughout this section -as the best judge
of fruit in Canada, writes a letter to the
Goderich Star from the. Cglonal Exh'rbi-
• tion, wherein the following paragraph 0e-
-cures—W. Doherty .& Co.;•of Clinton, have
a number of cabinet and church: organs,
and they are doing a very large trade, in-
deed the•agent•tolls me -they cannot manu-
facture fast enough: to fill the orders from
l erre. , nem the crowding -•about their.
•exhibit:constantly I judge, that the, public
:admire both the finish' and tete of the
Doherty mere than any of: The others;
They certainly draw the largest crowd,
and I am, informed their sales are larder
:than :any other firm.
_The announcement was made in these
colmmns_.last_ week that Charles, eldest
eonpf Mr. George Swinbank; of this town;.
had -died' at -Rat Portage. At that time
no particulars whatever were known, and
it was not until the body arrived herein
. charge of ayounger brother, that anything .
could .be learned. It seems` that he left
Rat Portage on a shooting expedition with
a number -el others, and while they were
out bunting five of the number got sepa-
rated fi'•em the.others and were lost among
the immense roche that abound in that
section. Three ofthis number subsequent-
ly found their way back to camp, but
Swinbank and another man could not be
found, although a tbor'ough•searcli was -
in -satiated for them, the ludians of the vi-
cinity .being
i-cinity.being also engaged in the search,—
-•The'fiftb day after their disappearance the
man who had:been with Swinbank was
found, a raving maniac, and,. of course he
could tell nothing concerning his .eoms
panion. The search for Swinbank oon-
tinued incessantly and it was not until sev-
eral •days after that they ivunti his body.
.He bad renroved'liis coat and vest, 'Web
were f'nund on a sinal1 tree a few yards
from where the body was found, Ile was
subject to heart disease, and ;night have
possibly, died . framable cause.. There were
aro marks open hint when found, nor was
his body,.einaciated, Mad of course it is
. ,only conjecture. as to how blit untimely
ttoofamily � For a considerable ted, He was married, ime
be had been engaged tti n conductor on
the C'ri' 1t , and was not only held in es•
teem by 'tile eompally, but by all with
whom he carne in contact. He was a
member of the Masonic' fraternity, -and
the brothrep here, together with a largo
number of friends, attended his funeral o- f Ciinto who DraTowl.rags been alnof ,Oforat the
fere en gitteriley last.
former's health: : Mr.Barkrvell, of Londes'-'
bore, is moving -into the howl—elle recently
purchased - from Mr: Searle. Mrs. Carey,'
W,11080 husband recently died There, has
moved back ,to reside with her friends at
.Blyth.. .The dandy little single buggy
shown by Mr. P, W. Hayward at all .the
shows; and much: admired because -of its
.neatness, has been •' purchased by Mr. Guo.
,Shipley; .new,George, "pate in,", and.
get some lady to use it with you. Mr..
-Robt.Y,.Ogg, of Detroit,: a. Canadian, who
was recently elected to the Michigan State
Legislature, is a brother of Miss Ogg,
mantle • maker at the Dry Goods Palace,
Clinton, • An.. adjourned wetting of' the
Court of Revision, to •consider; a couple,'
of appeals that had. not been disposed% of
previously,. 'was 'held last' Friday night,
but aftercettuin evidence, the matter was
again -adjourned, Mi. Jos, 'oxtou,:. of
Kingston, spent a few days.witli iris,cou-
sins here, this week ; he was enrou.te -for
California: Mr. Chas. -Blackstone has res'
sumed the leadership of. the Doherty' Or-
an Band. Miss Eva. Stevenson, who has
been ..away from -town forthree menthe,
returned on Monday. last. Mr. Welling-
ton Fisher has bought the .two houses: and
16W—on -the corner of King" aiid Cutter
streets, .nearlyopposite the foundry, A
few .dayssince, while Mr, W. Millar, of
Hullett, was' delivering. potatoes in town,
he slipped. down. the cellar steps, and, fall*
itig, a bag fell on his arm,. and injured it
so severely that he has hardly been able
_q uise_it._siuce. Mr . Joiin::_Cooper,_,Ao__
whose illness; :reference -tvae-made'-last
week; died on Saturday., from: blond poi-
sorting: Mr. JosephSwaffield, .of Gode-
rich, has rented the store at present occu-
pied by Mr. Jame3 Thompson; and •will•
open it as a hardware store ; Mr; Thomp-
sea retains' the .use .or the store also for it -
short' trine.._.. Mrs., Graffley,- of-
I%Iontreal, is the giiest of her sister Mrs
P.: Cole: Inspector Yates, accompanied
.by Dr. Worthington, left yesterday morn-
ing for2vew Z'ork,where the former under-
goes a critical 'surgieai the.
, N -
aincerely trust that he- may be sfccesof�j•
We are sorry to hear. that,Mr,Thtrfntori
'Wallace; of Hullett, has been oriztbe sick• '
list, and has bee&very low,. b t we hope
to• beer of his speedy . recovery. Mr.
Hands, of Benmiller; histalled the officers
of Court Menlo. Leitf,.'on Thursday even-
ing last; ' The new yfficers of the .Salve -
tion Army are Captain Lewis, and',Cadets
Dalgleish and Grant. • Miss E Doan takes
the place of Mies Hiitigh; in Blyth'school
next year: Mr, Thos. Cooperis.still`con-
fined to the house; i.tr. T. M, Carling has
been. assistii' in the store during hie ill
ness. Mr.;I Stevens has been suffering:
by a bilious attack, sled has not been out
for a couple of days, but willbe all right
in a day or two. A -team of horses be-
longing to Mr. Beery Warren, Willett,
ran away from Irivin's storehouse, on
Tuesday,..and were not stopped until they.
had reached Dr., William's corner, on
.Albert St.,, they did no injury whatever.
Mrs. Moore,' of Seaftirth,• neice of Mrs.
Thos. Stevenson, Clinton, is'very ill with
blood poisoning. ' ^A counterfeit $2 was
taken by a rerr9ant .here this week ; it
was well exeeut: •tl, and could acutely.- be
detected by alt expert:. ' The Doherty
Band attended int entertainment at Gode-
rich last (Thursday)night; it is altogether
likely that the prime band tvi11 go to Gode-
rich on the occasion of Sir John'$ visit
there, on the 1'.fth'f t. • Mr. Ainley, coun-
ty bridge and road inspector, was here
this week, and foetid that the bridge
across the Bayfield river, on •the London
rand, was getting weak at the northern
end, and he had itrepaired ; this bridge.
shintld be replaced with an iron one a3
soon as necessary, Jackson Bros, have
awarded the prize. in the " Word Ilunt"..
to 1',.W.. Anderson, of Goderich township,
his list embracing about 1,500 correct
words; Bliss Edith Cornish was A good
seeonrl, with a list nearly as ergo._.-
Rev, W. 11ieDonagh, who recently Met
with•si severe accident, had snflicientlyre•
covered tlserefrom to restate his pulpit
work on Sunday.
the way, walking nearly all night, ,'reach-
ing his appointment in, good •time, and
feeling very little the worse for his trip.•
Wesley. Church; Hamilton, has • asked
Rev. D.G..Sptberland, of .Queen's Avenue,
London, • formerly.. of Clinton, to 'become
its pastor for next year. As Mr, Suther-
land is a son of the late Capt. Sutherland, .
of Hamilton., and was born and brought
up in that city, it ie net unlikely that he
*ill accept: Ue graduated -in ails and
divinity' at Victoria lniversity. .Ile sub-
sequently studied law, and went through
the. entire course•, and,. was entered. Its it
barrister; but his convictions ofduty com-
pelled himto give up the bright finariciat •.
prospects bgfore-titre rand devote himself
to the work of the ministry: •
FREE PRESS, from now till end of
next year
fire ON E
Bookseller and Stationer,
The Briticism lcousists iii saying a kind thing
ov an author whenever yu ken, and whenever • you
kent it konsists in holding youre tongue..: Tricks upon
tra eleas
are e alva s den eroti
I have known a
dead hornet wake up and sting just once more. Truth
kali take kaxe cf itself, but a ]ie hoz got to be watch-
ed. az.$arefui as a sore thum. Misery luvs company'
but is alwaws 'jealous. There never waz a man yet
but what thought his lame beets waz a good deal lamer
than anybody elses. Nater haz turned out soul in-
different jobs, but never cusped out one so indifferent
that art could duplicate it. ingtatiftide iz wuzz than
hypokrasy. The hardest kontrak that•the canny roan.
• ever undertook to fill is to be strikingly honest. 'Man
kind hav been fallang for 5,000 years, and Tdont
drink they have struck bottom ;yet, '
Flannels;Blankets, llosier
ress Goods, Gloves, Ver".
y .. ' Underwear and
Wool goods of
.al descriptions
2 t
=( Another 10 -t -.of MANTLE-CLOTIRS 1
Fust in and. more' to follow; J
are ,determined the People shallhave cheap and good ,good
" DGOODS O � .. .. ; . .
in rill classes of goods suitable for tbe appsoacliing coli.>';
I'Ve.aro•large dealerso
son.' .• Infect we don't :thinik that one assortment is equalled in the• county. :Ou
•four ,great, specialties are .:.
And each department will be 'tonnd to contain all the latest novelties tb be ob-
tained in the best, ninr:l.ets, of the country: .Phis •week: ss e wartt-to-mention sorts;
thing; about , ••
• r.
Are Still . to the fronti
Give them a call.
of Dickson's'Book Store!'
Three Doors Westtore
CAPS, -.gild MANTL S
gon e. will :. guarantee to be of the frock anality ttnd at the lowest living prices.
goods we
We are offering for $30 a magnificent ASTRACHAN T;t1.MB„] tANTLS, Satin,
lined, which .we claim, is a big bargain, and should be seen by intending purohae-
ers. No matter what yon want in Furs, come and see us. We aro always pleas-
ed to talk k the matter over. with you, and we will do our best tosuit you, We
were nearly forgetting to say something abo;atFUR, OCULARS and CUFFS,.
suitable fpr any overcoat, but we will call attention to them next weekit. Wo aro
late with our advertisement this week and the printer don't like