HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-12, Page 7nu ,orout0 3kotabonc ,Teacher : ' What do you understand by an unclean spirit ?' juvenile com- mentator : 'A, dirty devil,' r•K ,A. young lady in. Goderieh is known .to be so modest that she can't ]look at a ,Clothesline, -with the vletbeAnff. . A. teacher in a high school asked a littlewad, of an Irish boy :to describe a Jake. ' Sure and it is a hole in the bot- tle.° A graveyard in county. Cork has the following notice over its entrance gate : Only the dead who live-in this parish lire buried here,' BRIDAY,, NOV. 12,18S6. A young man At ecwitibet being lazy,z r ,was ked if he took it front his father, ' 1 think net,' was the reply, ' father's got all the laziness he ever had.' An eating•house keeper advertised for 'a boy to open oysters 15 years old.' An oyster ought to be able .to open itself Jong before it reaches its fifteenth year. A phrenologist says that 'fullness un- der the eye denotes. language.' When. the fullness is caused by another Man's fist it denotes very bad language genet., ally.• Restaurant matron : ' I wantyou girls to 6x up a little extra.and look As ° pretty as you pan.' Waiter girls: ''Is the butter -bad again,No; the meat's tough:' • A scientist has discovered a Wayrto remove mnstaches•frona the lips of laies, No prudent lady should allow e. nus• tache to•stay on her' bps, more than a few seconds ata time Grandpapu,' .said Teddy, as the; old gentleman woke np from a. loud -snoring afternoon nap, ,' if yott would- give your: nose a : spoonful of paregoric, don't. you think you could lint it to sleep too ?' ' I have a heart big enotigll:for remarked •Browne. 'Yes; es, but that will de you no good • unless •you can dirive with your.teeth,' replied 'Miss Bell; and then Browne took an extra grip on her 'waist..• • A small -Louisville •boy; after. 'being naughty, and -_suffering' greatly at; the• maternal hn•nd, or•r'atllerslippel',stopped' Sobbing long enough to look earnestly at -itis mother, said .sly with, emphasis ; `Mantra, I'rn sorry youever -nl.arried.. any papa.,.! Landlord, (to stranger): 'The'property is worth ;$3u,000. I wouldn't take .less.' Stranger : ' I.don't want to buy... I am only the tax assessor.'• Landlord : 'Oh, a beg' your., liardon., I should Consider myself a .very." fortunate. Inan i:f Lcon1d' get $1 7;000 for that • property.'_, When one of, Prof, Stowe's "students, in a quizzing .mood, interrupted the lec- ture to inciuir'e how it, happened thit .lutea, who whs only a fisherman, obtain- tad such ready entrnhce•'to' the 'high priest's house,' -on thenight of the trial, • quick as a flash :mime the answer;. ado not know, perliaps•he sold him .fish'• . < A recent advertisement contains the • 'following.: '.If the gentleman who keeps the shoe store with a'red head. will• re- turn the umbrella of a young lady with Whalebone ribs' and' a'n •ii n handle to slate -roofed grocer's shop, he will ,bear. of sowethtng..to his advantage, as 'the • Items -•is -they ift-of-a-deceaseti'iuotlier; .now no more with the name engraved on it.' . . • lLtXe�atoxa!$urprlee .__ _ ._ ' Whatdo you moan byusing such violence towards your wife 1' asked, the Austin recorder of Satn Johnsing. , ' I didn't use no violence, boss.' ' But you did ; her. face is' all. swollen' up from the blow. Didn't, you strike her ?' . • • -' Yesiboss, but -hit -Ives -fur ifccerdent. Ii'se near sighted.' • • . . What's that got to do with it1' 4 Heaps, boss, heaps. . Yer se I .was at de gate, and was gwine ter go; down town, and I jess kissed my handier Ma- tildy.' • • • ` Kissed yctir band to her ?' Yes, `boss, kissed my .hand ter her, lent owing, to de defer' in my eyes,' I ',posed she •was -milieu; twenty feet off, 'but, she.: Wasn't.'' She was so close to rue tat de back .o`b my hate. hit her smack in de mouf.' I never was so s'prised in my. life' • ' Well, there is :.enother,l surprise in store for you. You pay $0 and costs. Or you go• to.tbe county' jail.' _ The Diciest or Courtesy, A wayfarer was passing 'along the iltreet, When le dreg' near. to some la- borers who were ongaoil in building the • wall of a house: As' be passed by a brick accidentally fell, 'striking him on the shoulder. 'Looking tip to the inen, who were about three stories high, he shouted indignantly : ' Hi, up there' ! You just dropped a brick.' '.A11 right,' responded a : bricklayer, who was somewhat of a wag; ' you need Tnot take the: trouble tn.bring it up.' ' 414 Is Beath I'afnieys ? A Philadelphia doctor, after years of careful Observation, Bays thatour domise,re aisainleas es our advent to the world. This ib cerlaninly reassuring; yet notwithstanding these great inducements,we still do not court death, and. shall continueto use Dr. Pierce's infallible remedy, the "Golden MedioalDiacovery," the cure fop ooasumptiou, spitting of blood, short. noes of brunt lit weak lungs, ought. bronchitis, kindred effetelona of the throat and chest. Ib is unequalled,. Ey druggists.. - The prison 'physician of Jackson, lltieh., is charged with taking 1rriHPs from convicts wasn't I sElteh. I say, ehappie, you know Guy Simkin- son." ' Yea?, I know hint quite.well.' Well, .what do you thiuk I have just beard about bin ?' . ' I don't know, I am sure something dweadful.' `Dweaditill I'm going to '.bwipg up chabgea•,against him to expel hills fwotn ouah 'set,' ` What foah?'"' he was heated to say Molasses weal plain the othah day.' ' Well, what of it ? There isn't anything so vewy badin that, is there?'' Why, don't yon know, the Ehglish al. ways say tweaole Z' 'Oh, the . howwid thing 1 Let'a expel him wtght array, • Johnny saw row she was Dressed ' How was Eve dressed when 'she got married, mother's'' I don't know, Johnny, I wasn't there.' I know, and I wasn't there, either.' 'No, you don't know• anything about it.' ` I don't know anything about it, eh Didn't I see her picture in Jimmy Smith's pap's bailer • Well, that will do. Go on nut after that coal.' . • `Ob,' yes whenever you git beat you always tell rueto "go after that coal,'" Why he didn't put his rare in the box Bobtail Street Car Driver -Did you put your fare in the box ? Passenger -No. Driver -Don't you knot./ don't allow anyone ito 'ride free? Pasaeoger-•Yea. Driyer--Are you going' to put your fare" in the box ? • • Passenger No. Dr)verWhy not 1 Paasenger=Because 'that man ,in the cornet' put my fare in for me. Empty. Tramp=Are.' you the proprietor of this hotel, sir'i r. , • P Proprietor -,Yea air, M ' Trains,-Wilryou please punch me un.• cher the ribs as Bard as you can ? Proprietor: -Certainly -there, how -is Tramp=That'll do. Now, what: I'm gettin' at is, don't per want ter.hire me 'for a perambulatiin' dinner -gong•? Thit holler sound would fetch people down from the tenth story. • The Last Story. A party: of gentlemen at an hotel .were telling stories one night recently of famous shotsand.. how many quails, partridges, ducks and other birds had been' killed at a single discharge. .After listening to whak seemed -a toilful exaggeration bydifferent narrators,, a stranger who wa' present voluuteered.his experience of his own use' of -the double barrelled gun as follows.: • ' "I aentinto the field one day to try gunning. '' The only game discovered was an immense flockof b]aokbirds. I,should say there were 10,000 in, the flock.- Slowly. I crawled up to them, and when'not more than four rods Away the birds rose in a solid, mass. • I' fired both barrels, and'how' many'do•you think Ikrlled ?" .D'fFerent guesses were 'made by" the Part)", ranging fromtwentyto"one hun-di .- "Not one,"• said the 'stranger,`'" but.:I went out with -my brother to look for re. - milts, and we picked: up four bushels'of legs. Thad shot a -little under." ..This was the last story told, •.. .0:•---•-•4--- • Captain Boggle_ Trick,_ Captain Boggs, a- Virginian, who held a license on the Mississippi river before he was of age, and who' for, fourteen years. had •.the.. contract to•supply the military poets''rn U_tah,,._ Qakrriait;:s%_w,.Mexica-and. Arizona -with: fuels;: tells the .'tollowing story: -"I was down in;the Ilia reservation in Colorado arid had -strolled don to the shores of a ;small lake:while my mnleii;and teamsters were eating dinner, when l came across a party of about a dozen .nutters. ,They were armed with rifles • and were 'shootingat a snag which stuck dut'of, the we -fen -about -two hitt-died yards distance: The. atakea`for which they were ahIOoting were composed of a quarter of a dollar for: each'` man: • I stood watching' them for mime time"'iind .then decided to•enter the .competition. Each roan had three shote 'and the man who :hit the 'snag the moa( times wen the pot. The"miaaea were told by 's splash in the water ; the hits by the absence of the splash, After woe . parley 'With the'redakins I got 'them to.allow me, to enter the match, though•theycompelled mato deposit half's dollsr, while they put in a quarter. .I hada Henry rep.edter: with me that, fortunately ftil my purpose, was then unloaded. I,. was accounted one of•. the best shote is the country, hat knew. that the Indiana were not an slow, I !lip ped three cartridges into my rifle; and ae L did so I broke the ball off, thus leaving "a blank cartridge. Of course, no splash fol-. lowed any of • my shote, and the Indiana thoiight I had hit the snag every time. 'I won that pot, but the next time I inten tionally lost bybreaking the- balls offand. taking iht]ifferent aline. I then broke all the balls off until I had won 018, Then' the Indians, who began to look at me with suspicion and awe, refused to• shoot any ,more. I invited them up to the store and spent the stoney un ,knick•knacka, which' I divided among theca. I then took them lack to the lake and showed them - the trick. • They were very muchsurprised but: took it in good part. On •returning that way a few days after I found the same Indians on the lake shore shooting' a big match with a neighboringtribs,whorn they were rapidly cleaning of _everything. Ilearned .that they had `skinned' every Indian in the country that they could get to shoot against them. 'I said nothing but mused t.n the readiness of the •gavages to adopt the white man's tricks.-13oaton RAILWAY TIME CARD Trains leave Clinton as follows;•- • 'GRAND ralJlr'ft RAILWAY. Going. East, _ Going West, I•7.25 a.m. express 10.0 a.m. mixed 1,05 p.m. 2 mixedam. ex teas 2.20pan. p ` 4.1$ p.m. mixed. 9.15 pan. express ! molar was'ro RN B'.rr wax. ko assist ih+'rn in r strrinl their release I Going North, Going Snttth. pardon. by 9.55 a n'a rapines 11,03 a.m. express 0,60 p.m. express 4.13 p,m.exprers FOR, SALE A :FIRST-CLASS RICK STORE,. w Suitable Pr tiny business, in Scarle'a Block, en 1 Long Tema of Credit. ,Also One Owenby; House, Centrally situated. For further partictdaru apply to WC; SEARLE, CLINTON. STAPING - WILLIS TRANSFER PAPER PAT- TERNS sold in strips for Embroidery, Braiding; etc., and complete designs for l r S lupe e, Brackets, Aprons, Ladies foot Stools, •Costes Smoking Caps, Pillow Shams, etc, Hundreds. of Deatgns. The design is, warranted not to crumble off the paper pattern or to rub off tbe fabric when transferred. W. COOPER, BOOKSELLER'. The Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine used over • 30 years in thousands of cases. Cures, Spermdtorrhea, Nervous Weakness, Emiasioaa, Impotetttey and an diseases caused by abuse. fasrotta] indiscretion. or over-exertion, farms) . Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when another: Fail, Ask your Druggist for Tke qre■t+ E■tihk Pre.aripttee, take no substitute. one package $1. $S, by magi. Write for Pamphlet, Address areka Chemical; co., Detroit, nick. Sold iu (Minton by. J. H. t'OSI.LBE and Druggists everywhere ysters AT aR00ERIGifs. : •. Oyatera Served in the. latest Styles, also in Bulk and Can, direct from'Baltilucrre,. Guiiranteed alway • Fresh. BEST 50. CIGAR IN TOWN. Citoloa LOT or •PIPES,.CIIaAP. • Head'quprters for CONFEOTIONERY and 1'ItLIT. B R O It ,C S. JACKSON BLOCS, HURON BTRt hT. Cf INTOS.' POW THE COOK' Latest Styi Londoshorough Roller dills titer hemi thorocgbl overhauled Asa ra•stted with: SJSW, MaWUNE Sty of the most approved Hada, iheso mills aro now in splendid naming order, and will not. be surpassed in thetriqullainlitythe ofcouthentrywork done, by any . Spacial Atteption given to GRISTIN-, • CUQPPING ONE ON SHORT NOTICE, ° Satisfaction guaranteed. Parties wanting' anything, whatever in bit, line will find it to their interest to give tit a call, • E. I1CBE,n, Proprietor. CODEY'S LADY'S BOOKOLI f NEW FALL And WINTER BOOTS & S1OES, At C. Cruiokahaxslsa, My stock of BOOTS and SHOES is noel/04y large, and i will sell at the very Lowest Prises possible, Having made a large addition to ay previous large store, and tilled the same with H every kind of the best goods in the market, Customers can de en p .'il�n the. very best article FSR or the ]oast money. For 118S7. Satmpla Cory, cls Cents" • LADIES', MIMS' b Omura 1111E. CUSTOM WORK as ostial. unsurpassed and at TRY =r • short notice. • American & Canadian OVERSHOES & RUBBERS in Endless'Variety. ' - ry my DUCHESS and TOPSY DRESSING which can't be beat. Callon. Cit Cruickshank, the Korot Maker,' ALBERT STREET BRICK 6LOCK . CLINTONLI� N $2 A YEAS ALWAYS IIN' ADVANCE ni++.Arris I,r Phsstfllta so entre aaa90Rinas. GERMS TO OLi7Be. ESTRA PaasiuxS TO CLOR. RAISER,•. . Gnpive ,z r,•. ,w r. r.•.. emir rvecerrr :-I(RLOO' • 5 .• , •..... a ,. 9.50 For list of rretaiums and terms to larger dabs, semi for Sample t'opyr which will give you full information: Godeyi at the present time is admitted by press and ppeaple to be seperior to any' lathe,' magaaiae m tmerica, having the greatest variety of departments,' ably edited. The liteary features are; Serials, Revels, Short Stplies, -Charades, -Poems, etc. Among the populars authors' who will contribute to Gorier,•, are: ,1, V. Packard, MIPs Emily Reed, J.Chnrchill, Wm,M Butler, Emily Lennos,andothers. Engravings appeal in ever, uumber,ofsublects by well known artists, and produced by die newest processes, In its colored fasbiona.Godey's leads inn:dors nodal les. Doth modisteeand home dress makfrk accord them the forenioit positron, 1'erna PATTER -VI are one of tie important features of this inegasino; each 'subscriber being allowed to select their own pattern every month. an item alone more than' covering the subscription. price.' ' P,Rac•r,IcaL 1Le•re upon Dressmaking show bow garmeiita San be renovated and •rind's over by the patterns given. PitACvi0AL nis•rs for the Ifouselold show young .heuse- keepers how to manage the enlinary department with econo• •my ad skill. F'.Ouros NOTES. pt hems ,add ALroad, delight .every- ad7'e heart, 'IRR OeoLohsn nod Black Work Designs give all the nen, eat Ideas for fancy work. THE Cookir0lecipesareunderthecontrol of au ezperi• euced heasekeeper.' careful eatimateti given witDepartment acpDsis of,practic• utility, • • CLUB 'RAISERS 'PREMIUMS,. • AADR 'S bas arranged to•give elegant Silver Plated ware of anperior•makers as premiums, the 'ohm af which lissome in- stances reaches over •$25.•fnr one premium. Send 15 cents for ssmplo copy wbtch Will contain, illustrated premiums:with all pprtiCulars.and•terms. Address, • " - • t: •• GODEY'S-LADY'S BOOK, PLiIi deffihen,.Pa • in Ainerican Jiats. We have just received sonieof the N o!ihiest:Hats ever seed in Clinton. _ Our sttiek of HARD and. SOFT .FELT. HATS. is well 'assorted and comprises;itll the new Ian, silitpes:. We shots 5 very fii'ae assortment of'1'WE'6,D and SERGE 'POLO CAPS, ALand GLEN,GARR'k CAPS, atprice.,:to suit the putlie 'Mao at'wery fineMA linof KNITTED 'AMERICAN .•CAPS 'for'llen and Boys. Our selection of GEN.T'S FINE FURS•in S. S. SEAL '•PEAVEES and. PERSIAN LAMB is complete.IN DINTS FURNISHINGS we show splendid valuer in •'Scotch Lamb's' Wool Un- det:clothin , and the latest styles•lit •COLLtk'P.S,, DUFFS, Lc., with en elegant', stock of NECKW�'EAR in thenewest designs.: - _ GEO.' GLASGOW NE W. DRUG STORE The undersigned' has just opened a New Drug Store in J'> etrtson'>Ef' NeW Block. Hurt'n Street, ., . Two•.doors.. rest_of.,the•Cicy-Book••Storer •' where ' swill -be -found -w--cons ere- t.---�- pl asszrrt- went of Flue DRUGS and CHEMICALS,. also PATENT MEDICINES soil DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. • All that the- public may ask for iri•these lines. P. S.-OBice'cluinged from residence to DrugOre'. t : ' S WORTHING -T0 _...�_ .N, �hnton,. C N'rR.A.L •D RUG at 'OR • FRESH•.•ARRIVALS THIS • WEEK. '11 LLEBOk2E CAsITM> RE BoQUET PERFUME " CARRIAGE SPONGES. Fine lino'of. HAND MEBRORS, cheap PURE .INSECT'POWDER BERTRAND§ Btrnic PERFUME. ATLANTA SEA SALT MERE BoQUET SOAP PEARS. (ENGLISH) SOAP ' FRESH LIME JUICE tPEnxs Viol= POWDERS a • PU.RE • 2ARIS :GREEN PEAR5 BLOoat OF Nova. We pay special'attention to TRUSSES, and have the largest stock in the county. • Best5 cent CIGAR in town. . JAMF H.: ccom at , CHEMIST AND .DRUGGIST, • • CLINTON, ONT. ' • FURNITURESTOOK °Opened . out in ELtIOTTh . ELOCE:, . NEXT DOOR . TO 'THE CITY. BOOK STORE,. 'CLINTON.'. BEDROOM 'SETS, PARLOR SETS, TS, :LOUNGES., SIDEBOARDS CSAI ANTI) A., GENERAL ASSO1TMENT OF THE VERY BEST •MADE FURNITURE AT • , . REASONABLE PRICES. : CLINTO •.Tt--1: CHI TILL L.t'' . IJ 011"3DM, T3OR 0 The• sales in our IR.eiTy i J nide. Clothing department are showing a marked increase, and we are now positive' that we Slave' the` rightgoods-at-Tight prices. •, Every. garment is cut by a first•cluss cutter, and the sewing will bear the closest inspec- tion. We carry a large stock• and show many patterns, . We sell, a good every day SUIT for- $5:50. We sell a fine all Wool Black Worsted SITIT with a 1 ":Trimming finished as well.. as `any suit made to order, for $13. If yost want a Suit of Clothes, we.aro confident ,you •will •savb 'a few dollars by. making a selection from our stook. We carry al fallrange` of .: We are opening the . season: with an . immense range of OVERCOATS, frlom the heavy s ryiee- able Etaffe goods to the finest Black. and Colored Worsteds. We se;l a Boys' Heavy Cloth Oyer. Coat for $2.50 We sell a Strong Durable Tweed 0. coat' for . 85 00 We sell a Fine Black Worsted 0. Coat for $8.50 Our stock or TWEEDS and: WORSTEDS for the ordered clothing trade was never better assorted than it in pat the present tithe. We are showing some Very attractive patterns in • • ILA.D2:E r;TJ1_4S C]Ott 4.11 our departments nye now replete with the newest goods that are in the mar: .et, and we will bepleased to have you call and see what, we ere offering, it �i LLTIMETT, LON'D .SBOR a W:E. ARE: NO SULLTVAN,. Bn° the rule has very few exceptions, that every one who burrs a Suit a Pair of Pants a Vest or Overcoat or any coveringfir the • body at the . OAK-:-- HALL �LATI"iING �m HOUSE: Are so wellsatisfied with - the Fit, Make -and the Tr rnmingli,. .that when they waist another suit .theyalwvays com& back to us, and send or bring their ..friends oith them.. This is why elm.- business has inc;,reased so rapidly TEIeIIS CASHi:�� PRI b $ICIiT TOR TFIE . TIMES. , Mrs. Aa Fischer *pro t..._ rt , p., IL _�scher: Manager. 01Y-1111.011 ran; O�per & Swaffie SUCCESSORS IMS & SON., CLINTON Manufacturers ' of Sista, DOORS, ELINDS, FLOORING, SIDING, CEILING,, MOULDINcis, FRAMES, PICKETS, &C., and all kinds of Interior and .Exterior Finishings. LATH and SHINGLES .kept on hand. Mill on Wellington' St., opposite Woollen Mill. PLANS Atvn SPECIFICATIONS PREPA RED. S. 5, Cooper; W. 14. 0.41'V afield. Change of Business ttrtrtftttrtllt Itttttrttttitlitrt 1. i The lndersigned begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought the H r �RNESS . r " USINESS ..:fort lerly carried.. ou by W. L Neta, " And that he is prepared to furbish Harness, Collars, hips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets. And everything usually kept n a Arst•clase Harctees ShoP, at the lowed prides. Specie attention is directed to my : . k of Lisar HA u isss,. whleh I will make a speoialty. REPAIRING P - . MPI'Lir ATTEli3OED 143. By .striotat' attention to si + bu n s to es ,and caro ly studying the tvnn4l of i. merit a fair share of'patronalte, Givme a (ail before parchming elsewhere • REMEMBER THE SPP CD OPPOSITE' THE SIAatc•l:T. ".fir CDY' t. ... , A'. I M.. •"..it+ �: • • a • wa'