HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-12, Page 4Ntw g4t1mtionigniC silver Ilartiess-Jae. Twiteheto Rathee- -jae, Twitdholl. Cheapi1eodeeedi`, E,Carbeft. Wood wanted -1). Graham. wauted-Mrs. Gilroy'. Stray calf-leviTriek. 1.3oscr for service -7T. Carhett. aioar for em vice -Joe. Nett. Musio-Mrs, Whitt. Stray sheep 7Jetto Wen. Whiter gotels-Jackson Bros. Farnishinge Jackson Bros, New goode-i1/4 re. d k Maxims N. ray 84 Co, Coming -Pr. J. D. N.ergan, Dargaios-J. C. Petlor at Co, Howie furnishings-1.1We J. Reagens, ew 'ewellery-Itob. W. Coate. Spectaeles-711, Laurence. New ettenery-eFoster it Bayley. To correepepaerits--New Bra Office. Just arriverl-J, Cuningheme. _ . . It Writ C . . Iniesels Yeesneeet. • The Toronto News,.a professedly iode. • pendent paper, doee notlalte a ver.y bright view Of the prospeeta forlthe Coneervative party at tbe next election. To fotecast an election is a very uncertain thin, but " it will be ft good" -thing for" the country shonla the "prophecy of the New in this instance, as expreseed tbe following ex. • tract, hew correct "Sir John Macdonald'e visit to Toronto ought to have convinced him that in, t is gearter at any rate a general election at present would reoutt nothi ng but defeat. The Tory party is in a sad stopeof-demora- lization. The boodle revelations have die- . The CLINTON NEW ERA will be sent f ree for the ballaneeof the year, to all new subseribers, condition et their Paying in ad- vance for .1887. The 119W 'Era s is, without exception, the best ieeal paper ii kfttren. (Minton enT rta. FRIDAY, X0V.' 124 1886. ,Soutti ilay911: ItOorni. Convention. A convention, to select a Liberal can- didate fort the Smith Riding of the county • of Huron, for the Dominioti House, will, be held at Brumfield, on TUesday, , the 23rd of NOvember. •The Iffberals in the different nntniciPalities should at once se- lect theie representatives, and everyman so- seleeted abould mako it ft poipt to be present sher,p,on Thes.;,reoplose Platforist. . ISTr.Biake's onpouents have alleged that he. is without a policy., . that. he bag 'no • clearly defined views' as to what he will • do should he be -returned to power. Any- one whO has read his speeches knows per- fectly well that he has tirne and again laid down a platten-tit based on sound pried- ples, end one that will be .acceptableto a •inajority . of the people. Knowing that • the euorinotis public debt can only .be off:, set by a judicious and econoinicat•admin- ietration of,affaiis; he proposes a redUction • Oredited it, the staggering owe ox te late provincial and bye -elections have robbed It of its prestige ann dispirited -its most eneregtic workers, and the ROW de.; parture,of the Mail has alienated the Roman, Catholics and alarmed the liquor interest without, so far as it is visible to tbe naked eye, malting any impression on the Protestant.Grits and temperance men, Altogether, the outlook from the Tory point of view is about as itnpiomieing as the enemies of the administration could wish to see. " It Sir John imagined that possiblyhe might find in this section of Ontario the indication of en Offset against his Qaebee. losses he must surely be unde- ceived. may becousidered good policy by the Grit organs to keep up the cry that the electione are imminent -though why they should think so passes our compre- I ension-but they can hardly Imagine that a politician who is, above all things, cautious :au wary, and not given to leap. ing before he looks, really intends to take the plunge until he is forced to do it." • vlasat Tithing Additional Local tiews_ 1.mprompto Concert.. If the sympathies of the people once be enlisted for any object the band is easily moved to the pecket to give. This was never better preyed. than the oftbring So freely given by our people on Monday evening last towards the fund for the re- lief of the sufferers by the fire in South- ampton. On Friday last Reeve Smith oT that village, telegraphed to Mayor Wil- liams asking for. aid and stating that be- tween 30 arid 40 families were -he nelees and destitute on. their bands. Dr. Wil- liams immediately oalled on as many members of the council as he could find and secured their cdnsent to telegraph to Re ve Smith to dravv on the town for $50. At the Liberal demonstration in,Toronto on Teesdei night -the largest political gee thertng ever held in that city -Hen. W.- MeDougall, who acoidentally happened to be in: the 'city oe that day, was aiTedlo be ono of the speakers, and censonted; He is • . a Itlan who has seen much of pliblie life, and, although he has. been a supporter 'of both Liberal and Coneeryative govern% ineote, his views are neveethelesto %pally of' consideration, and we make the follow- ing poitted extracts item his speech:7- ' k,considered elm worthy. of the atandingt • • Alf111114 the County, application be made to the next General Exeter wants a High telmeL seesion (41887-88. A.seensbly for leave to receive lam as a third year etudent, at the opening of the Xt. Ault for 2$ yew-, ie. busiuess forth, low wild out and o ;II retire. Mr. Jobe Carnevale 1,f 8eeforth, (hopped • dead while lightiog a fit at week.• ST P4171.16 Gute.D.-A meeting for re - Mr. Thee. Nixon, of Belgrave, is mekitigi erreogemeete for opening a new haulm that Mr, John Weir, of Seaforth, has purchased, the farm a Mr. Hugh J. Grieve, iaMcicillop, foe the sum of ef3,000. 'I'hoe. Perrew, M.P„ of lIolvick, is retirin origanizatiou was •held in the eehool house,- on Wednesday &ening, when it wee decided to hold the first entertain. m,ent on the evening of the 20th int. n EinviN0 Saavrozs,-The usual union thanksgiving servicee will beheld in the lOwn hall, ma Thursday next,at 11.a.m, from hie occupation of farmer and has route It is Rev. Mr. Ropert'a turn to preside, tahnedoBrdeevr. orgrerySiPcietirelointg'y'set tboeiPnrgeaticebenbiteu .4Wirg::, I °Fro: mw°hfo years. lttspring purchased ly arranged, announcetnents will be mad, tArra in East Wawanosh, has sold it again efroolullecIthioeuPfuoirPtihtse poonovitutildlabYe° taTkbeen ll'ilpsual *4 lit%g.re.lacits:pdhY4811:33.1:01,13rolEct‘f:ea4b my,hade The Mayor that this amount hani broken a few days sp thought also . adefortune, to get some of the bolas in his id A. b mented bv the liberality little boy, son cif 'MoKee, Lead - bury, got Ilia arto dislocated at the elbow while returning from school a few days ago. of the citizens and conceived the idea of an i n) prom ptu concert, and with the aid of the Reeve and councillors Manning and Jaekson, proceeded to carryhis idea iuto action. For such an object it was not hard to get help and every one approach- ed, willingly gave their services. Al- though ooly so abort a notice was given the hall on Monday evening was crowded to the &MC. The programme was, we think, flIIIY worthy of the °cession and there bave been few, if any, better con- certs ever elven in Clinton. The Mayor presided in a pleasant, manner, and as there was no printed programme the duty of-neming the various pieces de- volved upon birn, .and fortunately there were none of those disagreeable hitches which frequently Mir the pleasure of an entertainment. The Doherty Organ Co's Band played a few selections at the door, prior to the commencement, and also opened and closed the progratnine. We capnot speak too highly of this band, and Messrs. Deherty & Co. ought to be ex, ceedingly proud of it. They are acqui- sition to the musical talent of the town, and a very material assistance in our pub. he gatherings. The choirs of Rattenbury and Ontario:street Methodist churches, by rendering ?several anthems with much ac- ceptance, evideliced the feet that there is a large amount of, musical talent in our • midst. The anthems givea by the choir of the Ratteebury. street church were "Although,the fig treesha,11 net blossom, "I, have been allOweil to melte a few re- marks, and,I avail myself gladly of the op-. portunity, 1 speak as one who has fi agreed in the past, and may not agree to• day, in the propositions that May be put forth by the political gentlemen who eft upon this platform. reserye-m-y own opinions as to'their .cendnct, but having in view what has been done, arid what is pro- posed, I have no hesitation in sayieg that I think the time'has come when the people of this country algid to disinies the prise,. sent adeainistretion, and put a better une: in its place. You have heard to -night . . . . itt.lcast $5,000,000 per Manuel. in public sonae of tho transactions which will 3ns y expenditure, and wd believe that such, hi- I think, any lioneste.iedepetident, patriotic ministrativo. reforms eould be effected ai• Conservative,. withdrawing his cnnfld-. ' • ' eoce from the government callieg itself vold eesily• save.. this emount to the country tiunually; jiteciprocity • with the United States iS another tlitek ofhia platform, and there. is •nOon•e, not 'even among his opponents,: who •can ' sey etteh. would not be of •OcIvantege to oenrida:. Li beyal-Conservitive, winch has beetwelty of eech traesactione, • It so ,happelied that in returning to my prefeation at.•Otteeeti,. -tied' having in cherge the int.drests of clients having.•upon ' or transaetious with the ' Government,. a good tnaOy pf theta) matters oerne, to. my knOwleclge•ie away Another importeat plank is the abeelute • that it evould.betinproper for mo to e ta its o w.n upen this 'platform.- 4311e this sine fact was indenenden0e of'ettch Provinee, iti . , • inapt -eased upon my- inind-that the stip-, sphere of tidier'. It was thought that this Was secured at the time of cOnfedera- tion, Put the frequent encroachment of the Federal Government on rrovincial rights, hal dispelled the illusion'. Mr Blake proeeeee 'that tifie right shall.fie re- stored to the several Provinces, se that the FecleiaL_Govertament•could not inter-. fere with the general adininistratiOn Of the 'ProvincialGovernitients in, matters of leg- islation that.helorig .aleue to the latter: He also propesee that no ;member of Par- liament or senator shall be interested per- 'sonttlly in any eontraet With thii povap- their duty to find some other goverement porters of the goverpment le f arhareept and nieny of their sepporters ontaide of pealianfebt; *ere engaged tiiet conspiracyto Moothe public property and the public; wealth for their ewe private and individual alivantage: ,*, believe it ia inthetn ter4it. of Canada:T.h he intehatief every henest man in Canada, Optisereatiest or. Referten•thrit a change of administration heuld -take-placer:that•-the grivernmera+ which hati promoted or permitted transac, tione of tbe kind ditailed-no matter Whitt their claithe for the past wily have been shotilibe• declared to have loitt the donde' deiiceof the people of , the • country. And if. the people have regard to the -interests of their country for all time. to 'conic, it is Baters.-11droCrabb has stated that he will build a lerge hall, bear his residence, eapable of accommodating 2,000 people. Mr. Geo. Robertson has taken one of the empty stores in Crabbts Week, and Mrs. Strauble intends opening a fancy„store in Robertson's place.. Bev, Dr, Geiffin, President of the Guelph Conference, will preach in North street church next Sun. day morning, and in the evening iri toria street church. Amongst the vocal- ists and instrumentalists at the concert last night there were Miss Wynn, Miss Hattie Dopagh, Shuts Richards, Charles Reeves, E, 01 Belcher and others; Miss Cook acting aa pianst, Rev, G. F. Salton was made the recipient of a great number of elegant presents, on the basion of his th birthday, last Tuesday. Of course every Grit voter within' 20 miles will be in our circular town. on Friday, the 19th init., to hear Sir John A, Macdonald, W. R Meredith, and -others of their species ; the " speechifying" will commence' at 8 o'clock, in the skating rink,_West street; mile, but remenaber. that Godericti is a strictly temperate toWn, the Scott Act be- ing in full force. The thanksgiving sup- per of the North street church will be given :text Thursdae ; we have not yet seen the itrogranarnes, but Ito doubt it will keep tip he high reputation their suppers have hitherte vvon ; come, by all means, "and you never Will regret it if you come.” Cononfrr.-The band concert list night, in spite cif the 'vicissitudes through which Mr, John Wien, of lot 24 Stephen, shot a buck deer, in the vicinity cif Ilataniees mill, Hay township, on Wedneeday. The animal weighed 194 popnde. Mrs. john Autierson, ot the Thames Road, Usborne, ie the owner of a cat which is 20 years of age, and which she raised from a kitten; it is (elites:ear% but its great age is beginuing to tell on its appearance. M r upwa, forme pore furrn ham themes hie polite and gentlernaely -manners. and Ws prole/Menial abilitiso. 'fbough not three month* in Aberdeen, there) are Many indications pointing tosthe fact that the doc- tor is rapidly climbing iho ladder that leads to fortune and professional eininenee,and we nay stalely predict that ere another year pusses by, he will have a territorial repatapion,In arecent conversatioa with your correepondent the drictor etated that hie business averaged nearly $45 a day for the petit pOOth. The dootor has two brother, George and William, residing eve melee south of Aberdeen, who are classed among tbe bonanza tarmerw of Drown comety.,' W. N. McElroy, cooper, of Blythimade rds of three thousand apple barrels for re iutliat section this fall for shipping loses. Mr, INIeBlroy has the contract for shing the Manchester flouring mills with Is, 'At 3/Intu on F the o Buren as fo .1:14st 'Win. one o leg, • ear a meeting of the directors of MeRillop al Fire Imearance Company, in Seaforth riday.last, they decided that hereafter otopauy will pay the full amount of in. ce coutditfts instead of oply tvecethirds rmerly. horse belonging to Mr. R. MoCourt, of IVirawanoeb, when being ridden iuto ghano on Saturday, stuusbled, and fell on f the bridges on the prairie, breaking.its It was killed and beriea on the prairie Canadian cholera has been raging. in the vieinity of Bluevale *Werner° or less vire- lance* for three or four month, and Inti car- ried 'off a great Many persons. Five persons have died from the disease tiering the last'two weeks., It is, hOwever, showing Signs' of abatement... " • • • tt-nd_l, BOW 'down thine ear„ 0 Loed, sand- 4 passed._ 0,es_ene_efee.e_beeeee-ette_sym._. hear me, for I am poor, an poor, 0 Lord, and -needy ;" and by the Outario street church, "Arise ye, arise." They were. remarkably well rendered, and : reflect great credit 'upon the leaders. Solos -weregiven by Mr. Thomas Jacksonsr., v b sang with is old time VIP-Bri arql _after its completion. He, however, first was rapturously applauded ; Mr.rewer, allowed Dr. Burns to appears and seeing "pathise with the band master In his trou- bles to seeure the rightful possession of a hall. We understand that for tbe con- sideration of 330, Mr. G. Acheson agreed .to. allow them to "open" the new halt, :that is to he the first performers therein, me/item:0er peMdtyanddisqualificatiOn. • 1. • , •I mention those eh.. - .in -view of the scandalous 'revelations that have taken pla,ce whereie members ef the Government and. siipporters'are shown to be directly interested in government con. tracts, such a provieion as this is not only absolutely necessary in the public interest, but Perhament would Ise purged .of muoh of the tt.Orruptitiginfloence pet et present, pertainsle nearly 'all of its pUblie.worke, if such is• adopted. Other planks in the platform are manhood suffrage; with:the repeal of lists Vitufehiee and: Gerryntapder lets ; (taxation for revorrite only, not on .the neeessaziets ;of life; the Senate to be amide elective tin sale or lease of nation- al property,,except.hy public attetiori after advertisement ; the Sant Actto be enforce od wherever accepted by the pimple.; com- pulsory arbitration in labor disputee; the land for the settlers oely ; the securing for Canada of the right to negotiafts com- mercial treaties. This platferin is a Cotn- prebensive, aggressive and -radical one; free from whet mightbe called "party" feelings, end essentially platform. framed in the letereSt of tte neoPre.' Whether:- the people will adopt it, and elate aid Mr, 13Iake in furthering their. intereets, `retettine to he 'seem We sins cerely hepe thee they will, for a lbw years more of admiiiistration of public affairs, such aswe have had during the past eight, will bring Canada into stieh eonslition. that no public. man will ever be able to extricate her, As it is, whoever succeeds Sir John, whether Liberal pr Conservative, will have a lierculetie task to get the our. „ . rent of affairs • intet it proper channel', and require an -Superhuman power to keep it, there. • ....ressesas-._ • - Sin john Maadonald rend other vans isters . of the cabinet will spoilt: at Dun. ganny, on the I nth int•t.. Grits, 11.8 Tortes, should' ,g,c; to hear thetn. who gave the audiente two comic selec- tions, well sustaining, the place he already holds be the ,estimation of,the rnusical public r -Ir. Sibley, Mr • J. C.• Polvaiid Mx, Thos. Jackson, -jr., Whit alao contri- buted their shares, in •e, manner that left nothing to be desired. Two quartettes were given, • tbe first by Miss•Waiker and 'Messrs. H. R Walker., L. Smith and EilY, and the eecond by Messrs.,T, Jackson, A. Hollow:4, W.•11arland-and J. Jackson,' both being well rendered, and: fully de- serving the approbation avit4 which they were -received. - A. duet by Messrs. 0. I`, Oake and•L. Smith alqs-v 'gramtne, We were ;pleased to riotice the interait takeit by to- many,' Of ger yoting ince in thie entertainment, and we are satisfied that there ere few placesin which so mituyiof that particular class: can .be 'found, who are so well able to en lertai an audience. A conapetent juclge, a they- ouglityiedependent one, told us that' out boys -have magnificent voices, and we expect great things of them in the future. A. new feature74ies_playipg of the.Yo9e..... -photre-Band-hrbught down the house. ,The comic dreeses, the new fashioned in- struments,. the. drill and ,the. times eems brned to naake a representation: that. con- vulsed the audienceaeain and again. The, members of the bandwere jeti.-.Fitir, ye, _ff. Jackson, j. V, Coat,. W. garlatirl,.*A., Holloway, W. Straith, • H. Stanbury. and T. Rance. • Most of these also composed the -Mouth Organ Band; which later on in the programme brie part, ....and were coin jelled to respond.to it well-earned encore, Scotts readipg, and 'Miss Grace Ro- bertson's eeeitation added Much to the in-. terest f the occasion,. and very pleasentlY- relieved the niusical- hart of the pro gramme To Me:Isis-NY, Deherty, 0. F. Oaks and l'hos. Jackson,jr;, great.praiee is due for their services in con nectien with • the concert. The following ladies also rendered valuable assistance as, accotnpi • ,nyiste : Mrs R. Raiisford, ierInhe Misses .Smith, Gibbiegs, Depew;., Welker, Ida Miles and 'Maggie Jackson,' At the :close thse,cliairmam announced the proneeds and thanked the audience for their attendance. and ..generdsity; after which the meeting dispersed:. ' _ e ' • • • . SotTsrlstrtox NORTH, 1iov.8, 1886. TIIE AYOR OF .CLINTON; DEA.R. - Please accept the 'heartfelt thanks orour council and entire community, for your liberal contributioti sopromptly given to ottr sufferees. ,Yours truly," • • . . E. SMITH, Reeve. .1autrort .rresbytery,' , ---- The'Preplaylery Of HO ton, mtl• in :Olin-. ton on the. Oth inst.: A remit from the General Assembly on the Marriage talleii; tion, and •another on Ecclesiastical Co- , operation, were reed but not discussed The former was referred toa committee consisting oC Dr, Ure MeesrS. McDonald and Stewart, and the fatter to a consmittee consisting of Messrs. McCoy and Vlet cher. Beth committees were instructed to .pre- pire reports for Janintry meeting of Pres bytery.. The call from the congregetion of Ver. rests to Mr, Pritchnr& of Manchester, was accepted by hini 1fr, Ramsay was ap. pointed to declare the Manchester.. arid Smith's Hill charges vecant on the third Sabbath of Nnvember, and to act as Mod. enter of Session, during the vacancy. Mr. M Arti n reported his, hAving visited Grand I3eliZt and Corbett in accordance with instrutions of Preebytery, and his having orgailized a new congregation at Corbett in coneexion with Grand Beret Mr. Martin's conduct ,was approved of, and Grand"Bend session was instructed to take the oversight of the new tongregtt. tien utitil the eleetien rind ordinntion elders there. 'Mr. I?, McEncliren,Public school:encli- er at Bev field, nsksd that steps betaken to 01 secure his standing Its a student of the n°w6v°"' ntter twt) Yet" "a 10111 81111Thr comstances • for examination. Of course tirete-are matiroth-ere if time would per- mtt me, which could give as itiflicient etsasons why the people of this country should withdraw their confidence froireabe present govertien'ent at Ottawa, and fullew the political party now led by Hon, Mr. Blake. the .band kmited up no fuss, he next 'admitted the "Uncle Tom's Cabin"*Ifigger show. The band were justly _lndignant at this treatment; and at once withdrew to Victoria Hall, which • Clrabb kindly rented Wall= at a great reductien from his usual rates. The Doherty Organ Vo's drrihrfresent. . • Mr.:i" Gr,abssioxg, in -refusing t� receive a national testimonial, in the shape of a money gift, h'as purshed a course radiCally different to What Canadian 'politiOiens are in the habit of following, :err several of the present members of the Dominioo Ministry hate not only received every testimonial .they could 14 their hands upon, tnit they have encouraged the getting -di them up. -" MR. BLAKE proves that'the Win " sea of Mountains," which he once used ha re, faring to British Colembla,' and tvhieh the' Conservative papers have repeatedly quoted to his disadvantage, -was telten by 'bine from an -official report iiined by an officer of • the present gevernment, and which was also. used at that time -by Rev. Principal Grant, it moat pronotineed Con- servative. Thus another slander is dis- posed Of. . Soeteniretre 'The. •syndicate formed to. hire tho. hell of Glee'. Acheson, Esq., }tette come to ternis. Theihav.e.leits, ed tho place for three' years, tie t1I) tinnal rent ef $3C0 and :taxes.. .Prof.'Foote and. Chits .Andre‘es 'tire • the leading minds in. rociatictp. ',There isatomething -wrong in this ,brisiness Why the owner shoul4 emphatically , state his:intention of lettin011ie, half ouly 'for. that Which would elevate and improve the youtig .penple .o the' town and t tem rent.it in, such a way Eio i hat it shot I 'Ife' 'used: for anything and c verything: is uttedy income Ptebensible. • . . • , . j...1 OUR- - 1.4ETTE • 2'o the Editor o f. the'. Winton New Enit, , . . • • On Weduesday mornirg a fire broke out he a barn belonging, to Richard Walter% ere near Lower Winghatn, and in a short time the • building, together with ita contents consist. ing of the year's crop of grain and rootejend valued ist about 3100, and all the agricaltsrar " implements, were reduced to wallet, The building Was valued at $200, and was insured in. the Agriqultnral Iusurance Co. for $100. There was no insurance on the content. It is supposed that the tire was paused by child- ren playioa with matches, A, cenvention of temperance workers was held in Dungannon on tho 28th ult„ to organ. lee a Temperance Association for the West Riding of lenren county, to work in conjunc. dors with the empty Asaociation. The at. was not large, owing to the heavy rain daring the entire forenoon, but those pre. set were earnest and entlausiastio workers, The association waa formealot electing the following eifieRri7-Presitient, Thos. aleGilli. cuddy; let vice-14es,, John Mallough ; 2nd vice-pres., Dr. Williams ; ard vice-pres., M. " MoQuarrie ; eeeretary, Bev N'I'',F. Campbell ; treasurer, Thomas Anderson, Arrangement Was wade for a series of meetings tboroughent the riding, for the purpose of forming eleetoral unions on the lines recoromended by the Do- minion Alliance, A eammitte was appointed . to try anti secure some' suitable party for the position of penes tnagietrate for the riding. , JUST ARRIVED,-Freelt Oysters, Sueet Potatoes, Oranberria, Ccilifornta Orapeb,A Orangee, Lemons, nem. Figs and Table Boiaioi,, J. OUYINGIYAM,E, ' • On Sunday a -team driven by Mr. Joseph Kenny,' of McKillep, while passing along Main'street,Seaforth, run away and threw the occupants of the rig _gut: Mrs. Kenny was pretty badlyleert, being cut aboot .the head and suffered internal injuries. A. baby in its mother's arms escaped unhurt. A. daughter about 16 years of age had her arm broken, "At a meetinz.of the WingliMil Reform Ae;;. Sol:dation, the following officers were elected for,the epaningyeerne--Wm. RobertBOTI pros.; Aneeraon, 1st vice-pres.; Riad, 2nd •vicepres-i-J. liaortOn, secretary ;' Walter Scott, treasurer ; chairmen of ward commit tees -1t ward, Wm. 'Gannett ; ward, 'Halsey Park ;3rd 'ward,. 8. Graney ; 4th wird;. Jae, W. „ • A wedding took. place •in Fordwich . last week, and after tbe marriage ceremony 'was performed the, whole party‘startecl for a drive to Gerrie, and when on the heineirerd stretch, a nutialier of their spirited steeds beeame rte. manageable • 'mai collision was Abe ,result. With the:eieeption of severely injerine one woman atitl splashing a number orhuggtes no ether seriousdaniage wife demi.. • • . ---.0...•.......------ The Clinton New Era of this week gives Mr. Sharp, the Conservative catulidate ftir Sout b Perth, at' excellent testimonal, closingtts follows :-" M. Sharp is an old and reversibly known Clintoman, and as he Will, if elected" represent Usberne, a portion of Huron, we congratulate4the convention on the ehoice they have made.'' -Mitchell Advocate. The Clinton Nuvt Eit.i.: never seta any- thing:of the kind., NVe Bald that " Mr. Sharp wotiltl'te ' buried tinder such tt large titIverse majority that he would not \know what had hit him," , ' . — -es • 4 iriL.-- -- -..* , A.V. interestindToronto letter is crowded 1 ouisubut.Wili appear next week. • 1 Ste, -Can you or any of year readers tell Ines how many of :the 'clergymen in Huron..have had themselves :assessed for Weenie, avadare fin the rens as voters this year. We are on the eie of twoor. three importatit elections, Dominion, municipal and Local Legislature; our ministers are 1lpreaching temperance, and mails, Want none.but pledged -mento be elected as law makers in any departreent cif the State. While they stand back With folded bands ,and•look on, we must hese these tnen to take their asartin the State like Other mos, have •a say in. the election; and to bear their share -of -the -burdens; 'It is- eon -late in the day for talk only, we mast have works, • EXQUeitou. [We can only answer our =Vapor, dent'e enquiry so far as the ministers Uf this town are concerned. All but one of these appear on.the assessnient roll'. While it is too late for any additions to be made to the present assessment rolls, we believe -that 'wit year will see a great many more ministers added to theslists, because they are realizing more diem ever their anamo- lous position, and know that, to be in line with public sentiment on. this question, they mteit be enrolled aevoters,--En. NEW' EVA.1 • �.* "PeintiOnatir and Poiktleal, • Saleitegister.• • . . FRIDAY, NOV, 10--Fartu stock, etc., of Mr Aadw 'Reed,lot 14, eon. 7,.11ullett. James Howson, 41.40t; • • BORN... nOLMES.-Te.Clinten, on tho 10th inst., tliowifenf Robb, Holmes, NevrEse, tiaUghtel! . • PEARSON—IQ Stanli.ty, 00 the 4th inat,,Ilie Wife fd Alr John Pearson, of a Son „ • MARRMEY waseTs2-ssecutzte-oe-the 2m1 inst.L, at_ CM' _ 'denee of the thale'a father, by ilia` Rev, John , aseisted by Rev. Li II McRae, Mr Cherie.; ratti to . mEloizrarisarae,,sceond asughter of AlzJolin Itteerae, of - . BOLIKES-MONK-In'lluilott, en tho V.7th Oct„ at . the residence of Mr Wm Tient, brother of the bride, • by the Itev. J Ilowell,.31r•TOcapai Holmes, of 'Pal-. wierston.; to bliss Jessie Motiki of Iiiillett. , • . The Luailey correspondent of the Expositer thee'refers to it ••yomig man, horn° and raised' on the Meittand con , Godeiich township e7. Mr, W.H. Baker, who bad sncoosefellY, ought' the Lumley . PUblto Scheel during the leet three years, has resigned. He., intends- at. tending a session at one of the Provincial Normal Schools. Mr- Baker is a eleier young tnan, and Le will no doubt come back with flying coloya.,..The trustees -have engaged Mr, Nicol 08 a teacher for 1887.. , He attending- •theaounty-Model Sehool at present, . --COOPERIa 01intonTrariscrerisinsc , John Coolie . . aged 70 years • . . .. . . SWINBANK-At 'Rat Portage, on the 21“1: fest., Charles Swinbank, eldest son ot Alr George Sivinbaolf, - Clinton, aged 2a years. . , CASSELS-Its Clinton, on the 10th inst., Ctintle,, son of Snake Cassels, aged 4).eare and 8 months.. in thadast isine of the Winghain Adveece • they stated .thaesoine'ineak thief had stolen Mrs. Krialie'e.gold want -ma chain; Suspi- Mon rested on a yoling man in tewei, who Was' arrested, his perms and trunk searched, !mit 00 ar a an having purchased it for $3 from a tramp who was tramping it on the L. II. & 31; railway," thus clearing the 'young man whe was' sus. pected of the robbery. • 0. ' tontifi !DWI SCEN:117 -. • FQS. Tpt BAY114EY, FilOTOGRAPII STUDIO, .er.rwrots1- • . • TWO ELEGikNT NEW BACKGROCINOS Aro jest received, One exterior anti ono intoner, hiut.1 from the br4li of the greatest Scenic Artiot of the day., . the worldlenciwnetiSDATEY, of New York oIiriefends WU/ Rant your Photo at Xitza. . • .0enze and sit for a negative blfore • the Bolida9, rush commas/es:as , FOSTER 84 BAYLEY • ...DEA, VER CL IN TOIS: . . .1jeul - L • cs_oon,GENEBAL sititvANT WA TE DY ." watch could he found, However, there. LT:Arno to ma& 7.0. GILItO,Z 151.,r.' e sinne honeet people *find yet, A fee; _..• aYs latter e gentleman cepatiin Belgreve . • d delivered up the watch to ite oweer; he. • G°° iEIEREA.11;ESR,Rit‘littNenTb\uVrAylgE.D4.APPLY ViTHITE LARGE BREED BOAR FOR SERVICE. A 18rge breed boar. will be kept' for Service, nit • llottnie.020,;:ris.1,,IjoAe:ersiattli, London road. Tarim 81: - payable time of servibe, with privilege of retamteg NOTT. , 21u* ' ' • . . Arras -TEACHER OF MUSIC. RESI- • • pv:$01 at Mrs ; If; ltend's,•cotter,of 'Huron and Orange streets, A'gdfitrorAlie oeterteettesiesreseaere - • • Alsociatioti. Sec., C. Collins 21 'Carleton St., To, route; Pres., Dr. O. A. Stop', Loo'clon, Ont. . caTRAV CALF.- •-•,. cyan:INTO SUBSCRIBERS 0 premises, Dayneld road, Goderich towlisliip, about' the•20th of October, a Ited and White Calf. The owner's hereby notified to prove property, pay charges,' sod take it away: ' LEVI TRICK. • t•R • Waterloo, Qee., Advertieer.7-.The Hon,• Bawer& Blake is the coining Premier of Can- •Aaa.. is coining Very Soen7too. Berlin Telegraph,-" Althongh Ontario has len: ruled for: many years by the Blues of Quebec, : for they have held ,the bal- ance Of pewee and thrust upon the people many objectioeable measuree, not it protest wait macle against this Or a whisper heard that l'rotestantism iu danger." There wee eonsiderebIce excitemeet Regina, oh MotOrky;at pollee headquarters w heir it vtae disciovered, that on Snedity VO members of the_. forge deeertgd, taking with them the pay of one troop, amounting to not lees than 32,000.: The nainee of the deserters are A.J. Undies, J. McRae, Carle.; ton, Sutton, and White, Several squads of police aro in pursuit. it is supposed the deserters are malting south, but hopes of 'their capture are entertaiued at; head- quarters: Ileny of our readers will remember that some time in March, 104, a gueshrit accident happened in Harpurhey, by which Mre. Campbell, of that village, got her thigh free. tend. It Seats that there wag it difference of opinion amongst tbe surgeons in attendaece, some claming that the leg ought to he taken offeeto owe het life, others thee both h.% tteci fife could ha saved. It wasjipally decided that the latter should be attempted, and she made a neible battle under the circumstances. , Teienens.-Mr. Taylor bas been engaged i teather ef'S. 8. o. 3, Grey, for 1887. G. hompgatielt re. engag ed as tenclier for4S.S- o. 6, Grey,. for next year at an advanced alary. Tho tresteets of S. S. No. 4, Morris,, eye re•engaged Miss Kate:Calder for another tier and have raised her salary ; Miss Calder a'doing good work in the School. Malcolm lack, teaeher at Andersen'a'sehool honee, Jerrie, haa been very ill during the Peat few oaks with aiatrohea. • Mies Halliday is en - aged in S.S. No. 3, East Tirawanosh,-for the BERKSHIRE BOAR FOB, SERVICE. -THE UN. ear 1887. • Mise McConnell is leaving S. S. forserviee. it has taken first prize wherever Watt- i ' moment lets a splendid young Btakshire Roar 4_, o. 3; West •Wavienesli, eat the -end of the ed this fan. 'Ferules, Si voltal. privilege of returning it '.... . ._ eiir ; She is engaged at Itivetatiale for the 'en., eeceesareo THOS. CARBETT, Hallett. 21+ ' nieg year ;the trustees el NQ. 3 have not yet succeeded in getting a teacher. A . STRAY sucsr,-STRANED FROSI SUBSCRiff; ' . . •••• con.Tuckersmith. H. A Dakota eerresssendent of the Seeforth Ea. S., saroilif6ttnitniOn°L1314 1114 known tti.NEW ERA readers Marshall 11. cornered hole in the beVenarc7StasoE:13.1i,elltalirlinet macmotiniAreif. • poeiter, thus .refers t� a young man w since& lamb Marked in the same wa suitably rewarded. pup' RINN. high sellool eclueatioe Ing infOrMation that will lead te *telt reZ;very will t i native of Goderioh township, Ontario. He reee y in Clinton and taught school it few years prior to his entering the study ed Medicine. He re. calved hie fiest lessons in the profession, un- der Dr. D. H. Dowsley, of Clinton, in ,the spring of 1880, after whioh he spent Six mouths in study under 32refesser M, Ds of Toronto, The fall of 1880, leb. made a tour of the North Weetern States, visiting Chicago, St, Paul and other clack but speridiftg the greeter po.rt of his time in North Dakota. In the winter of '81 end '8211e spent a !Session in the Toronto School of Medicine, graduating therefrom in the spring of 1882, with honors, takingtho degtee'of M, D. ,ad C.M. Afterleaving Toronto, he spent a ?my' weeke of study in the hospitels of New York, from which city he set mill few Greet Britain, landing in Ireland and visitipg tho-principal natutal mut artdieltil wonders of the Island. S I f Medi. seeond yea.t in the Literary Department 1;84011('`ot!';',;i7scycr D.I.Trds:•08sItn'orMai W1451(81 tIn6ohnier., of' Knex College. It wee vecommended that he he 'permitted to join the e•eeeed ively young and healthy woman When the eiose -ofsthe session, the examiners burden, made many warm friends mei ecattaintaiteeo, Before. entering Edinburgh thee s o Moe and hospital, Mr- Elliott spent several weeke of study in the hospital of Dublin, It was in Edinburgh that Mr. Elliott acquired that high standard and excellent pregoieney, which characterizes his practice in -Dakota. After epending twe sessieue in Ediebargh he graduated with the degrnbs of L. It G. and 1.): M. receiving the British certificate of 11e' giatration, clothing him with authority to practice his profeeeion anywhere within lier Majeaty's Dominions. air. spent a short time in the hospttels-of Glatteow, Lott. donl,Paris and other cities of Pratte% Iti the fall of 1833 ho left Prance and formed a no. partnership 'with Dr. Sitae of Lerwick, in the Shethesd Islands, The climate of the far north not agreeing with hitn, after, woe month'e praetiee he dissolved partneeshipend returued home in the summer ef MI. W.I. year classes' next January, and that If, at suffering told epee her, and o came a last Ananst. ginee ins arrival here he has Elliott dame west and loetited at Aberdeen, W�iTE SIAS, LINE ENTERCRISI: TRANEI•AIGANTIO PA88A0E8.....- The Light Bowe, an English paper devoted to commercial-- - and nautical matters says in its issue of May 8117 t "For some time past Adriatic halt been Carrying intermellata . passengers with so much success that this class of. accomodatinn has been introduced ou board tint Coitte, The dining saloon, set apart for inter- • mediate pasW,gers eutto up to the ohl fashioned style of saloon, and really it seems almoit next to fib. Surillty when we look at the accommodation provided . at se ridiculously low a sum 50 $30. One thing iv certain, and that is, that loterrhediate passengers tin board the Adriatic' and Ceitie will faro mock- 'better ritiotor.tulineyn•iin7,old at double the rate on some .steanterv W. JACKSON, . • ltAiLWAY & STEAMSHIP AGENT CLINTON", ONT. the n.001(10.1.-0. tee* tirade. 'hilt lie t pro:At rie te d • A LARGE QUANTITY OF ' •APPLE,PVit&ItkiS yeLo ._41/7 1.110VElt AND SFATIONER