HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-12, Page 3FRIDAY, :NOV. 12, 1886. Igent.S3N of parlor and bedroem furni- PERT'fl NEWS.. • — The trustees of S.S. No. 0, Fullerton, have re-engaged Mr. J. Pinder as teach. or for 1887. Mr. W. Theminion, of ''.1.0gan, has ta- ken a turn for the worse, and his condi tion is -very precarious. Mr, Jos. White, St. Marys, sufferell a loss of about $1300 last week through the death ef, an entire horse. Caeseibl- dligestion. T. Dowling, carpenter and contractor, mtY years ago a resident of Mitehell, die in Chicago about a week ago from bilious fever, . Messrs. Jos. Nichols and Wm Vesper, \ of the 4th con. of Fullerton, are making -active preparations foe building brick dwellings next spring. In the death .of Mr..11aleolin Laugh • ten, which event occurred on Saturday, Marys lest one of its oldest and moat ° respeeted 'citizens. 4 few days ago Mr, Thos.; Heal, of iitolie1l,i1Ost a wallet containing about ;200 in bills, a receipt fel, insuraiace inoney and several valuable 'wets, Mr. (1,-. B. Smith, at one time a thrif- t() merchant in St, Marys, but now a wholesale dealer in Toronto, has received tho Liberal nomination fat the Local House in East York. Rumor has it that a petition will in. due time be presented to 11.3. Ilurlburt vpskinghirn co Stand far the mayoralty fi of Mitchell. Many are stronely in favor (if minden. Mr, McOlay: , • On Saturday ,night just as Mr. and Mrs. Fawcett, Mitchell; were retiring to bed, tome malicieus person flung a salt of wocd through the window, •breaking the sash and twoliglits of glass. Some days ago Alexander, ton of Hr. Wm, Wood, Downie,. was taking off his • boot and, findiilg it difficult, was nein°. a 'fork' to untieit with. The fork accr- dentally slipped and pierced one of his oyes, destraying the sight. Monday afternoon Mei. H. Janies and. child, of Mitchell, Were visiting friends in Fullerton: When.returning'herne in the evening theie. horse ' beceme unnan- ageable and raw away overturning the buggy, and throwing. the occupants into the .ditch. • After un ahsenee'in Enrope of 'eight weeks Mr. R. Jones. the. respected and . popular Reeie of LOgan, returned home on Monday evening. trIti England and Shetland times are 'much harder than in Canada, And. those living in thia grand Dominion of olive, he thinks have' every . reason to• pcingratelate 'themselves.. '. • On Thursday, fire. was distovered in the cheese factory at•Harrington: When seen it had 'made such. headway -that -to - save the 'building wasout of the question. Thernwere in the factory 104 'cheeses, which wasa total lois. There was in \insurance of $1;000 en the cheese, and. 1,200 on the factory; so. that the loss will not be great. Ladies sesiy. • . The complexion is often rendered unsightly by Pimples, Liver Spots, and Yellowness. These it is well known. are caused Irma an. inaetive Liver and bad blood. Dr. Chase's Liver. Cure perigee the blood and whole system. See Recipe Book for toilet recipes hinks and suggestions on how to preserve the • cideplexton. Sold by all dtuggiste. —NEWS NOTES. • ture; iii lead, everthing she could de includIng a family Bible. The remit able fact was that every article in house had been stolen. A.North Takoina, W. T. Indian •hie Bret glass of soda water the 9t day, and liked It SO 1/1110)1 that he °ceded to putnineteentnore On top of The next day he drank 03 niore, a wanted to keep it up, but the drugg was afraid thet lietilexplode and stop' the supply. . Twenty years ago a woman borrowed $20 of Ald. Hartman of Pittsburg, and failed to pay it: Tb other eveuiug she attended Church, heard a sermon on the subject of doing as ono would be done by, and the next day surplised the ,41d - email by paying the debt with interest in full, sire rk. the 'The world ,nOw uttett 40,000 hermit' of coal •4311 daily. To break up colde, and. foiere, use. .cerly pi, Pierce's. extraot ofStow, Weed. Mia s Lone Fairbanke, a maiden of th h teen summers, has been eenteneed to t ad years' impriatin ewe& in 4 Michigan )ro f her horse stealin ' it. nd ist ied Free Trade. The reduction of internal revenue and the taking off of revenue atampa from Proprietary Medieinee, no doubt has largely beeelitted the consumers, as well as relievtug the burden of„ ir. home manufacturers. Diem:gaily is this the wo cage with Green'eAuguat Plower andBoschee's or German Syrup, as the reduction of tbirty-,43t cents per dozen, hoe been added to inereese the etre of ,the bottles ountiuning these remedies, thereby giving one fifth more medicine in the 75 cent size. The August Flower for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and the Cternien Syrup for Cough and Lung si. troubles have perhaps, the 13,rgest Rale of any ROB. W. COATS HAS NOW THE NICEST SELECTED STOCK OF 4,0 medleities in t se world. The advantage of in. IThe Chinsdien Club in New York has ar- ranged. for A aeries of addressee by proud.. nenGOane,diataton aubjecte coneee!ed. with the Dominion, Charles W. Sharper, a prominent bu fleas Man of Oaleeaton Texas, took a do of carbolic avid in mitneke. for reedicin aed was, a corpse in ten minutes. Peter Hamel, 05 years of age, in steppi off a train, at Chatham. while in motii about 9:80 o'clock. last Friday night, fell under the wheels and had one leg cut off. He never recovered consciousness, John Hughes, a farmer near Chebause! Ill., hes been boring for water on hia farm for over twelve months. The drill is now clown 500 feet, and the earth is said to be so dry that they pour water in the hnle to make the dtill wprk. ' Asa Purifier Ayer's Sarsaparilla. acts dire() ly aed pron3ptly, 3.7 single bottle will prey its porde. Many thousands of people a yearly saved froin dangerous fever e by the ex erciae of a little timely clue in cleansing the system by the use et this remedy. , The 125 alearnehipa plying between tit TJnited States and Europe cost ;100,000 000, eniploy 18.750 men,epend 51,000,00 month for coal, carry 500,000 passeeger a year, and earn 522,000,000 for paseag money, excluaive of what is Paid fo freight, An Indiana man made a bet of 525 OM he could chime pig half a mile without the animal swerving more than' twenty feet from a direct course. He hadn't gone twenty rode when the pig swerved around a corner,awr.in a canal and got in the Way of a locomotiye and was killed. •, • Men working in a -quarry at Eltnira;INT. Y.,...the other day, game upon an enormous petrified frog. The animal' is two feet, and eight inches long, • and weighs about up, lbs. Itdiers trom the modern frog in having scales, a narrower head, and more than proportionally larger eyes. Iti Potter county, Pa,, a eihn youth was • being married a few days ago to a stopt healthy country girl. The male WRS per frills - fumed; wore ls in his ahirt, had hie hair- ourlediancl-prereentecl•rnich. a feminine ap- pearance that air- cleilynian said: • "I don't wait to waists any mistake abeut this business, so which of you ie the bride, any- how," • Avoid the harsh, irritating, griping cone pOtinde SO Often aokl as purgative medicines,. and correet.the irregularities of the bowels by the use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills, which -are gentle, yet searching in their action. • A. citizen of Seattle, W. T., has this card standiug in A newspaper there ' Whereas, Jr have /eft my wife end her board; whereas, 1 have become attached to another. and more attractive women, hereby give warmog too. the public that J .will in future pay my own bills without any essistanee from her what- Bill.Blind, a colored inmate of a Georgie poorhouse, has a remarkable sense of touch- lie can tell any one whom he has met by feeling of his hand.. A • man whom he had not • met for ten years shook hands with him -the other day, and pm at once called him by name, thongh not a 'word had before been spoken. Mrs. Upton, of Manitoba tweet, 'St. Thernas,while sitting in front of the' fire on iTliday, suddenly became aware that het dress was ablaze. Shutting the doors of the rooni she rolled hetselt up in, tugs and wraps smothered the flames. • Het., injuries are not severe, through her clothing was tic, badly burned ne to be uselm. • .Dy. D. a; Platt, of Pietou, had a Wed of rare.intelligence.whieli he hes taught seeeral. curious tricks. ' One ails trieke was to strike 'a match .and .hold.•.it for, the doctor to light his pipe, 'This trick it began, reltieeraing.in. the 'ddetor's 'ab - stelae not long age, dropped a match on. some loose papee•on the .flbar, set the. woodwerk of 'a .winclow ablaze and the . . . dwelling nerrowly-eicaped desttnetioa.- • • . • William 0 Jones, of Cartersville, Ga.$: has been granted a divorce from his Wife Ida.: The story hi:aught., out: Was that about a year,ago Jones was .one ef, Miss Ida. Gaston's admirers.. •One night 'while Jones was asleep. in Iiie.niother's house ,he was -*ranted and found a half a dozen' armed men at ;hia bedside. • They :moulted him of the betrayal. Of Mies' Gaston And ordered bith to arise and go to her hankie and warty. her.' The procession • started -out on i1 for •Miles' Jones' head be- , ing all tho while cOvered revolVeri. .Arriving•at ibo place both Jones arid the' .yoting lady' denied tho ehaige., but never- theless. by persuasion af the loaded revel- veri,they were Compelled to;inarry.. The partrthen marehed the couple back to the borne of t he brid egroidn'ti• mother,and pine - in g them in Ale Toon' from which the bridegroom lied been dragged a ehort-wh'ile before, left.theni: .Tones reftised to treat Mies Gaston tie his wife, and sent her home et daylight and enedfor a divorce. • • • ; eeiebbeihoed in any 'other American .eity eau Showitich a collection of elegant residences as ieto be fotind within a radius' of Jive -blocks: •on what is known' as North Side," lic.Obicago. 1.Beginning Pine -street; /Jeer Erie,. iti the Marble house .ere.ctedLb_3(ithalate Perryi.11._Sinithi and on the OeXthloCklitanila the great-bresinatene nanmen of Cyrus 1:1.11cCorniiek inventor the reaper which hears his name._ pposite Smithmanttion is the. ;250:- 00,One of. George Sturges; the banker, and block east Niekensep, 'Preeidetit of .:_the-First,NatiOnal,Pairk,bas allow here net only atethe walls a.ncl thaws of marble bur the • Carnage.. are'.nsatble set in oak trainee. R. 'R. Cable, of. thaReck ,Ialt;n4 read, lives diagonally aerottathe etreet froni Mr. Nickerson, and to the South ie• the residenee of judge Tree, 'United States D/Iiniater to 13elgium, which cost $400,000. The.Farwell 'brothers' dry,goode men,have 'houses near by whichcest a quarter of a million apiece,. and 1$1.ter palnier, hotel proprietor.. and capitalitit, overshadows theall with a brown atone candle on: the lake shore which cost $1,000,009.: Commander P. IP, 'Chandlery, retired officer of the. U.. S. navy,. at, Onset Bak, Mass,, on Wednesday last was *stria", ed by alparalYic 'stroke. Alter buffet- irkgreat pain for five days he relapsed into coma and apparent death. On San. :day he ,was laid out as dead.. An under- taker Was sent for, and int be was pre, 'pairing to embalm' the bedrof, the Old Sailor, the suppOsed corpse , exclaimed, t What's all this fuse opening his eyes and sitting up. The Undertaker dropped. his ihstrunient&and chemicals, '11 Went something to eat,' Was the next exclaim - Mimi thoold ()deer. An oyster stew was provided an was Captain ate 'heart- ily, That night he slept well. and his physician tebo,it is said, had pronounced him dead, .was sanguine of his recovery. Yesterday afternoon, however, the ex. cOMMandee Was prostrated again by a shock mere:severe,. frOm whiw eh . he as 'unable to rally. • The heart became still.. and physician's Laid friends are bow, iiat- ,isfied that the old naval' .officer is dead. . . 1.1 John Bright refuses to tic.leptilie prin. ciple that Whereverthe leader of a pond- 0 cal party goes the party is &mind to fol- low. Great tradetlepresside prevails tit 'the German capital,. and the on;t1dok for the working classeit'during the coming .win- ter is exceedingly gloomy: . • . 'Samuel Gross, .of . Cherry • Camp, Va., has a. 36:yeer-old horse,Huit is as active, as any yeunghotse, and b.asjust Cut a brand new; set of teeth. At Southampton on Thursday 550;- 000 worth of property ,Was destroyed by fire. Fifty buildings were consumed; 1. rendering sp families homeless. , The missing nreaident.,Of. the Bank of Peoria, ill., who decamped about 'a year ago, with 5200,000 of the bank Junds, has been arrested in Montreal. , • The Earl of Duntvert has granted his tenants a reduction of rent of from lb to 25 per cent. Loid Massy has offered Ma tenants 20 per bent, reduction. Eight hundred and eighty-three im- migrants arri7tte4.-Winriepeg last month. The totalimmigration into the ...Northwest during this .season is 'estimat• ed at 10,000. While the eolleptien• was being tekon • up in the, Salvation Army barracks nt St. Therims, a dead cat was thrown front the outside into the plate and the money • scattered in all directions. This is to certify Mint I have used BeGregor'e Speedy cure for Dyspepilia and Liver Coniplain t and do honestly say that 1118 ooSt me Igloo per bottle 1 wOilld not be without it, as it has done me more good than all the xnedielnes 1 ever used, and I feel like a new man. -Your e trioy. neva, STEM,. Carleton Plebe, Orit. This mod!. einevr6 for sale at igle and $1.00 per bottle at 'Vlforthington's DrUg Store. 04. The titory is told of n woman at Mon. mouth, Ill., who went bathing in a brook tielir the town, and seeing a horse in a pasture alongside; caught him and. mounted. Theh to her horror, the steed started on a run for the town, and the inhabitants Were shocked:when they saw the modern Godive, riding without 'even extra long hair to cover her. Allis Brown, it coloi ed nian of Nash- ville, Tenn., recently married and took his bride te• a well -furnished house. There was a handsome set Of silverware, four &leeks', fine carpetS and debt, 010. ADVICE TO 1410TEE118.—Are you disturbed at night, and broken of your root by a sit* child Buttering and crying with pau3,ot Cutting Teeth? If ao send at once and get a bottle of Mre. Winolow's Soothing Syrup" for Child- ron Teething, Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the pool, little sufferer itnreediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarthcea, regulates the Stomaeh and Bowels, curets Wind Colie,softene the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," for child- ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is lore/de by ell druggista throughout the world. Price twenty -tit e cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for Wmarew's Somme Srailto," anti take no other kind, 110•34. isimmosismemmummesmommumni,. INE STOCK oar. e „ow. „mu „t the bottles will be greatly ' appreciated by the sick and afflicted -in every • , town andivillage in eivilized countries; amph ng bottles for 10 cents remain the same -size, . t. . re r, flot I 1111111,1.i- '' 1,1113/41111:1'ililf1.111111., 11111;11.1111' 11 r ' ...1! -1., —IV . Su$, 4,1 t ettIVL 4 . InvalidslateliSurgical Institute ▪ 33 TIVPAT.40 ,T Y.. o* Organized, with * futL Miner of eighteen 0 Experienced. and Skillful Phisicians • and gorgeous for the treatutent of . WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewellery & Silverware, Ever .shown in Clinton, be 'will sell at bottom I:40ot •Sea some of tlie ,priees:-..- Ladlee Stem-winding Watch for $6.50. Gents 3 oz stem-winding watch for 113. Ladles 15 k. 'gold set of the best English make. at 11210, worth 117, These seta were bought direct from the manufacturer at the lowest cash prices. Lad - lee should not fail to see them, se they are at the price of A plated est. The latest • clesigite in CHAINS, PINS and SAR • x. • W.,: COATS, .C1,,INTON„.7 • • all. Chronic Diseases. OUR OUR GREAT SPECIALTY' IS FIELD OF SUCCESS. Says the Lietowel Banner.--Iu 1879ithe Maitland Grange was formed by charter .issued from the' DOininiou Grange, to a body of farniere in Elniaand Grey towel. ships, The . Grange was very successful for three years,. and •everything wont On smoothly'dritil 1883, when n debt began to pecumulate to' the Grange Whelesale Sup- ply Company. of Toroeta, from whom the 'Gran,..,‘oe bad purchased upwardii of szooa worth of goods, • and remitted money' on acconat from time to time. The Grange 'store had beeir burglarized; twice, the nov- elty of the thing begin to wear off, end fin- ally', one by one the •patrona begtoLleivieg their Orders and obtaiiiing their goadaelse-• where, until .no one was left but the•Mas. ter and the .. Secretary. The Grange' Sup- ply Company.' threatened suit against the Secretary and.linally commenced an action again.atbini. • The snit .tvas tried before Chief Justice Canieeon, and a juirat the Toronto Assizes, on the 268hand 27th days of October. When Mr. Falconbridge, Q. C.,, apPeared for the plaiotiffe,' and Maori, - Darling tit lYfabeeof thie place for the de- • burl. After a amoUntotexidenCe fie .-tiien given'theltroblasefthe Maitland Grange gone through, the examination of theSecretary; the Master, and othermeni- bets of the Grange put in, and the argu- ments of the lawyere heard,' the Chief Jus- tice took the ertee from , the* jury- and en- tered a verdict for the :defendant with costs,: he holdiogtht'the Supply-Compipir should have sued' the Grange and, not the Secretery,• The Maitland :Grangeits said. tobe not the only one infinancial trouble, and the effect of the law suit will be that the creditors of these` Granges will now proceed:direct 'againat thein, as chartered institutions capable of :ming hod being mud.* TEOERANCE NOTES: • Jonfi -Bell, of Milton, in three cases, *Was fined $150 and poste, . The 'Caned Stateti have 200,000 liquor sellers, or one to every 275 of the pepula- To count the annual drink bill of the United States in dollars would take one 'person, working day and night, seventeen Wm. Pittnaan, who Was fined last week, was up again for selling whiskey. on.Oct. 25 ,last and he was fined .f00 and costs,. . • Thomas Little, sr., and Thomas Little, jr., wherebrought before W. E. Jinny, P. M. of•Burlington, on Tuesday, for selling liquor in a Scott Act county; Little, jr., iris fined $100. Inspector Beach, of Dundee, county, hie pro/matted 14 cases Under the Scott Act, and secured 23 oonvictiotatt. Inspector Chapman, 'of Leeds and Grenville, has un- dertaken 16 prosecutions. and ,obtained 8 convictions. The refueel of constables to at on ac- count of intimidatien and fear of having their places buraa -about their heads is reported t� haye practically denioralized the Scott .Aet in. Renfrew county for the time being. . The Presbyterian Synod of the Maritime Provinees, in their report on tistnporance, declare that While the Synod encourages and enjoins the members arid adhetenta of the church to guard the purity and coneiet. eney of their lives by practising abstinence from aleoholic beverages and to use tht0 beat endeavors for the enforcement 'of the leas restricting their sale, it mnet at the same time he understood that tho full measure of duty in reference to the liquor traffic can be discharged only by its geueral prohibition and effective suppression. chron c Iviaptat Catarrh, Throat and Lung ciseaece. Liver and Rhine), Yebseases, Bladder Diseases, •Dieenses of Women, !Wood* Diseases and Nerv.' ous Affections, mired here or ahon ,e hoe, with or without. seeing the patient. COme and Imo us, or send ten cents in stamps for our 'Invalids,' Guide Book'', Which gives all particulers. . leervous,Debilityl, Imp°. toney, Nocturnal -Losses, and an o told d Con d Mosta eaused by Vouthinil liett.and Pernicious Soli. tary Practices are speedily • and permanently cured by our Specialist's. Book, post -.paid, 10 cts. in stamps. Rupture, or J3reach; radi- cally cured, without the knife, without dependence upon trusses, and with very little In stampa pain. Book sent 'for ten cents , PILE TUBORS and STRICTURES treated with the greatest'muceess. Book sent ,for ten cents in stamps, Address vvenues 'DISPENSARY .MEDILDAt ASSOCIATION, 683 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. '. • .The treatment of many thousands of cases of those diseases peculiar to "DIV 4C) Mid an N at .the Invalids' Betel and • Surgical institute, hail af- forded large experience in adapting remedies for their cure, and OR: PIERCE' DISEASES OF WOMEN. Favorite Prescription hi the result of thikvast eXperience. - • It is a. powerful Iteetorative Tonle and :Nervine, iinparts vigor and strength • to the system, and cures, as if 133, magic, Menu ' corrhea, or6A,whitesi,' :exoessivo flowing, painful menstruation, un. natural suppressions, prola_psus or falling of Um_ uterus, .wealt back, anteversion, retroversion, bearing.. down senantions, chronic .congea, tion, -inflammation and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, paint and tenderness in ovaries, internal. .helitt, and "female . weaBisese.33 18 promptly relieves and •cures Nausea. and Weakness of Stomach,' Indigos. Bon, Bloating, Nervous 1Proatration, andSiceptelimess, in either ilexl . • • • PRICE .$1.uu nn &OR' spamoc). 011 6 _BOTTLES • Sold by Druggists everywhere: Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's lame Treatise on Dim:tees of woreen, illuatrated• • • World's DisponsatiAledical Association, UO3 main Beset. strmaLch SICK -HEADACHE, - Bilious Illeadisiche, Dizziness, Constipa. X1011genti-on, and WHOM' Attacks, promptly cured by Dr. Pierce'. PI eaaant Purgative Pellets. 25 • cents it trial, by Druggists: • HURCIN AND ,sougE ii-olirk..-w-41d ie tit 6.ift This Conipany iS Loaning' Ilfoney% on Perm • Security at 40we81 Rates interest„ • Mop,ToA rigs - ,PURCUA§ED „SAVINGS , BANK BRANCH. • 4 and 5 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on' Deposits, according to amount • mid ,time left. • 0 File E.—'Corner of Marko Squazo andNorth Scree • 'HORACE. HORTON. . MANAeaR Onderich August Stb 1885 STILL on the TRACK Tho subscriber begs to return his 'sincere thanks to all WhO have so liberally patronized him during the past three years, and to 'Worm them that he is still • the track, HURON S1%, CLINTON., With a full line of FLOUR, FkED & VEBETABLES Of tho hose qualities, which he win Bali at the lowest remunerative prices to all Who may fever Mtn with a eat!, ilia stock includes FLOUR, CROP, SHORTS, BRAN, OATS,' PEAS, MEN FEED, GRAHAM FLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT. GRANULATED :ROL- LER, and STANDARD OATMEAL and CORNMEAL, all kinds of Vegetables, BARREL SALT, all of whieh win soil for' cash or coarse grains. BRAN, SHORTS and FLOM?, by the ton or cwt, and everything sold at'mill prices. All artieles delivered free of charge within the corporation. My ntotto will be "Good goods, just weight and one price," THOS. WATSON, Huron Street, canton. - GOOD NEWS, L 0 °U. R DOWN BEST ROLtER FLOUR, $2 per'eivt. LOW GRADE FLOUR, $1.50 per cwt, 301*. Will take any kind of grain in exehange. JAMES STEEP, LI NTONo In this slepartment •all the Latest' Novelties may he found. We nra now very . busy in the trimming departthent and our customers 'would confer is great favor by LEAVING THEIR' ORDERS EARLY, in order-iliat 110 080 may..be. • disappointed,.and that all may have theii goode ready when nee4e.d. • • See our stock of Plushest Velvets; RiblziOn, Cheap Kid and Cashmere Gloves, Cashmere and Wool- len Hosiery, Fancy Woollen Goods, Grey Flannels, Winceys, Nen and Boys'- Underclothing, at very Low Prices to Oear- . BESL:EY.S.11011inety•Ei40.4up. ar aillS.11111 .x WE ARE SELLT1sIG AFili TRONSTONE .0, H.. INA _TEA.,8 , 44 .Pieces, for $2.2b, Regula, Price, These Goods are strictly first,elass, and are the Cheapest.ever Ofiered in 'Clinton. • Call 'and see theta. • 3 11 ooper CLINTON. GLISII LAWN n. Great Variety .611-11AS.:. 'CARLIN E, colvo*E, BLOCK.) CLINTON entral Grocery, 11,071333'S QM. •ttand.— '.The subscriber his. bought out the ;Steck of P. 'Robb,' ronsiatieg of GROCERIES CROCKERY GLASSWARE 4te. Whia, being bought atlow rites, he is enabled tit offer at the Very* elOseet prieekt - Patronage respectfully s6licited. Ali.orders promptly filled. Boomg to let, 11.' R. WALKER, 'CLINTON • & J. TAYLOR oronto SAFE WORKS 31 YEARS ESTABLISHE The „only. .manufacturers of... l'IUE PROOF. . SAii'ES yiitit 14•Tott-Cottducting Steed Witiazage Mbomou All Our new styles of Fireproof Safes are fitted with to .A.TR CHAMBER f. prevent dampness to papers. A large aesortrnent of SECOND JIAND SA E%S !for sale at low prices and on easy Nrinit of payment, .Catelegure on applieation.' 117 and 119'1ront Street, East, Toronto. a .9•