HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-12, Page 2EttIDkC 2OV. 12, 1866. tressed ti ore nee. AUBURN, X. Nov, 2.--joho Beard borne up steirs,Enuna who had exchang. ed a few wordif with its owner, followed her to her miseralde rOcen, noted, its pov- erty, heard all the bitter tale. 'But I don't mind anything newoniss,' awl Mise Frankie Petrigo• tills city) sobbed the narrator. Now the machine .are a young temple who have been very i5 my own, t don't wine how I work. much in lore with cash ether for over a And the only great. tti.bis the landlord year, and finally decided to get married. -feel-dollars a monthfor rent.' The time set for the weddieg was 9:80 'clock at St.• John'a Episcopal Chinch, At tliat bete Rev. F. A. D. Launt, pas - r of the church, Mr, Beard- and hie best man, •Mr. Goldthorpe, went to the. church tied awaited the coming of the bride and her ftiends. AS the momente flew by, and she did not appear, the • groom hegini 'coneult his -watch and look nervone. He betel a council with his frienda and the minister, arid acknow- ledged to them that Frankies parents were opposed to ber marriage with him. It was decided that the minister and Mr. Goldthorpe should go to Frankie's home- and ascertain, why she did not come to•lier own marriage. When the envoys reached her home 'Frankie's father was doing guard duty in the *put yard. He informed the.gentlemen that his dinightm-wrie in the house, and that he would shoot her if she tried to go out. If she married Beard, he declared, he wou tl fill , bath of them with bullets, He cold note pacified, isna the two men resolved :to see the girl, but this • Mr. Perrigeobjected to and flourished a eoiver,3jtttejing td •shoot them •if • they tilled to enter the house, Be did not frighten theta very much and they went into the house and found her:who expected to be a bride tied to a bedstead •with a rope. Mr. Launt re leaeed her and she expressed her willing- ness to leave the house, hut declined • when her father threatened to shoot her if the did.. Be said he was willing to • he henged for it.% The minister and his • comp.anion telt the house, when Miss, • Perngo promised .to leave home as soon •altitittt.cGulti And meet her intended at the minister's study, where they would be married. The matter rests here, . Per- iiga had not cooled down this eviming,, still expreesind'a 'desire' to shoot some one. • Jini was shot dead by Tom McCormack, his pal, in. Twenty-seven street saloon in an argument about sharing the bowl - le from a Philadelphia bank they had onteked. That bursted the firm, and no assets were found to administer on. Ji m had bowed it in at faro. The old woman i stealing in England now -if she isn't in jail. As molt a month as a yard of thet Toni Stacks, who stole $12,000, in .trinaiping,' thought Eninka, with a little Government bends --good as gold -from ,pange- an editor in that town, was pardoned And before she turned from the door out of the Charleston Penitentiark a she empcied• her parse, and•had paid 3 couple of weeks ago, blind, paralyzed months' rept in advance. 1 end withouti a palmy or friend. I sup. 'Your husband will • be well and at pose be is dead now. work by that time,' said she; and there Dutch Heinrich, -who worked with were no regrete for the lost fringe as she the best of them end helped to steal took her way homeward. Nay, she was millions,, got silly from drinking and not even stung to the soul when Madam butnniing, and died in a poor house in Fade° reinstated, with a glante thatsaid •Germany. There was *4110 they used volumes ; to call kin,* prop man, from the handy The black lace from your old grena- way he bacr of getting awey with gen - dine dress? Certainly, since it is your tletnan'e props,' which is to say pinse taste,' . The dress, boever, v?ever was notunbecomt ing, despite the refurbished lace, and Emma were it to the party. And some- how. Arthur Maine, found himself more than over before attracted brit, and wet :hard cash from the heuse of a Mr. she drove home that night, Dime felt Moore on Madison tat. is buried i a. BIS real name was Wm. Rogers,and his arias Boil's. They had to scrape foga.. ther e few pennies on the sly to bury bite. Kerwin °err, who was one of the three who getaway, with, $200,000 in • • .T W o • Lessens. • • 4. Well, papa,' said Emma,. Madam. Feline says 'that I • need 'ten yardsof trimming at -four dollars a faild: •I am ashamed to ask 'brit. was .obliged to do so.' •Very well, my dear,' replied the mer • chant. There is the .money, dear • roeifortidoners for trimming ! Women • aregetting: t'verso than ever._ • • • So I -reakfas t' Over; and„Mr. Rotne off •foe.that mysterious region knoWnas 'the city,' 'Ern ma:started en• her 'shopping' ex - edition. -: ••. • On tbe• way -to the_etorethe•folloWleg • th eight paieed through her. mind,: She • intended to •wear it on itii occasion l'arhich• tohetaeemedevery-fm•portent. Some o.ne • was to be present whose opinion she. val- iied, some one he. herself admired very • enubli. 'Did he admire her? Thus • abdoibed; she • suddenly febed herself sonic distance,beyond her desti natien. Therewas nothing foe it but to .. walk back. and ilia .way lay thropgb. streets tilled w ith Okra ble houses. The fashionable 'gir.st hunied along until 'all at elide; she -found a sort • of :barricade act oes. the street. The • middle object -�f - this bat ticade wasa sewing machine,.to - which An one, side clu,ng. a woman,' on that the instinct which had said to her, - he loves,' hadheen,ne false prophet. She had learned two lemons in a little One,. that the poor might ba killed while robbing' a house in Thirty- clethed and fed with the trimming of fourth street, and the other had fallen to the rich ; the other that the 'extrava- the rank of a fourth-class sneak -thief gance in dress never yet. wen any Man's heart. potter's field. .He died a lunatic on Blackwell .Island. Troy Dennis who was one of his two pals in the job, was • • .1 hey Inc Peer, THE ILL. LUCK WHICH - VoLLOWS MOST VULGAR THIEVES. • Hello) Promised to tell you what said tbe old police detective, roused from •a nap And rubbing his ' eyes. About thieies 'who stole fortunes and died poor, ec? ioiWWtIiink,.so 1-ditt- -They changes ,he liked to ge at faro= But say! wouldn't the other kind do -7 gambled away more money than $1,000 - them that stole and kept the money! 000 and .diel el slow conse.thetion in No ? • Take more. steek in the other the utmost -destitution. •So did Ike _ gang. Queer. Well, sit down and let -me think.' And the olddetective push- ed a chair over 'to the reporter, filled his pipe with a sigh that:sounded a good deal. like a growl. , ' Seems to me,' he. resume', a itt e ungracieuely, you ought to be satisfied with what you ' have had here in that line lately. It ien't but a :week or two when I ran aoross him three years ago working a Coney Island boat. Jacob Levy was one of the few who managed both ends of the business himeelf. He man, thief and a• fence at the same time, and Nees repoeted to be wealthy. He had a fa/ in out at Jerusalem, L. and, I suppose, money in bank. Stil, when he died in a hospital in thie 'city a charity patient', it turned opt that he had nothing. Dick Moore:-we'used to call hill) Ten -to -one Dick, on account of Weber, the counterfeiter, whose Pensyl. verde confederates spent more money in a day in .bucking the tiger than most mon Make in a year. Take the cise of Charley...Becker, who beat the Govern- ment at engraving. Beeker earn° to gtief in Italy fur forging -American let- tere of credit arid shoving' them on the continent, and afterwards in Brooklyn, ago. you were writing the obituary of . where he Was • forging -French bank. the king pin of that gang, who died up pround Massachusetts. Plin White was • the boss thief for cheek, as well as for tuck, as one might know, for ho. wee a •newspaper man from the start, and it was when he was dray :QUt of the busi- ness that he eaught on to the Beaton suchera and showed his metal. Plin was the boas swindler and elle mititake: He was'tbe•only man Ikneve whorob. bed a: Man twice •Of all he had, ruined hini.the first time and cleared him out, the second, all under the guiseof friend - When he stole he lumped it - there never wase mein_hair in Flirt's head -.-and went for a stake of $100,000 or .$40,000 if funds were low. • I'm .blarnedif I don't believe ho -stole cou-, plc a .tnillioja in his time;and yet he died poor. . cottage outside of the city. I was able •• `-The real thief isn't the' man Who .tO pay two-thirdsof the value doWn,and etleThut-the yeen--.whir Ott it respectibly.' T Was 'teals and takes the profits but none of arried on SundaY-4 Sunday in June • the other a man, An attendant crowd the risk. He he fellow whe•gets.rich at My father's bees% My wife had cone , Of residents contemplated thisscene with at the bueiness. a- others die poorer toe, m ' POo • in purse, but eel), in the Svident interest and 'Emma. Rome be than rate, in jail ot.. in their boote,.a.e, wealth of her womanhood .; The Sab- eame perforce one of their number." . cording to their luck or to their mas- bath and the Sabbath's 'night we spent notes. As a straight mechanic he could litive,earned a Competence. Preforting to be a thief, be died a .pauper. -New Yak Mail and EXpresS. •' Lire's .BrIghtesa :Attu v. '..Niat long Since I. metn gentleman who isesSessed for More tlitin' Silvered :was hie' 'hair, 'care was epee is brow, and • he- stooped. beneath the ' „harden Of his •weelth.' We were sPeak-' ing of that .peried of life when veiled realized the. most perfejtt enjoyment, or i•at•her, when we bad found • happiness. nearest to rheing unalloyed. !!‘ I'll telt yeti,' said the. Millionaire, 'when • was thhappiest hone of my life. • A1the ego of twenty -anal had waited a pretty window, and he woe Jookine toward the baok of the room, as if waiting for an attendant to hand to her the dii� that was te hide those round arm e and gleaming shoulders. It Was surprising hew suddenly and unanimously the mea on the west side of the train maw bar. 'Rather pretty free show that,' cow - merited a passenger to the saturnine guard, as be stood waiting for the open- ing of the gate ak the, nxt Stattop, it Yah l' snarled the gaud, in a tone of diaguet, 11 was leached on (16.0 Wtillato meself, She's wax." -New York E. STRENGTH FOR TO -DAY. Strength for to -day is all that we need, As there never will be a to -morrow; For tomorrow will prove bat another to day, With its measure of joy and Borrow. Then why forecast the trials of life With such sad and grave persistenee, And wait and watch for a crowd of ills That as yet have go existence? Strength for *day; what a precious boon • For earnest smile Who labor, For the willing hands that minister To the needy friend or neighbor. Strength for to.dayohat the weary hearts In the battle for right may quail not, And the eyes bedimmed by bitter tears In their search for light May fail not. Strength for to -day on the down -hill track For the travellers near the valley, That up, far up on the other aide, Ere long they may safely rally. Strength for to -day, that our precious youth May happily shuntemptation, A.nd build from the rise to the tiet of the sun . On a strong and sure foundatione Strength for to -day, Wheelie and home To,praotice forbearance sweetly; To scatter kind words and loving deeds,. Still trusting in God completely. -Stregth for to -day is all that we need, ' As there never will be a to -morrow; sa, For to -morrow will prove; but another to -day, With ite measure of joy and sorrow. • Forty dell -ars 1pidon -that ma-•,. chine, and now you 11. not give the :time. only-esk time. . I'm an honest .woman -r11 pay you. Man; do you know. it's all there is boaecen tis and staivetion1 let me have it:. ',It's but $10 I owe you.' You'Qe" oWed that two months,' re- plied the man. .‘ Come let go, missee. , den% want to hurt you. I've got te obey • orders.' - , ' But 'the ..women did not relinquish her hold.- Still Clutching •the machine, she turned her agenieed eyes upon the • bystanders, • • . -Forty dollars,' • she repeated, and • the machine hut.$50, andlie a taking it. never failed until Jim broke bis leg, and his work-etOpped, and bis wages with it., and Fddoctor's bill and all.' No, that. She didn't,' cried a voice -` 'from the crowd; • " Arid he'd better be off with his earth' erica iv miat'Vetioliad- stalked Oat of the • entry of the house near which the erotid . lied gathered;telling up his sleeves. •• 1.1.0ok ke're, geed people,' explained the man wlip held the machine, dpn't 'want to do thie... Inhey ot•ders, or lose myplace. She'd better go to the Mas- ter and talk -to him -not to roe. l'yd been,' said the woman, • 'Res made cif stone. I told him he'd starve as. He evilt 'rake it.' And she lot go her bold, and covered her eyes with ber loads. But in the place of those rough, red fingers, aliens, dainty and small, and well gloved St14110 down :mon the cover -of the machine. Emma Borne had prem. led forward, and new spoke. ' Step,' she said, Will you let this Woman keep he machine if 'I pay you ten dollar • Them's the ,,mastef'sorders, miso,' replied the mat 'and 'I'll be glad to do it t00 ' " Then, while the.cto*d gatheredclose, - and the wonien wbo bad told her pite- ous tale sobbed with joy, Emma drew the sate named ft•ote her purse,received in return a reeeipt, whith she gave to the pOor woman, and experienced ftw the first time the delight which the per- formanee of att utterly rinselliall act • brings with •'Alorcover, when thernathine had been ter:V. w hitnatwhese- alaves they istreLefen the best of them. 'George Hoevard .Was - ono of them. • Hews a. regulnr me- • chanical 1ebetinisi. and used 10 buy lienk. loc EEC Utlll il-and-- study-their:mei:ban- 1 ism and tire way to 'overcome it, for mo . bs and months in hie room before he would tackle the job. When he was shot down and killed in a rew wcith the rest of the 'gang up in Westchester county, be didn't leave a cent, so far as• anybody ever beard, , though he had stolen thousands. I don't suppose a smarter thief ever lived than Jesse Al- len, one Of the Allen family .New Yor- kers know so well. ' He stole more mon- ey than •Weuldhave any man comfort- tably rich before be was found dead at a railway depot, with a' kit of burglar's tools beside him, stricken downwith apoplexy or heart disease,just Ell he was going ata job., 40 was jusi-Tput of the- Qhio Penitentiary after serving out, a' ;seven .year it' sentence. No money was ever found titter him and, for good reas- ons -ho didn't have any. There was a bankThtirglar ahot dead over in Jersey when he was blowing up a safe. John Hughes was hi's name, and he had gara bledaway more than one fortune in New York, but for alt • that enough money to bury him deeently.couldn't be found: '. g Big John Gatothy, the second -story tiiief, who tell through a steir-hole hi a house.on a hill over in Brooklyn and was killed, with one arm full of rich sil- ver. wedding presents, was as poer,as Soli's turkey He was clever at the trade and' had ruined a FICOte of men. When be escaped from Sing Sing once he did it so neatly that his 'keeper never could find how till fate sent him back and they bad' a laugh at Ms expense. There's Iota of thieves that die in their boots but these will do: Just Id me eourit in Jim Casey, who comes to my -.Mind in that commotion. Jiro was e hank burglar, and a good one. Ellen, his wife was a trump too. In the July riot, in 1871, when she Nyasa pick -poc- ket on Eight -avenue, she was shot in the lbg,,tind at the hospital they found twelve pocket books and purses in her eiothes. Jim and her winked the rac- ket together for all tbey were worth till beneath My father/a red,- and on lion, day I went to .work; leaving my.sist'et .and mother to help in .preparing my, heme, On Monday evening, when the labors of the day were done, loventl,not to the paternal shelter as in the past but to tny own house ---my own home The holy atmosphere of that hour seems to surround me even 'now in, my mem- ory.- I. opened the door .of tny cottage anil entered, I laid my hat upon the little stand in the,, hall, and passed on't into the kitchen-obr kitchen and din- ing room were both. one'. I puslied •open the kitchen -door, and • was -in heaven.. The table was, set against the • wall. The'evening meal -was ready,pre- pared by the hand 'Of her who had come • to be my helpmeet in deed as well ita in - name, and by the table with a " throb- bing and expectant look upOp her face, stoodmy wile. I tiled to speak, but could not. I only clasped the waiting angel to my bosom, thus showing her the ecstatic berden of my heart. The years have•passed„ long, long years, and worldly wealth has flowed in upon me, and I am honored ,and envied, but as 'tree as heaven I would give it all,eeer'Y dollar,for the joy.tif that hour on that olumi,eVerting, in the long, long age,' A nether Pretty '1F.ree.gh0w, • A, Poor: Vir_Lak 'sister. • Who is suffering froni ailnientis pecular sot, dreading to go,to a physiCian but kiaotv- A; she needs medical help, will find, in Dr Pierce's "Favorite Preseription' " a preptiCation -which. will , give her strengthand new -life through the rettoratoration of all her groans to their natural mad *healthy action.• It is the result of many years of Sfudy and practice by a thoroughly scientific physiCian, who hos made these trotibles &speciality, To be had of all druggists' Passengers on the west gide of a down train n.the Sixth Avenue elevated road the: other morning caught glitnpses of something that excited a brief but lively interest, at least among the bald-headed mea aboard. .A large front window d the fitting room of a dress -maker's es- tablishment, on the second floor, was wide open, and inside appeared a lady trying on a dress, in arrant unconscious). ness that anyone -conk-Hide her: • She bad on white skirts, starched, flounced, and ruffled ; a little black corset of the kind wtknen wear, with the full dregs , MANNING az SCOTT Barrister's;.Solidtors . . . . .001rVEYANCERS: o, • . Commissioners for Outer' o and Manitoba . • .• . OFFICE NEXT DOOR NE ERA., CLINTON . , • " • MONEYs TO LOAN. MORTGAGES BOUGHT. L:A11/erDltrf?ii°Mee over I(80e tore. Aertiteet. Itif•ARRIAGE LICENSES. -APPLY TO THE LVA underbigneti at the Library R5011ili, Smith's Block: , 86 ' JAMES SCOTT. leenen'e 10 LEND IN LARGE 011 'SMALL LYE sums on good mortgage security, moderate ate of interest. IL HALE, Clinton.• ' DOWSLEY, LLD., M. R. C. S. ENGLAND Physician, Surgeon eto. Office tend residence next Molsori's Bank, nuirket square, tlintOn. DAPPLETON,-OFFICE-AT RESIDENCE Yon Ontario street,Clinton,opposi to the English unroll. nueranc�by side gate. • „ LT B. PROUDFOOT CIVIL ENGINEER, 110 Provi note, and Dominion Land Surveyor. Architect and Draughtsman,. PER DIN BLoCK, • Clinton: • . • Scrofula Is oue of the meet fatal eeetu•kes afflict mankind. It is ollen inherited: but. may be the reault et Improper vaccination, *Maid visoning, tineleaolfness, and VvIlrekkers"- ,A:°"413scliEesiee:,usCenneeerotntIeIttSmDorei rsS, and, in some cases, Emaciation, and Con. emptier', result front a serefulous OMB - gm of, the bleed. 'pile disease can be cured by the use of Ayer's Sersaparilia. • I inherited a scrofulous oondition of thiir bleed, width, eueta derengement et my Whole system, After taking less than tour bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1 am Entirely Cured and, for•the past year, brrve sot found it necessary to use any nu•dielne whatever. I am now In better health, and stronger, than ever before. -0. A. 'Willard, 218 Tremont at;, Boston, Hie, AYer'S SarSdPari Prekred by Dr. C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, hfass. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles.$5. waft' troubled With Aeratulaus. Berea for live years; but, after using a few bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the scores healed, and I (MVO now good imolai.- ' Elizabeth Warnock, 54 Appleton, street,. Lowell, Mass. Some mehtits ago I was troubled with Scrofulous Sores on my leg, The limb was badly swollen i nil inflamed, and the Ares discharged Ittilge quantities Of offen- sive matter. Every remedy failed, until . 1 used ,'.,'ors bittrstiporilla. By taking three boi floe or this medicine the sores • have been entirely healed, and my health • Is fully restored. I am grateful for the • good this medicine has done Inc. -WS. Itnn 0'8641,158 Sulliv au et., New York. Ma.REEVE.-01FICE RATTEIIBURY ST- rray Block,' two doors (mei of, Reagens' en- trance. Residence, opposite the Temperance Huron Street, Clinton. Mee hours,8 a,m to 6 p.m. 'j AAP _TIOWSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron.; Sales attendedartyw hero Xis the Countyiat reasonable -rates. ' Itesidenee,A1 !tort Street, Clinton. STANBUIlY, °UAW:UTE OP THE 1116D- DanA3parimentofViotoriatrtilversity,Torontojor merly of the, Hospitals and Dispensaries, New, York Corenerfot the Comity of Harensflaylleld,Ont. JitNMILLER NURSER! . ROBERT DOWNS • ormitdiT,. 1.11171T Atm ORNAMENTAL TRW, 141E-, WAY SFKUQE, SCOTCH '4b1D. A.STRACHAK_ ME, ,, 'me 114ATTER, ST WHICH .10s HOCH A Sr WOW. .L.A6GE .STOCK ON HAND . The there °resat ents1 treee aitt shrebbery will be wed at very low prices, mid these wanting anythintin title lionneetion mill lave wooly by parasitise lac,. Onlers lig NW soild be proinpAg oAtemicsi 6 JONI STEWART* Benni100. •3riFe X23.froxemoitt . • A Moyle of property iseered at lowegt tariff Wes. • - 'PlostolltalttolePanielh rINICKETS VIA N. W. T. OH. LINE BOATS EO WINNIPEG AND ALL LAKE'POINTS, by all rat/linos over the GRAND TRIINIK and CA DA PACIFIC to any point on that line, Wiwi Brandon, ao., Dakota. Ii1038101, or any point by rail, local or foreign k •,v.••••••••••-+ Come Antl,sea me before you buy tigkets aityw8614. 'JAS. THOMPSON, Ciintom. Manufacturer and Proprietor fur thebest Haw Mitt Doff in ICS°. Agent for thkholteand application of the or Please. Paringr Antilop° flottna OWNER. STEAM FITTINGS furillabeq End applied os short notice, • Me6bil 11.7es;ytineirpilliireendaen.dpesillitkt.47:11°IsriaDida. , elu a nettarnetor)! manner:, • Farm implements manufactured and repaired. Steata and Water Pipes furnished and put in position. Dr,9, Kilns fitted op on application. Charges moderitte. -4‘-.13DIVELUED •PARTI '. TDB HUMAN BODY ' RNI,ARODD. nmvoLor EN RD, 1:10 int 70 luLereatill 01.....,11,Z t."‘....tialrlen, we will an •• that is no evidence of humbug abouethie. On the tion,rart... nrjzztisers...aitersst...th per.oflI 'ley At smiled circulars givMs n11 pnrtietiHtre, by eddreitsing Antig *soma. Om, DuffslogN; YA,Toled0 ikelt.11311Doc• • ALLAN LINE T 0 ol,Loniniarry, a: Parties going Se the ' old court ry thts sninmer should lake this popular line. • The boats . are tile qtest com- plete cti the Atlatffic, and accommodation unsurpassed • • • 'emu*VIS rtus vERY., LOW 'ILEA EXpUttsION HA Ms. ' ' sTECIMAGE: ' PASSAGE AT ;.• HOTTOIll - • • Call and galtpsrt!cular)cr AO.PATTI S,0 N, CLINTON, AGENT 0 T, R. ' Oalos'EXCELS1011,0116A.\ Alter the se'eetest teit,at the late fOir in Clinton, if was universally admitted that FOR PERFECT AND past ..torrox,. BEAUTY 01 FINCSH. AND SWEETNES.4 OP. ToNE, the EXCELSIOR was away ahead' of all oth- -ers,• and- destified-ta-be •the popularA astru- ment of the day.This, along with the fad that.a specidl prize wasawarded it, cm tain IY apeakti it -gni -ties for the instruments, and parties putchasing should see the EXCEL- srou!before buying, elshwhere. • ThosStpy enson Leading ,I1Jfdertitiker, ci.4.:NrrcoiNT. An.tteeptio Enibehning Hold kept ' on hand. X Illy Funeral Director, J. C, Steven- . son, hail attended the School of Etn- imilming, in' Toronto, to make himself proffeient in the art of embal it•Extknisgn. - • OPPOSITk T111.: 'ro LL. THOS. STEVENSON • . HANK -R. POWELL, :BARRISTER,SOLICITOX- . ' GEO,"--Y.7-0-AKES,-"Paofrii:Ortiii: -7 .' NOtOrY PUblie. ate: OM io, Balatz's BLoCa, As• • • • • • - F' e5ctory three doers 'west •of Molloy'S Pump . ninix Brawn, Ctnerow. Toronto agents; Metiers. Mc- ' Sh "-It attenbur St 'Clinton. . Claithk; Osier, Hoskin do Creelman. Private funds to. op, y ., Elan at lowest rateS cif interest: , W. WILLIAMS, IL A., M.ir,GEADTJATII 06' VieToront o 'University; member.of theCtIllegeofPhy. .ieltneandSnrgeone,Ont, Calms 2 BESUDENCB the' boneeforinerlyoceopioa by Dr.Reeve, Albert street Clinton. DR, WORTHINGTON; PHYSICIAN, SURGEON' Acconeheu r ,Licen Mat cof the College of Play Watt, and Surgeons of Lowe rasnad aand Provi i al Lim. tiate and Coronorfor theCouneyo f Huron . 0 Mewled resideneertahe_enilding forrnarl3 no/tufted by. Mr. Thwaites, Huron-SW*361-r - • Clinton,Jan.10, 1871. cL1NTON MECHANICS' INTITUTE. LIBR- Aar and Reading Rooms, Perrin block, down itaire. About 1,70o vommes in the Library and allthe Leading NeWspapers and Periodioale of the day OR the treble. Membership ticket $t per annum. Open frord 2 MO p.m., and from 250 p m. Applleations for tnumbOreffSP-recived by tha Librarian in in the room. UNION SHAVING PARLOR SHAVING. ' HAIR CUTTING asn SHADE- POOING done very ,neat'aed to suit ,every person. • 301EN FAIMitUARSOHT MatiltIOn Meek J. T. WItICIE, ' 14171RIGEON DENTES,T. ; • Hold tlieexclusive right for the county for the Hurtt. progess of administering chemically pure Nitrogen Ideriegide, which is the safest and best system yet dis- covered for the painless extgaction of teeth.. Charges moderate, 'satisfaction naranteed, Omen, EL- LIOTT'S BLOCK, over Ranee's Tailor Slop, • Huron Street, Clinton, Meitilloli Mutual Fire Insurance Co. N4)T10IE.-The undersigned are arpninted to Betas ligentit 55 the township Of Goderich, for the Company. Any person qffishisig tO In- sure i athis old and reliable Farmers Conpany, will appiy to either THOS. NEELANS., Bar. look, or SAMUEL OA ItIg0CHAN, .SekTorth. Prompt attention will be given. , PHOTOGRA.PIIER - - - A. BENNETT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR & Embalmer. A large etook of First -Class CAS. KETS and COFFINS, SHROUDS, tte., hinny! bnhand, . THE 'EGYPTIAN EMBALMING , FLUID usesi in all cases. ALBERT'STREET, NEXT HARLANiBROS Itesidence (triage St.. near Melbodiest; hutch, Clinton, 11.1 $11 CLINTO LIPII-IIIZE wont:. A SPECIALTY, destitute that shows big re ' of their backs, and over each shoulder ttatle band Of filmy, lacaiike material,suppoe-i ably connected with .sotne delicate en- • dergear worthy to press the frailty skin that was -SO lavishly. shown. Tho baok d her right shoulder was toward the DENTIST* COATS BLOM oxemonantletenne cialkOPS StOeitItAllt OIANTON. PLANINGMILL • $50000.To LOAN at 6 per Cent, Why- pay others 1?; 8, 0 and .10 Per'esgt, when you- can get money from us at 6 per e, First-class leans 5i per coni, Large. loanir ' 5 per cent. , TERMS made to suit borrower., regarding. payment and periud of loan. " • Apply to • , FARRAN& TISDAI PA.NICERS, CLINTON. TIIEPOLSONS-BAN-E. •• Incorporated by A•a'Of Parliament, 1855.. . • HEAD' • VEPICE, MONTREAL. THOMAS....President.. . • J. 11. It: MOLSON . Vice -Pres. F. NVOLIFEESTAIC Tawas, General Manager. -117-okTiViecotintedCdleetion8 • 47bialt, -Dral issued, Sterling and American ezet/npe • bought and soWat-totoeat •• Current rates. " Interest at .4 per emit allowedon depositi. j.anuary H. .1:3..Bli.SIVC..0 • ias --Money advanced to farmers on thikictem;not•es_witt, 140 or more ontlOrscra. /go mortgage required as A.IEEM.ITS • ..150.1t EALINT quiz 8V13SOBliit1f HAVING alIST,COMPLDTED ,c.„ and furnished his new Plarling Mill With Madhin- dry of the latest improved patteres, is now prepared to attend to all Orders 15 his line in the most pronipt and satisfactory manner, and at reasonable rates, He 'Ionia also return thanks to all who patronized the. old Brit Wore they Wttro burned out, and now being a better position to °mete orders expeditiously, feels confident he can give liallsractlot to all. J. M B Witch and Clock Maker JEWELLER,. • . posun THEc 'Amnon. Where he keeps s select assortment of • WATCHES; 'CLOCKS, JEWELLER, SILVER.' . WARE . ' • . 'Which ire will sett at reesonableratei. , . Repairing of every .deseriptiori promptlY tat ded to, 160 &Hyoid( warranted. . J. BIDDLECOKBE. Canton; Nov. 1888. • SAVE 20 PEIL CENT' 1834e-SEUI-0ENTENNIAL-18.86 TEAR OP 'TEI GORE DISTRICT FIRE,INS. CO . Conducted both on Oath and Mutual Plane. HON. iAS. YOUNG, M. P. P., - fifeildent. ADAM WAftwitsK, Esq.i - - vreaFreetaent It, S. STRONG, Esq., - Bfausgibu Director • T E :F. • • Enters upon its FIFTIETH YEAR much • stronger and More prosperous than at any, previous period, having $218,896 of Assets and pratioaily NO LIABILITY except a Re inthrance Iteiterve of $30,090. There are $20, 000 deposited with the Ontario Government, and ever 05,000 held in Mortgages, Deben ' tures, and Cath, immediately availablb to meet losses. Mutual Polley -holden in the "Gore save k 20 por cent. with undoubted security: Pot -fail pertioulartrapply to HEAD CMOs GAT Or to JOHN RIDOILT, Agent, Clinton ROLLER FLOUR AT 32.10 PER OWT, BRAN. by TON or •CWT Al! 00ors. 'PER CWT., .•• De,liveied any whete in town free of charge 'ACME r—Neer Orenut Trunk Bail ia way, Clinton, THOMAS MoltENZI.E. MRS. j0IIN