HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-05, Page 8OLINTON NEW EUA,
FRIDAY, NOV. 5, 1886.
Auction Salo at Thompson ..$. Switsor's old stand,
every Tuesday, Thwsday. and Saturday night, com-
mencing at 7 p.m
CHEAP woOLLEN GOODS for sale' ae fleasir
-waynen Mills Store. J Thomppcon's old stand, Beaver
•Iir�ck F.E,CORBETT.
• o Clinton.
Now .is the time to secure BULBS for fall
lrlanting. Snow drops, Crocuses, 2'ulipe,
.Hyacinths, dc•, at loco priced. 1Y111.. C.
SEARL '%, Clinton.
BENNETT, at theRecl Roel erg',Clnton,
the leading Undertaker and Furniture Dealer,
to the front again. Re carries o$'the honors
and red ticketsfor i irnitnreatIfullett, Morris
and Stanley .S tows. .He always /gads but nev-
er follow.
!own ;jpt�cia.
PAW{ Boit10Wi.--Ml's. Moffatt, of this
town, has bought the farm of Mr.V.Roth,
near Bayfield, containing 50 mores, with
good frame house and barn, paying there-
for the sum of §+,1,s`g1Sl,.,,._fthe land is.
anything at all»good,•she C`h'as a cheap
place, '
l3LOon BoIsONlirf#.---Mr John Cooper,
hostler at the Grand Union, is laid up by
a serious case of blood poisoning. His
]eft hand and arm are much swollen, and
he is suffering considerably, Although
under skilful medical. treatment, his re-
covery is a matter of doubt.
FELL tewN CELLAR.—Mrs.• McDon-
ald, of Graliton, (mother of Mr. D. Mc-
Donald, County Clerk) had the misfortune
one day last week. to fall down an open
cellar . way. She is about 75 yeard of age,
and although, no bones were broken, she
was pretty badly about the bead and face,
, and very severely shook up. : ,
'of temperance workers of the- county of
Huron, will be 'held in the Baptiet`cf arch,
Wingham, on Tuesday, Nov. 1'6th, com-
mencing at 1 o'clock p.m., sharp. Seve-
ral interesting and important matters are
likely to come up for discussion} and it is
especiallydesired, that a large number be
present. •
THE LUMBER WOODS. : ,several young
.men from this neighborhood have lately
' left for a winter's work in the Michigan
lumber woods, a. gang of about. a dozen
going away on Tuesday.. Mr. David
Donohue (son of Mrs. R. Gagen)' writes
from Midland Co. Michigan, as follows :
"Times are goodhere• this fall ; wages are
good and men are -scarce."
A )3An FALI:.--On Monday, while two
yourg men named Raisin and Bowers
employed.. by • Copp' & Logan -were at
work painting the new house . of Mr. S.
Wilson, the Scaffolding gave ..way and both
were thrown to the ground. Bowers es-
caped without injury, but Raisin was less
fortunate, having his nose broken, and
being severely cut about tbe.:head.
A WIDE CIROULAxioN.-Extensive A1s
the circulation of the .NEW ERA usually
is, .it got on extra wide distribution last
week, being mailed to all parts of:Austra
iia, to parties in: Spain, Germany, Russia,
England, Turkey, :Nova Scotia, New
Brunswick, Newfoundland, British Col-
umbia, • and the Northwest Territories,
' Quebec. Province, and to all�seetions of
the Province el Ontario. •
Tnxpnns.--Farmers are busy taking up
their mangolds' and turnips. Salvation
army Capt...Spackman has gone to Wing -
ham; it is expected Capt. Lewis, of.Brus-
sels, will succeed her. Nicer weather
could' not be desired than that experienced
this week; for "the early part of November
it is simply "immense.." There has been
more Uncle Tom's cabin troupes ,around
the -country th:an any other kind' of show,
and people.do, not aeem-toget .,tired of
them. .
Local Ra�v *e�r,NoTE8=The-passe1
ger business of Clinton .station for the
mouth of.a�October amounted to about
$2000, being considerable more than for
the same period . last • year. ' During, the
month of October, 2,500 tonic of freight
• were handled at Clinton station. No, less
a than 51 cattle cars' were distributed 'from
Clinton station in oneday this week; the
stations of the L. H. & B. receive all their
cattle cars frcm here. Messrs,'Whitely
and—Id—wards shipped tivo::cars.ofApples
to the old.country on Wednesday, mak-
ing about a dozen ear loads of this pro-
duce that' had been shipped during the
'week, Mr. E. rloody has handled: '1000
`barrels this fall.
Lm •
THAT'BY-LXw. - -`Some' queries .have
been addressed to us relative to the action
of the members`of the Council on the
Transient Traders' By -Law. In some of
these it is alleged that we did an injustice
in stating that all the members voted . for
it, and. that some of the • Council were:ab-
sent. We have gone to the minute book
again and find that all the members were
present except Councillor Maywood, and
that every member, of the'Council voted
for the by-law. The first and second read-
ead ings of the by-law were moved by Court-.
cillor Cooper, and seconded -by Councillor
Manhing, and the third reading, the final
passage of the by-law, was moved by
Reeve Macmurchie and seconded by Dep-
uty --•Reeve• Corbett.: The yeas and nays
were not called for, endue councillor dis-
sented, and, as the rule is, it was looked
•upon as carried unanimously.
BRtEBB... Martin O'Donnell, a strapping
young Irishman, who has been livinghere.
for a short time, has deserted his wife and
child, leaving them without any means of
support; be has been gone about two
weeks ; whet makes, the case harder is that.
his wife is unable to- work, and will shortly
become a mother. Oa Friday afternoon.
-last;"isle engine of the freight train on the
L.,H. & 13, going south, ran off the track
at the diamond, and it took severalhours
to get it on again; the passenger trains,both
north and south, were delayed in conse-
quence ; no particular injury of any kind
w done.. A new time table went into
force he on Monday ; the only change
is that the afternoon freight, formerly go-
ing east et 4,80, new leaves aG ;i.15, and
the morning train east.leaves at 7.30.
Miss M, McKowen is visiting friends. at
Goderich, Mr. C. Overbury is down at
Grand Bend for a few week's sport. Mr.
john Sheppard of Lambton, Dakota,
friends. A severe attack of erysipelas
confines lir Thos Cooper to the House. -r.
The body of a°young mail named W elle,
who had accidentally, met his death in
Detroit, came here. on Wednesday night
from London, and was taken on to Gode-
rich, where his parents reside. Mr W S
Lawrence has rented the house recently
occupied by Mr John; Qailander. The
celebrated . Justin McCarthy will lecture
in Cardno's Hall, Seafortb, on the even
ing of Nov. 23, on "The cause of Ireland";
as this will be his only lecture in this part
of Canada. those who would like to hear
him, sho "d arrange to go down ; we be-
lieve the Conway company will hold over
the train, if a sufficient number go there..
Large ripe strawberries . were. yesterday
picked in the garden of Mr Wm Mason.
Quarterly meeting services . , . be liel'd
(formerly of the 16th con. Goderich town- r in both Methodist church
a l Ownf 013
ship) landed in town last week, and pur- . Sunday next. •
poses remaining fora feat days. Mr. Os- • • The, regular meeting of the Huron Pres-
baldeston, of the Huron road, sent us,on bytery takes place in Willis church, Clin-
Saturday, a bunch of wild raspberries, on ton, on Tuesday next.
which were a number of ripe. berries. Rev, W. Craig; -ef St, Paul's churcb,
Miss Kate Rowell, who' bas been absent has returned to town, and will resume his
from town a ouple. of months, returned own work on Sunday next.
on Friday last.' Mr Wm. Cooper is push- Further particulars of the tea meeting.
fns the son a new house on the lot to be held in Rattenbury St. church, on
g his own n residence. Mr. `Thos.
Cottle is making improvements to his theeveniug of the 18th, next week,
house on Wellington street. A neat ver- Rev. E. S. Rupert well preach educe-
sndah bas been added to the house of Mr. ' tional sermons on the Londesboro circuit,
Thos. East, gravel road. The base ball on the 31st inst., Rev. Mr. dough, sup -
club finished, up the seasonby a supper plying here.
at Anderson's restaurant. Mr. W. G. The revival services that have been go-
Searle attended General Booth's farewell ing on at 'Alma,. for the past four or five
service at Woodstock, last week. • Mr. W. weeks, have secured a large attendance.
McGee has a dog only seven months old, and are said to have been productive: of
which weighs 7.51b9.; that's pretty good for much good. -
a "pup." Mr. N. Robson has returned Rev S. A Dyke, of Toronto, was an.from lies. visit to Kansas, Mr. G. Dun- nounced'to lecture in the Baptist. Church
can, of this clerk at Stratford,, acehas severedfor somethi e on freight
last (Thursday) night, on "Marriage." It
son with ta
t' h Grand run Trunk Railway.Mr.i9, a popularsubjeet, and be is Said to be a
. ,
John Wiseman got a- dqg by express the popular speaker,
By purchasing your goods at
Pickson' s
i•Ie sells cheaper -than anybody else:
Ju received a large stock of
� o
But It Is necessary to be WIDE AWAKE to succeed In this world
WILL - no - YOU - GOOB
GrandRAnge of
e '
be surpassed in"Close Cut Prices..
other day,. 'and the next day Mt. Paisley Voting on the introduction of the
came outand collected the dogtax-pretty Hymnal into the services of Willis church
sharp work. We understand that Mr.Asa commenced on Sunday last, and will be '-.
Muir (son of Mr. W. Mair, of Hullett,) .continued for two weeks, when the result
who has been teaching at Westmeath, for . will be announced.
the past year,. has; refused re-engagement, Quarterly meeting services will be held
as he 'desires to enter the medical profes- in the Methodist churches of Londesboro
sion. • A neat frame house is. •being, coma- circuit, next Sabbath, in Einburn at 10:30
pleted f'i1r. Mr. Joseph Cook, oti the south a.m„• and at •Londesboro at 6:30 p.m.,•to
end of Orange street. •Mrs..•Weller, •late be conducted by the pastor of the church.
of Brantford, has taken up her. residence ;” Special services are.being held st Beth -
here withherdaughter,Mrs.John Powell. el cede ,servicPorter's Hill,under the direc-
Mr. E. A. Martin (son of Mr: Robt. Mar tion rc Mr, I+' 'Woohull; evangelist,
.tin, of; the London road) has: opened a This person is a faithful, zealous worker,
dental office in the ,village of Brussels. .
In our re ort of the Magistrate's case last and is likely accomplish ' much good at
week, Irving vs. Allanson, we made a this appointment.. • '
mistake in saying that the defendant had . The anniversary services of Rattenbury.
bought the hay on the lot; he claimsto street. Methodist Sabbath school will be
have had •the lot rented for a year,, and held on Sunday and . Monday. Nov. 28
that -he put the hay there.. Between Sat- and '29.• Rev. • E. IC. Scott, of Charing
urday night and Monday morning some Cross, will preach 'on Sunday; and the
rascals bloke'a pane of glass in the door children -will supply the programme on
of Chidley's Furniture Warereems, ,and' the following evening..
not content with the injury thus inflicted,' Rev. W. W. Sperling preached for Rev.
they spurtedtheir filthy tobacco juice 3'. Gray, et his baseline appointment,last
through the hole- Ig'o"'made, on the fur- Sunday morning,' to a large and•attentive`
niture inside; a•couple of weeks in jail the .baseline-l3apti-stohureh; Itiondayeven-
would do good to the Parties guilty, of congregation; Mr. Gray taking•Mr. Sparl:.
such meanness ; and just here we want to;, ing's work here. The tea meeting held et
direct. the attention of Chief Paisley to ing,was well attended,and all -present appa-
the number of loafers whomake the street rattly enjoyed themselves. Mr. Gray oc-.
cornets their resort ever_ySunday after- copied the.cbair, and short addresses were
noon,.ejecting tobacco juice and profane delivered by Messrs.,Rupert,•Sparling and,
language to the great annoyance et those' KestIe.
passing by ; they should be . compelled to'
disperse. or else be arrested. . It is very
unusual to find•..to,matoes in Blossom. in
November,•in Canada, but Mr, D. Dickins
son -has left with us a few tops taken from, -
'the garden, which are -out in full bloom.
Mr'•J G. Smith, `of Gerrie, 'went up to
Goderieh; •on Wednesday, to take his'oat,h
of of ee as' Police Magistrate for •the East
,Riding, after which he will immediately
proceed to try anumber ofallegfd'infrac-
tions of the Scott Act. • Messrs.. Foster &
• Bayley hae recently beau 'getting up'
some very 'handsome, life-size photos, a
-pairof-M. - Doberiy--and wife -being-
particularly good;arid also one .of the late
John Shipley, from an :ambrotype; .they.
'have takenseveral others equally as good,
hut.tbese are the moat recent :ones. -The •
Inspector of weights and' measures tested
the mark et' scales when he, was here, and
found. them.perfectly correct; he recom
mended' t eat soineof•• the-stoaework• on
which •tike' scales rest, having :become
slightly . be -repaired]
wbich'has beery, done, • The friends of
Miss IC.'Mosgrove, of Toronto, -formerly
of Clinton; will' regret to leern that she is
dangerously illof--inflammation. of the
bowels. - ' Mr. W. Pearson, of:StauIey,,lias
moved to•the house:he ,recently purchas
ed of Mr. Peter Cole.' `.C•he:average atten--
dance at Clinton' Model' Scboo], for the
tnonth.of October, was•424 ; this is a large
attendance; being an average • of 68 for
each teacher, without counting the Prin.-
cipal, whohas the Modellites to look after.
Mr. Jamul Scott; sr:, is smoking a pipe
.that has seen .fortyyears.ofservice, and
it's ' just'as good as new."•; Mr. Samuel
Wilson, of this 'town,: is'now travelling
fora' wholesale 'dry goods hohse, of -Mont-
. real. Mr. Jos Smith recently sold lot 11,
on the 6th con. of Hulled, to Mr. , James
Walker, of Clinton, for the sum of $1,000.
which is dirt cheap.' Mr..John Joalin re-
cently bought a small lot neer the station,.
from Mr.,,George Uatvkins, of Port Albert
The wife of Mr -James Watt, ofthe•base
line, who has been in very poor health
for..sometime, has sti far recovered that
she is now able -to drive out. ;.The En
trance Exaniinatiiin to the Iligh'Schools.
of the eoun.ty, will be held on the 21st,:
22nd and 23rd of December next. Mr;
Charles Swinbnnk (eldest•son of Mr, Geo.'
Swinbank) died in Manitoba this week ; he
was employed As conductor on the C.P,R„
and had only been sick a short time, the
family receiving word that he was better
on Saturday; ile was a'•steady, industrious
young than, married; his body is ex-
pected. to arrive here to -day. Mr. Chas,
Cuninghame, a former -resident of town,
but who hos been living in Michigan, has
conte back to.see if a change will better
his health, which has been .poor for some
time, Miss "AI iii H5ssian, who has been
vision's hergqrandparents'and others here
for about • three menthe, returned to her
home in Wingham, on, Tuesday last. Dr.
Coleman, Mayor of Seaforth, was in town
on Wednesday; lie is seeking higher bons
ors as a^meinber of the Local Legislature,
but is hardly likely to get them:. Mr May
,has disposed of his milk business to •Mr
Weir, but r'etainsthes'IMS for this ninntfi:
Mr W Marten has recently, raised his
house, put a stone foundation beneath,
and otherwise improved it, pinking a very
comfortable and cosy residence, harry
Dennis, wife and family, of llrussels, spent
a'a'11nrt tithe this week with old Clinton
ANOTHER INDUSTRY. - A representa-
tive of' this paper dropped in to see Mr W
Marten the other day, and was surprised
to find him very busily engaged in a busi-
ness which most people know nothing
whatever about. On the premises were
stored about twenty-five tons of old rags
of all sorts and descriptions.These Mr
Marten assorts into -seven different lots,
all the fine woollen ones being sorted from
the coarse,' tJe cotton placed by them-
selves, the dal: from the light, and so on.
Mr Martenis the only man in Western
Ontario who does this Work, and he usu-
ally secures whatever stock he can get in
adjoining towns . for the purpose. The
work implieds in: assorting this huge pile.
is something enormoue, and requires con-
siderable skill,. but Mr Marteh is fully
equal to the occasion, and works with a
rapidity that is surprising. After the,
rags are properly asserted, they are packed
into bales• of'600lbs, Boob, by two power-
fulpresses, andas soon as convehierttship-,
ped to a paper nail], where they are either
workedver again into cloth, or converted
into i er. This is only a part .of the
1business carried on by Mr Mar-
ten', but it is nevertheless an important
part. '
Which are being,sold very cheap.
Weask a •:fair trial with our big Ni
COSTS NOTHING to lookat our 1
o our arse: stock.
The . ' MEEKLY" , GLOBE,, - MAIL;
FREE' PRESS, from now till the end of
next year for ONE DOLLAR. .
Bookseller and Stationer,
Critical comparison is '.what: we
ask in: -our—
A careful manill: keep himself ' warm.: Our
MELS . &
G cannot_be
surpassed in : waydown prices:"
are at prices that ° ' .make them go.
Are. -still to the
ront in
Glie them ct call.
.a -
RANCE ,00.,
Three Doors Witt of !)ick, n's Book Store
We are
shoniing,a wondeiful.. range of Fine Imported t•
.NECKWEAR:' 25 emits • ••
A. magnifieent5.collection of, New Goods.'
The •very L ates
ie,w : York•': Shapes
Iln IFF.:. HA S.
i ,
Our assortnment off'
hats is thy; Largest
in the .County
Fancy flannel & Kish Shirts
,At''fi'ery. low.pricis. We have a great
SI -311 T at 75 els:
Sold elsowbere'. fur't$1. We have BOYS KNIT
SHIRTS and FANO"Y FLANNEL with, laeed front.
Our UNDEl`UiLOTHING. stock is full and coni.
..plote. A beautiful assortment of HOSIERY.
Cx.4xr T N.