HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-05, Page 6oto ruiDAY, NOV, 6, UK A l'errOolle *gene. e I enaged On Taursday as a• man named, Henry, mato was operating Mr. .Nichol's steam thresher, on the farm of Mr. WimDickson, on, the 8th eon., Edina was gai , n ailing some o fthe machinery, his arra was caught and taken into a pulley, breaking It near the •saoiuder, and causing other severe laJlItleS. ...-....---......-. ••••••*'—'"- ISPIt Rheum, Ckureill. McGregor & Parke's Carbone Cerate bas h6e•ii tried and found to ,,,e the only positive cure for • Salt Rheum, Pimples, Illotelles on the face or bands, Cuts, Burgs. Bruise, or any sore that nothing else will heal. Try DfcGreAor & Parite's Carbolie Cerate( 25 e. per box at Wor- • hilagton's Drug Store,- ess Chicago, Oct. -304—W• death was reported this morning, and in- Iteetigetton 1eave ne out is t was caused byhydrophobia. lilit?khammer wbo WAS a carpeater, Wail on hieway to ' work on September 11, when an enormoua brindle bull dog rrished ferociously uncut him. Klinkhanuner, though aa man of about fifty-eight years of age, WaS, possess. ed. ef much courage and agility and seeing no avenue :of escape from tbe brute, drew a long ease knife from, his pocket, and esavage fight ensued between the man and dog. The sight was a, ter • Ohba one, In a few minutes the sidewalk was covered with the blood of both COM batants, the man usingthe knife with deadly effect, while the dog was literally lacerating the limbs of the latter, At four different places Klinkhammer inflict- ed deep, gashingwounds, while the dog's fangs met eaeh other in four pacesthrough the man's legs. At • length theaerrible scene was brought to an end --by Klink - hammer malting his escape through the slieer exhaustkon of the dog for want of bleed. The poor fellow painfully drag- ged his mangled linabs to his home, and lay down upon wlitat • prOVed to be hi deathbed. In one week he had to be moved to the Hospital, and -remai ed therematil a week ago Monday. Dur1g his et* there the doctors diseoveredsymp- toms of blood poisoning and wanted to -amputate the affected limbs. Klinkham- mer obsanately refused to allow this, and was taken back to his borne, Within 24 boure the symptoms Of the frialitful real- ady, which is suppesed to have calltied his death, had increased to an alarming extent. On the aecoud day he raved and on the third he was a violent and danger- ous maniac. Death ended his agonies .-yesterdily'ActternoOn, four Men being oh- :IL GentlemainlY lielPeotfr^ Boston 1*(744 :—Wben, the modern Athenian makee up his mind to be "se- vere he is generally able to given sting- ing rebuke to whoevei may deserve it. .A gentleman prominent in legal circles. in Boston was recently rid* in a train, and in a seat before him was a •young and gayly -dressed damsel. The car was Pretty full, and presently an elderly Wo- man entered, and finding no seat vacant but the one beside the young woman, mentioned, sbe sat down beside her. She waa a decently dressed wornaa but apparently of hamble station, and he . carried several clumsy bundles, which were evidently a serious annoy - alien to her seatrnate. The young wo- man made no effort to conceal her vexes tion, but in the most conspicuous man - a tier showed •the passengers around that ho censidered.it an impertinent intru- sion for the newcomer to presume to sit down beside her. In a few tninutes the old woman de.1 positing her package upon the sdlit,went - across the car to speak to ah acquain- tance she discovered on the opposite silo of the aisle. The lawyer leaned forward to the offended young woman and eour teously asked if she would change seats with him. A smile of gratified vanity showed how pleased .she Was to have at- tracted tae notice of so 'distinguished looking a gentleman. t 0, thank yon ever so much,' she said effusively. , I should' like to; but it woulcl be as bad fiar you as for me, to sit•beside such an old woman.' I beg your pardon,' he responded with undiminished deference of manner; it was• not yew eo'mfort was thinking of, but the old lady's.' . Be on your pOOrd. Don't allow .a e1din the Vend to slowry and surely. develope itself into Catarrh when . you can be cured for.25 cents, ' • • 'A few applications will cure • encipient Catarrh. • One or two boxes will cure .ordinary Catarrh. ' One to five boxes will cure chronic Catarrh. Try Dr. Chaim's Catarrh Cure—it will cure you. Sold at 25 cents per. box, • • A Crael Esiditsg. The diary Of 'Bishop Hannington, who wee put to death by -Otis 'order of King Mwanga, of ligundi, Mace, has beep published, giving the detaili. of the,,litet week of his life., He' describes the ar- rival of his party at Ltib was, -where the chief; at the head Of 1,00,0, troops, de- manded ten guns and three barrels- of 'powder. The chief asked Bishop Han- nington to remain with him' for a day •.or two, and the latter complied. While taking a walk he was attacked by abaut twenty natives, and struggled with his assailants, but became weak and faint, and was dragged violently a long dis; tame by the legs, when, his parsecators halted. They stopped itirtt-Tatibed43-ini and imprisoned him insaliut 'full of ver- min and decaying 'bananas.- While ' he was lying there ilI andhelpless the chief and his leta wives came out of curiosity feast their eyes on him.. On the next •day. he was allowed to return. to his tent, where though • ill he felt more comfort. able. He was. gliarcled, however, by the natives., He remained in bed Slur:, ing the following days: Parties of the chief's 'Wives put•of idle ouriosity,-carne daily to see lin.; Har-witerallowed to send messages to his friencliAint he he- -lieved-they-were-interbepted-.--an the, seventh day he writes that. the fever continued;,... that. at night the place swatmed with vermin, that the guaide were drmik and noisy; and he was un- able to Bleep. At lest he became de- lirious. On the eighth y,:Se29, he was conscious. His entries on •this day are brief NO news; a hyena; howled all night, smelling the sick man; hope. he will not have.rne .This is the final entry. It is believed that shortly after writing this he. Was taken out and put to death: liged 'to hold him down to bed. • Chicago's whiskey atm. ----„,-.. It is a matter of astonishment t at these champions.againat despots (th Knights of Leber) should ignoie the tyranny of Ring Aleohol, whose willing subjectin the 'United States pay hint 900 million dollars a ye r,,of.which sum Chicago cOntributes full fifteen millions ,and itial-e-town orLake ii raillion and a gnat:ter. per annum, • Chicago is not • worsar than.aathea places in proportion to population, yet it has 3,800 saloons': It is estimated that not less than $40,000 is going.PVer whiskey and beer counters of the city every twenty four bout*, or $14,600,000 duridg the year. This does not include the liquor sold in the hun- dreds of drug stores, or carried home by • the bottle 'or ,basket from • wholesale • places, aggregating erfe or twO.inillions Wore. ..Of - title sum not less than ten millions come out of the wage workers. The indirect loss isi about equal to , the direct loss...;. The loss. of them; loss, of hearth, Site.; eccasiofiecljayalritilting, etc. would figure up to an immense sum. It the ,seventy-five . wage -Workers would Saye the anowey, or evert half of its thus worse than ' thrown away, they would' • sciert'all have homes of their own SC a ts, their Wives and children , would haye.aitc_as plenty to eat and good Clothes for rags. ce go 'The anoney senii Chicaao 'fur liaor SOLDErr 1" •„,,rt 15 COVERY CURES ALL HUMORS trout a common Itiotch, or Eruption, the worst Scrofula. Salt -rheum, Fewer-sOrea,” Sealy Or H011011 Shin, sliort, all diseases caused by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and invigorating medicine- Groat Eating 13, cern rapidly heal utiffe'r its benign influence. .Espeelally bas it manifested its potency in curing 'Fetter, Bose Rama, oIh, Car- bulimic's, Sore Eyes, Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, llitip.,Toint Disease, Virlinito Swellings, Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents in stamps for a large treatise, with col- ored plates, on: Skin. Mena b, or UM same amount for atreabse on Sore Mous Affectiobs. "TVS• BLOOD XS THE *LIFE.ff Thoroughly cleanse it by usiukGoIdot , Dr. Pierce's uedientneo ery,and good rltfi4ktgiliit vItiete4,ages=itei .constitution, will be established. CONSUMPTIOPip . . . „ which is Scrofulous' Disease of thLungs, is promptly e curedand k Ifirr CerIAMT" rirtrg, beforathe last stages of the disease aro reached. Prom its wonderful power over this terribly fatal disease, when ih•st offering this now•cel- ebrated remedy to the public, Dr. ,PtEntlie- thouglit seriously of calling it his “Con.. sumpti on Cure?, butabandoned that name as too 'Bunted for a medicine .which, from Its Wonderful combination of tonia,or strengthen- ing, alterative,me blood -cleansing, antf-biliouS, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequaled, s not only as a remedy for ,consumption of the lungs, but for all . CHRONIC DI$EA.MES • , Liver Blood and Lungs. If you feel dull, drowsy ilebilitated, have on faee or body, freouent headache or d zzi- nesabad tastein mouth, internal heat or chills,' alternating with hot flashes, low spirits and gloomy borebodings, irregular appetite, and coated tongue. you are auffering from Ind'. gest I on I Dy spep al st, and Torpid ,Liver, Or "Biliousness.", In ,;nany cases sally part of these Symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for mil such eases; Dr. riercefe Golden Medical Discovery JIM no equal. ••• • For Weak Lear aPlitIniff of Mood, Shortnegits of reath, Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, Consumption, and kindred affectiona, it Is a, sovereign remedy. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierces book on Consumption. hold by Druggists. PRICE $1.00 Pelit'allaTT10 f• ".C° " . Sallow color of *skin• , or .ye l'owish-brown sfots World's Dispensary Medical Association, 'Proprietors, 803 fain St„'Ilurrat,o, N, Y. NAtices tittLE akar/ .41 •LIVER libleb PILLS.. ANTI-BIL/OVS and CATMABT/C. -T • 'by the 'Wage workers woad, i;;;;; than three tbousand•cottage,s every year and only the sick and lazy Would. want •anycomfort.;--Chicago Tribune. • Canada thettest of All. • Rev. H. G. Parker, professor of elocu- tion at Queen's 'University, Kingston,now on R trip around the world, writes from Sydney, Australia Since I bid you geed -bye I have touehed at many a port and greeted many we've whose language was not the same as reitie not face of.the Soren type. 1 invite' tested the hospitality of a. Mexican senor, eaten bear with the miners of the Sidra Nevadas, dined en stewed dogs andliveihrirnasaand poi with the goodatatured king -of the Kai:lakes, I have traded hate •with a missionary in the Samoan Islands., escaped a areat erep- tion of the velcano.in New &alitiad, been chaaed by the black man of North MS, tralia. and broken bread with the Gover-• WbfNew South Wales,. Lord Carring- ton, at g kangaroo bunt in the green tree I have worn the 'silken we.rb of the Japanese; brought brie -it -brae �f the insinuating Mongolian, and ',readied to 200 miners. abroad is man-of-war, in the Pacific Ocean, and bere I am at Sydoey, ready to start out again as soon as I can to visit the mystic••shrines -of India and perhaps kneelpti Mount Olivet and look liven the telded eyes of the sphinx. • But seeing much or little, I do not know of a„ better place to liven than in Canada." "What is AleGregor's Speedy Cure or ?" It is for Dyspepsia, ,Li ver (iothhlai,,t, Dullgt'a- tion, and ie tad finest blood pin:liter in the known. world to.dity. "Dots it MVO eatisfaetien V! We cannot Xioint to One,in stance where Lt did not. "Whore dOeS it have tile largest /tale i" Hight in the city of Hamilton Where It is manufactiired, there has been Over one thous. and dollars' worth sold In the last year, retail, and the great majority of sales aro bina re' no mtnending it to another. For sale at Miami $1 per bottle at Worthington's Drug Store, Ingeranil offets A bonus of ia175 ''for every. man brought to the town by u teeth r itig i n d ut try . WoOJstodk gave Patterson honus equal to $28 per year per man emploked, for .a period of ten years, or $280 per head, McGregor & Parkes Carbolic Ceriite'. Have you an .old Sore, Cut;'BurnBruitie Corn, Bunion, Salt Rheum,' Intalsits_iotithtle Rough Hands or Pace 5 If ao, there is but one Mire, namely, McGregor and Parked 'Carbolic Cerate. •If you buttryft, Kyrili convince you. It costs but 250, at Worthingion'irDrug Store,' , . . . •• PERTH NEWS. . • Mary Berra, &Vagrant, diedau Strat- ford jail on Saturday last. • • There was grown on lot 5, con., Iiogiiii, twelve mangold wnetzels, avhieli weighed One hundred aad:fifty-seven and a half . pounds. • ' h ' • _ 'There are six h•atels. in Mialiall, five churehes and. a Salvation Army barracks,' nine .school, teachers, three doctors, and three newspapers. . . ._, The trustees of school' section bro., 5 union school for Fullarton,,Logan and El-. lice, have. secured this serVices Of Me. Gib- son Mahaffy as teabhea for 1887. ., • Mr. Joihua Challenger h' s sold his flue the sam ot$6,600. - - /:. frirarl--pf one hundred acres, it the I:harm road, Logan to Mr. Thema Wbrcien,..for Mi. „Patrick Wan, of Beechwood, Mc- -Killop; has purchaehed the 'Richard Car- penter 150 acre farm,. on the pawn line, .Logan, paying therefor $6,000: • Mr. Robert Moderwell, Who wee the, first sheriff appointed for the °aunty of Perth, died the other day -at Stratford, 81 years old. He',was gazetted sheriff in 1853 and retired about 1870.. •••" •: • Oa Sunday 414, Beattie, youngest daughter of Mr. Rich. Davidson, Mitch- ell fella:Town the stensleading to the cellar in the house, and broke her arm just•be- low the elbow joint. • ' •• , On Wednesday Tnorti ing allasJohnilarcl-' man; G. T. R. drivee of Stratford, fell in - Ito a pit at the Toronto round -house and was seriously: injured. The aecident• is rather uufortunate in view of his advanced age.`, • '• . •Mr, A, St. a din, ofSf• Marys, who Still owns a farm i, Minnedesa, Man.,' had the grain of forty acres of wheat burned late- ly, His son Atiam;whoae farm joins the other, was 'alsa- -a heavy Sufferer by the flames. ' ' • Mrs. 0. W. Watson, wife of the post- master ofMolesworth, committed suicide Wednesday by hanging. She had been slat for some time, and is eapposed to have been deranged when she committed tire rash act. Mt, John M. Scott, who had for a num- ber of years filled very rieceptably the po- sition of bent of the Division Court at Milvertoit, havink removed from'the lint- itii, it became necessary to appoint another, and the choice fell upon Mr. John J. Whaley, whoae father was the first clerk. Of the same court here. •' The fatiaily.of Ur. James Oke, Mitchell, has been sorely afflicted this week, by the death .of b is only child, Walter William, whieli oeeurred early on Tgesday morn- ing. The lad was eighteen years old, He had been working in Listowel a few weeks prior to- hig death, but was stricken down with typhoid, Sala by Druggists. 26 cents a vial. , $50.0 REWARD is offered by the prOprjetoia of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh which they cannot 'cure. •• If you. haves discharge fromj the nose, offensive or other- wise, partial loose! smell, taste, or hearing, weak eyes. dull pain or pressure in head, you have Catarrh. Thou-, sandsof cue, terminate in consumption. • Dr. '8 CArAnnu.REatnny cures the worst. eases of Catarrh, "Cold in the Bead's, and Catarrhal Eleadache. 50 °eats. GODEY'S , LADY'S BOOK' For PM.. Simile Copy, In Cents : , - • • '. :-.•-• - • • . . 1,2. koneArit ..41.LwAws IN- ADVANCE, ,IIRAUTIVIM PREMIUMS' To lingua SeilsCsniElL. , ., . TERMS. TO OLLTBS. - • • i.c•o"pie-8'.'tZT.R•X PRRAntinnI To OLVWpAinsne• . • .... . . . - •-••• :, ........ i* • I t ••.4-03•50 3 , ..' • • f . ' 4.50 5 • " .. ....., .. . 775 Pr lisi of Premiums and terms. to•larger clubs, head fin• , Sample Copy,, which will give you full hiforination. laving the greatest variety of depa talents, ably edited: GlodevIs, at the prrient that • t; ailtultted by preps awl °people to Ite superior to any ladie .' wagering In America, The liteary features aro:IC:oriels, 'Novels. Short Stories, Charades, Poems, etc, Among .tlai populars authors who will contribute • to • oddey, are: J. V'. Prichard, Miss Emily Heed, Joaurchill, Win.M. Eager, Emily Lennexiand others. Engravings appear In evervnumlier,of subjects by well known artists( and urodUced by theneweat processes. In Its • colored fashions -(litiloy's leads in ,colors and styles. Both modistes and h . ome dines • makers lord them the foremOtt position, • • PARgit, PATTictrifl'are:nne *1 the Important featores of thiti magazine; each mthscriber being allowed tended, their OWn pattern °eery ino nth, an item aloue_more than covering the. snItscription price. • . • . PRACTICAL 111174 upon Drepainaking slam IMIV gatinente cnn he reltaTated aall Mane fiver by the patterns given,' Pitarl7tean Ifinan for the Household show young house. keepers how to manage the culinary department With tonna. OW and skill.. . . . Tasinoti NOTICS, at Mate aad 'Abroad, dabg14 al'CrY tildi'a heart, •. • ' • • . . '1 rts COLORISE and Black'Work DesiglIdgive all ihrinew- est ideas for.fancy•work. •• • • . . TRU Coeuirtu • recipea are under the control 0( 471 expert. mice'', housekeeper. , • . Mx ARCH tTROTCHAL Depttrtineat is of, wankel utility, careful estimates given with', each' plan. • . Cf(PB itAisEtte. PREMIllmS. ' Goners lins arranged to give elegant Silver plated ware of 1145411e41 11)011e0e 48' premiums, the valtio 0 fienich In Borne In. Omen reaches over $25 for one premium, Send 15 cents for sample ropy whieli 'will contain illustrated premiums:with ull particulars and terms, Addison, GOOEY'S 1LADYIS BOOM, Philadelphia, Pa tolifloshopoogil Relic') Mills After being thoroughly over/Mule) and ro.atted with' NEW De011li..801W of the niost approved kinds, these mills are now in 'splendid running order, ma wm slot So surpassed In the quality of the Work done, by any mill In the country. Special Attention given to 6R1STING, ClIOPPING•DONE ON SHORT' NOTICE, SatisfrtetIon guaranteed, Parties wanting mything whatever in this line will nail It to their Interest to glic 'Naval!. Ilt'SElt, Proprietor. A Creaking . Hinge Is dry and turns hard, until oil is applied,. after WhIeli it Moves easily.. When tile jolunseabinges, o the body :.ara stiffened alai Wanted by Ilbeurnatism, they can, not tioniovea without cattalos. the, most exernciating palms. Ayer's frarsaparillay by its actionon the blood, relieves this mention, and restores the joints to 1;0041 ONC.P. • Ayees Sarstlparilla lies effected, 10 our eity, many most remarkable eures, a nuin. her Of 'which baffled the efforts Of the most experienced .physichtus. Were it necessary, con gwe tile names of many intliVidnals who. liaV 0 been cured by taking this. Medicine. Li jny own ease it hos cer,-- talialy worked wonders, relieving ine • Rhe•urriam after, being troubled v.'" " yvers. Tir tlds,and all -other .'..1slin; from, impure blood,. there- is 11.0 mile& with winch I tan acuutiinted, that animas such relict na • APT'S Sarsaintrilla.-,-14, 11. Lawrence, M. D., Thiltimore, Md. • Ayer's SarSaparilhi eitred ilie O Gout and ItheumatisM,- ivoulcl. has eradicated every trace at disease from my system.-- Short, Manager 1IO(1.4 lir11119at, LONV(11)....MaSS• I WO' iiy umitillS., stifferer from 'al), disease: tIonetvo.1..: 5,2 spite of all the remedies 1 mu ;t1 find ni ILU 1. conime need using Aver's 4141trsapitrilla, I took several bottles of this preparation, and was speed. ily .1'c:stored to ],'ream, Jude. petuidnee„ Var - • Prepared by Dr. J, C..ayer .8". Co., Lowell, Mass. Hold•by allDruggists., • rrice $ij. dig bunks, $5, lied Quarters for • AS 84 COJETtE.. Long Noted for Best Value in TEAS and fresh Roasted COFVE.E. B. 1=).A.1.11„.1ISIR) az 00.0. CLIZIITOX. tiwinnuminewleswinsa., •wsffswasomrsitserstsfeeTmaffsissimmtinsignap flQuMITE111 DVBRZET Mg ON 99 A,14333at. A2TGI-ITS Has the finest and obeapc,st ':GROCERIES in town coia,c)criomlaN. and 4G-ISW.A.,1110 . • At prices which downs them ANTED(Any quaritIty of. Apples, Pears; Plums ' 1 and all kinds of Farm Produce. ANOITS, CLINTON. • • MADE ONLY, BY— J, DRUMM LONDESBORO Will carry a heavier weight than any waggon pfule. , • CUTTERS; SLEIGHS, &C 771:-.571614gEgl okttotuot4 reat Inducement. ° Ila.;Ting 'bought C. J. Tuiflill's Stock of • 05111%A.,. CROCZERY • Ce4 CLASSWARE. .A.t a disconnt, wilisell at Wholesale Prieesruntitall is cleaned out. rum issorigarearr OF .T. S: RIttleS, OP CHICAGO • VINE TOI LET; sc•AP:;- FLEESHMAN & CO'S YEAST, formerly kept by Tuthill ik Ce. -always °Ulan • JOHN MTN INGHA GIR,OCtli, CLINTON. .•FON LIVER AND KIDNEY DISEASES . . • ." When. ars .int011igcat lean .ioaitte to' pur- chase, he buys front parties whose standing in Mei,' several calliiips ie ct" guarantee for the quality of 'their warts." This sterling motto is doubly true in regard tapatent medicines. ' buy.' olalY.those triad° by practical profeesionalmem CUASE is too wall andlaverablyirmown by. his roceipt heal:etc require any recoenda- . tien. • . CriAsa'S 'Liver Cure has 5 receipt book • ramied'a round every bottle which itiverth its wcigh t in gold. -. • Dn.. CH afilfm.tiver Cure is guaranteed to cure (11000966 arising from 'a torpid or inactive liver such as Liver template*, .Dyspepstai, Lid prestion,..ltiliousness• .lastadiee, meg?'" eche, Liver,Spots, sallow FOnsplexion•eW4 THE' KIDNEYS THE KiDNEY$ . The. (ltresn's Liret'Curo it•certaincure for all derangements of the kidnoys,auch gte pain'in the back pain in lower portion.ofthe abdomen, eonstant +desire to pass .urina. red and :white .accliments, shooting pains.in passage, Bright's ' diseaseand'all urinary- troubles, etc. • Try it; take no other, it will cure you. Sold by all dealers at SLOG per bottle,' • . BDISIAIKS0N &Cc Co.,• /OLE AGEkr6•F0R, CA14...13/k. ' IIINADFONO PENNYROYAL , WAFERS.' • Prescription Of a physician who, • has had life long experienceln treating female diseases,4sed • monthly with perfect su by over 10,000 ladies. Please t, safe, ' 'Ofiectual. Ladies ask your drag - gist for Pennyroyal 'Wafers and take no substitute, or lactate post- age for sealed particulars. Sold by \ all druggists, $1 per box., Address _7fi.E.EVREE.11 CHEMICAL CO„ Dirrnolr, Mom, Sold in' Clinton by J. II. COMBE and Druggists everywhere.• • • S. WILSON,: • GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE, .&o.. ' . HURON STREET, CLINTON. Repairng of all kinds promptly attended.to at: reason able rates. ',A trial' solicited. THE M ER -PRA -NTS' --Prot6tive Ind Collecting. Associition —01" CANADA --- Stead Oilict, Ffitmiltost, Ont. EsrAntaman_15_8!.__ • Is au Association cif bUsiness• and professional Inetii having for its object the • • COLLECTION OF .DEETSi' And tp prevent its members making bad debts by furnishing thein.WIth 'lists of parties who do not pay. Merchants and others having Recounts to collect had wishing to 'boom° members, by remitting $7 to our Managers;paniliton, Ont., will receive by return mail , foil particulate, certificate of membership, &c. J. 13,•Msas & do., Managers, Eamilton. Or to 3As. Tuoairspar; ,Agent, Clinton, , 11.-1ll parsons aro warned against a man nam- ed It..Patilkner, hailing from St. Marys; we will not reengaite any members taken by Win after this date, or monies paid to him. ' Read This and -be Wise, have opened hi Elyth, a CIrst-ehtss OOZMSECOIE and 114ilsiZTESS S110.13 Make and:Mind Mt kinds of Soots Opd Shoes, and keep on excellent stook on hand. Pirstelass work. n * AnNEs6a If you want anything, in this lino it will pay you to come and see me. / keep' from a hallid strap to a No. I tot bt SINGLE. or DOUBLE HARNESS, best of stock and workiesnsase may always bo expected, Pleago glvo nie iv call. • C. 'YATESt itt LIMO( • ANDERSONS RESTAURANT AND REFRESHMENT ROOMS, CLINTON- .L...ANDERS,OR, Proprietor, Ice Cream.. Rcpcn, NV -niter, eie. 4S41.N.D3i13.60*, NEXT GRAND ;UNION OLIZTTOX4 • 0,1-"LVJ., ghtiap 13144T, C#ciap cfitpqmancs and Ch9ap PROVISIONS. Having.a• large stock Of Salt on hand, .cirders will. be filled ai* the 'lowest prices eVer Olin:ed. in Clinton, as ahe Salt Works will be sold when arrange- ments are compteted.. Will buy and sell TIMOTHY and CLOVEltpEED,: A let of SALT SACKS and GRAIN.BAGS for -sale.' • SIX•ILARGE BARS OF N.-1). SOAPVOR-ONiDOLLAR.'--- . " • . , JOHN 111CaLLELVA CLINTON:: ;as-. a•,‘ WE ARE NOW OPENI•aer NE Or TBE LARGEST STOOKS OF BOOTS and SHOES at Remarkably Low Prices. -pik-r-pqg 'I'EA.P1 HARNESS $24. J.J.LLL• SINGLE HARNESS $10. BABY CARRIAGES just arrived, latest Styles,,very Cheap:. TRUNKS'S; VALI8E.S.bY the hundred, Cheap. High )and PINE and CEDAR SHINGLES at Leered 'Price& j. IrWavir CtF-X E L4L1, C 11 B. Laurance's SPECTACLES and, EYE -GLASSES. Are the only Genuine English Axtieles in the Canadian Market. Heal Pebbleis nre:Icept in *hick. Vests are giVea lo purchasers le prove genuineness: They are retsoinmended.by asd thoge testimonials bare been received (1070 1110 President, Vice- rresitle'nt, Ex.President and Ex.Viee-President of the Medietil A ssodiation of Canada ; the Presi. dent of tho College of Physicians and Surgeons Of lanobec ; the Dean of the Medical Fiteultyet Laval ilniVersitY ; the rresident and nr.Prosidents of the itiedieal Connell `61 Nova Scotia, Ace. These reeMtiluendatIOnS Olight to be Sufficient to prove their qualities, but it further/noel! needed, call on • 11.013:017. COATS, .Watehmaker and. feweller, Clinten. •