HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-05, Page 5Around the County. Eft tElliott llieltmond. has been engaged to teach at Marta/ell for 1887. Salary $300, Both, Boll, jr., of Hay, shot a nue large deet on Friday last, in a titian* in clay tmerne111p• A little son of CA Barris, of Morris. has been lard up with a broken arw,opeasioned by a tum- Ule on the floor, On Thursday last, Mr. A ,T Sncil, of Exeter,ehot a line looking deer 211 the swamp near 7rrlch. It weighed two hnudred pounds, Mr. G W Holman has been engaged to teach the Winchelsea stelaooi. for another year; this being his. eeveath year Ill the school. Mr Win Leigh, who has taught school at lark- . ton, for the past two years, has been re-ongag- ed for another year at the -salary of '6icoa. The Sepptember and October butter of the Sea- forth and Loudesboro creameries, hasbeen sold for pi contemn lb.' Thiele a good. sale,, Last mock six Exeter sportsmen wont to the ]aka on a dunk -hunting expedition. They re- mned elm day and returned with one. duck, =lir, J. R. Balfour, who has taught In School Section No. 4, Howlek, for two years, 1$ engaged to teach the Lakelet school next year, at a dal- spy o1$450. Mise $ T. Gregory, assietapt teacher in tho Winchelsea school, has beep engaged tq teach school near Clinton, for the year 1887, al a sal- .ary of pee.— On Fridaylast, a bright little boy, son of lifr, Richard McKee, while -playing teith his com- rades at Leallbury school, feel and dislocated his elbow joint. Jnetln McCarthy, M. P., who is famous both ase writer and a speaker, has engaged to lee- tura in aid of the Mechanics; Institute,Soaforth, on the evening of the 23rd of November. John Forsyth, son. of Alex, Forsyth, of Morrie, who recently removed to Manitoba, died) to Dakota ou tho 18th luso, aged 23 yeara,5 mouths and 4 days. The par Lieulars of his death are not to hand yet: 1) The two young Ines named Saint and Kidd, convicted of huttsebreakfug and stealing from two merchant tailor stores in Winghanl, memo before. Judge Toms 011 Thur@day for sentence, and wore eat:tteunt to Central Prison for nine Months, Drs 13ethitue and Young, :(1t Wingham have dissolved partnership, Built geutlemau intend remaiuiug lu town. Illi after tiro 1st December, when they will seek grace 0010 nod pastures .now. The Messra. Dale, of Hallett, who were home in tho old country with a lot of cattle, have re- turned, and have bruagltt with thew two fine Clydesdale (1111es, widen , they will keep for breeding purposes. .. Says the Expositor';—Wo uuderstoltd that hIr... John Mcliann, the well-knattii horse dealer of this town, hes 18.11011 heir to.a largo .estate 111 Ireland by the death of au aunt. 1t now looks as if friend Julie is likely to become a second • Vanderbilt. Thus. Smith, lot 5, eon. 5, Morris, has a regal- ar, 6euuUte 1'1 P..uuw, that has wade for Ile1•sell a reuord•tube handed dime .to posterity. on Saturdlj - 151111 lust., 8116 had a calf, and nu Sat- urday, .mrd iest., she added another to:herfaw- il1•: 130th the mother and cal yob tiro living .and doing well. Warden Bart audita genial duptity for Stop-, hep, :[Larry -leather, rettu•ued hist week treat a two weeks' him flag tour in ittuskoka.. They got about h 111' it dozen of dour, . bringing Howe a Couple ofheads With lnagaideeet atltiers' •1t small genie -they -7;6m equally Bocce/wait.• Tho•sut]tlen death of Mrs Stackhouse has miffed prufuttnd sorrow •among the neighbors • of East Womauesh. While •eu aired in lion do- . =nestle duties, she suddenly fell into the • lap of her sister and continued to pass from ono fit to aaothor for nearly tt day, Throughout her ill- ness 8110 was td all appb{trance unconscious, The Lutknow school boai:d are so pleased with , their principal, •Mr,'D,•D 'Yule. that- they have engaged Lin fur rroxt year with ali'inereabe ot• salary of $50, waltiug Itis salary $650. The board ttsrreed to advance .the salaries of the lady. teachers fifteen dollars each tit the event of.their , re•eugngtllg for next year. . •• - A strange kitten entered theresidence f Mr tianl,rs ecce Thos. Moore, Wiuglia)n on Saturdity'cvoning, went up stairs whore a little child was sloopiug and sufficed her cheek until blood °ante. A3 soon as it was eIstoyerell lloorlritty wasthroivn out .doors. but it soon returned and iadcfor the child a second tilde, but was prevented Charting. it._. A Morrl; correspondent. suYs —' Tlia air is' full of farts oaths to the d'ylag and abstain, fol• the dead.'" Morris is str)elteu,atnlost paralyzed, by a disease that has Uirillacl $u far all the skill of our M. Iris. On nue Hoe, the first of•Mor is,in . the past week, 110 less than four have passed . away to their long hurtle -.sirs Grey and .her brother,'Mra. J. Pamine and Mee. G. Casoulore, Many others grain a daugerous state, but it is hoped p rl t(!e worst 1s over . LuQ. that 1C hast 1 LLwi edy has been fOui t`- • Let no be pati0ut these sever' aifllctrons • Not from the grounil arise, But oftentimes celestial benedictions Assume this dark disguise. ()enerai Pickard, the • niaunnoth ,Stena, :bred andiaise+d by James Pjclrar(l, of Exeter, and su1110 time' ago sole. to Berlin pextras, ie agate in Exeter. This animal; during the past couple Of years, has been exhibited. its .1 curiosity .at rho various fairs ttlrengIIOUt the Cgtintry, and has boon the means ,of malting many Mind •eds. dollars for itsIrt."' of cls s pi'aI lgtorrL ilofore it was stricken with coosamptiou, which now Image over it; the steer weighed 3,810 pouuda; )nOasur; • cd from tip to tip, 8 feet 1) hellos; •and girt14ud s feet, 3.0M. inches. .De-is.now a perfect. skeleton and weighs only 800 pouruls, Ile. was sent:to • Mr. Jas. Pickard, who.-raised.himfor the.pur- pose of ottiug him In proper shale;, if. p088lble. Although Mr. ,1'1ckard naybo a noted •stook' raiser, we .doull11 cry these if 1hp su1ivaLcan_3)0 raised from its pr0sent deeliited'd tte. , Cuc.day this auimal-brouplit $1000 • •, The Wingliam Tnnos • Say8:—Y08terc'lty tole-. g1 ant was received from Mr.aVao Horne mine un rang that work on the deistexteueioii of the ,C, P.R. into Wingham, would be cowuneuced ini- lnediatoly on the. right .of 'way and station ' grounds being secured, and that it -would be completed as far possible this.Sea8oa.AIT, Vett Horre has been nodded that everything, has been satisfactorily settled, s0 that Me work will bo id progress within a few days. The stn' !-".tion grounds will bo,loeatod 00 the FlbrtleUltur- al parlt, four and a quarter .acres lutvi.ug been.. -bought from the society for that pu1'post',and for which $1.100 was`paid. Groy, 3.ottng & Sperling oominenccrl.work on Waived t bleek .o,1 Wt'dlies- • dayaud toil l push it r.tp idly tor ward to completion 1110 route of. the brine pipe 1111( has 1)oetr .sur- veyod and pipe laying from -the salt welt will :he, under way next woek. • 'rho salt ;Mock will bo erected on the otd.Presbyterlan Ohuroii grimedd, on. Victoria street. whicil:was purchase! last Thursday $200. .Tito, season' is so. tat advanced that the 'C.-P.R. authorities aro afraid they w[lli be unable to .complete the road by Christmas, but theyhave given every assuranen that there will be uo further delays, and if It is possible to eomnlote.tbo workthe timespee1(ied. • While. the•fatnily of Mr. J,oseph•Watson lot 2, -con, 13..E .st •.Garafraxa, dere at church the other afterneott fifty ticheirs in money, and promissory notes arnoun-ting to $1,476, were 'stolen. horn the residence. The servant girl's tr""nnk-''was also opened and a purse containing $3, in silver .taken. ■e1 are lower owing to the decliva:'i the pride. of cornrnon stock. A few chipping Wattle, oxen and steers were gold at trout Jld to 4ic per lb., but none of the butchers cattle brought up to 4c, while pretty good beasts were sold lit about 8?o and cominou dry cows at froth tic to.8jc•per lb. Small I ' stock, not overburdened with fat, -were Bold lately at from 1ko to a little over 2o per lb. Sheep and lambs have been offered in much larger numbers and prices are are lower all round. Live hogs are plenti- ful and lower priced, or from 41c to 5;!o per lb, There has 'been a slight improvement in the horse trade lately, and during the pastweek there were sent freta. here to the United States 27 horses and [nares costing $68,176, or an average of $117,63 each, CLINTON MARKE1:a, ' COrrectede'rcry Thursday atterl-o0n.. Thursday, Nov, 4, 1886, Wheat, spring ' ' , 0 66 a 0 70 White and red . 0 66 a 0 70 Oats, • . -i 0 27 a 0'. 27 Barley, • - 0 48 a 0 48 Peas, - • 0 48 a 0:48 Flour, per bbl. • • 4'00 a 4 00 Potatoes, 0 40 a 0 45 Plume, • -0 75 a. 1 00 Butter, 0 13 a 014 r Eggs, 014 a 0(�16... Pork, 5 5 6 0 a 00, Hal, • . 8 00 a 8 00 Wool in trade, 0 20 a 0 22 Wool for cash, - .. 0 18 a 0 18 ' Sheep pelts . • . • 0 50 a 0 75 ' _ Lamb skier, - 0 60 a 0 80 Clover, per bash. - 7 00 a 7 50 • U01(SE AND'BUOGY FOR SALE. --HORSE IS a good driver and well, brolten., Will bo sold cheap Apply to J. H. COMBE, Clinton. G00D BUSINESS STAND IN CLINTON' WILL be exohanged for farm property. Apply to. the NEW EIIA OFFICE, Clinton. UTANTED. — THREE CABINET MAKERS TO work on organ eases, and one Actiun•Makcr.. None but first-class mon wanted, G. F. OA,KES, Excelsior Organ Factory, Clinton. ARM FOR SALE—PART OF LOT 20, ON TRE .14th con..of the township of Hullett, containing about 46 acres, Terms to •suit purchaser. Apply to O&MERON,11O1,T& CAMERON, Barristers, Godorlch TJOUSE AND LOT F011 SALE,—THE (1OMFOu- 111l1e80t1, hell bah and nicely situated house and lot occupied by.tho subscriber, on ,Ontltrlo St., is offered for sale un reasonable terms. May be inspected at any time. JOHN BOLES, Clinton; • • TXOUSE TO RENT.— A WELL . SITUATED ,AND �L oiinlortable house in Clinton, =contenting suitable aecommodattpu for small family ; hard and soft water,. gold collar. Rent moderate. Ayply, to JAS. STEEP or -JOHN -0. ELL-1071J;-elintotr. — '—' J'OUSE' TO 'LET. 2T1i1`s' UNDERSIGNED OF- t••eas to rent that'Conveniently situated house, on Victoria St. Large frame house,, good staffs cellar, haul and soft water,. good stable; two lots if needed, Apply to JOS. ALLANSON, Gardner, GRANGE Cr ArAIXAGEMENT.—M11. E CO1RBETT lJ retiring from t i>: inanagomeut of the Clinton woollen Mills, TAT. eehant is the onlypersoh author - lied to collect , Waco 1008 Rgfvo receipts and do all the business iii conngetion.with, the mill. D. GIIAHAM. G7A TIGN T=E P UBLIC ARE E HE REBY CA a IIoNFD 1 M1Iasbno of1ta{ll'aPrt i5ory note, dat- ed a -od Match "(T!SSG, meta by John AcAIillan,"thtto- township, amounting to p50 payable'i-ix months after date: The sante baying boon lost,.• GEO. STINSCON. Loudesboru, Oot.:11,1806. hot 'laOUSE I:OR SALE 011 TO RENT.-•-FQR'SALE, 1-1 or' to rent, 15001>' house and lot in town..Tbo Rouse dins five bedrooms; good cellar, Am.,. while on the lot is a good :garden and prehard, hard Mal soft- water, stabling for live. horses,,tio. \gill be sold at a • bargain, or rented on reasonablo'terms. .Apply to the NEW ERA OFFICE .. y OUSE AND 'LOT Fed SALE 011 TO RENT.— That conveniently situated house and 3 lots on 1 ictoria.St. a Heusi) contains 7 rocme, good' wood'111011, with, hard and shift water. There are three lots in the property, with anumber offruit trees- ;aiiibesold or'. rented cheap. Also a kood stable sort the Premises. Apply. at, 'MEW FICA 0111oe or to A.•DODSWQRTHI, • T)a1NTIIsG. THE UNDERSIGNED BEING A Practical Painter of m(liy yc•t'is' expo—ammo, is • areparcd to (10 all lentils ol'w.ork tut irisAibo !'API R HIANGING, GRAININt. 'soil RELSUJIINING spee1l ties, Wort, done et the most reasonable i'nt0iU0 -111141(1 in a satisfactor,•manner. Rc•side:me for the .present at Mr. Finch's, below the G i.F1, J. MAYNE,.Clinton, • FM1*t FOR SALC 01t TO 1t1NT-THAT VERY. 1. valuable repo composedof lots 29 and. SO, con, 0, Hallett, 200acres, of this )50heros are cleared, the balance good hardwood - bush. 'Bearing orchard of 3 acres, Ordinary dwelling _house ; good frame barn and outbuildings. Farm is well watered, and situated about5tim11oa (hoot The Town'ef Clinton iTerms'easy. Apply to. AL lIcTAGGART, clhltoir; tf • L A t FOR •S, LB. TfE'•FA11M.O1T TIIE.II[Tit- L ox ttoad,-lots6 and. 7, Godorieb township, con- sisting of 144 acres, is offered for sale on reasonable, t(ernis, About 120'aeros .eieared add ti) good state of cultivation;; balance good hardwood, good frame hopse, 4e., general buildings, plenty: of wadi', bearing orchard ; 1} miles from the rising town of Clinton. Parti(oulars may bo obtained on the premises, or by addressing JAMES PERDUE Clinton P 0. The White Bronze referred :to is pare Jer, sey, zing. When exposed to tho weather, the surface becomes coated With a film of n ani• -term gray color, which, •]hoer ordinary err. oumstances, protect it for a .long time from .furtlei change, lo, The color docs not Chl 1k tl u0h air the first f m f e 11 s oit t3'stion.—Sctentjfic • American, Page 155, o1, 45 • .- : '_ An'iateresting coin 'ivaS tried at Walker. 1 ton, at the Assizes.on Tuesday, by Jedge O'Connor. ' One McIntosh a blacksmith, of Southampton, applied for an injunction to restrain his neighbor Harrison from keeping bees. It appears that Mr, Harrison hasab'tnt•eigh.ty hiyes.'of'bees, and diet the insects were flying all ‘over the neigh - 7r. boyhood and were alleged tis be a groat nuisance, especially to the plaintiff, flying about his shop and stinging customers' horses. They wotfalso very trnublegtlme what slaking l)resetVest, smarting around • McIntosh'slritchen in large numbers. ' 7.'tio jury decided that the beds were a nuisance and that he plai 11 ti 1$.4a1t11.4i14.41ed,.to an injunction. Judge (Mot.nnr phi it WW1 a hovel cane and he waul'i not, grant the injunction, lint,restrt'e•lt for argument io the full emir?, _ I lttontrose l Live vt(o01t Marko... Prices eon title vory lins~r.tiefaetm'yto drovers, moat of Wh(.ui have 1).'(111 Rrlhlig at a hint), or •etre 11 mit 11)11 11)0 'of profit . • (k•)od cal?l<1 .tit r: t1,t.1 ..,•,•tu, 13'11111. 1,t1t:es FAIIM POR-SALIC.-TIIAT SPLENDID Fenn of 100 acres, .being 10t 28, 0th con. of -Hullett; is• offered for anie•ott reasonable terms;' Mood new franc house, new frame barn,. and other outbuildings; fifty''. acres under. cultivation' 12 acres fall wheat, 27 nere9' ploughing; dono, well watered. 83tuatcdi miles from. Londosboro, and (3 mIlrt{ from the town of •Clinton. Price, 54,500. SAMUEL.JAMIESON, Londesboro,... `'>HORTIIORNS FOR SALE—FIELD.AIAIISHALL, kJ a fine animal 12 months old, got by a 111781e bun,. and his dam a Jtlatchless.Cow, gran -dant Match lege 10th by Impt.Statesman.apdfrom 'lmpt:ltiiatchless 10th by -Senator, &c. Also ono Alatohless COW due to calve in November, and.ouc Ieabellacalf 7 months old. The above will be sold on reasonable terms, • and wilt be entered in tho Dominion Short Horn Herd Book. For further 'particulars apply to W. J, BIGGINS, Ell- hurat•lrarm, Clinton; Ont. *3i.. • TaL�ERKSIfiRE BOAIt FOR, SERVICE . TIIg SUB D 8013)0)111 keeps; for service, at'Londesboro, the. thoro'bred Berkshire. Bear, Lord .Kingston.;. bred by, 'Simons .2 Quinti, bf Ivan, sire Lord Burnet,' dam 1lnse. .hySntithersot,.Countlesv by Sambo; and others, all of• imported steak.' Lord ]lingaton took 2nd prize this. •year at Toronto, Industrial1st at,'tho• ,provincial, Guelph, 1st and diploina at the Western, and 1st at ' Blyth, lents.—$l cash, with privilege of returning, if noc00aary, 14.- J. BELL, 'Lendesboro, *4t . 1VPL,ENDID FARM F0R'. SALE, THAr"EXCEL= '11.81 kiln. of 164 acres being lots 08,,70 and 71, on the Maitland eance8 ion, • Godorieh' township,, About 135 acres cleared and in good .stato of cultiva- tion. OIl tho•promises is a good brick Wiese., with all cotivealeloos of stabling, bank• barn, well watered, &e„ good bearing orchard, church on tho farm and school not far away, genet G tulles from 1 ' f he toren of Cltntoh, This farm is ono of the boat in the township Of Godo:. rich. Possession -given at any time. Pull particulars on application to tho proprietor, -)O111 IRUDD, Ont.ton l;. 0„ or of theNEW 1•litti OFFICE; Clinton, , 'two Great Lewers ti.LLINERY&MANTLS Of Our Grand Display of Millinery and Fano Goods was' . Y much. appreciated. by the very large number who paid a visit to our show -rooms. on Saturday. Our Milliner department tment iso splendid shape, Miss EIollway,, who attendedy s soa now in • to the wants of our patrons satisfactorily' p p last season is.again in charge. 11.4WTLE •"y I:)F1'AR.T ENTo =• Our stock of CLOTHS, and TRIMMINGS is very large, embraein eY r -. hin - -- We been very ° uccsfu ° r' � , $ yt , g new. have, y s es 1 in seep Ing the services of a . First-class, , Cutter and Fitter; every garment guaranteed.. JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. Estate 3', '1-1033CIENS. Latest Sty1e in American Hats, We have just-receivefl_s of the Nobbiest Hats: ever seen in Clinton.. Our stack. of HARD and SOFT FELT HATS is well assorted and comprises' all the'.new fall shapes. : We show a very fine assortment of TWEED and SERGE POLO CAPS, ALMA. and GLENGARRY CAPS, at prices to suit the public. Also a very Eno line of KNITTED AMERICAN. CAPS for 17en and Boys., Our selection of GENT'S FINE ,FURS in S, S..SEAL, B` A.VEES and PERSIAN IAMB' ` is complete, • IN G€NTS FURNISHINGS Ivo show' splendid vain( in Scotch Lamb's 'Wool', 1.7117 derclothing, and the latest styles. in COLLARS, °U..FE+S, ,Sae., with an elegant • stock of NECKWEAR in the newest designs. • GEO. GLASGOW — CLINTON. EY. iM1 1,GLO Clinton ew From tlris date to the end of 1887, to new subscribers, for.. $2,50 'Cash Goods IN ' ENDLESS VARIETY AND VERY CHEAP. • Double Width Ulstering,. Tweed Ulstering, all wool, FancyMantle Cloths, oths, .- )RESS 75c. - 50c. - .5 ,V7X 0. ODS '..A Magnificent lot, rangeing from 10c. to $1. Either of the above named articles :made up � on, the premises at .Very moderate prices, 4An9i the L\Te :r4,.:aloint•e, 1.: 0 end of- SS7.. • U • I ER Y This department m ant 1' eels no comment, 0 1t as the general erg erdlct � •i v s b +yt that for h . C, eapness, .Vitiriety and Style, we have no equal It will pay close buyers; before purchasing to call at ' BERT and WIATTER SHOES Our Stock for the Fall -and ',Winter''tra le is now com .le C p tk, 'We handle. the best: goods in the market,• and sell• `. ;them at closep rices,. i i EGGS: TAKEN IN ..LXC$t11\TGL, The sales 1n our Tiead Iado Clothing.8.e department are showing a tna11>e(1 increase FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR ASII TI Yp � )1 C„.� andWO 111e now Positive that we. have .. the:. right ,goodsat'right-.1)11Ces. Every --1 • g . gcirnlentis"cot by a first-class cutter,,. and the sewng will beat ..the closest inspe - tion. We carry a lai•& stock and show many p itterns,' -sella good ev >< da SUIT for- $5.50. e.' e–Y,,Y. We sella fine all Wool . Black Worsted SUIT with 8..:1 Trimming finished. as Well as any suit made to order, for :$13. If you want a Suit of•Clothes, we are 'confident.you will save a. few dollars by 'making a.selection.frofn our stock. .We carry a full range of '('1 ARMIr011 SALPL-•-•x1IAT CHOICE FARM THE )t+ estate' bi 'the late John Thompson, being 'west hallo/ 1ot40, eons. 7, Last watvanoHll, containing 100 'acres more or less; 80 acres bleared and In good state of '0ultiVatlnnr well drained and free front obnoxious weed., 10 neves bush acid remainder pasture, 13 acres fall wheat and fall pio.wing done. • On the tart is a new franto dwolliug, bnru 4,x11/, 9tabla (12821,.and other outbuildings; .2 wells, ,sp3ing.ereok and it good. b. sting orchard.' The farm is situated on gond gravel root.1 mile from Myth, 10 miles from. Clinton, ami 12. miles from (lodnrteh; is well fenced with board .rails ' and wiro, For further particulars apply ontho promi- ses, or to 11118. JOI=N 1'itOAIPSON, Lolr1,aboro' ) ci_oc.wrrc r§r. Sp.311 a We are opening lithe season with an ,immense range of OVERCOATS, --from the heavy service- and Colored finest Black a ab1e:.Eta�'e goads to the o Worsteds. • We sell • a Boys'• Heavy Cloth: Over Coat for. $2.50 We sella Strong Durable Tweed 0. coat for $5.00 We 'sell a Fine Black Worsted 0. Coat for $8.50 Out' st(ielt or TWEEDS and WORSTEDS for the ordered clothing trade was novel' better' Assorted tlian 'it is at the present. time: - We 1t1e,. showing, 0rrlo Vet attractive nate ms in' • OQT'[tAtx FOR SALE, v. p That eligible Cnttago and half [acre of lad, sltuato X .1'„,4•11,17)I -Vis -W' . a) g � 1 i1 J fl rs C T t)" Jt; L�. next e:.4 of and adjoining 'tiff residence of W Doherty, ' 1 art,. will be "Curti cheap and any length of time given •- ' • I, for payment if required. If,not said soon will be -offer- . ori for rent, Apyly to W 1V F'J111ItAN All ottr `de 1tt1tn1P1jt5 art', 110w re � � L � !)lets with the no}�est goods 'that laic in the tnar- �” '::'rltarr,rnn Aiim-a,105, Icist, ,znd WO will bo pleased to !lave 3011 01111 1111(1 se�wllat IVO 11ro oiler n 1Lsvise se1lrrriI front laldnry dean"' froth • rltildlr n4 f tenuity(' tmnaar8. .f of t5i9 .'in'Chl- rngn, Nv!r York nal Casaba Al's bled vsr• i DAB. patent Ice lleintn, hut getliag art 114irf Train 184 sollrre. {tart' ep, list was sero toy 1..111ry MMR hop has, Fytt•tl38 1 was 10du, ed' to try br. Ings Medlrinr, on: I ant 51)11 to say tat threu h(ttlilrur,vl t. P. D iI te:tt,11ry • L -E) R a G-RAN.D ispi!of -Miiiiu'e: WONDERFUL YALIJE. IN IMPORTED. MPORTED. DI. RELT.,•, NEWSI;,SY,y SIN MAN7Lk ALL- DIRECT - IMPORTATIONS.