HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-05, Page 2Flatcar, NOV,
Tho Trained
A orr.0013.vg.
Vrota Clayville to Booneton, is about
fifteen, tuilea aeross a pairie, and
the road rene eerr near oast and west.
Half-wey between the two townsthe road
topolted by. A point whera,a, heavy
grewth of pintrees sweep away to the
nerthwar_,,d into a dense, thick (orest.
' the‘prieg of le42 a manieft Clay.
Villein the morning bound, for Booneton.
MS name Was registered at, the inn as
Diehard Dizbee, of New York, and he
was supposedto have money with .hira.
lb left Clayville upon horseback in fine
health end spirits, but he Was never seen
in Boeneton. Perhaps, he had, tamale -
ed, gone part ot the way and then re
ferried. At all events, be, was • oever
heard of more in that clistriet.
Abopt a Mouth after that a man from
St. Louis left Dooneton for Clayville.
He was a78o o horsebaele, and started,
eff well and hearty; but be never reported
himself at his place of destination. With-
in - a fo*rtnightlafter this second disap-.
*tome two more travellers were Mis-
sed.. • What ,did it mean? The road be-
. tween the two towns was direct, and not
even.a by -way was there to leadany as-
tray, .se that to wander foto ,the true
_:___Dating,..the_Month-of-July three -tra-
vellers were missed, and the people turn-
ed outiii• a body to search. Of course
attention was dieeeted, to thewood; and
the *tarot- was extended foie miles and
mike, bet :Without moose., .,0e the 4th
of Islamist a young Man Wile gait) lie
' • name: at: Cleyville, liichael Depont,
of New Orleans, .left the place for Beene -
ton. He wasen.horseback, and when
• he was •t(ild of the dangers of the read
only leo •gbed ;at tbem. lie said he had
n good heree and good weepons,and he
was not in the •least afraid., But Mi-
chael .Ditnent never readied Boensisti-M;
It was on the 1.9t1i of Angnst that I
'arrived at. "Clayville, and Put up at tha• .
village inn.. I was On. the :track of ;two
'rogues who, 'hied, robbed. the -bank at
Jackeoh. And .thou Iheard this story
of the. travellers, who had so mysterious;
ly. disappeared .frent.- the reed that ley
before me. '•: 9 • •
• When I had gone' Spine •five or si'
miles the uextemorningel - 'noticed', that
• my horse began to falter, and in a little'
while .afterwards bo carne to a Welk and
eeemed to be in greet Pain, Imagining
• that he • weeld soon fell 1 slipped -free).
the saddle and led bim out upon. the
'grass at the skle of the road;, As 1 stood
thus, wondeetnee.wh.tbin the world to
do; saw A Man, coming. • tawiffilS rn�
from the direction of'Booneton: ile
was seated oi n powerful , black Iraree
without•.ay saddle, •and his only bridle
Waa a bit of a rope:. .lie Wase..simPl;)
• looking fellow,. dreeied • in an ordinary
farming garb,: and .behind hint:what •ap-
pcared to be some enipty bags. • •As.he
. came neer to •Whore.I steed I -sew" bien
. goiter hie hal tee 'as •thoe eh. lie teeant• t
put hishorse to wenn.,
. :
• 1 eria theinent!:-
. The fellow seemed to Ansider it, and
finally turned liis boree's head toward•
rue and semi discounted by my side, .
''I'veheerd p'great,clealloutithis road,'
he said, eyeing me-frate top to toe; '--
I like Vo be ke,eful. get with efell; eh,
• stranger r • . ••-• • 7 '
Not •exactly fell,'• Sid.
horse seems to lave'givee
. .
The fellow • walkedallaround iny.
• quivering. beasteead-When he Came back
he put his heed upon the (minors thioat
andgave him a -Sharp-,putich...;• The
horse started hack with a 'grunt, and di
rectly• began to heave and salver at the
mouth. 7 • • •
• 4 You • don't: bdoug to. these Per*
etrangerl' he 'said•Oyeieg Me again:
teldhim. , •' • •
thought not,' hattildetk • T 14i1OSS
yourhoselas been' entin'.'deer's.
1 asked•hint what'that was.. •
;. It's a 'kind b' poisonti he answered,
that horses' pick u hereabonts:
. be well eneti,gli to -morrow, or next day
• • • .
• at thel'artliest.!.' • - •,,
If• thret5leeelte, case,' said,' Pothaps
you'll lee me borgabi :foteyett • • '
never :Owned. anything yet that I
3 1 1 • 't 11 if a. man wanted it in or Qin
did;' he replied.• • •
said, ," and may .1' eek LW!) t
piCo ypit set upon yeate beast r..;• ,
Jest• • ." •
had expectttd hint tiesey .$100, , I
took him et his offer . a • *Moot.
The beegain was nutde-„; 1 Counted: oat:
seven, ten -dollar piked, put me saddle
and bridle on the.. "new. Wise, and then.
. mounted. .
Perhaps," said.the fellow,as be gave
' the horse nuothee pench In the pilot,
if I shonld see you in • BoOneton ono b'
doge days ye might like to -change beck
again I' . •. • •
told him We'd See about..that,'Itint
then!' bidding him good Mornieg, 'start-
• ed eft
had certaielY get a splendid horse..
1 Fe stepped as „liglicly fold gracefully. as
. a dancing snaiter,Thnd bore' me as eaSily
. and gracefully as. theugli I• had been in
a carriage: In a little Winkel toticited
• Iiiinwith a whip, and he PranCO. gayly.
I patted him on the. neck And 'told him
F liked hini. Wc were no w, just tit the
• • `-:1 t• tl ' f tl ere I
never, tarn hitt head nor Sleeken his
Rew on like the wind, selecting
his course whore the treest were farthest
apart—flew on, sweeping nosv to the
right and now to the left, just as the
One ot. there, however, made a dash
towards 'a -point in the wall, direetly be-
hind my two companiehe, but he was
quickly stepped, and as my eyes followed'
the 'Course he had ;taken,. I discovered
an open place in the face of the bluff,
passage through the forest seemed most resembling the month of a ca'vern.
faiet able. We secured the men, and we then ex -
,As soon as I found the horse was not I enticed the opening in the bank which
to be stopped I turned my thoughts to 1 bad disooyered. It proved to be the
another direction, and very quiekly it mouth of a' largo cavern, within. which
flushed upon me that the flying beast wo found plenty of arms and anituuni-
had been trained to just this kind of
work. Like „horses had read of in
Arabia, he would take his course foe_his
master's bahitation, lot it be where it
would. The man with whom teaded
w s one of a gang, and there must heve
been another at the stable of the inn at
Clayville, who bad givea my horse some-
thing to 'make birn sfek.
These thoughts passed through my
mind with lightning rapidity, but they
were systematically arreitg,eci as they
came, and I knew thet Ibad been trap-
ped, and that the animal was bearing me
to"!the haunts of the robbers. For a no-
ment there was a desire to keep on and
weet the rascals, but that, would only be
madness I meet get off the .saddle
somehow. .tla !, the opportunity pre-
sented itself. Ahead I saw stream .0f
water.' withdrew uly feet from the
stirrups, and placed my hand upon the
pommel. Om More leap,and the horse's
feet touched tle pobhly share.- With-a-
suddeu spring lifted, myself clear -of
the sliddle;• and as the beast flew from
beneath me, I dropped into the brook
without hurt of any
As quickly as possible I scrambled up
the bank, and when I reached the wood
I stopped to consider, . The horse had
stopped on the opposite side, of the
stream,•ns„ though looking for his rider,
and for a moment 1 thought of -firing a
pistol ball at hire, liowevee, I did not
waste my powder, and in little while
the animal turned. and trotted off and
den, end also many valaables which had
been taken from murdered travellers,
The whole thieg had happened very for-
tunate 7 for us. Had the robbers been
in the cave when we entered the basin,
or had they been in possession Of their
firearms, we might have had some hot
work, for they were desperate charac-
ters" but we Wyly eaught theta napping.
Vfre retueeed to Boonetote and after
the rascals bad been lodged in gaol, the
one whom we had captured upon the,
roaTIT aritrWitli-Whorn -had changed
horses, turned' State's evidence; and his
story was just abont what I hici expect-
ed, He WO that the gang had been
together several years, operating in dif-
ferent perts of the oountty. The liaise
had been trained by one of their min
bete who had been an old circus perform.
er, afid bad been 'taught, when .sent
away from home without any breakfast,
to dash off with the victim, as he, had
elene ,• , „ •.
• This was done to avoid any scenes.
near"the highway. But the victim was
not -always taken to their cavernous're.
treat When a prize was expected some
of the gang stationed themselves in the
wood betweeu the two streams, ready,
to stop the horse and despatch the en-
tt apped traveller ; and I was assured
that, if had been taken across the first
hro tic, I should have met trete fate very
quickly afterwatd: They had no. aceom.
'plice at the,„iun.
When a traveller was spotted either
-sras-somfon ,• . .at Oltryville or at Boonetow one-. of the
Now, what . should .1, do 1 Of hoe rse • nittpber wds pent tO-look out for the said
I must gpt out of the weiod ; and to do trayellerls-herse,who by careful manage -
that -Safely I itittatTo back by the way I ment was able to'adMinister 'Sbnie sick:
had. cons.- I looked to my pistuls and midi' dose tf:' the ertheal. •
started. The_sun.gaye.me roy direction, • The reseals were tried, condemned,
se-10°111cl make no mistake. . Bvand4:y executed, antrI retained possession
I heard the measured; tread of a horse of the trained horse, but I dicl notkeep
abead;end;ea quickly as possible'l hirn long. One bright morning I missed
shelter behind a huge pine -tree. . The him •frOm the 'stable • and all search: for
horse • came along! within a hundred him was in
yards of me,. is possible Mae the intelligent brute.
The. horsensen Wes ruy honest country- unfastened his own batter strep,".and 'ran
man wholeared might be a robber, .4"cs.'sy,. but .1 have chosen to .give the
and the. horse the one I: had tiwned .11n fltatter a different. solution. I believe
hour before. • The animal still foamed he Was stolen' by 'the honest -looking
at the mouth, •but.cantored along with; conatryraaft in whose hands I first found
out apparenttrouble. Se the htm and who was -set at liberty on ea-'
had .not been so very deadly; and, mere-, count ef Writing State's evidence. .
or poor little children that have no r
1101110, and people %ilia have celled the
asylum his monunient,
Bat here we are at the front door* It
is it grand house. It is high and large,
with great halls 'and towers, and. velvet
carpets, elegant wirroiscanil a piano, and
I know not' all; so rich and grand.
This is John jonea' monument, and
the man who sold John nearly all the
whiskey he drank lives here with his
family, and. they all dress in tho,ricitest
hand finest clot es.
• ,The inet year.
After the above year is ended there need. bele
Peron suffering from Neuralgia, Toothache,
ffeadeclie, Lumbago, or any acute pain, a they
win only purchase a bottle of Fluid Lightniug,
as It cures iustently. rain cannot steY where
it is need. The name le Veld Lightning. 15014
by Worthington, Druggist,
Robert 'Evan Sproule, the Atnerican
eitizen,-was hanged at Victoria, B. 0,, on
Friday morning, for the reurder-nf Tikes.
Hatniniell, • in June,, ISM, at Kootenai
mines. Sproule stecended the scaffold
without a tremor aud, ma.de ashort speech
• . .
protesting his innocence..
ADVICE TO MOTILERS.-Are you disturbed
at night, and broken ef your rest by a sick
child suffering and crying •with pain DE Cutting
Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Child-
ren Teething. Its value is mealeulable, It
will relieve the popr.little sufferer immediately,
Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake
about it. It most Dysentery and Diarrhoea
, -
regulates the Stomach and I3owels, cures Wind
Colic,. softens the Gutns, reduces Inflammation,
and gives tone and energy to the whole system,
"'Mrs. Wirielew'a Seething
ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the
prescription of one of,the oldest and beat female
physicians and nurses in the United States, and
is tor sale by all druggists threughout the world.
Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and
ask for " /11eS, Wistseow's SoOTHING
and take no other kind. - 20-y-9.
ovet,. the punching in.the gullet had not
been withent its effect, •Surelythentlati ,
hid been e epte one, and 'thngaine lia4 tak.inc, ofr of revenue•stamps item l'so.prietaey
rhe reduction of.taternalrecenue and the
'Oen adroitly pleyed,,only'Iltact dente-. MediCioes, no*don b Chas largely belied tted the
ed .to'gain one effeCtiee • play.' liefeee it consumeis, as Fell as. relieving the burden ef
coeld be finished. .•'• ••.:- • , home manntacturers.. Esnbcially is 'this .tha .
. .ctise.With•Grben'sAugast Flower and Bo sc hue's.
. 1 remained *behind the ...tree Until the german Syrup,. ae tlie•redtiction Of thirtY:six
horseinhn •disappeared; and then mOVed °Otte Per dozen, 'has been. added to increase
on again, Had ',been nearer -the rascal the size of the betties , 'containing: these
I might have. Intel eepted him, but -as it melodies,' thereby ' grin',.'one fifth.. 'Mere.
medicine :in the 7.5 , cent 7size. The August'
was the 'thing .eould7 not be ',well done. Viewer for Dyspepsia tied Livet Coin 1,14't;;
f hUrteed,forward with allpossible speed,' end the German Syrup for Cough' (Malang
and inti little while afte'ra had reached trouble s have perhaps, tffe'largest sale of any •
tkieligliway I liqd • the • good. fortune to medicines in the world. The. advantage'of in-
creased Ilia of .the bottleshe. greatlY
be overtaken' bye man in a waggon. appreciated by the sick and"afilictel ill every
• .I reached B00110,011 'by the middle of town aticlivillage nr civilized countries; sample
the forenoon, whorel found twe'shresitdi .bottles for:10 cents remain the sante:Size: :
intelligent officers, to; whom 1 conimuni-
eked tuy.seCret and tOgether _We laid • a:
:plan lot...finding. the- robbers., . . On. the
• fellowieg .day wt .disgUised 'ourselves;
and' preeeetled to that peint in the road
where the trained horse ,liki turned off
into the . woodpi and we ,Itad the...good
fortune :to meet my. honest-lookinghorse
trader astridnof.oho very animal that
Free Trade:- . •
von c n e
point AI 1 10, ie tog e et.
Yetteleal the ((Igo of the road, and with.
out apparent cause the horse, started in-
to It gallop., I spoke to hirb and tried
to hold hint itt, bu,t he only went the'
fester. Ca 11 few Minutes he wheeled
out • the rend -met tityttek. into the
wood, Ana now linnet roe de.o: Ere, 1
yokii. with nu ny, witht tna ingged •hut KR 1111401:3 (nit, • remembered that way.. Ile might have
1:4-trMs ryliej, but 1 rottl•I rth-y did itot O'er rtsistance. • taken :tit asyiniti
' • • • ' •
l.l'enapArrssice: •
'• •
'Joint -.Tones 'began t the: age. ,of .15 to .
bnildn monementend finished it nt 50.
iic .1werked • night 0,11d :day, • often all:
'tight long and on. the Sabbath, , lid
seeme.l to be inn: great hurry to get it
tionc,..11e spent all the•triOney 110.earned,
epee. ite:scene:.,say 850,000. „Then ite
had' cart ter' .1116 14 the brook, ' sile.dia ,berrowedall•he 4ould, e-rid;witenne One
not recognize tee, and „readily stopped evoidd leen blin any morello woeld fake
witeu tny companions.. halted. •him ; and hiswife's dresses arid bed clothei tbid
meny other taluable things hills hone,
and ecu them to get More money to lin-
that monument. . •
• • They eay he came home .one day anc1.
was about to teke the 'blankets that lay
Om. Ins sleeping baby to keep, it swarm,
•and,hie wife tried to -top Mei.; 154.1.1n.
drew back his first Red knocked her
down, . and .thez . went away with , the
blankets and neeen :brought them back,
and the poor baby sickened and died
from, the exposure,_ .At Ittst;•there was
..not ,any thing left-in.:Abe house." .: The
poor licartht'oken wife'56.611 followed.the
beby.' to • the . grevo. , • Yet ,Tqlift Jones
kept working all the more .et the monee•
none 1 f.41W hint' telt-melte was abeiet
- .._,—....
. Treine leave Clinton as follows :-
. Going East. •- Going West-,
• 1
7.25 a.m. express 10.0 aon). mixed
1,05 p.m. mixed 2,20p.m, express
4,15 pan.. mixed t ' 9.15 p.m. express
• a ne.vr W.KsTpax RAILWAY. •
• Oolue North; ‘s. •Goistgloutb,,,
9.55 a.m. express; 8.05 a,in, express ,
. 7,00 p.m. expre,as 4.13 p. III. expreres
as may be•supposed, we captexed,'Inee
without muck trouble... , • _:...
. The 'fellow .gitve his name as Mark
Sakett and vowed 'that he:knew nothing
of any•iebbers or anything of .that kind
•and touching the affair of the hot*, he
,declared that .'was eoteethinghe:could
not explain • • lie said he sew. me when
I. was berried' into. thewodtli; and as the
horse I left him began to revive, he bad,
mounted and followed 'me, Dayend.
this WO couldt nthie get mere out ef.
, • g • g
• it wae %telly note an hour ,past noon,
. .
and'in Iasi timunebehr .teef.had twenty
men; well monnied lir1Weli4irmed 1,00y
to follow us. . ••, .
The. black Wise, Was let. eat, .bridled 50 yeard•old. ,The monument was beetle
his back, and. he behaved. well as he that 1 hardly ImOtt. liim, he waaso worn,
•end saddled, and 1, took. thy . Seat upon dote ;but he had Week -Cid .s�herd at it
stetted off. e 14 fact Ito seemed to likehis clothes were all in tatters, and his
thd company, orthe other horses, and to ! heads and face, indeed his W"hele body
le -proud of leading 'them. ,When ,we ! wes covered :with soars which be got in
reached •the wood 1. gave hint the rein, 'laying upon sonna of the stones, ' And
and Ise turned driest . Where he turned the wretched man had- boots° little 5n
with Me before. . • • • • I goods-ocietv • the .while.that he was
. • "
by the path 1 had been Info -e- 'Chat he had about forgotten
neross the brook where 1 II -ad. -made my hew to Use the English language
leap-L-11nd then mrav through the dark tongue had somehow bccoi»e veeytliiek
deep oode beyond. • By -and -bye, wo wt.en be tired to speak: out come
eame to another streain, upon the oppo- 'as) oath. .•,
site 'Side of which rm.() it high, pernendi- • . That may sem :avenge°.but 1 have
eular bhilii•;a4d it appeared to .112 tbat out 1.1111t.iill who- bilik1 Bildt Mom).
timre could not Itoseibly be 'any passiige"1 111011 15 ay; John's prefer oaths toany other
that ;way. But the black horst) .pusbed wot
into the streani, tnid: when we retaliedi 'Now, come with me, ,tniti 1 will Oow.
the other side ho walked . dowp it lbw 1 yaa John's motininentc; -ft stands in n
rods ia the shallow water, and thoniturit- bealitiftd !mat of the city witero live
ing10 tho right, lo entered a barrow , streets meet., Most men pet so011 thing$
..pass, which had been berate inejsible, ; in wt eemetery. ' . But John had Ids own
A little Way throtigh this milieus *ay nod :put it en. •one of „the fineet lots
pasietge ere 'Caine, into a deep. eireelar te be found. • • •
hesin or hollow, Walled in by •alt almost ; Does it look likr illuskerilill'inenu.
perpendicular bank; and here eitting"be,Ymett r• littit Amy ,.‘vItet he my
ptAtiTipsr.Q.7.& ciTrE
Barristers;'•• .So4c.itOr.,s`
• (2.0%.VEYANCE11.$ 0,,t•
siorters for Olitarte maddilaniteha.
, • . .
• nmrv 're LOAN: .MOIrfelAGES BOECTIT.
leille111L, .PalvATs VMS'. (1. ItID,01:1', ,0111co
overl.,Jackson'e stem, Albert Street. •
A Sluggish Liver,
Causes the Stomach an 1 newels to be:
come disordered, and t'..! whole system
to suffer front debility. In all such
Vases Ayer's Pills give prompt relief.
After mach stiffering Iron:17,1m and
Stomach troubles, I have finally been
teured by taking Ayer's Cathartic Pills,.
I always find' them prompt and thorough
in their action, and. the= occasional use
keeps me in a perfectly healthy condi-
tion. --Italph Weeman, Annapolis, Md.
Twenty-tive'years ago I suffered from
a torpid liver, which, was restored. to
healthy action by taking Ayer's' Pills.
Since that time 1 MVO never been with.
out them They regulate the bowels,
aSSIst digestion, and Inerenao the Appe-
tite, more surely than any other meth -
eine, -Pi aNtilvCrercohilRl,Alfiracroill: Mrs.
I know of no remedy equal to Ayees___.
• Fills for Stomach and Layer disorders.
I suffered from a Torpull.lyer, and flys-
pepsia, for eighteen Inentlis, 11try skin
• was yellow, and my tongue coated.
had no appetite, suffered Isom Heal
ache, was pale and emulated. A few
boxes of Ayer's Fills, taken in moderate
doses, restored •me to perfect health. --.
'Waldo Niles, Oberlin, Olio.
Ayer's rills are' a superior4audjy—
medicine. They strengthen and invig
orate the digestive organs, create eh
appetite, and remove the horrible de-
• pression and deSpondency resulting..
• froin Liver Complaint. I hay° Used
-ttliresye neverTor toragititey,etrintrireevesaartsisarantt?..
tion.-Ottementgomery, Osekosh, wie.
Ayer's Pills
Prepared hy Dr. J. D, Ayer co..notien, MAO.
—Soldby-all Druggist* and Dealers In Medloin0.--
1.1.1.• undersigned at the Library Itoorns, Smith's
Block. , • „. :LAMES SCOTT. '
. , • , „ .
• sums on 000 mortgago security, moderate
ete of interest. a. H.4.14h1, gliutOp. •
• .
ir+h . DOIVSLE'ri D., M. s= TzNoidtrio.
• ▪ Physician, Surgeon, ed.:. Office aud residence
next idolson'el3ank, market square, Clinton. •
ou Ontario street, Clin tamopeosite the EngliSh
ietuen. ',buts -some by sidO gate. •
IT 0.01•001 . CIV II; • ENG INEEIL
.L.s.'..Prsivincialand Dominion Land Sur veyee,
'Arehitect •anid Draeghtsman, Pours' Dwelt,
Clinton. , '• 6
. _ •
it Es o mot EATTENECHT
0)Ierray Bieck, .ro deers omit of, Ifedgeue en'
wince, 14381.11)ms, opposIto tho Ternpoyancu Hall
Aaron Street,cilu ton, , Orde e hours, ea.ei .. to Op.nl.
111 •
' 'attended at their own redidence,if necessary. lie-
lidened, John Bobertson's,, Eiuron 8t_reet,
• Rice's inethod taIntilt if desirgd.
s•e for, the County of Mimi. Sales attended anywhere
In tho County, Q.t. re asonable gesklenee,Albert
' Street, Clinton. • -
neeth wine email .teces,, we fettle'. six
Men, ."Phey etarted pp when they Saw • Not at ell, Jt.the •to ha
Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Save Mt
inng in use: Agent for the sale and applicetien of
STEAM PITTINGS furnished and appliesi on short,
, notice. '
Boilers. Englites, and all kinds 01 MIA
fehinery ropitired c*ipetlitt..lisly And
its A Atitisfactory manner.
Farm Implenieuts manufactured and repaired. Stotart-
aW Water Pipes furnished ana eat in positron: Dry
Kilns fitted up on application Cluirees moderate.
UNDENZ110111) 1111T5
"• • • *Ft is s4.1 taterisuont navercisoa.,flon
• .c . • a,
••thrsi Is tin evicontitilif tunnbug'ohout.this. On the contrary.
the advertittersetre eery highty indorsed. letereeted regains
um: eataLetteeetitetes e ,_,_eegg,
`co,, InurciecaKy.eniaglic.0._. •
TSIE r.,A.TTER waien ina MARE A arm/4Z
The above ornamental trees and shrebbery will be field
at woe low pricey, and those wanther anythilecin
this connection Will Pave teolle7 by Purchasing Jiro.
Ordoro ifait beprompay catenaed
rive Xnerar ax.1.00e
A ktnds of proieprty Insured at.lowest tariff ratea.
into:lase (=Tamed.
- -4(
TrICEETS-Y11.-1-L-1V.-T7-007-LINE- BOATS- - --
by all rail, Ilnee over the ORAND, TIOJNE, eta CANA-
DA. PACIFIC to any point (au that Ilea, IVInnipeir,
Brandon,. ?to.,Baltota, Kansas or any point reached.
by reil,local or foreign.
Coiue and See NC before you buy tickets anywhere.
.1111111/*,014011(1. 1111i;119'.. 40.
PartieS going to the old conetry this summer should
• take this popelar line. The boats are the aunt mtg.-
pisteC n the. Atlantic, and aceonithodetioa Unsure:1,1nd
.• . • . •
nTEEILl.li E 11.,,pif4A4,1 41
13)24 ' 1.1 G E
4.1.11.• ana get al! partieulars
• • , AGENT 0, T. 'R. •
1-xeALDepar tmeht of Viotoriaritaiversity,T or o tit 0,f Or'
raeriy of the Sospitals and DIADAgneleei New York
Coronerfor the County of J.Iuron ayileld,Ont .
Notary Public; tate, Wen, SemitieeDtoce, AL-
BERT Srlinnr, CbtxtoY. Toronto tugallt.h, Rehm's. 'Mc.'
earthy, Osier, lroskin Cteelthan. Private funds to
ban.at lowest rates of interest, ; • • •• . • '•
•R •
Av..wiLLIAistS, D. A., . II„ GRABUATE OF
.Torouto University.; inetuber of t ifeCollege o Irby
stellate and.S•urgeonS, Ont. OkerezA:TR.e.strir,Nes the
housetormerlyeeeurited by Br. Recite, Alhart,Otreet
.Minten. • • •.•
Acentichour,Licentint cot thc•Co1legeoiel4Sician.
il :1urge00$01 LoierCarlad'
a and Provincial Eileen,
iitte rsed.CoronerfoitheCoMMLyOfilurtal. Onlocand
(es idol eel, -The b uild in f °rifler] bCCupief by '11Ir
thwni.itoe laipunrojno ,sitsr;
Vain( and Lteadingito.olus, Perrin' block, down'
stairs, About 1,700. vontines in the Library mid
all the Leading Newspapers and Per10(licals of
the day on'the table, Membership ticket% pee
annum. Opon from 2 tOO p.m.,and front 7 to
0.11 In. Applications:for teem eershsp recivcd
by the,Librarian.in di thereon. . '. •
UNION SfriAli1iM•PAR1.01
•l'OOINt+ done Wry neat WM. , t
'eVory person: -
.4011f1.11 ARftlf R•
N 1111'8 II I 0 e lc
. ,
Reid the exclusive right Mr the cemity for the Hurd
progess of administering chemically pure Nitrogen
Alonmilde, which is Ole safest end hest system ;rot dis-
envered for the painless extetsetloe (if teeth: Charges
moderato' • irittsfactfon luirantecal. fYragni:, EL-
LIOTT'S IlLOOKi ovey.11anee's Tenor Slum; 'Duren
Street, Clinton.
McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
• NOTICE.The, Undersigned araappointed
to net as fignitti In.the township of Goderieli,
for the complies-. Aid!' Person wiAll ing to tn.
MIN! Whin old nal l'ellablp Fiti`1111.1'S 0111111411y,
wilt 'apply to oil ter TflOS, r -
lock. or SA ALUM. (IA ENO(' RAN, • Sonfort
Prompt atteetiMi Will he given.
W •. -0„.• Nt:
eassit,•",°,1 -IX .S5 n'tootwoolgz"
•(..)S' • •
• . •
,LTPE•SiZE Wong A,sPih %tut..
• rT I Ei T
COATS 131.0f *E.
tvizsc!.s.• wrireirkzemr.ezztateraxamielvurriaalai
".411C27.,IPHIZIM e
it Ath.IN
Leading Undertaker,
Anticepita Emimhning Fluid kept
• •• on hand.
My Funeral Director, J. C. Steven.
son, has attended the School of Em-
balming, in Toronto, to make himself
prefietent ie the er.t..eLembaltning._,
Ilelipettelt TUE • P,LAcr,,
A ter the severeit test atllft ate fairin
.01ititoti, it was :universally Admitted tint.
'FOR PERFECT A,N,D BAsk aterrote, 'Brauer
oy vreltsc,. • AND- SWSIItXESS1O10 idNa.the
B..t.CELSIOR was sway ahead of all ik.th
-.0rs, and destined „tii be t he, populRr instru,
,mentsof the day,. This., along witli,the Act
that a special'prize was a warded' t,..cer tain.
• ly speaks voltr15e5i4Thelestrumenis., and
parties pp rchitain 0 •ehittil_cl' see'. t e Extst-
• • :tilos. heforeAitiyi ng elsewhere.
.GEO. 1". OAKES, ,noPitinioui
Fitotory three dobrS West of 1il1tta Pu nip
Shop,,Rattenbtny.St6" Clinton.
& EmbRilk
A large 'ItAocir of First Class (JAS.
RETS and COPFIN8; SfIl 101:1)S,
(to., always on hand.
FLUID used in olf eases.• • ; ;
• e nee 0 range sr.. near .
• 5lethodist ehurebr
• •
$5O,OOTo LOAI(at 6 CAL
•\"S rwhenhYyp qa o u°ntilgeer3t9171:c!iy° clin 1:11sUPtateGp(IsiCit
Eirst.class loans 51, per cent, Large loans.
• • 5 percent, ••
TERMS made to snit borrower, -regarding
. •
payment and period. (if loan.
Apply to '
. •
Jf'ST Centlit,ETEI)
A. end furnished his now Plannsr Mill with Machin.
ety Of the latest Inmewed patierns,Li now prepared
tilattond'to all meters in tie. most prompt
and thltisfactery manner, end ta reetettles eat( N,lto
Weelfiti fi,180 WI% thailliAs., all who patronized the
oid arm 15 15' they u 1111)4c.1 ont, and limy being
• in a better poutien to t•xeout..... or•ler4 expedition:4V,
feelseonildent Ito CAB 115.e sni.iaellot to alL
7'0 Nil 'I' ;link Nil
tetv, cantop, •
• TI1431.V4
• ' .inverporated by Act of Parliament, 100. •
• •
QAP,ITAt, - $2,000;000.
• vio3rAs wonmfAu„ .President, •
• • J. IL R. -1101S0N. VieezPres.
F. WOLFERPTAN THOMAS, General Manager.
Notes Cipl1ection8 ?parte, Dra.fis
Sterlroo and Anwican, exetitage
•• bought anti &Oct. at lowee • -
current rates. • •
per.cent allowed on ildpee,its.
. .F.A:13•310Eart•S••
•••• •
koney advanCed 'to ferrnerS on tlieir own nOtCS With
113 (11 mere enderserS.' 1,Io.Inorte,age required. as se-
• • u 0 , sioN•u ititriag-•er, .
Jan nary ..iSs • , •gilt/ton
and Clock Maker
. . .
• JEWSLT,X11, •
twre-ra1 losie
Where he keep i a select assortmatiof
wip:eb ro will sell at reasonable rates
of every description vroinntiy:
tended to, and all work warranted'. . ' ,
• • ,f. BIDDLECOMBE. ' •
ClintOn.Nov.1M. •'
ww.w, ryw.
. . •
.1 S3i3-S1f--0ENTEN1AL-1SS0.
,;• YEAR • or tIlt:
Couducted both on Cash. and Medial PlanS.
l'OPSo, M. 1', P., President.
Ansu \nu:melt, .
Est., •- .11faiiag1ier Director.
.THE o am.t
'Hotel's 'upon 1ti4 FIPTIETA YEAR meat
stronger and more prosperous than at 103%
previous period, having 8218,894 of AsSets
and pratically NO LIABILITY except a De.
inserance Deserve of $30,00. Thereat.° $20,"
000 deposited with the Ontario' Government,
and *over SiI),000 held in Mortgages, •
tures, and Cash, inunediately available to •
•• . meat losses.
Mutual Polloy.holders in 'the "Gore" save
20 per cent, with undonbted security:-
1'31felt particulars apply to IthAn.orrrrs otla'
• Or to .1018N Agcnit. Clinton
AT 82,10 PER CWT. "
AT. Giti-N.
any.wl.r to in toull (rve of hero
a •
)110.3, .0101list. RAYSON.'