HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-11-05, Page 141. . I HAtTh 1 } VOL 21, *it, id: vats -4L0 Per Annum in advance s ,CLINTON, ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 5, 1.886. • •gownAktil and ''sinilitge 4)Intters BBIEFS.-Mr, John Moffatt brought hie HENSA141.. family to our village 'again last week. 13atErs - Mr Jackson, who formerly kept a general store here, has left for Rip- ley, where he intends going into a bank- ing business; he was one of our most ener- getic citizens, and his loss will be felt here.. A large crowd gathered on Monday even- ing to hear Sir Richard Cartwright ; the meeting is a very orderly one, and is like- ly to help the cause of Reform in our midst. It is rumored that a paper is to be started here. [Evidently all the fools are not dead yet.] Mr H Eakins, druggist. Sparta, thinks of moving here. A lot of gravel has improved the front of Coed as Rannie's store, Mr .1 0 Stoneman has left , on an extended visit to eastern townships. mounts. MARRIAGE. -Mr, W. Masters, of this township, was married in Clinton last week, to Mrs. Dunham,. efSeaforth. They wersgiven . a warisreccption n their re- tIy purpose re- siding in Seaforth, , FIRE. -On Saturday eight last, about 11 o'clock, the barn ancl stables belonging to Mr. John Smith, of the 7th con. of Morris, were consumed by fire. The barn Was a .new one which was built 'hat sum- mer, and contained all his crops. The cause of the fire is unknown, the general belief being that it was lighted by some malicious person. The less far exceeds the insurance. 7 ria• • STANLE).. STILL Low. -141r. Thos. Fraser., still- lies in a very low condition. I FINE StlASON.-Mrs. Geo. Baird, pr.; gatheredsome ripe raspberries (white va-. riety) on the first of November. , MUNIQIPAL.-It: we are going to have municipal cmitest this tall, it is kept very quiet,. Still, there's no telling what a day mayelaring forth. AOCIDENT.-One day recently, „while • wrestling with another young man, Mi.' George Gilmour had the misfortune to sprain his ankle. He will be 'laid hp for some time. •• PERSONAi.-Mrs. Thos. Baird has been • visiting friends in Ashfield for the last two weeks.. Mr. le Qam pbel jet' 13es field, is at present residinf with son Peter Campbell, of the 3rd pop. • • • • " liferssrs , Marhn • :of. Exeter, Acheson, of PAIN BURNEM-A barn on .the farm • of Mr.' IV. W. Connor, Bayfield road, tic, ritO,Pen,; SinipsOn,.. of 'Brucefield, and; others., ,•A`certain Young blood from Hey cppled by Mr. Jos. McEwan, Was burned has been :visiting ' a ,Certein belle of this • down on Wednesday night of, last week, townshes frequeetly of *late; One night' • tvith all its contents. 'Hew the fire origis. en h parted with his Julietand wept nated is a mystery-. A threeher had heo4 to et is horse' he wes•siirprieed to find at work on the place the CIO previous:, ' that is steed Litt:lay-so* unseen agency, ' btit'therewei tie pessibility that it could become .hitched to an, apple tree ;.hes says have been ,the cause,. as th.sfire broke eet he will Put' a bell on ..the grey neXtstinne at midnight. • . , ,..'r . Mr. Chas. .Ups,halls is about selliog, his. STANEEy'Cothecrie.-Thseininciranet, farni'. on the 4th eon's to Uri' john Sip- • S.. on the 80Th October, aceording tcr•notice; .0144; Mr; UP.shell tritendste purchase e 'w 'all the meriabers preeent. The fallowing smaller farm. . - ' • • : .. ; . ..: • • motions were passed; nig Andrew Stirs- , e . .' - 's - l• . . . ..,,. . son be paid $2 for attending the judges • i. - abnauttitt moviesa. pia • •,. • . • court of appeal; that the collector be paid, .. 1» ARM SOLD..--, Mr. J. Holland, hint re - 58 for extra work. in collecting taxes lest celitly sold to liheion George, lot 33, on year.; that the clerk be instructed to:draft the lith concession ofGoderich township, a by-law, appointing feturhieg •eifricere 80 acres,. loathe sum .of $4,700...: Mr. BOK for this year; the offices are the 911110 89 .Ferria has sold lot 23; 9th cens'. 80 acres, . last year with the addition of Geo. Baird; to his:son Samuel, for the sum of $5,000 • sr„ for the new Polling EUbiliNii614 Thee,: • Tnaonehisse:Mr. H. Vs .Diehl, Who has. • Stinson and John Sparrow were ordered, taught the scheel at.Taylores corners; for •• to be paid $2.50:: title, 10.r -•tesietint the seine tirifeshas beete,ecigaged for .Bayfield surveyor -in rennirig two lines last winter; school next • Yearsat a salary of $400 ; • ' James McIver. was ordered to be.:peid $5, mreltIcEadhteri, of Bayfield school, 'so it for part expense in dpening.a drain on lot is Saki, being about to enter the -ministry_ 16„ con. 8; .for the • benefit or the , road: Mr. Diehl'is .place here .will be supplied The toecnship. by-laws, ils revised, were by. Miss Jehnetore of the townahip,;who. . adopted, and the elate instructed to have is.aegaged atasalary of $350. '. • • 200 copies .prinfed; The couneit.then ad-, ..ss.110aste Kara-An-7We: regret •th learn. . jburned to. meet ageire•op. the 24th, of Pe. that McLeod brothers, threshers, met With c era ber_nex t, at 1 •o'cicialrertk .. the :lois of e • yalnable tnaree.a few days GEO. STE;WAA.. Clerk. aeo. They were in , the ebb ot• drawing ' ---"'"'s— ' . their machine. ep a steeP bridge,. which. tettc eteseint,n. • ., , serves as en entrance to 11. Ford's barn ' -NEW SToziE.-Mr. Frank O'Neil,. who when the •liersess by drawing heavily, has moved his harness shop • into. Mr. raised the Planks vthich were -not nailed, Baird's stores has added a full Hee Of and thus dropped through' a distance Of gent's furnishings, .and is -prepared to sell ' four or five feet.' In doing so one of them. .cheep. We predict for him a good busi- cut, itself severely -in -the aladoniete. .• For. .ness ,as our village .was in -need Ore stele B rEas.-Mr. Galbraith, the celebrated when inflemmetion•set in. The mete was a' short time hopes nf itssreesoves,Y•were of that nature. • -, . , • - ' • • entertained, .but. these. were frustrated phrenologist, has been. lecturing, to large valued at $200. ,„_. ._..- . • • .. crowds for several nights this Week.. in liatErs.,-LTh-e- tearciCanle- No. 3 school house, Tuckeesnilth, ' Mr.' tont01"theellth. ' eon:, while attached to, David Alan tosh. veterinery-surgeon •Ittid the Water tank belonging to Cole's thresher,. Wm. O'Niel,' grocer, have each had ransaway. on Mondays. but did no harm signs painted, • which add .greatly to the beyond tearing down, about twenty reds of • appearancee'of their., • reepeetive .places, Mr. Hick's s fence.. During the recent. Mrs. john Itattenbury. Who broke bee leg heavy windstorai.about forty feet was hire some time ago, is getting along AB well as off the' roof of Mr. Wesley Mugfotd's born. could be expected. Mee .Goetlie Marks While threshing 'at:Mr. Obas. Cole's on : and Miss Annie Campbell leave for. a Monday; Mr:We• 'Crooks had a narrow Cs - visit to Kansas; On 'Tuesday next;' they cape froin whet Would have been a serious purpose remaining all Winters, ‘John Mc- accident ; he was pitehing sheaves, when Intotib, son of Mrs. McIntosh, store keep- they. began to slip, carrying him with er, who is now studying law with an Owen. them, and had he not been caught. would' Sound firm, is at •preeent at hetnesee iv certainly have fallen lute the tin -giber. visit. l'rof. McKay; Of LendoeThas or- The -other daY Mr..13eaconi's stallion; Ton- ganized . a singing class at Mr. Baird's ' tit:test:net with. an accident, being kicked school; theprofessor is a thorough 'toaster. by another horse; we did not -learn how animus and those Attending .his. Class serious the was, or whether it will likely do well. ..'llhings are booming was„serious, bat the services of o,' veterin- at the temperance society; they have now ary surgeon had to be_seeured.. It ie quite over 60 members, but we would like to see evident that en •esteemed yontig men of more of the young men taking hold Olt,' the 13th, cons him concluded -that "it is .• not good for man to live alone," arid will where they will remain for the winter Mr. 'Will Hunt spent a few days of last week with friends in Goderich. Mrs Phillips, of Florence, accompanied by her daughtet, Mrs. Dinedele, of Park Hill, are visiting her daughter Mrs. W. Cudmore, London road. The special services which have been carried .on ,for the past four weeks were brought toa close on Monday evening, much good has been the result. PRESENTAPioN.-A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Miss Mary Brown (near Heneall) on Friday evening last, when about forty persons assembled fer the purpose of acknowledging the ap- preciation of her valuable services in Con - flection with the'work of the Presbyterian church and Sabbath School, where for a number of years she has been an earnest„, whole-souled worker. Mr. Acheson -on behalf of the congregation -delivered a short but expseeslYeAddreee and present- ing her With a purse of money, asked her to accept it not by way of rennpseration- but ES a token .of esteem. Miss Brown briefly thanked her pester and ,friends' for their kind expression, assuring them her aim when working in the master's vine- yard had not been for worldly reward but,. for the Crown which never tadeth. TVOli...ERSLIIITIL • , BatErs.--T-Fall wheat is badly injured with the Hessian fly in seine fields, par- tieularly in sod fields thathaveteeneback- eet and sown with wheat_after haying been sown with oats or peas inthe sPring. Galbraith, the noted phrenologist, delivered a --course af lectures on his fey- orite science, in Broadfoot's school house, last week ; the meetings were well attended despi to th e someithat disagreeable weather; Mr. Galbraith explored the heads and as- certained the crantcal developmentof e number or young people in the vicinity. Richard Cudmore, jr., has. gene to Da- kota. Joint Cosets, Esq., Of Trowbridge, ts has been spending a few days among friends in this victnity. Mrs. Cyrus Tur- per,. or Carberry, Manitoba, is home sto Oritario on visit. The Presbyterians of Chiselhurst intend to have their annua1. tea meeting,- on Wednesday evening the 10th inst.; tea will, be served, from 5 to 8 p, in. and addresses will be delivered by tannome. e : in a short time be united in marriage to BafErs,-Mrs. Holdworth, of Hohnee- one of the finest young ladies in the town- .ville, retuned home last week after spend- ship ; G—e, to be congratulated sing a pleasant week of recreation with her on your choice. It is reported, though 'sister. Miss Maud Potter, is at present with what amount of likelihood we can - enjoying the spicy breeide Ofthis pleasant not say, that Mr, John Cox will again be pyr. little hamlet, gueet•of 'ster, Mrs. J. a candidate for the reeveship. A few Cook. The other day a yo g gentleman day's since while a'young man named who lives not many mile frona Holmes- McDonald was working•at a threshing, vine was returning honle frorrevisitingle he accidentally got the prong of a pittle, this place tiearly lost his way while going fork run in the end,of his finger, making through Goderich, and thinking he was a painful wound. About a week ago jas. gliding along nicely towards home slid- -denly found himself at the railway station; we are afraid he was thinking too much of the girl he left behind him, however, we all make mistakes aome times end we are sure G. will not get lost the .next dine. The good Templars of this place intend holding an entertainment on Friday the 12th of Nov.; there will be a debate by the members and also dialeetics recite. it is 60 feet square and nearly 10 feet high ;Iie speaks in very flattering terms • of Mr, Gen Able, of Colborne, who did 'the mason work for himaind well he may, „for he has an extragoodjob. JellaMtlo- nings .done the carpenter work. Alex. 13edour has raised some very good tobac for his• own use ; something unusual these parts. The fiarmers are near through with their fallploughing and are busy housing their roots and apples, tvhi have been very good crops; one farm boasts °flaying mangolds weighing fro 20 to 25 the. each. Messrs. NV: IL Lo and J. W. Yoe attended. -thealiirallr E. Moore, Fullerton; on Monday, an purchased some good stock; Mr; Lib bought one yearling filly .and two gra coves; Mr. Yoe bought -one grade cow. Mr. W. Jordan, ,of the .11th con., lost good colt the other day. Mr. Chas. Ho land has secured -a school.in Springfiet Ont., and went there to perform his duti last week; he holds the school till the en of the yeer With opportunity of contin since if all is satisfactory ; we are sure the the people of Springfield will find in Charlie an untiring and energetic teacffer and undoubtedly success will attend hia labors, as ie always has done heretofore. Mr. Jas: Rotvden left here lest week for Ilarriaton, Where he takes a situation in a general- store as book keeper and clerk; we wish our young friend every success in his new departure. • • ••ses• nusa.s.vr.; • ' forestEse,-Mr. IsaaoLawreece,-ofilre 13th con., is at presentslying very haw of inflammation of the lungs, -and Mrs. J. L. Allen is still very week, ahd scarcely out of danger., Mr. David Jackson has been suffering froausevereattack"of.bronchitis; but is able to be:out Again. TEacttans,-411es 'Mackeniie, teacher in S. S. No. 8, will give up the • school at the end of the present year, and .the trus- tees have engaged Miss Barr, of Sealoith, to fill the vadancy. Mr. Jelin E. Acder- sen has been ice-migaged• in his present school. 31e. George ,A. Newton hes been re-engaged to teach in Harlock school. _ JMPROVEif Jamieson, juet west of Londesboro, hoe pia an, addition to the back of his residence, of vepeered. brick;• it adds greatly to the appearance and eomfort of his home; it is now one of the best houses, on the line; westof the vilioge., Mr. James Snell is now in occu- pation otliie new house on the gravel reed eit is•a nice place,,aii ornament to that locality, and we hope he and hie fam- ily may be hong spared to enjoy its ccim- forts.- ' • • ' BRIEFS. -Mr. Thos. Neileas, collector, is now 'on the .war path, and "expects everyman to do his duty." The farmers 'ell round the township arejest now ".inak-' nag their piles' --of turnips.. A deain and culvert is beine. put hi on the hill side at the. Londesboro bridge; to-ettery ,off the -soakage water;. it has leng,been and will bee great iinprovement,*-Meoie, cipal matter have been very quiet (glide; there was talk sometime ago of consider- able change in the formation Of the con& il, but this appears to have abated.. , AnaLEsse-The asple,erep for this town, - ship is needy all in,: and it is the largest ever known for mo.ily years- People hardly knew What to do with- their fait fruit,•and thousands of•bushels•are beings. spoiled under the trees, fed to the -hogs or taken to the cider mill, which is doing a big beeinges this. year. There is much fruit wasted that we think it Would have paid to dry and send to foreign markets to the Northwest, Jeanine and, other plaete where, fruit is so scarce. itownesviaa.n. in congratulatingthe groom an wishing Shac..-T 0Piekard has beep laid up ; the yeuug eouple a bright and happy for some clays with what' appears to he future. • • inflammation of the eyes. RuNawasyse-Ou Saturday -last Mr. IT. The mouth organ band have deeided to Tyner's team took a run on their own re -organize this season with we hope co 1 better results than attefided them laeoree Stein came alongst Year- I With a rifle and H. J. thought he wetzid in No doubt reports be received from 1y • • tune to time. SALE. -Mr. H. Elford, who has more steak than he can winter, will have an auction sale on the 10th inst. As • his stock is good, those wanting anything should be on hand OD the day mentioned. BkaTIRNED.-Mr. John R. Holmesavho went up to the northwest with a ettr lead of applee, returned on Saturday, having disposed of his ;stock to advantage. Be was as far west as Regina. He states that the crops in- the northwest turned out very poorly,, while those in Manitoba were very fair. , ch er 81 bb 9, de a 1- d, es • ' 1,01;1llES110g0. • • LONDESBORO STAMM. "-ITRItfs,-Mi;; J. Torrance ce Son left Wednesday -with a car of stock and household goods,forl3osse- rain, Mailitob4--The creamery make their final shipment for the season Thurs- day, closing after, a successful •season's work and an increase over.last season.- Ounjovial miller'expects to ship his first car of flour in a few deys,. having gee his in111 in No. 1 order; we wish him success. hogs are getting in their bests "roots" all around the village Piet now; we would not care so much. if they dide;teesniake such,big " Nth". as it is they are it nuisance. . Mr: Walker, who has been living in the house east • of .the vil- lage, has left for more congenial climes.; no. cards. Mr. ' Thomas 13runiden has moved into thehouse lately occupied by MP. Walker, and she has gone to stay a short time with, her daughter Mr. John Shobbrooks The people feel more secure since that cow has been taken „by, the hems; though they'would very much have Preferred to have had the haus taken off altogether -just above the „shoulders.; that is the real care ; the butcher would do more for her than theblacksmith, and soap did not cure her, though slits did get' it at the doctor's. The opening if the For- ester's hall; ennouncedlor last night, pro- mised to be it big success. — TUB= EXastistertose.-The Examination of S, S. No. 9, was held last Friday and 1 believe one of the most suc- cessful ever held there. The pupils Were subjected to a yery rigid examination and the proficiency.shown btethe pupils in the several sebjects taken up reflect credit ike pn teacher tied pupil. The teepher, r. Sas. ;Hogg, was assisted in the exaini- ation by the following teachers :-Misses ovenloek and and Messrs. Sohn - on, Pearen, Domino and Muir. I was articularly pleased with excellent order aintained by the pupils and•to see the ndly feelint existing between teacher d ,pupils, two very strong indications at the teacher is doing good work. There as, a large number of the people of the ction, both old and young, present; At O close of thesexamination a large nuin- r of the ratepayers and teachers present ade short speeches, one end MI express - g themselves as well pleased with the ork being doe by the teacher. The lies. of the section were tendered a hearty te of thanks for the dainties provided by 001. A 'VlsrrOtt., al st ki Man. was cutting wood in the bush and ac- an cidently cut his brother with the axe on th one of his knees, setering,the cords; he w likely to be laid- up for sortie time ; it ate" se pears that the handle broke and the axe, th glanced, With the above result. George be Stoneombe, of the 2nd line, has been m up with seiaticit, and during the last week in he was confined to his bed. Chas. W. w Holmesville, has raisecl lat tions, songs and music; they expect to be bet barn atel just Completed outs of the vo assisted by friends from Parartmunt . best basements for,stables in the township th , • .• • . • -The.quafferly meeting h eld IILtha Mithodist church last Sabbath,was well represented. Mr. Patton pteached on the occasion, The business meeting on Monday was well attended. Mr. J. Churchill, hitherto an exhorter, passed his 'preliminary examination, and was unanimously elected an approyed local preacher. . • • •-• POW:Ong/8 111L.L. • " ObSerVeritl who sends a letter to this office, from Porter's Hill, neglects to send his name. which is the reason the letter is not -i riserted; wesimust-knovt theottnaell-e parties seeding .communicatioes. • Schoots-The*following is a correct re- port. of the standing of the pupils in the Poyter's Hill school; for the month of0c-' tether :-Fourth form -Tillie- 1V1cVartney? Minnie Gardner, Ed will Jervis. Senior third -Amos Cox, 'Maud Pickard, George MeCertney. .Junior third-Berison Cux, John Cantelon. . Senior second -John COX, Freddie Lindsay,: Herbert Oot; Junior second --Lottie Hillock; Euphemia Cox. Part 11-4anel Marshall, VValter Lindsey,.Edith Cox. • • ' ; BRtEFs.-Mrs, Wm. Stirling has sold since the 4th 'of March last,: 913dozen of eggs, foe which:she receiyed the son of $102.00 beieg iin'averege of 11 cents and 2' Mills per dozen for the whole season. Miss McGregor, of Southampton, is visit- ing friends in this neighborhood. Apple gacking is about finished arouricl, • here. eme of the smart 'farmers are almosit'fin- ished fall plowing. There was a " hop" at Mr. John Harrison's house last Thurs- day night.. wsteGilAnt. . Thieviacs-The town hes been sub- jected or rather is being subjected to A lot of Sneak thieving. The local police lum- inaries seem to be totally unable to make even a decent guess. at this perpetrators. It•is pity they could no.ebe caughttand Severely punished., , : • IttroamEas.--The 'Reform- era of the town met in ..T.„AilMorton's office Tuesday evening, to organize; for the corning dee-. tions. Officers were elected for the ensu- ing year, and steps taken to have the thoroughly Worked and to be ready to fees an election at any time. . ;.• . BerEas--The new residence -on Joseph- inc st. is a genuine improvement. The Orangeinen of the tome have a soiree on Friday eve., Nov. '5t11; addresses will be delivered and a goodtime is expected. The band boy are talkiig Of getting up it concert for the benefit of the band shortly Sauce•eAetive operations' have 'been- cominenced on the salt bleck; and the building ie well imcler way. The building whieh is to be erected on the olcl PresbY-• terian church grounds, will be 180 ft. x 80 ft., tindthe pan will he .144 ft lopg, one. of the largest, if not the Iirgestin the Dominion. _ .Rtishc.The owners Of our. roller rink, which was blown dein during the heavy gate last month; have started to rebuild. The rink is to be ready to openin a month It Will be 14 ft wider than the oid one,and occupy the entire lot. • • This will make it a very large aficl.fine building for the pur- pose. • REA.e. EsTATE. AGENCY. --Mr. Francis Efollowlir, for a long time connected with the Post Office here,but lately of Toronto., has opened a general agency nearly oppo- site the Bank of Hamilton. He intends to loan money, handle real estate, insure 'agninst death,' fire,. accidents ondefalca- hens, etc. There is a good 'opening here ter that business -and he ought to do well. -WINTHROP ESPOEM CLUZ-The next meeting of, the Reform Club will be held on Mouclay evening next, When Lite following subject will be debeted:-..." Resolved,. that it would be in .the interest Of Grenel3ritain, that each ef the countries composing the British Isleseshoulcl hayea local govern- ment:" The affirmative to he led by Mr. T. „McMillan, supported by Messrs. M. •Murdi, 0. E. Leach and G. Turnbull, The negative .by Mr. W. Cash, su ppm ted by Messrs. S.• Dickson, F. Pearen, and J. Cowan, ' • , 131%1ra-08.-11r. 3. d. Morrison had a horse drop dead last Thursday, morning as his son was giving it along the road, about a mile east of his place. Mr. E. Teskey, who has been working fcir Mr: S. Govenlock for about a year, left for his home in Kent Co, last Tuesday, where he purposes remaining. All Ilallowe'en was celebrated here in the old way . of remov- ing gates, clac, from their propeeplaces ; it is now thin, boys, that yougave up that foolish practice ofninioying your` neighbors on that evening. tiitARDIQC1r. Tyhdal was 41narri6d on Wednesday of last week to Mr. J. Coultis, 0( 1110 10th con. The ceremony was performedby Rev Ur. Raped; of Olin- ton,in thc presence of the relotiVes of the happy pair. The bride, is a lady Of rare accomplishments and held in the highest esteem by all with within she associated,, and with these your humble scribe joins try a shot, so be left his horses standing not far eff, thinking that they :tepid be only too glad to get la rest. When he had tried his skill he looked for tis horses. and found they were making for the road at a lively oTate. When they bad run a short distance the wheel struck a 'Stump which caused the axle to break and brought there to a stand still. George, who is agent for a tveggon.company, Im- mediately wanted to Make a sale, but II. J. was not in humor for buying just then. since got a new axle made at Bel - grave, so George will not make a sale after all, AS WE: HEAR it.,—,M1SS DUKIbart—W110- previous to' thits YeaF taught in. S. 11, and who is now teaching in Turnberry, is to return to her old position in No. 11 next. year.; her re-engagement shows the appreciation of her former labors. Those who drove down the sideroad to our village from singing school on Monday n•ight, must have; had a rough fide if they drove over all the raps and logs laid aeross the reed ; the " boys" evidently played their HallOwe'en tricks on ;Monday night. Mr.' R. Scott, who has had a severe aetack of sciatica, is able to move around after be- ing laidsup-forsabelit two weeks. A con- cert is to be gion in Calvin church next week, at which several from Winghath are -to take part; the affair ender the managemeritof the organ coMmittee and the proceeds are lobe added to the organ fund. Miss 1Vhitemen, who at one time taught in our school (No, 8; E. W.,) and who is now teaehincbnear Blyth, is en- gaged in Fordyce 8011001ool for 1887: , • FIl3.E.-.About 11:30,1ast Saturday night the alarm of fire Was sounded, and quickly a large crowd gathered at the scene of conflagration, which•was a small building not occupied, in the southern part of the toWn.• It was supposed to have been set on firer probably by some boys out cele- brating Hallowe'en. TEstrEans.---At the regular 'electing Of Hnroti.Lodge, • No.:'3(1k1;.0sG, r12.,:;.the fel- lowieg. officers, were elected to serye the ensuing term .T: E. Hunt. C T; Mies S. McBride, V J. Stanley, Sec; Miss N. Perkins, Teem; J.H. PYper, FS; &Kemp, NI; Miss I. Pillman, 10; M. Pillman, 0 G; E. B. Hollis; ChapssMiss• J. Hunt; A S; Miss M. Bell, D hi; Miss L. Shaw, R S; Miss M A. Dorranee, L 11Miss ,Je Hunt, Organist; J. II. Pyper,I;D: BniEress-sAbbey's Double Uncle Tom's 'Qabin Co. played, here on Tuesday even- ing last, to alarge audience. , The large three-storey brick botlding, being erected by Broadfoot St Box, to be used as store and finishing shop, is nearing completion. The brick Work of Itles M. Y. McLean'a handsome new residence is.finished, and the roof on. Business in town has been briskthis week, and, our streets have had a lively appearance. Quarterlyservicein the Methodist`church next Sunday. The 'MN of seats. for Mr. Justin McCarthy's lecture, (*the 23rd irises is being pushed, santlare readily -taken Ata r;r1olue Itelarke; 'the Boot Black Orator, 'spent a few hours in town. last Tuesday,•while on his way to Brussels, where- he was te leeture. that eVcfliIlg.., "• s - "Lesson AbID' Lt4uon."-TlieRey.WM. Burgess, the popular prohibition ,orator appeared under the auspices of Huron Lodge No. 308, IC G T. at the town hall; lest Monday eyening, in his famous :lec- ture on Labor end Liquois or wages and whiskey. The chair was occupied by Mr. James Beattie,: The lecture was preceded by an address frain the chair, and a couple -of-tries by Messrs. Kent, Pyner and Stew- art.- The recture was one ot.the,13est in the 'interest Of tenaperance We have had the pleasure °flaming, and was worthy of a much larger audience than waspreseet. We are at e loss•to know Why the people of our town did net turn out te hear what •Mr. Burgess, who is Well known as a man able to present his subjecte'in a clear light; had to say Upon this the leading question of the day. •The price of admission was i placed very low n order 1)) give give every body • an • opportunity to be present. -- [When Mr. Burgess got to the station •on his way home, two trains were in the yard, and instead of taking the one for Strat- ford, as he intended, fie took one that landed .him in Clinton, by mistake • _ • PARAD4OUNT. BRIEFS. -Mr. John Cook left this week to vend the winter in Wiarton. Mr. J. Smith hes bought a farm near Blenheim -and will move to his new home sometime in the spring t he is an excellent neighbor and We are sorry toles° him. Miss Annie Agnew left on 'Wednesday for Michigan, whale she will reside for sonte time, Mi'; John BarkweIl has rented' his fathee's farm near Lonclesboro afid wil1 Shortly move •there. His brother, Ames Barkwell, well take possession of the homestead here. Same of the small lads turned out in good style Hallowe'en, but 'nothing very serious was done. PRESENTATION.-Otlee a week, every other month, for seine time .past the Rev, Mr. Shaw, Church of England minister, Lucknew, has preached . in our school house. 'Last Thursday night he was very much surprised by being presented with the following address and $60 in money t guy. Ma, SUAW—Dmme Sin, -Vo '•attr friends at Paramount, doslreto eXprOos our tinOore and heartfelt gratitude for tho grant kindness and self sactineing spirit you rum) shown to tilt fit conducting religious services in our midst. As a small token of our esteem mid appreciatioh of your kindservioes, we ask you to accept this putnewith our best 'wishes for your future wolrerewe know„that kimIlosqibId for us to fully rofty you for your earnest Work for Our spiritnal rare, Mit wo belieN•13 God will abundantly bless and richly reward you when you have finished your good Work on earth. Signed, Jourt IdAlrritr, 'Owlets COOK. Itt 1)01(811 1)1 MO ‘itoio congregation Mt, Slativailthough entirely token by sur- prise, thanked and ee- th an ked the peep] e for their kindness aid once more pointed Prtibli*her. ROBERT itios.intmot them to the Cross where all could be freed from sin and by faith in tvhich lie hoped to meet all in that New Jerusalem, EAST WAIF Ariosinr. BatErs.-Shoating is now a favorite re- creation.; IVill Potter and NVillquine are tile Nimrod of she north ; both have se- cured several partridges and the latter • during•a week bagged, three foxes. Ser- vices continue to be held regularly at the Union church; Rev. Mr. of Au- burn, has become very popular; a*weekly prayer ineeting is held and a Sunday School was started lately. Mr. P• Hugha- len held a sale Of his property on Monday; • the farm was not sold and a good many • animals were ‘" bid in." A .few days • since Mr. John Blackbrough• picked a • number of wild strawberries in ft &id near his house; considering the time of the year thie is remarkable. VARNA.' Too MUCH ALTOGETDEIL -lb is to be • hoped•that Hallowe'en .may not soon fall again on Sabbath evening, as it seems to 'throw the lads off the track. There are some who do not like to desecrate the: Lord's Day by cutting up the pranks which are deemed so innoeeot in connec- • tion with a Hallowe'en ,eelebration, The • .question with such 19, shall we obserye • Saturday evening before or Monday even- • ink after. This year they: seem not to have a square understandleg, a,pdssa_for_es the thrtiosevenin,gs some have been on the • warpath, carrying off gates, obstrueting sidewalks and even the public road, and doing reply other thingeof Which It would be very difficult to describe the utility. But we suppose boys Will be Isom • Ban:vs.-Special services' still conlinue in the Methodist church. A' large num- ' ber of people attended Mr. Wells' sale, On Thursday,- and things went off well ; we are sorry to lose Mr. NV. from the donaneunity. Mr. Thos. Ward has bought Mr.JohnTurner's farm, adjoining the village. thee are about 30 acres and the price paid was $4,400; this is a. pretty , • good price, MO then jt is cotivenient to both churches and cemeter,y--the former he may have- some use for, but the latter we hope never. Mt..Marshall,Iniplement agent, has rernovedles_his farm in Gode- rich township. Rea: Mr; and Mrs. Fisher • and lip. H. Elford and wife, of Holmes'. paid ei visit to our village on Tues- day. .Rev, McCool, is at ptessent SUpply- ing Bayfield road and Berne congiega- tionss(Pree.) and will continue to do so for two Sabbaths longer. Mr. George Stewart has beep.: proseisesel „the evils of • building on an unsubstantial Men -dation; in being compelled es get SOME) iron rode ' • riiia through his store to preverit it tient ' Spreading, and getting it stoned up under- • teeth ; he did net bend the store himself however. . We are sorry to .report the death of the infant Child of Mr. -Thomas Wylie, Svhich' occurred on .1Veclnesday: ItIrs, W. who bacealeti been very Sick, we . are glad to say is improving. • ' cosatottnE, . . BartEs.-John Stevens has built a nice little house on his farm' op the Maitland con. and intends to. move into it this fall. . About te.o week's ago, Mr. J. Fisher was • . pulling apple,s in a tree and missing his' hold.fell-about40-feet-to-the-grottod;iind hurt one of his hips so badly that it is only . With difficulty he can get around:. Mi. E. Young has dug a weln.forty feet deep and. . curbed it, which. has preyed to be a dry hole ; .he intende to get a di -ill and go, on till he. gets water. Mr. S Fisher leas - bought a Ilene and lot in Clinton and hae moved theresteaving his on Jacob on the hom-exteon; rumor says that Jake intends to take home a better- half before long. Mr. R Yew:1g has an onion thethe bought at Goderich for 'seed that weighs - two pounds. This le fine weather and the far- • • nters have finished picking apple ; there are a feW roots out yet, but a few days-.. more of this tveather and they will ' bee,. sayed.. UODER111.3.1.. • BEIErs.---Huron Ledge No. 521.0.0.F. ' • had a splendid programme given thein. last Thursday evening after the penal - routine busineis was perfornied. Mr. G. Neibergallhas *purchased lots in Stratford and has already 'conanienced building there. .Mr- W. I3awden ,has purchased a residen'ce in Exeter. George Wells, sell of Mr. Wells; brewer,. Of &Word) *as ac- cidently killed on Monday.last near De- troit, Mich.; he was scalded in one of the large vats of'a patent barrel factory ; be was 33 years of. age and leaves a wife and family; the corpse was breagletiofeeide-, rich on the late train -Wednesday and will be buried • in Maitland cemetery at 3 o'oleck Thursday. The storm signals were' visible all day on -Wednesday. Several faruilies have 'moved into town thit' Mrs. George Acheson is slowly recover- , ing.• The &Lament of the Lord's Supper wiil be administered in North St. and St, Georges churches next-Sabboth morning, Constable Yule went to Toronto the other day to attend the trial of Taylor, tvh.o is suspected to have obtained Jewellery under fake pretences.-. Rev. Me, Steele, ,of St, Stephens, and Rev. Mr. Johnson, of St. George's, exchanged pulpits lest Sunday. ' The CETS held its Monthly meeting on Tuesday evening ; .therewere a goodly numberpreStne,and RD interesting pregramine was provided; Miss Copit, Mrs. Pridam, Messrs. Halls and•Beleher gave the opening quartette; Mrs, ?tinhorn it solo; Mrs. Judge Toms and Mr. Embitter gave readings, Miss N. Orabb a solo and ,Rev. Mr. Turk the • temperance tiddress, Harry. Lindley'e Comedy Co. played four nights 111 Victoria Hall. last week, and didn't make expenses, Abbey's troupe gaue Uncle Tom's Cabin, „ in Acheson s new ball, en Monday last; end had w big 'house, but was, however, • only moderately rendered. WOOD.—Pormem wto. "are in- debted to Rs would greatly oblige by bringing lo somo w0041. NEW ERA OFFICE, • k,‘;