The Clinton New Era, 1886-10-29, Page 8CLINTON NEW ERA,
FRIDAY, OCT. 29, 13S0.
TAt7AL NOTICES.and will b ocule e e p by
his son. A,Fcoat
of $700. Mr. Josh Hamner is putting up.
a new -stable. Mr. J. Cooper hoe got
comfortably settled In 'ie-, new brick'
house; bis late reienee is being repaired
Ladies" and eetldreies telt 33ato from srt,cents up at.. of Pae a -p►Pr e e a.tb atanbur nee o
Auction Sade at Thompson & Switzor's old stand, J. Scruton. Mrs. T. Jackson, jr. has gone
t si
BEESLE & OOS, the p em s s of Mears, r S y and
every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday night, coni. on a Visit to Pickeringg. ,Mr ,v L. Chant,
rnencing, af,7 p,� 1 , th crew sr Foxtation agent at Blackwater, and wife,
Shock, Clinton, F. E. CORB TT. a brother. Mr. Roberthas been
W1EAB WOOLLEN (TOADS for sae at a
Woollen Mills Store, J Thomi sons old stalill,-1Seaver
.,spent Sunday Kith Mr. IL )3. Chant,
ABBEX's DOUBLE UNCLE TOM'S'(3At31NCO,, of unable to work for couple ,of weeks,
till artists,: will appear in the Town IIA11.SaturdayOct, owing to illness. but he ex ects to
39th, afternoon and night. The following from Elmira ,,. p.
FreePress:—Abbey's Double Uncle Teens Cabin Co. be all right in a few days. A readmit of
field forth at the Opera Rouse last evening to onto s 1 town horsewhipped his son the other day
wi hin
adient s Y r
est a gathered
the largest 0
a1' the.
i street; doub e s
gon the ubl e. e t b
the walls of that edifice -1U fact
there was not suf$ct t . p . ; i 0,S h y
ent seating aceormodat10n for the immense concourse deserved it. 1r. . teveha0n as At -
of people. . ! The performance was unusually good,, tending the annual )meeting ot.'the Outer -
the excellent singing and dancing of the two Topsys,
and the eccentricitiesof the two Dierks, beteg in par- 10 Sabbath School Assepiatipn at Serail-
' tavern notewortky.—Elmira, Sept -17th,- ton. Mr. WThtess, of Seafgrtb, purebas-
Wain ikiplic$.
FAl%M SOLD,—The Tighe farm being lot
18, 9th con. of Mullett, .(100 ,acres) was
put op by Auction, at the-Rattenbury
House;, on Saturday, being brought by
Mr.Jas, Cartwright, for the sum of $3975.
At this price the place is a cheap one, as'
there are 70 acres cleared, but the proper-
ty is:adjoining the farm of Mr.Cartwright,
and therefore better value to him than any
one else. —
Pattison returned from his holiday trip
.on Monday.. Mr, Nichol,relieving agent,
returned to Stratford on .Monday. There.
is a very large amount of both. incoming
••-rind outgoing freight at present, .one and
sometimes two special trains running
daily to accomodate it.. On Tuesday two
car loads of Dollerty'Organs were shipped
to Liverpool.,
pleased to see Mr. S. Yates, License In
specter, in town last week, notwithstand-
ing the fact that he' found it difficult te.
move about. He has been 'advised to
visit New York and donsultsome,-eminent
specialists there, and it is possible he may
go and,put himself under their care. It
is a'dernier resort, and we trust maybe
successful and lead to his. restoration to
health.. , •
A LIVELY Tower.—On Saturday .morn-
ing last, business was comparatively, quiet
in town, but' all • afternoon: the streets were
thronged with people, and there was every
indication of " business booming." The
farmers know that this Ube best place in
which either to. buy or "s� and the con-
sequence is that they c from all sec-
tions to do their trading. „Every Satur-
day night the streets:.are lice those of a
Naw BAND.—Clinton is again to'the
front as usual, this. time showing her -
musical talent. A Vocophone Band' has
been formed and will shortly •make their
appearance. This is the latest instrument
that has•been invented and' is a great no-
velty. The band consist of. est and 2nd
w•cornet, alto, tenor, baritone, slide trom-
bone and bass. This is the. first band oi`
the kind in this section and we hope they
may' geeplenty to do.
have been a serioi:la accident in town, on
Sunday evening was ,prevented .by the
presence of mind :of a little,girl,;six years
of age. Several children • were plpying
round a table, when a- lighted lamp was
knocked down, the oil running over the
carpet. As quick as a flash ,the child'in
question picked up the• burning lamp and.
blew it out before the running oil head
time to catch fire.
column will be found •some' interesting'
letters ifhd a summing up of the, many,
first prizes wort by the Doherty organs this
year, as far as known, against strong com-
petition in every case. "Weare not at all
surprised at their wonerful •successes, for
if the public knew the perfection,•whidli
the Doherty organ has attained,, they
,would_quite.understand how it' was they
got every first prize they competed for, and.
we predict oven ' -greater honors in. the near
'future.. ,
AFFLICTION.—Last week iVe Mentioned.
the death of a sister of Me. A. Garrett, in
Morris, from a species of ,dysentery that
seems to lie epidemic; Mr. Gorrell: had
scarcely got comfortably' home- from the
funeral, when .he•received a. telegram •an--
nouneing the death ofhis�:brothtr at the
same place; And from the: same cause.
Dr. Campbell, of Detroit,' (formerly . of
Clinton), .was also called' to 'Wingham on'
Thursday, to attend the funeral of a sister
who 'had suddenly ,died from : the same
- A CLOSE CALL,—=.—Mr.. Wallace (fa-.
ther of Mre. J. McGai a), 'bad a remark-
ably close call for his life on Saturday.
evening last. He went down to the sta
tion to see a daughter ,off On the. evening
train for Goderich, and went on the train
which started before he. expected, and in
.hurrying down the steps'," he slipped and
fell between the platform and the moving.
train. Fortunately he escaped' without !i
any injury whatever, but it. was as'' closer)
a call as he could have
}toast No'nns.— vIr George Davis, of
town, returned trent Port Hilton last week
where he purchased tive Indian ponies
and a Frond' pony. Mr. Abraham Akam
Of Colborne,. on Saturday, sold a team of
fine Sampson mares to 11 r, Hugh Mc -
Brien, e of Hullett, f ' r
,or the sum �
of 33 .
Mr; E. J. Bell, of Londesboro, recently
purchased an entire. colt, ,five menthe old,,
from Mr. John Allen,'Harlock;'pny'ing
him $100 therefor.. Mr. John Forbes.. of
Stratford, a well-known horse dealer, was
here this week. •
A Cr ose SetAvJ.—As the afternoon
train going . south, lest Thursday, on the
L. H. L`t B., was leavit]g ,Hyde Park sta-
tion, the engineer., Mr. Jos, Dunn, obser-
v'ed a redlyarid:"(;woman walking on the
track about one hundreds yards east
of the station: He whistled and rang the
bell, when they left. the track, but just as
the engine reached her, the woman who
gave her name as Mrs. John CampbeiI, of
East London) seemed to 'stagger,, and fell
in front of the .engine. She was struck
and thrown into the rl'rteh. The train
was stopped and the train •;nen went back
and pieked her up. She was badly brills -
ed and had'het elothestorn,but otherwise
escaped serious injury, Both the inan.and
the woman were under the influence of
liquor. She was taken on to London. .
Bnn rs.—Mr. Austin Callander has de-
cided to move from town, and will take
up his residence at Smith's I+'alls, where
he is pushing his patent; Mr. SV', H,
Hine hes bought the house oven ied by
ed a car -load of pigs in this vioinitythls
'week • $4.25, live weight was the price
A Coote Thief. •
A •young and well-dressed man called
on Wm. Ashall, a jeweller' at 262 Yonge
Street, Toronto, on Oct. 1, 'and selected,
for himself a $90 gold watch. • He offered
in payment a. cheque on the Aurora Na-
tional Bank for $100, signed by Sheridan
A. Thompson, jr.,and payable to John W.
Taylor or bearer. He said that be was
Taylor, Ashall accepted the cbeque,gave
the young man the watch and $10 change.
When Asl>,;ill banked the cheque he found
out that no such person as Thompson was.
known to the bank. He called at the
house on Gerrard street, where Taylor
said he boarded, but he did not find hislice, who, for the time, got no tra,ce of I
pian: He' reported the matter to the pe-
paid. Mr. W. W. Baer,' brother of Mr. i the thief,
E. Baer, of Clinton, isnow pastor of the
Norma-adale Methodist Church, in the
county of Norfolk. We are sorry to see
that Mr. Geo. Duncan, of Stratford, is on
the sick list ; he is taking a holiday in.the
belie that he may recuperate, and we trust
the object 'may be attained. "Mr. J. W.
Hill drove from heretoTorontolast. Week,
—pretty:long drive, Mr. E: J, McMath,
of Luckiiow, brother 'of Mr. ;Tae, Mcl\J'atb,
Clinton, suffered considerable loss by a
fire in that village, on Sunday night,—
W. Hockridge,
ight,—W..Hockridge, and his Mister tdrs..Dun-
dee (stepchildren of Mr. Henry Cole),
are back from Dakota, on a short visit;.
they report an average yield of 30 bushels
of sheat to the acre. Mr. W. J. `Paisley
was called to Wroxeter 'last week, owing
to the illness of his father. 11r. W.
Mason was called away on Tuesday, to
the bedside of his son John, of Hullett,
who -was suddenly taken seriously ill, and
of whose recovery doubts : were entertain-
ed; we are pleased to hear that the illness
was not as serious as: first feared,,and John
is again in a fair way of recodoryr. Miss
T. 13edford, of Gadericb,is visiting friends
here. Mr. W. S. Swaffield has moved
intothe house lately erected, by. ]L Ir. Jas,
McMath, ' Mr. Cornelius ' is acting as
leader of the Doherty Band. until a per-
manent succestroi toMr. Blackstone is se-
curefl., Mrs, D. R. Menzies has returned
from a visit-to.3lyth and vieil?ity.
Corbett has started. a store in the Beaver
Block,' and is running off 'a stock of
woollen goods.,, Several•from,here attend-
ed the formal opening of the Young Li-
beral Roonis, at Seaforth, on Wednesday .R. Lough, Principe) of the,Clinton Model
evening. Miss It. Kerr, who has been 'for . School; Mills success in passing the Seni-
or•Matriculation for Victoria University.
It is highly creditable to Mr: Lough that
he has ndertaken an extended course, in
A , and that he has accomplished this
much of it while performingthe onerous
duties of his position.
On Thursday last •a young man, who^
afterwards turned out' to be the party
a,hoya referred to, went into 1'Valsh's Jew-
ellery Store, Goderich, and purchased
goods to the value of $150, giving a $300
ebeck on the Aurora National Bank, in
payment. Mr. Walsh had his doubts
about the genuineness of the check, and •I
telegraphed to Aurora, when he learned
that It was bogus, and Taylor returned.
the goods. Taylor' then came on to
Clinton andtried to pawn with Rob. W.
Coats, Jeweler, the gold w.atcli , he had
fraudulently obtained in Toronto.. He
and Mr, Coats was only
0.,' Several things
t that everything,
wanted $50 on
willing to advan `
led Mr. Coats to sus
was not straight, and is • ;er to gain time
•he°professed to have lost his cheek book,
and went out, ostensibly to procure a
check. Just as he left the store, Ceti -
stable Yule, of Goderich, appeared, and
proceeded to arrest Taylor. oh the charge
of trying to obtain goods in Goderich un-
der false pretences. At this moment a'
telegram was.reteived. giving 'a descrip
tion:of the Torotitg thief, and when read
to Taylor, he took it quite:. coolly, 'simply
remarking " That look's mighty like me."
'He objected to being handcuffed, but Con-
stables Paisley and Yule put a pair on
him, and he was taken up. to Goderich
the same night,'being from' there taken to
Toronto, when he ,was identified• as the
pparty who procured the watch andgave a,
bogus' check for it.•
CREDITABLE .-We congratulate -Mr. W.
some time visiting her sister in Goderich,
las returned to town. Messrs. Gorrell and.
McGarva are'shipping'apples to Glasgow.
Itis reported that "a Mr. Swaffield, .of
Goderich,-(brother of Mr. W,S Swaflield)
purposes opening a hardware store here.
On Tuesday evening last; a large • number' • REstGNED.—Mr Geo. E: Crawford, who
for several years has been the eWcient and
ai'ablemanager of the Singer Sewing Ma-
chine agencyTor this county, with head-
quarters at Clinton, has resigned lie posi-
tion, and is succeeded•by Mr J.J. Smith,
late of. Winnipeg. Mr :Crawford with-
draws solely because he desires, a change;
and although he has been offered other re-
sponsible positions, lie .has not yet decided
what he will' do. We hope that he may'
still remain it •resident of Clinton,. for he •il
has always been a good citizen, and would
7.1.)e missed if he _moved away.
of the friends -of Mr, Peter Cole, sr., gath-
ered at his house to do- him honor, prior
to his removal to 'Michigan. Messrs.
Thos: Workman, President of the Mokce:s
Bank, and'T. Wolferstan Thereas, Gener-
.al- A'La iager;, paid an official visit, here on
Wednesday, being on .their•general tour
of inspection;. •Mr. J.; Ransford attended
'a meeting of the Executive Committee of
the Synod.ofHuron, .at London, this week.
Mr. Ingra•n, wholes 'been away in the
•west,•': has. returned , to town. ..A final
meeting 'of the Base Club,.to wind up
the affairs of the year, will 'beheld at the'
Grand: Union. Hotel,this (Friday)evening
Mr. Jas. Fair' is putting a ; new 90 horse
power boiler in his mill; which he bought
of Orystat &:Black,Goderich.. Jos. Ryder
and C. Browns' bagged several quail and
a couple of wild ducks -the other day;; Joe.
has snot:about thirty quail tbis'season.
Mr. W. 0. Searle has a number of roses
�utinblooni in his garden this in "froz..
en. Canada," and the end.of Octose r • Ne
more cricketor. base .,ball this year.'—
:Christmas will be here in' leas than': two
:months.. It is almost impossible to get a
•good'liouse ' in Clinton... -The re-
gular meeting'of the'council-takes, place
on .Monday evening next ; it: is possible
the meeting will be a lively one. ' Sunda'y,,
night is Hallow'een. A good-sized sail;
ing beat passed through town on Wednes=
day,•:on a waggon, from Goderichthere
is no inlet's' water around here fiuffieient
for its acconjodation,.:;and ; we : did.: ,not
learn where; it was being taken to,
Messrs. Williams and Steep had a•magis-.
trate case, this week; Irving vs. Allanson.
M:r.J,ohn Irvin '. owiis a 1'ot,on which, so ft
is alleged, Mr. Allansonbought'theliay,
having the privilege of leaving it there for.
some time ; Irving's cow was turned into
the lot, and Alfanson turned it out; the
,former claimed that it was the latter's'
duty •to puha fence around the hay stack,
and their right to put their cow into. their
own lot ; .the:magistrates finally, decided`.
that each party should pay: their.'own
costs,. and Mr, .Allanson should, put a.fence
around.the stack , but ,plaint_`re.--. to
l? .• A number of par-
ties here who purchased nursery stock from
Culler; & Co.,. who claim' to:have a . nur-
sery a't Rochester,have refused totakethe
same, and raised'a lively• racket with the
agents this week; the:puiebasers allege
that they have been ,deceived., and claim
that no such nursery exists, The North
American Bee -keepers' Association have
elected the Hon. A. 'M. Ross, Minister of
Agriculture,•an.d M. P.P. for West Huron,
an honorary member in recognition of
the .personal and .official interest helms'
taken in the' promotion,of the bee -keep-
ing in securing•the grant to assist the On-
tario Bee -keepers Association in malting.
their display of honey at the Colonial
Exhibition. On Wednesday a couple of
lots on Huron Sheet; .near the: residence
of Mr.'Ridotit, were offered by D. Dickin
son, auctioneer, but the bidding" only
reached $300, and•thoy were withdritwn.
Mr Janis Howson, jr., has returned from
the northwest, and will remain• home for
the. winter. 'Mr .Jelin -Symons hit*his`
'thumb with a heavy stone hammer, and
smashed it•pretty. bad. The I , of L.' gu-
tirtained severah Seafbrth friends at An-
derson's'resteurant, on Friday night lest.
We understand that Mr, James Thompson
has .tendered his res�;qnation as"nyanager
for Coit & Co, The Exeter 1,teflector has
ceased publication and the material is un-
der seizure; while we are sorry for friend
Moir, to those who know .the cireuinstan-
ces, no other result , was looked for,—
Mrs James Patterson has returned from
her rislt to Kansas,' Mrs, W l Ransford;
of Boston, is visiting friends here, This
19 :v poor time for local news, but theNEw
Pau gets what is going, every timer -
The wife df Mr Charles. Carling bite re -
tutted from a trip to the old country,—
Prpr, Citirko Company, of Godeiidll'
were announced to give a•condert in the.
Mr. Callendet, paying therefor the gars 'tlwn ball-, last (Thursday) night.
lave Monoy
By purchasing your goods at
He sells cheaper than anybody else.
Just received a large stock. of
• I'IE IE 11T]E+ W
so. NOW
Now, just it; -t e) we want to tell you about some Cheap Goods,.
• ' If you have no J --weir our `
01-1331A.PSS C31 -001)S_.
Kindly look in and see what we have: We have a very larT'
stock of ,
And we do not intend to let anybody else sell 'them for less
money than, We do say we have the
Away 'down: lower than auction: prices. OuF BLAH t ' " T -R•
Well, what about them? Just call,a`gym
nd see, and we will . ive
you a 'surprise on prices. ,
Which are being sold very cheap.
Goods AMriyiil Daily.
beat year for
from one now till `the .end of
• Bookseller and etatiiiner,
Their stock is s
t of
Dial you sn.y, .and the prices? 'Yes. • The' are so fine we won't
put then; in print,'for fear yen might think well, we won't say
' • what; but just stop and ask us:. • .
New Mantle Goods 7o -day. o dL
We want to .sell Good .Golids Cheap, . We
e ar determined to
sellour Goods .CHEAP. Cheap blit
Upo'el•, is our.motto.
PAY _ & CO.
a son *Bros.
loth ersh.'urn2shers and
� : atte Clinton.
• �mss, Clinton.
� .
A T'
alendicl ; • the assortment is great the . values'
offered unprecedented.
Seeiwhat an ole ant'OVE COAT
o.u• can et for $1n
See. what a. nobby TWEED: SUIT
-'you can -get for $12 up to $21,6o
No•niatter whit .• ou need, we can please you, fit you and send
you away perfectly Satisfied.' •. •
a,. C. RA,NCE & CO.,.
Three Doors' West of Dickson's hook Store
To close out. several lines ''of of. Stiff and„ :t HATS, we have, '
decided upon a' great clearing sale. at 50 •cents apiece: The
gook to be • ffered at` this low .. price :comprises goods at- $1,
$L25 and $ our show` window : for'., a magnificent
selection of ,HENS •at 50 .cent$. ' The greatest• bargains ever
' '.offered in Clinton. •
Never in the history of our establishment have we. Offered:such7
a grand ;selection of. fine imported WOOLLENS for ordered
Clothing, Our importation—of.En fi goods. is one• of the
finest• line& for quality that has everbeen brought into the west,
and we want. everybody to come and see tis before buying
What about Boys' 'Clothing? We can show yeti a tremendous
selections of BOYS' OVERCOATS from $3 up: • We can
show you a wonderful BOYS' S 'JIT for $2, which has had a
you a assortment 'of Boys'
wonderful sale. We can showy ybig ys'
Knit Shirts, Boys' Flannel Shirts, with laced 'front. In fact '
the boys' department lias.had. more attention than we ever gave'
it before; and we hope the boys will appreciate it. '
We wirant to mention our great EtTR STOOK nett week if',
the weather only encourages us.
• .