The Clinton New Era, 1886-10-29, Page 3FRIDAY, GOT. 29, 3.880. Farm, Tropics, 1DQ!�tuii Caattte, This cruel operation is practiced ex- tensively on grown cattle in some .coun• tries, by sawing the horns off close to the head, thus giving ,great• pain, causing bloodto flow, and taking•a long time to. heal, To saw off the ends of the born, just above the quick gives the animal no pain, and is about.as effectual to prevent then injuring each other as to saw lower down; or, if they are about a year old' do it obliquely frons.frolht to back, Af- ter this, as the horn grows, it .turns backward and thus prevents the cattle fro hooking 'each 'other. Bit the best is -to sear the ton of the horn with a red hot 'iron as soon as itjuts an inch or two from the head. The pain of doing this is not very gre:er, and it prevents couch injury of cattle to each other as they grow up and are transported to market. Yet it is still better and ,,more humane to breed and rear Polled cattle, -.Aeric can Agriculturist for Nov. winter 4 are of iambs end sheep From autumn,to winter,-3't•om grass to hiiy (which probably the youirg ani- mal has never seen 'before;) the transi- tion must, be somewhat shaded off. I think it advisable to remove lambs from the pasture early ertough (depending on• the season,) to leave some green feed ha the field for ,,thein to be returned to a few hours a clay, for a week• or a'fort- night, It is far better to take them,tip„ in this way than.to: wait until a snow - Storm has covered the grass beyond • reach, for • then the comrne,neement ..of housing will be so abrupt as to be likely to produce colic'or stretche3. Tura•thein out in them'ornlrig,'for a .few minutes' • airing,, andsprinkle'in. „their racks a lit- tle of the greenest, most aromatic bay. .at command.. I• like it as green as Eir„ fish breakfast tea for lambs. When turned back, they eat the'greeinest por- tion before noon, and then they rnay be driven afield for' a few hours.-ST.OERN POWERS in American Agriculturist for • Nov. ' 41 Groh`. Value. • Many sufferers buying medicine. have been disappointed, don't give .np, : buy 'a• reliable article like Dr. Chase's Liver Cure and with it you get a recipe book alone worth the money. thicken • (lantern. • . The. symptoms of cholera ale great thirst, .a nervous; anxious expression; greenish droppings,. and- rapid .prostra tion. Its work•is done quickly,'nsually, killing the•birds in. twenty-four hours or • • less, When it attacks a' flock the `sick birds must be separated from the others, and a thorough cleaning and disinfection of the whole premises -v d, Aioops, aed even the roosts arid.. .. s�innst be:made by sprin.kling.avith w•ite2,'tn gal- lon of which an ounce of carbolic acid is added. • o Although hundreds of remedies• have been proposed,. it is doubtless if a sure euro bas as xet. beep discovered for this. terrible scourge of the poilltry .yards The best mode of treating'a large flock of fowls is to allow 41 -ion -no. drinking "••`'"""""water. at , all, but•„ •add a t"easonfiil .'o'f strong liquid' carbolic- acid to a qt art Of • water, and use this water for'niixingthe soft, which should consist of two •poun,1e. of corn meal; 'one pound of parched flour half a pound of fenugreek and an ounce of bread soda. Boil 'a pohnd`of'tbe•inner. bark of .the reel oak tree in half ..a•gallon of water down•to tii quart. Takea, pound of the mixture, peril' in a. gill of the red bark decoction; stir it ttte11, and;tlien add the carbolic .water until the whole is of • the consistency .of dough; . bit, do not have it too stiff. Give them all they will eat of it. In -fact; keep it before • them all the time ; Thom who do not eat should be forced by cramming with .aa teaspoonful' of the mixture twice a day. ' This will be .absolutely necessary with turkeys. .Give no water until• the birds begin to.recover. Then add' twenty drops of carbolic acid and a ta.blespo'on- ful of the red bark solution •to each pin t of the drinking water: ,Keep the -.sick birds dry and warm; disinfect all drop- pings, es soon ea, they" accttm.tlate, and t:._ bur or burn all dead oil ds - Ane. Yt arc n • a Agriculturist for November. , kmportant Dews :Item. CoolssToWNre.`Campbelt had bocci troubl- ed for a number of ycara with ludigess on and Constipation, and was induced to try Mcgreg- or's speedy Cure and found it all that arae need- ed. This invaluableremedy is sold in every part of Canada et 600 and V. per bottle.' Sold at Worthington's Drug Store. • !Scanty. theWAnenoifeer.' Attractiveness secures aft added price for any :.productthe fruit grower may have to sell. Beauty is one of the most successful auetieneet's in the world. •l3tr. ries in a clean box sell better than in a dirty one ; and the addition of a few green leaves or a teat covering of netting_ -pf a cbhnplenientitry color will further increase the price. A decayed or 'dirty berry often jtrevents the sale of a quart. The keelier of fruit stands buy the Pic- est colored apples and rub thee -Ltd] they glisten. Why? 'Because such apples will sell readily, whoa apples of better qua: ity, but not attractive, will not sell ail. all. Nor is it the least dishonest to thus obtain the aid of beauty',' tlie: auctioneer. It is not practising deception ;-it is silts --1 ply 'pleasing the oy e, which _is usually the btiyer. Putting clean, bright fruit,. in clean, neat boxes or baskets, and ' setting it off' with leaves and itettin , is not like petting the best on top and inferior foit intim middle, and is the surest, cheapest way of getting a sure demand and high prices. -American Agriculturist for November. Suceeasfiit meattentton of the Ainertnan lttntilito, A gentleman isnow successfully: mesticating the American buffalo Stony Mountain, Manitoba. Start his herd in 1878 with four heifer cal and one bull, it now numbers .sixty -o .head; the greater number, pure bufia the -rest, half breeds. When we s them in January,' all were sleek aid ani yet they were t!ie. living en t open.-.prairiee, and feeding "on:'the prat grasses covered by snow. At this ti the snow was deep, and the thernrom teterbad, for long, registered -twenty more below zero., . In January of t preceding year, one' of the cows h calved ou the 1,lain,.„aaacl although at t time the 'thermometer registered that eight degrees below zea.); neither co nor calf appeared to suffer in the lea When a blizzard comes on, the anima lie down 'together' with their backs the wind, and allow the snow to dri over them, so that ander •the combine protection of their own wool tend t snow, they are quite warm. Not on of this herd has ever exhibited the sligh only Sy nn.ptonis of disease, although •th y care that they receive is occasiona watching, to prevent' them .froiu stra ing away. Th lis winter' and suinrue they live and thrive on the bare prairi with numbers undiminished by any the ordinary cattle scourges, anclwit expenses for care reduced to a'minimun :Once a year tiles great fleece, weighin from ten to fourteen' pounds, .is shed and its'ananufacture'irate a,thick;-warn cloth was at one time a regular' indust. ,act Winnipeg, until it.was ' discontinue by the, extirpation of the animals in th adjoining regino. ,In its market value the.buffalo- is not behind his smooth relative; .for even if the quality of mea is inferior; _tile" difference' is more tha made up by the' great weight'ef'the ani mal, and b' the va rue of the"robe � h' y, v rclr usualy airings .fro'tn ten. to fifteen dollars, As draft animals they ,have proved a success ; for' notwithstanding their very great strength; endurance "ane "activity,: •they are as easily' handled as -ordinary oxen. In one ,particular ' on'ly is the buffalo far inferior 'to •other `species of .cattle; and•"that is as a milker; but to' the ranehman• milk is:really.of no'con: sequence. . Mr. Bedson, the owner of the herd, after experimenting on crosses, is well. satisfied with the hybrid, as it is in shape more like ,the•domesticated cow, amid. is also a fair milker. ' Yet we doubt. that this gain is sufficient to Compensate for the deterioration of the• for; while also; it •would be a matter for endless regi'et iiTin the prosecution of these ex= periments, the. original 'pure race were lost. '.The ;cute of increase of the. buffa- lo, though theoretically the same as with other cattle, is really 'muck higher, on %coount- ot'1i 9• lower 'rgtz"Of tno1"t'ality.' When the present herd is suffrcientiy increased, it is ' intended to " divide it among several prairie rancla.es, in locali- des where once"that, wild, buffalo found its choicest pastures.' This amountsal- most to a' restocking of the buffalo,re-. gion.�-American 'Agriculturist fey No vember. • A Neglected Crop, It would be better for us if wo con- sidered the manure made on the farin• as A ctoli ; and it is strange. that we de not•do so, for: itis a product of the farm and a'moaey.value-as much• as corn or hay or cotton. When we. once. con- sider -manure as . u crop, we; wilt take just as much •pride: in making a big crop of manure•as. of corn; •and . we will no more allow Bart' of the manure .crop to go to waste, than:we"would part'of the wheat or hay crop. .Generally but little:" can he charged against the production of the manure crop; •all".the cost is often the expense of harv.esttn,(gathering and .storing), this crop. On the,•xnost fertile farrns.this crop•is, werdi to the: farmer several times . tile. Cost -af-harveSting rt. And it is the greatest wonder bf oars farming, that we do.not start. out in the' fallwith .adeterminationto.make a' better manure crop than .our ',neighbor, as'•we. start out in the spring with a determina- tion to- male e a better e apotato t' id - bacon O t0- baccio crop. The cleanly. man Will ha•ir- „vt•st a large manitxe:.:.:cr;op;,._,because he' will gather up all .:refuse and Zsut,it in 'tlie compost heap. He will have Mean stables, clean barns; clean yards-=-a:clean' far In ; and cleanliness is the .preserver of health:. Thus we seelhat while the *heat or potato crop supplies strength and energy; the manure, closely gather- ed'tnd well ki;pt,.prevents the agents of disc se from stealing away that strength,' Pride `n „ •manure ' crop ';oath. before wealth and •1'ealtll.--American .A;gricul= Wrist 1 v • for N .ember.: Bo- at, ing ves ne 10; aw f be rie me e- arlhe ad he yleas is to ft h0' e t - e r e, of 11 r, ryy e er t .', n distributed among the poor benighted heathen in far-off lands, whose only r knowledge of civilization and religion comes to them through the medium of vessels, which sometimes brings a few missionaries in their ealins, but more frequently huge, cargoes .of row in their holds. Shall not God judge nation,; who permit this terrible traffic to go on'l Mighty people have perished in. times past thrduglr strong drink ; and that race or nation doesnotlive that .calk, continue to cultivate this vice, and per- petuate these iniquities, without pro- voking the: righteous wrath of God, and suffering the judgments whit;li come" from His hands. A .Erce_.u.rrt: - Around each bottle of Dr.'Chase's.Liver Cure isa lItedioal Guide and Recipe Book containing useful, luforination, over 200 recipes, and pronounced by Doctors and Druggists as, worth to times the cost 'of the medicine. Medicine and Book $1, , Scrub Bulls Not,many monthsago it was our privil- lege to spend a feta minutes .at:the farm house of Mr. A. Bishop, M. P. P. for one id the ridings'of Huron. The Conversation turned on feeding cattle. 'Mr, B.retharked to us that buyers very frequently galled on Trim, enquiring where they were likely to get suitably shipping cattle ; and usually the enquiry as t{> the character of the bull used, accompanied the question. On learning then that the scrub 'bull was used in such and' such au instance, it was the invariable remark, "Then we need- n't go there," • Whole sections of country, in our own Ontario; have neveryet seen the faces •of elttle exporters,'and just because • the ',with -bull standard, is still floating, there. 'these sections are simply, at the ilercyr of local buyers but then they will have it so. In ten short 'years all this might be:. changed, if the•,pestiferous little scrawny bulls cvere only steered at therprolier time and gond - pure -pure-breds • used in' their I Dont now 1Vh;at A4s Me," says :many a sufferer. "I have the bines frightfully ; I am troubled with headache and dizziness; I have lost my appetite ; there is a bad taste us my mouth constantly What ie the matter with me ?" We wilt tell you ; you are bilious. Get a bottle of "Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery," use it faithfully, and you will soon be .a new man .again. All druggists :have it. w Once in -a while clergymen permit them- selves to say very startling things, A St. Paul pastor in his sermon the other' day made the' foliowing statement.: "If Jesus. Christ ran ,a carpenter sbup er "tlifecity there are fully one-half of our church :members who drive up to our churches in their fine carriages who would not speak to him. He could not get social recogni. tion unless, he lived on Summit avenue or behalves' to_ nolub."- Two swindle�rl�s are making money out of the farmers t%1Fulton, 111., by driving around selling barrels of sugar at about half the market price. In a little time the farm- er's, wife strikes: thebed of ordinary salt•on which a few pounds of sugar have been re - Posing. . During August the deaths in New York city averaged one evey fifteen minutes, During July the, avervge was one in every ten, minutes, NN'S BAKINo PQWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND T'QR' SALT;.: A FIRST-CLASS . BRICK STORE, Suitable 'for any' business, in' Searle's: Block, ori Long Terms of Credit: •Also. One•We_ . g �' . O11S�� ��111 �. • 5 place, -Canada' Live §tock 7oureal. » Centrally situated. For further particulars apply to • W. C. SEARLE;• CLINTON% ' . 'tile Want curse. The -giant curse of the age is -strong drink. It has ma g 'd do more widgws ant: orphans than elf the wars. of History. It has dothlioned the -mightiest intellects, and blasted the fairest•i'elrutations of' the world. It has invaded 'every rela- tion of life, and debauched and debased .everything it eanio'in contact witi;,,• It is the evil' of evils, and. the': besetting anc•bl'ntalizing sin of mankind ' and , yet governments and nations which bear' the n'.trne of Christians, and live.in the en. liglrttuiinent of the nineteenth century, are licensing. 8114 protecting' this most infamous tr•aflle,"are drawing vast reve- nues from the manufacture and sale of strong drink, and aro also sending forth tllisl• (:racily poison 1)7 Ship loads, to be - .. • PiERTH NEWS. Mitcheli•is cairy'ing a debenture debt of about $80,000 and a' floating debt of $7,500. „Mr.. Charles Thom Was the first.eol- lecter Mitchell ever had, and he 'fills the same position this year.. • • Mr, 'Richard Roberta leaves. Fuller - ;ton this week to take u'.p. •his abode in the -Comity of Haldimand. ' • • • Last week- 1VIr. G. IC Matheson, for, the .Matheson' estate,, Mitchell, sold 40 head of fat cattle. The herd brought about •$2000' cash • A couple .whose .united ages rue t .to'over one hundred' and fifty years were: united in. marriage :ley. the' Bev. 'Mr. Swann, of Mitchell, this week.• .Last• • ..week Mrs Morentie, a lady, of 86 years of age, walled :from• her home in 'Logan; .a distance o(e :6 j" miles,. Jt4 IVlitolIell, to do some shopping. : The old lady ,was only slihlitly. fatigued, :. R HURON, AND BRUCE:: Loan; and Investment Ciry Phi§ Company is .Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest hates of Interest, ' MORTGAGES PURCHASED SAVINGS BAND. BRANCH. S, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest :allowed on' Deposits, according to amount • and time left.. rOFFICE.—Corner of hark§ , Square audNorth Strop tin HORACE MORTON. MANACIR (l0dericdi lAu,runt bth 1585 - TAB GREAT ENGLISH PRESORIPTION -;The appointinelit'is announced of Mr J.P. ' W god ,,s 0.. G,, of Stratford, 'as deputy judge of the county of Perth dur- ing the'absence of his honorJudgeLizars.• His Honor, wd presume, is about to take a well earned holiday.• Mr. G'•egrge Marray,, lot 17,: -con. ,9, Downie, .lras_•ptirchased Mr. A. Thonfs farm of 200 acres; lot, 6; con:.:9, for $12,, 0'00 Mr. Murray sold hie own farm to. Mr. John Anderson, lot .1A con: 9, for $7,000.. Both are fine farms and good farmers. •On 'Wednesday afternoon tbe' barn of Mr. John Cody, Ellice, caught fire, and with ..its :contents. was btirned'.;to the ground. Theyhad,jnst finished thresh- ing, and it is likely.the-fire-was started bythe engine. Mr:' Carty's loss wtll`lie great, ds,he had no insurance. r At the "L'stowell show, -as Mr, Thos. Forbes,'a son of Mr. Tilos. Forbes, of the lot con:'of Furls;. was leading a young horse ' into the ring on on' the exhibition ground, he was kicked iii the face and breast by another .horse immediately is „front of 'him, and for a' time; it was thought be had been killed, but reco erect eotisciousness in about a quarter of an hour. 1 ••. On ;Friday. Dr.'Hur'lburt, assisted by Drs. Hodge and'Leh ilah, of Mitchell and Dr;•�Fr•aser, of Stratford, performed veryaS nets e sfnl operation ri. upon 'Miss 1 i Fanny Smitheringale, of Mitchell; in removing a.large tutnot•. The'operatio'n 000upied 3 hours. `'i'his is one of the. most Skillful and critical .operations ei'er performed by the• medical profession.' The last accounts aro that the patient' is doing well and has good prospects of fully• recovering from the • prostl•ation, . The operation was performed by the Drs. free.of Charge,. who also; preen red a nurse at their own expense during the time of the patient's weakness:::' " Anviwz To 1%IOTHEus,--Aro you disturbed at night, mai 'broken of your rest by a 'sick Chile: suffering:and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth ? If so' send at once and get a bottle,of Mrs. Winslow s Soothing Syrup" for Child, 'ren ''Teething Its value is incalculableIla+ Asuccessful modici ne tested over 30 years in - thousands of arses. Promptly cures Nervous' Pros- trat ion,Weakness ofi3rain, Spi- nal Cord, and GenerativeOrgans. . ofeithersea,E`m.issionsandall iliscausedbyindls. cretion orover-exertion. Six packages is gsaran- teedtoeffect' aducewhenallotheermeatcineafail One paci:age $3, sax packages5 by mail. Sold bydruggists.. •WriteforPamphlet. Address :; • . EUREKA CHEMICAL Co., DETROIT, MIo1r', Sold in Cli n ton by J rIT. COMBE' and Druggists everywhere... . STAMPING WILLIS . TRANSFER PAPER o PAT- TERNS sold>lb stripa'ior Embroidery, Braiding, etc.; and 'complete designs.tor. Slippers, Brackets, . Aprons, Ladies Foot' Stools, Cosies; Smoking ' 'Caps, Pillow• Shams, etc. Hundreds of Designs. •;• The design is warranted not to crumble off the passer pattern or to:rub off the fabric. when transferred. W.: COOPER, . BOOKSELLER. STILL :on the TRACK. The subscriber bogs to return his. sincere thanks to all '1,11,9 have' so. liberally patronized' him during the past three years, and to infotm them that be is still on - the track, • HURON ST:, CLINTON., n••.With afull- ams 'of •v- FLOUR ,.FEED & V'EGETABL E S. E Of the best qualities, which he will sell at the lowest rentunorative prices to all who may raver him with a call: iiia stdek includes :+LOUR, CH01; snoRTs, BRAN, OATS' ••PEAK, iiEN. FEED, GRAHAM(,' r i FLOUR, ORACkED %MEA'T, GRANULATED :ROL-_ GEIi, and STANDAR11 OATMEAL and CORNMEAL, all kinds ofV Vegetables, BARREL g SALT,all of SHORTS L will nen for. o 'cash or corse grains,' BRAN, SHORTS and FLOUR' by the ton or cwt., and everything sold at„sill prices,; All urtiolos • delivered' free . of charge within' the corporation. lily motto Will be "Good ,goods,Just weight and ono price,"'; THOS. WATSON, • Buren Street, Clinton; GOOD NEWS, FLOUR MOWN � BEST ROLLER FLOUR, $2 per cwt, LO'VW GRADE 1''`LOTJ1t, f;1.00 per cwt, • Will take any kind of grain in exchange . will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately.1 JAMES St.:isi', Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistal e -about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reclines Inflammation, and giver; tone and energy to the whole system, " Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup,” for child, ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best'fenia`le physicians and nurses in the trnited.States, and as tor sale by'ali druggists throughout.the world, Pride etti'enty-five cents a bottle.tiBe sure and 1tlns, WTuay.owH Saornito Shang, and' take no other kind. 20-y„0. A. Paterson justion, after repeating the formula of an oath to a young woman ended 'as -usual by saying, "Kiss the :look.” "X will not" was the unexpected reply. "The last witness that was sworn waschew- ing tobacco, and the one, before hien hal fever blisters en his lip's," She was permit- t' Id to affirm, r.t� u T n tv4- sters AT • BRODERICKS. Oysters Served in the latest Stylets, also in Bulk and Can, direct' from Baltimore,, Guaranteed alway . Fresh; BEST' 50. CIGAR IN TOWN. cumin Lar op PIPES, 01/EAP, for . • :load uarters qCONFECTIONERY adcl MET, Enc±tEzGza's. ilr.+)e1:, if t;i8ON.$ 'tiir3T.CLINTON. altha�m Watches. I have just received e� d Twelve :Mt Ft;�LERY; Stem Winding, Lever Set • WA . T H A M ' L H AM WATCHES, which, I will offer at. a GREAT REDU. C TION. Call ,and eget one before they are all gone, as I will not be able to replace .them at the same vr• , owing to the Waltham Watch Co. discontinuing g the • manufacture of them. All Kinds of other Watches kept !n :x. ROB: W. , COATS, CL NITIONk OUR C3REAT SPECIALTY Y IS In this department all the Latest Novelties maybe found. Wo'are now'ver busy in the' trimming department'. and our custolnea_a,„iia:nuld-•confer-;i” !great.favor by LEAVING THEIR ORDERS EARLY; in order that no' one 'maf may - be be disappointed, and that.alt tray have their goods ready When needed. • See our stock f • . o Plusl�es Velvets. Ribbons: Cheap Kid and Cashmerea Gloves, s Cashmere. . r e and Wool- len, 1 len, Hosiery, Fancy Woollen Goods, GreyFlannels, Wince s � Men and:BoUnderclothing, y , �s - 'a� very ` how. Prices to' clear. • • BEESLEY'S MillineryEmpoeium argai QCK�E' 1 ?l: -;L _ • WE_ ARE SELLING A FINE_ TR ONST:ONE-011INA: EA 44 Pieces, for :$2.25 . Regular Price, $3. These-Goods,are' strictly first-class, and are the Cheapost e'4' ofieretl in Clinton. Call and see them.: �s..V�ojer & .. Soe LINTON: TENNIS SROE .Great Variety CHAS. CARLI.N IE; CO.MBE• : B1.90K,);,CLINTON • en t ran Grocery, ccs• _, • n.ossy :c is st , }a ' 1 The subseriber has bought; out the ,Stock .of P. bb consisting is Ro, of • GR00ERIE.s,,cC OCKEEY, GLASSWARE d5c, Which, being bought at'low•rates, ii -is enabled to efi'erat the -very- closest;priciis Patronage respectfully elicited, All orders promptly filled, Rooms to let. H.' R ' "WALKER • CLINTON _--•-_-. • &J. TAYLOR,' Toronto SAFE WORKS 31 YEARS ESTAIILI.9ITEb," Tho only inanitfactltrers of FIRE ?Root` SAF , e wait. S�Toa-Qo attct ng Steel r' .' • I adage 97o,arts. • All out new styles of Fireproof Safes ar� . ittod with an Arlt CHAMBER to Iprovent dantness to ra ers: A large a i' Wp papers: b sgo%°t�ii'$nt of SECOND HAND SAFES fo , sale at low prices and on oast' terms of.1 na. nlent, Catalog ices en i 1 y �; allnllcation. 117 and 119 'l 'o>t t! St 'n,L Toronto • .•l •