HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-10-22, Page 8CLINTON NEW ERA,
FRIDAY, OCT. 22, 1886; -f
Glove at Flushes.
Ladies CO S. t Bats and iCtd
gratin iSoplf'ti..•
THE SkNGItrG CLAss.--All who . pur•
pose. joining the singing.class, . are expect-
ed to meet in the basement of Ontario St.
-church, this (Friday) evening. The class
is open to any person who wishes to acquire
• a knowledge of music, :and it expected
a. large number will be out this evening.
• POLIQ,E .. MAGISTRATE.—The Ontario
Governmenthave; we understand, ap-
pointed Mr. J. .Smith, of Gerrie, as
Police Magistrate for the East Riding of
Huron. He is politically opposed tothe
government,but that is not likelyto make
. any difference in his administration of the
- law. -_-...•...,
'Cioworar.—Prof Clarke, organist: of
Knox church,: Goderich, and company,
give it concert in the town . hall, Clinton,
On the evening of. the 28th inst. Those,
who have heard it say that the concert is
well worthy of patronage, being in all re-
. spects first-class. A few reserved spats
will be sold, ticketsfor which may be had
at Dickson's Bookstore,
is proud of its able staff of correspondents
;,,' n_emin,try paper in Ontario can *east of
a more efficient ata`d: `V4'"renly - sk-our°
corresponding friends to eschew gossip
and scandal, and give us news, Remem-
ber that the NEw ERA has no interest in
local bitterness or bickerings.. Carry out
your programme. Also write as often as
convenient. •
DECIDED,—Men,tien was recently made.
in these -columns of: a suit tried at, the
County Court lona bill of goods sold by a
merchant of town to a resident of the place.
The .ground :of defence was that the wife
was not the agent. of the husband, and lie,
therefore, should not be held responsible
for debts contracted without his consent.
Judge„Tomsgave 's decision. last .week,
in favor of the m rchant, for the full
amount claimed, whi establishes the fact
that the,wife is the ag rft of the husband,
where a published nota to the contrary
is not given..
TloiN.—In'addition to those passed by the
Local. • Board of. Examiners in ;July, the
following navies were recommended and
allowed by :the Department. Clinton—
' Geo W Churchill; W Bertram .:Davis,
Murdock McMillan, :Wm -Parrott, W J
Phillips, Win Youngblut,Agnes Butchart,
Belle Cree, Maggie King, Bella . Magill,
Maggie Muir, Rachel. Richardson, Annie
H Scott.- Winghain—Janet Carruthers,
Nellie Elston,Maggie Eadie,Lizzie Fleuty
Etta Gordon, Rosa Homuth, Isabella
Hunter,Jessie McLaren,.Jemina Straith,
Maggie E•Tumoth.
meeting of the School Board was held ou'
Monday evening. • Thi"following accounts
were ordered to be paid :-Watts & Co.;_
chemicals, $1.45; R. ,Holmes printing,
$9.75;. W.Jt0hapman, blackboard brushes,
$3.35. Several of the teachers made ap-
plication.for an increase of salary, but the.
• plications-wore-laid_os:er_un:tiL.a.subse__
Tient meeting, and in the meantime the
Secretary was instructed to correspond
•with the Secretaries, of the following
• : schools, and ascertain: the salaries paid to
the assistant teachers in their school, and
the class certificate held by such teachers:
--Winghain,• Seaforth, Goderich, .Brussels:
and Mitchell. • . °
Sxocia Nores.'.-In regard to a . sister of.
• Field Marshall, which we''s sold frond the
Emlhurst Herd of Mr. Jas. 'Biggins last
spring, �.d Mr. Lang, of,S•t.,Marys,' we
copy this following from remarks op Mr.
Lang'sstock,-in the Oct. No. of the Can-
adian Live--;SStock Journal. :an young
hhangs, we notice the grand two-year old
eifer, ._Matchless, carrying calf to Baron,
Brawith, an empress in every sense •of the,
term, as the tape line, compass and square
could not fault her. • At the head of the
• herd have stood Prowler; General :Arm --
strong, Tambour, (imp.), and Baron Bra-
. :with, and atipresent the stock bull is Duke•
of Elmhurst, a pure .'Cruikshiink of the
best blood. • Mr. Lang has also ayoung
Matchless bull .at . the head of his herd,
which was purchased from the Elmhurst
herd last wing.
A BIG SToilal —.On Thursday evening
' . last a tremendons. wind storm .prevailed
in this, as well as in other ---sections, and
did considerable damage,though nothing
• of a `serious nature: In town a number of
trees.. were uprooted,.the force of the wind
being tremendous, and sufficient ,to break
some very large trees. Fences were also
blown down, and buildings unroofed.
The stableattached to' the,. Episcopal
church; •.iiolmesville had thee. roof lifted
clean from it. A young man named Mc-
Phail, of Goderich township, while driv-
ing•fromtown, had' an •undesirable exper
ienee. He had just reached the farm of
Mr. H B Evans, when the wind caught
his waggon rack,' lifted it clear from the
•waggon, • and turned it over in the road,
McPhail falling beneath.it. Fortunately
he was not injured, and was •able to load•
up and resume his journey.
Director of Institutes,' Dr. McLellan., ex-
.aniined.theModel Class here last Satur-
day;beginning at nine o'clock, and con-
tinuing throughout the forenoon. Rev.E.
. 5. Rupert .and Mr. -S, C. Linklater, were
• on the platform, . The whole, glass being
present, Mr. Lough questioned on part of
the work already done by the class, deal-.
ing chiefly with school government' and
medical teaching. On being introduced
the Dr..complimented the class on the
readiness of their answering. He then
. proceeded with the illustration of the
teaching of certain divisions of Arithme-'
• tie, narrated his first attempt at teaching,
and emphasized the point that students
' should; not be discouraged at their first
endeavors; dwelt on the Will power, and
the Socratic, method of teaching, using
practical examples; pointed out the great
necessity ofteachers being sympathetic
'with their pupils, and concluded by dwell
ing on methods of securing and retaining
attention of classes. Rev. Mr. Rupert
made a few remarks, sayingthat he was
pleased to see the high effciency of the
class, and glad to see Dr, McLellan in, se
eminent a position, The Dr. congratu-
lated Principal Lough on the high stand-
ing of the class, and we may remark here
that' Clinton,. in both high and Model
School'erlucntion, has received• many eulo
gics from l)r. McLellan during the past
BhIEre,—Mr. John Johnston and wife,
are this week visiting friends in Wawa -
nosh; Mr. Johnston expecte to do a little
hunting, also, while up in :that neighbor-
hood. Mr. Qovenlock shipped a car load.
of cattle this week. Mr. D. L. •Caven,
Inland Revenue, and Mr, Hayward, In-
spector of weights and measures, were in
town week. ' Miss Jennie Gibson has not
recovered from her illness, but expects to
be out again in a day or two. The offi-
cers of the Salvation Army here attended
a reception to be givep to General Booth,
at Palmerston to•day:, ..,On. Monday last
Messrs. H. Gilpin and Thos. Brow4lee,,
two G.. T. R. employees, found. plenty of
• ripe raspberries along the aide of the.
track; and strawberries. out in bloom, Mr.
C. Osborne, whose wife died recently,.
leaving a couple of small children, has
placed them with relatives on the other
side. A small girl ot.Mr.Thos,Brownlee's
who has beenfor some time troubled with
spinal disease, has so far recovered that
she is now able to run about. Mr.Clarke.
is acting as section boss in place of the late
John Carey ; it is expected that Mr. C.
Osborne, ' who has • long been connected
with the road, will be appointed to the
vacancy. A meeting -of the directors of
the Mechanics'. .Institute, was held on
Friday evening •last ; it was'debided not to
form a. lecture course this • year, but ar
rangementa will be made for e_ ntertain-
ments of another kind. Mr. G. E. Craw -
:ford's team, usually very quiet, got fright -
F ped•ron•-Monday, and ran away, but were.
oleierly stopped' by Mr. 131ackali, before.
they had done any damage whatever. A
son of Mr.' W J. Biggins, and wife, from
the State -of Ohio,have been visiting in
this neighborhood for a few days ; he,
thinksthis section as fine a part of. the
world as he has yet seen, 'Five young
men • from .Goderich township, ' left . here
for the Michigan, lumber woods on Mon-
day morning: Mr. W. •Cooper is building
'a gallery in the Union Presbyterian
church, .Brucefield. • Last•' week three
Doherty Organs were shipped to Japan,
and a•car load•left at the same time for.
• Melbourne . Australia, Mr, Humphrey
Snell and•wife,-of Hliilett,celebrated their
34th 'wedding, anniversary on Satgrday ;•
we hope they may both live.to see at least
thirty-four more. Mr. _and Mrs, Penne-
baker are .this week visiting ',friends at
Dungannon. , Mr. Nichol,relie,ving agent,
is performing the, duties of Mr. A..O. Pat
thou,- G. T. R.. agent, during the latter's
absence in the west. Mr. Cornelius, an
of'the Ofan factory, had the
thumbYof his. left hand broken; and other
fingers injured; on Saturday, while at
work with one of the planing. machines.
Mr. Geo. Doughty,'a former employee of
the, Woollen Factory, but who has for
some time been working- at. Galt,• has:re-
turned to town .to reside. Mr. John, C.
Smith,•Who bas been with•Mr.•C.Dickson,
as book-keeper, for ayear past, left•yester-
day morning for Chicago, where he pur-
poses residing in future; he is,a'young man
who has made for himself many warm.
friends; and his•.removal will be regretted;
that be .will- succeed in new his sphere
is beyond all doubt; tor he has .plenty of
push, is;thoroughly reliable, and there-
fore, not likely to fail. A neat.,verandah
is beingput up to the'house now occupied
by;Mr. T Jackson jr._• M'r. 0 Spooner jr,
who has been for sometime employed•as
-a-painter-iu-Mimreapolis; has• -returned- to•
town and formed a partnership.with Mr.
Chas, Brown. Mr. W.•.• H. • .Hine picked
ripe strawberries in his garden on Ties-
day not bad for the middle of !October.
Another of Clinton's business men .has.
rollowed the time-honored custom of taking
unto 'himself a: wife, the partyreferred to
being Mr. Fred W;•Watts, who was mar='
.tied to Miss McGill, of Blyth;: (late of
Clinton.) on Wednesday eveningg; the
]`TEW ERA •throws after them the.editoral.
slipper. It is rupiored :that Mr: E Corbett
h to obtain ” favors" at the hands Of -the
Dominion Government;: he has • been a•
sufficiently 'consistent supporter -to -merit
a• reward for bis faithfulness. Miss N
Barrie,.of Goderich; is the guest of Miss
S. Mulloy. Mr. Hovey, sr., is visiting his
'son here. The Oddfellowsgave•Mr. J. 0.
Smith -a complimentary supper. on Wed-.
nesday evening; prior to his departure /Or
Chicago; Mr. T.: White filled the, chair,
and a very enjoyable time: was spent until.
":gaily in the Morning:" • Dr.D.Angus re
turned to Brtioklyn,N.Y:,.thisweek;where
he purposes practising his profession. We
understand that Mr. G.F. °ekes' purposes
erecting arbuilding this fall,; and will put
inmachinery wherewith to carry on •the
manufacture of the Excelsior•Organ. ' W:
•Muir, jr., bas leftthe express business.
Mr..A. Gorrellwas called. away :on.Mon-
day to attend the funeral of a steo•sister,.
in Miftspis, several other member's of the
farhily are.lying helplessly ill; he states
that ..quite a number of • sudden deaths
have- taken plae.ein Morris and Turnberry
from some. ailment that 'bas so' far defied
medical skill, many others suffering from
the same complaint. A mare that has
been on .the Shipley farm for • about fifteen
years, died 'this week; .it was elmost'i'ke=
garded as .one -of the family. Mr.. J. '1'V:
Manning, Ontario Inspector under the
Scott .Act, paid. an official visit `to ,town
yesterday. '.Mr. Chris. Dickson •has,been
appointed one of the Executive Commit-
tee of the Ontario Booksellers' Association,
now in.sess&on- in Toronto. Messrs. Far.
rah, Rattenbury, Copp and Beacom all
returned from Kentucky on—Wednesdayy;.
Mr, Ferran purchased two breedingsins
in foal, and Messrs, Rattenbury anopp
aiso.bought one; these were left. -i• •charge
bf parties in the.south; Mr. Beacom bid
$2,000 on a•eolt, but it Went much higher.
sourn Hul~..orl.
In accordance with the usual. custom, Sud
IhcaARw 0ARTwaRigx will pay his annual
visit to his constituents oR South Huron, anti
will: address meetings at the following plao es;
LoxuasaoRo, in the Temperance hall,: on
Thursday,' October 28.
ZURICH, Town Hall, Friday, .October 29.
HENsszL, Hodgins' Hall, Monday, Nov.. 1..
YAaNA, Temperance Hall, Tuesdey, Novog.
Each of the above neetingaOwill commence
at 7 o'clock in the evening, and all, both Be.
,formers and Conservatives,, are cordially invit-
ed to be present.
Mr. Doherty, a student from Knox Col='
lege, p hod fn Willia.Church last Sun--
day; another student will supply the work
Mr. Lowe, a student from Hellmuth
College,, London, preached in St. Paul's _ He sells cheaper than anybody
Church, on Sunday, and will also officiate ...
there newt Sunday.
next Sunday.
By purchaaing your goods at
Rev. rJ, Gray is attending the annual
'meeting, of the Baptist Association, which
is being held in Paris, and, will be home
to supply his own work on,Sunday. '
The annual meeting of the Young Peo-
.ple's.-,Association.,, pf,.Gaatte6.11ry Stet
Church, will be held on Monday evening
next, for the election of officers. A full
attendance is desired.
TRirirs,--toys are guilty of a great
deal of vile la,iguage en our streets, and
should be punished for it: •Parties want-
ing sale bills cannot do better than call at
the Ns*** ERA office ; notices of sales are
inserted free. The thoughtful farmer is
now beginning to feed the thanksgiving
turkey. Considerable wheat is being
marketed;, and largo quantities dapples
are beingshipped. The weather has been
unsettled during the last few clays, a large
amount of,,rain falling. Sunday was. 'a
particularly wet and disagreeable day.
Fully twenty thousand barrels, of apples
will be shipped from here this fall; this
is developing into quite an important in-
" (MYSTERY."—This is the title of a,
new work just issued by the Rose Pub
hailing Co., being from the pen of that
well-known Clintonian, whose identity is
partially shielded behind the title "Carl
Slain.' a.We have not had the pleasure of
reading;'a copy, but the author's 'literary
reputation is aguarantee that it is cleverly
written, and will no doubt he found inte-
resting. It will be on sale in a. few days
itt Dickson's.
Ladies are asked to remember,the, meet-
ing of the W,O.T.U., next Tuesday after-
noon at three p.m,, and also : the meeting
of the Relief Society at four; in the Bap-
tist Church. All willing: workers are cor-
dially. invited
or-dially.invited to help in: this'good.cause.
The Baptist Church, on the base line,
Which, has been undergoing some repairs,
will be re -opened on the 31st inst., when
:sermnons will be preached'at,10.30 a m: and
2.30 p.m. A tea -meeting Will be .held on
the following Monday evening, when a'
good' time is anticipated.
Local Political . Points.
It is intended to hold a Liberal demon
stration in Clinton'sometime soon, when
it is likely that addresses Will be deliver:.
ed by. Messrs. J. Charlton, M. P., W.
Patterson, M. P. and others.
Sir Richard Cartwright has arranged•to
address his .constituents. of South' Huron•
at Londesboro' on Thursday, Oct..28; at
Zurich on Friday., Oct.:29 •, at Hensall on.
Mondap, Nov. 1; and at Varna on Tues-
day, Nov. 2.
• Hon. Edward Blake, onhis way; to
Wingham, on Tuesday morning, was met
at the Clinton station, by a fere of his
admirers and supporters. There • would
have been a good many more: had it been
known 'definitely hewas going. by this
line. • .
• The young Liberals of Seeforth,-have
fixed 'upon Wednesday, Oct. 27, as the
date for the "inauguration of their club,
andon the occasion addresses will be de-
livered by Sir Richard Cartwright, ' Hoe.
A S Hardy, Provincial Secretary, M. C.
am0 e" ren, I1. •'., and the local mem
of the county. .
Just received a large stock of
Which, are being sold'very cheap.
New, Fall Goods Arr vi g:. Daily.
FREE PRESS, from:now till the end of
next year .for ONE•DOLLAR.
Bookseller and Stationer,
We are showing one of the best selected stocks in the above
department, and would respectfully ...ask' the
ladies to inspect oiir stock.
The MANTLE ,Pepartmen
We are:. in a position to execute any•
orders and guarantee 'every satisfaction.
Flannel Blatikets and Woollen
'at the Lo - *est botto :_'fi ur
Goods � J ��.
E.N'S .UNDE$CLOTHING at prices that no house
shall • sell lower, .
A ig
iia nificent°'stock to select fram; '
We are determined that no first -chess - •Dry Goods store shall
undersell us.. Come and. see if We ,back up what we say..
Their stook::is splendid ; the assortment is great the values
t 1 .
. fferod. unprecedented.
Seelwh,at-an •ele :-ant OV•ERCOA
you can 'get for •$12 up to $>4•
See what a y TWE'E.p
.t $12 u yto-123,50 :.
can ae • for p
You ..
A word hunt is a profitable andpleasant pastime. ' It consists -
in formipg as many words as possible' frorn the letters used in
some sentence or combination of Words. For the purpose
impressing the• •zlame of,
leases ou fit l . and send.
N'o�'rllatter what you need, we canp y , yo
You away perfectly satisfied, •
---�. 000
• At
Three Boors West of Diekson's Book Store
TIE LBRCES' ' ai 4 • 'YNESir
Olothing. :and F
Firmly upon the, public,' we Have decided to have a prize worst'
using the firm name of
ac son -brothers.
This B=oy or Girl sending `its the lar'gest list -of 'Words from the,
above name, will receive a
Pine Astrachan Lamb -Skin Otp,
RULE t --Webster's unabridged dictionary..will be t°he authority. Any word. in
the dictionary commencing with tbe'articleA and ending with the last word in. 7,
that can lie made from a epmbination of letters in the -name "JACKSON BROTH-
ERS," will be counted:
RULE 2—This 18 an important rule, and must be observed. Iii sending iii a
list of words, send them . throw h the post office with name and post office address,
number ' words arrange then) alphabetically. Lists will be received nit your andg .p yup
to and includirYg`Si iuy,"Octokier: 30th. •
RULE Sq -All.bontestants must remember that Jti CKSON BROS. CLINTON,
noserun the largest CLOTHING acid rORNISIIING E$TABLISnMENT in the west and that
they stand ready at all times to give you tho beat: quality of goods at the lowest
living prices.
RULE 4,—Tho suecoes£ul wiener of the prize will have it expressed to their ad-
dress as soon afterthe 30th of October as is possible to go through the lists.