HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-10-22, Page 7FRIDAY, QOT. 22, I896. Feminine Wit came to her Aid. It was not longago thatttfriendof ours was travelling wt.th a party of excursion- ists in the mining regions pf Pennsyl- vania. She was a• .single, lady, and did vriot.knbw ny'of her reale companions even by. mane. She- •went down into the mine with the other tourists, and With a woman's natural curiosity thought she would investigate a little for herself. !Ibe consequence was thatshe gotnlost, and;•found herself in -a labyrinthine pas-. sagefwhose windings she could not fol- low to the sunlight. Vague visions of death by starvation floated before her mind, ,gyd she was, puzzled for a,t'ew lc minutes to"kflow white do. F©m>.nine wit finally came to' her aid, and she. shoutedJohn !' Presently the answer eame back, 'Wrist do yon want 2' ' I wish you would help me out of thisshole,' was the reply, and almost immediately a manly form . was at her side which' dexterously piloted her to the open day.. She was -not acquainted with her kind rescuer, -but she said she was"sure there was a John -in every crowd, and conld Make no t`nistake if she .called for him. A:'sad R(,mahee, m Salt 'Lake Democrat ; As' yesterday tiro:wing's Derier. at Rio. Grande . train pulled out of the Ogden depot a tall and rather fleshy limn,' apparently not over, 30 year's of age, entered' the smoking • f • 1 car, and, after hesitating a moment, as though undecided about where to sit; be •finally dropped into a seat next to a • Democrat ivaz), and'inhmediately opened up the conversation by asking- several questions about the.peculiarities of our famous. territory, His first words. showed htm to be a man- of education; and a certain) neatness about•bis, dr ems' and manner prover beyond• a doubt that his breeaihjg was that of a perfect gen- tletn n, and that the surroundings of'his' youth had been those of refinement.- As . the talk ,wrist' on .the various phases 'of the Mormon ggestion carr yup, and upon the questioe of iielygamy .the roan w'a.xed eloquent; in fact his denunciation of anything that is .unjust, to women?!. was unusually forcible, and it; was this theme tint --st ti'to:d Mian • to tell . his -own, interesting story._- , • 'i'r'e got a. wife,!.. he- said. musingly, 'and I'd ratl.er dii; tlrrtn see -her suffer' a moment's pain I knowItIon't deserve • her; :she was always too good for nae; but I'm going back to see hoe now, ,and if it's •in my power to make her hap- py the rest. Of my life-I'ni 'going.to.d'oit.' 1-io want nn' to tell:how LA had gaar -•relled «='ith-his.wifeand.leftbera.. They..• . • had only been married a•few years, and bad lived perfectly..happy together until a.foolisli quarrel parted 'them.,' and•kept them apnrti until now. • `sic'Said that' they had a'l'ovely'little. home back in.. t the town of B --, in the southern part )-of the State of Illinois.• and that. .they were Well to do, 'and liad everything' that a young center could ask. Their only child was born 'several years ago, and it was just learning to speak first words when he left'his home. 'The nature. of quari 1,'" lie said, 'is not' •necessary .toshow what a•fool:I' was.for rr.' leaving her, but •suffice it to say I ,stt ack out for the west. I first weiit to Butte, then to Helena, and' have since knocked about all over the northwest country. • It's five years•.ss ce T left hotiie and'Tt's been the saddest time of ny"life. I•had. aln'ost determined not to go home again when,' one day not long since; I. ran across an old'vfeiend in a little Montana . town, who told inc all That had happened since I left home. J wilt not trouble` • yoti with .what ho told me of my wife's ' sufferings, but suffice it to',say that he. brought news of the death of our child.• That was enough. , In .24 hours aI was well on, iny, way to'the nearest: rttilway station, aid .hiere'I am this far on.` my way bottle. I have a brother attSnit • Lake; who. will bo. at the depot when I arrive. ]. want jou to meet Man' The rest `of the way ''the conversation lagged, and it was only un general— sub-jects, and it was not long -before the train steamed up to the Salt. Lake depot. • Following the •gentleman out onto the platform the Democrat man saw a, man advancer shake hands, and hind •a tele- grakn to the interesting passenger. It had been addressed to him in, earn of his . brother., - .• . • - " special shade passed over.hiss face. as he read, it and he stood • gazing'at it ° • for several seconds; then turning -around without saying it 'werd; he . placed the despatch in the reporter''s:1mnd. • It was brief. It contained only these four words: Your wife is dead.' Wh rtc►►►perahicc Ccm.yentton, l h1 Wednesday of last week a conven- -t;on of l)ersons• interested in this noble cause wits held intim-Town Hall, Brus- `bels, the President., ltev A:Y. Hartley, of Blue -vale,: in the chair.' After thb °oRacing exercises the chairman gave a sort address, its which lie marked out the work of the session, and gave a short account of what had been done towards onforeing the Sdott Act ii) East Huron, and referred to tl)e County' Convention having asked tho (4oi'ernwent to appoint J. 1), Smith, of Gorrie, as police magic- , 'trate for 'the riding, without a salary. It was nloyed, • seconded end 'carriers ;(naninhously,that this A.ssociatign,]tear- "The light thatlire, Opened Qui its RLLIO` I'S RLOC3 . • tilt' approves of the appointment, and In • lvnmrx,., z( cVes,"' { Nil 7:' DOOR: TO 'i'T1Ts CITY 1300K ,STO1Ui, . that a copy of this resolution iitr for- Is a ray of heaven's own brightness.; but it is !' r- , CLINTON. alas often dimmed or tinenchetl by some BEDROOM , warded to the Provinciel Scerefaty�a, nut; wnrto r (l,sc .se BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR �1S LOUNGES r + t' -y f , .t,. . 1 er'halhs wows.. 1,(1rnr, lint .....' E 5:.7 to 1. Gibson, ?bLP,I,, for knsr, 1t ion, tsk,u:.r sal eornfart and enjr+ymen cut r.f lift=. SIDEBOARDS //'��p �ry ��vr g �T+y�q �pp A. lengthy discussion on Om circular "l'6,(t i'i rats rif taro 11ou'ehnl<t (sal ba i el:indle;• I� L Il V:Cl l�1:9, C 1 Ste , from the Onlal io (,htvereivaltt_ took sail motif, to Lao ,y with its natural brightnevv. 17'., k' V', Pierer'-`a '° r , ,�1in A , •:1hT:.lf. .� `�nrt'1'�il:\t' r)i" TIM t'f:t.S" IiT:�'t' Si,l`itirt 1'I.1iNI'I'i'1i1; AT place 011(7 jtl.e question (.f (1 (;nmin'd 1,l�•Cilt( + , 1 i I:r.A n..crr,n i I,icet4, Nike .ilagi:itr•;t:ct.,f�; i•• >, potent t:pat•iG • f, t air �,t rrf the r;lrrorie r tl.e enmity touk v knc:4t:+, x,77.1 ('i• a ec 1(rtl7iar•t','trorne.n. e place, and atter .a large number of per- sons bad expressed their opinion on these subjects, it was decided by unanimous vote that the county cannon be asked at their next session to recom- mend the Government toappoint a Po- lice Magistrate for Huron county, with salary. The President of this associa- tion was asked to make the' request of the county council. It was also decided to notify the other temperance organiza- tions in the county of the action taken by this convention. Reports of progress, were made by the vice-presidents from each 'munici- pality, in the matter of local organization p in the shape of electoral unions. The burden of the. reports showed that this sit -tricot wasunderconsideration, but as yet nothing definite -had been done. F. S. Spence, of Toronto, secretary of the Dominion Alliance,was present and gave a stirring and exhaustive ad- dress on the subject of Electoral•Unions, and advised .immediate action on this line. , . A hearty Vote of thanks etas passed to' Mr. Spence for his excellent and appropriate. address. Moved, seconded and carried that 'we adopt the platform of the •DQminion Al- liance, in reference to electoral union and that Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, of Toron- to, of the Dominion Alliance, be secured to do the organization work for the r�1 ijg,t ' -The vice-presidents arranged fir a series of meetings throughout the riding, commencing with Morris.. town- ship, on Wednesday of next week. It is expected ,to hold three meetings in each township and one in every village. • Every ,municipali.v ;, the 'East Rid- ingwas; •`represented, excepting Hullett. The rneating was, witheut,doubt, the. best„ held I.n Brussels' for the past ten' years, and good.' cannot ,help put result • froui,.0t Brussets Post.' • '• ]STEW NOTES. Potatoes sold at Battleford in Septem- ber for $1.75 a bushel. Cable advices Thursday •state that the Ship ,Eudora sailed;froin Yokohama for Port •.Moody'; B, C., with 13;000 packages of tea for Canada and the: United States ' A Laredo, Tei., despatch says Two Mexicans 'who were condemped to'' be shot in New 'Laredo, 'Mexico, for com- plicity :in the •l<Texican. National, train _ robbery three yeai,s ago, and who. Dave : • peen confined in jail and sentenced for two years, Were taken out , the 'other melting and pat upon a Mexican . Na- tIonal..tr•ain, under ,i strong guard, to . -- The uiidersio.ned'ilas,.just opened. a New' Drug'. Store in be carried; to tjalarieta' station. sixteen r,• Miles frons Lrredo, 'to be allot on theJR ksp11'�4 :NOW .J3lOCIli ' IXur n ' t Two doors West of the City: Book Store where will �.. Y be : found a complete assert - .went. of Ifiue .DRU.GS and, CHEMICALS, also...PATENT •..PATENT EDICINES and DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. • Alf that; the lztiblic may ask', for in these lines E F ( P '" J. L.4 A,. 1 HOII JusT RE_CEIV'ED rah' TiENIENSE . STOCK- Q1� 6 .. A 1 .LT L£.LJ rLl' FOR THE FALL TRADE.* _ Last spring we bought a line of Fifty suits, as an experiment, anis have found that they gave very general satisfaction, and that the demand for this •class of ' goods is increasing.. They are cut by first,class.eictte - :eu.irimmecl-.ancl :caref• >_lly il;<s,ela; and compare very favorably with suits macreto order ; while • : ' the prices are very. low. • A Very; Finelfnion "Tweed Suit for $5. - { 1`' A -ServiceablelTweed Suit, - .All Wool, $8. A Fine Black or • Colored ' Worsted Suit, Bound & Finished in a l style at $13 to $14 A Full large- of BOYS CLOTI XNG Don't buy your' Fall Clothing until you have seen these goods. 0 LOUD ES IMETTE, O. R C.D.... NEW DRUG STORE _shot where the engineer, was killed by the-overtittning:of'his engine. 1114 offi- cials -gave. mit ...that the •'pr song s' were being carried to Monterey for•.'safe7:eep.- ing,•but no on'.a. btylieved conclenined menwere taken . from (he train lit Lajariettt, blindfolded .'and made • 'to stand'„on the railroad track' ' where t ley were `shot by the officers. They were buried on the spot . wherethey. lcillecl'their` victim, Mut on the' 3rd an- . niveisary,of the•.robbery.. Archbishop Croke, writes to the news-• papers that it would be deplorable if the.. temperance 'societies in Ireland', under pretext a p of poltttc 1 neutrality, should succeed in impeding tlhe'progress and re- 'carding' , the triumph of the, 'national . eaiise.• 'The Women's Christian' Temperance. Union of. Cambrid'e, Crawford 'Connty, Pa.; persuaded the • storekeepers of the village , to 'promise •to stop keeping cigarettes. after the exhaustion of the present' supply, and then brought tip the supply, and cremated it. , A floor: of hens will payfor themselves before they are one year old if they are' rightly cared for. You , clan sell thein,. if you choose, for a good price; arid raise another lot, but it is not advisable tp do. so, as the •second..years is the most pro- fitable brit do not kee: then afterthey. ate two years old, fo after. that age they do nett pay so we • ' Now, ch. ren,' said the -teacher of the infant ' natural history bless, 'after the jie'"uliarities of the crab- had been discjused, l; there any other member of/the animal kingdom thatcissesses thpower to'move rapidly ba kward 2' ' es,' said one, of the most ;promising :little scholars, the mule,lcin do it.'' ' • NEW FALL. :And WINTER BOO.TS & SHQg$a 8t C, Cruielreharshs.; • 11Ly stock of BOOTS and SHOES is now very lerge,,artd I will sell 'at the very Lowest Prices. .possible. Having made a large addition to my previous. large store, and filled. the'same with,. every kind of thbe best goods 'in the market, H Customers can depend on the very best article Q�,IS for the least money, FOR Limo',1diSsES' k orarangirg.usE. CUSTOM WORK as metal unsurpassed and at • TRX IT., short notice. American St Canadian OVERSHOES & RUBBERS in. Endless Variety. ° TrDIiClIESS and TOPSY my DRESSING which' can't be beat. • • Cali QII C. Cruickshank,. the Boot l aker ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON JOBrEPARTM'ENT' 8llrfSSd. foll-LCEljii01188‘ is the coufity Prices consistent with. fine work, e E : 4:R N SU IZI But the i elle has very ft,« .exceptions, that ci:Ciy one who b ra • . a Suit,: a Pair of. Pants, 'a Vet or Overcoat or any"covering for rile body" :t tale :. - • OAK' HALL ..CLOTHING - 'HOUSE: • • Are so -well satisfied with 'the Fit,:.:M ake 'aid the Trimmings that when theyWantanother suit .thy always om to back .0 .and send or bring their friends with them. 'This is why'our business as increase( so -rapidly. •P:.S.=()Hire;changed from residence to Dyug S'ore'rTERMS it 1 .. PRICES RIGHT FOB:THE TIMES.vVJ�T��N�rCON..• ...`Mis. £iis ei,�ropFiscel9., • lei li�bero • C 1\TIIIAAZ4 DRiCidG, ST' 0.1:31i.' FRESH ARRIVALS . THIS WEEK. HELLEBORE ••CAsxaIERE: BOQUET ' PERFUME CARRIAGE ;.SPONGES Pine .line of HAzin AIERROjitS, .cheap. • B>RT A PURE INSECT POWDER R rpm 'BULB `P.ER ,.., ATLANTA SEA SALT . • Crij'I AR . 'BoQuET' ,50A� P g A/1., (ENGLISH) SOAP''' ; .FRESIL LIME 'JUICE lPEA1tS• VIOL T POWDERS r .y Il' PAR -18" -tirRF.}•}. - PEARS Bi'0e31 Or NINON. We pay special'attentton' to TRUSSES, and have the largest stock in the c� ot�"�unty• J_.A.`a41:S• : -BOMBE, 0) EMIST AND DRUGGIST, ._ • CLINTON, ONT. rh a Post OIfi�eTS1ore . JOSE ISH MO1 a c % In thanking itis numerous customers for their liberal patronage in the past, begsto announce. that he has :just received a splendid assortment' of. ,ITMTNAT SP; =N'G...:.C-i- OQ S 'con;rarsING 'i'IIE I.ATEsT AOYE TLE. I • Pumpkins a'►'ebescel'lent n)ak0 pass TWEEDS, - v , T ti ° _ 'y , TWEEDS, DRESS,GOODS, PRINTS, MUSLIN'S,. GINGHA11IS, LACES, grow.. They should be boil andthe - . • EM$,ROIDERIES, SFJIRTINGS N , - DENIMS seeds retnovecd. " pigs will t r •rye on • , COTTU'� ARES' DUCI>,:S d, this with very little mead, befo o •the. time for heavier feeding clunes on.. TWEEDS a specialty, and a firet•ctass Tailor who guarantees a fit. A fall.sapply. of hand . ,made BOOTS and, SHOES last arrived for the spring trade. A fresh assortment of "WALL If'all .tlhe incidents of the Cheri fon r • ' PA IJLL,'tiewest "pattetns. ' , earthquake shouldjbe collected and pr tit- r ed they would .;lake interesting read ng Mvalue Stock:ever o GROCt mIES is f ew and •Fresh. + Try our ;5cent nt Young. Hy'son TEA, best tine of the latest -published relates to a ffered to the public.. I{ARD'A'AI..E, C11OC CE11Y .gad'. t;LASSI.VAIIE, a full supply. LARDI-NE and CROWN' OIL for machinery, ,always on hand,and everything young couple who "were courting when usually kept in a first-class country store. COAL OIL hl cents per'gallon.Highest market the shock ciente. It extinguished the Price paid in trade for 13UT'T1 It,r �EOOS, OATS, &c, Come one and all 'and . inspect my lights, filled the air with dust, and jam . stock. No trouble to show goods, tried the doors so that thewould not N. B• —I liave,also purabased a'lai a guaranty of the BTAMTII TAG I3INDiStt TM:XE The young wan rushed toe . win- liest m the market,, which I oll'ar at the lowestpossible rate. - clow leading to piazza,. but in the dark I plunged both hands into a largo, plant ( ' urn full of water, Starting back to the ymINA,-lttarch 5th, ,1853. young lady, he'threw ,his arms around • • her and said ; ''Darling a tidal wave is —'""�'"0 :corning ! it is already up. to the win - dews 1 Let its: die together' !' In which) positron, .they weep found Soon after - F wards b the y ftrnirly.'� RNITIT 'DI aOSEP' MORROW, :Toronto. k. •31 ` SrEAILS :ESTAPLIfiHED: The only manufacturers ` of ' FIRE ..PROOF'. SAFES ' frith .. Noss -Ce 4 ac's isg ' Steel; Flange Doors. 'All• our new .'st}les .of Fireproof Safes . are .fitted with :an MR CIIA.MBER is prevent ness to papers. A large assortment of SECOND `HAND SAFES_ for sales at rosiv.: prices and on easy terms of payment. `. 1�P Catalogues on a p 1icatiia; 117 and 119 Front - Street, East, • Toronto. Doini��n �: laming Co�per. & Swaffieid,. SUCCESSORS 'TO -H STEVENS. & .. SON. CLINTON. Manufacturers ._ of SARI, Dooas, BLINDS, I LooliTN "' aiDIW"T C ILTN ' MOULDINGS, i• - r , oi,. .E c., Mev NGs,. FRAMES, PICKET'S, &G., �,ncl all Inds of . . Interior and Exterior Finishings. '' LATH and SHINGLES kept': on hand. - Mill on Wellington St., opposite Woollen Mill. PLANS A W • SPECIFICATIONS P.itEPA RED. S. S. Coope', V ' S.•SwvafIie1CL, hange of Busin'ess tltltlrti1111rftsitllllltlltltTltlt The nndersignecl begs to notify' the people of Chilton and vicinity that ho has bought the HAENESS BUSINESS formerly • carried sit Newto , And that'he is prepared to furnish llarfess,'Collars, Whips, Trunks,,Vailsesy Buffalo Barnes, Blankets. 1 And every thing ttinaIly kept in• a first-class Harness Shop, at the lowest prtecs. Sputa attention is directed to my stock of Ltonr 11.tinals-r, which I will make a specialty. 1)',Bile r'`, tr A'$i'u'tE INT13,1839 TO. 1:3y strict attontinrlt;h ian I etrefully stttilying the wa'1t•, of nr rt;ta r a ,r',, I bo 1, ' 1Qriit a fair nhartt o, 11'ttia+ia(1aa, t`nnnv,. 'riivelrne a eaJI before•p(hrcl(aiing elanwhero. .. 1tI t11.Ml,t,ll.'1'111L w`i'gs ri)—Ol'POSITE'1"II1'1 IARlrE'P, t0400. .4k5 SPLILIR,I\CA41:1-