HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-10-22, Page 2• OOT. 22, 18SC, NEWS NOTES, Why go about with that aching beacl? Try til towards evening, when the wind fell town have been interfered with more o clown and all but that •on the north, leas for several weeks, but on Sunday which. had reached heav,y timber,slowly night a crowd of young fellows entered Luirned out. - the barracks and made so much dister.• The huge drastic, griping, sickening pins hance that thc meeting had to be dis- are fast beTng superceded by Dr. Pierce's missed. On 1VIonday three, of them Ayer's 'hey relieve the stomach, re- „ „ t' P Ilets Sold by er all druggiste; we arrested, and yesteiday they were uIvo 0 . store the digestive organs to healthy actionrga , remove the,obstructious that depress, nerves reet Pres- taken to Baileyville for trial. ., After the The congreeation of Joie st y e an it c I, , ed it Can to. the Rev. Mr. George ' of in the crowd of excited people from the , and brain, and thus cure headache, .At Monticello, Thursday night, 200 disguised men overpowered the sher- iff, broke into the jail, took therefrom Henry: Wildman-, a wife murderer, and • 1 1 etend- suit was adjourned that'eveningy many Ottawa. town in question, yelled, Cut the Mr. and Mr. C, Wallis, 6th conces- hearts out of the Salvationists Some and Capt.M.ills, sion Brooke,„lost their only daughter, of theln'fireci a revolver' hanged him. They, then shot him ele- _afield of being killed, fled to the timber. von tinstomake sure of their work. ,Margaret, aged tve years, on Friday moininer. The little one was playing Ile was chased for some distance by the .. A -barn belonging to Mr. John Ryan, about the yard, as she usually did, when I mob, and is afraid to rettun home for eon. 16, Londoe township, was destroy- She took it. flOti011 to play with the bars fear of violence, ed by fire on Tuesday. Soap was boil- at the gateway. In, doing BO, 111 `Some . Miss Hester Clarke; of Marion,. Ala., ing' over a small fire a short distance from the beilding, and it is supposed the children tcarried. a brand to the straw stack. It is -said there was no insur- ance, A'Sherin- an, iexds, telegrain-saysi; " Late advices from the Indian Territety. state the•most extensive and destructive fires ever known in that territory are ,•• sweeping over the pt'airies. Millions of acres of rich grazing lands are. now bar- ren, charred wastes. Large numbers of cattle have been burned to death, and hen:lens° quantities of fodder destroyed. The Administration 9fJustice in the Province of Ontario; cost in 1885, 054. 923, and for the same year in the Prey- • ince.of Quebec, whose population is half a million smaller'it cost $356,646. The administration ,49f justice in Ontario coststherefore scane forty per copt. leas than in .Quebec, and the crowds of useless supernemerarieS about thearious court houses in. this Pro,vinee attest the Tea- . Son for this exeesS.—Mentreal Witness. A Fort -Werth, Texas; teleebram says-: .-News received hero from Sabine Pass is to the effect that the greater' portion been Washed away p.• • • about sixty Or. seventy persons drowned by the terrific storm of -Tuesday night, The entire .town is wreeked 'and. thoin- ; • habitants ere frenzied with feat and • . grief: The damage 'done by the stam iClAtureont ib also considerable, a imin* of houses' bailie, blown down and the 'principal lumber • aged. . 'A Detroit clespatoh says :.—Detrepit has a large beer -drinking population that .Worried 1s it never Was Wore.' strike in onelef the breweries -spread. •and' became ttleck-otit,..and not a bree,,, ery be• city was running., Np beer and provinat's end sections frem -" ': is being .delivered, except•a few ke.Boston, .Now torkand tributary mar- prorietoror their sona,•aed none gs by will gets derive tfieit supplY; averages, uriOn Pi shipf;ed herc from :other cities on ne- count of the agteeMent • dile National .Brewers' 'AssoolatiOn. t - the ,effeet :that- ' ii case of; labor troubles. of any kind no . beer will he shipped to that city' titan • the. troubles Me over. • - • • manner or another; one of the large bars tembled down and fell en her head or neck, killing her instantly. ' An -action of iniportanco to inanufac- turers was decided at the civil assizes, at Toronto, oil -Friday. -It wire -Mitt -Of -Ripley ys McDonald, to recover dam - 'ages Tor a fing4 lost by the, plaintiff while working at a machine called a puncher, in defendant's tin Works, which, it was alleged,•was not properly proteet. "ed: The anry.„.„eftee proceeding. to the -VOTE' and examining- the machine, awarded plaintiff $500 and costs.' • Mrs: Greerrivell a widow aged 70. years,left her home at M.,Mirit Ster,ling, Ill.; Tuesday afternoon, to, visit, a neigh- bor,- She had not returned up to -Wed- nesday, and Search was madefew her. After a' -time hones and pieces of her bloody flesh were found, surrounded' by a drove of hogs ' who were fighting over the remains,. hogs, Were identified by scrips. of ..clothing'.. It is eurilmsed".the.7 old lady fainted, and that the hogs at- ;taeked her before she regained,cimscions- news. . On. Friday afternoon, about 5 o'olock- two OM -Teens fremVellancl named Jelin Via arid Anthony. Ireitvich... who have a'contract for, cutting the wood on „AU' .Illienis farther sent A quantity of Ayitnet. Townsend's farm, 8r& dm. of • heriey to a Chicag0 commissIen merchant,. Blandford, not far from 1VootiStook, and in order- to test the latter's honesty, were ere -cutting a legvhen•the forks visited tho city and bought his own,hoiae'y, of a. tree, • 1slown •ow. vjdpayin g 14 cents a pound for it.. 'When the' returnalrom the. consignment cinie baokrit struCk looth of thetn; 1lluing .IIeysal in- stantly, and terribly injuring Deitrich. sold for 12 cents -a pound.: • An Irish conipaiiien; twelve yaeds away, • • • ' • • • s • ' 'Phil Armour, the Chicago •millionaire • was uninjured, and the roar of . the b • - • 1 uys .a suit of clothes every year f r each says if she td see Cluestniaa she_ will be 123 years old. Advides received state that cholera, is still raging fiercely in Corea. Ont of a population of 2110000 the death rate rules at Allb..frigiltitil average of 1,000 per day. •Corea is deeoribed as an.cip, palling pest depot. — Mrs Leader, Leader, wife of a butonen' doing business in Camberwell, a suberb Lon, don; after a quarrel with her husband left 'her home, taking her five 'little.. children with her. She went to Thames river at 33'ulharn and threw herself and, the five children into the water, All were drowned but one of the ehildren. Canadians who wieh to attend the Indian anti Colonial „Exhibition would do well to start at once. The Prince of Wales has decided that the present exhibition shall close on the eveniug of December 10th. It ie expected that A pi:Mayo-fent itietitntioll similar to that now open will be established brIore next summer. -,e..-aSevenAhousarid dollars Mail vise,theasre7 ceeds of a fair, were being taken to the-. bank at MountPulaski, Ill., recently when the horses ran away, the wagon was over- turn, and the:money scattered in this ottee.t. Citizens gathered it up and when counted at the, bank there ices but 80 n to -in tssi - storm was so great that he dicl,not'bear of hig ija-i„ i " The yheys ..9usintBY the falling tree till it struck. Tho me lect cl • ell'? °Yes. othes•worth from 830 to 83d ;but a • had just started NVOL k a week or so ago. Pfstidiona clerk recently abused his employ-, .1 er'stenerogity and sent in a teller's' bill of The potato croP of tho Eastern States hob% . Armour discbarged Min on the i`wliat IsMeflreg7fS Speedy Cure tor I" i • • It Islor Dyspepsia, liver Complaint. Tint iges- tion, and is Alio finest blood purifier in the • known world tbauty.• "Does„It gyro subtraction V • We cannot point to ono instance here it ma. not. • • k. - f,Whore does it liktylf.tike•largest. sale ?" . • -- Might in the eity• of lieye It is tnanufactured, there has MAO over one thous- • and dollars' worth sold in the last-. yeikr,, retail,. and.thegreat majority of sales are by ohe re- eommending It to another. For sato at see and S-I.per bottle at.WerthingtoWs Drug Store, Soya the Toronto Now.-,LThere ap • peered before the Magistrate:yesterday, '.a gra.y.lraired old..mati tamed. Robert :Elenderson, who was .once- one. of the most.Proininent 'of Kingston's .citizeps.. years:ago he. was managing ...editor of•Sir-John.Maddo'nald's organ'in, • :Kingston,. and•ivas a personal friend:of• : --thopremier„..New_he_ is_Anliserahlti inebriate, 'who servos the, better: part Of • his time in jail for drunkenness... The Magistrate. fined .him••$.0- aticL•costs;.,or • ninety days itriprisonnietit and 'lie rode!' to jail in ' the black van the:most cenfiein- ed inebriate Of the herd:, •• • The new Baptist Cburchriwith the adjoinieg sheds and barn, at Benning- ton Centre,Wyoming connty, near Roch- ester, burned to the ground on Thurs- day. morninkiit two o'Clock. The less is $40,000, on which there, is ,tin. insur- ance .of .sip,000. The building was fired and the incendiary -is known, but has not yet been attested. ' •'The sepposed .inotive is revenge: ' The church people have determined' t Atop the sale of li- quor''Ori Sundays in the immediate vi 'elnity of the church;; To this end Many' different persons have been indicted 'ancl.- fined. . . • - .4c despatch says: .A.nother remarkable -case of faith cure .by Mrs, Woodworth,the trance evange- list, is reported -from Anderson, Inch Mrs, Elile Zabeth Fallen', had been an . validfot''Sixteen years. The physichina' Jiar pronommed her case hopolesa, ,say- - zieg that death was' but a question •of a -very short time, and as re lait resort it , was determined to- apply ' the so-called faith curer Accordingly ti• season of prayer was offered in behalf .of the sick • woman, lasting from eatlY in the even- ,. • ing. until...about • ,midnight, . when 'ao • .clanned ;:-.!he is /IOW' able to walk Abut and help 'herself, while a week ago she was unable_ to raja° a hand or speak above a whisper. a Reports aro • received at th. Paul. of . great .losses in North Dakota, by prairie Tires. The country east of Bottoeson, to • Dunseith and south of Williams t,,lity is. one unbroken scene "Of destructibn and blackened hillsides, scorched, plains and lacadows, -besides the charred remains enmity a stack of grain and hay,'eran- ary, and stook, tell a sorrowful talo • t1e calamity that in a few '1 mars destroy - the wHole, about ,,.ctS last- year, according to 60Q rciports received • by the New: • 1:4Thgland• Homestead last, week.. • All, through potato growing. sections of Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New BrunsWick,Where • tire Crop was almost a total &thin:0 in 1S84, and but a half crop in 1885, the vroduction this 'Year averages 02 per cent of rC fuJi crop. .Prices *range from 1B to 25 cents bushel, on Prince Edward Island,-to.30 and 40 Cents neatiocal Markets. The following pelegranr is fro:in 1Valla Territory cattle' ranger just infrom Noah Mountain states that the alive of cattle from this. Country. to trons failure to St. Lotiis' eahle syndi- cates. For a time a drive eonsistitig "of 40,00 heaof cattlopsospered finely, bilt as an tmusually dry sertson in tana progtessed.„:the-eattle. began to Weaken and fall by the wayside,Iltand as di,ys passed by_hocl beam° scaisSr, _th aeinials- died by hundreds, herdees even Suffered great privation for wantLef 'water; and -at) desperate did the situation become that. when nearing the British line the proprietor of the herd ordered the drive „te 1)(1 .abandoned •and •the herders to reach the Northern PaCific rail will, the best way they could" .The scene along the drive was most pitiable. Cattle men aro of the opinion that the synicate Will not have two hundred head of stook- next -spring, out Of the immense "band driven from •this eountry. The; lossin that ciao iU reach $250;-000. Young or middle,..aged Men suffering from nervous debility; r other delicate diseases, however' induced, .speedily and, permanently cured. „Addes, World's Dispeffsary Medical' Association, Buffalo, N.Y. . • • • News conies from. ganVille, Renfrew :County, .of a shocking.raurder cemmitted in thwinity of Paiiner•Rapids:•, The Paiiies" concernediireV, ermans. From what pan be learned, a i'imily.conaisting of a man; his wife and' wteeltildren have 'been for some -time occupying a .house On A neighbor's' lot. The tWo fatnilies got on bad terra, The tenant finally' Went to ty piece at some dietetic() tO 'preenre help to 4iuild a house for him- self. In his absence some inan„from the - neighboring hOuset it is said,. carne and nailed up 'the deor,'aliuttin,g,.the wife and two children inside. lho woman burst open the dbeir; wheri an angry altercation took place which restilted in tlie man's Seizing a stick of cordwood, hitting the woman, who fell mortally in-. jure& Thebody was then .taken into tiio libtifie and the building Was set MI fire. The two 'children Were witness of the crime. The Cicalae Attorney has been infOtmed and is taking steps to hold an inquest. ' A • Preeport,- 111, telegram • says :— Capt. W. T. Mills'who bite been. in charge of the Salvation Arley meeting's at Forrestown/111, for the past three menthe, tainti ,Ihis.inerning, on foot - 4 11 1 I 1 1 ground that he wanted his clerke to•stind on an equality. *, • Gilbert of Georgetown, . ,T., stared 150,13ushele of potatoPain. the attic. When we say geOreger'is Speedy Care is the. only perfeetegre ter D58pepsia. Liver Com- plaint, Indigestion and Iutpure Blood, we are telling plain facts, of which hundreds Upon hundreds eau testily, who haire been restored to perfect health by *hi use, We would there - tore advise you, strongly it yea are a subject ot sold inset) awl di bottles at Worthington' I)rug Speedy Cure a trial and ;be convinced. It la I , any of the above troubles, to give t.fairegor's Store. , IVIANNilsTG & SCOTT Barristers, Sotioitors, uONVEYANCERg "Commusioners for Qatari o mad Manitoba. OFFICE NEXT DOOR NK ERA:, ()LINTON MONEY WIAliteXRPttlEttIT,ugliL over J. Jackson'ts store, Albert street. adrArditatiE LICENSES.—' APPLY ITO 7.11 415, undersigned la the Library Rooms,. Smith's Block. , 36 JAMES SCOTT. /kir ONEY TO LEND IN LARGE Olt SMALL AN -L mune on good. inertgage eminrity, moderate ato of interest. ki. IIAZAE, Clinton. a n H. •DOWSLEY, M.E. 0. S. ENGLAND 1./ Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office Mad residence ,kiext Molaon'sllank, market equate, Clinton. flnR. APPLETON,---OF-FICE-AT RESIDENCE n. Ontario street,Olinton,opposi to the English tun. cakoranee by side gate. H.1,31:0 IvI'ROCID1000.11, CIVIL ENGINEER, . . nelalaryokninion Load Surveyor, Architect and 1.) 'at.ghtsnian . PERRIN BLOCK 01111tou. . , BEEVE.--,OFFICE =TU:0E8111137 -ST.- 1.../ Murray 131oak, two doors oast of, Itodgenel en. trance. Residenoe, oppoeite the Tomvotenee Hall Ilaron Street, Clinton., Offlee hours, 8 a ,m. to 6p.m. Rs.,WffITT,WEA0111,1B OF 14114.18. PUPILS 171 a ttended at their own residoneegneoessary. jcihn Robertson's, Enron Street, Clinton. Itice's new method taught if desired. • TAMES HOWSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER e/ for tho County of Huron, Sales attended anywhere In the County, at reasonable rates. Residenee,Albcrt Street, Clinton. ' R. STANEURY, SEAD17.A.TE OF THE MEDI .„.. . nOopartematot5Tatorri+University,Torento,Kor marly Of tho Hospitals and DiepensarieeoNew York Coronerferthe County SI Iforon,Bayfield,Ont. -L-IRANK It, POWELL, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Notary Pt.blie,.oto. OBL:C, SNARGE'S BLCCK, Imam Sumer, .Toronto agents, Diessrs, Me. NOarthS.', Osier, lioskin Creolinan. Private funds to oan akdoweit rates of intereXf. T.) • W • I,VILLIAMS, B. N.B., GRADUATE 01' •Toronto University; member of theCollegeofPhy aleians and cirgeons; Ont . OFFICE' & Itaernza ea the houeetormerly0000pied by Dr.. Reeve, Albert eCreet Clinton. ' WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIAN, SIIIIOEON .1-/Aocouchaur,'Lleentiatoof theCollegeofPhyeician- andSnrgeons of Lowerljanada,andProvinoialLicen, tiate and Coronorf or thoOotiotyo Moron. ()Mound teelsionee,—The bullaing ormer;yeecupieilby Mr' ChwaiteS, Huron street •• • . 01„inton, jan+10+1871, . . • . CLINTON IdEdfIANIcS' INTITUTE, LIBR ARY and ItcadingRbenus, Perrin block, down 'stairs. About 1,700 Volumes in the Library and all the Leading Newspapers, and Periodicals of theulay on the trkhlo. Mombership ticket $1 per minim. Open from 2 to p.on„ and from 7 -to p tn. Applications for mennerehsp recived by t4e Librarial iu In thereon]. UNION SHAVING PARLOR • SIT kVING CUTTING'. .kNO SHAM. of his littlehonse,preparatory to. barreling POCING .done, Very nook itud..ty sat • thein-. On Tuesday eight while his family • • -evert PerSurt. ;10IIN if.10141%AltSON, , • .. was at niippor, the.tiptir gave way end the, potatoes .caino down. on them, breaking Mr Oilbert's arrn and -Mrs Gilbert'e turink Ler shoulder, and injuring a dangle. ter's. arm ,so that it will jia ve 'to. be amputa- While .1.11eSsrE: Charles , Abraham,. 'Archie McGugan. Alexander . Gey and Mr. Robinson were boring for water orr west half,lot 17,.41h concession of Dawn, :last Thursday 11)01411g startlinct*and inearlyj fatal accident htipPened to 'the first three--natned. ;- •It appears that settle .sixteen feet had been dug. With pade4ancl-pick beim% .starting 'to bare with aught.. Mr. 'Abraham in :the Well. when sudderdr the augur Was hurled oth of the,Well by some gab. terirtiaean power; causingconsternation among the worktnen. • ;It viar‘clisooveted. Alatithani.was 'lying at the hot- -ria_of_thaWeithsphy-xiated., _Mt.! Grey- iinieediately descended to---'resetie-lihr ,ornrade, ba mei with the Same fate. Mr. McGu,gen then. quickly 'descended, with .the aid • of a rope held by those at the top of the well, in ' case of an acci- dent. an spite of the, escaping gas, Mr. McGuigan. succeeded placing, a rope around'. the feet and. Jogs 9f tile two '-prostrato wen Who were drawn out more. like dead' then livbg men. Medi- iva4 ininiediately surnmoned,And the Sufferers are now pronounced out 6f • clanger.. A dicago despatch says 1 --An un. knoitn thief threw a handful f red poppet into 'the eyes of Toni Donnolly,a diamond broker at NO. 118 Dearborn street,.last •night, and then robbed the place of a tray of diamonds valued at from between $100 and' -$600, It was while the stieet were erowded that the thief entered the piece. He was well. dressed. • Itt the store at the time were Mr. Donnelly and his clerk. They were about:shutting up the store, for the night, but had not taken the diatnoncla, and.other valuables from the case. Donnoly Was near the window fronting on Dearborn street, and the :clerk will in the tear Eof the store near the safe: When the man entered Mr. Donnelly arose frotn Ids seat and walked to a ease containing several. cases. of diamouds. The fellow asked to to shown some stones; as ,he wished to make, a present. A tray heavily laden witlt the, brillants was placed on the glass counter for in- spection While examining them with his left hand, the fellow drew his 'right hand from his overcoat pocket and dash- ed a Mindful of red pepper at Mr, Don- nelly's lime, completely blinding liim. II9 rwas unable to open lits eyes for all hour. The thief Jtelped. Viuself to the gems and made his eseape mit Of tho door before Ott ascertained what the hal/utile was. - neat y t in way. ( noun,. t woods having run away. from 'llaileyviile, for ed the 'labor of many month:), lie tires just • fear that lie would be ITclearriv- ' are now raging north 9r Ilotrineati,.1)un‘with had 11 liar. roW naslJif tt It td.iy li yin Iming.01 nl 3.'7e. e.w„-te•oii". three stile,•4, fool' tit in this, city aboitt four eleloekbadty frigh tetial and al 11)081 worn 'out fatigno, as lie bad been en the tramp all vvo advancide. till rapidity' ine Th? •‘1"111Y'll1tint;s IttP01•rvid.- 4114.111 '011JUGS kiEDIC I 1\1 E., . • roa 4 IMOD 8TitA1I fl 41i* 6, inn& 1 Itavo lane!, Illanallre t000nanontlIng yon' ti)orfal mln,4trititripligottiPt.1 7.11%1; Med it fir nts loon tiniily toy ovor, 'nano Aliti 16t ' ii .11 111 fri,n11•I I% for bat e beou . troubled it itli rod In nrvey 11 rf.Ifet has 1on iwmiuiplishottotair in nii.pAt er 1,11,1,1114 00,1111 peritittionif tiare 1114.11 tip!, result. I. earl g reentithienit it b. 11:11 1E11 • • er.: T. • WILIEXE • . • • •.411111ClEfIN DENTIST. jiolti the exclusive right ter tho comity for the Hurd process' Of adfninistering chemitally porn Nitrot;en Monoxide; which 18 the safest and bestsystein yet dis- covered for the painless extraetion'or teeth, .f.liari.zes Moderate, satisfaction.. iiarantoecl., ()mos, 111. LIOTI"ii BLOCK, oVerltimea's Tailor Shop,' 'throe Street, Clinton.- . Tg.E DBEAT ZUG-LISA PRESCRIPTION' - AsuccessfuImedtcluetestedover 480 years, in thousands of cases. PromptlY cures Nerildus Pios- 41:1 nal Por4,-and GeneratiteOrgans trationjtreaknessof Of either sex,..EnSikstonsand alt illscaused by indis-. • oration orcrveilocerrign. .812 packagesis guaran- teed to effect a curewhenallothermedieinesfail. One package $1, six packages $0, by roan. Sold by,druggists. Writ* _Pamphlet; .Addreis. EintsaA erratum. Co.; DsTnotr, Mork SO'id in Clinton hy'.1; R. COVLB-RtlYriWists + • • everywhere; . . • Scrofula Xs one ot the most fatal -courges which afflict mankind. It is oft. it inherited, but maybe the result Of itneraecr vaccination, niercurial tereeatiliness, auct various ether cause.s. t' 'ironic Sores; tricots, ,Absoesses, Caueerous; Humors, and,in some cases, Emselation, anti Con. sumpticin, result from a scrofulous condi. tion of the blood. This disease can be cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. • I Inherited a scrofulous condition of the blood, which caused a derangement of ley 'whole systern, After taking lesS than four bottles Of Ayer's SarSaPllrfilll• am Entirely Cured add; for the past yearAave not found' it necesftry to use any medicine whatever. I am now in better health, and stronger, than ever before. -0, A, Willard,- $1.1i Trmnont st4 litoston, Mats, i Was troltbled With scrofulous Sores for five years; but, atter Using feW 'bottles of _Aver's sarsapitillia, the sOret healed, and I have. now good houith. Elizabeth Warnock, CA -Alrbleton street, Lowell, Ma'. Some months ago nliS troubled With Scrofulous Sores on . my leg. 'The limb was badly swollen and inflamed, Mid the sores diSalitr,,d•eti 'urge (LtfulitItieS Qt °fret'. • sive matter, remedy felled, until 1 used Ayer's Sid's:iv:wino: • By taking three bottles of this medicine the sores have been entirely healed. and my health'. irt ftllly restored. • I am grateful fel' the good this inetlivine hut done me. — Mrs, Ann 0Writtiorxisillivon St., NOW York. Ayer's .SArsaparilla , • Prepared bv Dr. J. C. Ayer 5: Lowell, Mass. ' Sold by all bruggiste. .Priee $1; six bottles. $5.' ROBERT DOWN§1, CLINTON, Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Saw Mill Dog in Ape. Agent for thesalo mar application of the ife"Fisuzik PieresT AUTOMATIC BOILER. CLPANEtt: STEAM FITTINGS urniOied and -Applied on short • notice+ Boilers. Engines. anti all kinds of Ma chinery repaired e speditiansiy aaeel in a satisfactory 'wanner. •., • ' Farm Implements Manufactured and repaired, Steam and Water Pipes 'furnished and nut in position. Dry Kilns fitted. up odapplication. Charges moderate, . 111111{,,, 11111/VELOTED 'PhITS -71inis'aansialoosommai tree,...eilei.,21etataler,,. DR VEI,OPRD, URRNOTIEENCD, Eta , to oti Interetting odvOrtimoutol CO, tganiti ouenn Or. In rept to inquirj21,-wa ,111.r. sasensibuTheeno_3ems_ges. Um advertisers aro vet bight indorsed. Intereated ersons . Faulk mese circulars giving all particulars, by addressing • Niue hisoinsb Co., Antral°, N. Y.-,Tole_dctEveniog Cm • LLAN LINE • 7 'I! 0 -- V I krvirpt-lionowrry TR ANSEER. .PAPER PAT- TERNS sold in ,strips for Embroidery, Braiding, etc. and complete designs for 'Slippers, •Brac'kets, Aprons, Ladies Foot - Stools, Cosies, Smoking 'Caps; Pillow Shams,.ete.' Hundreds of .Designs. .The design is Warranted not to -crumble .off the paperpattern or Ur tub off the fabric when transferred. " coopp, BOOK'SELLER. . MoKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co • NOTICE—The *undersigned are appointed to act as agents in the township Of Goderich, for the 'company. Any person wishing to In. • ntbia old and reliable Farmers Company, will apply to either P1108, NEELANS, lock, or. SAINUEL• CARNOCRAN, Seafortlt, PromPt attention Will be given. ,•: FosrrEil . 0 LINTO,,ST LIFE.SIZEl WOrtli A SPECIALTY. DENTIST, 'COATS OLOCIC . cii.kftekiS ktanxikara. • .0 Xi I•IST T.0 . HURON AND AND BRUCE LOIL11.• told Investment Co'y • t;'timpany ;81;0a/they alioney an Farm. Seetirity LoOtest Pates of Inte.rest. • .• • . AtORTGAC;ES •PURCIIASED BENDuLLER NURSERY. PETTIT' alVD OBNA.MSNA'AL TREES, NOR. WAX SPRITOE, SCOTCH AND ASTBACIIAN PINE. THE LATTER os WHIC_II Wit MAKE A mama L.A,RGE. S ON HAND . To—cic :HAND The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold. at Very low prices, and those venting anything la this connection will save atone,: by purchasing boo. Orders by Nail will be promptly attemillil JOHN HTEWART, Benmlier kida.08, — • • Paities going to the cild country this summer shauld take this popular line. ' Theboats are the :nose com- plete c n.the Atlantic, And aceonmiedation unsur; assed- ZUG, X32,011.1ra31.00. Wilde 01 property Insured at loweek tariK rates. First -elms companies, frICKETS VIA N. W. 'P. CO. LINE BOATS TO J.. WINNIPEG, AND ALL LAKE POINTS, ALSO by all ratlines over the GRAND TRUNK and OANA- DA PACIFIC to any point on that line, Winnifelf* Bbyrarnaduoitc&acco,rDiaokroetizah.KatISAS," o! any point readied Come and see ma befere you buy tieltett Us. 11101111.3SON, CA BIN. IF A It E$ :VERY 1.0W 11 EA le ',EXCV ES 1 N , DATES, • STEEDA.GE AT • xfonTon' EIGTDD Cali and get ell paitivulars• A. 0, PATTISON, CLINTON', , • . •A terthe severest teat at the late fair in Clinton`, it was universally admitted that ros PERFECT ANG„ EASY narifog; BEAUTY OF FINISH, AND 'sWEETNEsS. the. ExcELsiop, ittiOtWay ahead. cif all all:. ersoind. destined to be the poptilarinstru. filen t of, the'day; This, along with the fact - that a special prizeverittatiarded keertain- If speaks volumes for theinstru men fan d .partimi,purchasing sho' tild• see the Elem.- . •• siorebefere.•boying elsewhere:- , GEO.' F. oAx-Es Pooeortros. Factorythree doors west ot.Mulloy's Pum Sbop,.Rattenhery St., Clinton. A. BENNET-T, FUNERAL ,DIRECT011. Embalmer. . . • • , A largo. stock of Firs -Class CAS - BETS and COFFINS, SBROTIDS, ttc„ alwaye,on hand. 'DIE EGYPTIAN EMBALMING FLUID used in all cars.' LiERT 'STREET, NEXT ,HARLAND BROS. 110 sidenee Orange $t., near the Methedist Churen, Clinton, (nr_AW.E1t1247- pLAN1NG MILL • . n it, 4z It ! ItANR. 1111A 11(014. ' r $1;11SCIEHIF.ItIrAVING J VET com MEMO •• 4 dna • »'r Ont. interest .dillopyd 'on Deposits, wringing 10 amonnt and than NY. • • %tallith( lreai ininr ‘Vil%'...1aiveller. iNtia rand furnislidd 1114 new lestilnir %vita maellin. ory of Cho latest improved patterns., new prepared t(r attend to all orders In his lino in the most prompt end satisfaCtory1n10001, and at reasonable ICC WOIllil also retinal, thatifca all'alte patronized the oldlirrit batons they trete burned out, mid now being in a better position t..) CNI.Alto vraerA exeeditiousty, !"111"t Sired feels coOdertt he can gtvo PAW:talon , it4Iitac14 tinaTox, „dt'l car , an a • Mksbitit ray, Clintor. ficnIerielilAugost. . . ThosStevenson E-- Leadhig Undelrtaker, oc*rroisr. AntLceplic Einhalmitig'Fiurdlopt cn hand. - • Aly Funeral Director, C, Steven- son; has attended. the School of Em- balming, iirToronto., to make binisolf profieient in the art of embalming. ' Rintesteelt , Tire " • . OPPOSITE TIIE .TOWN THOS. STEVENSON $50,000 Ira LOAN tit 6 per Coat. Why . pay ot31.018'.'7% '0:10' pet cent; . 'when' yoircan get Men --laie,at 6 per Firseclass loans 51, per deri loans' • kper bent. • • • • • ° TEEMS- tnad e.;te "stiitlerrewer, 'regarding payrnept.::pni)4,dpetro. iod FA , BAKERS,-CLINTON. .TIIE ATOLSONS BANK.' . 'Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1558, CAPITAL • -it •••• 1449 000 000 MAD. OFFICE MONTREAL.' TIIQBEAS WORKMASI,, President. J. 11. 51. MOLSON.:_._..t..'.....Yice-Pres... . F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager.. ..Notis discounted, Collectio.na made, Drafts . iistied, Sterling 'and American exciange . • bught.'and, sold- at. ldWest • . • ,...durrent :rates.' _ 'Interest. at 4.,per cent allowed on deposits._ • '• _ — • .F.A.111VIYOUS Money ailvaked to formers on their own ntitsPftitli ,:ne or more endOrsers. :No mortgage requiroa as ie- • Awity. • ' ' • O. B kLT1 L.11 -Manager, • Janoarv 188 ' Olintink J. B-L»pL-QOME • • VI Watch and Clock. Maker, JEWELLER, &c., . • . • • 010/PoSiTE 43121 LIIA KEI, ircroal *here -be keeps a seleot aseortineitt • WATCHES, COCO, JOWL SI EH. " • Whieli wa 1;111'11A:111 at re sonablerates. Repairing ot eery description promptly tended to, and all work warranted. 00 • . . v.1882 3. B.IDDLECONSE. m1,1011, SOTE -20 PER ENT • 3836-S0/IV-CENTEN1IAL-IS86. yEAR . Orr TilE GORE DISTRICT FIRE INS. CO Conducted bothOn Cash and DItttual vane. JAs. YOliNG. M. P. P., - - President. ADAM' WklittoOtt,.Eso.. - - Vice -President R. 8. STReato, Esq., - managing •Directet, T H E kir 0 Enters upon its EIFTIET/I l'EAR niuch stronger and ,inore-pyosperous than at any previous period, shaving $218".896 of Assete and pratically NO LIABILITY except a Re- insurance *serve of $30,000, There are $20,- 000 deposited with the Ontario Government, and'ever $05,000 held in Mortgages, Debet.„.., tures, and. Cash, imulediately available to7 . meet losses. Mutual Pollopholders in tho "Gore" Savo 20 per cent. with undoubted security. Per Mil partionlaris apply to AHAB OFFIcE Caur or to mailtat REDOET, Agent, Clanton ROLLER FLOUR • AT $2,10 PEE CWT. 1.111A,N by TON or CWT., , AT tlih-rs. PER.C.WT,, D,AiVerea 01 y wherein town fit() of cherge MeN MP% MRS, ,T011S. RAYSON.