HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-10-15, Page 8CLINTON NEW ERA
FRIDAY, OCT. 15, 1886,
. New Flushes. Ladies Felt Bats and Xie
loves atBEESLEY d; .Co's.
Zalvn Sego.
day morning Messrs, W. W. Ferran, Isaac
Batterbury and Joseph Copp, of Clinton,
and John Beacom, :of Goderich township,
left to attend a Bale of thoroughbred horses
at Loui villa, Ky... It.iapossible they may
bring back some horses with them.
SINGING CLAss.-=A, meeting of all those
interested or wishing to be taught to read.
music, will be held in the basement°of the•
Ontario St. church this (Friday> evenin •
any of the young peopleA in the town
at liberty to attend._ Aa ..this will be -a
splendid opportunity to gel a knowledge
of vocal music, it is expected there will be
a large turn out,
• Ransford received a letter from bis father.
this week, in which the following flatter-
ing reference is:made to the Doherty r.
gans:—"I saw the Doherty Organs a the
Colonial exhibition ; one for 3 peas
' a they told me a $tondon maker id were
first -rata and that they could not make
them at the price. • ' .
• HoRsi NaTEs;—lilt: Robt. Marten,. of
the London road, weighed an eighteen
months' colt, onTuesday, that turned the
scale at 1460 lbs. A pet colt belonging to
Mr9,,Mustard, Tuckersmitb, three months
old,, that has been exhibited at several
ebows-this-waren ttraeted-the:.attention_-
.r of a buyer at Exeter, who offered $175 for
"` it. This tempting offer, howevi r, was re-
DISLOCATED.—One day last week Mr: E
Glen, of Stanley, fell down and seriously
injured his shoulder. It , pained him so
much that be at last concluded to come
and see a' doctor, not ,anticipating that
anything more' than a severe strain had
-baPPed: - When -the &eta' eaitminea-
him he
found that the shoulder was die-
located,xand it..recluired_ the, combined
strength of three men to get it back into.'
place again.' - '
NEARLY A FIRE.—On We nes ay ar
ternoon some one thoughtlessly threw a
pan of ashes into the manure heap at the
back of Beattie's Livery stable, not know-
ing that there: were coals in the ashes:
Th etrawitoek fire, but it was fortunately
discovered before makingmtichheadway,
otherwise a very serious fire would have
beenthe result-, as -the 'buildings close by.
are all frame.
ALWAYS AHEAD. --Our merobants are
wide-awake and bound to lead the pro-
cession, as they make use of every oppor-
tunity to bring their names before toe.
public. Over at Bayfield, on Tuesday,the
following were represented personally and
•by advertising matter: —G E ray & Co..
Jackson Bros., (: 0 1tance & Co., Detlor
& Co., John Rpbertson, A A Bennett, 111:
Fischer, Marland Bros., F W Hayward,
G A Sharman, and DobertrOrgan Co.
Balers. --Mr. Win. Robinson; of the
Huron Road, bas concluded that there Nis•
so little money In 'wheat, growing; that he
will only put in for next year ten acres,
all told, either springer fall. Internal
changes and improvements have been.
made in the office of Ferran, Macpherson,
& Uo*ey, Mr. T. Odium • this week
moved his family to Guelph, where he has
been working for some time. Amo
'those who recently Passed with honors at
the Toronto Collegiate Institute was Miss
The' I uivereal Opinion.
Last Saturday a: gentleman, who had
been serving on the Jury at Godetich, sat
or a few moments in a stere here. No-
ticing a large number of people passing
sod re -passing on the street, he said to the
roprietor, • P
" What 1s going on.in town to -day 9°"
"Nothing particular," vas the answer.
Asking if the amount ,of business indi-
cated by•the numbers on the street was a
common occurrence, and being assured.
that it was, the stranger remarked:
" Well, I've keen more stir and bustle in
the ten minutes I have been sitting here,
than I saw alt the,time that I was in.
Goderich." - .
A•nd so say' they all.
. thatthe ami t be
'paper declares 15
was. mo a os stops thisyear than it v .. s
r Pi P Ita l
year,, because more people are ge ngg
°' married, Weil, linteejs doing atewill.
do. her 'share to ring about goofl times
then, • -
TRIELEs,—The wire -worm is said to be
working in the fall -wheat, Division. court
will be held the latter part of this month,
Tho weather of last week. and this has
been perfectly delightful. Get. in, your
garden products before the last of the
month or some one may get•theni for you,
The season for church socials and the like
•is at hand, Merchants anticipate a busy
fall and should not hi -disappointed. Mr.
Kennedy, the•well-known Scottish vocal-
ist, died at Stratford, on- Wednesday;. after
a week's illness. There are a great many
'men who can't pay for a paper, but no-
body-ever.-saiv-a-man-ivho-didn't think he
could edit one. Once more the fall fair
sea n- is over, Bayfield winding up the
cgramme on Tuesday; we are not Sorry.
rhe tax collector started on his rounds on.
`Monday'; we claini'exemption on the
ground of being "a public benefactor.'!—
enefactor.' --
everal new sidewalks' are being put down
in town. Several new' bridges are to. be
built along the line ortire. H. and B.
Special trains are running :every day to
accommodate the freight- of this section.
• HuabN . MEDICAL AsSociATIo1 .—The'
regular meeting of this, association was
held on the 12th inst , at: the Commercial
'I1Ste1;' -There weretipresent Drs: lrTi an,
Campbell, Smith;' McKenzie, Williams,
Young (Londesboro); Young (Wingham)
and Worthington.• One'of the .most in-
teresting cases of'disease of the spinal cord
was presented for 'examination. The age
of the party was about 50 years, and he ie
a blacksmith ; his symptoms were very
peculiar. .The feeling or sensation of an
iron band around his body, andsometimes'
around his knees, being .experienced a
feeling of numbness et the ends of the fin-
gers and -a. sensation as if walking'on sand
or on • wood, also, inability; to walk with
-the eyes closed, were the principal symp-.
toms.—=lin 2pidemic, of dysentry was re-
ported as prevailing around the • nort
portions of the county, and some intere
ing;facts brought out. Avery. interesting
case of disease of the blood 'was .Presented,
in which the blood was examined under.
the microscope.. A fatal case of disease of.
the glandular system was reported, which
brought out considerablediscussion. The
meeting was a -most interesting and in
�stra.c.tive one,and;rpembers`new look for-
ward with pleasure to thejbne when they..
are to take place. The January meeting
will be held in Seaforth.. _;^
Millie Holmes, late of Clinton. We u b 1 tit
derstand that Mrs. Archibald, of Dickin-
son's Landing,has rented a house in town,
aid will take up`her residence here. Mr.
Frank Jackson is now filling a position
in a Brantford Photo Studio, Mr, James,
Mair, of the base line, is this week ship-
ping one thousand barrels of tipples. to the
old country. Mrs. Mowbray and Mrs.
Duncan of Stratford,.•are both here visit-
ingfri nds Mrs.Morley y isputting g up
a new house ou Mary street, neat
woollep factory. Hon. A. M,
Ross was
in town on Saturday, having been in at-
tendenee' at the Kincardine. Fall' Show.
Rumor states that a tomb -stone man, not.
a thousand miles from Clinton, intends
joining the' matrimonial ranks• this fall;
there is no doubt there will""be Lot's o r. ace
flying 'lathe air at that time; see it?—
Mr. Iobt, W. Coats, a popular young
business man of town, and Miss Doll
Stanbnry, eldest daughter of Mr. T. Stan -
bury, were married on Tuesday morning,
Rev. W. Craig officiating; "the bride is
very highly esteemed, testimony of which"
was found in the handsome Wedding ,pres-
en,ts stent her ; the young couple left -at
once on their wedding tour, and start their
matrimonial career with the good swishes-
ofalarge circle of friends; on ter re-
turn to townthey will take up their abode
in •Mr. Chidley's house, opposite the
foundry. The- infant::'daughter of 1VTr.
John Ford diel' on Sunday: Mrs. Brinnell,
of Seaforth, has been visiting friends here,
Mr. 0.,Dickson, attends a meeting of the
Bobksehers' Association, at Toronto next
week. Mr... E. Corbett has. severed his
connection with the Clinton 'Woollen
Mills ; we have not yet learned what he,
purposes doing, • Mr; and Mrs. McGarva
have returned from their visit to friends
in the Old Country. A snit arising out
Mn. 'BAWDEN's'•SALE.--Mr. W,Bawden of the failure of Callander. Bros. comes up
(son-in-law of Mrs. Shaw) who resides for trial next month; the parties hereto
near Ooderich, bad an extensive auction being Mr. Thompson, asassignee of the
sale of farm stock last week, as he is about estate, and . Mr; Twitchell, defendant ;
to go on a visit to the .old country., The sonie nice points of law are likelytc-arise-
• whole of hie stock being :first-class,: sold in connection herewith. • Mr. John Free
at very good figures, cows going as high . man shipped a car load of sheep to Buffalo`
as $70 each; yearling heifers et $35 each. on' Wednesday. Mr. A. F. Jury, of Tor -
Among purchasers from this section were onto, called on the NEW -ERA •while in
Thos. Tinting, : who bought a yearling : town., Mrs. Christopherson, •of oderich,
stallion James Cornish''bought a 2 -year is visiting, relatives here... Thi 21st, an -
old filly at $1$6; and W. Shipley bought nuat Provincial -Temperance .Convention
will be held in '. Hamilton on • Oct (26, 27,
28 and 29th ; ' we' hope Clinton will be
well represented. ' Mrs. 'Ferguson, of -St.
Louis, who bas been visiting at Mr. R.
-all summer; returned: to her honi.e
on Tuesday.' • Mr. A. ;O.Patterson,'G. T.
'R.'agent; has gone en a short vitit to
Saginaw-and:'other western points.. The
voungest child of Rev. A. Stewart has
been'seriouely. ' 111 for; several days, but
is nowout of danger: '• Miss Nellie Collier;
of Blyth, left for Winnipeg this week;
she took her tieket by the (•1. T. agency..
We understand that Mr. C. -Blackstone
has tendered his resignation: as leader of
the Doherty band.' Mr. •Carey, section -
boss on the G. T R.,died at his residence.
here on Monday morning; after a compar-'•
atively.'short illness;frbm inflamddation.of
the heart he was a quiet, industrious'
man, and leaves a young family to,mourn
his death.; he was an adherent of the R.
2,_Chtlrch :'Mr.r-W; Padget,father of
=Mis.-.W-._Tiplady.,_sr dieeLon Sunday, at
two sucking colts at $65 each.
NO VOTE. -= We have been asked to
publish the yeas' and. nays ou the: motion
passed at the last meeting! of council to:
raise the tranaiggt sadera"Iicense.' We
find byreference to theaninutes'thatthere
• was no vote taken on it:' .If any of the
members of council dissented from the by-
law, it ,is; not shown Iv. 'the resolutlon..of
cocil, •as it was •simply declared ""car-
rued." Informal discussions are never re-
corded in the minutes. We • suggest to
those who think that the ;council hasdone
wrong, that they should wait `upon them,
in a body,...at.the next' meeting, and ask
that a return be made to the old license.
fee,. and this would: give those' who' favor
the. higher fee a Chance o present, their'
case too. From what we•canlearn, every
member of the council favored the change
• made.. , •
' A NOVEL SCHEME,—Jackson Brothers
certainly-believe-in-advertisin4•--`1'he tat
est and most . novel scheme., resorted .to is
that of a brass band, which' was organized
under the leadership of the well known
"Jim Scott."- whose record as a splendid.
cornet player is well known, and wh8 bad
forseme time been drilling the band.: -for:
the' express .purpose of an' advertisement
for Jackson Bros; at the Blyth fair.' The
band left here about Boon, on Friday last,
in full uniform; accompanied by. a. colored
brigade for.thedistribution of fancy print-
ing matter, and gave a `good performance
of yocal., and instrumental music on the.
grounds, which was greatly, ;appreciated.
Although under a big expense, no doubt
-Jackson Bros. were well repaid for 'it; for
out of the 4,000 people present; not one
could go away without hearing of the firm. -
'of Jackson Bres., ant e r novel scheme:
would be talked about for days afterwards:
WARDnN''s QOMMITTaE. — A special
meeting of the Warden's. Committee was
held at Brussels, on Friday last, to take,
steps to push forward the completion
the , from bridge et•that place. The con-
' tractor was present,• and explained that
the reason for the bridge being delayed.
was Owing to the difficulty of getting suit-
ableirony-the-str-ikes-and labor:troubes
havingdeleyed work It was found that
the road inspector, Mr. Ainsley, bad
awardedthe contract without: asking for
any security for the due performance of
the work. The contractor, at this meet
ing, furnished satisfactory security, offered,
to put up a'teaiporarybridge to accommo-
date the trade of Brussels, until the other
is completed, at his own expense,andd,,g�ttn
extension of time was given him.fos cilm-
pletion of the contract,.
A Ma ESTATE.- Vlariyor the readers of
the Nnw EitA will be glad to read the fol-
lowing;—An association has been formed
by the heirs of the Lawrence, Townley
and Chase estates, in order to obtain their
rights. They have authorized Mr. S. II,
Blake, of Toronto, to attend- to their'in-
terests,,and as soon at 4e, Motley 'can be
collected for: therpttrpose lieNwili proceed
to England on Itis incision, ' The value of
, the estate is said to be at: least £20.0,000;.
0`b0, sterling,- and consists of both money
and landed property. The number of
heirs isabout one hundred.and fifty. We.
are glad to state thatithe following persons
, , are of that number: -Mrs. Francis Crich,
of Seaforth; Mrs. F. Tamblyn, of Brandon,
ManitobaY; Mr. Stewart Johnston, of Lis
• towel, their mother, R1rs, Sidney Johns-
ton, of Brandon .--being of, the family .ot
Lawrence ' also iliiss I:fil't`s fills, laugh;
ter of A Willifi''`Esq., of Seatorth. ‘Ye
congratulate otir friends on theil• prospects,
and trust they shall soon be in possession
of their, inherititiice. •
the'advanced . age of 139 years ; thein
firniities of age,have beentelling on him
for'some'time, 'and it was, from this cause
he died ; he was a pian of considerable
intelligence,but of,a very retiring disposi-
tion ; he -died as Ire lived—trusting in the
power and-presencelof his Saviour. •'A
shooting match was held over near the
diamond on • Wednesday, but •no large
scores`were made. Mrs: C. ter, of Sea -
forth, .is visiting.. frienrr 'here. Mr. T.
Tipling is .'putting lip a large 'barn on
Huron street in order that , e may engage
more extensively in the horse trade. Mr.
,James niith and wife aro visiting friends
at Brantford. The Cricket Club went to
Brussels yesterday to play a friendly
game. • Chas. Spooner, jr., is home on a
visit.. Seaforth has formed a :.Young
Liberal Club ;: why cannot ;Clinton _.do
likewise ? Mr 'I3. Watson now. holds-ia.
situation in a Detroit Sugar Refinery.
Mr. Simpson is potting'a'stone foundation
beneath the house on Mark 'Street, which
he purchased from Dr.Worthington. The
mayor, clerk and ,assessors went through
the voters' lists the other day and selected
jurors who are to'act when called on, to
the --number of '?2.-`_A temperance con-
vention was held at Hensall last Friday;
among other business transacted was the
nomination of 11t;r. '•.James Wanless, of
Varna, for theposition of ,Police Magis
trate for. the South Riding of Iduron.=-
liullett Agrieu,ltnrai Society
A. meeting, c.f the director's of the Hui.
lett Agrieultur ii Sooiety•was held at. the
Commercial hotel, on Saturday last, Mr.'
Prop�l foot acting secretary in the absence
of Nfr. Robson. Mr. John Taylor was
conditionally-grantedthe use of the Ag- IP
ricultural hall for one year, the society to
have the use of the building when requit-
ed for agricultural purposes. Mr. W. G.
Broadfoot having protested against the
judges' ruling with reference to his mare,
the following resolution was carried:—
That Mr, Broadfoot's mare having been
put out of the Agricultural and General
Purpose class as being too heavy, is never-
theless worthy of,special mention. The
following corrections from the published
prize list were ratified:— •
Thoro-bred cattle --Milch cote) 1 and 2,
W, Biggins. •2 -yr old heifer, 1 A Elcoat.
Bull calf, 1 Snell & Sons, 2-W Biggins;'
Best female; animal,1 W Biggins, 2 Snell
& Sons, :nerd, any breed, 1 Snell 8;,.SonF,
2 W Biggins. Water -color painting, 1-2,
J' J Biggins. Soquet natural flowers, x
Miss J ltohinsen, 2 J J Biggins. Hang-
ing basket, 1 J' .T Biggins Vatliety dah-
ling,, i 'r' Holloway. 2 J J Biggins. WV'ool-
en gloves, 1. Miss 11i`eGill, 2 11, ;tireewittn.
By purchasing your goods•at
He sells cheaper than anybody else, •
Just received a large stook of
Which, are tieing sold very cheap.
New - Fall: Goods Arriving Daily.
FREE PRESS, from now till: the end of
• nest year for ONE ,DOLLAR.' ,
Bookseller and Stationer;
0 IT 1:R0
DRESSlr' r
We are shoving one of the best selected stocks in the above
o e
department, . and • would- respectfully ask the
- ladies to inspect our stock. •
The MANTLE Department
We are in a 'position to execute any
orders and guarantee every satisfaction.
Flannel lankets • an -a-1. Woollen
Goods at the Lowe
sp bottorn'fi ure
MEN'S UND ERCLOTHING. at pries _ ,hat . no Poi se . __.
shall - sell lower.
A magnificent stock to select from.•
We are:
dethrnlnetl that no first-class and see if'we bacGoods store shall ••
undersell tis. Come Dry up'
. what we say:...
ur*shin- g
Their stock
$ splendid ;' ;the assortment is great`;; the, values:
offered unprecedented
.ee;what . eIegant0VE.R•C.QAT.
ou[can et for $12 up'''to .$24•
$ee .w a y
you. on -�•el.for012 • a to 2, 0
No matter•what you need, we can please you, fit you and send
you away perfectly satisfied. ' . �, •
N -• r
Three Doors West of Dickson's Uook Store
All. ;the Latest NOVELTIES in:
We lza ve a.11 1 e Late,,t and mos-
l'ashion.able Sriapes in. Celluloid
and'o L' nen... oitllars. "
This is the • very latest NEW
Come and see our Immense Stock.
r. ,T '"r y