HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-10-15, Page 4•
allovtropenteuts. r. Stanlby• Fall Pair.
Save eneneir.-ou 'mason
r. .
Dreee GoocDepartWellt.-Fay
Latest Novelties.--Jacksou Bros.
" Servant wanted, -Mrs 0, Dickson. -
Catitior, -Abram Akisum
04110014 -Geo! Stinson.
Stamping. -W. Cooper.
indertalcing,-T. Stevenson.
eW P1nshee.-13ees1ey lee CO,
- '-essee
Clinton tus tra,
FRIDAY, GOT, 15,, 1886.
, Tha newgeoundi,ef the 6tep1ay sew catin-
j ral Societg, pee Bayfield, were used 4 the'
I filet tines on Moritlay ua Tueiday,' 0*
; 'nth' of'the fell allows They are convene
situated, quite claw to the village, but are a
little mettle entail aide, ant Will Me do t•bee %%teethe ua w oods. Crochet wok, 1 Ana 2
enlarged in the course of:time. There.'41 Mise Vitestoee. 'Embroidery° eilk, Mies
good erctied of people in 'attendaline,` 'the Sivaffield. Fancy braiding, Mrs BegeA.Ilister,
gate receipts for both dare bang $201, vrhile
araelergtgifrepie Phillips, 'Miss !Nat.
elow, tdipe Pollock, Min Phillip". Crochet M
Tabieedeape gum Phillipseldiee,Nott. Seta.
tevine, ales j Satoh'', Mho Swaffield. Rooked
mats, •gre Nott, Swett -lad, Embroidery
walk, .isatin' or velvet, giesgorriettp, Ajohii-
eitme Begird pf Hewers, fergeggies.Woode,
DLL Ritobie. Baguet, ot •flotvere, W 1/
the entries in all cheeses were OonaderahlY
advance of former Years. 'The aliclwr b°11 it
de *ante:yeas ceedit to the aoweithipe
the opinj on bemg,gionereng expreesed that it
/was the,hist one ever held bi the village. In
• horees there was ver y keep competition its
numeroueentries, Teseslargeat etehibit of
eltossou. Mose' as buggies that had been made at any eliowethie ,
year, wee there. •The lefties who settle
A Reform danonstration Will be held the contest for lady driverseeere ; Miss Swan;
13ruceffeld; Miss Horton, -Tucketimith ; Miss
at Wingbam, ou Tuesday ifternoon next, Swarte,' Clinton ; Miss Hienah, "Seaffirth ;
when addresses will be delivered by Heti. gra, Jades Cowie, Stanley ; gre,WgIelliett,
Edward Blake act]. Olhers. There should Oadarieh tawnshiP. Dining the afternoon of:
• Tuesday, a man named Elliott, orStaVletY,
be a large tui neeat of, the friends of the got kicked by a horse, and was laid Out fee e.
Liberal cause.The consmittrying ma; tee are trybut his injuries were not severe,e e
to niatee aramgements to moue a special The usual -number of thimbls•riggere .weree
train Nen Clinton, but the rate, anyhow, ,.
has been placed at one -fare and a•third,so
that tboee wine wish to attend can do so.
-- 1:et there be a grand rally. ,
/IjtJaNott. Knitting in WOrstecl, foncy, Mrs
W.Ellteet. QuiIt in. 'Patchwork, Mise •Nett,
gra II gleAltieter, reneYqafl.t, Ma
liott, VI 3, MoAllister, 'Leg cabin quilt,'
Men 1obniTougli. Gents' linen Shirt,
W oClenelley, Mrs Nott. Gentle fancy
unel shirt, Mro Nott, A. Johnston. Plain
hand ileiving, A. johnston. Wax fruit, Mrs J
Mcletiote Nies Nott.• .13erlie wool work, raised
AJohnetien, Miss Miiegeoe Berlin wool worts,
; I4113 W Etliettallies Morgan. Tistee'neY!
hie Nett. Water color paletitig, Miss Esso;
TWO liWae iltiwers in • pots, 1 tid 2: Miss
Wooda - ° ' • "
leireeretzttesseeLtigiliee 'wagon., ji3eundeon
,Lendeshoro, It' Teempson, Geclerieh, Done
ble buggy, J Ramadan. PP, gaygard, Clin-
ton. SingleeleoggyePlel,,effityward, Aeletorton,
Gadieriulgg Covered leiggY.P W Hayward, T
uu hand, but Reeve Ball" . Promptly 141t,...a's ' '1 teil egg es Chilled. plow„ L Beattie. . Iron
•stop to 'their operations on•thei otreets. -4,40 -bea I 'now, Te_Tintin
ad iiireewc teodrethoefmtbtoe oSpoeoriaettoy; 0 however, otsbv ee vgerro, 13' unnaws ,i, eaeni yd • ,iiKoeFedseraeileie;L:GileenaKi.e- plowgs4 0 (ILI dr orBni drill,
we °a t;sOnei.
they beat teuite a number, One of the. shell iiay. ''
retty rake J Steen. Ilerseshoes A Kifk
manipulators Was chased' off the grounde bY a ;lege ' • . 0; ' ."
• h °Woe Recommended, binder W Levy •
Metorrn convention.
There should, end doubtless there will
be, e large attend,ence of Liberals; at the
convention•to be had at Goderich to -mor-
row, Saturdaye-for the purnose of nonein•
ating tr candidates for the West Riding of
Huron. '
• SEVERAL l'able'! some ih-
teresting contununicatiense and other mat-
ters of greeter or less' intereatgare criewded
out of this issue. Local news must have
the preference every time, Wher. fee
get rich we are going to have a paper
• large enough to put in all we want, every
bine, but for the Present we must content
• _ enrselyes wiele crowding,eneo kgiven epace
more home news than is giveh by any
other paper in the county.
THERE ia unustial activity in political
circles all along,tiMine," and it behooves
our Liberal friends to be prepared foreany
eMergency Tie general elections may
come on at any time, and they maybe
postponed indefinitely, but bur friends'
should "'buckle on the armour and be
_ready for the fray," whenever it cpmes.
• • e•-• as •
, On Sunday evening iiext, Rev. john Gray
will preach a sernenr- on ,"Temperance", in the
Baptist church. ' • ,
Rev. John Cray was not able to take his Base
Line appointment Sunday, and. Mr. Jas.
Young wane to hisassistance.. •
. , .
Miss L. White is at Owem,Sound, as dele- •
gate from the Wompu's Christian Teroperince
'Uniori of this place, to a:convention irtprogress
there. •
Rev. Mr. Stewart goes .on a visit to his mo-
ther, at Lachute, "Que.. this week, his pulpit
for the two Sabbaths, be supplied from 'To-
ronto. •
The Presbeteey of. Heron receives eel from
the Home Mission -Vend Of the Presbyterian
.• church, for Services' 'rendered duriees. tthe pait
helf.year. • • • ,., • . • • • •
Mr. Jas. Seett•has beep:taking-the: placesef
.Rey. A. Stewart. on Missionaey delegetionegn
the• eouthern .part of "the ceuntee . the • hitter •
being unable,toe attend. • • Se • .- - • .
. . .
Rev, gr.-RuPertocelpied'his own pulpit on
Siinday,-the fihit time. for Weeks. In
• • hiemorning Sermon. he referred in .• no. mime,'
takeableanamea to certaia •existine evils. • •
The Porresters atteuded-St. Panl'S churchin-
a body. on Sunday, when eseianonwaieliffeeffed
there by Rey: it: McCoeler-er Wingemie;
as our readerslatow, is.pei•fectly at home .on any
Sr P.vor.'s tittrui.m...--lloy. W. Craie-left this.
week on yet:stem:fern couple'd • weeks,' during
which, time 'his pleesetall supplied far hiin.
OA Sunday there willhe - .special eateetitereen
aid of diocesan funds. • . • • I • . • • e'
• lrhe•Treasurer-Of the 06anty- of .Heron Scote
Act Association.. is in receipt of. $15, from the
- ladies' of the Women's elhastien. Temperance
• 'Union ef (Mame, as. p,' gift for' benefit of
• the temperance work • • er,
few infuriated ones who had been (tootle and -B a'. rump' it"B' • Fanning mill'
gPetriet.-Deeks, •Fritz Wilk, It W ;bele
T...... -
it was with considerable diffiquity thats e '
enamel the vengeance of his vioome ; 'his "
gaties BrehMaa, P Wild, Spanish; 3 Weeds.
" oftener" taking refuge for a time iu a tern, Ply/Stout's Roclo, S Badore, Exenes:-:-Pickling` Cabbage, 4. Cowie ;eon
at. one of the hotels. ' • '
. , : • 4 Gardner, Jos Hudeon. Muscovy dtick"; J
The prize liet is as folfais :- • Huclacin. '
AGRMOLTurtAL Honsts,-Brood, Mere with
faale Jas eamPbell, R McAllister. • Foal, PaiatingeMisiEsson; paiated screen; Miss kss
Mte J Mustard, J Campbell. .Two-year seuf.clankleleard, Miss Morrison ; brusli.holder,
Miss Morkisen; filipper ease, Miss Morrithere;
old filly, 1 and 2 Jonah Nicholson. ' Two.
year-old gelding, Jae Turner. W Pale Year. Kensington \Painting, Mist', Gardner ; eil
old filly, 11 McAllister, '.7 Salkeld,
'span of'Painting iti satin, Miss Gardner; mantle'.
working horses, Rich Baker, 1 bowie.. :. drape, MieteGardiser; embroidery on linen,Miss
GENsam, Penrose Efortses.Brood Mare Morgan; panel in oil,, gra Vr•Stanbary ; oil
on yelvet, Mrs Dr St:sphere's; knitting M cot.
with feel, J Rad, It McAllitter. Foal, AV
. tont Mies MeAllister ; matsi Woe leifilliick ;
Logan; W Elliott. Year.olcl•colt, T Elliott.
Two year gelding,T II Welsh, W Clarke. crochet !aim =tallies e'ollookepin cushion;
TeM;year-old filly; lar Sterling,W Elliott,- Miss Morgan gdarued net, -Miss Jewett ; em -
Year -old gelding, J Parke 11 Makin& Span braderynn muslin and cotton, Mrs. W Mo.
"Of working horses, T H Welsh, W Mossip. , Clinchey ; ,white •cottea etockings, Mrs Jno
,......CAREIAGE-HoRsES.—Broed- mere -with foalr.1.0!1filli_teuckle cheese, John Tougli. maple
A Gordon, W Smith. Foal', AA.lord9rti 0, sugar and syrufre-WisTeviiiitifitraThherty Or-
Sintrke. Year-old colt, Mrs J Peek, J Tor. gans.
esorees-D McIntosh.e:4
-H,Brimfield ;
ranee.. Two.year.oldl;gelding, 0 Wells, Two Jum
year-old Ally, G A Sheppard, Too Reid, G Walter, Tuoksmith; D Denovan, Seaforth.
Year.old gelding, j Reid. Year•old filly, Q Cattle -\V Graham, Stanley'; G Anderson,
l and
Sparks, Jno Pollock. Span of carriage horses Stanley; Jae flearn, Clinton. Sheep
A Forsyth, 1 Miller. eluggy horse, S. go. pigs, S Andrews, Goderich; Jno Tough, Stan.
Lean,. :A• Jel- Campbell, Saddle horse, Jae ley ; 11:McAllister, .Flay. 'Dairy -.V Scott,
an; Bissitt_Bros. Best lady rider; yin. Brucefield ; W Morrison, Bayfieldell'phn-
Stran Bruoefield,, Miss Horton- Tuckersmith. -Irtmri-znrinhegseGrain and seells---7very,
.Ehnes, Zurich .. T Ironstone, Bayfteld ; Jno
Colt sired by Prince of Caehley, Jno Elliott,
E Bothwell, J Reid. Lady 'driver, Morgan, Bayfield, Ladies' work-esefies El-
ton, Miss Swan. liPtt, Goderich township ; Mrs 'Dr: Gardiner,
Bayfield: „lVfanufactarers-W Scott, Bruce:
GRIPE Carrise-segilch cow, J McNabb, j
field; r johnitom Zurioh, Vegetables -A
Reid. Two year old heifer, • W Elliott; NV.
• Sparks, E Robinson, Stanley.. Fruit -R Mo -
Weeds. Year old heife'r, ej Johnston, W
W Clarke', JellificholseM I
II Woode. ' Fat 'cow or heifer, W 11it, weds,lveen, Stanley, Thos. Marks, Bayfield. Im-
j Reid. Heifer call, plements•Jno Day, Bayfield, J- Robertson t•
Two year old steers, 1 and 2, W H Woods. Bruoetield ; J Diechert, Zurich. .
One year eld steers, W Woods. "Fat ox or.'°ea' ' .
. •, . .
steer,1 and 2 W' Woodie Bull,calfeW Levan. Three-year NOrtii . Huron - Teackeirs.
W Clarkeold steers, 1 and 2 . ' • . ,
Woods., '
• Au. interesting Ann Profitable
:Sneer-eCotswold-Ram. lamb, 1852 John Meeting. •• .
Salkeld, • Pair ewes, J Clark, Jno Salkeld. . • . • •
Pair ewe Iambs,J.Salkeld: • , es The regular . semi•nnnual meeting of the
Leicester -Aged tam, .3 0 Stewart.. Shoed. North linion•Teitherie Association Was- had
ing ram, 1 0 Stewart. Rein •1&2.W in the Central Scheel, Seaforth, Oct: 7th and
Clerk, Pair ewes, lea W Clark. Shearlitig. '8th; The President, Mr. j. C. Linklater,
ewes, I Salkeld, W Clarke. ,Ewe'lembii, .W ,the Clinton godebachoel„ occupied the chair
Clark, 1 Salkeld. Fat sheep, W If Wants, and:plied on Mr.. L. 11.1eFeul to, engege in
•J Salkeld. • , prayer. .The report Of the Moretarg 'was' read
• . Down sheep of any hind:-Itatn,'1&2 W and adopted. eli. Grnees'haidedie his resi
Cooper: • Shearling 'ram, -J. 0. Stewart.; 'W nation as aecetary.treasurer, .,whiclion.. the
Coeper. Pair awes, • W • Cooper,. : Shearling motinnetaleserseDuff and Lotigh wesuccepted
Mies, ler CoopereJasHudson. Rani lembeW Mr. if. ,:Porrin was appnieted .emgetAiy pro
Ooeper, I Salkeld. .,"•- .. • toe,. On the motion 'Of Meeers. Me.Filul and
•'Bios--Berkshirese-Aged betit;gps Penliele„ Malloch, A vote of thaliks, was, given . gr..
-GA Cooper: Save .not known,.0.A Cooper. 'Groves for .his sere -ices :seceteryetteesurer
Bear; ;sex anoeths or • under, R penhale,.• T dbrieg thetime he has, been connected, in that
lelanstone. . Sow," six.months orunder; Van office, with the Itistitute,'• Mr. .elellech was
Bee, (4' A Cooper. . , . . delegated to apple to the County Council. for
Suffolk-sAged"Boar, 1.et2 Gen Play is. ' • Sow 'two grants of money due the Association: Mie
iSkileGee Mew's. Boar eli Menthe -et under,. Linklater tookfor his annual addiees "'Some
• 1&2 Geo Playas., Sow, six .miffithe titter, etedies.essential to a teacher's suacess." The
18:2 Geo Plewis. ' • . • • , saddress was replete With deep, theught frni
" Delete Peonece.-e-Tennett-ealt butter, Mrs men well known- anti thorough; censeimitious
G 'Weston, J .Matieley: Stilt better, ,Miss and practica teacher. . But weeshallnat .try..
Swaffield, 'Mrs j Reid. Table butter, gre., to summarize it as; in:its entirotY, it will be
Cooke, Mise-11--MbeAl1itinfee-Taitigrerffilegeng -pritital-eliertly-iirsouretisfetireeplepers-ert-the
J. Tough:. :Heine made cheese; e and 2 A. comity. • The teieliets eordiallg thanked Me.
Johnston i thine Made Wine, jos Wild,' A' Linklater. . . • ,• •
JOhtistoe. Honey in jar,„A Johnston; It•ge- Atehe. afternoon session; Mi. Mallech took
Ilreen, Honey in eernb, . A Johnston. Biker's up the subject, of ."Orthogeaphgarid-Ortheepy"
bread, Jno Feee.,..gliame.matedirea.dgelre.g• *for' the:entrance iseansination. fie illustrated
IF, \Yeah-, Mese/ MeKinley. . ' theracthod, of making :the • Weide set at. the
recen t,entran OW examination and • skoWed *bat
the examinee requiredeof oandidatee; On 41e
Orthrepy paper'', in indicating the pronuncie;
ing fully,of difficult 'words. Mr.lettff-mad
-View reinarks.on the:subject, ' . . .
Mr. W.- E. ,Groves .. with. I eThe . ricle
iroin, Ghent to Aix". i n' th tra n co. L ite ra tu re.
A elites of,pepils was in attendonee and-fer
thirty minutes Mr. Groves,hy ekilfulsonestion-i
initand wellatiretted thogght, drewfrom the
Olgsealair coneeptien' of the beau Wit Of Eng-
lish Literature ands andeed„ of. the tif
Browning's peArege Heevat: thaekee heartily
for his effort, A. vote 'of thanks was. peen to
the class, • • '. • .
Mr. S. .1.11eke geterel with the
manner of,teneltinge and thedleoice'ef, entente
for an 'oliject leason, XIi eigies ill the- Main
were geed and, We believe,• will be commen-
ded by' progreiseive, practical teachers:in the-
futere. He edvecated the selection of such.
'subjects es a stmirtel, a liewk, different kinds
of ',sages and flowers. A •vigorous
Maned, in whieh the method advoteated. Was
"well •op.cemil..up t!' and was engaged ;in by
Messrs. Shaee, McFall, Coleman,Howell.,
Lough, Liklater, and gelesy, Mr. Hicks de.
fended himself well. ' • "
Mr. &May, of Crelebrotek, eead'a .valueble
limpet on " Education fioin_ a merit stand.
point,", in which he dealt with diflereet
phases of the nubjed, and referred temany of
the factors in the inc:uleation of whogeome
morality, Thc opinions' of the oesayist Were
.endorsed by the association.' To the dime.
sion of the paper, Meseete Linklater, 'Maks,
Shaw, ,Hagarty, luir, Malloch, Doig, !end
Revs. Itatiell and- tam:fads took pert.,
, Mt. JU. Ilarstonepresented his vicWs on
goaclicts' Examinethies. Ife.epolo strongly
in favor of a high standard as the true way
of keeping education progiussitee. Hie paper
wilt be reyeeed'ehortle, an4 givento the press.
An hnimated discussion by Rev: Mr, Ed.
monde,' Drs. 'Coleman and Smith, lied Messrs
Malloch, Lough, Rieke, .McCaughey, Lin kla•
to; A. "McKay, C. McKay atlas J. W. Shaw,
brought tile afterneon sesaiou 'to a close: • •
Tho Friday inclining aessioe wee opened
Was opened -with prayer by Mr, Turnbull, of
the Clinton Iligh Schad. The minutes of
the previous day were tend and adopted. On
the ,motion of Moors, tr urnbnll aed. Neeeting
Mr, A. M. ,Herchill was appointed. Secretary.
egr, lougle.cgave notice that at the next
iineeting o tleereesecesiation he will Make. a
:Minion to hey° the fee for memberehip rodeo.
gel, and thee: ewe' teacher procure bit educe.
tionel journaleerhie men acoount..
letr, Shaw! a Myth, Coated an. delegate
.to. the Provincial Aesociation, Instead of
feeding epitomes, 'ot the rations papers read
at that Aseociatien, lie Wisely gave, for the
epaefi Q.f.itbont tem n atees sebtervatione
on tomes of direct interest to the profession.
lelesereeTarnbull, Linklater and Thigarty (in-
terest into a disetiasiou oMr:Shaw's remarks,
• Mr. F. Woodhulfgthe evangelise, • who 'hes Geemaxe..Seimee-e-White whiter iy4eat,
• " held very successful revival" meetings differ- Salkegetel Johnston.. Red Winter wheat, J
tut parts ofthe-connty; and we at present en-
• eaged at Effinville, wiliconenence meetitige at
Bethel appoinEnient,'Creclerich. township, about
the filet of November. . .. - . • , .. .. •
---S4:42ardisnarell-ho-lilliric sun-'--7.i'-.---ner. lost the
services of two most. esthnable young ladies,•
. who, hy marriage, transferred their sphere to '
• the Presbyterian Church:, Rumor says that
the next marriage to ocour, willtake c.11 egnally
Poptilar.yuting lady into:iSt. Pi:44h
On Sunday last, while Rey,. -IV McDonagh,
et .Strahroy, germerly of (Jlinton) and O friend.
were 'driving to an ofterneoa,appointinent, the
horse *as frightened bya; pig, araboth gentle-
. - • • men -were, thrown out, gr, • geDoneele.baying-
les wrist broken and the'other 'his collet bone,
'Clinton ritisedfor the Bible Society lea year
the sum of $87,10 in theelowei; tend $48.30. in tho'
conntry, making a total of $13:5;4f?, a. larger
amount than by any of the'neighboring'.towns.
• the annual report.of the society the Clinton
Branch is . highly spoken of as having effielent,
• 'officers. The agent,. Rev. R. McCosh„ stayseg-
. ege. J. G. Stevenson is one of the ubleat offi-
cei•s in the district under my charge,", .
e . •
The Baptist church wee crowded 'on Saliday
evening to listen to n 'sermon on "Labor" by
Bee. John 'Gray, that whom thertele am man
in the county of Hurot better qualified to speak.
Ite prefaced his reinerke .by a few general
:•tatements. concealing theXneadits of 'Labor and
theirprinciplek and as he proceeded in his Ails.
;lab r ti es. Ills remorks Were par-,
rout. kis platform broadened and embraced
tieulrirly prac cal'and;edifying:. .
• At the last rneetiog of the Womextei -Christian
remperance Union, it was decided in future to
separate tbe work 'U
'of the nion into Iwo dis•
tinct branches one of which will, as in; the pe,st,
leols after the 'work of temperance, and the eth.
er cleyotc itself to the relief of the poor of our
town. The meetings 'will in future be conduct..
ea seintrately, caeh alternate meeting' takingup
its own vocal branchof work, 'On Tuesday,
Oct 10, a meeting of.the WeC.T.II. will beheld
in the Baptist Churels at 3 p.m:, , to mike the
necessary changes in their regulations and at
4 o'clock the same afternoon, the firstmooting,ef the ltelief Society will he held, to 'which all
the ladies ofethe town. who wish.to join in tide
good work are cordially invited,
3.1IStil04ARV grieenteg-The annual fr.:is:don.
stry meetifie of, Willits. Churoh congregation was
held i n. the leettire room of the church on Thlirs-
,day last. the 7th inst.. !Meatier was taken- by
itev, Mr. Stewart, and the meeting was ad-
elreesed by len% efeeers Thomson, of Itensall;
Aelieeon, of Kippen ; Martin, of leeteterand
. Pletcher, °Minims Road, the delegation ,ap-
pointed by the Presbytery of Huron to rsport
to the Clinton 00figregation upon the various
teriltarlee Of the church. Mr. Thomeon epolo as
to College& Mr. Acheson as to Permed' Min
'1V1rtartin as 'to lloine Miesionse .and
etrYletellWas to Eratelt Evaegelizatien, aged
and infirm ministers fund, rind the widows and
orphan's fried • The deleeation generally Coe
remented the-I:ought:abort -fee- tilde ititt
and liberality in stiepereof the eareus eliter.
prises of the elitirele
,Jno McKinley. Democrat wheat, 3/
Iludscm, W Stegdill. Lost natien•wheet, A
JOhnston 'V • istiiii--Anrettraririud-wr
spring wheat,. W Tliirsk, J Salkeld. Small
peas,W Tpwesend,11 McAllister. Two Towed
barley,. J Salkeld, W H Welods.• Four rotted
barley, W Thirsk, I Salkeld. White gets, A
Johnston, WSwaflield. Black oats,W •Stog.
dill, S Badore. . Tibiotby seed, A Johnston, •
J • McKinley. Flax deed; 4.,,Salkeld, Fred
Wilde Corn, Wild, T Vanetone.
Fater.-C011eiatioie of grapes, Joseph Wild,
Miss Weeds'. Apples, j Wild; Geo A Cooper,.
Winter apples, Met Grainger,' Geo Weston,
Collection apples,. James Wild, GA. Coop6r,
Pears, D F/ Ritchie, J Wild. Collection pears,
Fate. Wild, 'Peaches, I? Wild, Maw
Johnsen°, Grapes, not known, Geo Weston.
Crab apples, J Wilti, W Townsend..
Vettzeeetes.-Early,potatieeseJ Wild, Geo
Wood, Late potatoes, J Wile, Thies Jowett.
Field mingolds, ItegoIlvecu, John Salkeld.
Yellow globe. mengolds, W It 'Woods, 'Fred
:Wild: Beets, T Vanstonee 0 Wools. Cab.
bage, .G Woods, Cowie: Ca'uliflower, Yen'
leae, A Johnston. Carrots, G Woods, Thos
Yinstone. Parsnips,. G Woods, T
Pumpkins,: W 11 Woods, B Eadore.' .Squash,
Jos liudison, W MeClinchey. English potato,
alone, „Id Westlake, le Wild. Canadian, Re-
teto onione, WSwafffeld, It 1c,1,1vjetn. ' Other
onions,,T Vanstone, J Wild: Field turnips,
.W Townseitr, F Wild. Field carrots; Geo
Woods, W fl Woods. • White oelery, 1 arid 2
0 Woods. Ited'celory; 0 Woods, A Johnston.
Winter tatlisheseJ Wild, G Wood. Citrons,
Cfr Erwin,. A Johnston. Musk melon's, W
Townsend, W 11 Woods. Watermelons, -1
and 2 W, Townsend. Beans, J Wild, le 'Wild.
Large teenatoes, W Swaffield, George Woods,
Small tomatoes, G Woods, W. Staillield.
eillasisseteruries; - White- flannel, home
made,. grriepTiett, A• Johnston. Colored flan-
nel, home made,, Mrs. '-Nott, A:Johnston.
Full cloth, home made, A Jolmeton
strong. .e$atinette, homemade, lad A John-
ston. Woolen blankets, home made, D Arne -
strong, Mrs. W AloOlinchey, homemade
carpet, A Johnston, Mrs. Nott,'Woollen
yarn, 1 and 2 Mrs'jno Reid. &Miring yarn,
•Mrs Nott, .A. jeihnston. Woollen stockings,
'Miss Weeds, leIrs Nett. Weollen sticks, Miss
Nett, Mies Polloce. Woollen mitts, Fritz,
Wild, Mrs Nott. Woollen gloves,- 1 and
A Johnston. Fine boots, 1 and 2 W Foley;
coarse boots, land 2 W Foley, ,Deuble her.
nese, G A Sharman, Clinton. Iluggy harteee,
A Sharman, Clinton, T Catueron. Coopera'
work 1 and 2 ,1; Arnotrone. Cabinet work;
'A A:Bennett, Clinteri. •
Wonx.-Knotted pillow sham, Miss
oreisoil;' gree W Elliott, 13raided piUow
sh ; Mrs It' McAllister, Mrs ,Jas Hudson.,
Cron let table mats, Mite Nott, Miss Woods,
'I eget mats, Mies Morrison, Miss Salkeld:
Tee tiered vote of thanks was tendered the
delegate. Mr. Tomball wite next called on.
for his papers. Before begianing the disci's.
„pion of the ciliation* in sranmear given at the
last entrant's' examination, the speaker ex.
pressed. his gratification at seeing 'before him
many teat:here whom he once had as stu.
dente of the Clinton High School, He ex-
preseed his symPatbY with the teacher pre.
paring -pupils tor the exteence cop:Amster' as
now coeducted, and also for tbe candidate -
ranging in yeare from II to 24 years; he
dwelt eapeoially on questions j, 2, 4, 5 and 6
of the grrnsmar paper, and showed the ideas
underlying the "catch" questions. He con.
eluded his remarks by appealing to the teach.
en to exemitie and support the important
Preblero, the inauguration of "A College of
Preceptors." The discussion following was
led by Messrs: Lough, Hagerty, gine, Bur -
chili, garage Geoves and flicks. Mr,
Turnbull was given a cordial vote thanks by
the assMietion,
Miss ileiyar taught a Language Lesson to a
lira class of boys and girls. Much interest.
was taken iit it by al preeeat ; by using the
blackboard,. rapid aa d coutinued questions
and •answers, arid with the fullest command
of her cless Mies Ilelyar drew forth Hem
and ways dexprosaion from children young
in years and thought. She was highly com-
mended for Mr t gob by Rev. Mr. Edo:lends
and Messrs, McFaul, t,oueh,Groves,Dorrance
and Agarey.,
gr, Hagerty, of the.Seaffirth High School,
disouesed en general the subject of English
Literature partieularizing as to methods at
elswolosees4 his paper. He explained that he
had but a /short time for'preparing ; supported
atronaly Examiner Seath in the latter's views
Of what Ellelieh Literature should be as eased
ler on the eierniniition papers; did not be-
lieve inelleaussiug derivation abd the lives of
authors too closely When teaching the stile-
ject; eiould develop the thought of the writer
and 'show itigotrength, beauty or weakness.
An effort will' fre' Made to secure Me. Hager-
ty's paper for the press. On the motion of
Messrs. Turnbull and, Malloch, the essayist
was thanked 'for his paper. 'Discussion was
engaged in ley Messrs. Turnbull, Hagerty, A.
111 Kay, Duff, Harstone. • '
n Thursday evening tie entertainment was.
given in Cardno's
Toe attendance oe,Thursdae teaming we
pushed theffilgb. The aftereoon trains
braight a ell amber of teachers from the nor-
thern part of the -Inspectorate. The heaviest
part of the programme was dealt with on
.Thiirsday.afternoon. .At the next 'meeting a
recess of at least fifteen inin.nteo will probably'
:be -granted at eadhe session. - On Friday mor-
ning the peeers. Were called for in rapid sue -
cession. .As'it.svag.severerspapers and :mat.
tere Were passed oeet,untit the' nest meeting:
°The executive committee were disappoint-
ed that teachers did not make use of the.
" Question Drawer." But that they did not
was the resulte of a misunderstandingas to
What Subject's woad be dealt with in it. • At
the,next meeting we believe it will be fatly
utilized. . •
The oubject of English in general, isono
that teachers are devoting renich ate:item to.
'Mr: eTurnbull'e discuselon of the last Entrance
Grammer 'paper, Mr. :FlegaitY'ss "English
Literature" and.giss Hilyaes way of dealing,
,with a "Lauguage .Lesson to. a First Class,"
were all .followed with close iattention. So
'w.illikbe at the next meeting. . The subjects
of 'Eleinentary Grammar -and 'Corepoeitioe are
Ones thet are pressinglard �n teachers at the
present time, and aueffort will- be 'wade to
have. teachers who, devote their study main-
ly to .these sebjects, deal Wieh them .at the
corning cenyention.It woad have been
gratifying to many teachers had Mr. Turnbull
oe Mr; Begetter disseectedetim-lase Se-ccull and
Third-class pawner papers. • .
• By. :Messrs: Howell end Eldinmida, and
Drs. Colenian end Smith attended the cou.
vention, -the clergyreen osboth days. • This'
was specially gratifying to the teachers. ,
racial:Imre one of the teichette„thaeclergy•
men wouldthe better help on the Amuse of -
moral eduction, ier more frequently visiting
;he scboelse was zeplied to'by mead the Sea-
forthdenehere, thet the statenient eould not.
be applied' to.' the Ministers of Seaforth; they
'all showed an active interest in education
'TlbeTeWinment given.in, Cardno's Hall,
wee a gratifying success.. Mayor Coleman
performed the duties Of chairmen in a. happy
;manner. 'The ueexeeptional 'sitece.se of all
Part -ill -Go programme -ware pleasing to ell
parefeseconcereed. ,For a tepic. its chaurriae's
address, Dr. Coleman. seOlee on • the venus
7tOinti; .showleg it breadth of thought..ane
amount Ot tieliolarship, which, held, with good
several kood jokes, in his rendering of osSairee;
Letter.; .as for humor', Mr: Bright has 'con-
siderable; with a fair sprinkling ot wit. • Owing
to the aronmenill.,noiseiness7Of-sometoysT
r. goliayrs reading from :M,ark,,Twein did
not receive a merited•nttention, Rev.. Mrt
Edmonds reading for the children called forth
good attention hum oia and yeting,; •hitereci.
Wien of the "Village Blacksmith, e although
a ,selection. whieh every public sehool tato-her
is thekoughry eainilier with, was appreciated.
•,The mueical part of the ptogranme was of a
higll order.. piss. Ewing's selecliinis .ab the
piano Were admirable as tp Choice and dura-
tion, The-orchestraeplayed tWice, on both
occasione their' music was 'fine,. tee last 'seleb
nen being especielly. so. The Beelen Brigade
was soreethiug netts to Most Of: ths; audienge,
and,. therefore, received -a tharciegh scrutiniz-
ing. Lastly, the , singieg;ef the °hilt:leen,
theic. tasteful: dress and • gradation on the
,platforen,. the well nigh perfect preeisionseof
movement ineelub swinging, all went to show
much culture in the manner of dealing with •
juvenileseof tender yeare, on. the part 'of the
Seaforth public school teaehels, notably Miss
Edwards and Kiloiret. • .
The following motioris by the colinnittee �n
resolutions were carried unaiainouslyt-That
tbeethazikrof this Association be tendere.d-te
the.pupilse teachers . elergyneatergayorsand
eharmau of the Hishi Selfeelboard,who have.
beets present and lielpedstgainderour meet.
Mg profitable and eejoyable, as well as to the.
Publie School Board for granting us the use
of the building; alao that the reporters be re-
quested ta have their report. published in
the papers Of the county, Mee, that re swig
tory he intruded te 'convey to those. who
took•part in the proceedings in Ceram's Hall.
on Thuriday evening at dice public 'fleeting,
the•thaitks of this essodiation, • and, that the
sum Of ten dollars, taken ont 6f the promede
be handed over 'to Misses Killpren and Ed.
wads to proonre eatable mementoce of this
meeting for the little ones . whe delighted tis
by. the tinging and elub swinging. •
Theilbless of Pr. McLellan from poisoning,
was much rogreteed. Many teachers would
like to hey° heard his 'I'Educational Critics
Criticized." ,
. The• resignation of geOrotary Clire*OS was a
niatter for much regret. • Mr. Groves has been
Secretary for live years"; has worked hard t•
get the members of the Institute disease -sub.
jots at the meeting, has at nearly every
neeetiug taken a subject; sometime:a, twe or
three, himself; and 'unattended to the .flatil•
tifermaidetioe of See:tete:TT.. Ile stated his
reiteotte for withdrawing fitiril tI10 Office; and
the teliChers felt constrained to accept:his re.;
.signation. . We trust that his freedom from
the many 'duties eeSecretaryg will be the
means of still further leading lum to.. devote
bitioeff ththawelfarc of' the Inetittite. The
ultimoof the new secretary. is A. Barad'',
'Myth. • To him ell cOmmenicatione relating
to the- eccretaryship should be sent. . All
mattera 9f importance havieg been coneicler
al, on the motion of Mr. Gt, vee,the secretary
was ordere4 to terminate t.I t agreement with
publishers of papersgat the end of the present
year. Henceforth teachele will procure their
journals by '' clubbing."
A etsgessetion was made that the next meet.
ing of the Inetitute be hell in February. It
wee net received withfey ethe teachers
Considering that there migne be difficulty in
reaching Winghang shotild the month prove
sIt was moved by Mr, Hagerty, seconded
by Mr. Turnbull, that in view of the fact
that there is one common examination for
entrance to the High Schools throughout the
Provence ; and alio eif the fact that it is too
much to expece of young catididates ouch OS
thoee seeking far entrance. to High Sohoole,
to grasp the conflicting views on many
grammatical poffits'it its the „ opinion
of this association that one 00.Malort text
book, and only 9110'should be anthorized fer
High Schools, and that the examiner should
be instructed to adhere to lead text book in
the preparation of hie papers.
The following report wasimbenitted:-Your
committee appointed to examine the Secre-
tary's books find such satisfactory, with a
balance of twenty four cents (as stated by
Mr. Groves epTeesdeeeedee,the astioeletioege
also that there is Atia thegasekeition inlees,
twenty one drillers frpm members ; also that
thelotal number of members, on tbe roll is
Blalloch; W. L. Dell; 3. 0.
. •
Mise Radcliffe has been reeengaged in Blyth
Public School; •she is an excellent teacher
elf,. Diehl has bean re-engaged to teaoh Bay-
field road school, Stanley, at au increased
selary. • .
Olinion Model School had an average at.
tendance of 4111. during the month. of. Sey•
tember. .
The Benmiller, trustees Were wisely re,en.
gaged their present teacher, Mr. It. H. Mors
ash, for 1887.
Mr. A. Budge has been re.eugaged it an
increased salary,. in No. 3, Colborne. He 'is'
an Al teacher. • • -
The meeting of thegWest Huron Teachers'
Aesociation was in progiesa a,1 Goderich, yes.
terthiegand to•day. -age
Me, Thos. Elliott, ef Benmiller, has been
offered the position of teacher in g. S. No. 2,
Goderich township, and will likely accept it.
Alex.Watson Will not teach No. 5, Cel borne,
dieting 1887. His successor is Jobn Green,
an old Sheppardton peasent teaching'
in the township of Hay. . , . •
gr. PInnimer;-of. Marloah: (son of S.
Plummer, Clinton,-) has been engegedsin S. S
Nct. 7, Hullett, for the next year. The peo-
ple of this sectio ll will have no reaepn to re-
gret their choice.
The paper rend by Mr. J. 0, Linklater, at
the...meeting' of East Huron teachers, last
Week, on "Some studies essential to -a teach.
er's emcees," will appear in onr columns next
week. It is of general' interest, and well
Worthy of consideration,
Mr. T., W, Shaw has been re-engaged as
Princip.olef Blyth Pnblietchool for nekt year:
There is nonlore thorengli or goethead teach.
erbi the county than this same "Jack" Shiswe.
and we cpngeatulate the people f•Blyth on
retaining hiirserviciie.'• • • .
Miss Hougb,•(daugter of Rev. '3. Hough;
who has been in.the. lyth School foe the 'pase
yeae,' 'awes at the end of the year tc. attend:
college. She has .Made many friends during
her 'residence in Blytlis .willbe missed.
Her place .has not yet been fill ed:.-- . •
• -
, Huron ASSit04.
• •
:Queen: Ye, James Bailey. •pre.oner
keeps a hetel in Oodench, and is charged
with having, on, the night of the 2ed of
vember; 1884, stolen three; ballot boxee used
in the Scott Act contest, The principal ea.
-deine against the prisoner was,the deposition
of John McPherson, j who sworethat pas -
met winged with him that he (McPherson)
should steal, the ballot boxes from the Greed.
Jury stomp in the Caleb House, where, they
were stored, which he did, lelcrheretei then
took the stojen beges to .the prieotter'i hotel
and gave thero to him. ' The jury negatted
the prisoner. Messrs. Guthrie and -Witt for
Crown ; Mr. M, 0. Cameron for prisoner.
• Queen vs. Wm. Druniniond; larceny and
:embezzlernent. • Elis Lordship ilireeted an Oa-
.ciiiiiviit4.,0tal,iirtsay:_iiig r.i.lie_stir 27is
Q,ueen-v.s. Herbert .Lyle -r. arson, Prisoner
pleaded guilty. • g •
.Queee vs, •Thea....elaekseml-nrsores-Alhe-
-prisonee is ch-arged with having set tire to a
dwelling house in Gorrie helOngiug to his
father, on the.8th July hot. The only evi-
dence against the prisoner was, that. of an no,
complice, Herbert:Lyle,. Who was:indicted for
tbe sarne effette-aerdeatimitted-his guilt. He
swore thatesristatier.told'him they wanted to
get the inane:ince onthe bultding,. $800, end'
peeenaded him (Lyle) to amerepany him to
Gorrie and eesiat in' deetroying, the propei•ty,,
.promising him when he got the insurance,
After the cese for the Crewe' was closed His
.Lerdship expressed the opinion that it eyoidd
not be safe to contact, an& err. Guthrie for,
the Crown, said he Would not press the ease.
Mr. Gatrow'defended the prisoner.
Queen es. Arthur Wyatt, rape. The prise
oner was charged with having committed a
tape on Mary Anne Gerhutt, 00 the' '1st of
June last, in the Township of Hullett.. The
defence sought to establigh an alibi. The
jury lotted the pristiner .dot 'meaty; .11Ieeltra
Guthrie & Witt ler the Crown ; Me. Garrow
or prisoner, •
Jordan- vs, Dun, Action for construction
,of the will of theelate Michael Dann, of the
Township nI Doweey, County of 'Pertbegs
Judgment reserved. Mr; -Gireow for plfe ;
Mr. Harding for deft,-. • •: .
• Prindville•vs. Coppin, seduetion, No de.
/once. Jury assessed -the &images at $500.
•Mr. Harding for
• Knights or Labor.
f.r.crurtn Di MR. A. F. Ma.; TORONTO. •
,A large and representative audience
gathered, on Tuesday evening bud, in the
town hall, to listen to a lecture by Mr. A.
F. Jury, a prominent member of the or.
gapizatio0 of the Knights, of Labor, on
the 'Platform and principles of the order.
Many ladies graeed the occasion by their -
presence, and all the callings and profes,
sions were fairly represented, The chair
was occupied by Arr. R. Stonehana, who
in some appropriate remarks 'opened the
Meeting. He referred to the wonderful
growth of the Order, and the attention •
that labor questions were now deniandigs• .
from the public. He admitted that, ilk;
every other human society, it Wile not
perfect, and that there were those aneongst
theirnumberwile -could -properly be-calle-
ed black sheep. Their meesage, however,
was one of peace, and they looked upon
the laboring man everywhere as their' bro. t
ther, Mr. Jury was then introduced, and
received with great applause. He referred
-first-touthrb-errefitraising from union, as
shown in the history of their own organi-
zation, Before they became a power in
society, labor questions and the wants of
the laboring classes Were systematically •
overlooked. Since they became ,united,
however, a. good many measures that had
been demanded by the working pimple for
Years, had been given them. Mr. Mowat,
in. Ontario, had established a Bureau of
Statistics, and Sir John Macdonald had- ,
recently promised one for the Dominion.
Before the measures, which they were
particularly seeking now, could be ob,
tainedi the Government must know, frora
the information thole to 'be obtained, what
their wants really were. For four sessions
a Factory AA had been introduced into ‘•
the House of Commons, but, upon some
pretext had always been thrown ()Ver. In
Ontario Mr. Mowat had passed such an -
act, but owing to the.question
tion being in doubt-, it had not been en-
forced. It was now to come into opera -
then: eelethigleit Peceriihe, lend heel -Pad
for geod results from it: ThO-Ontifile
,Government had ,also given them ad Ems
ployer's Liability Act, bywhich eiriploy-
ers were liable to pay large damages,
'when accidents occurred ' through their
negligenbe in not providing suitable pro,.
tection for their employeeS. Herbetieveil
they -Un --a gat dertlfese-tireaRtrra-li-effMe
they had been well -organized, and the' •
ruling Rowers were .bound to ;listen VS
their demands. He then took tipestsirre ore
the principles ,ot the Knights of Labor, "
and spoke upon each at some length. He. •
referred . to the elasses who ;etre not al- s'
lowed; bY the constitution; to join the •
order, such as lawyers, commons gamblers,
and saloon keepers; the first he- described. .
ace sort of necessary evil in the present
state of Voider, and the two latter tie net
neeessary at all. n was also tile.policy
of the Knights not to admit those w.he
might be called. non -producers, suchaa
-moneyed men,. merchants, etc., tlioufl1.1
there was no bar against them by•the con-
stitution. The next point he torik, tip
• -epterationgtehieh he dwelt upen
at some lengths end read, statistics of.M.
operative societies and stores in England,
to prove that. it was:a a seecesse The
speaker also referred, to the land:question,
upon which he held the views, of Henry
George, that all lend shpeld-be tested its
the Government, in trust for the people, '
Inciden tally h e *touched upon,protectiotk, .
showing that whilst the manufacturer bad .
been protected, at the expense of the-,
rking.classes, the Ce'ovei nm .
enthad ex. , I,
peeded over $1;000,000 in bringing in
ported fabor to compete With the laboring
classes of the 'country. He closed With a •
.strottg appeal to the Knights to • live
worthy of the principles they professed,:
and to: guard Oleir order against dishonore
Mr. Jury was very frequently eheered,
pund u on taking, his sea *as given. an
•civation. . • . •
Someiruestisinietrelre put to Jury,
and satie4ctorily:answered, when upon -
motiongif Mr..W.. G. Smith, •sec:•43!..
gr. Ttveedy, hearty yote of th nits vas -
•tendered the speaker, which was briefly .
tiCknotylecietedi lend the Meeting closed
Anneliastiegs, who pleaded guilty to the
charge.ot stealing a gold ring, was eentenced
to one week to common jail,
This closed the business of the Comte ."
Bitter8.-A number of tile Portesters
of this place, attended the Anniversary
Sermon of Clinton Court, which was
preached by Rev. Mr. McCosh of Wing
ham on .Sunday last.. Mrs. Wm. Van.
stone who has been laid up for some time
with a severe cold, is now on the mend.
Mr. Bennie Miller, of Port Huron, YV1tS
the guest of Mr. S.' 11iller for a few days
this week, Mrs. T. Elliott is recovering
ety elowly. • gr;APfrainnser isshaving
his mill patched up gain. The Benmil-
ler Mental Culture Society &Idlest Thurs.
day evening When a good prograrniiie was
presented. The isOeiety wall meet regular-
ly now. Mr. :onetime Miller visited
13ayfield Show with his black team on
Tideisday, Our TOwnshiR Fathers paid
us 0. visit on Wedneeday and lee a jpb ef
fixing the hill near I. J. Fisher's shop; it
time that something was done to that
bill and we May thank onr Anetioneer
rot getting it done MA he gave the Council
no rest until theilk was jet.
DrertionatAto; •
. • . .
a•Tonee. A pplv to.31Itfl,.0.•DICESON, Wittlaa '
.‘ .
the undersigned will not be respenAible:fer-alV
'debts contraeted in his name .atter Able date. wIthvot
his eatten Oder.. • ABILAILOI AKAM
Oct. 1,1; MG. . • ttb . •
Oeteroess-ertre egad. Ann nEitEBY
, ,
T111510 negotitaieg a promisery note, dot. , .
'ed March 50, lase, made by •John ,11Ta1llsity, Witt. •
10Wnship, anwunting to $40, payable six Months • •
date. The atitile,having boon • lost,G
Londelboro, oet. 11,1880. 111 . ' • , "••
1EI18 to rent diat conveitionny situated Muse el,
Victoila :it. 'Large ironic "house, good stone .etilti, -
.11atd and :.rift water, . geed stabie; two me; if .heeduil.
gemyto'jos: .1eLLA.,N8der, Gardner..
. .
• me oKSC.1 At.reglei"Oft, • Sebt3 OR -TO RENT
1.-1:That conveniently .sittettea houseend elots et'
victoria st. Arouse contains 7 roonnt;good Wood Site.',
With hard and soft watek.. ghere aro . three tots in th.r .
property,'with a nthnher of fruit trees ;will be sold to
*Tilted cheap, . ANe a good stable. on the promisef.
apple, at rm.. ERA Ornee or..to A, DoDSWoRTu..
TERNS -sold in strips lor Embroidery,
Braiding., ete., and complete designs tor:
Slippers, Brackets, Aprons, "LaclieS Foot'
Stools, Cosies, . Smoking Caps, Pillow
Shams, etc....Hundreds of Designs. The.
design is warranted not to crunable•-oft-the
Impel. pattern or to rub4ofr the fabric when.
rte0 OD 17'.
`4aocen &xi) STAvp,)xnit