The Clinton New Era, 1886-10-15, Page 1t
TOI, 21, ette. 42
TERI(S-01.0o yes Annum in advance; •
.73ownol1i11 andr011agt Wittero
MORE PRIZES -Ur. BrunscIon ha$ again
O./ten-three prime ..etech ttli the Blyth etiel
Bayfield shows,forearriages,agaiust a keen
competition from all the " hubs" around
-Clinton may claim to be the "hub."
It is decided every time that We have the
whole carriage. •
'SMALL POTATO. -Two Potatoes la
been left last spring in the corner on t
briek floor of the, cellar of the Methodi
. Parsonage. - During. the sunnner th
them out sickleyelooking thin stalks, A
- or six inches .long, and little wirey roo
"lets in which grew teethe a little crop
potatoesfrom the size of a pea to that
a marble.. The floor was quite clean, an
the potato seemed to grow on air and a
little moisture from the bricks. The pota-
to crop, spread over the bricks, was quite
a curiosity.
Bniees.-Rev. Mr. Ramsay is away this
week attending 'Missionary meetings on
adjoining' charges of the Presbyteriati
• ehhe erch. TForester's hall is about com,
/ pleted ; look -out for a big opening next
month. Mr. E. Bell has bought the
Berkshire pig that took first prize at the
Provincial and Western fairs ; he is a fine
animattanci breeders of•Arst clasipig should
patronize bitn ; he can be seen at 51 Bell's
hiieel at any time. The furnishings for
the Forester's Hall, have been bought
from ,l, 'Rogerson, Sunshine, and Harland
Bros., Clinton. A sister and niece or
Mrs. Barkwell have been visiting friends
here; they retunsed oh Wednesday last to
Kansas city. Mr. Geo. l3rogden has re-
turned from .Manitoba looking well; he
speaks highly of the country. Mrs: Ann
. ' Walker will sell her • furniture by public
auction on the 22nd Oct,; she is going to
Bleth. to reside. Mr. J. J. Walker leaves
ehottlet..far the Veterinary College; he has
a man in charge of the cider mill. • ,
AN Ineereieuitee, TREAT. -The Na-
tional Lectures on Tuesday evening, in
the Methodist church, by Revs. Messrs.
Salton, Symthe and Burwash, were very
interesting and instructive. Each ' one
who spoke sustained his part admirably
well, and it was difficult at the close to
say which country was the best described '
by its representative, ' The audienee Ili -
toned very 'attentively, until after ten
o'clock, and at the dose II felt that there
es not such a place oi earth; .as these
three British Isiesp exce it is itt our own
Canada, where the excellencies of these
three persons blend together, and make
one natiiihality the best, we think, ' the
world ever knew. -Long may the Rose,
Shamrock and Thistlethe twisted together,
whilst the maple leaf,hangs, *here heav-
en has put it -higher' than -them all. The.
audience was not wholly w-lat it might
i have been, as to the size et ane rate. Those.
1 who were absent missed atreite
BRIEFS. -Mrs. R. Mutcla is suffering
from inflammation of the lungs; short
time her life was despaired of; at last ac-
count there was slight imprevemeet. Mr.
Adam Hoover is yery low at present.-
BRIE. -Mr. W. H. 'Mutton, sr., has
been laid up for the past few days, but
gladare see at he Is improving, and ie,
ad likely to Ise around as mufti in a few days,
he Mr, W. Strachan sold a two year old colt
st for $1,75 lest week. Miss Edith Horton
ey ante Miss Emily Hilleer are visiting their
ve uncle its Paramount this Week.
t- • •
of sTA01.1414i. •
of Bea•NeBuRNE.w.-Last Thursday night
d while attending to some stock in .the barn
of Mr. B Grainger, Bronson line, near
Bayfield, the lautern exploded, and in it
few minutes. the tehole place was a mass
of Baines. All this year's crop was des-
troyed, together , with implenients, &c.
Mr. Grainger's loss will be considerable;
notwithstanding an insurance of about
$1500 in the Hay Insurance Company.
SLIOHTI,ACOImNT.,--Ort-Saturoay after-
, .„
noon, two young ladies,Miss Margaeh and
Miss Acheson tvete driving rouuds the
streets of Goderich when the horse, hear-
ing the pattering of hoofs behind, quick
ened its pace a little. This alarmed Mies
. Margach Ho much, thateslie dropped the
lines and jumped *OM the • buggy. She
fell on the tire of the rapidly. revolving
wheel, and severely lacerated . her
chin, which, however, was promptly" at.
'tended to by a doctor. Besides a sprained
ankle, no further-daneage was done, as, the
" runaway" horse was instantly stopped'
° by the remaining occupant of the rig..-
PeesoNeese-eMrs. Geo. Acheson, who
was becoming conealeseeet after a serious
illness is again. peostrate 'with lung dis-
• ease. 'On Tueaday last Mies Jennie Mar-
tin retunsed froze Chicago, where she has
will probably stay with her friends in Chi-
cago the whole winter, Mr. and, Mrs.'
Smeeth returned .frorn their visit to the
. States unexpeetedly,' ape found every-.
thing running freely at home. Mrs. Oli-
ver, of England. and. Miss Smartie of.
Brampton are the guests:of MreTtueman.
- Miss Smith .sang a -solo in • North' St.
r church, on Sunday evening: Mr. David
Fisher's rotund form and beaming Coun-
tenance is ngainessedi on our streets ; he
says he has done ienearkably well with his
horses tide trip. Mrs. P. Jordon is home'
from Montreal. Mr. Geo. Stevens' has re-
ceived the ofter of a situation in Ohicage,
• and will probably accept it. Mr. and
Mrs. Downie% toolc a trip to London
Wednesday. „Rev. Mr. Pattoti,of Holmes-
ville, took the „service in Victoria street
— -ehtereh-last Sebbatheewbilie-Reve7 arr.-
Salton preached the church anniversary
services in Bolmesville. Rev. G. 13.
Turk is eePected home from 'Georgia, IT.
S., to -day; he has been epending two
weeks down there during the meeting -of
the Southern Conferences, jas, .Bailey
was acquitted on the charge of being ac-
cessory to dealing the ballot boxes last
year. Mr. G. N. Davis returned from hie
trip to England ; he looks in a little bet-
ter health,
TUCK if/tbillITif;
• •
Viseee-Mr. Henry•E. Dues/time, for..
eserly of the mill road, but now of the
Bigtellain, Manitoba, is hothe fOr a short
e visit. He has been, in the northweet
3- well. • -
about five year*, and likes the • country
GO/NG NORTIt.--iMr. Win.:IYIlltray, of
liareitieheye staited /ad Week for Algoma,
where he owns a large block Of land. His
' John and Philip, haeseobeege ems
two threshing machines, and ateedoingt
rushing business in this vicinity.
As °to Fitteeneee-Mr. Jas. Laevrenog,
formerly of this toemship, 'but now of
Merril, in Southern Manitoba, has been-
spending a few days amid old scenes, on
his retire from old .Scotia, where lie has
been enjoying himself rot the pest tWo or
three months. Mr. Lawrence is engaged
. the wheat bufing business, in Moult°.
• ba, and lies unbounded cohfidenee in the
future of that province.
Rau ciwitELD.
Bitiet•s..-s-Mr. Henry Cameron left for
Winnipeg on IVICreebey last, Mr, join'
McLeod, soneof lie-MaLeode Who has been'
teaching in Idaho for the last three or
four years, returned home last Friday,ancl
left for Toronto on Tuesday, where he
commenced his ,...e.euree of Medicine, att
Toronto wheel of medicine. The temper-
ance society held their second meeting on
Monday' night in Mrs. Mantoshe'e hall,
where seven new members were added -
Dr. Elliott, who is now in Edinburg, is,
expected.' home in a. few, weeks. . Mrs.
Rattenhtiry, who broke her ankle some
tirne ago, is getting along nicely. Messrs
.Wm. Young and Sphn Smart left for the
Michigan lumber woods on Monday last.
Messrs. McIntssh and McGregor are hav-
ing their new stables covered with tin;
McDonald & Waugh, of Heneall,have the
centred. . A great may from thise'vicis
nity went. to ..Bayfield on Tuesday last.-
• 00141RESvitia...14 •• •
BRIERS. -Mr. fl B Evans, of the II
road, met with a painful accident a
(tape ago,' cutting the back of his h
with his penknife, while putting his
in a tool -box. Mr. W. :Crooks stu
quite congenially of late, on aecotin
his Wife presentinglite with a dthigh
Mrs. A Halstead was taken euddenl
a few days ago, medical aid being prom
lysecured, she is now becoming eonv
scent. Miss M. A Jordan, secon'd daug
Mr. T Jordan, 'died on Monday; she
of weak intellect,. and hed only been s
for a few days: • Our teachers attend:
Institute in Gederich • on Thursday'
Friday of tide week. Some talk is cite
ting, with reference to the orgabizin
literary society or a 'young tmeo's ch
IIo,E, PLAKE.--The great demo:nt
stretioit in honor of the 1-IoneEd. Blake,
te be held in the skating rink Imre, next
. ,
ThesroN•eiter MZE'reteete--SOn • Tuoaday,
according to the appointment of the Hue -
o P by v, deputation, cons
„. %I ay,. 'At eenste te expected. to -dravr the' fel lewing ministers from tha
f a great crowd to our town on that day. part Of the county, Rev. R Th
/ As thip is the first occasion that1 op. letcher, Acheson and Martin, delivered
Gentleman has ever appeared* in Wing. addresSeS in. the PeeSbyterian church, on
ham, no doubt thousands of .Grits the:schemes of the church: The achlresses
tutu' out to de him honor, and thousands were very interesting and appropriate, but
of Toriee will come to see and bear Oand- the attendance was net very largo.
de's coming premier. The G, T. R. will PATA1, ACCIDENT. -As the worktnen
give return tickets for ode and a -third were engaged in working on T.P. Brown's
fare that day. Speaking to commence at blacksm.ith shop, the 9%er:day,: apart of All should try and he in ti-nfe Riese Chimney fell and struck Mr. A-
tojcen in the procession at 10.80 a.m. •erthineeetweeild. man, ,t-elto was watching
GO.NE TO THE LAND pe nee Fnee.- the work, causing injuries which resulted
A. Morris, tailor, who has been in our in his death it few hours afterwerds. He
town for about three years, carrying on was injurect on the beadand chest, and in
the teilor business, skipped last peek, vain weren't efforts to sustain life, which
leaving his wife and family •behincl, and was lost so simple, yet according to the
a few of Or store -keepers •to mourn his divine plan of the Almighty,e He leaves
departure. On Saturday hie' hougehold, a wife and five grown-up children.
goods were all diepoied of on the nmiket,
under power.of a chattel mortgage. It is Radcliffe were united by the matrimonial
a fur o greatloss to our town, that hie' bas tette'. tie ow Wednesday last, and are now o
the last few mtmtbs helms sPeat their touredewe east; we wish each a long
and happy lite. Mr. ReOullis moved -to'
London On Wednesday, where he intends
entering business.. Mie• McDonald ar-
rived home lately .from the gold ,mines of
Mexico, where he has spent quite a, num,
bee of yeareeas superintepdent, of the ex-
tensive Milling industry there ; wee-.
come him home ti, his native land to spend
the remainder of hie days, and to:.enjoy
the -fruit Of ehielalearse -after eetteene of
enuch daring, watchfulness and integrity
in that wild country. Mre Pritchard will.
he absent for eeverae days in south Iditron
attending missionary ineettpgs.. Nearly
everyone tookin Blyth show. Miss Prank
Knight has returned from a visit to the
lower provinces. • The Lutherans have n
settled minister residing here now; which
makes the third III our *ilia e Mr. J.
.P. Brown has removed his blicksnsith
shop clowe to the carriage shop. Henry
Beadle; jr, has returned from Manitoba ;•
he did .not like his, trip very well,
A. Miller has returned teethe village, and
is now workipg • for Maley & Tyndal.-
Mr. Henry Beadle. 'has ...returned from
Englend; us the' .possession of Some good
:hem flesh. E. Dowes •left last week for
Clititon, • ivhere he intende learning 'the
tailoring.busieess. Miss Mippie•Kernigs
ha n has taken up her residence here for
a' short dine. The past Sabbaths;
Presdestleation hes been the theme in
the Presbyterien churth. . • • .•
. liOLLETT. ,
SALE. -.-At the sale en the farm Of Mr
-Alex. Smith, lot 1, con, 13i011.the 13th
inst., all the stock Was sold aegebdfigures.
p vvorke at 1 Smyth's marble . works. me and Mrs sto141,..fiesie44 nr.tbe bid es.
tch ivarrants were got out pa Tuesda
retie, and. Kitt's teuak was found to -1
Y tablieshed custom of paesieg,whiekeyelt a
tain a considerable : ampunt of the sale,. wale," was done years ago; sent 'out
an excellent c.up olcotlee and other sub -
en : goods, and on.. searching young standa
at's. pocket, a pair 'of scissors and it by hit.
I eefreehMents,.which were relished.
ktie were found,which On eiaminatipn. •
e found to be part Of the stolen goods A' LO.tia •AleelosseeMr.. and Mrs. C..
TheY were brought befell) th.e Dale, Of the Huron road, 'copapleted`fifty
ypr Tuesday afternoon. and after h years , of their Wedded life on the 17th of
the evidence of Kitt, who plead guilty,' Sept. The' old gentleman is three score
Mayof committed both to Goderieh, ears ttad ten, and .is quite capable. ar•
wait"their trial.. 'It is to be heeled this fami,and.doeelthemeitt•
terve as a lesson to other lightefiegers of As hes been mentioned
eritstelsemert be keep out of other people's ise-these.-c•olumne before, he hat 'recently
, led three daughters, and his wifeeis xn
• rather pm:fr.-health at present. ' Two of
his sons are now in the Old country, have
itig gone there With ne number of cattle
and sheep; all of their own raising. This
iseonlyentended as a. tester, .as they have
a large etock to dispeatepeyet,
BeierS,--Mr. Gilbert . recently
sold a two-year. -old filly to his neighbor;
Mr. .Teures•Reytiolds; for, $150 ; the price
indicates that it was it good entice. Rey,
eitiegrave, of' Winthrop, preached at,
the Hilt church,: end at Londesbore Pres-
byterian eintrch, on Sabbath lest; in 'place.
of Roe,. Mr. Ramsaye, who supplied at
IlecKilloP end Winthrop. The delightful.
weather we blefeshited for some dayspaet
is pleasing the farinere wonderfully well ;
ey riote 6.0ect the inangolds to grow as
long as their faces were during the snow
storm, two . weeks ago., and the turnips to
grow as broad as their faces ; it
is wonderfnl. what a change it little weaths
,ernutkes tole. ?flatlet epitits. There wer
isting of
o •
BRIEFS -Albert Cullis and Miss A
ie os o tnne nreued the hotels
drinkinge(ne doubt Scott .Act drinke)until
he could not be relied, en his business at
11, although he was a first-class mechanic.
t seems strange that in a Scott Act come-
r err much leper should be soldAnd
olcl as openly and defiantly as it is in
Winghape. What hat become of our inspector, we hear he is sick, ifs, some one
Ise shoed -be
. POTATIOAL.-Dr. McDon4ald is making
a good canvas of .the East Riding, and
doing it in it straighe-forward and proper.
way, by holding public meetings, and
there meeting the electors, and laying
matters before them publicly, with good
effect tve hear. Oh Mendez .he had a
splendid meeting at Belmore, and Tues-
day evening (me Oitiford, The doctor
prefers doing his work on the .platform,
so that all may. know exactly his position
on affairs:- This open and above board
'canvas of the doctor's is winning for him
great. praise from both parties, and no
doubt will secure his election by a hand -
genie majority. • • •
uron .1toneeice.--Quite a little sensation was
caused in our town on Monday morning,
fevi when, on. opening their shops, Messrs.
and Leslie and ..Webster, merchant tailors,
and found .that their stores had. been entered
iles' during Sunday evening or early Monday,
i of mornbsg, and considerable of their goods
ter. stolen, Mr. Leslie being the heaviest reser.
y 'Only it pair of 'pants; a vest and pain of
"pt. SCISeiSr6 were taken froni. Webster's. Sus-
ale- pieion at Once rested on two young lads,
hter One.Kitt, aharness maker, who was work -
was Ing foreF•rank Billingsly mid Jas Saint
tele wh
the Sea
and usee ;00°1
ris- Sai
tian association ; we think that such a. nee
move would be very beneficial to the ninny wer
young people of the neighborhood, as the elso
longewinter evenings could bo spene very Ma
profftably in this way. mg
ANNIvERSARY: ¶L'he Anniversary to a
mt. , the
which Was held in the Methocliet church`
Sunday and Monday last, wa,e-as .always nindan,Y
is -a decided succcess, as all who embrae"-
ed the opportunity could. heartily endorpe.111
The • beeutiful weather Sundays invited
crowds, many:frotri other- appointmethee,
and the church was comfortably . filled,
nurrning aid afternpon,to hearRev. . F.
Saltanof Goderich. The evening -brought
still larger crowds, when'lley. J. Kestle, Of
Benmiller preached to an appreciative con-
gregation. Good. results were the effects.
of ehe services on Sunday. • Moedny eyen-
ing also .being fine brought tnany from
the tiurropnding neighborhood and towns.
Kippereeeetoteile Sunehine; Goderich,
-041InfOn7 and otheree were represented.
After the ,majority lied ,clone good service
to the excellentepred theeleaseinent,
and repaired totheauditory, the meeting"
was called to order by Rev. Mr. Fisher.
After the opening: exercises Reve- ,
Salton, of Goderich, was introducedeand
he entertained the audience in his usual
good style On the stibject of "Hobbylorsi-
calisen" as he terms it. Carrying a Sub-
ject as he dees he makes it. qeite eyident
that a man ' to be • anything in this life
must have e specialeey„ or to 'have a t"hob-
by," but found faultairthe fad that many
went to the extreme hobbyism, and ex-
plained that theepply zernedy -Was' to 'ste
cure the high culture and heel:leaden of
the opposite sex approprritively. Mr.
KestIe the next. speaker, made- some ex-
cellenteremarks.on `‘fisenly integriteerincle
encouraged stability of character in the
'highest sense of the word, Owing to the
late hone of the eVening Rev W
vARNA. .
• [We received last week. a •corinim nica-
doh, oceupying soap -and a half Of fools-
cap, taking. exceptionetri-a report of .a
base ballinateh, tee to have been played
betweet the Verne, Porter's bag()
hallelub. • The Varna club allege that
their opponents were made up evith Clin-
ton players, Who. went- under fictitious
intiiies,ethat the 'game Was unfeirly time
pired, • and they. challenge the Porter's
1-1 ill club to a match, provided the latter
clu et players onSy from the inimediate
erecinit f.Porter's Hill. This is the
substance o he conunuaication; Which is
too long to he of interest to the general
public. ---Ed: New Elle.
.i.-A--fieeetIng-to-eomplete the: organiza-
tion °fa Young Liberal Club was held
in the Temperance Hail here. last Mon-
day evening, end -was .largely attended.
From the pumbee present and from th
_ p merles here as to our delivetance
great interest manifested in the eprobeed. .
, from the' threatened Wiggins storm j,one
pegs, the success of the organieation is is that it wap aVetted by. the tate repent-
' alreedy assured. Several older Members. ance of the Toronte "Mail" and its' sudden
of the Reform party addressed the meets. coeversien to Tenipeiance principle's,
ihg and fendered assistanee in formlue
se Which it has so long opposed ; on the
tbe essociatioh. l'he Wheats elected are
9 other hand, the unbelieving tell us with
all young men, from whom efficient Work a knowing wink that the swear -off is only
-mayebesekpectedrandelliere is evety rea- till the week after the. Eleetiops ; and
sou to believe that the club which bete . that the tVisdom diet theartges the earth
been started tindersuchsfavorableseiream- uakes 15 001 deceived by ehe outward
s will have a most stmeessful career.
Professions of thialosecl sinner ; it may be
Ilniving were electedee- Hon. Presi- tbe case of "death bed repentance," but
he R. C. Cartwright, M. P. e Prete. even tee tories laugh and refuse., to take
A. Wilson ; Vice-Preaident, North much stock -in it, though:they sWear by
Mi. Jas. 'Watson ; 'Vice -President, it still. Miss Mary Eno, daughter of Mr.
ard, Mr: el'. Darivin ; Vice -Pres'. Geo. Eno,. is Slifrering freak an attack of
outh Weed; Mr. Alex. Wilson f inflammation of the bowels. Mr. George
ry, Mr. W. 'O. Smith ; Treasurer, Walker .seveted his connectroti vvith the
tn, Robb. Councilldrs -, Messrs, Walkerhurn Wpollen Mills last week.-:-.
Peer, J. M. Beet, Chas, McKay, G.
denim; jas. Scott; W. O. Reid, It
icld, L. E. Dance", and William
. It was decided to have a formai
in the latter pert of the present
and to secure the presence of the
dward Blake and some inembere
Ontario ',Government, with the
steemed member for South Heron,
1 Cartwright. •The latter has al -
&peed the tepitition of Tronorey
t of the club, and, ham expressed
ntioia or beirig p_resent agthe pro.
monstratiote . The regular meet.
he Club Will he held ' fortnightly,.
interesting Aograninie will be
for each evening. ,
, Atte*
Sperling only made a few remarkg on his .The fh
recent trip to the Old Coentry,. and pro-- aeWS
misad at male future time tO give thud a Mr,
better address. The meeting closed at 11 Weed.
o'clock With the usual congratulatory re- .Ettst
marks to chair, speeches, &c. Proceeds dent, S
over $126.. The ladies deserve great credit &Crete
for the "get the meetings • Mr- W
reePlem .1`Nr.. ken
Bitters:es-Me D Weismiller leas pur Gee 1415
clued the grain storehouses atthestation elneeae
and has leased there to Mr, McLennan; "ening
of Identiall. A large number of apples month,
have beett sold in this neighborhood this ItelikE
tall; It&essrs. Oiteteloh and McTaggart e°1 ,eue
Were the principal purchasers. -The Mc. t4ig".017 e
Killop Fire Insurance CoMpany is col.
letting the ItSeessment for the presentyear,
the rate is 5 .per cent in the premiuni resp 00
notes. There Is conaiderable grumbiingi his inte
among the farmers this year, on accoune pOsed de
"of grain being so cheep ; the N. P. doed ing8 0. t
not seem tO increase the price. of produce, and an
Mrs. T Mellis was telegraphed for on Fri- •Pr.ePated
day' of last week, to go tp gee her
law, in Gorrie, who Was very ill ; she left ee„,„,„
on Sitturday but found her dead When she lioine 5.;„
arrived; she is nOW remaining with her vf„-A.-1,
tether, who is seriously. Moser, Tete ;heels -41e
ranee an:11300'y, °Mengel, are holding 14' o'od
special Eervice8 lb the Methodist cher& tfni
here; we trust much good will be, the re- Threshin
here just
eie men cat
Thos Nellana hes artivecl
mScotiend, where elle hes hoot
rink she went and returned by
ian of the Allan line, 'having a
O and *Mita NUM& both ways.
g is the order of day round
now -and Walter 'Murphy is the
And 'It geed one at that.
PC% TEn NORTITWESTr4list Ellen
Coloton left for. Winnipeg. Mrs. Cathp-
bell and family rot the Northtvest. Mr.
Alex. Lucas and family left for Calgary;
where he has a cattle ranch, Mr. A. Mc-
Kellar accompanied them, andwill re-
main about two months. They all went
by boat. ,
itqdding next Week; look
out for it, Lawyer Elliott is -,away at
Belleville this week, on a very important
case. ' Work hag begun on the show
ground in Order, to Convert it into a park,
it will be plowed, /evened and Seeded
down this rail, and a track bulltjaround it.
D, Illarsb, has the contract. Our mete
clients made quite.a show on Friday; Mr
Metealf had a fine.stock or jewellry on
eithibiticin, Mr. T. AlcCuliboll and wife
Were /Motet Visiting friends last week
, -
Quite a fulinber are going to Wingharn to
to hear Iton, Edward Blake heist week.--
. nut:denim.
There is a simple marbte slab in our ceme-
tery, that has the namea..of three small
children on it, who were smothered in a
large box, in their father's barn,about two
years ago. They bed got into thiaebox to
hide and the lid came down and clasped.
When they were feund 04 were all
dead. Children should be cautioned not
to play in boxes that have lids. —
. BRIEFS. -There ii a dead -man keeping
a store here; how is that 'for..e. ,e,eamm-
atinti.;•• 11 ii.dianie is Deadman. The' far-
eters-areetaking uteethr potitSeese-ifir
many report their crop -to 1364, light one,
as they ripened before the recent ride§ arid
warm weather, which have been to befie-
ficial to all roots and crops, and. -.also to
the pastures. Many' farmers are feeling
,jubilant over the sudden rise that cheese
has taken in the English markets. It is
now the ltith sea October, 'anti although
there has been several light frosts, yets
everything is green, even tornatoe. tops
and vines of various kinds. ' This is very
.favorable weather; for the growth of all
kinds of vegetables. A. widow near here
Ordered •a monument for her husband, and
a moody sort of a Mau called. and she
quietly told, him. she had bought a white
bronze; he *ante so enraged at. having
last theeale, that he actually brake the
chair be was sitting :on. • 'Mt. T. Town
'in speaking • of bronze monument he
got for his elaughterssays it he'wes-buying
againehe tereitilelsinit-buys stoneleh-e-evoulde
buy something .a little bigger of the same
kind of Material.. . - •
• • -
' emus Greener: .
BeieeS....•Mr. Wm: Logen is. baying a
stone foundation put under hie house; the
same, . With other improvements, is being
done to the dwelling of Mr: Thos. -.Comae-
Mre.C. Shaw; Who for the pest season has
been the servant of Mr. Joseph Fester, left
on Wednesday foreMichigan, where he
intends spending the winter. Mr. Peter
Hagan took ativaetage of the Detroit ex-
cursion. , LaseStindaY Rev: Mr. McCoy,
of Egraondville, preachedea. missionary
sermon -sin the.hall ; a very successful Mis-
sionary meeting was held here on Monday;
,able addresses were delivered_ by Messrs..
Pritchard, of Manchester, and Ramsay,of
. collection was taken up id. aid. cif the home ,maeked 'upon' the fp.ct that oVer'ikkhu4cired '
Lopdesboro; at the dose of themeeting• a
miesiou „feud. Mts....Wiley, wife of Mr. .thoasand Protestants of Ireland'haee deelated :
Thos. Wiley, ,collector, is vetv siek, but, over their signatures for Horne Bute. . Their
-We..understend, IS' imiaroving. slowly. "We mission, they declare is to instritete but why. ,
aeegl•ad to see that Itlx. John McsAllister is 8h.:treueottiohtickwn4806ngeoendeedit; twhe4Vahcaevse wthbeeyre.niOni '
able to be,eut again. •
• gone' to Quebec, or Montiee, or Ottawa
• - KiNISTIRN. - . . The real answer lies- in the fact that 'their
lecturer on .Pheenolegy, gave. oneeof his
• Lealentrees-Mr. :Gathealthe the . great
that they :have been 'scot to anch...places sic
inission is being used aid Toryism, :end .
leCtures in tbe tertiperence hall, on Tees- TotemtosandiLendon, • erberce orringeism is
-cl.aY'-ei7enini last,' to ft •good audience., It Strong, and Where they neghtwork. up a feel -
is about twenty years Since Mr. Galbraith favor of the Tory gauge. • I venture•to predict
frig' -of prejudice agaznst Borne Rule and In, .
.awafeiw in daysthos.we'iptaiir..utss.,,..:. glElned purposes anyone - sltvoi wishing pping that their niiesisu will.: he-a-iiirsereble failure,
and that they will leave behind thum a strong.
tO. hear le gpod lecture On Phrenology, er feeling for Home :Rule than,existed prior to
Weield. be wise to attend. . e - thee; eduaing. . Oanadians ate not •selPsh, and •
.- • 13.11IEFs.-LA.
number from -here attend-. what we enjoy etutselves We. heartily Witet
ed•the-Hariest Home nt Holnieseille oh
others to possess • 7 ' ' . . •
on ay . evening laat; there was a ' fel
in its beet , ferm. We geiried it 'sifter a pro. •
house, and we, don't see why ourlinleuen- .loeged struggle a.gainet old-fashionedleryipm_.,,..... •_
'Rea are .so long in baying theirs.....Igiss, We virtuelly, had te-Sglitmtherhattle in which' •
•Jessie Burgess left' on Tuesday. last for irozogrirrHiew engaged. , We woe, Rea every .
aSnhdelbdio011;1-1Pe.ratkh; eirleB,d; Miss Eivetirighehesert.14ass:4atesiastack patriot .heart gees.onein erderit wishes. thet ; •
the Irish race. may win too. net .they will ..
pleasant trip: • • ' - •e, :e -e.. • •tiventuaily :wilt,- wlao-cart doubt? . The Dele- .
- 60DE1111fla To writ;41-fr • ' election the question woe, overwhelmingly de..
. , ••• gateretryeto-make-it-appearehateatethe•reeetit '.
..13inges:-.-ltiretPe Peidtio has already -feeted... This is not tree. I. de not appeal to
put in ebetet seventy days' work threshing Perna.? or Gladstone, or idly". politician; one
this point, , but to the sober, impartial late- • '
to 411; be threshed
this season, and has half as many More
as heel as uoesesisees eitage of thehistorian andestatist,eldWaie .A.,r.
elk in, eee .aq: Mks, flew", . carter, of Freeman. (6)" He tette us that if .we entre .
Great Pritainwhole, nod hold it to have •
the 16th con.,Goderieh.tOwnship;cut pipe epotree lay the •yoiee of the Majority of the - ,
urea of clover' seed,' With a' leaner, one
day lad week, while Mr. Carter was at- whole ieland, we have the anewer, which was '
: ,t eat:11411.Di igi' aw aneighbor's g • °tint threshing, Butty.'s worthy. of. attentive etady. •The. greater ts.
almost sure to comeibut is none the less
land gave an answer -different to the smaller: •
JON' Baker het improved his hot* bye when,. however, '.1.1u;•greater island is Viewed
building a brick kitthen. " • :: . ' - as altide OP 'Of parts, tbe answer is seen in an. ,.
• PERsENTATIoN:n _Friday . evening. 'Britaitwviiieli.13ne refused the demand of Ire -
other light. It is .not the .whiple of Great
Ire -
last the neighbors and acquaintances to. land,. it• was only' a part den.. epode/id' tic'.
the 3:mother of abbot 80,. of Mr. .George. eepted Rime Rule by a large. retjeritye
Green, met at his residence; Bayfield con- .Wales by an.. overwhelmitg. majority, , and ,—
.cession, and. peesented, hint . with a ' pair some of the eeitntiea of Euglabil-Northuna. •
of gold rininied spectacles, and Mrs Green' herlande for 'itaatimee-tvere almost a tinit for .. .
with a very handsome silver butter cooler; it. More than this, Mr,' Preentan aSeerts •
.a. aeompanied by; the 'following 'address e--.
dence .aed ietelligenee , 18, on the whole, in
thatthat part of England, noted for endepens •
To Isla. Clioses 'duns, •
molt Sia AND '134oruEit,--Ilefore taking loin. cm-
' ' • ' ' ' , •• ;favor of 'Rome Rule, •?Tbe total 'number of
home, your . follow WOrkerit in the church, desire to
Whirls from this part ot tile township V) yew; neW votes east tete • 4,300,000, and of these Mr.' :
Gladstone had a. majority Of 46,000. biet-eiee. •
express to you in this way,lheir affection hild.otoeril, tore iinenialies left him With a Minority of-
MidSt. ror aamy years you have been foremost In
'and the regret they MR in your remoYfil from •their
members. ' For my part, I prefer .tlie • ten!.
everygooe work, anti Mao/rural-4 Sunday 'Sofro and mony of :Iklri Freeman to the oratory of the
U1 religious gatherings have jolt _your presence arid, •delegate,, • • „ , '
metionee. In thii-cInireh you bavo. been, one WM
strong pillars, a (Onerous contributor and a constant And now, Mr. leditoewith Your pormi,sion '
lavtledhitvveliirentgeowyedrkyeotu'rPcooVilesTanYr kitiae4lat;°111:17,1eYaedeetl. • I propose to examine somewhat *re crossly,
31Prigliti Consistent Sic, giyihR force to. yourehristfan'
whiehlou were superintendent fora long pekiod, your
testimony and profession. In'the Stoulay•Sehool, of delivered in. Toronto: I take thetie•eictracts '
genie of the statements mediebY these gentle. •
men,. particolarly in their exidetbes .r4sently
cesertuobearine and•gentle speech gainerfar you a. frem the Mail of October 4th, in wash their
piece In the affections of the youeg people which time addressee were edmirably given in lull, . Sonic;
cannot °nee. As a neighbor and friend; to all you of their' sraternents I reserve, to hp dealt with
2nv.e ilreemtprkilisfitedotahte Itrifevoufra tnix heolitrlittifolutiliviallteli
in the future. In 'regard to them, 1 haves'
spend. years of inereasinghappiness and usefulness, written to the geetlemen named thernOiveit, '
No doubt you will soon make for yourself 4 p1000 18 so as to arrive at the truth, andvvhen the an. .
warm as that whieli you now hold in ours. Wo know
the hearts of people with Whorn you will mingle, as swell come, you "shall have -them. In the'
that you.eennot be idle, and that to be about your Meantime 1 find in the report,inentioned„the
n'ittster' will always ho uppermost in yourinind. following language e- ... . •
We pray that heaven's ehoieest blessings may rest " We believe. that the -Parnealle ntorenzent
• and that in Your case may be more than verified the
upon you whilst you stilt toil in the vineyard here, ti otrazions,the integrity Of the Enipb.e.. Their .
promise that in this We there:shall be added to you "fiemanots cannot be conceded without tietri-
an hundred fold end in the come overlastinii " meld to the Unity 0! the Poipire. The etatee-
tokens ot ream* as mementoes Of your friends in this
we Ask you and Mrs. 'Green to :moot of these ems i "InIn of 'great 13Atala ar,e of opiOtion'that
neighborhood, Although with thorn you b0,v0 our "Parnellite a-weer/tent °imams Me integrity'
eonstant prayers and wishes that your fumed days may "0/ t/ie Empire. There are no statesmen of
be your best days crowned with the smile of air Father I tanypeeetelenee, tmo support it,n ;
In Heaven, and that After out Meetings: and partings
- These are statemente used quite frequently
" earth
We moot to part 80 more: De Kane went SO far as to say that the last ,•„.
., ni esayee above whom allis loVe, . by both Mesta% Katie and Smith, and indeed
• . f,,, „„,, c MOS. WELSH, sentiment ie "beyond dispute.' In dm the rev,
Mr. Green replied in yeey fitting term.
~4.-1 am: SWITZER .
be the ighorande of the people, Aceordhig to
gentleman peewees upon What he believes to
Mr: Green; during his this neigh- him Gicadstope is no statesmen of any pronie•
borhoode has won • golden 'opittiOns from lye , imag,nee that we have rad and
' ave bad acquaintance with him; boards° little about,Glad Atone, that we believe
boroughly shown by the number him to be what these gentlemen say he is. The '
od out to vhit eine and show . man Who above every other mail haa done won -
ern of him, On. Friday evening. dere for the people of Great ritliala ; Who VIC.. -
'0, removal will create a .vacaltey, efrnsdAitiliset tforaraneshaftbenoryittleomdirlijioorndenoLtAiiipehg
et in the church, diet it will elte
"other to ete A ye), tenet t, Ohnrehill wore ftettine and fuming because
WAS spent, everybody. being in political power waS being given icy the toms
best of spitits, although they mon people; who raised the stetutt of the
o tldnk that wotsld be their working classes Shat they may now with up.
ng in elm satint retitle)), .., _ lifted heaths takes); patt in ,the teableg sitilexe.._
^ .- teetteila on Pew' 2')
; . •
Rome Rale. For Ireland!.
2'o the -Editor of -the Ctliaien Yeti' ZS•ci. •
DEAR Sus -I have been it close reader
• of all Home Rule literature for naany years
and have paid special attention to the
speeches now being delivered en Canada
by the an called Leah Loyaliat deputateetee
Rev. Dr, KaneeeepeleleereeGeteellill Smith,
HO strongly wished for the imwee
of speech as at thie moment; that I might
seize the opportunity.of putting before..ray ,
fellow •ementry men -the true pesition of
this -Home Rule nuestioxi, and 'make a .re-
ply to thefallacious and sophistical speeches '
eof these gentlemen. ' They do not deal in
argunaeet or 'fans but in high strung lan-
guage they attempt' to arouse a religiouseted
national feeling to the prejudice .of the
Beene Rule ceuse. They treat the peer,
less Gladstone and all thorn) who believe . :
with him diet England's treatinent.of Ire
land for the past 400 years has been a dark
blot upon -her justice. and christianity, as
traitors, and vaunt themselves as the su_
premely loyal ones. It is, " however, with-
in 'my recollectiote and I ,halie recently
found oofroborati the. fact, that one •
preaches 12yelty ,t a the Cepadian people.
of these • hyper.Loyalists, when in 186e
Gladstone diseesteblished the IrishecherOh--- -- - -
-an Act approved of by the whole eiviliz,
ed• kid's the Queen's
crown inCflial3eyne if retch int Act re-
ceived the. Royal assene (a) Yet this man
_Ands._ now, Mr, Editor, - -Who eare-these.-
.g. "etineren4enire' T is Timm' el'is.semeeitertU ? * :
• They . are the representatives of the
Orapgemen of the wadi of Irelandeunder '
the , name , of elle Anti -Repeal • Union . .
their' miesion is to enlighten the poor be- .
flighted Canadiens upon the traitorous con- *
duet of Parnell and his fedloWers, and to -
belittle Gladstone. They talk as if we
Canadians knew nothing of history and
tere not posted on passing events. They '
try, dishonestly,T think,to make it appear
as if at the root of the whole . matter was '
the question of Proteatantisin v Catholic-
ism, putting 'the Homo Rulers down . is '
:Catholics, or in league with them, and. the
Loyalists, as Protestants. They have been
careful pot to remind us that Parnell RI an .
ed te 110I110 Rale. 'The,IY',41:ViP aca' Pt re*
ardent 1?rotestant, and that 111 Epgland
the great Catholic Duke* letorfeakee..oppos-
all who h
thia WAS t
who turn
their este
as a teprk
hard for a
. JJeadle and Washington arrived the very
from Seotiandeon Tuesday, With five fine feel sad t
*-* laat In4ti