HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-10-08, Page 8rte•.
.. • •in most places of gap same sizftr and the
C I Nr QN- W ERASwonder ie that men who have means do
not put it into rentable houses, whish, it
FRIDAY, OCT. 8, 1886.
is said; yield a better return than est.
investments in these days of close compe-
ZOOVix lxP C , tition and low profits The prospects are
FOR MANITOBA.—Mrs. Manning, , of
Londeeboro, and Robt. Foster and wife,
left on Monday for Manitoba in. Cana-
dian. Pacific-ali rail route. Tickets were
sold them by W. Jackson, the agent here.
HoasE: NOTES.—A few da)l'8 si aM.
James McFarlane, of Stanley,a
year old mare that was. valued at $200,
Mr, .Cosy of Detroit, took eight horses
from, here this week; six of them were
pure` a a ed from Mr. Mooney, one from
Mr. Mc"Menn, Seaforthi -and lzne_.frQ .
Mr. A. Cpu b
WESTERN FAIR NOTrs,--At the West-
ern Fair, , held is London last -week,
Messrs. Snell & ,Sons;,of Hullett, J.
several first prizes. in sheeti•z Ma.
Biggins, took a first prize op painting;,
Mr, John Beacom took first" prize on.
Tontine and Mr. W. Elliott a secend on
Tontine` colt. Mrs, W. Herbison took a
- ••-first-prize ori butter. •
reporter at the. Western Fair'epeaks as
follows:—This establishment is one of the
leading industries of Canada, being
- located at. Clinton, Ont., and their instru-
ments have won for themselves a' xeputa-
tation 'second- to none in . the . Dominion.
At the Colonial, London,, Eng., these
organs received the recognition they de-
serve, and at all the leading fairs this tall
theyhave. been an attractive feature. The
Doherty Band is, also a fine organization,
and their music, and. that of . a score :or
eb-Of Doherty organs,made up a piogrmme
of great.excellence, which was appreciated
by thousands.'
AoofnntJT.-One day last week Mr.
Grivelin, who is travelling with washing
machines bad an unusual accident betel
his horse. He•had driven out to.,afarmer's.
in_Goderich 'township .to deliver 'a.ma-
chine, and while, standing in the yard, his
horse suddenly dropped to the ground,
and rolled over on its side. Thinking the
herse=witedead=therlooseired-tbe-.harnes ,,
. when it shortly managed, to get on its feet, '
and he drove home ere. ' When Mr.
• . Givelin got to Clinton he found the horse
had fractured one. of its ribs when it fell,
and is consequently 'laid up, until it re-
covers. •.
• TnIE' PxizE Lrsr.—"The city ppapers
have . decided 'they' will ;,not publish the
. , prize. lists, except at •advertising rates ; ,
now .if the country papers were.only able"
to arrive at the' Same decision,. there would.
. be s -little more pleasure in beinga country
editor. -Clinton NEw ERA. Why cannot
. the country papers arrive at the. same de-.•
cision.? .:The Advocate • is 'of the same
opinion as the city papers, and we' would
_ _like to see all our.contemporaries fall into
line. --Witchell Advocate. • [The -NEW
g.p.a. ll .gladly adopt the same plan as.
the ciry papers, if the leading papers in`
the county will jam in.
Cottncnad TAxEs;—,The systt•,m
" of collec'ting:taxes;.in town. is ` working
well. ' The `offer •of, three per beet.. 'die. •
count. during September, brought,' in be-
tween $4,000 and •$5,000. .Two.'per: cent.
can.beisaved this•month, which will be tee
best youtan do, as there • will :be no dis•
count.in'N`iivember•and after that five per
cent wily be added:=Goderich' Star.—
• tDown•here in Clinton, we stick to', the old
-method of`collecting taxes, •not because
• the authorities think it is the 'beetwayy,-
but because, they, have tollowed'the, ,old clay;,or °two:' Mrti' J. McGarva and wife
method 'oh long that they: bate to • discard are.expected home this week.' Mr.; John
-._4t.___S_eaforth, Wingham: and. Goderich Smith,. of Dickson's'has returned from
have all adopted the discount system for Chicago. A .few days since Mr. M. Mc-.
.' :taxes;. no doubt after. Holwesville and Ewan, of Stanley, had the misfortune to'
' •Brucefield have fallen into line, then Clin= lose a Polled Angus- calf. Mrs. Pake has
•. ton will fohow suit: gone :on. a visit to her ,daughter at Chat=
TEMI'ESANCE.GATHE$IkT( --A temper ham,' .Mr; Peter Cole 'ar., leaves next
gg week, for Michigan„ where lie , vas nest
one n will'benheld inethe est Town Riding
'taking his 'residence . Mr. Geo: lvic
Brussels, on Wednesday of neat week, the Taggart i6 eating 'as Treasurer for the
13th Inst.;:.commen.cin¢ at 1:30 o'clock;p., town in thea tying, of Mr.• Robson re
m. Subjects of 'vital interest to every Mrs' .L W. Manning, of Toronto, is here •
lover of temperance will "discussed and opa visit to hormone A.H. and: Walter,—
a.lr of n out wed,,fr 'discussed
a of It is 'said•that Mr;.Stallacher,•.of the_Or-
the rid%u The" vice- .residen.ts• should' gan Factory,, getting up some mechan
see that every manic pality is ' largely ism after, the . manner • of . "The Little
represented. F. S. Spence, of .Toronto, Worfairs t,has been oneali 1LiEi at the
Secretary of• the Domnnon Alliance, will :big fairs, wherein miniature• mechanical
be present and •take pail in:the exercises. figures•go through all. kinds. of operations,
the same as if endowed with life •and" -in-..
Aneveningsession•willbe ield,commenc telligenee. on Wednesday a girl; named
ngat 7:80 o'clock, when .interesting ad-. Maggie :Rankin 'was .up before the Mayor'
dresses—aid -expected- ftein —Rev,--•W ? ?m• on a clisr e of gagraucy; an eomtnitt•e .
Butgesr♦, of Listowel, snd':'llfr. Spence. to jairie- diTdays i she has the reputation:
Both .of these gentlemen .are .well known of being. a„most abandened'women; and
. • for their eloquence, and a. large gatheting should not have.been 'allowed' her liberty
pis expected to hear them: • A'number of as 'long as'.se . has. • The County, Court
musical selections :will: be .given during was held •Rt Goderioii this v-,. , one of
the evening. `f'headmiesion. fee'has been "the principal, cases was that of a;Clinton
- placed at the low figure•o#'.10.cents so as. 'dry.goods merchant'againata certain per-
to naerely.clear: expenses. Let there bee .son, for. bill of goods, ,judgment was re -
good rally of everybody Who wants-tosee •servedntil . next week. It is 'reported
the cause of temperance flourish that , a certain individual in town,'while
BUILD/WI PRooRnss.—An, indication: suffering from weakness caused .by'/excer.s
of a town's prosperity is found in its build of spirits,” would have received `a pretty
ing•progress;andtakingthis. heacriterion barb thrashing the. 'Other .night,;liad not
' it will be seen that Clinton has this season• some ono pulled off his assailant; while,
'made decided progress, Last -year -(1885) .this is an item of news it is the only record
building.operations were so very brisk in. ofthe aftair,that•will 'appear, as.it .is de-.
this town that it was thought" very little Sired tokeep the matter quiet. • Our mer -
would be done here this. year;the number' chants,.one;andall, made a most tnagni -
of entirely -new premises erected has not: ficent display on the octagon of their fall
btfen as .large, but the izn rovements to• opening; their selection of 'goods is not.
buildings have been Much greater. The surpassed outside the cities; the Doherty
following persons have put up new Houses Band was out and played on the occasion.
this years—S. Plummer,' frame; J. IIIc Mr. Thos,• Watson has left us a dish of
Math, frame;• Thos.•Cooper, brick; •S, splendid• garden raspberries, also a sprig
Wilson, brick; W. Harland, frame; 0,• with blossoms, attached.; raspberries in
Mason, frame ; W. J. !Paisley, frame ;^J., October, as full v.inatured as' those gather-
P. Tisdall, brick 4 T. Tipling, frame; T-- ed in July, are a rarity. As the meeting
Johnston, •frame ; J. S. Walker, frame; C. of the East !3u ron Teachers' Association
Hovey, brick, commenced last year. , Be- is in progress at Seaforth, the scalars of
sides these the following parties -have the 'Public School are having a holiday;
made important additions to• their proper- ta•day. Mr. A,F.Jitry, a prominent
_. ties In several instances spending hun- advocate of Toronto, will deliver an ad=
- c regia oTdollars' and re -modelled' to such dress in the town hall, on the evening of
an extent' that •their premises were thus the 12th inst. Mr. W. McGee, book -
made, (like the old woman's chair when' keeper at the Orgitn Factory, has resumed
she added a back 'one year and legs the, his place; -he had been acting as assistant
• next) " almost as good• as new" :- -D. A. secretary at the , Industrial Fair, a post
Forrester, T. C, Doherty, D. R. Menzies, he has filled for some time, to the evident
W.R. Tayylor; Mrs, Thomas, Jas. Fair, J. .satisfaction of exhibitors, and others.=-
Chidley, Y. Williams, J. Werry,'J. Stet/ 0n Monday • night some one' was guilty
enson,.I. Dodds, F. Rumball, Mrs. Morley; of breaking ten lights in one of the Free-.
W. Rumball, I'. Straith J. Smith and byterian church windows; weever is clo-
the Organ Factory. Mr. Jas. Cook has • ing this—the sewed 'offense—will yet suf-'
just let the contract for a new house on fer smartly for it. Mrs. Jackson, sr.,.
Orange et. There may be a few others that who has been visiting her sons bete, re
have escaped' our notice, . but this, We turned`to Wingbam, yesterday.Mr: 1 .
think, constitutes the chief improvements Wise has bought a lot in Gordon Survey,
this year. ' The 'sum thus :expended, We from Mr. Thos. Tipling; we are pleased
do not healthy growth inY theMavn, and what is part on the
severalitausand dollars -This -Eshowe iv •tof our olti fr endp# -
b prosperity
better: is, drat there is hardly an empty
house• of any-eonacquenee in the place.
It is said that rents are higher here than
Town Coun ell.
The regular meeting of the council was
lield on Monday night. The Finance
Committee recommended payment of the
following accounts; L. Trouse, .quarter's
good for next season's trade, and we would salary, $21; News•Record, printing, etc.,
not be surprised to see a "buildingboom" $52.96 ; NEW Fxs, printing, etc,, $2442;
here next year, for a number of houses W. Coats, election expenses, $20.68; Geo.
that would rent at from $6 to $10 a month
Would yet add tenants.
Tn FLEs.—There" was a short fall of
snow on Friday. The fall wheat crop is
looking splendid this year. Oysters will
probably be popular all winter, The
backbone. of summer. is broken and wet.
The apple harvest numbers thousands of
barrels this year. A traveller on the
train, on Friday,remarked that the land
near London was rough. and poorly cul-
tivated, while that from Exeter north was
level and well-worked—a fact patent to
everybody. It has rained for about ten
Mondays id succession.
ilnrEFs.-Mr. John Cooper, of Marshall,
Mich., (.brother of Mr. Thee. Cooper) is
here on a visit ; it is nineteen years, since
he was here before, and he finds a. very
perceptible improvement in the town dur-
ing th eriod. A meeting' of the Medi-
cal Assoc ation of the county', will be held
at the Comrr3ercial hotel, Clintbn, on. the
12th Inst.;, Mr, John Curry has taken the
management of the•,Grand Union -hotel,
for Mrs. Morley; he h'as had considerable
experience; and, is, therefore well qualified
for the .duties -thereof. Mr. 'W. Morris, of
Hullett, who has been working at' Che-
boygan, Mich., for some time, has re-
turned to Canada for the winter. Mr. S.
Cook left ds a few heads of splendid celery
last week. M,r, W. Steep has finished the
job of watering the streets this year; the
work las been better and More'satisfac-
torily done that 011 any previous occasion.
Mr. E. Kaake, of Wingham, (son-in-law.
of Mr. Henry. Young,) has sold out his
photo•business' at Wingham. Mr. James
'Young is putting a stone foundation be-
neath his house on Victoria St. While
De. Worthington's buggy stoodin front
of his store, on Saturday, some one ran
into it and ±disked_ene_.of to wheels.
About . forty ticketswere scld here for
Goderich, on .Monday morning, • and; an
'equal number•in the afternoon, to parties
who were attending the Assizes.. Five car
loads of cattle were shipped on Saturday,
three 'for W. McLean and two for „1Vir.
Winters, of Seaforth. Mr. Robt.'Coats is
one of the grandjury at the Assizes and.
Mr, Isaac Dodd on the petit.jary, Both
Rentgen, street account, $58.21; W. J.
Paisley, wood for charity, $3.54; Jones &
Johnston, work done, etc., $56, The tax
collector submitted the names of J. Les-
lie and P. Cantelon, ashis securities,
which were accepted. The weigh scale
receipts for September were $18.95.
A petition was presented, " asking for a
street lamp at the corner of North and
Mary s reete, but the council decided not
to grant. it. The Knights -of Labor Were
granted the freeof•use the town hall on the
evening of the 12th inst,, for the purpose
of holding a public service there:
The By-law Committee were instructed
to prepare a by-law to enable the corpora-
tion to purchase any town debentures
that maybe for sale, with the sinking
fund now on hand. -
A motion to grade Matilda street to
Gordon was lost, and the matter woe left
in the hands 9f the Street Committee.
A by-law to amend the Transit. Traders'
by-law, was passed, raising the license of
such traders, wbo are not entered on the
assessment roll in respect to other pro-
perty, to $50 for the first month $40 for
the second, $30 for the third, and $20 for
every additional month. "
For 25 cents cash, we will •send the NEW ERA to
now subscribers Or the balance of the year.
Rey. Dr. Ure,' of Goderich, exchanged
pulpits with Rev. Mr. Stewart, on Sunday.:
The meeting of the Women's Christian
Temperance. Union, will be held at the.
home of Mrs. Biddlecombey next Tuesday
afternoon, at three o'clock.
Mrs. Beetle, Mrs. W. Taylor; and Mix'.
Detlor, are attending a emeating of the
Women's Foreign Mission Society, at St.
At the.last meeting of the Sarnia Pres-
bytery a calf was read from the congrega-,
tion of Forest. to Rev. James' P'ritnhard, of
Manoheeter; in the Presbytery of Huron,
promising a salary.of $500 and inanse,be,
sides the grant of $250 expected from -the
Home Mission. The call was sustained,
and 'ordered to be transmitted to the Hu-
ron Presbytery.
editors were this -week subpoenaed to give
evidence on the slander case of Perdue ve. t The following, from the.last issue of the
Clerk: Mr. John Smeltzer, of Goderich
township,' bought a house of Mr. John
Chapman. in Wingham, on Saturday.—
A meeting of,the directors of the Hullett
Agricultural Society, will be held onSat-
urday next, to 'seine matters coen'ng•
tde late fall show. We have receive a
couple of California papers .from Mr.' F.
J. Gissings, of Ontario, Cal., a former
Jproprietor of the Goderich Signal: Mr.
ohn Jenkins, Goderich township; is ar-
ranging fp heat hia whole houseby a fur-
nace. A-catput its head through a large
pane`ofglass in the window of Luning
bame's store. Mr. 'D. Tiplady and wife
returned this week from their visit to On
tario' county; Mr.• Tiplady says he could
not:be persuaded to leave Huron to farm,
because he thinks Huron so far ahead that'
there is hardly:roour for comparison. Mr.
Jae. Smith and wife . have also returned
from their trip. to Davenport, Iowa... Miss
Jennie Gibson ss confined to her room by
illness, but expects tobe out again in a
For 25 rents east), we will pond the OttIV ERA to
now subeenbers for the balance of the year,
'Kincardine Reporter; refers to a ,gentle-.
man who long resided in Clinton :—.0n
Thursday evening last at the close of the
regular prayer service: in the Baptist
church, an address on behalf of the mem--
bers of the church and congregation, was
presented to ,Rey. W. L. Newton, who has
resigned his charge here, to complete his
course : of studies in McMaster Hall, To-
ronto. - The address was accompanied by
a present of a handsome sum of money, in:
recognition of his invaluable services dur-
ing his pastorage. After a vuitable reply
by the pastor, speeches were made by sev-
eral of the members: Mr. Newton carries•
with him the love and respect of the en-
tire church and congregation, ,as well as
the general esteem of all who came in
contact with him in the town.
chaol Boo]s
Reduced from 'X.60 to $0.50,
lic School History, by Adam and
Robertson ,.,..l,$0 35
Robertson and Birchard . - -..... -90 75
McLellan, M.A., LL.D 0 75
HIGH SCHOOL READER...-. - .. ,0 60
ey's Life of Nelson, with notes by •
..• Armstrong and Strang 0 75
Do . do. "with Notes by Wells0 60
Do • do. Text, only for class-
` room use • :20"and 25
by Prof. Squair, Univ. College . -„0 75
Illustrated .100
fendersou. • Q 50
Wetherella • • 0,50
VIRGIL'S ANEW .Iyby Hendeson0 50
V11tGIL'S .NEID I, 6yWetherell 0,50.
being Christie's School Edition of `
Hodgson's Work :.. • ,.Q 50
FULL .Suri .ILB. • ' :
* We prepayjiostage or express.
•te"blall orders from Teachers receive es-
pecial attention.
Bokseller and Stationer,
• .
Giving the people the ;greatest - quantity:.of goods for"the lest
money. Did you see pur -
Cheap Dress Goods?
If not, call and ask about them.
r MANTLE Department
Toot we'll talk; a little about it. • You know, we keep one of
the most exert Mantle this Cutters _in this county. We give
Beautiful Designs 'and' Comfortable Fits. See our
range ;•of
great ..
Mantle • loths & i 4p.ntloTrimminp
Then we have. lots :-of-other' goods AW- [ULLY-'-CHEAP, but
we cannot: telloti `about them ' here
y as we have. too many.
Come and ask to see them, don't be afraid to trouble us, that's
our business, we guarantee• you civlt ,;
L3 € NE
Their ;stock. is splendid ; the s ssortnieut is
offered unprecedented:
great ; the values..
PAO. what an elegant OVIRCOAT.
.ou:..-a n -got for 12.
See what a nobby.TWEED SU.IT:.
n - :. for S1.2 '.up
to X23,50
You. ca e
No matter, whityou need, we can pleaseT'you, fit you and sena
• you away perfectly- satisfied:
C. 0. RANORP &. CO.,
• ,.
Three Doors West of Dieksonts look Store
. viisi ;to' the city marketslastweek resulted in a heavy :pure
chase of
and ClliLDREN'S::P]othi*i-
Froni •
one o the'leading Manufacturers in, the Dominion and
•we are holt/ in a °,'position to offer -the --cheapest- clothing' ever•
offered in Cliliton: We hays”
But we were` only: -able to get' -a small quantity. to °sell at
this ''figure. We are confident we could sell" fifty suits• in a
short time if wecould get them, as they are without era .tion
the cheapest line.we. h ave•:ever seen. We want ev.e hod •in .
p ry Y ,
need of Boys C to come and see our assortment:.
Bargains in our Furnish
:ng 'Department;
Wonderful _ White Shirt for 500.
A Wonderful Brace at 25cts.
line oNeekwe ea a r..t
A wonderful f 26c
A wonderful line of Hosiery at25o.
A wonderful Linen Handkerchief
at 25ets.
A•wonderful Umbrella at 60ets.
wonderful Knit Shirt at 75ets,
A wonderful Hut glove at' 5Octs •