HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-10-08, Page 7FRIDkY2 Obt/8• 1886. 4% • The Chicago "Exposition” Sun, al- luding to the recent Percberon hors NEWS NOUS. show in that DIV, says The fact Women in Philedollphio are paid 9 e Ofetla per doren-fer. Making mens whi Almts. • * plecejof land wag sold in the nit of London the other day at the rate $10,000,080 per acre. Sixty tbouseond tons of coal, it e timated, are stolen every year from ear in transit, At one station on the Eri tons every night. road the theft amounts to about thirty ICnoxville, Terin,•the other day a negro parson ,married 1GA eloping white couple who couldn't wait to find a white • preacher. This is the first instance of the kind in the south, A bar of gold was received at the Philadelphia alint on Saturday, said to be one of the largest that has ever en- tered the establishment. It came from the mint at ,Denver, weighed 1,547.95 ounces, and is valued at $46,7,88.67. — Andrei; Lucas (Colored) died 0 Brantford on Thursday morning,' sup- posed age, 128 years, He was born in slavery in Tennesee, and was:General Jackson's servant in Canada, Deceased was highly thought of by those who ena ployed ' Between .seven and nine o'clock on Friday somebody entered the house of Andrew Miers, of Grimsby, through a window while the family were absent/ and stole $750 in Cash, and notes to the amount of•$200 or $30Q. lt is thought the robbery was committed by some one familiar with the prennses: Plenro-pneptnonia lisa made it etsrarlinciA in ,Oltio. IOW& has proclaimed a •quarintin • against Illionis cattle. Six persons including threw =Pittston were suffocated near Glasgow while watch ing a monster blast. %mien has challenged Beach to row a Canada was plaialy brought to light- that Possesses Ohre of tbe finest horses in the world," . 9 Alfred Sutton, son of `theolate Riehard Sutton, of Kincardine, woo accidentally , Shot. by a companion recently, while on a hunting expedition in British Colum- bia, where the deceased resided, from the effect of which be died. Ars parties Were threshing grain on a farm near Mildmay, Ont., Thursday, young man, aged 21 years, named A. Hay, was feeding the grain into the ma- chine, and as he was reaching fin ano• ther Sheaf, holding on to •the other to prevent •it from' going in too fast, his feet slipped from under him and he fell in and was torn to pieces, being. killed instantly. The family of Samuel Weaver, of Beaver, Dan., 0.; were taken seriously ill early Friday morning s,upposed to be from the-effeCts of eating deeeased porks. Three members are lying at the point of death,Sted four others ardsrap- idly sinking; ---The indications are that pone will recover:. The family butcher- ed a hog the day previous,. and the at- tending physician' feels warranted in giving the Above diagnosis. The hog cholera' is raging through that portion of Allen County, and the inclieatiops are that many farmer%will loose their entire stock. . • • • • • At Sir Richard CartWrighes meeting at Chadian], at the behkgrourid of the platform Was a large Union jack,- 'on Which was displayed a portrait of Hen. Edward Plake, in the•midst of the mot- to Canada's Hope,' while beneath it wee the rnOtto 'Jsilierty, Justice, Equal- ity.' ;Acrese the' folds of the flags that draped-da-fr-ont Of the platform was .the liberal--rnateinthe-Pirblie-fsintisfers the People.' •A. portreit, of Erigland's noble ..statesnian, Gladatone, .wita lalso promipeots while .conaPieuensly display ed were the mottoes : `•‘. Wealthsto-those who creete it.'• Canada's labor matket for Canadian labor.? No atsisted' No Irresponsible Senate.' 'NO taxation to aid monopolies,' No, Franchise autocrat'.• • • • ave you ever tried MeGregor .15 Phrke's arbolic Cerate for sores of any kind 1 It is beyond doubt the very, best preparation- in.the 'marlret for healing and curing Sires. Burns, elltS, Pimples, 131otehesoind is the only proper method oa applying .Carbolic Acid. Sold , at Worthington's Drug Store for 25e. per liox. • day last Week,. pays the town Stiin-dard, Rev, G. G. Matobbie was in a town store when the clerk Was unpacking and idarking a lot; of fine furs, and in a bantering way asked. the latter , • not to mark the goo_ds_ton.high-fOr poor. 7 f0101 tCi boy. A. gentleman present beard:the ,conversation aand 'passed the time of day with She clergyman, ttS he passed out. Mr.. ItInRebbie went into 'another stem : to have a .chat with. the • proprietor,..atidAne;feiv onintotee ho haw' the gentleman whom he badmetthe, firststore . beckoning: him to the door: On going out be. was 'surprised' to find •himself tbe recipient of oi,parcel,contain- ihg a handsome and costly set of furs.. Viten his hesitating te, • accept suck. a •gift from a stranger, the latter -remark ed that he had becirat the 'Preabyteritin church the 'Sunday pievioini .and had heard Mr. MoRobbie preach one of tbe •beet and most practical sermons he tad ever listened to, thetefere the gift was a token of appreciation and esteem, which he urged the rev. :gentleman .• to 'accept. , The latter ; did *so expressing both thanks.. and surprise at -the un mina). aireurnstanCe. -- The generous donor Was Mr. Win. Stin- • son, of Howard. •• race en the Thames for apy aunt up to $25,- 000. Beach declines. is claimed that the Cepealtion will v.( carry sixteen of the nineteeneenstituencies • in the district of ghetto at ,the .goinieg Previncial elections, - "My daughter has taken the medicine faithfully, according to directions, and her health arid spiritsare now perfect. The humor *is all gone fronfher face. I wish every mildews mother might know what a blessing Ayer's Sarsaparilla is in such cases," The War Claims Commission is still in session at Ottawa, and does not expect tos teiminate ite laborsbefore three months, The Hudson Bay claim, aggregating $1,000 000, has been settled. The commission are settling the balance of the C. P. R. claim of 0700,000, The amount paid on account was about $600,000. his now Opted beyond dolibt that Judge ••• -Brooke, of Sherbrooke will succeed Gover- nor Dewdnev as Lioetenant-Governer of • the North-West Territories. The latter has just returned from British Columbia. He is -making an effort to secure a second term, but the hostility that has been maul- festeol toward him in Parliament on both aides .of the Rouse would prevent the possibility of Sir John Macdonald granting . his. request however much he might feel - disposed to'do so. „ , *iv.* *Decline of man, or woman, premature- ly inaueed by excesses or, bad practices, • speedily and radically cured." Book (illustrat- ed) 10 cents in stamps, , Consultation free. world'sIS Dispensary, Medieal Association Buffalo Y. 1/ . • William Reins:Ads, 'a farmer living live • miles-north-of-ilhelbyville,-BL,-has-justlosts his child six months of age, in a Most terrible manner. Theintant was placed,iii • its crib in the room occupied by its parents & lady in the adjoirtiog noel heard the child cry near morning, but supposing the parents were awake, said nothing. In the morning Mri. Reynolds dieooved the babe was dead. Rats, which are very numerous • about the pretnises,'had killed the child, eaten the flesh from the bones of the facie, and other -wise terribly mutilated the body. Sherifrelark, of Litt A-rtinn-tr • a great many sunflowers in his garden, and . he said to a reporter, who was ad - 'miring one 15 inches in diameter • keep them for an econoraie re'asen. You • notice that the Jower ileaves are all off them. Whenthe leaStee are young, and tender the grubs and caterpillars like them above everaithin.g' else in the gar- • den and they gather on them We, then go around and Collect the leaves and eaterpilla and- grubs and -horn them' • together.' The. wrinkle 630 be worth '• adopting in bower latitudes. • , . The latest remedy fkir.Cotighs, Golds,. Croup, Whoopleg Cough, 13ronehitis, etc., is McGre- • gor's Lung Compound. no reniedy•in existence conthining any of the active ingredi .0nUcomposing.MoGreger's Toingilompound, 80 •do not, eity,you have taken everything until Au hate tried thisfa your cough or cold, and your opinion will be the same ea all who have used it, viz., that it hi the best. • Sold ,in toe and 51 bottles byA. Worthington, druggist, • Halton' county popUlation seemi to be remarkably Well-behaved. When the • Assize' Court sat flit's' Week, Mr. Justice. Cameron waspresented 'With a parr of • whitegloyes, there •. being no: crimiiial eases for trial.: • Even -the 'civirstrits •en- • tered were settled out otomort In the Grind 'jury, presentment. . was stated thatilie'enlyinmatee. of .:the jail Were a • fetinde lunatic, a persOn , confined for •' breach of the Scott At, an 'old men Va.. . grant from Trafalgar and a companion • from Oakvilbe. , Thel-nrers recommend- • ed that these paupers Should he Sent:to • a regularly established poerhouie. . Sufferers from the effete otquinine, usedars a remedy for chilliand fever, shonld try •Aver's•Ague Cure, a 'poWerfal. • tonic bate), . .whelly vegetable, without, a.partiele of noxious. drng. 18 acts promptlydireaking the chill,curitig the feiver,and expelling the /*son • . yet leaving no harmful effect upon the•patient.• . Abou t three hundred delegates. arsiem bled in Chicago some. days: ago as a cOnVention Oranti-saleon,Reretblicans-rtTlaiy met as Republicans and 'at the' aotne time as ardent Prohibitionists. They saidthey were . Republitans, had idealsbeen SO, .and• ••• 'tended to remain .sueli; 'They were, they Said; of the party; possessed the party, and were .determined 85 key in thasiertY, • They were "alerting thc saloone as lofig as these continaed-to exist," and Would Use • every means intheir .power to have` soch • places rooted"out. At against nci license, they. .'Wereefer. high .licentle. AS against • high limner]; they were for prohibition; but they did not feel themselves bound by any system' of cait-iroh • rules or plans; The •deetruetiefi of the, liquot 'traffic was that • which led them to combine; but they felt that they could (fairy on the agitation far ..more efficiently :within • the Republicon • party than without is. • A faemer in Grantham infarms us that last week a 16* set and tolerably well: ,dressed Mari came to bus place and inquired regarding some fat Cattle he had to 8011. Ho said he was buyer for a corporation of butchers in Buitaltewho followed him with' refrigerator waggons and men who slaugter- ed the enimils on thetpot, and when a load was procured Cent it to the Anriericanticle, examined it • eumberof animals, 'and after tome dickering agreed to .pay.6/ cent Per pound, dead weight, As night was a.p- proohing he stayed with the farmea who -was stilhauspiciouto regarding hi trnbu tin ever. thelese give hint aupper, bed and breakfast when he left to viait other farmers saying the refrigerator waggons would be along next day, Neither haVeyet'ellown up, and our Grantham friend has new arrived at the conchteien that the advance agent,is either a Fran or a thief, who adopts that method ofspying out,the lend.and getting • an entrance into farm housesSt, Oath- atidea Journal. • . Iineveious. One dose of Dr, chaseti Liver Cure will eve. Sick headache, Dizzinessenct.Senr Stomach, 1 to 2 bottles are warren fe'd to care Liver Com., .--plaint, It and Biliousness.-. Sold by ••••• Y•• 0• 1 nom Mr, Mowat bas recovered from te ' bis illness.' 1 An Iowa insuraoe company Orono y $200 for the best Ati, for A tornado of core, . 40 tbe skim* Assizes,. in Barrie. Jas. a : The Dominien Government steamer Napoleon III will immediately proeeed to -the north shore of the. Gulf of St. Lawrence', to render assistance to .• the destitute. fishermen 'and their *families. Three hundred fishermen will he trans- • ported to free Crown land farms 'in Beauce, at tbe expense of the PelreFil • .:Gavernnidnto), • "what is McGregor's Speedy ettre fa % tig?".111,131,initergogmgAggudiges- in the known world to -day. "Does it giVe satisfaction 1" We cannot point to one instance where 18 515 not. . • • . "Where does it have the largest sitter Right in the city of • Bandlton where it is manufactured, there has been over one thous- and dollars' worth Sold in the.last year, retail, tfolitthogreat of raglebilt 5o0Oealid 51 per bottle at Worthington's Drug Stem, - Mr. Wm. Hendrie, Hamilton, em- ployed in 'the G., T. it shops there Was relieved of a rather, cpteer annoyance in the form of a piepe of glass, which ..mias taken from his wrist, after having been trikrelling Op and down his arni' for the last seven years. • On Wednesday after nom] Mr. Ilienclrie felt a pain near his wrist bone, and upon examination it Was found that a piece:of glass was pretrud- ing, and when removed measured about half eitinch square. • • Mr. Aaron E. ShantZ, a farmerliving. just south Of the Berlin corpOration line, has had quite, a ,freak of mai& happen �n his farm. One of his Cows had calf which had a big lump, apparently alive, in its throat between. the Shoulder and the.mouth. The calf llied it day and took ,nottrishthent. ell right, but ltir.' Shantz thcaight it best. not to trite raise it And 430 -killed•it:the second day. When. he opened t he feundphat the lumpwaa nothing more dr -less than :its heart -- the Onry One it had. The calf was a arge one, the skin „ Weighing twelve pounds. ' ' , •. Luke was found guilty .of •abortion on Diana Harper, Owing to the prevalence of diPlitheria, in the neighborhood, Plicebe street isohools Toronto, has been closed. 13ail has been refused for the prisoner Eland held for trial at Sarnia in connec- tion with the dynamite outrages. Toronto's assessmentfor 1887 amounts to about eighty-one millions,,an increase of nine millions over diet a 1886, Johnnie Couch, son of Mr, Joseph Couch, of Putnatn, was kicked in the face by a fractious horse on Thursday, and received injuries which may tortnin- ate fatally, ' It is stated that a Quebec grocer, who had faith in Wiggins' prophecy of earth quake, that be had all the bottles In his shelves securely tastenecl with wire and toek other necessary ' precautions. - James Doherty, of Brooklyn, pounded his wife till she fled, leaving her child- ren. He then set fire to his apartment, locked the door on the children and went away. The children were rescued. When we say MoGregor's Speedy Cure is the only perfect cure for Dyspepsia, Liver Com- plaint, Indigestlop and Inipnre Blood, we are teiiing Wain facts, of which hundreds upon. hundreds eau testily, who have been reStored to perfect•health by its use. We would there - tore advise youstrot gly if you are a subject of any of the above trotones, to give•MeGregor's Speedy Caren trial arid ,be convinced. It' is Sold in 100 aim st nettles at worthington.,Drug store. • . 1111'. 0, Wing, of St, Thomas; , being unable to pay the fine of $50 imposed upon hid at the police court, for .viola- tion of the Scotts Act, hed to take the alternative, end go to.jail for "tbirty . - . • Abs. D,;.111.• Besirss, Of -Malabide, on !Sunday histoyas standingon a eane-bot- , _tooled chair,' Which gave way withliet and she was thrown , to the floor, hadly 4eaeirk4ng-laer-thigh bone near the knee joint. John Robbins, a barber, of Lafaiette,- Ind.,. 'ffound :the .bartender; asleep in a• salon be, frequented, and thetight it would' be a good joke to. take 'the dash, drawer and 'hide it, -and thus scare him. But the sleeper happened , t� awake just as• -Iola had the cash drawer in his hands, and not seeing the -joke, had him arrested, and the jury' that tried him were also -deficient in -humor, and e'en-. victed him, and be was sentenced* to a year in *inn. His friends* are trying to get. a' pardoraras:it-is-pietty cleitr.that he really' had no idea of -stealing' the money, . , A t a Feterboro hardwire Store • one' evening, a customer stepped on the iron plate at the door, and suddenly assumed a devout posture, rubbed his slain to .re- move a sudden tramp that caught hid, and Walked woo. Another stepped on the Plate and doubled up like a jackknife: A loafer leaned lazily against one of the iron protecting rods in front of the plate glass windows and in a few moments he was turned end. for end. 4n investiga- tion Was soonmade, and, it was found. 1 that the Whole iron front of the Shop waecharged with electricity. Tish elec- tro light. wire which touched the Wet awn- ing above the doorway provided the 'elm- t tric power: The Current, it is supposed I 'was tarried dna% the iron supporting t • pillar to the &mildew, which electrified every person who, put his feet on it. 1 Saone crowd colteeted. *ores of per. oi sons continued to get a shriek, and noitn- erous devices lindAnducernents were em- t ployed to get. the unwary to put, their a feet on the door plate. • The battery was 11 patronizedontil-thff e current was -out -o at eleven o'clock. „The crowd wee sev- eral thaws so great, that the pollee had s Ip clear the street! A nova &attire of a the entertainment was the dis3overy 0 that by striking and rubbing the Win- t donsbar a small electric light was pro- b aticed;While Shaking the Water -trough at the side of the -window toade a similar ; light of a larger scale. It was the best itt Patronized free exhibition that.Paterboro has had for a long time., • The trial of Jetnes. King and John cherged with the murder ofJ. A. Bailey and an unknown man, near Wiarton, in April last will not be tried at tbe Assizes which open next week in Owen Sound, but at the request .of the Crown the trial will Probably be post- , poned until the Spring Asaizes. The Crown will take this stand owing to cer- tain evidence not forthcoming. • A ;despatch from Indian Head, N.W. T., says Indians are becoming bolder each •day. A man na triett Gaurda- pie, while guarding sprpperty for the _Medicine Hat Range Company about 20 miles aviey,: svaS. herd up by .eight Blood Indians. and relieved of his rifle; revolver and everything •:if value. . Horse etealing beg.an about thanye CHAS. N Ei OOMBg. 13400K4 CUNTON .time the .police oiatposta were ordered' in. . , op to cc;rlyy that 1 have used McGregor's Before buying .any other. FOR SALE ONLY By • ROB.W. COATS; cuNwoN, • Bargains in Croctery • WE ARE SELLING A. FINE IRPNSTONE. CIIINA. TEA: SET" 44 Pitt -es, for. -$2.2-5,- Riktleir Pr'fee, $3.— These Goods are strictly; first-class, and are the Cheapest ever offered in Clinton. Call and see them. , os. Cooper & Son, CLINTON". „TENNIS.' 'Si10. Groat:: variety._ • T(1.1'8*grx:L°1;12;121:tilaff`i`:`1Wef.:)itatieT bottle I would not be,withoht it, as it has done me more good than• 411 the medicines ,I eve used..and I feel like a new man. -Tours oine i'earf,:tfaec;rtiestign 41gettitieriotgarralt • worthington's smug Store. I.: • EDUCATION NOTES. " Cheerfulness,r says one,. "is to a men'a'work *hat oiling is to machinery; it ;Alta smoothness, . a beauty- into it, • as the sun •oftep hangs 'a; golden fringe • on the retiring cloud. Resolving to see the world on the sunny:side, we • have almost won the battle of.lice at the • outset," ,BesoiVing to see our :work on • the bright side, have we not gained.the victory 'over it That person it] to be• indeed pitied Who goes through this beautiful world Murmuring, fretting, and complaining:of-his4i4U lM ife. an is otit of harmony with the universe uniese,he is happy. There is a tireless glee, in Abe motion and life of all- on lutsk, There 15 mule every- where -music in the school'roorn, music in the hall; music by our fireside bright, and music for ns all. -American Teacher The 'Waterloo Chronicle sensibly ob- serve's great 'deal is being said and written in condemnation of the. perni- cieua system of advertising foreteachern, and requestinglYeln 'to state the enigma of salary expected. 11/any sections are also adopting the plan qf advertising foe the entire staff when perhaps one re- quired ; and otlieva again whetgr. it is (leaded to Make a change or not. The, valhe of a good teacher coronet be reekon- licrinThieribi..-Irii incoln- petent one is employed the sooner he or she is got rid of the ,better; A year's salary is a, mere bagatelle compared ;to the loss ofii year's valuable time. • The system of auctioning schools to teachera Is decidedly bad in its effects,u encorayb. ing and promoting as it dm'jealousy and underminlog. 'Why not state what salary the section is prepared to pay and tfien ',teachers are not going wholly blind 7 , - The failures in thee Drai4noen 0 •a- natia for the quarter just defied, and for :the nine months; are almost preeise- y similar to those reported last year. The failures for the quarter ending Sept. 30, as reported by:Duo, Wiman-&-Co., nutnber 2,58, as compat•ecl with 254 -foi. he corresponding quarter of 1885. The iabilitieS amount 'for theqtfarter in 1886 o $1,921,000, as compared with $1,911,, 000 for the corresponding 'quarter • of 885. The 'total failures for the first mole months of 1886 are 957, as against 944 for the same period in 1885. The otal liabilities it] 1886 are $7,428,000, s Compared with $7,077,000 for tire - rot nine months in 1865*, showing very ittle'obartge. General Booth, the originatoe Of the alvation Army, who is in Toronto, gave tr address on Friday on "What I know f the Salvation Army." Ito related he origing the 15.1133yr and traced its istory and growth, He spoke of its resent strong,th and, prospects, and re; tied to the various 'objections raised gainsb their methods, They haw/ now ,643 corps, and 4,063 satried officerS, He calculated that if they progressed at he same rate they would have in four- eenyears 40;000 corps and 100 000 sal - tied officers. He also spoke of their ork among prisoners, end said that 3,- 00 poisoners had gone to their homes, nd sixty per cent. had been saved to delay and Were.now earning an honest velihood. Regarding the roam] i,otk mong girls, he said 2,000 badleen car - a for and sixty per, rent, saved td* to- ioty =t; „ t A.VICE TO MOTHERS...—ATO Stott diStUrDeG 4. at night, and broken of yedir,, red, by it sick " child suffering and crying with of Cuttieg a Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of w 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup' for Child- ren Teething. Its value 18 ineelculable. It ' will relieve the poor little sufferer, immediately. a Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake t about it. , It cures Dysentery and. Diarrhrea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, curers Wind a Colic, softens Va3 Gums, reduces Inflammation, a and gives tone and energy to the whole system. 6 Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," for child- ren teething is pleaaant to the taste mulls the 5 prescription of one of the oldest and hestfemale physiciane. and nursers in the 'United States, ittld IS tor gale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Ile sure and ask for " Mtg. AVINatoW'S SOOTHING SYRUP," suattakeste-otherskind. 2O.y.p- - • A Xionanzo.., Mini. of health is to be fouud in Dr, IL V. Pierce's . "Favorite Prescription,"te,the merits of which as a remedy for female weakness and kindred affectiOns thousands testify. • — • • Wree Trade. The reduction of internal revenue miff the taking Off of revenue stamps from Proprietary •MedieMes, no,pubb has largely benefitted the cOnstilnerti, Ata well as relieving the burden of -home manufacturers. Especially is this the• case with Orreen's August Plovrer and Beschee's German Syrup; 08 the rednotion of tbirty-iix cents per dozen, has been added to increase the -size of • the bottles. tontaining these remedies, thereby giving one fifth more medicine in the 76 cent size. The August Flower for Dyspepsia anti 'Liver Complaint, and the German Syruketrpo• ugh slid Lang troebIes have perhaps alo of any medmineor in the worldthe argest s. The advantage of in. creased size of the bottles will he greatly appreeiated by the sick and afflicted in every town •and village in eivilized emirate/ell sample tlettles for 10 oenrizeremalti the sams size. entral rocery, JRAZIOE33B'S Old S4taaid. :The subscriber, hes bought Out the Stock :IA P. :Robb, consisting -sof -ss .GROCgRIES; CROOKtitY, GLASSWARE, SO. Which, beingibou,s,,lit at low rates.; he iS enabled to offer At the ieri closest Prices - Patronage . respectfully solicited. • .All orders promptly Ailed.' Roods to let: • " H.R. WALKER, • CLINTON. GILEs, ZINIMENT-Todifilimellia. . 4. '—'''.."."-'S .t•si• '1' !. I • 1...i.7.:_7 -•–___,.... .v f_1,t,•,,,..,...7.r, ,.-.N.,,.N1,,,,„,,,. , Zile Speediest and 'most etittain .. Me""-".7'g;eit;fiin the worl ..L. ' — --AL'L FAMILIES USE IT, _. Weak Back, Enlarged Joints, Parairsist . in ltbeinttism, •Neuralitia, Diphtheria, .. , Sciatica. Prolnpens ,Uterel, • Female "Weakness, , • The best and only certain remedy to relieve pain of all kibds, no matter of how long standing. Instant relief guar- asn,yi:ectd;cwriiplpl Ineost. moiliwl.ollen Joints, Wartime° Veins, Bites of Insects or 13108 Headache, No oil er IMAM . is clean and . , . • inflammation, otntheeasitedseys, Bright's • Diabetes, Incontinence otUrine. Xe thefinly Liniment i, the world .posseming alterative powers. Can be taken itt ternallii enrea Cramps and Colic, Diarrhoea and Dysentey. Sold by all Druggists.. Trial Bottle, 25e. ,Write PR. GILES, box 3,482 N.T. P. O., who will give advice ort all diseases, ISPI3eware ofmnbcrupulous dealers and counterfeits, the genuine lute the namo blown in the glass and facsimile of (he dissoverer's name over each cotk. • GILES IMPROVED MANI/RARE PILL.—Safe sure re, liable and effective, piirely vegetabie. For the cure of all diseases of the Stomach, liver, Bowels, Se. Sold by all druggists at 25c. per box, •.., • • . Blytli'. Pump . 'Factory, jltMES FERGUSON . . lidting remotild 'his business to the premises fennerly known as THE. 1,101.11TOASTLE BILL, woUld thank All old; patrons for past favors, and 18.1h a bettor posi- tion than ever to promptly ftli all orders entrusted fo him, A STOCK OF GOOD PUMPS ON HAND.— Ordered work aspecialty. Wells dug and completed on Short notice All workguaranteed. Prima Mason able. OnusvNAM PROMPTLY ATTENDED Td. .7,511VIES41' ‘ ,E11.011SON, MYTH. i . . ' AKiNO .1\41,N'S WD THE CooK'p, BEST FRIEND[flJ JJ . t Are AtAret+, but them who *HIS 16 S,1,1,1p r" , Portland, Ittniabovilirecylve ....! • •••••.o..4. Gout wet* which tk ,, 4 , P'r v 1,1 to • I.,,n0.1')Itt Will pay • • r.• 4.er .tes.,.s.o IP. II, 1,.• el '2.• • .sitek :IT8110DEHICKS. Oysters Served iu the laterst•Styles, ale() in • .:Bulk and Can, directfrom Baltimore," . Guaranteed -alway, Fregh,,, 'BEST SG. CIGAR IN TOWN,' ---- CDOICE LOT OP: PiPESTOITElic . ..ftead inialters for CONPECTIONERY and FRUIT. 331101).ERICIVS. ' , • . ' . .,TAOirsON BL0CIK, HURON :STREET. morrow. ALLAN::.: 7-• T • Parties going tb the old.notintry this summer should take this popular line. The boats arothe eiosb eom= plete cat t,ho Atlantic', and accommodation unsurpassed • . , . CABIN PA IIES '`VERT SAW • (.111.1141P EXCURSION RATES. " . STEEHAGE PASSAGE A • • - 1 BOTTOM FIGUR • • , Call and get all partiCulars 'of A. O. PATTISON, CLINTON • AGENT G. T. lt. THE NIERGHANTS' Protectle• and CollgctIng Atsociatior — OP CARAT/A.7- •'. Head ‚Office, Hamilton, one, EfirMitansii 1884. L. • Is an Association of buninnss and professional men, • having for It's object the CO±,LEOTION Ot DtETS;' 'And to prevent it members malting bad debts by furnishing them with lists of parties who do not pay. MorolianttAnd others having 8400unts to collect and wishing to become members' by remitting $7, to mir Managers, Hamilton, Ont., Will receive by return mail ,fell particulars, certificate of membership, 4M, S. 13. Mrsts &Co,ellanagers, Or ta JAS, Tiremrso, Agent, Clinton, • , .. ..........:. ,„. . • N. n.......An por....h.,,,e warinit against a tnan lam - (01 lt. Faulkner, imilh,- f !An st: Mary% Wo Will not , reMigniEPAny tnevolmt:1„" (It by lim MO, 010 'OW, • or nomirx Mid to MM. ,..• , , a, •••i