HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-10-08, Page 6LEADING A OALE TO WATER, " 77.777 Which would. 'team father 0," antid my wife, 0,1eml the eelt to 'water, or rot* the cowl' With the alacrity of a man who semi a chance to drive a good -.so say the octors--we, mos baegam, I responded by starting for the I who on at all afford be do so, Bleep too ostlf Ithoth and began to niitie thetenimeh iq.. leepeAilte h appetite] onstLeveret enoettlf ea ; Th lirehlime, an te ea cultiVitsfl anI rniugzvipgul.' Aiemed to lociez for 41pre than sign. of dotRie, ly Wan4 1:10-Mnothing surveyed the calf with an eye to dis. worse, so every wink of sleep more than covering his bad points. Hailed a, very We need is a lead lees, and, that with - mild eye, and seemed to. be well-built, out the redeeming quality of over eating but there wa8. an undettaithle twist in and drinking -vise pleasure. For to be his tail that leaked ordiarnis. ..1 . sjmply 40410W Ther Y/Pit 4 WV rit-iflOnng-P.8914e' 41421" playing °teat in the. yilet,ii.ndat was nib Imbued; wi the feverish hppe that' the', ui calf Would de. nothing' I had id. 'health wayti borne an, excellent reputation for ultillg sobriety and decorum, lied intended to inspect impreas the calf with the digeity that before befitted the occasion. Toying with the only be knot in the rope awhile, to establish about confidential relations, I untied Itielititt itearlY telling. and. stepped quickly_ into, tIte I had . open air. Stepping on tile softest eV/tee al° ' of earth, to avoid attracting the atten. die de tied of the creiret playtime' ,ctadeeeed„ That_ ea to gain the shelter Ofetfics`beystikelc; 'More unobserved. No Buell false dititimey. 0:11ptilt. turbed the calf; obe giant* at the tiro- snarl fleet grounds gave him the key to. the giPnin situation. He knew his time had cenle sAMPI for going out a •strike: The id** in shod.' his tail beeatne, More Marked; and a *len ' terrifiebewl; eseaPeclehintee4if,tVii'n. ilatlite tried to look at OW30 and appear not to used . reeponsible. for the actions of that ab th Oaf. e.?„.fttettretanyeetthtetilt.Ciettea,„porik tion'es'thetrue labeling mane:lid-When" *hunt - the anarchists appeared en the scene- Da& we weee tied together; I was for law Years and order, but the calf waved the red thing flag, his jeints were no longer pliable, prase but with stiffened logs be moved back the and forth in a' kind of . hobbyhorse aego polka, and bellowed his own accornpani- e • ment. I wasn't pleased. I smiled a and kind of aieasiek: ettnilee and reelelesely ," held tbe loPehrionebanCe ractrit the surroendinfelandsOritie VcrY .intent. " Ins • ly, and paid no attention to the: calf, 'eigh was...theeproper-thing, .1.40.911z to do, and indicated that everything •rid -f--,-tacupr sing finely. ; • full But the Jersey would not be ignored. m Hoieting hisleil like a flag -staff on the ago, stern, of an °cep 'steamer, he hotted road the convention. I merely. said," Me now too," and then followed in --his -wake. ' tow Foreseeing eai approaching crisis', I had whi marked eitt the path Tahou14. choose ,if Pro werst came to worst. But I found I MaY Was not tow of that kind efe, steam. .its er, neither was I the pilot lart•that ' Wat cursion, and the 'calf seemed to. have and shipped his rudder before we left the 'eras harbor. Without looking I became bon. it w f3CioUS that croquet tno longer 'possessed of 1 •attractions for the players'. the • grand it ie calf reverse waltz eclipsed. all other die. It " " • plays. 1 had lost my temper and sever- • ma al butt,ons trying to keep at the head of o'cl the procession, when suddenly the calf air stopped short.. I went On the Imagth of pie • the_eapirestleetemy neck.' and cracking like a tv ipoord.• .The aaltheet, snO evidently halted to stay, rio.L'hegen to an ptill him. along. I pdlted great yells of the • akin up around his ears, bowed .wh his spine like a cat in a back fence duet; w then, he became.lacetious, " On faitting Warty. Now, I am Vibe 4Vrara fi,haksome Poo- le.ei407.4g0111p1T batin, rePRgtell uir� 4:friet wi about,. ancuirink.tooing" p trona elevelettll Mite the neat g' much t front. sleTert till °old be, and is tqr. one averegely y and normally cionstitfited, quite b. The ppirit -Went to fix 911 ally is those two precious hours breakfast. How ' many people gin their day after breakfast, say ten o'clock l I myself lived for -4orty years withpht *al 40:04 Orol:.040.111.; . aura *. be pleasant m any event, he,sent. for od working life, Oteciudet car- the young lady's father, who laughing, 61ot-be-burned at-bothends. You, lrconsented, to all .waa going on, get 7PUr Bleep.. halrA Ittigeiftl. Then the Russian gentleman was com. glint obe, professional Mtn stte• municated with, and When he -was in. to ,the: habit ,Of retiring too late formed that Mademoiselle's band was Ring toe early. ll'Ilittaes.it the be- for him Who gave her the most magnife le Of my peer friend thelLatCt Barba,' 'MO bouquet that, day fortnight, the - &Ws collapse. As Q.00.„ he never Empress herself to be the judge, he be- d have gone into Parliament, and lieved he would become her husband he retired frOrti tine Iletaee ;04 and none other. But confident in his ship the Misch:fig .1Wthi chain, Ile great fortune and • his 0*Xt g00.4 *sate, to be nilate With briefs, or down this Russian let the days pass, suppos- e House till two and three, rise at ing all the time that his money could ight his eyed: fire, end work till buy what he wanted at the last moment. Allsuelliteir-pressure hi, et course, The day arrived when the • gauge Young men may stead it ler is few was to be decided. That part of the -young men can stand alinost eine: palace in which the Czarina lives was for a few yeara-40041ris illtracenerot13.reat excitement. Even iple. Give the bodr•its thettentocretiesczarhireself deigned to body will revenge itself. Atilt to borittberested, while the Grand Duke ire the habit of early rising feWorth waieist eager is- a `child about it. ffort. ; recommend' ft for liefilth The Russian nobleman` advanced and pleasure as,well as for profit, presented an, enormous bouquet. It l".41-15kIn4fer. i43( glorious Rummer was indeed beautiful; it Was made up fog wiled:X*0A bo. 'I...thought; of the rarest floviers that could be found tead.uf lolling in bed from five till in ell Ruled°. and had. ootit something t I Will se's lee.' " I got up like 8,000 'roubles. At the sight of it Wiest* ldeieleet rtie, • Theme Paris Boulevard Bower dealeeet etreitail gerrespondent" hefiVa WOlealg4- titeittelloe :arranging ficrwerii,Thse Is One Of theln, Mine. Lion, whoitereputa, tion bi European: ever Since .an incident A Idsollty Maui. "A lucky man rarer them a white crow," Alyonol, and we thielt ha VOW. Hew ever. we have heOit-pl! thoulando of lucky ones and. aro proviso: to •Xet thei4 Remit out. They were people broken .down ia health sedating with liver, Wood and skin diseatee, with whiehshe happened E0 140 C01111130t. scrofula, dropsy, and consumption and were Cd'stiViatA tha.Papertl- -- lueliy ettough to hear of endeviettamoligh to thasecreteriett of. the Ft.** • nee W.. Fiereets,"Ocklea Se'diefitbiseovirail' Enlbisa9 1), itarebnrg love!' the: eowneigit blood pnfifiec wl#12 elle of the ladies of honor to the alterative of the age. ' Empress.. Unluckily for the young di, A trackman tit, the Grand -Trunk railway plotnatist, she was elrendy eagaged to be married tot" very -wealthy and titled Meemovite, but elle could not half ahem - man.. • Thereupon the 4nginano mad, • - insiststhat a:drove of seeirrithi oroseitig the track at Petrolia, Canachipsheolutely bock- .• a handcar running jpict, Ing hOF rferenoefor the Debt, tench,. teem ewe eieteefoee • each* scene that-the.lady went to the P.Opress forroteetion, "Try 'ona in- dnoeher .Mitjeety accord yonr nand t� whicheyeb..„0 na two shall produce - Ills-- most 'beautiful bouquet," Fetid the Stegetary to. her, and .she proinised she would. do lso. • The Empress loved her very ranch indeed, and readily zielded '..te in arrangement which, renitsed to hsvQ gter,4yei Odle downstairs the Young lady nearly fainted. Surely; out. VOL' ' of May Mity hlooni, and twittering birds. ploMatist to ever excel such magnifi- ed° .nly-Waylit-lirthirtriive-r* ---cencrx:-Thtfatlierladiesouf-honor-ind- ah Map 410WII to IhrnetecountrY all theati present'. •shoviecl their eppreir %then fictukedwith flelditiaideroode, atdon,:et 'their countryfaan!if lette token. adorned With,nrowdettl villas, With a eneelting sralle on tipe the ard the great itcputre piece of Water Count stepped forward, holding in.his oh formed the reservoir of the Old hand two gilded boxes; In lolitest yams Canal. Bra:Otos,. le,ngeage he said that one of the boxes trees, and WoOd reads drooped over • contained a bouquet •for the ...lady he 'Might. There • were inshes and lwied; • the other held a few ilewers er1ilie�haunted by blue diagon•tlies Which he humbly begged that the Em - early. bees; in aleandence; ;A wide ' press Weida deign to aceept. Thenhe' sy path went all eouud the lake- handed the two ladies each • her hot- alsOut a mile eound--and foreet:. quit, and inunedietety all thoite present ow fir trees and tingled copses shut saw that he had won; for never before from the .adjacent meadow -lands was there such a lovely cOmbieritiort of was a bay', paradise. Theta I re- color and perfaree as in those which he ined hird'ienesting till about eight hiraself hacl brought from Paris. For cick. I never smelt such fresh bahlie the .tnetent that "the gage had been ; the Finn seenied to distil health and ' thrown down he applied for leave of eh- asure into my veins. Anti I thenght,' sence; it took nearly two days to go it,- • have often thought since, et the and then he stated PariS. Arriving ring thousands Who might have such there he rode straight to a famous flow - experience is this, and he richer er shop and told the proprietress what ir Hies afterwards -as I•have been, he wanted. That night at eight o'clock is yet, as old Watts has es,id.: he was on ,his N994` back to Russia, and in the large basket' Which • he looked aste all theiray and their hours without number,'! 1+-ror ri.i.iivvirAy TIME CAA -35 Trains leave Clinton as follows ;- GRAF]) TRUNK RAILWAY. 7.25 a.m. express 10.0 a.m. mixed I Going West. Going East. l.0'5 p.m. mixed 2.20p.m. express ' 4..30 p.m. mixed I 9.15 p.m, express GREAT ,WESTERN unmet. ; Going North. Going South. I 0'55 a.m. express 8,03 a.m. express, 7.00 p.m. express 4.13 p, m. express MANNING • yfo Seen' -1)01,0i4OrS, ". Solicitors, .4JONVEY,AZ0ERS 41. Commissionerofor Outarleand Manitoba, OFFICE NEXT 1)0011 rue zuA., maNtOm r a . MONEY ir,it,LAOTBANiu4D11011.9t.GENATigret;: ower J,Jaeltson'sstore, Albert Street. • • • ANARRIAGE LICENSES. --APPLY TO THE J.X1- undersigned at the Library Rooms, Smith'a 'Block. • 89 . JAMES SCOTT. Vfl ONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR MALL subao on good mortgage seourIty, moderate ate of interest. H. HALE, .uuntoo. D H. DOWELEY, M.D., M. R. 0, O. ENGLAND If Physician, Surgeon, eto. Office and residence next Moldon's Bank, market square, Clinton. . D11 APPLETON.-OFFICELAT negrrieNea . on Ontario street,Olinton,oppositethe English ninon. naaranee by side gate. IT B. PlioUDFOOT, CIVIL ENGINEER, --.LA.-.4trovit-olal and -Dominion -Land -Surveyor, Architect and Drattghtsman, PEnninPLoon, Clinton. - • " rot. HEE VB. -OFFICE RATTBNBUIty ST.— MurrayLI Bloik, two doOre east 04 Ilcidgeris' en- trance. .Restienee, opposite the Temperance Hill Simon treet,Olinton. Office hairs, 8 am. to r. and ragged carefully . after dayand night, 'were . . . lde heed feons."sideto side, and tan out 1 ewe who, if von should attempt to rouse • niftos, souvenirs de 111Lialmeason and gar - his folic) lifide."-The'10. PeNvasieraorr-H them; wouldiairoba,blyfonly exclaim'? in denim, and these three most lovely ing wit the strain When he bellowed the wadi of the earae:well-kaonin Porieh i - rosereavere,seLebeut With white lilacs. . .Scuili a bouquet was neverInseh'i the - Basilian capital and the Em ress th- ont delay awarded the Count h young lady's. hand. They were' marriedand are now living 'in -Vienna, to which em- .bassy he was prompted only a few :months a ' go. . • for Me to•geteut ofethetway; I wasn't braced in theright direction; and when he' Started , laid delfts On my baCkto rest.. The; calf, under the ireprettelon thatI Wasn't coming, jumped on. tci inc . to wake me up then started for the croquet grounds. His impressions were . these witless creatures who °eine lolling not correct. The rope wee -now itrmly into the deserted' brealchnit room at wrapped around my wrist and I went about eleven o'clock --just out of be along. d, end With a cigar already in their menthe The calf didn't pay half as Much at- tettion to me as I. -did 'him. He sconped the first two arChee at elm shot, while I was pulling up the stale; then.. I caromed hard against the " basket," • end when he made the turning stake I irp-thirremairriog-wiekets-with- my legs. Thia Made us both " rovers," . and it became a ," go as you please," with the Jersey a rope's length in the still tried to appear unconcerned, and when I plowed up a furrow with .• , my nose that would have done &edit to a, sixteen -inch breaking plow„I add. • ally tried to,whistifili strain ef "Homee Sweet Heine.," . Ificidentsecif rie lifetime -might pees through the _mind of a • drowning mane but I had no time for such foolishdess. I couldn't form more than half a thought befete rd be jernd • beyond/1t. i tied a an to a dog's tail once, made sympathetic feeling. for the pan flitted across nay braio awe sped' along. The path we made was no • -wider than that Of an ordinary- cyclone, 2,nd resembled the :track of a eteani ." You IMve Waked me to. soon, I must slumber ageLitt !ft ' - I like to heat of young men who are oub. on horseback fora ride before break- fast before the family Meal, instead. of No ondknows bow radiant and vigorous Nature; leeks ivhd has not caltid to a.ri skit her at early: toilet, anda seen her hathing herself in eryetal dew and deck- ing herrielf with: opening' blossoms be-' tween four and six o'clock on a mideum, mer Morning. So much and howenstich naoreforetina._ pleasure-seeher ? but the early rising. worker all the year round is rewarded by an increase of producelian.• economy of tithe, and an ineigoration of mind. mid . body. a good figure. Morning llterary work' is usually cilia.. Sho was dressed. in the usual fashion ,c aCtOriZEIC1hy freshness, continuity, grasp, of trousers on trousers, the last- pair be-, aud vigor; night -work by fever, excite- ing of such stiff • brocade that-ifpet ment, and less condensatien. This standing _upright in the middle of the believe to be the rule ; Sud with, exeep. room there they would remain; Her tone, in speaking thus generelly, it is.or hair' was Curled, not plaited, and she .course impossible to deal., - was literally .covered with dianionde. Of Ole thing Lem certain, that for" all She was quiet in her Manners, and head werkers, especially literary men, seemed dejected. She was most aux- e to hear about Euippean customs: . -t Parisian Princess. : • Lady Shieltin her " Gliratises at Life and Manners m Persia," says : "I went to see the Shah's half:sister; re'leariti: • fril girl of fifteen, who lived with her mother in an obscure part of the ante- room, neglected by the Shah, and -eon- - sequently by every one- else. She was teallylovely, faie atawithindescribable ...Ayes and a Um= only equaled by some of the eheY s d'airftre.cikItalian art. This is so very rare Among Persian women that she was one- of the few persons I' ' saw in the country with an approach to M' RS. WHITT;TEAOHElt OE MUSIC. PUPILS' 111- attended at their own residance,if necessary, Ea- rldom:It, John Robertson's, flaxen Street, Clinton. Itice'anevr method taught If desired. • Pim a Boils And Cirbilli0 Oink frwri StleblVta d, 11111)0Yerished, or impure eond14 blood. Ayer's Sarsaparil:a prevents and cures these eruptions and painful tumors, by t removing their cause; the only effeet- 114 way of treating them. , Ayer's sarsaparilla has prevented the zonal 00110.0,01 Bolla, Willi:It have 'milled and distressed meevery season for 0604 years,- goo. Scales, Plainvillf, Mich. ' tams badly troubled with Pimples on therlhee; also„svith a discoloration of the skin, which showed itself in ugly dart ,.;pitches. externil treatment dill More than°temporary good, Ayer's pAroova, rille eftected A Perfect Cure, • i.ntt -I have not been troubled since. - P. wAluddy,,Elyor ateleeivell, wag troubled with 13olls, and my health was numb impaired, I began using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, in due time, the eruptions all disappeared, and my -health was completely restored, - John It. Elkins, Editor Manley Observer, Albemorle, N. C. ,I was trouhled,jer a long time, with a humor which appeared oil iny face in ugly Peeples and Blotelses. Ayer's Sarsapa- rine cured mo, I *tattier it the best blood purifier in the world.-Cbsr1e&U. Smith, North Craftshury, Ayer's: ,Sarsaparifia Ii(sOld'hy all druggind dealers ia med. • 'eine., Ask ,fbr Ayees Sarsaparilla, auct do', not be persuaded to take any other. PrOpared by Dr.J.0, Ayer Co.,Lowell, Masa. Estee Si; sin bottles.'65. DB.SiANBURT, GRADITA'n 010 TIIE MEDI*" OALPepartn2e1t of V.letertallniversity,T4irontejor merly of the Hospitals end Diepensaries, New York Ooronerfor the County of Herod,Bsylle15,0nt. tirtANK R. POWELL, BARRISTER, SOLNITOR, -V Notary" Public, oto. OffiA, SEARLE'S BLoax, AL- BERT STREET, CLiwrori. Toronto agents, Messrs. Mc- Carthy,,Osier, Hoskin & Creelman. Private Ituids to ban at lowest rates of interest. • BENIIILAAER NURSERY. 1•••••••••.... PRIIIT `Ann roam AoLT0TreAtinx.04 'BP PINE. ir;a41"iThl Err AiliCeic:inticsag AMCIASIX LARGE. STOOK ON NAND ROBERT DOWNS, CLINTON, The OM eMamental treat and shrubbery *Miaow at Very kW prices, told ;hone wanting anything to this connection will save money by purchasing bore. Orders bol Nail' will be prowav atteude4 • • Addresh. Manufacturer anti Proprietor for the best Saw Mit( Dog in use. Agent for the sale and application of the glrEuniaa PATENT AuTOBIATie Boman CLEANER. STEAM FITTINGS furnishedend applied on short , notice. . jaoilerts,..Engines, and ,a111 Minim nir ISa thinery repaired ea peditiousiy and 1,5 a sationsetory-mansser. 40110 sTIVIARYI...00110110•ei kindsof piopert7 Insured at lowest tariff rate 0,:•pl• Flat -clan coripanies ' le• • filICKETEI VIA IL W. T. CO. LINE BOATS iv A- WINNIPEG on ALL LAKE POINTS, ALSO by all rail lines over the GRAND TRUNK and CANA- DA PA.OIFIC to any point on that line, Winnipeg, Brandon, &a., Dakota, Kansas, or -any point reached. by rail, local or !anew Como and Bee me before you; buy tickets anywhere, '••••••••.•• • 4.4kg. T110111PSON, $50,000 To LOAN at 6 per Cent. -Farm implementaxuanufaMturd_lind-repairedr-. Steam - and Watet_ Pipes furnished and putInno-anon. Dry Kilnalltted up on application. • Charges moderate. PENNYR:OY;Fir '''' -WAFERS. prescriptionofphytielail whf., has had &life long experience in treatingleinale diseases. Is used ' monthly, with perfect sadness by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe,' • effectual. Ladies ask your drd itg- • gist Tor Pennyroyal Wafers an taken° substitute, or inclose post- age for seeded particulars. Sold by all druggists, $1 per box. Address ITLE EUREKA. CHEMICAL CO., i)wraoiT, MOIL Sold in Clinton by .00MBE and Druggists everywhere. , • • DW. WiLLIA,M8, P.A., M. H., GRADUATE OF •Torent 0 University; member of thenollegeofPhy slaloms and =Rem's, On t Omen 5 DEEInidav 0E the bonseforMerlyompied by Dr. Reeve, Albert street Olinton. . • • • • • rdiesielax SURGZON nat. WORTHINGTON, , 1.1Al2.3onehedr,Lteentist eel the CollegeofPhysician- andSurgeons of LowerOart oda ,and ProvincialLicen, tlate and Ooroxierf or the CounlyofHttron. Offiesand residence -The building f orixterl) eoctipied by Mr Thwaites.,Enron street. , • • Olinton,Jan.10ad • 1871 • rILINTON MECHANICS'. INTITUTE. VIER k../ARy and ReadingRonis; Perrin block, down stairs. About 1,700 voipmes in the Library'and dlith-CLaildniKNewspapers. a n &Periodical e_of _ the day on the table. Membershjp tleket 5/Per • annum, Open,from 2 to 5 p:m., and from 7t0- - 9 p Applications., for ineumerOlisp recived by the; Librarian ' tho room. • he followin„e rules will be found. goiden : on , To bed before twelve. • • "And what seemed to surprise her To work before seven.' ' =est •was that we took the trouble to As little liquid as possibler-and no undress every night going •to bed -and reeking before breakfast. - -11. /). she asked Me was it ,true that ive put UNION' $HAVING PARLOR HA.1.11. CUTTING AND SHAM. POPING thine very neat and to suit, : every- person. • JOHN FARQUA,1140,,1,1 aniaties Bieck • • • Why pay others 7, 8, 9 And 10 per cent, . when yodean get ineeey freneiis at 0 per c. TERM made to•suit, berrower, regarding • PEY1Rent and period a loan. Apply to • . FARRAN 4 TESpAIAL BANK,ERS, pLINTON. TIE MOLSON8,.B8NK. Inecrporated by Act of Parliament, 1859. , - - $2,000,060. AlLEAD OFFICE MONTREAL Oali6s'EXCELS1011,0[16_ TEOMAS WORKIJAM, President., j. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Geaeral Manager. , Notes discounted, Collections made; ,Prefts. Sterliwu and Araerledn ' bought and sold ot„.• Zomest • ,* Interest at 4 per cent allowed on deposits,. . . . — • , . , , .• money. h.d.van.ce..d to fuarm.. ce.ratioanstlwlell:itowlun.an:agtoeiesirn.wtiotab .;no or more endarsers. No mortgage roquired as se, January 188 . 3: 13IbDLECOMBE- • " l'o*4.Web Watch and,Clock Maker, current rates., After. the severest test at the late fair in (Milstein, it Was universally admitted that 'FOIL °F'ERFt01° 'AND' •EASY ACTION, FDATITY OF FINISH; AND SWEETNESS texit, the EXCELSIOR was 'away ahead of :all (Alia ers, and destined to be the pe'phlar inetru- motif. of the daye This, alonig with the fact that•a special prize was awarded it, nerteire • ly speaks: volumes for the instruments, and perties purchesing stionld. see .the Exonre • siceit before buying elsewhere. , J,. T. WILKIE, grRGEONDENTIST. Uold the exclusive right for thecounty for the Hurd process ,of adininisterlig &ethically pure Nitrogen Monoxide, whieh is the' safeit and best system yet 0_414. covered for- the painless extraction of teeth. Charfts moderate, satisfaction uattletiteed. OSSIOS, EL. IOTES BLOCK, over Rance's Tailor Shop, Htiron --treat, Clinton. plow at a noUntry fair, • , 11118118' " • on a long white dress to prise the night wheat and redueed the owner' thresh; *Mit asionid tveriibignienteitetiie r,; • 411 Persian women are astonished -at 75,3. passed throtigh a, belay 'bucIp ing bill ha,lf-an-aere; I at all times main- • . • . this custom, and. are quite nimble to ac- • It should be the place to which hie count for it. ',They never undress at lengthi , n the rear ofthe calf. I never heart' has turned during the day, the night tli'ey untie their , thin mattress taminga respectful distance of a rope's was preuil, aid knew iny place eeie place to which he retunis at night, lay.' from its•ailicen cover, draw it out from, mg aside his calljng as a servant to re. its piece ageinst the -wall, and roll them - instance, • Sume the simple and natural dignity selves up in 'the Wadded quilt twhich My journey was now, aimoet 'ended. with Which God hap invested him as forms their. blanket. , The only time. -0 sight I had had a stormy passhge, of relmven cheered my soul. and, ' We heed. • of his honee. Setae wives whe they change their clothes When they .1-1 the are sufficiently *barium have tio go to bathe. If theygo out to visit they were fast approaching a clothesline that THE GREAT ENGLISH PRESORIPTIGN Asuccessfulmedicifietestedover 30 years in thousands of cases. PromptlY cures Nervous _Pros- trcition,Weakness of Brain, Spi- nal Cord, and GeneratitteOrgane oteither sex, Estissionsand all ills caused by MEIN-. cretion orover-eXertion. Six packages is guaran- teed to effect cure whenall othermedicinestaiL One package $1. six packages se, by mail. Sold bydruggists... Writs for Pamphlet. Address EITIMEA CIIIIMIOAL Co., DETROIT, Mimi. Sold in Olinten by COMBE and Druggists everywhere-- , . , McKillop Mutual fire Insurance Co. • GEO. F. OAKES, PROPRIETOR. Faotory three doors west of iilulloy's Blimp Shdp, Rattenbury St., Clinton. • ' NOTICE. -Tho undersigned are appointed to set as agents in. the township. of Goderich, 101' 1110 Company'. Ally peroen •wishing to In- sure i hthis old and reliable reamers company,. apply to either THOS, NEELANS, Bar - look, or SAIVICEL CARNOOHAN, seatertb, Prompt attention will be given. , • PHOTOGRAPHER hung in graceful festoon from "pole to talent for neatness. They are constapt.• of course put on their best garments, polo, ' adjusted at a peeper distance ly scrubbing, and bustling about, and ancitake them -oil at night; but getter - from the ground: The calf with syste.: they keep chairs and tables always on ally they lie &we just as they are, and mettle culteadneert first dragged me the March from one apartment to the everein .cold weather they Wear their through a half -dried slough, and thenother I but, except the turmoil at the ' °hacker,' or out.of -door veil, at night.0 made Straight for the line, wlil • lie cit 'time, uo good comes from their acli. ' cleated at one bound, leaving nie hang- rooted. euergy ; ,in a day or two there IS The Peeper Weight of Mats. - - big by the chin. When I was fully all the sem, dirt and disorder as ever. dry, some friend a came and carried me Few things aro more apt to drive amen . back home. -At last accounts the calf frout home than a dirty floor so lire - was still going. I am now on iny third ei41°. Whet' he comes hot" in the botble of prima, and pass my time on a evening, and finds his apartment strewn streteher swung teem the raftera, with here lind there ‚with frowsy garments', mY toes barely tonehing the floor. ' I broken dished', and potato parings, or • have lost all -my relish for veal pie. 'coliverted into a laundry, fragrant with sons -soapsuds, be hi very likely to sally forth - ---e---- in search of a Moro cheerful scene, And, „ .,. ' weak Thneet:e . thererote, it is every woman's duty, who liursmall, *ntlealla has l'c-1house mid bea coninanyf to eotrive in hcquicirig t:3 w aid save her husband from thennu Aot possession of vas t forests of teak, e gt5t ali her rou.gh wotk oven lietimes, which, never plentiful its India, was be- a d li ave a trim and cheery fireside ecnting commercially •Very rare. Of' all awla sitinhis town,. . the weeds grown in the Bast this is the " most valuable. It is neither too heavy nor too harde„lt *does hot warp or split LoMoil Punch.- Fill bottle nearly under ex.posure to heat and dampness; .111 of aittoug.eider Vineg pat in it the it contains an essenttel" oil Which pre- .inda of four lemons atilt e juice of ono. hundred grains of solid matter, and four youth' its rotting under wet couditions, 4ct. aways, and in a WOO Or two the . hundred grains' of carbonic acid every and at the mime time acts as e., presor- .nixtilte will bo veva to' lemon juice, , 'waive to 18011and repels the destructive out UV which an necolleut drink may ye twenty-four hours; and his total loss during that period would bo &x pounds white tints; it iA, v, ithal, a handsome node by pn Win.; two teaspoolifals of it .wuotli of $everal tatietiee of Color and of Water •and a littIO Moro Ulan two arain, and tAkes• a :pod polish, .OLI.NTON • W0E-SIZE WORK ASPEOIALTY. • E N csan BO= . • --siet;asionfmsoarnailoillmillalarsElOarre; • Prof. Huxley.assets that the proper nowansx.womentamowiwounotsualgslaui weight' of matt le 1154 pouuds, niado up • as follows: Museles and their appur- • muttons monzaavir, tenances, sixty-eight, pounds; skeleton, twenty-four pounds; skin, tea and one- half pounds; fat, twenty-eight pounds ;• brain, three pouttos ; throacic viscera, three and ate -half pounds'; abdominal ilicera eleven pounds ; blood which OLINTON, HURON AND BfrUOE 1 I4oan and Investinent C•o9y Nvoilia drain from the body, seven , . pounds. The heart of suck a man ,.. _ . • ..... should beat seVenty-five timea a min- nig ComPanll 4 bectaie0 Awnell On - t farm ute, and 110 should breathe fifteen time 1 Security at.,4owest Rates of Inter'est. a minete. In twenty-four hours le ,- Would vitiate 1760' ethic!, feet' of lalte ,, - air n, therefore, of weight mentioued to the extent of one per cenp. A. mi'1011TGAGI18 ; r .°. 7 . PUllOttAStD Ma ., ....._4_, ... • ohotta hav'e 800 cubic feet of welpven. • SAVINGS :11AXIc. ERANOli. tastett space. lie would throw off bY . 1111'1111 11111 the skin •eigtlwilen ounces of water, throe 3, 4 eout 6' peO r en& Merest _Allowed on e a, glue of fee -wider, Well sWeetened, pounds of other matter. Deposits, aecordIttg to amount ' and time kft. • 'Or VICET-e(lurner of Ntarke ,Sonare andXorth Stroo ttOltACS HORTON. IdaNaotat (ledorieb Aimee. 5151 1S8f, „. li A A. BENNETT, FUNEI1AL .DIIIECTOR " A largo stack of First -Oise CAS- KETS and COFFINS', SHROUDS, • &c., always on hand. ' Tug E,GYPTIAN EllEALMT30.1 nged in all caSee. ALBERT STREET, NEXT 'HARLAND BROS, 'residence 0 range. S r,. neat the Methodist Church, clinton, • :JEWELLER, orronrim egag rnuanicarr,cniurtsroar. Where he keeps a select assortment of :WAN141, corn JEWAUERY, .S14VER. WARE • !. • ; whit* We wilt.seu at te.asoisabieratee, • • Repairing of 'every description promptly tended to, and all work,warranted. • • J. BIDDLECIOXBE. Clint on, Nov.1882. s 20 rEit.CIENT. . 1836--,SEMI-CENTENNIAL-1886. -rem or Tee GORE DISTRICT FIRE INS. CO nIluts0d bOth Cash and menial Plane, ' HON. Jas. YOuNO; 1% F., , - %Presigent. • • ARAB WARNOOK, EsO" - - - Vme-FriaSi ent R. E. STS0NO; Eso., manaedie EliredtOr'. T Er E. 0 R E Eniers epee its FIFTIETH YEAR much • • stronger and more proriperous then at any. • Previous period, having $218,896 of Assets and pratieally NO LIaltIL1TY except a Re--; insurance Reserve of $30,000. There are $200 000 deposited' with the Ontario Government, and ever $9),000 held. in Mortgages. Deben. tures, and Cash,' inamediatelt aveilable to • meet looses. Mutual Policy -holders in the "Gore" save - 20 per cent. with midotibted security. For MI particulars anp_z1 xre,ko OFFICE; GALT , or to ;101IN RIDOVT, Agent, Cl.tutoit dSt 7771031,111ISSioN 13R0ii S.. 111emberg Toronto Stook I xehange. Private wires to TOIION REAL, CHICAGO, mom •Nnw YORK and,011, CITY .$TOCKSt--130108, GRAIN', PROVISIONS, AND QIL 73000II0 AND BOLO FOR eASII OR MARGIE . , . . CLINTON OFFICE CORNER D400E:0E111V ANB ..AI.BERV STREWS J. THOMPSONi MANAGER. 011uton, July 14, 1886. , CFAXist*.CL.11 PLANING MILL D 1r L N rrine SUBSOlitSEII, IIAVtliG Just C:051PIATED -L and furnished his new Planing 111111 with mnohlst- ery of 'tho latest linprOVed patterns, -14 now prepared to attend to all orders in his line in the Most prompt and satisfactory manner, mut ts ransimabic iutos. 110 would also return thanks 10 all who patronised the old firm before they were burned out, and now .batim 15 rt, better position to oxenIto orders- expeditiously, feels corindont !wean give satisfaction to all, 20ACTOPY-1V ear the Grand Trunk, Petit ray, Clinton. • • T1temAS'Ate1f1l471111. Cabinet •Parlor illi1lliarorooms IDERTkkING. The hansom* keeps the pleat CiAgcETS•and COITINS. Away, on hand. Venerate furnished at theehortest notice end lowest prices. • . CALL SOLICITED, • Leading undertaker. REMEMBER THE PLACg, OPPOSITE tnn TOWN' HALL. THOS, STEVENSON ROLLER FLOUR .: . AT $2.10 PER, MT, BEAN by. TON or CWT. . 'r 60are. PER (MT,' ' ,. . , Delivered any 'Wherein towe free of charge / • MRS. JOHN RAYSON.