HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-10-08, Page 5read Leaders The undersigned merchants of the Town of Clinton beg to advise their customers that they have decided not to' accept 'Butter, in settlement of at'count,.on or - after. the 15th of October next, BEE LEY &. CO. R. COATS & SON. JOHN ROBERTSON. ESTATE J, HQr7Gt ENS' Gr.• E PAY & CO. ' DETLOR & CO. $Rlvatiout Almy New*.. General Booth has been six days in Toa , ronto and has been well receiyed by mem- bers of the .Army and' the ministers and citizens. Crowded'meet s have been held and the newspapers leave devoted large Space in their -columns to -accounts of the meetings. The Toronto News says; "So long as the Salvation Army continues to reclaim men and women from sin and iniquity, from drunkenness and bestiality and makes of them reepectabla, law abid- ing .citizens the News is not going to trou- ble its conscience or. lose rest over the big drum or the whimsical.dreas or their status fin society; And recognizing the titivate thrown at them, and the name. under which they march, the. News' calls to mind a verse of one of their war songs:-- • 'Oh they're helpless nobodies, Our enemies may•boast. They forget that with us ' Cornea the Almighty Holy Ghost And unseen battalions of the k . Glorious heavenly host,. As we go marching to glory," We think that the' way that Toronto al- lowed theArmy'to go on without•being dis- tur-bad-by-j�out.hs, els an esam.ple to_ smaller places. We are aware theta num- ber of the yowls of our' towns are allowed to annoy the army meetings both by mak- ing a noise. inside and out �by'"disorderly conduct:' Peaceable citizens have a. right to worship in' the barracks or church. shouting on the streets at .. the close' of the meeting, and blocking. the sidewalk on Sunday evenings should not be allowed: (Minton would have.been pleased to have had General Bootb Call here, as we wel come all well behaved strangers to. our The potato rot iseo serious in the vicinity of Stanbridge Fast, Que.;.that many fielde will be left undug., , In response to. an appeal made last. Sun- day night by' Dr. Wild, of the Bond Street r Congregational Church- Toronto, to mark the seventh anniversary of his pastorate by wiping off the church debt' of x$3,000, the congregation subscribed a total of $3.388 before leaving the: building. The Northwest Mounted Police' row nubibere 1,060 men; with' 950 horses. The ronmissioner acknowledges. that there ave been numerous °deserttans,butasserts tbat'as they were•men of an uudeeirable class the 'force- will -.not 1oae• anything by. their desertion, He hoped before another' year to have the force, as near perfeetibn as it is possible to be.' ' At the Barrie.Assizes, the. Grand Jury's_ presentment has the following . statement in .reference to the working Of the Scott Act :—`.` The - Canada Temperance ; Act came. into force in .this county on The .1st - of May, 1885, and ,during the : first alit months of its existence . not one,. single committal to'our county gaol tools place throughliquor, Since -that -'-finis . they Kaye been numerous, traceable:to the fact that little or no effort Was being made • by .those whose duty it . was to ' enforce •the Act, thereby encouraging the open sale of liquor in all' parts of the .county. Your Grand Jurors believe that the: system :of. appointing inspectors who reside in. the license district. is wrong, and N''onld •pre- sent that suitable inen be Selected by:'the Government from -different. parts_of_the Province and placed under the direct Con- trol of a Provincial. Inspector. The pre sence'of Inspectors so-appointed-in--coup- tied where the Act is.`in force would not be known by those who were violating the. law, 'consequently a greater'number of convictions wouid.,j7e_ obtained, and. the sale of liquor 'very_ much.' diminished. Your, Grand Jurors would also.present that the power vested in physicians to grant certificates indiscriminately is wrong, as it enables . disaipated persons` to procure liquor as 'a beverage; instead Of for; medi- cinal purposes, as was clearly the inten- tion of the• law." • CLINTON• M.A.RK]i LS . - Correotedevery Thursday after oon. ,- Thursday, Oct. 7, 1$86. Wheat, fall, new '•: - .$0 70:.$ ..:0.70 - Wheat,. spring •- 0 50 a 0 70 • White and red - • - 0 70 'a 0:70. . Oats, • - 0 27. a 0.27 OBarley, - 0 45 ' a '' 0 GO - Peas, - - 0 48 a 0 48 . Flour, per bbl • 4 00 a '4 A0 Potatoes, 0.40 a- 0 404 Plums, . - Buttery Pork, • Hay',, - •• - Wool in trade, Wool for cash,. Sheep pelts Ta nb skins;' Clover, per busk,' 075•t'100 -0 12 a 0 14 ..: 013 a-015' 5 50 a 6 00 . $ 00 a:.8 00 0 20 a 0 22 018 a 0/13.•. 050 a' 0'i5 0 60 a b ao . 700' a 7 50 ' STRAY STEER,—STRAYED INTO LOT 27, CON. 4. West Wawanosh, about At1 . 1st; a two -yr -old STEER, dark .red, white spot on forehead, and white belly. JAS. WOODS. • " .* 41 OR SALE OR TO RENT,—LOT NO. 188 U 1st opt„ a spotted Black and White Yearling Sow, The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pa ebarges and take it away. JAS. SNELL, Londesbproy Our Grand Display of Millinery .and Fancy Goods was mucli appreciated number whi paid. a visit to our show -rooms on Saturday. Our Millinery department the very Targe. s d shape. Miss Hollway, who attended to the wants o f ourpatrons so is now ill satisfactorily p en.' I ` last season is again. lar --charge. _._. liodagiq _ .. lir A-ArtietE*D R: QZI Our stockof CLQTS axed:"RIM1Vf 3T GS' s n on, wa ra .e sea comm loos roe been.. 1 very' _ argon embracing e e�pp�iyatolMAN'N1NQ �o�CPxTand further panic a . �,. _ .ver ti U.ceesSful n9 'securing the services g everything new. �% have g v ces ,of a First-class Cutter and STRAY SOW, -CAME' INTO: THE $URSCRTBER'E:f a Fitter, every ►7 premises, lot 30 con 0, Nonoil, on or about the tTR,,Y SOW.—STRAYED FROM THE PZREMISES 1.7 of the subscriber, lot 21 6th concession, Hullett, a Large Black and White bow., Any person giving such information as will lead to its recoverywill be suitably rewarded. • *2iu , ORAS. TIGHE, Clinton, P.O. QiIROPSHIRE SHEEP FOR .SALE, -411E SUB-. aoanSaa offers 'for fade some thoroughbred Shrop•. shire Sheep•from•iniported stock, consteting of several Yearling Rams and also some Ram Lambs and several Ewes. Tbese.are-good-atock and will be sold cheap, garment: guaranteed,. , OI N WISEMAN, Manager. JAS. McFARI,AN ,'Lot 80, Con. 4, Stanley. *21 FAItif FOR SALE OR. To RENTTHA91 VERY valuable farm composed of lots 29 and 30reon.. Mullett, 200 acres, of this 250 acres are cleared t balance good hardwood bush.. Bearing orchard acres. Ordinary dwelling houses good frame ba and outbuildings. 'Farm is well" watered, and shoat about 5j miles fiom'theTownof Clinton, Terms ea Apply to M. McTAOGART, Clinton. • tf Estate J. RO]DCE.1�1'S of a.jWe are' n,Qw � re areclf "withap p one of the fined;: stocks of.DRESS GOODS..andMILLINERY" y in the --county or -the Fon and Tinter Trade, each - ' ..,, ,.and. every department is literally. cramued. . . • .It will be greatly to the advantage of buyers to pAINTIN0.- THE UNDERSIGNED BEINR Practical Painter of many years' experience;; Taared to do all kinds of work m his Line, PAPE SIOING.:GRAINING and KELSOYINING special- s. Work done at the most reasonable.: rates and in a satisfactory manner.. 11,idenee for the present at 'Mr: inch,, bcloow the G.T. E,`• .r: MAYNETClinton. 40,41 "MARK FOR. SALE.- THE UNDERSIGNED OF- -12 cuss for sale his :.farm of 75'noros being lot 29, con. 7, Hullett, about four miles -from Clinton. About '50 acres cleared and in good state of : cnitivatien, bal- ance good hardwood, frame house, barbs,' stables, deo. Splendid water and good bearingorchard• about 14 acres fall wheat, • The farm is ina splendid location, and will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to GEO. WESTACOTT,• on the premises,. or Clinton P.O. ,DISSOLUTION.-NOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership heretofore existing between WETTLAUFFER & KENNEL, as saw millers and cabinet makers, in the •village of Manchester, . was dia. solved by mutual consent, on . the 10th day of Sept. Mr: Kennel -will continue • to .,run the saw mill, and Mr, Wettlauffer the. cabinet works, All oiftatanding accounts•must be pallid by the 1st of November, to Mr. Kennel, who Is authorized to collect the 'seine. DUD• -W_tSi.-WETTLAUFFER, CHRISTIAN $ENNEL, *4 WARM FOR SALE.—THE FARM' ON THE ,HUR- as os Road, Iots 0 and 7, 'Ooderlch township, con- sisting of:144 acres, is offered for sale on reasonable. .terms.' About 120 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; balance good hardwood, good frame, 'house, &c.,•ge,ieral buildings, plentyof water, bearing orchard; li miles from the rising town ,of Clinton. Particulars maybeobtained on the premises, or by addressing JAMES PERDUE, Clinton P. 0. FARM FOR SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS for sale his splendid farm of 500 acrbs,being 105 44, 2nd con. of Tuckersmith: 'Good new story and half frame house, 2 acres' •splendid orchard, gond buildings, 85 acres fret, frons stumps, 15 acres in fall Wheat. Tho whole under good .cultivation, and well under drained, live spring on the farm and has' good wells.. Close.to churches and schools. 36- miles from the town of Clinton, 5 from Seaforth. Will be sold on reasonable terms, HUGH MoDONALD, on th . premises, or Clinton P ,O. - - ``IPLENDID FARM- FOR SALE.—THAT EXCEL - kJ LEST farm of 154 acres, being lots 68, 70 . and 71, on tbo Maitland concession, Goderieh township, About 135 acres cleared and in i;ood state of cultiva- tion. On the premises is a good brick house, with all conveniences of stab'•ng,bank barn, well watered, &c.,. good bearing orchard, church on the farm and s;hool not far away, about 0 miles from the town of Clinton. 'Sail farm is one of the best in the -township of 0ode- rich. Possession given at any bimo. 'Fglkparticulara on application to the proprietor, JOHN RUDD, Clin- ton P. 0., or of the NEW ERA OFFICE, Clinton: R77 -SA -1-4 A FIRST-CLASS BRICK STORE, Suitable. kir any business,'. in 'Searle's Block, ou Long•Ternts of 'Credit. Also One Dwelling'.. , Rouse,: Oontrally situated For further particulars••apply to W. C._SEAR LE1- -E1.1NTON. EXTENSIVE action a Themselves ' at the Great Cash Store before making -their • purchases for the� Miss Noble,�our ac coping season, eomph;shed,City Dress and Mantle Maker, .has'the habit' of keeping front, �not� only in style' but also . in'� g to the fit,: Shenow has a full -staff on hand, and orders. �, are 'rolling. • ii ;on every hand,; which stirs u all i� a• the i That sI w thin her, but for which she . .is equal." q ua;l:` .�.I f you want anything in DRY: GOODS. are n., need of'any� If You'. : 'a .DRESS orcall MILLINERY, MANTLE, • make• it 'a:po�nt to first ;at ash Store, ntQn. CRC It.A.1\1711S. PALLISE E, . &v CO, QLIITTQNa, C UR GREAT SP CIALT'Y IS : • Our Stocl for the Fall an 'Whiter trade is now p''coi lete.;' -TWe handle the best Woods in t ie •ke't -sncl se]l= them at close .prices. EGGS TAKEN ` IN : EXCHANGa' :FIVE PETS ; GENT 'OTT< FOR CASH • -•-0 N—• TH�JTh DAY Q.c't. 1.4th. The undersigned will offer for sale 'by Pub -- tic Auction; on Thursday, Oet:.14, the entire' let•ot 250 aeres of bush land, situate' in the township of Colborne, ir►imediately adjoining the Ilolmesville bridge, .. - It will ;be put up in 10 . and: 20 acre lots, The bush is ,Beech, ' Maple, Rock and Soft Elmo ,Oak sod -.: erialoek. 'CURE. FOR -SALE --PART Or LOT 26, :ON TILE JJ 14th cert. Of trio totvnshlp of Hallett,sontaining about 46 acres. Terms to suit pnrchator. Apply to (JAMERON,HOLT& CAMERON, Barristers, Godorich NOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AS MY WIPS Elizabeth Ann Cudmaroltaa /of t my bed and.board without any Just cause Or provocation, , I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her in my name after this date. Aug, 30, 1880, -R. CUDYYIORE, Tuckorsmith. - JTOUSE POLL SALE Olt TO lit NT, . FO15, SALE ,L7 -or to remit, agood louse aid lot in town. Thy hoose has live bodroomt, good collar, &c., while on the lot is a good ttardoit and orchard; laird and soft water stabling for five hord0s, &e. Will be sold. at a bargain, or rented 'on reawtrirable'terms. ' X[,pty"!u the NEW £15i OFFICE, •/, • T. B. CARLING, • " :,I. W. HARIIIS, .Ai3CTIONEEii. PROi'RIETISir STILL 00 the TRACK The subscriber begs to return hit liineore thanks to all who have' so liberally •patfoniaed him during the past three years, and to inform them that he is still on a the track, HURON - St., CL 14101c With a full lino of ' FLOOR, FEED & VEGETABLES Of the host'tivalltlte, which he will sell at the lowest remunerative prices to all who may favor ham with it call. His stook includes FLOUR, 0110P, SHORTS, BRAN, OATS PEAS, HEN : PEED, GRAHAM FLOUR, CRACKED WILEA'P, GRANULATED';ROL- LER and STANDARD OATMEAL and CORNSiEAL,, all kiinds of Vegetables, BARREL SALT all of widthI wilt soli for cash or coarso grains. BRAN, SIIORTS. and FLOUR by the ton or cwt., and everything sold atmlllprices, All articlds delivered free of charge within the corporation. Sly „motto will be "Good goods, Just weight and ono, price." THOS. 'WATSON, . IlnronSfteef, elifiton, In this department: all .the Latesti Novelties' may be found. We are now very busy -in the trimming department And 'our customers would confer a great favor by LEAVING THEIR ORDERS EARLY, in' order that iso ono may 'be_ disappointed, and that ail' msy°hkve their goods ready when needed. See our stock ofPlushes,-Velvets, Ribbons, Cheap Kid and Cashmere .".loves,, --Cashmere and Wool.- , • len Hosiery, Fancy Woollen. Goods, Grey Flannels, Z + �' Wince s Men,nd Boys'JU'nder�cothin y � � g� at very �.-.. _ _ Low Primes to clear. Y W BEEBLEY'S Millinery Emporiurn New GENTS FURNISHING STORE GEO.,GLASGOW HAS ;UST OPENED trial• A . . Nevin: Stock -of Gents Furnishings, Whish he will sell at Reasonable Profta, His stand is at the Leading Tailor, House, opposite the Post Office, Give him a call, 3 deo. :GLASGOW - - CLINTON. Millinery, WONDERFUL .yALTTE IN IMPORTED 1)111E0T3 NEWEST.STYLES IN AIANILE • *0: OHM', ALL DI4EOT : IMPORTATIpNS. a MSN R .00k u• ,4*