HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-10-08, Page 20 • MD" OM 8, 1888. queel Ift_oteriali Troth. Never 41 greater precaution taken to Bemire „the oafesy and eomfort of a soy - °reign when travelling, as the following few details will show, says London Mo- dern Society. To begin with, the royal -train was fitted witk an electrical coin- munioation between the compartments of each saloon carriage, and the guards and telegraph men accompanied the train with the neceasary instruments and ap. pliances for establishing communication• * for estoli mission. With Oda lam, WO,- one teachers and nurses have to beprn- vid:Ed for• But we manage to raise' a. few vegetablea during t� abort sammex, and that, with Our and dried meat,' keepErtts alive - 'Bat, Monseigneur,' asked the re mpor- ter, are you coming back on account of extreme exhaustion caused by want of proper food $' Some of my fellow -missionaries,' re- plied the bishop, would have it that I was exhausted and forced to go away. I attribute my present state to my tra- ras More than live years stgo, when, in in ease; of necestity. en lookout a, order to carry more provisions on man was placedon ther exigne veith his face toWards ,the rear of the train, so as to be ready to 'receive and. communicate to tho'dtiver any signal from the guard in the reat, or from any of the- attendants aecompanying the train. Beyond surfacemen were 'stationed, at all the level croisings, 'and . no vehicle, of any kind waa allowel to pass for half an hour befere the royal train was due.. • The gbods 'traffic also on both linos was suspended the progress of her Majesty, and the speed ofthe passenger trains proceeding in an opposite dikection: waEt reduced to ten Miles an hoar, 'while the royal train was passing them' on the other line, Pre- cious lives must be haloarily-guarded,we know. But so complicated were the predautions for the Queen's safety that' it seems to us 'a new danger must there- by have been created. The.royal train consisted of twelve vehicles, including two royal salocons elegantlfitted up,and the string Was so arranged that thee - carriages were exactly. ,in the 'middle. Following the eilgine was a brake van, next a Arst-class, carriage for men ser- vants, a carriage for pages and upper -serva-ntsr-one for -dressers and ladies' maids, then a, vat) riancontaining Lady Waterpark and the: lion., Horatio Stop ford, next came the Queen's saloon,. the • front part of which was occupied by personal servants and dressers and. the priyato portion of Her Majesty and the Princess Beatrice, then fcillowing. a sec- ond royal saloon, in which was Prince Henry, of Battenburg,, next a cairitige containing Viscount Bridport,Sir Henry Ponsonby, Major Edward e and, Dr.Reid two-carriages--for---the-directors-and-of.. ficials of the railWay companies, 'Queen's fourgOn'—a carriage containing the roy- al plate—and the rear was: In ought up by another brake van. " From the far' North- i d alZidge drawn by my dogs a way tramped ray own way: Tbus, in 'one winter, I walked in my snowshoes for; 32 consecutive dam ranking an average of 30 miles a day. If to this you add exposure during the nights at all sea - sone of the year, you can easily imagine how, in a couiparatively short time, it works upon a inan'a constitution.' . Being asked what was the exact na- titre of -,his present illness, he replied :-- Well, on consulting miphyslcian,,•whco by the way, is a nieclical book that I always carry "kith me—I found out it was •dropsy 'of the leg,' `and the living Physicians here seem to agree with mine.' A question being put as to what pos- tal facilities he had in his mission, the bishop said We receive letters twice a year and newspapers once a -year.' He added, 'Iran .einile ; but 1 can tell you that we aripretty well posted on all gen- eral Matters; making a speeial study of the-paperrwhen we do get them.' ' Mgr. Clut stated that it took him threefull months to come from Good -Rape to Winnipeg 14 continuous tray-. ening in 'canoes, .in boats and in carts through the .prairie. Although be was sick, the journertlid-aoHatigue much, and he was able to leave Winni. peg for Montreal after two or three 'dart' rest.' •1, 410 • • • A 'VETERAN ' MISSIONARY .BISHOP • AND HIS, LARGE DIOCESE. ' ' • Our soldiers, Says the Montreal Wit. nese thought they had spena good/43.1 • of nese, when they. got as far =Tat as Beaver river,last year, and stIF tb untrodden.woods beyond. ..Bot • to -day Montreal ie 'Visited by arnan from a point :1,000 miles further.'northWeaf • A bee line) and only' 150 milfrom the Polai: ocean. Bishop Clut is a renown- ed missionary to the far Northouid he was interviewed at the.11otel Dien this morning by a Witmiss reporter. The Ter., gentleman, though, not more than • •fifty-five years old, .appears to he Much more 'advanced in Eige, hia„ travels and privations having .greatly effected hie constitution, •Eftrong, as it appears • to . UNTO been. • • - Bishop Clut comets direct •fretn Good Hope, the furthest residenae of mission - Aries in the North-West, and situated immediately under the polar circle, at 66 0 North latittide, on the MaCkeniie • riVei•-: His own .residence . is at Pt vince, 40 Miles beloir Great Slave lake, but he had gone to visit.GOod Ilene last fall and there fell sidle, andbad t� remain in bed for six months, being:entirely ex- hausted: This bishOp's province extends as far as the Arctic ecean, and covets_ a distance of ‘on e thousiiiid tbrehdlred miles under about twenty. missionaries, • There are alactat ten Wousand Indians in these missions; comprising tribe r of Al- gonquins, Creee, and eapeciallY•Chippe- wapans, with a few Esquiraaux,—and Mgr. -Clot can speak • the langeagei of all these. With the exception of the Esqiiimatix, nearlyall".thessc tribes ate how good and fervent . • It was in 1857 that Mgt. Chit first Went to the Northwest, When there Waa but One dioceseainder the supervision of Bishop Tache. ' It .then tpok year to go from Montreal to any point past • Winnipeg as the winter had toile passed at the, latter mission. On this first • voyage %at took 29 days to go • from'St: 131(iftfr:tdiSt., Boniface • and he took with him then th-e Arit' drivin• g waggon that epr crossed .the prairits. A' few years after, the youna.missientifi who .was no* in the far. /440; was ap- pointed a bishep; bet it took three years before a bishop two priests could meet together for his consecration. His • ordinary food bad been Ash and dried meat, and sometimes even this was so scarce as to -necessitate a fast of several days. Eveh last Winter when 11.tgr.Clat was sick at Good' .Hope., the litint—by • which those Inditdis chiefly live --,having almost entirely failed, the missionaries . were obliged to reduce theirratiOns con- siderably, and for some time had to fast every day. •, Could you net get canned goods 'r to the presenemoment, the bis- hop replidd, it has. been impossible for two reasons :--r-riest, becanse we had no • adecfnate means of transpozt,and second - ]y, because the fonds at out disposal would not allow it. But you mat re- member that our allowance from the misaionary fund is two sacks of flour of two hundred pounds bath for three inis- 81011arieS and a monotary allowance of between three and .five hundred dollars A: White Buffalo, Bull. From' Lander, V;Tymning Territory, conies a story which is, of curious inter- est to the sporting.coromunity. .It is to the effect; that John Goyler, well- Anown.hinitor a Rd Arms of the Wind mountains, bee slain a white 'buffet?: bull,.or, one so gray that it pan be very easily called white. Jack secured his game about two weeks ago while On an elk hunt in receEsai• of the Wind mountains. By the in great accident he stumbled .upon a smallbut deep basin, one of the meat hidden haunts. In thisl he found the. white or gray buffalo. When the hunter came to.: exainine his prize he -found that, it bore all the marks of Very old age. The horns were wan down tntheakull„aed presented the ap- pearance of btd, smooth spots 'on the head rather th n-the,natiital ptojeetions The 'teeth w re' few' and frag,tnettary, sod were al ost even :with the jawbOne., Though livie in the midst of the rieh- est-and mos cadent grasses and lierlis the patrichhoar and gray ' 'woe very- poorin flesh, The appeeranee of the basin, indicated beyond doubt that the bull had in that one spot seen 'many a summer's Sun and many' a , winter's stoimi. In the course of nature his race' was about runi and the movie of a own- ing' winter ••avoulUcover his careass., Many hunters think th-ist,the truaty rifle of Hunter Jack' has . slain the famous ithite Buffalo of Shoshone and Araphee Indian tradition, and,that-the tradition. • bas thus been proved to be a fact. • '419ur Children . ci.tatt1y eXpoited to danger from flats, Whoopin4 Cough,% Croup, and ,Itses peculiar to the threat Mid 1 thi 4s." reor Orli ailments, Ayer'S ••••ry Pectoral, promptly adminie- t• ea, affords speedy relief end cure. • t nicely for Whooping Cough. • .11..11 many r.f our childr4 were wo used, daring the past win - whit Melt sad:traction, Ayer's t '••tierv Pectoral. For this affeetion, we kr this preparation -the mot efil- .• J1 rif all the. medicines which have io our knowledge. —11ary Park- ;•••7.'"..eceptress, Home for Little lioneaster, 11d, hildren have been peculiarly sub- ' z to attacks of Croup, and I failed to • int any effective remedy until 1 com- Mowed minUnistering Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This preparation relieves the •difficulty of breathing and inYariablY- cures the complaint —David G. Starks, Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y. haye used Ayer's Cherry Peatoral in iny family? for nanny years, and atave found it especially valuable in Whooping Cough, This medicine allays , • all irritation, prevents inflammation from extending to, the lungs, and quickly. sub-. ....les an), tendency to Lung Complaint, -7 J. IL Wollington,Xlainville, Mich. no-metlieme, so effective, for Croup and Whooping Cough, as Ayer's .,t.‘herry Pectoral, It was the means -of saving the life .of my little boy, only six • months Old, carrying him safely through the worst case ef NVIlooping Cougla ever Malone, Piney Plats,Tenn. r Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr..T. C. Ayer irz Co., Levrell,Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5. tolificsjOrmfgh—lill At er being thoroughly overhauled and 7re.iitted with XEW MACHINERY of the most approved kind5, these mills are now In.splendid running order, and will not be surpassed in the quanty of the work dime, by ariy • mill in the ceaatry. • -Special Attention given' to GRISTING. a. CHOPPING DONE .014.HO1rT NOTICE.• „ S8tisfaetion • guaranteed. Parties wanting anything whatever in this line will find it to their interest to • give ty a call.• • : E. HUBER, Proprietor. UPICIAL HSALE ' • oil, ITaluableFarinPrOpe-rly IN THE2HIGH CHANCERY DIY . WM. CQOPER . Has.just received a verylargeatock of • •'11111tony of .Le'Ver best kind ' '••• • • .,: • PALL ARD SEE HIS'VARIETV, AT THE BEAVER BLOCK BOOKSTORE wm. coopEa. lzgaxwor •. MONEY TO LOAN. -- PRIVATE -FUNDS, ON ./Fl. Farm security, interest 5i• per cent. Payable Yearly. Apply to C.A, HARTT, Solicitor, Cliaton. 1m Ti' OTIOA IQ OREDITQES.-NOTICE IS liZREBY 1,1 given in pursuance of Section twenty-four, chap - tar one nandred and seven Of theItevisen Statutes of • Ontario, that all °Miters and other perilous loving relahas against the °data of EDWARD XINNEY TIGHE, late of the Townahlrl of Hu4tt, in tbs unty ; `of Huron, yeoman, who died on or out the II t day of March,1880, are hereby req tared:, to seed post, prepaid, or otherwise delivon to the enders ed, Ad- ministratrix of the estate and efiecta of the mid de- coded, at Goderich P.O., Ontario, or te MESSRS. ()ARROW & PROUDFOUT, her solicitors, Goderich, on or before the 1.5th day of October, 1886, their chris. Man and surnames, addreases and description, We lull Partlealara of tnoir WOW, A statement of their 1Y - r:004, and the eaten of the seoarlties (if any) held by thern. And nano is hereby given that at the ex- piration of that time the said Administratrix will pro- ceed to distiibutethe assets of the said deceased among the parties en Med thereto, having regard only to the elanas of wbtph she shall then have notice, and that she will not be table for the theta or any part thereel, to any person pergolas, of Whose claim the shall not thenlhave had notice. Dated this 28th day of September, 1850, (ARROW & PROUDFOOT, , • .. _ , athatraltrainx, Solicitors. . II tRY TIGHE, -Adtranistratrix. . r DEbrocitAw wA000w.FoR, SALE, WITH - .Pole and Shafts; in sidendid order and -will be sold cheap. .101115 . • • Air ONEY TO Li:UN ON FARA PROPERTY.-- .17-8..ptivate• and Company Funds. Lowest interest, also on approved notes for short dates. C.A. HARIT, Attorney, Clinton.. * lin 10 • TAMES •'HOWSON, „LICENSED AUCTIOXEER" t.4 for the County of Huron. Sales attended anywhere 15 the County, at reasonable rates. Residence, Albert etreet, Clinton. • . B,E TIGHE INF:ANTS: PURSWANT.TO THE ORDER MADE HERE - IX, and bearing date the 27611 day. of Septe,m- ber, 1886, there•will be sold, with theapproba- tion of the Reg58trar ot the Queen's:Bench Di - Vision, by David Dlekinson,Esquirm Auction- eer, at the RATTENEU.RY HOUSE, in the TOWN of CLINTON, in the 'Cratury of Baron, at the hoar Of 12 o'clock noon on • . r. • Saturday tbe 23rd Of October, 46, tho fonowmg var.14‘bli-, Property, namely: --Lot ,n amber eighteea (18), in the ninth (Oth) concefa goo of the Township ot Hallett, in bald County; containing by arline,asarement ono 'hundred acres et land,. be the mono more 'or 1068. . Seventy (70)^aeres are 'cleared, am& 00, Berea free teem stumps and tit for cultivation. . There are 15 acres 'timbered with good beech .and maple., The soil is a clay loam, and it of a good quality. • There aro erected upon tho promisee the following bulldhigs, namely :-A fthone dwelIing 18x24, with a good kitchen attiteked, • alranie barn 36x50 With lean to 40x14, which 18 need as a eow,stable, and a good log stable. The property is well waived by a amen -branehmt the River 'Maitland, ,AV hleh runs througli the back part of the lot. • The property Is situated in a splendid section for.farmiug4 •and is eouvehiently Situated, as to markets, ote., there being good . markets at Myth, C11fiti5t1 ..tid Seaforth, distanced respec- tively 0.7 awl 14 miles froin the property; and there is a pest, 'Nee palled Bandon on the next lot.' 'There is an orchard, covering aboutan acre .df laud, la good bearing erniditiOxi. • r • TERMS. OF SALE. • , • Ton per cent down on the day of oale, to the Petitioner's Solieitors, the balance to be paid into Crifirt, within one month thereafter, with: out ihterest, when the pureliaser Will be entitled to a conveyance.• and to be hit Into possession. Tho pirrehaser us the time of Rale will be re- quired to sign an 1,greement for the completion of his purchase. Clic property will be put IM satileet to a reserved bid. • in other respects the condition(( of sale 18111 110 thri•gtanding comiltiOns of sale of this Court. Farther partiettlath can be liad frinn the Atie- *moor. or the Petitioner's SolicitorS. • Dated 186 OegoOde Hall,,TorontO, 61118 27111 tiny of september, ass. . 'JAMES S.' CARTWRIU'IIT, Regiatrar (1,11.1112 c\mtnow & 'PROCDPOOT; • Petftiotiera' fielleitOtfreederieli. OIDER MILL. --MR, ROGER PEPPER, LOT SO, ilrd eon., T.uckerianith, will be prepared to make cider after Sept lst., Wednesday's and Saturday's ex- cepted,' at la cents per gallon, or 6 cents per bag. There will be a kettle fri connection with the mill for • boiling cider,which will 1e charged for at 25 eta. a day. UNDEVEIRED Pan or nockg nonit ggr,Auento, nitver,opRo, ill ILE:n.1, 111581411 nta Is fnIntram ndvortmlnAnt,Inn ' • 41.0•31.1111.10Mlawn% 111141...s.,Laver. In , 1 54 In nIrInx trn %vitt *As 1851 Lrorn (•8e180t hnllibn i868fl(thls On 010 0081(8 o37;7;', ',Algot; nre vet 81010 Indorned. InvrNan,12:214....in; ftzg•riot z8,1011,116508 n Fr 511 ItILILoteInt, tut 111,4‘;.%t. evo buliolO, 8 3(...40161v58e515Ineo. MADE ONLY BY— . J. BRUNSDON, LONDESBORD. Will carry a heavier weight:than any • , WW011 11111.41Q. • CUTTERS, I SLEIGHS &C • WE LIEBRATe151 ;m-'1 •.'•'VD?-• GliASES •.nita4VIRAKE• w- CANOE L1014 LIVER CURE • FOR LIVER AND- KIDNEY DISEASES • "When an. intelligent in'an wants to pur- chase, he buys from parties whose standing in their several callings is a guarantee for the quality of their wares." This sterling motto is doubly true in regard to patent medicines„bury -only those mado by practical professional mem • Dr. MARE is too well mad favorably known by his receipt books to require any reconimenda- tion. Dn. Cirasn's Liver Cure has a receipt bet* • wrapped around every bottle which is wortb,its Weight in gold. • _ * _ • DE. CHASB'BLiver 1311.F0 isgttaraateea to cure all diseases arising from a torpid or inactive, liver such as Liver ComplainA, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness, Jatatlice .11lead- ache, Liver Spots, Sallow ComplexiOn, ete., 'THE KIDNEYS THE KIDNEYS Dn. Ottawa's IAver Cure is a certain cure for • all derangements of the kidnoys,such as pain in 'the back pain in lower portion of thoabdomen, constant desire to pass •urine, red and white • sediments, shooting pains in passage, ,Bright's disease and all Urinary troubles, etc. • ' • Trv it. take no other, it will cure you. Soid all dealers.at V1.00 per bottle, EDIXANSicq,i & CO., • ." .110,Le AGCNTs FOR CANADA. ' ' BRADFORD, • Stratford, March, 15 1886 For several years I was trembled with rash on the aace, tried several remedies without effect. Dr.. Jug's Medicine and Pills completely cured, me and improved my general health so meth: that I can re- commend 16 az a genuine purifier of the blood.„;•Solufbi J.' COlithe, druggist. ' • ERNEAT OEM BROBLF, MA.141TORA'S • TO THE MERITS OF WHITE BRONZE • . ‘• ' MONUMENTS; . The following letiter is from the. Hon.. Jelai Suther- land, Senator of. Martitolia, end gives, no uncertain souad. IT.. B. Pollock, manager of the. .St. Thomas tYhite Bronze Monument Co: " have much pleasure in adding my tes- timony to.the many which I doubt aot you have al- readY hia;regarding the•beauty and other rabi•its of • your white bronze monuments. There is nothing 30 -orriamental as ours in our cemetery, although we have a number of marble and Scotch granite- monuments. Ag yegards.durabilItY, from all 1 can • learn, I have every Tustin to believe it to 1:10 superior to the 'best granite: The artistie-work is certainly very beautiful and cheap; Yours truly,- J. SUTIUMMAND, •• • • Ifildonau Man Aog leth . • Parties intendlog to purchase a• monument should call on or write to .W. M. GIFFIN; Clinton, or JAMES GALLAGHER,. Goderien, • .• I CAL': • .,..6411.1SCRVERY CURES ALL HUMORS, • from a'comtnen Eflotelt, or Eruption, • to the worst. Serof,ula. Salt -theuro, sirevee..sores,/, Sealy or Doug -KIR it, • in Short, all diseases caused by bial blood are • conquered by .this powerful, pnrifyIng, and invigorating medicine. Groat Eating Ula leers rapidly heal under its benign influence. Especially has it manifested ita poteric,y in curing Wetter, Rose Raab, Boils, Car.; buncletti Sore Eyes, Scrofulona Sores and Swellings, 'lip -Joint Disease, U • White Swellings, Goitre, or Thick -„TIVICOTnY . SEED . • . PURE Rini CLEAN.. A QUANMY OF •.RYE FOR . sEED. • !LOUR', BRAN, SNORTS, and 'FEED - IG MEALS of all KINDS. . -In Rh -Ito -any kind of Grain iti.eXtihange for any of the above. ' JAMES STBEP, CLINTON. • -• S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE, Sm. HURON STREET, CLINTON. Repairng of all kinds promptly attended to at 'reasvitl • able rates. Atrlal solicited, Read This atid be Wise. • • ittwe opened .in Clinton, a fIrst:claa's BOOkr,. SII04 11.6.XLNES5 SHOP-. . . I Make and Mend all kinds of Beata and Shoes. mid .„ heap exeellent 'dock on liana, First -Class idrIc. A liyikTiliQQ. If you, want flaytiling in this .5.1114.11.14,a faak.70 lino It will pay you to conic and see the. 1 lt'pen trent a IMMO trap to a NO. 1 set of SINGLE re Dona:, HARNESS, best 05 86)011 nod worlrautrignan may always be expected. Please give 1110 a calf. YATMS-, riasr Yort 'Arc Ca in, NtoCh AtiWar •I UTANTON. ass —REMEWER OUR ItiEGARS AND PURE SPICES I English Malt Vinegar on Draft. . S. BA.t.ILIS3111R,,- ea 00,5 • CLINTON.. sommin ZVZIYBOT 20113 EITOW 99 A.r.imac4: A.WGI-1.76 Has the finest and ehehpest GROCERIES in town• . 4"•• falKIEI:C5C and. G1-][...A.Witr.A..]la • Ai prices which downs them,all. •WA•NTED and..all kinds Of Farm Produce. !. 1 ( Any ' quantity **of Apples; Pears, Plums • A. ANGUS, MINTON. Great Inducement •• Havingbought C. J. Tuthill's Stock ef r CECINA., CR0031E13.* cid CIFILS . At a discount, will at Wholesale Prices untilcleaned out. •,.• • • n.,•• " A FINE ASSORTMENT OF J. 8. KIM' ,Ole CIUCAGO 0-11.L IE T -S OA P.:- PTIEESX114 ANA CO'S -AST, formerly kept by -Tuthill & Ce always on han JOHN •curnaipiaiviri. GitocE4, CLINTON • DERSONS ES Ali AND REFRESHMENT ROOMS CLINTON J ANDERSON, Proprietor Ice Cream. Soda Water, ete . • , • leit#14162TZ/Z116-01St NEXT. GRAND UNIflN crazy:cog Neck, and Enlarged Glands. Send -ten cents in" statims fOr a large treatise, with col- oredplates,. on Skin Diseases, or the' santh _amount for a treatise on Scroll' bans Affections. -46.111111- RILOOD-11S- Thordrighly cleanse it by using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diseovery, and good ' digestion, a fair skin, buoyant apir- 568, vital. strength, and. Soundness of constitution will be ,establishod. ' • CoNsumFrrion, - which Is, Serofultion 'Tilsettao ,of the Lungs, is promptly and certainly- arrested and cured, by thia god -given remedy, if taken before the last•stages of the disease are reached. From its wonderful power over this terribly fatal disease, when flint offering this now cel- • ebrated remedy • to the, public, Dr. PIERCE thought seriously. of .calling it .1113 "Con. sunintlosi Cesro,” butabandoned that name De too Hunted fora medicine which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or strengthen- •• ing, alterative, or blotid-cieansing,anti,billous, • pectoral, and nutritive properties, ieunequaled; • not'only as a remedy for consumption of .the ;king% but for all, • • •ckutclITIc• DISEASES Or pie' liV6e, Blood, and Lungs. .1 If you feel dull. dro5y4 debilitated, *have sallow color of skin, or yellowish -brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizzi-. riess, bad taste in Mouth, internal heat or chille.. alternating with 'hot flashes, low spirits and gloomy boreboding8; 'irregular 'aPpetite, and coated tOngue. Tou are suffering from gostion, Dyspoinai a, and Torpid Liver, or 4•13111ousnesel.m in many eases only part of these Syraptoms are experienced, As•• a remedy' Mr all each math, Dr. riei•Oe.?s GOldeu medical anseevery has no e4triiirhWeale tunt is, Spitting of Blood, Shortness of • reath, Bronchitis, Severe CoUghs, ConsuniptiOn, and kindred affeCtions, it is a sovereign retnedy. ' Send ten oinin stanaps for Dr. Pierce% book onConstimptiOn. -50141. by Druggists& PRICE $1..00., ggit641fgrge. • World's Dispensary Medical Association, PrOprietOrs„ 00 Main St., Bur l'ArrO, X.'s% Utis z\LE, E .8, '' • N,faveilr's LITTLE 0 ta Ncs IlAS 710te rcrEv CkT 6 ELia Akactittk Vs° raiAir: /44 a li$ . I' ANWItikninraIOITS and. CATIIIRTIO. Sold by Druggists: 25 conte a vial. -........ . $500 REWARD gap . SAT.AT, Cheap CROC1DELLip a4 Cheap 171FLOVISIONS. 'Is offered by the proprietors or 1)r, Sago's Catarrh ReniedY for a case of catarrh Othieh they Cannot elico. If yea tam ndiechargeStom - the" 11080. offensive or other- wiF10, partial loss of 8111011,ter0, Or hearing, wealc eyes, 511111 pain or prORRytil'd youllaiN:e04C;tikiirltrliohn Thou - 61131(18 ; Dr. Sa‘fo's f'forAnliai (roma the worat • veva; of CitterrIt§ • COW Ellt 1110 d C mietiuriette. se.eoata, , ... , . . Flavin°. a largestockof Salt on hand orders will be filled at • ' the lowest prices ever offered in (Miniod,. as thie*Salt Works will be sold Whed arrange- 1 melds are completed. Will buy and sell TIMOTHY and CLOVER SEED; A lot of I SALT SACKS and GRAIN lIAGS'for sale. ' r • 1 . . • • . . ' I SIX LARGE OARS OF N. P. SOAP FOR CINE noLLAn. . JOHN IvicGA.RVA CLINTON. neannsweanownonsmario =TT Ci -CD TDB. WE ARE NOW OPENING ONE Or THE STOCKS BOOTS and SHOES at Reli?.arkably Low Prices. TEAM HARNESS -$24. SINGLE HARNESS .$10. 1 BABY CARRIAGES just arrived, latest .Styles,Wfy Cheap. TRUNKS & VALISES bY the hundred, Cheap. • High land PINE and pED,AR'sEmsratps 1,4care.0 Priees,, 3.rirtWarrt4C5I-I101-41E45 13, Laurance's. SPECTACLES and EYE -GLASSES ire the only Genuine tnglisk Artieles in the ttanadian Market. Real Pehbles aro:kept In stock. Tests are giren to purelinsete te Prove seardaraess. -They are .reeonttrintided by and these testirnonialrluive been received from the President, Vice- I'Pcosident, Ex.rreeldent and Ex.vien.rresiaent of the Medical a.s8oCiation of Onotrula ; the P2551 - dent Of the College of PhYskilans and, Stirgeotie of Quebec; the,Dean Of the Nfedical batetaty Of Laval. Einiveratty titerrestarat and EX.Pttaidenta of EY aledical Council of Nova Scotia. &fa. These reaommenaauoaa ouglia.to bo te Prove their oltniitieg, but if farther preOf 18 needed, call on 11,011. W. COATS, Watehmaker and jeweller, Clinton,