HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-10-01, Page 8We will sentiPthe NEW ERA. to New Subscribers, for the Balance of the Year, for 24S 'Gents, Cash.
FRIDAY, OOT. :°46.:
BRxlspe.--Mr. D M Malloch, Inspector,
while out in the neighborhood of Brussels'
last week, was compelled to come home'`
owing to 'his horse being affected with
pinkeye ; he expectsrto resume his inspec,
Show ,loom Opeliiill< at Beesley s, on torial tour in a few days. Mr, Rogerson,
,cafurciay, Oct. 2nd, sr., of Sunshine, is booked with W. Jack-
_ . son, for a passage to Liverpool, by the
' White Star Line. A neat picket fence.
j OWfl jrldjl ,�.. has been erected in front of Mr, Chas,.
• Coate's property, on Queen St. A gener-
al merchant from Harrison, was here last
week, trying to secure a stand jn which to
commence business, but could not make
satisfactory arrangements 'with the owner
of the premises.- Mr. Keefer has returned
from New York, where he has been visit-
ing' friends; Mrs. Keefer is still there,—
The wife of Mr: Jas. Patterson is visiting
friends in. Bans, - A. few evening since,
Mr. Luke Trouse met with a painful ac
bill the other day, on the• back of which cident; he was On the top of a step -ladder
was written, "Tbe. last"of $10,000, 411 ,1, lighting a street lamp, . when Ids foot
spent in: whiskey." The person having ',caught, throwing him violently on his
bis doubts about that, added to' the above, shoulder ; he was •,. used up" for a few
the words, "It is a darned lie," and con- days, but is all right again. Mrs. Long,.
tinned the' bill on its trayels.. efter.'.>iegen weeks' eonfinement-- to_ ter.
• --"Etat!-Wtio .Ts; -^At itxecent fall room, is now able to be out again, The
fair the judges on Durham. cattle were in other day, Mr,' W. Murray dug a potato
keeping with -the general weight of these that weighed 11. lbs; a man would not eat
animals; whatever they (the judges) might many such for a meal. Mr. Hayward, of
be in quality. The three judges weighed Oxford, father of Mr. P. W, Hayward,has
respectively 215, 250 and 265 lbs., mak- been visiting his son for a few days; sl-
ing a total of 730 lbs. Mr. H. Snell, of though an old pian, he made the drive of
ullett, was the 2501b, man. If these sixty-five miles from his'farm,tothis place,
j es took it into their. head . to "sit Monday..,he.thinks,-as eyerybodylwho visit
"do on any obstreperous exhibitor; be it thinksthat Clinton a quite a smart
would soon bo as thin as a wafer, town." Miss M. Washington, after being
WE Ann-Rxowr.—Notwithstanding the tows neMr Geo, Huntall , has ofutheold
contradiction of our town totem; we were residents of town, but who, with his fam-
ily,•Reformer left here a short time ago, is now, conn
bad been semi -officially asked to stand in
fortable Settled in Bay . City, Mich. I%1 r..
oppoeitipn to Mr, i . C. Cameron."We David Tiplady and wife left this week to
- know what we are talking about in this •visit friends in Ontario. county. Mr.R..
• instance, and further, we know who the. Fitzsimons shipped,° car load 'of stock to
Conservatives have nominally resolved Buffalo this week. Will. Dempsey,. who;
to bring out, in case,they can get no onehas been in Dakota for the summer', has.
..- else to stand. Our 'cotem 'may deny ii1l•it 'returned to• town; he states that the hail
likes. but that does not alter certain facts did a great deal of damage to crops there
--that-have transpired., this year. A letter f_om our old friend
BURGLARS: On • Friday night Chief' and townsman, G, : W.' Railton, Esq , in -
Paisley received. a telegram from, the po-• forms us that he hasgiten.up rai]'way life,
lice at Toronto, telling him. that several and is now, engaged , in the coat liusfness
well-known burglars had left that'city, with his brother, at. Oakland, Cal. his
• having bought tickets for Clinton, He ,old friends will be glad to learnh�e is do=.
' went down to the•station, thinking they ing well.--Mr.•Thoi. Jenkins slid' wife, of
., .might land hereby the night .train, but the Huron road, are:'visiting relatives in.
they failed .to turn up,. and although a Illinois. Miss ,Brender, who Lias been
•'sharp lookout has. since been observed, stopping with relatives Here forsome time
• they have not been known to, arose here. leaves in a few days for Memphis, Tenn.
It is supposed that thepurohase'of tickets'
for this place was merely a blind to throw
... the .T_oronto. police oftfieir gyard •
HIGH SCHOOL BOARD: --A meeting of
the board was held oh Monday evening,
when the following accounts were passed:
- ..D. M. Malloch, '$36.15,; W. Ii: Simpson,
`• '$20.50; C. Dickson, .$15.17 E. Moore,
$8. It was decided to ask •'the present
teachers to re-engage. for next year, at.tbe
same salary, and upon the same' terms as
at present. A.,diaicussi'on took place wiih
regard to,getting,plans 'and Specifications
for the proposed alterationsao the .High.
School building; and • Mr. ,Menzie-was.re-.
quested to get upso rre"iuforinal' sketch of
the contemplated Changes. .
A Faniti „()IIA'tE Sno r -'M about-
9'o'clock on•Tuesda evening, a shack.. of
• earthquake wasexpesiencedbere. It only er's store; and makes his bow to the public
lasted for a moment or two, but was quite -this .wee , s or ime since; .Mr.
• plainly :felt shaking house ,, and . being
'accompanied �vitft a rumbling noise; as if
some heavy. waggon was running on the
road. When the matter was•talked about
among those who had noticed it the night
before, some doubts' were expressed; as. to
. it really being an earthquake, when one
of the gentlemen present, wh, -veracity
and• opinion, cannot:be..g:re , ioued, :enl-,
pphatically asserted that it assueh, as"he
had experienced 4 similar. shock some
years before, and knew just what it was
like. .
A Naw AILl1in;•,7'.-There is a singular
disease which: has. lately made its appear-
ance among . chil'dren.of from four weeks.
to two .years;of age, ia.�.this�vicinity. It
: commences With • fever and determination'
ofblood 'to the.b'rain, followed very soon
.by inflammation. cif- tk ebbwels,.which be=:
come very miichswollen, and, very tender,
with evident pain, -as: the child trete and
cries the greater part of the time, sleeping
•a.fadr minutes,: and wakes.. crying, 'the
• knees drawn up : continually,.' and' the
thumbs turned into the palm. of the hand.
In most of the cases there is.retraetion-of
the head, indicating mild spinal•troubles.
, Only in rine, instance bas the 'disease
proved fical„;,although.several eases' have
been treated..- _ '
Wily NOT .Now,?—The followingis a
copy ofa.hand bill issued'here'in the fall
of 1872:. If there was. any prospect of es
tablishing a.market day then,' there.is a
much better one now; and we hope the
- publication of the bill 'will stimulate the
council .to ..make ' a fresh" move in the
matter :— •
Farmers, merchants and housekeepperaTtako'
notice that the Municipal Counoil.ofitheAriliage
()Minton have passed a resolution to the effect
' that from this d >
m t a Ato by nY; 9.�TIjiIIZAY shell bst.a.
Farmers and others bringing in fresh roll but-
ter, eggs, poultry, 'apples, potatoes and all
kinds of vegetables, roots; fruits, and dairy pro-
duce for salo;. are requested to, go direct to the;
Market House, where suitable atoommodation'
' will be provided for them:freo of .Charge: • Par-
ties wlsbing to purchase for private nso will find']„
all the aboge articles in the Market Rouge every'
Saturday, until 12 •o'clock noon. •The Cooped'
are satislled.that this arrangement will be most'
--adoantageous to both buyer and seller,.atsd'hope
all parties will assist thein In ebtabllslting Sm.
turday as a market day, ,
gins was again successful at the Provin-
cial exhibition, in Guelph ; be had three
pictures on exhibition, antltnok two first
prizes and one second, viz :—First for any
subject (original) water colors; first.. kr
sepia drawing, and second for marine view
. on Lake Huron.
__ POINTED, F NOT POr ITE. A gentle-
man here happened toget hold of $10
Rev. Mr. Swan; of Mitchell, and Rev.
E.S. Rupert, exchange pulpits on Sunday
Rev, J, F. Parke, of Blyth, and Rev.
W. Craig, of St. Paul's. church, exchanged
on Sunday.
The Women's Christian Temperance
Union realized .about $30 from their re-
freshment rooms on Friday.
A missionary meeting will be held -in.
Willis Church, Clinton on the evening
of the 7th inst., to be addressed by, Itevs-,
Messrs. Fletcher, Thompson,Acheson and
Bev. John Gray has been requested'by
the Knights of Labor, to preach a sermon
to the members oftheorder. He has con-
sented, and will likely do so at an early -
Rev. W. S. Griffin, of Guelph, preached
morning and evening in Rattenbury St.
Church, on Sunday last. His morning
sermon was entirely, educational, and his
evening one was also on the subject of
education,•but it gave him more latitude
than his morning one. He is a minister of
recognized pottier and ability,. and was
listened to with delight and profit. The
collections to the Educational Fund
amounted to about $40.
The Rev. G. A. Howie delivered bis
l'ectureion "Palestine," on.Tuesday eve
ning• last, in the lecture 'roam of Willis
church, to a large and interested audience.
The appearance 5f the lecturer, in he
i tur a. ue costume f his native c e m o ave an'
] d
added to the interest of the lecture. He
dealt principally with Joppa,. which he
called the threshold of the Holy laud, and
with Jerusalem and its envirops, giving
in connection with the latter place clear
and precise description of the appearance
of the present Jerusalem, dealing particul-
arly with the' temple area, describing how
the ground there was jealously guarded
from intrusion;by Christians and Jews,by
the Turkish Government, only a few fav-
ored ones beiiig admitted within its pre-
cincts, and 'they only under the direction
of guides. The choir added to the` eve-
ning's entertainment,. by- the singing of
The basement of Ontario. street church.
-was well -filled -on Friday evening last, to
welcome home Rev: W,W. Sparling. Mr.
LeGear occupied the chair, and -discharged
the duties of that position. with his cus-
tomary ,ability. • A . most liberal . supply
of` eatables had been provided by the lap -
where she purposes residing in future.—. dies of the congregation. As an opening.
Miss Stanbury is visiting relatives in obi- Piece, the choir and children sang, " Wel-,
cago .Mrs. Sibley and daughter have come,. pastor, after which an 'interesting
gone ona visit to friends' at • Erie; -Pa: Programme -was rendere �d; -embracing•-••-•a-:
:Quite a nuniber of tickets were sold at the a duet by Miss Walker and L. Smith;
Clinton station on Tuesday morning for duet by Miss Johns and G. F. Oakes;
Toronto, reduced rates being afforded to duet by Miss •and Mr. Oakes; solos by
members of The Salvation Army, that•they Miss John:, and Miss Hearn ; reading by
alight attend the reception of General Miss Washington., :Short' addresses were
Booth. Mr. J. C; Smith, of Dickson's given by.Revs.,Messre.Rupert and Fisher,
book store, is away to Chicago. Mr. Jae.• •and. Mr. Manning. Mr. Sparling then
Smith. and wife have gone .on a visit to briefly referred to his trip, • and itsbenefi.
Davenport, Iowa. Mrs:: J. T." Wilkie is cial results, expressing the great pleasure.
visiting ,.:tektites in Michigan. Messrs. •itgave .him to meet with so cordial a re-
JohnO. Elliot, and Henry Cook,of Gode- ception ; in all his.`journeyipgs he, had
rich township, availedthemselves of the found no place so desirable to him., as the
cheap trip to Chicago -last week, Mr.Geo one in which he is at present situated,and
"Glasgow has opened out a stock of gent's he felt that he could re-enter on his ,work
furnishing goods, in part of Mr. M. Fish? with increased vigor and power. He
promised 'to give them,- at some future
detailed--account-of-his observa-
tions and experience. The whole affair
was informal; and all., present entered
thoroughly into the spirit of the. occasion.
Tiplady, of the base line, met with a pain
ful:accident; he was engaged in removing
a scaffolding from the. barn, .when the
board tipped lip'' and threw him.: to save
himself' from falling, he grabbed an up-
ward post, and .sliding' down this, ie
skinned both arms ale far up is the elbow ;
he . was fortunate in getting off without
,fnrthee:iejury :112r. W. Sterling, of Pot-
ter's Hill, left us a basket of mammoth'
pears, and Mr Jas. 'Cartright, of Hullett,
also placed us under obligations for a aim-'
ilar:donation. • A splendid fieldof fall
wheat may be seen on the Elmsford .
just ..east of th.`e.`salt 'block; Messrs. H. •
•Snell & Sons ,refused.. $500 tor a team of
working 'inares`this week.. The Secretary
of the Scott Act•Association, Mr. H.; Fos-
ter, has received notice • from the Deputy
-Minister. of Justice, that . all Scott'' Act
fines will be left with the Treasurer of the;
county,: hereafter,for, the purposes of the
Act, instead of being appropriated by the
Dominion Government. Mr. Peter Cole
has sold his:house and lot to Mr.W. Pear -
eon '..of
ear-eon;•of Stanley, who will move to :town)
to live. Mr. IL F. 'NcNaliy,• for several
years general travelling passenger agent
of the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Mani-
toba Railroad, with headquarters in To-,
ronto, died at, St. Paul Saturday morn ing;
he was recently promoted to an important
p�sitionin the freight department of the
St: Paul. and M'anitoba•'roifdnai'lsaneen
in Si..Paill but ...re few months; he was
"stricken with typhoid fever a week or ten
days ago; he was•*ell known in Clinton,
and no more popular or affable traveller
ever came this way. .Mr: J. Cruickshank,
of Lexington, Ky,., (son of Mr. C. Cruick-
shank, 'Clinton,) has gone into thejob
printing business, and is said to be doing
'we'll. Dr, Italie and J. H. Smith, the
anti -.Home Rulers, who are trying to work
up sympathy' in this country, willaddress
a meeting here oh the 7th"inet.;. the meet-
ing will be open to ,the public. The Per-
due vs. Clark case comes-nprat-the assizes,
next week.- Mr. McGill, 'who has Into
quite ill,for several' weeks; is able to' be :.. •
out again; he is mdving his family to
Blyth this .week, Mr, Wes. Cole and Miss
.Cook were married a few days' since, and
have taken their departure to Michigan;
the NEW ERA was, therefore, correct in its
TitivIzs.-=Ssyeral of our Clinton busi- prophecy. MiRv Pake will open her short
"r' ness men, who know the ,advantage, of hand class on \1onday,,' evening at 7, at
advertising,intend takingin. the Bay- her own residence; no further class will
field and Blyth shows, an. will lettheir he formed, liar. Jacob Taylor, has just
presence be known ; that's'right, if you purchased a handsome Boudoir organ of
have goods to. sell, proclaim it from the the well known Doherty make.General
housetops, and elsewhere. ' " Would you Booth, of the Salvation Army, to be in
care to live in the old country again 7" London on the 23rd and 24th; no doubt
asked a friend of Mr.Whitehead the other a number will go from •here to see him.
day, after congratulating• him on hie re- One night last week some one broke into
turn, " Not if 1 was paid $10,000 a year," the cellar of Mrs. Morley, of the Grand
was the reply, "the poverty in the large Union, and stole' ,abed!, $25 worth ofcan-
places of England, ie enoughto .make ned fruit. Mr. Henry' Cole recentlyl AS THEY Ci N SHOW. YOU A TINE STOCK,
one's heart bleed, ,and there is not the bought a; acre lot back of North St., fromfreedom
though a here greats in deal of this
rain has fallen 300 fticketsgwereysolgd here forrefor $ London this
within the last two weeks,the farriers tell week; a good many more than this num-'
Q, us that the ground is• only,wee enough to ,ber went .down, as a large number came
work well. We had no lees than three from Goderich and transferred here. Mrs.
applications for farms to rent on Monday; Wm. Pearsoli, Of Stanley, who has been
parties who have farms to rent should sick,is now able to be around. again.'
advertise them. Regular ;meeting: of Messrs.•,J, A,,Croll and W. Ross left yes
council next.Monday' night. •A paved terday (Thursday) to attend Toronto Tint -
water -table is being laid along the edge of versity. •.
the market ground ;• if it will prevent the
constant flooding of the sidewalk, as is
anticipated, it wit
ie p. ted, wit be money welt spent,
Farmers should bear in mind that they
cannot -do better than bring their grain to
Clinton o market; end buy their '.house,
hold necessities of Clinton merchants,
School Iio4�s
Reduced from $1.00 to $0.50.
I, II, IIh
lic Sohool History, by Adam and
Robertson •' 1 35
Robertson and Birchard -.. ..,. ;.0 75
. McLellan, M.A., LL.D 0 75
ey's Life of Nelson, with notes by •
Armstrong anal Strang'..`. , :. , - .0: 75'.
Do do. with Notes by Wells. ,0 60
Do do. Text, only for class- .
-room use 20 and 25
by Prof. Squat, 'Univ. College .. „0 75.
Illtistrated.... • ...100
• Henderson .' 1.0, 50
Wetherell;' 0 50•
VIRGIL'S .(ENEID I, by Hepderson0 50
VIRGIL'S ./ENEID I, by Wetherell 0 50
being .Christie's, School Edition of
Hodgson'° Work ...... .... . . , , .0 50
We: prepay' postage or express.
1ag-Mail orders from Teachers receive es-
pecial attention. '
Bookseller and Stationer,
ac eL
Rev. ,I. T. LeGear left town this week
for Victoria College.
Rev, Ur. Sperling will resume Isis own
wotk on Sunday next.
0.: C
Three DQo S West o ) el n>I ' Book St n'c -.
Giving the people the greatest quantity of goods for the least
money. • Did you see our
If not, call and ask about. them,
OurMANTLE Department
Too, we'll talk alittle abolit it, You know, . we keep 'one ofr
the most e pert- Ma
nile Cutters in this
county. We givek.
Beautiful Designs and ' omfatabie Fits.See our greateat
range of
Mantle Cloths& Mant . - rir
Then. we have . lots of other 'foods AWFULLY CHEAP, but . .
we cannot tell you about :them, here'..as we have too many.
•Come and ask to see them, don't be afraid toy trouble us, that's
• our busines,' we guarantee you civility:
4-NZY`(UNE''72RI I.
One of the. greatest follies tha
• �, t we could be guilty -of
would be to 'advertise' what we could not carry :out. ' It .would-:
be all' nonsense to Spend hundreds of dollars annually1xtalk-'.
ing about our immense establishment•. and our great•stock,'of
.goods.if we did not do just 'what we say. We .,spend, a. great
Ileal. of -money in advertising; and must say, •wjth` considerable
success. .The principle being that We mean just what we say.
in all our advertisements
For example, we• advertised `•a white 'shirt at 52, cents,
which we said was worth a dollar, the result being that we sold
ovnx' 125 :anti the people crying out for more leng after the sup-
ply was exhausted. We • advertised. a line of cheap tweeds
which were a wonderful bargain, and the were soon gobbled
up. . The cheap'•line of Halifax Tweeds at 0 cents we're adver-
tised, and the result, over 500 yards were . est ibuted over the
county; and so on with all our bargains.'
W ..do business on a cash principle, and claim that oils
prices are the'lowest; quality, workmanshi and style consider.
d. Our.w-ho1e energies are devoted to the working up of the
most. successful Clothin y and Furni hing House in the west,
and ifhard work,push.tiancl enthusiasm will do it we will get there
We believe it to be a fact that our stock of goods, for. Variety, Quality and
Low. prices, is not equalled in this section, and .people who appreciate'such a com-
binatio>!i, should pay us a r'isit and look through our establishment; At the pres-
ent time every departmentis full to its overgowin ' the choicest goods to
to be obtained in,this country and. the' -Woollen n . rke s of the old country,: