HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-10-01, Page 6t Ntommr""ru"'"' FAIIDAY, OCT. 1 1886. To The Blue OptterIQ. New EEA. BY EleIse A, Sidmings. O'er thy begorci, a miat 15 desceudiege • ifitle Ontario 1 Busliroueing tbe tutsts of thy gallant barques, elee Ontario! Humility reigns M temple and.baU: The rain falls is! torrents„ on greet end small, Washing the drp115, from Me hearttof . • Blue Ontario I love thy Queen city, MeV in its pride, •Blue °Mario 1 • • Greco are thy parks, like the emerakfe hue, Blue Ontario! Genius and art aro feater'd with cere, Progress takes root, in thy pure, buoyant air, Thy youths and maidens, are gallant and fair,' 131uo (Mario: And now while Lwrite, the sun iniiisgtery Is shin1ng again, filling bents With Maim ; -Thif olue to thy breast is calmly returning. The sails of thy crafts look like wings of a &iv Thy waters are dancing with purest delight, The mass from thy temples look joyous and begli And I from my heart this fond prayer indite, - - • Forget me not Ontario! ' ' " Toroitecippeletiele84 The Siott: Act Difficulties, •,•G• t, OTTAWA, Sept. 24.—Great diMeTilty -continues to be experienced in. bringing cases of Scott Act violation before the eourts. A short time ago Inspector McDonald, of Renfrew, took a trip to Eganville with, a pocket fulLot sum- monses to whiskey sellers and witnesses. He placed theamper in the hands of a lo- caiconstable,who undertook to serve them. After sleepingoa the inatter,however,the latter decided he would not, and went to Renfrew to return the documents. Since the 27th of March, in North Ren- frew, Inspector Fortier has laid 'thirty informations against alleged Scott Act violators. In 21 of theso•cases he se- cured convistions, four cases were dis- missed, and two are pending, the defend - Ano having left the coentry. •Two cases have beereoppealed and two defendants been CM:omitted to gaol. .The anima' of fines collected wag •• $1,200. This amount' lies in the hands of the magis- trates, who await instioctien from the Dominion •Governftent irefitre banding it over to the•Provincitif Government or its Inspector, or the Board of License Commissioners. •The • North • Renfrew • Board- of commissioners- have notified the Provincial Government that they will not proceed with any more prose- cutions until funds' are placed at their disposal to defray costs, • Although suc-. cessful, as above stated, the retention of the fines leaves thew Out of pocket. In • the meantime information will continue to be received and laid, ready to, be pro- ceeded, with as soon as the -authorities) are SO notified Isjr, the Provincial -Gov:: ernment. . • Salt Rheum' (hired. • • 111oGregor &Parke's Carbolic berate has been tried and found to be the only positive cure for' Sett Rheum, Pimples, Blotches on the • face -or hands; Cuts, Burne..Bruise, or any sore that nothing else *111 heal. Try McGregords Parke's Carbolic Cerate. 25 e. per box at Wor- bington's Deng Store. ' •' * PERTH NEWS' Mr. *S. McKinn has been' appointed Chief Engineer for St. Marys'. . J. E. 'Milken, merchant, St. Marys, moves to California next month. , Messrs. Moore & Sop, St. Marys Agricultural Works,have sold out to • Richardson & Webster; Mr. Wm. Doherty bars seld his 'farm:' . , . of 90 acres, Bear Topping, :to Mr. Nifzi- ger for the.stim of $5,400. • • Scrofula and'all forins of scrofulous diseases are rapidly purged away by the Use ofAy a--a-filla. Ma -Will druggists. ' • Mr. Alex. Elliott, of 1.4egati, has rent- ed his farm. to Mr. ROL Kerr, of Mit- chell. A valuable. cow belonging to Mr. J. Wilson, Of the llth• eon. of 1VIerhingtow was killed by thefalling of the tree. Al son of Mr. Sainuel.11ancOck, at one • time of. Mitslieil committed suicide in tlfe- States last week, bycutting his throat. • Mr..Wrn. Levy, grocer,-Mitoliell, Was fined $20 on Monday; Air •selling liquor by the glasa to. a prominent Scott .Act• man of the town. • • • ' ' The folloWingfigurerepresent the - business clone in Stratford post •offiee for the weekohding Sept. 18 'Letters 738l; postal card, 157;2books and Circulars, 14952, parcels, 47; registers, 125 ; ft:ee„ 101.—Total postage,. $258;31. • On Friday last, after oribr ft few days illness, Thos. Grant die4 at his residence, Mitchell, at the aged of lfitt years. • De- ceased was an Old and respected resident of• Mitchell, and his death ie much' re- oretted. • • . • , If your hairla tureitli4 gray, don't t180 the poisonous dyes which burn nut .its.lifo and vroduce many diseasett of the Reale. Ayer's Hair Vigor is harmless, and 'will restore the natrral color of the hair, stimnlate it growth, and bring back its youthful gloss and beauty. Sold by all druggists. Geo. Roy; an old and esteemed set, tler of Mitchell, passed away on Saar: day. He was in the 65th year of his ilge, and up to tt'few weeks ago Always enjoyed the hest of Jiealth. I3oing a re- tired farmer, he had nothing to oebnPy his attention, and spent most of his time down totirn, which brought hiM in contact with a great many people', 80 . that be was widely known. During the three Month ending Sept. 14th, three magisterial cases dame before' the msgistrates 'of St. Marys ;43 before the police magistrate or Stratford ; and one before ,the mayor of that city ; ten before Listowel magistrates ; one before A twood magistrates ; and seven before the Mitch'ell pollee maeiatrate. The finen imposed represent P465,10, 1.2.• • EXCHANGE NOTES. The Canadian people have seen wbat use Sir /ohn Macdonald made 'of, the •opportunities they placed in his hands in 1878. Ihey have seen their ,taxatiou and debt increased, their incomes retitle- -ed, the public resources squandered, their personal liberties infringed by me- nopolies, and the moral sense of the com- munity corrupted, by giga.ntic schemes of bribery. The -duty of redeeming the county from such a monster of iniquity is impressed upon the people, and they are not going to be led from the per, formance of that duty by any pretences of seal for prohibition or for Protestant- ism. It bas become apparent from the reads of the past eight years that an- other five years of Macdonaldism, would sreduee Canada •to a, condition whence many years of industry and, parsimony would be required to lift her. The Mac- aonald Administration shall be judged upon its record, and not upon the pro- mises of its members -or the professions of its organs. ----Hamilton Times. Sarnia Obseryer—Mr. W, G. Fee, of Toronto, ft notorious Tory partisan and election agent, is Working through the Scott Act counties of Ontario, ' stirring up the temperance organizations to bring out temperance or third party candi- dates at . the coming elections. As the Scott .A.ot counties are, as a rule, those in which Liberal majorities prevail,..Mr. Fee will do a good stroke (Tbitimess for the Tory party, if be can persnade the temperance people to waste their votes upon A third candidate. Gesell Valise. . Many sufferers buying medicine have been disappointed, don't •glie up, buy a reliable article like Dr, Chase's Liyer Cure and with it you 'get a recipe book alone worth the money, • • •• • Trapped at Last. • It wilr.be remembered on Oth -June • hist an atteapt was made to blow up the residence of J. G. MCOette, and burn that of Mr; Thos. Elettstotr„ of Sarnia, Ont., Both these gentlemen were con- spicuoui 58 energetit • supp'orters of the: Scott At in Laud:AO:1 Co, For sem time past Detective Rogers. has been working up the case. Heengaged an assistant, who, . under. thi3naineof Billy • A.rmstrong, engaged board at a hotel in Sarnia, kepi by Chas, A. Hind, and, known. as the Rossin House;Here he worked his way into the confidence of the proprietor. • This assistant was arrested for disobeying a. summon to. .giVe evidence in a Seat .Act, case and fined $50. , This,. however, was simply sto deceivethe people with whom he Was working.* A few days ago • Inspector P,aliner shminoned several- hotel -keepers in Sarnia for selling. liquor contrary to the ,Canada Temperande, .Act. One of .the.party Sumnfened wita Hand. • Hand • itninediately decided to give the Scott., Act inspectoi a. taste of dynainite, and Pfferecl Rogers' assistant- $25 to fire the cartridge, at the same time stating that he bed dynamite cartridges at Petrolia: • The two went' there together Sept...21. In the evening they returned, Hand carrying a cigar box, in Which were two. half pound dynamite cartridges. 'Rogers was kept posted, and on the arrival of the' ,was at Sarnia was on hand and arrested Hand' with the. hex in bis posi..- --He is now &jail', It appears Hind's intention Was to blow up Inspeotor Paliner's residence. ., • " McGregor de. Parities; Farbolie • Cerate •7.'llave you, an oldSore, Cut, Burn. 'Bruise, Corn, Bunion, Salt Rheum, Pimple,.:Bletches _Bough Prands-or-leace-f-Ieserthererisrbut-Olik cure, namely, 'McGregor and Parke's Cerbolie Cerate. If you but try it, it will convince you. it costs but 250, at Worthington's.Drug Stere. . . WO enersoii Reieurces. , • • Wonien need. to cultivate their own re- -sources Metre. there are Some who early recognize ,thedifference-. of-Yalue• between the perishable andimperishable things of this earth. Every valuable .possession has its added careand expense. 'People who were once itt moderate cirennmatanees. qr poor, eyen:who.grew wealthy, look rigk'af • the old life as one freer froth cares, and happier, yet if they were to gobs& tp their early and simple style of living. the world • would severely criticize them. Every women needs to keep up her, list of old • friend, and make newones) too.; the family and children cannot meet all the wants thal middle-aked people Meet have • for friendship. Not any womatt is so busy but that she..can-fin d ti e -to-writ e • an Occasional letterjf the friend to whom she owes a -letter come- to see .her she. could lay aside work and talk to her, and urge her. to stay lenger. One can stop on the street at the risk of taking pneu- monia in winter:to talk to n friend for half an boor', rind why cannot friends be Civil when they do riot meet . • Pure air OW' ,7 day, which housekeepers need so much., freshen them :up till twice the arnaw'ityof work gould he aecoin- plished that Owe i .withbut the daily clraggiug Benet+ ion which one has who stays so clesely it.(1 not's. There • are many mothers and children who do not go oet for a week of anowy or stormy'weathei, and all. Reeve irritable or cross, because they have -failed to provide themselve With proper nrotectiois against •storms-oYershoea, leegings, rain Or umbrellas, The English m IV, en tire,sfeee reit rain hr shine, I -Teal th reelse first With them, nit it e1soe1d•-,2-Good Heesekeeping. , • Decline or Man. • rental or organie weakness, timorous ity and kindred delicate diseasee, believer induced, speedily and permanently cured, For large illuatrated book of particulars en. close 10 cents in stamps find address, WorIcl's Dispensary Medical Ageociation,e0a Main. St., Buffalo, N. Y ; , At the' comtheneeinent of 'dm. 1311111b CO, ASSi2o lag! week, Judge Galt was presented .y the Sheriff with it pair of white kid gloves. Thera were, no cri- minal CAPS 10 be tridd. • NEWS NOTES. .••••••••••,,,. Tharsday,November 18, liss been set apart by th'e Gevernmeift es Thanks- eving day throughout Canada. Parnell intends to make a special ap- peal t Irishmen in America to assist tenants evieted during the coming win- ter to holdout -against the landlords. Mayor Wilson, of Napanee, and Dr. Meacham, of Odessa, were Thursday nominated by the Tories of Lennox as their candidates for the Dominion and Ontario Legislature respectively. Canada, far north though elle is sit- uated, must yield the palm ,in the mat- ter of weather' tolier neighbor. A snow storm of an hour's duration prevailed in Belknap county, New Hampshire, on Tuesday. • • ." Montana cattle aro being extensively shipped over the Canadian Pacific: line for the south. One train load passed through 'Winnipeg Thursday, and it is expected that over eleven thousand head 'will be sent by the same route this year. The Police Magistrate at Owen Sound was brought before the Mayor and John Chisholm, LP., last week,chaiged with using insulting and • abusive langnageito Chief of Police Egeston, whom he called a 'liar' and a 'double-faced villian' itt the police court mem, The case being proved, the Police Magistrate. was fine $5 and costs, or 10 days in jail. • Saturday, Oct. 1.0th will be observed as a clay of prayer by members of the Women's Christian Temperance Unions, • and the following day will be Temper - 'mice Sabbath, on which da Y it is desired that temperance:stern:tons shall be preach- ed in the churches, and the subject of temperance -made preminent in Sabbath School exercises. • The Queen's health is cansinn•bconsid- erable anxiety. Although Her Majesty continues to take eutcloor exercise, walk- ing a little every morning, ancrdriving in the.afternobn, she complains of. fa- tigue after a very small exertion'.and her growing feebleness is more visible within the;past. Month than it had been before. 4 • • The Battleford Herald conteins.par7 • ficulars of some sixty Indians leaving, Poupdmaker's reserve. and going, it is said, in the direction -of Edtheiireitirte:' cause they were refused food, as a pun- ishment for misdemeanor. The .Indian officials' had started in. pursuit. '. The Indiaps had no arms and could. not Mint and it is supposed hunger Will drive' them back.' • • The • death IS anneuneed of afr.liomer, who has -represented New Westminster in the Dominion House of Com ni ons during the present :Parliament. • Mr: Homer,' unlike Mr. ,bunster, and other • lively ALPs., who have been sent from the Pacific Province, was a quiet; easy going fellow, Mid rarely took an active part in ,the businessof:the House: - :A fire InToronto'at .8 a. m, Sept.'24; destroyed -theextensive wholesele liquor and grocery' warehouse of Davidson & Hey, 36 George St., formerly Fester & Davidson: Loss 'about $150,000 of which $12Q,000 is oh stock. Inserance on stock $79,000, by:Oouldinj & Son. wholesale. Millinery next door suffered. to , the extent of $10,000 cretin damage hvveater. • . The Methodist Conference closed en • Thiusday Morning, • Septenther 28rd. Previous to being dissolved a resolutiOn was ;1:tiought tip in 'eridoreation , of the ;prohibition partij," but Dr. Williams, the C4eneral Superintendent; said es long _as ii.e4zas...Superintendente-he would not give 'hia sanction to anything •of the • sort. He .did not believe in tying • the Methodist body up to apy politiCal party. • • ; . deo.-- 31:. Bartholomew, the President of' . the Charter 'Oak Insurance .Oo., of Hartford, Conn., has become a' default- er. He appears to have mathraWay with some two niillion- dollars of: their fends. The. loss Will fall on three other uuthPfiPies besides the Charter.Oak, viz.! the. ElthifOrd Silk Ce, the Union Menu- factm ing Co„tancl•the Schuyler Electric, Light Co. He is said tb,be involved to .the 'Holyoke WaterpOwer Co. also, to • the extent of $200,000. ., • . The London Advertiser says "Lt is a positive'', feet that the writs are now teedy at ;Ottawa, tire: dates /only being' Made blank. An election may be brought therefore, of the Reformers everywhere to he prepared. Organization is the Watchwor4; and it should lie thorough," The Liberals of Huron had better look sharp, and make ready to form it time of hattle. Do not let the enemy take You One:Wares atA disadvantage.' ., How:the government control Of tire officials on the Indian e6SerVeS Mae he 'turned to aecount to help the Tory can- didate, now that the red men have been given votes,was demonstrated in the re - tent. Indian Council at Satigee,n, where speechea were made by Mr, A, McNeil, M,•P. for Yeah Bruce; and Dr.13onnar Liberal candidate for the Riding. Mr. McNeil's speech lauding the Goveiai- ment and misrepresenting the Liberals was translated into the Indian tongue by the official interpreter present, bub When Dr. Bonnar rose tct speak the in- terpreter struck,' and these of the In- diens- who eould not understand English were thus deprived of the privilege of hearing. Mr, Molleil's Blanciererefeted, „ • A 's'ee (Ilfe 'Around each bottle of br. Chase's Liver Cure is Medical Guide and Recipe -Book containing useful infermation, ()yap 200 reeipes, and ermine/iced. 11,y Doctors and Druggists as worth to times the oaf Of' the mecligine. Medicine and 13o6k $1. The Elgin CountkItupectors have be- gun an active campaign against violators of the Scott Aot. Two convietiona have just been secured at Wallaeeburg, a.na three at Ridgetown, and informations have been laid against hotelkeepers at Aylmer, 31iddlemarch, Fingal‘ and Shedden. London, Sept. 25. ----The race between Wm. Beach, of Australia, and Wallace Ross,,of St. John, N. B,, for £500 a side, was wort to -day by Beach. The. champion Was four lengths ahead at the finish. Thc Last Tear; 1S86. After the above -yes -As ended there need be no Person suffering front Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, ,Lumbago, or any acute pain, if they will onlYPerchase a bottle of Fluid Lightning, as it cures instantly. , Palo cannot Bete 'weer° it is used, The name ie Fluid Lightning. Sold by Worthington, Druggist. Scrofula Is one of,the most fatal scourges Which afflict mankind.. It is often inherited, but maybe the result bf hnproper vaccination, various other causes. chrome- Sores, , Ulcers, Abscesses, Cancerous Mutton, and; in smile. cases, Emaelationi and Con- . stimPtion, result f rem a scrofulous Condi- tion of the blood. This disease can he cured by the use of .A.yees Sarsaparilla., • • ' inherited a scrofulous condition•of the blood, which caused a derangement Of my . whole system. -Aftertaking. less than four bottles of Ayer's SarSapinelle I am •Entirely•Cured and, for the past year, have not foundit needisary to use any medicine wliateVer. •ant. now iu better health, and „stronger, that ever' before..: -O. A. Willard, 218 7..'retnoet st., Boston, Mass. • I was troubled with Scrofulous Sores. for five years; but, after 1181/11t, it few bottles of Aver's Sarsaparilla, the sores •, heeled, and t have now good.' health.— Elizabeth Wurneek, .A.ppicton street, Lowell, Mass. . Sonic months ago. I evils troubled with 'Serofulotis. Some! 011 My leg. The limb Wad bade' swollen and ettliuned, and the sie•es disaerged Mtge quantities' of Oren- " matter.. Every remedy failed, !hail • 1. used ...A.ver's Sarsaparillit. By taking t bottles of t his -medicine the sores have been entirely hen lett, and my health is' fide° restered, I 'am grateful for the good • t his Medicine has done Inc..- MrS. AIM O'Brian, st.,'New York.' ' • AY prIs. Sarsa i;.oa ri 1 I a, Prepared by Dr. J. C.A.yerteCo,,'Lowell,Mishe.. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5. ' .1VTONEY TO LOAN.- PitiVATE FUND'S, ON INA Vann security, interest IS per cent. Payable yearly. Apply t� C.A. HARTY, Solicitor, Clinton. en DEISIOCRAT WAGGDN FOR SALETII , WIlejle and Shales in splendid order and will • be soia cheap. -JOHN RIDGUT, Clinton. .. ATONEY TO- LOAN •Ole FARM PItCPEETY..- -.let Private and Company Fruidse Lowest interest, also onepproved notes for short dates., C.A. HONTr Attorney, Clinton. *lm 10 • • . . TAMES HOWSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER t./ for the'County.of Huron. Sales attended anywherie In the County, at reasonable rates Residence Albert' Street,'Clinton. •OILER' MILL. -MR. ROGER PEPPER, LOT 86, 8rd con., Tudkerenalth,.will be prepared to lhako cid& after •Sept - 1st., Wednesday's and Saturday's ex- cepted,.at 1 cents per gallon,. or 0' cents per bag. Thera will be a kettle in connection with the mill .for boiling eider,whieh will be ceargedlor at 25bts. a day. DR JUGS MED1i 1,11 r LU NG S LIVER & BLOOD. Szeaseerse7 Seeteeber, 256, 1885. efill . , 1 'eel that 1 Owe yon» an acknOwledgm– ent of tbe.good effects of your valuable medicine. • A heavy told settled an my Mugs and throat, I tried several different hinds of medicine, which gave me no relief. 1 toOk one bottle of Dr. ing's Medicine and it. gave me inonechate. relief, believe It to be the best inedicine4or • _ • • lung and throat troubles existing. E A. OASIS, Commercial. Traveller; • ISM:, IMP:11E1013ED 11111TO H„m,,,, BODY ENLARGRIi: DEVICLOPEA. hte is an interesting odvertitementIong • rvalls=422er. In rainy to inquiries, we will say' that OW Is no evidence of hnothug about this. On the eontrary. advertisera are Vary highlyThodorood: ' Interested persons • ny coaled circulars articular', by Iddreu,1ti C2.�ctp Co., BuffaloY.—Tleci* Evening Bes. AISNITOBA'S TRIBU'rt ••• ----REMEMBER OVII, OLD RELIABLE --._, VINEGARS, AND PURE SPICES. English Male Vinegar on• Draft. -vite S. 1=.A.Lias9ie, csv 00.„. CraINT9Z.T. OMBTEBitt ZVBRTIOBT SBQUI1111017-99 A-L.1mm. A.1\160--(7Pa Has the finest and cheapest GROCERIES in4.own C:ntICII-K]ell'i: and G.7-4-A,SSW-A.113E At prices whicli downs them all. :ANAny quantrty of Apples T:ED! ancr.all. kinclS of Farm Produce. r ', Pears, Plums A. ANPUS,, ' CLINTON.. • • • ° *" • reat Inducement. • • • • lIavieg bought '0.. Stock of co OICER"i • :CLASSVTARE Ata discount, will sell at 'Wholesale Prices' until all isocleatied out. ' FINE 4S4TMENT OF , • S. CHICAGO;, F.IN E-TO:111.,ErT SOARA •• • FLEESIIMAN &CO'S\ 'YEAST formerly kekbY-Tuthill & Ce. "always on ban ',TORN CUNINGHAME GROCER. CLINX0 . • • --V's , - AND REFRESHMENT ,ROOMS 'CLINTON. ANDERSOK. Proprietor itO?: Cream. oda, Water, etc. J A.S.AZTbEELS 017, .N EXT GIAlsTP UNION CLINTON • T,0 THeMERITS.„OF WHITE BRONZE • MONUMENTS. •' The following letter is from the HOn. ,tohle Slither - land. Seedieg of .111anitoba, and gives 00 uncertain sale& ' • • , • IL 13 -Pollock, alittnazer of the Si. Themes White bronze Monuritent Cos DEAR Sia, -1 'have much pleasure in adding my te5- thymby to the many which I doubt not you have al- ready had, regarding the beality and' other merits of your white bronze monumetts. There .is nothing lo ornamental as mire in our cembtery, although we have a number of marbleltna Scotch granite monuments.. As regards durability;./rom all I can •learn," I have every -reason to -Believe it to bd seperier to the best granite'ile artistic work is certainly very beautiful and cheap. Yours truly, di;SUTIIxRUAND Kildonan,•111an.Aiig..100. . . .. Partici Ifitendit,g 'Le purchase a monument should GALLAGHER, •cdderich, • • • '• 1\.. '' .17 VST GC) calt on•or write to W.*M.' GIFFIN, Clinton, or:JAMES . . . .Tzmiccorprir. • .wc= ..t WE ARE NO* ,O1EN114G ONE OF THE LARGEST:STOCKS OF 100R THE PEOPLE. AZT,. Cheap qrtoompapst* an4 Cheap PROVISIPNS.. - • Raying a large stook of Salt, on hand, orders will be ,filled at the lowest prices Aver offered in Clinton; as the Salt 'AVor6 will be sold When arrange; .ments are completed. Will buy and sell TIMOTHY and CLOVtR SEED. -A lot of - • ' • SALT SACKS and GR,AIN BAGS for .. . : . • . .. . .,. • . .S11; LARGE VAR,S.01' N. P. SOAP".FOR ONE.DOLDAR. •:' • . p • ._• 494)11.-MCGA.R.,ITA: . . CLINTON. —PURE. alla CLSAll* A QIIANT4T 6r BOOTS and SIIOES Remarkably Low Prices. RYE FOR SEED. FL.,01111, BRAll, SNORTS, and ,FEED. . MEALS of ail KINDS. - I will take any jindoS Witin itt exchana for any of the above. . • JAMES STEEP,. 0... • CLINTON* • • S. WILSON. , GENERAL' DEALER IN TINWARE, eto., • HURON. STREET, CLINTON, Repairtig of all kinds promptly iittoteled to at reason able ratee, A trial solicited, •••••••••••"*" 'Redd I Mem opened in,ounton, a firseclass BOOT, SEOE alid. TaTAZINTESS S HOP I Make arid Mend all kinds of Roots arid SI1065, Mid keep sin excellent stook on hand. Fest-class. work. ereeteQe; ;if you went ahything in this A.A.41LJP.1'43 .14QL-7 line It Will pity you te•cdthe and 500 Inc. r keep from a hum° strap to a No.1 set of SINGLE or DOUBLE HARNESS, best of stock and worknemshse may always be expected. Please give Inc a call. •. • HARNESSSINGLE :TEAM HARNESS $24. • .HARNESS $10. QARRI419-ES. just. arrived, latest:Styles, Very Cheap. TRUNItS VALISES bY the.Iiindred, 'Cheap: High land PINE and CEDAR SHINGLES at Lowest Prices. • 4 T 2'C�LEiL.IL4 .61i111440Ii. / Laurance's SPEOTA:CLES and..EYE-GLASSE8 ,. Aro tho only Genuine English A.rticies in the Canadian Market.. 'leeni lfebblee nilgkept in A leek% Tests nie given to purchasers to prove° genuineness. They are tecominemled by and these testitnoniaia hive been received from the Preeident, Vfee• President, Ex-Preeideet tuul DeNfee-Preeldent of f he Medical Aseeet Mien of Canada ; the PITfli. dont of the College of PhyeicIatis end Sergeons Of QUebee !. the Deati of the Waited Paculty Of Theee reeteninendatiOne Might to bo tufgetont to prove tluAr qualities, bet if furtherproof is 1 . C., YATES . ',twat T nirmquty, t ic I reeident ttle ix-Ercsidents -of the Medleal Connell of Nova Seotta. des. ' „ heeded, C roisTrcoa xctow 011 &rocs tXellANOX, ,ALCF.RT Sr. 7 • all 011 ' Ct•INTON. • . ROB. W COATS Wittehmaker anti JewellerClintox. • •• .0•00 --