HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-10-01, Page 4War littered in 1880 C Troyer P De- t Not A Johnw. See:beeps ef barbers '4 The Little Gutet,” ita epeciel feature be- terediu in elms Troyer, P Deoursey. Sewing machine. 0 0 Wilson, Jas Wateon- the weight does trot fall so directly en the Suffelks.--Aged boar, 0 Bowes, Piek- Organ, Or F 3,elles Clinton. Set of parlor axle as heretofore. It epeeafed to be,capable 1; bardt. Aged eow M. Leinherde G Biewee. Sow littered in 1886, G Plower, Mr Leiphardt. Berkshirm-Aged boar, P Decoureey, J 0. Tok, Boar littered in 1886, J 0 Tuck, A Bekmeyer. &god' sow, 0 Trak. Sow lit- tered in 1886, 0 McNamara, r enbale rime. POULTRY. Light Bralunae, 1 and 2 D Then:mon, Dark Bralunes, 1 and 2 A Wilson. Buff cochlea, Robt *Jamieeen. Any other variety ecchine, Jam 'Beattie, Plymouth make, 0 Aetzel, W Bissett Colored derkings, Andre W Graves. Any other variety aoreings, jehn Beattie. Black breasted red games, Robert Ja Carter, White gamee, Krate'e. Any ether variety, B Spefling. Golden. or silver spangled flamburgs, R Keleog, Pickard (Is Spicer. or S. penciled HamVarge, Pick. ard & Spicer, R Keliog. Inuit Hamburg's A E Howard. Houdene, 1 and iJu Ward. W black Polapdo, T Hendry & Son, Pickard & Singer. Any- ether variety Polanes, Hendry. & Son. White Leghorns, W Folland, D Thompson. Brown Leghorns, F Beattie, WrFolland. Black Spaisish, 1 and 2 J Moore, Atneriaan Seabrighte, Pickard & Spicer. Any other variety fowle J Beattie. Any variety geese W Gravers. Pekin ducke, 3 P Brine; lielatrAyek Abell, Rouen.cluokse J Beattie, Any other variety ducks, ." Beat. tie l" Any variety bantams 1 and 2 0 Aetzel: R Goeenlock. ' Pears -1 lemish Beauty, S Collection Of pigeons, J Beattie. • This Year's Chickens, etc. -Light Brabroas, Leadiffierough, R Charters eine:Mess An toy Vvtrtisoutiao. 3areey. •Aged sow, P De'cuersey, toir leather, Oin Jeekeen, Cured etatu, H. Robb. ing eeteet axle aud twister, by which • Watchee-Rob. W. Coete. ' B esle & Notice to creditors -Mary Tighe, Londeshore Roller Huber. -Still on the track -T. Weenie. -- Little Giant waggoe-j. Brume:lop. , Eieureion te, Montreal -W. Jackson. .jticlicial eale-Garrow & leroudfoot. We'm at it etill-Pay & 0e, „ A great folly-Jaokeen Bros. • Reedy -John Robertson, Millinery openipg-J, Daum a 00. BOON & Shoes -eke Orteekstrank. • Pig impouraled.-L, eerie. Stray sow -e-0. Tighe. Paieting-j, Mayne. House to let -Mrs. 1Vattersen. • — 011004 _rat FRIDAY,. OCT.- 1, 1856.. *. le littered in 1886 1 and 2 Mr Lein- furniture,.I and 2 14 Roberto% Set of. bed- of carryiug a verY heavy load, end. Was rota furnitute, 1 and 2 M Roberta:rel. Stuffed: much admired "by thoae who examined it. bird, John Walker. Aseortmeut of pottery, Dlr. John Roes was the Only exhibitor John Carter. Aasortment marlsle work, W of pumps. Sexeral implement men made B Cooper,Olinton. White bronze monuments. a display of their wares, Mr. W. b. extra puze, W M Giffin, Olineen. Cooper took a prize for naarble work, he FRUIT .4,1M FLOWERS. . being the only exhibitor in that class, 'show - Winter apples, Jae Dickson, 0 lioutledge, trag two stnall monumeets. Ilifte W. 14. Fall &Wes, J Dickson. Wm. Black. ; Coneo- Giffin showed twO white -bronze monuments tion of apples, J Dickson, G E Cresswell. but no prize Wing (detect tor these, he, Rhode Island Greenings, R. Charters 0 E of coursoecould net get one. Creswell. Northern Spies, Anthony 4yndell, A feature of the fair that attracted a Wm Chesney. Ruben). Russets, D D.Wil- greet ;deal at attention was' the (Wittig by son, A Typclall, *Spitzenbarge, HerbertCrich, lathers, There were the following entries 3 0 Wilson, Behlwins, Richard Donnie, R Odell: Weatfield's Seek -no -further, 3 Mc. for the prizea in. thte connection :-1YIrs. Millian, a Crich. Snow apples, W Esther' W. Cuaingnaine and Yfra' Salawanz' C61- inghara, Dr Scott, Grayenetems„ Alen lean. borne ; Mrs.. Ja's. Connolly _ and. Mrs. nall, G M. Chesney. FallPippins, Win Ire- Elliott, Goderioh towns1e.ip ; Miss Hertel', land, Oolverts, Wm Chesney, R Govenlok. Tuckeramith ; Mrs.T. Moon, Mss Bay aud Porters, 1 Diekson. King of Tompkins, It. Miss Swart's, Clinton, They were required. Charters, Mre Nott. Alexanders, It Carters, to put their horses .through all aorta of D It Wilson. Canada Red, 0 E Croswell-, mateeuvres, ouch as straight ahead driving, Wm. Black, Swears, C Routledge, Wm Bell. taking eharp turns, and everything that Ribstm PiFFillseeT Dibitesur-C+-.1-1 Creeewen- worad teat their abilities as drivers. Miss Wagner, J Dtlelelillan, It Robieson. Grimes 0 Horton happened to hevethe best horse Pippins, 0 B Creswell. SWayzie PomMO Gris, of the' lot, and, the saucy a don't-careet- J Dieleson, H Crich, Golden Russets, 0 E riper in which sheemeteup in the Creswell, J Sorge Seedjng apples, Andrew cent" •111;eately-eiheend that Storey, Mrs John Campbell, Ben Nevis, . C "" ehe knew it. Rceitledge. Duchess of Oldenburg, R Deenie, The driving ore the ladies was yeee good indeed, but that of Mrs, Itilgon, Mies Bay and Miss Horton appeared to meet with the meat general approval of the onlookers. The judges bad a very difficult task to .par - form, finally awarding Miss Bay Tat prize . Mi as Mrs. Moore' second. ' The latter lady, - we believe, has the honor of being. aeorize winner at several large exhibitions in the east. • , Tete IeneoR DzeinTetwer. Weare compelled to =it all editorial. matter thie week, as tile fall fairs h&c the floe, • 7-- - ;- _ The South. Riding Show, The aubual showof the South' Ridig • Agrieelturat Society was held at Seaterth, •en Monday and, Triesdey last. On Tues- day morning the weather looked very un• - favorable, buea lair crowd of people ga- thered notwithstanding,. the gate receipts being ever 0500. There was a eery good show or' horses -all classes being well re- presented, and ilifr 0. Masen's specials :for 40 the beat fear; by any horse in the county, brought but a number of One colts. There was also :a good representation of there- • bred cattle; an exceptionally large show of • grades the eccommodation being much too small 'for the large utunber of animale -shown: Pies Were not very nurneroure, • this appears to be a departmept in Which comparativeiy little interest is taken; the • anitnels shown were well -hied. Berkshires and Suffelks: :Sheep' were beth more ne:. • merous and of better quality than in form - • er years, and the same may be said of poli17 try.; -"In carriages; &e:, the local manuface. , turers were completely dietanced by the exhibit of ontaiders, who were P W Hay- • ward, Clinton, John' lininedore leondes- • bore; and Slater & Sims, Blyth. •On the whole the mitside. shim was good, but a drizzling: rain in the ,afteraeon' made it • unpleasant to stand around, and people got -----------e-a-wayeaseenati-asetheerenould.-Theindieore show was a 'tenet's -in the ladies depart- ment, so far as quantity was coneeeped ; there were a few neat aud well -made. arti-• cles of fancy work; but only a few. Fruit • vegetables and grain were good.; 'Belo* will be found the •fullprize list: -; therms. • • Imp:Teed Heavy Dratight-eIMported or • bred from imported stock on both' sides- Brood-maree-Robert-Mattin.-2-and-3--Thomaa Colgujeciun,' Foal, 1 and T 061gal:roan, W • Cumming., 0.yr -old filly, Alexander, Innis. • 1. -Yr old filly, T Cotquhoun, Jea• Ross. Year • old filly, Robtillffartin. .- • • Canadian Heavy Draught -Brood Mare, Not known, D McGregor,. Jti Staffed. Peale W Stewart, W Ireland, A Tyndell, 3 -yr. old gelding, 1 and 2 H Orieh, N Chesney. 3.yr . filly, T Cudmore, D MeAllutn. 2yer old geld- • ing; james-Aitehison.„ Charters.- 21r old. • filly, W john McKay& Sons, R T Erratt. • Year eia gelding, land -2 Goo Dale, • . Ginning & kill. Draught tisain, McMillan. e • • •. . • . • Agricultural or General. Parpose.:e-Brocd • • mare, Jas Herten-, E'newlerter, G McMichael.. Foal; J Rotten, Jas Afastard, 13-McGreger: " 3.yr old.gelding, A Monteith. e.yr old filly, • Jas Ouminge -2-yr old' gelding, Not known, M Goessnlock, Relit B 2 -yr old filly, , J McKay & Sons, W C Dale, sr: year old gelding, Henry Freel, Mrs H effiesney, • C Allen. Year old filly, A Monteith; Robert •McAllister, W Elgie. . le; • Cdrriage-.-Brood mare, \V Gorden, A Dairld:• • son, D D Wilson. Foal-; Gordon, W Smith, -111 D Wilson, 2.ye old filly; • jas McDowell. Year old gelding, -Jae Broadfoot. Pair car- riage horses, Whttely.& Abell, A. Forsyth, jr. Single carriage hersee McGregor, jell Ward, esteriee*-ereierreeveree ereteeetere- •eesteexameszateleener=seetwagereweere meeting called to discover who wold bell tee eat, picked en a u(ntlernan,.wheee nallial shall uut meutten, ter thiti eueleesant and dangerous duly. It ia -aid that, m their presepee and. with their t, he; erelred the above meutioutel letter. neeitien tide, in order tie raters. vuice e tearing tee direo. ectore end thie geutlernen ef the inaputatioa of heviug composed thia vewerdly and die- honoreble .ePietle. Ars far a 4 I know them, I believe the directors to be geatlenien, and en. tirely incapable of ench elide isle mid disgrace- ful writing. I mention this to draw attention to the conduct of the Recor4 Ode, as in oehe ere cases. Clinton its quite a line town now, and 'le beginning to put on city aim, /3- A not about time that the Record should•nease to be the constant receptacle of the most vul- gar and imitating personalities, auenymouele? It spoke little for the culture and hiaopen deuce of the iuhabitants tliet its course to counteuancecl. As to the right I have asenmed to criticiee the management, it has been objected that I am not and. have never been member of the 'moiety. I ausworils this mere/Mien net sup. ported by -government metal ; and is it noft then open to criticism by auy member of the Sate, -even if he bat pay the locality a visit of a wee e or two, mow and again? • Not onlyao dare to criticize aa a citizen,_ but veuture ti speak inemlialf of the few ip- dependent farmers whom am proud to have met about Clinton. men who think and act for themeelves. NOW ameaked what I dare to speak Of. Ie the unmentionable joke ray genteel°, J G Wilson. Grey Doyenne, Jas Diek8011. Sheldon, 3 Dickson, Easter Beurre, It Govenlock. Louis Benne de Jersey, 0 M Chesney, W Black. Phens-Dtrane's Purple, J G Wilson, W Bloke Lombard, Dr Scott, 3"G Wilson. Any other variety, R Goven. look, J G Wilson. :Grapes, etc.-Delaveare, 3 Scott, eJohn .Thompson. More's Early, R Gov:enloek. Coneord, .1 Hewitt, J Walker. Rogers No, 19, John Thempson. Rogers No. 4, R Govenlook, Any other variety, 1 and 2 J Walker. Crab- apples, R Donnie, J Mow- -bray; Peaehes, Royal George, A. Jobuston. Collection of canned fruits, S Barme, W H MeCraokeri. Collection of honey, A Johnston. Honey in comb, Hugh Rohl). Honey in jar, 11 Robb, A Johnston. ()enaction home made Wines, AJohastoneW H MeCraken. Flowera.-Three valiaties, Thee Gemmill. Fohiaa,T Colemane Pottage plant David Thompson, West Armstrong. Geeaniumse T Coleman. dollectioe of flowers, T 0 Kemp, D wet Thorapson. Standard dahlias, John Walker, 3 Beattie. Pansies, J Welker, Mrs 'Carnechan, Astera, J Scott; Airs Carnoehap. Colleetion, of ten weeks steak, J Walker, T Celeunite. • ;Verbenas, Walker, Single pe - tenets, 3 Walker. Double petunias, Welker. Phlox clememoinli, J Walker, Thee Coleratin. T Oteleman, J Beattie. .Basket of Cut &ewe T 0 leemp, •Erie Clark. Collec- tion of animas in bloom, Erie Clarke, Alex Jas Dawn. Dark teralimas. A .1 Wilson. Buff Cochin's, If Jamieson. Plymouth. R0010, 0 • Aetzel, Any other variety Derkings, A Cal. der. Black breasted red game, Rich Kruse', G dr S spangled Hamburgs, Pickard es Spicer. Ger S pencilled Halburgs, Pickard & Spicer. Black Henffinrge, E Howard; • Floudans, Jo Beattie. SVC blaok Polands, John:Beattie. White Leghorns W Follenci e Brown Leg - horns, Jas A Anderson,. Black Spanish, W Grave. ,Ameriean Seabrights, Pkikard & Spicer; Black Rocks, 0 Howard. Any either variety, J Beattie. Any v.arietrernalitrerejn-- Beattie. Pekin duke J p Wine.. Bantams, A -Stewart -- • Extra prizes. -Silver Seabright baetams, B jeinieson. Golden Seabright bantems, John -Boattle.-Abyssia Guinea pigs, T Coleman, Common Guinea pigs, T Coleraen..: .. estreetemers. Fenn waggon, Slater & Sims, J Brunsclon. Double top carriage, P W Hayward. Double open carriage, J Brunsdon, P W. Hayward. Demorat waggon,. S Barton: Phareton with top, P W Hayward. Top buggy, Brunsdoe, Slater & Sims. Open buggy. P W Hayward. Double pleasure sleigh, J Brueirdon. Poet. land cutter, Slater & Sime, J Bruneden. Iron beam plow, 1 and, 2 T Hendry A Son. Horse shoes, 1 and 2 Statet '& Sims. Fanning mill, 11. hie as Co, Self binder reaper, Massey Mfg. Co, Watson Mfg. CO. TWO1191130 culti- vator, Watson Mfg. Co. Gan; plow; T Hen- ..Roberteou, . • -dry-&-SoneeIrenlearrows, A. Stewart Roller, T Hendry & Son. Horse li-CTI arWitson emlleavy-borses•-•Tehe-elarquia,....thilbereee„ 4, Mfg. Co, 2nd net known. T nip seed drill, T McLaughlin, Grey ;'W le Graham, leinear. A:Campbell. Grate seed 4 ill; J• A Wilson. dine. • Pea harvester, :Reid & Wilson.% • Wacden. Light horses -J Forbes, Stretford; A E PuelP, N. Cleft. . Drain tile, It- Collie, John Tennant, Exeter; A M Campbell, Stanley. Carter. Building brick, J ea:rter. . . Gattle-=Geo Hyde, Stratford; Rich MeCee, Extras -Wood cistern, N e:luff.. Straw ItIcKillop ; J Hyslop, Grey. cutter, Heiadty ei Son:. Hoeg, power and. Sheep'and pig's -James -Stewart, Colborne; crusher, Hendry deSone• !Washing machine, • W Aitcheson, /Kellett, D Metaughline Grey C R Cooper. Steel- docir mats, C g.dooper. Poultry•W Sanderson, Stratferd. . • -;:Assortment-inarblee_workeeer IP' Coo Sr. lniplernents-G S Howard; 388 Down, Ex= White bronze, extra prize; W.. . lef. Giffin, eter; A Monteith, Tiffigw•-Vrigh. • •Clinion. , . Grain, vegetable and dairy. producelef Md. GRAIN AND SEEM • Deunid John Stewart, Win Dormice, Wur . 2 . „, Fall wheat, Devid Walker, Robt elorriacio; Sproat, a el ti"estlee'r 7 - - . John Hewitt. Red fallwheat, Andre* Steiey, Ladies' venrk-lelte j. Xi:lover, Exeter; Alex: McMichael, Joseph Hirdson. White Goodie Marks, Brucetteld e Nellie Letiiner, fall wheat, John Rankin. Cho Rotitledge, J Walter, : • ' •Hudson.. Spring wheat, Troyer, Robert : Fine artaWitter color drawing, 0 Ewing, Armettorig, Relit R Snell, ,,, ff-rowed 'barley, Thos. Coleman ; peintiug in oil,: Miss 'I) lel Robt Chereers; J Iledson. Large oats; Wee Kennedy. ' ' " ' ' ' . Meeliehael, jas Scott . nuori.orits, Mrs ' • •-e-t:reler-efee , Opponents, and call them Bars, and. Annauias, and eay swill.buckets, apd erg them pinch -bellies, and spit venoinerend Speak all menner of evil of them falsely. 1.41 are they not written. the hooks -of the chropielee. of tory taepoles of Canada. • A DWELLER •422...22•42. • BORN CARLING.-In Clinton, on the 20th Sept., the wife of Mr. '1, at, °stung, ot- a (laughter. rireteiNel.-In Clinton we tho MU Sept., the wife of Mr. John Rinniag, of a'OsugMer. • RR elenote.-At the rietheeistrrsenrye, irenftye As we ralentioned in the short report given last week, the inside department was the beat ever displayed here. The ladies had made an extra fine exhibit of fancy articles of all kinds; the seven 'ollections that .had entered for the special prizes, comprising some beautiful specimens of needlework. To specify the articles showe is not in.eur " vocabulary,'' and all we need shat they were very tnuch ad- mired indeed. The exhreit of vegetables, roots, etc, • was a show in itself. .The gardeners, who had entered the lists, etidedtly did their very best, and this is peeing a gocid deal. The vegetables and roots , were rill mam- moths of their kind, and it would be difti- cult to surpass them in any respect.' ' whole complaint ? By no means? I ain ry that so harmless a thing%as that should hate onscered what I was dr lying at.. I con- fess too, that I forgot the joke would fall on the shoeldeis of three or four persons, and these men against whom I have not a werd to say, and what I intenled I should. be under. steed to say is as follow(' : that farmers, as a body, have very little independence of thought or act ; that they have too little dignity con. eiclering their wealth and numbers ; that, se. cordingly, they never display any concerted • action nor ehow any ernpathy towards one another ; that thee* allow too much patroniz. ing on the part of shopkeepers, politicians and budding profeestenal mon; and finally and chiefly, that the recent prize list was an ag- gravated, case of reatronizing. This is what it seemiedia net shine clearly enough through the joke. But the dieters say "we were se- leeted for our °detractors by :the directors." Well I am very eorry that they shouM do even that to prep up a dead institution: This statement. of course shifts the joke, and 1 be- ing the referee •le tele game,- declate it dee The position -1 ereie taken may ;riot berguite clear to the directors ,and more but I on Sept. etst, the wits of Rer.W. hum en, of a awl MARRIED HOOVER-INGRASX.-On Sept. 2ath, at the resi- dence of the bride'a father, by Rey. R. X. Thomson, flu., Mr. Edward Hooper, of -Usborne, to Isabella, daughter of Mr. Alex, Ingram, of Hay. DIC1(80H-CORMACK,.-At the residence. of tit* bride's mother, by Rev, Mr. Jones, on, Sept. UM, Win. Darr Diekson, barrister, Jennie coenack, art of Brussel. DIED, MIGUEL—On Sept b, 'lathe IStli con..01.4.1u1. lett, Hr. Wre.Miller„ aged 71 years. • Corning, Fairs. East Huron. Bromels,Cot.Mit and 8th. •Stephen and rsberne. Exeter, Oct 4th and ath. Btaffa, Oct atii. Morris, Blyth, Oct.7th and 81h. Stanley brinieb, at Hayfield. Oot, 11, 12, eMsereeteserseetTeetr-we New Advartiottutato • :TILE OROAlf ' Upon enteeieg tbe building the eye ring- ed „upon the creditable display of Organ's made byettee F °ekes, of this town, • A. 'handsome parlor organ, tnished in dark .foreignew.00dsoves.geeatlyeadmireelrevetilat another of similar design, trimmed with California poplare'sed highly polished, cured •a • large (Share of attention. .Mr. Oakes':crowning piece, however, was e pipe organ,: which certainly spoke volumes of his' skill and workmanship. It was evi- 'dainty an excellent instruinent, and was sole to 1Ver James-Laithweite, of Goderieh township. It is-clainted that the new bal. aneed-cylindees in -theme organs give- thenr a distinctive neerit. Mies Johns, Guelph,. manipulated the keys of these organs very artistically 'during the exhibition and af- forded an opportunity to all of, hearing just what the Excelsior organs Were cape- blef. Mr Oakes, imam& credit for What, under difficult cireernstances, he has been able to accomplieh, and is, apparently,. on the high way to StIOCe$8. The exhibit meta() W ,Deffierty &Coe of their jestly-celebrated Otgans, as: it always le, tirseelass in every 'respect. - If ter -the extreniely flattering noticea. given of these instrunrepts by the (toile pipers, when at the Industrial Exhibition or else- where, itis difficalt to add anything new. The cases shown Comprised the Boudeir, 'Esthetic, Cathedral and Gem, each hate. ing a distinctive feature of its own. NO organ norepapy in the Doniinion, we 'be- lieve, makes a better organ than Doherty •& Cd. • The finish of. the cases, their de- . A:ohne...Stafford: . • • • Roadsters, -Breed mare, W Smith, A Bit - char, ane-T--MoLaren,a-Foale.„-T-LapsliereeD, - Dee -foetid , T-Mulesiene--2-yeraltrgeldiax-D-D • Miami. • 2 -yr. old fitlyeeeteDoele,-.1elakay & Sons, P Morris. Year old gelding, F stead.. Year old elly, et Novell, Wilson &. Young, G eltirdie. Pair erroadstees, Atari( Seat, In Preset, W Grieve.- Single roadster, Goo Whitely, Wilsoe & Young, McFarlane. Special prizes.---Pitie Of drivers under four, • A Scott. Single turn•out, Whitely _&.Ahell; Robt Wilson,. MoGregoM-.-Iilile-.flotTr1po- -..-__ Whitely, Itobt Brock, W Simpson ,' titne8:20.' Per C Alasbtessieeciabee0_111eMicliael,,AV Ire. land, 1r Fowler, jr. For A Forsyth's aptiOial, -Jas Mitstard, Meet johns, Sehe Meleenele. For McGregor & Mantostee special, Si Gorr don, D Denevan. Reempheended, carriage ' stallion, year olde.ltirj Peek. . eeereet: • Thoroughbred Derhare--41nw, 1 and a A 'Moat, Geo Sproat. 2.yr (ad heifer, -A. Et. coat, Jas Carnochap, jr, T Dickson. Year old heifor, Snell & Sense 2 and 3 A. Eleeat. Heifer calf, Snell & Sons, T Dielts01.1, Geo Sproat. calf; .111rs G Nett. A Bloat, Dicksou. Herd, A. Elcoat, T Dickson; Grades,-Cew, J Dickson, 0 Eroadfoot, Stanbury. e -yr old heifer, Jas Atkinson, P Case; W Carnochan. Year Old heifer, 1 and 2 Joe Atkinsee. Heifer calf, Jrrliewitte-2 ned--.34-leeterWeirwellererld steer, J 5tanbury, Gee Diehl, Relit Charters. Year. old.steer, Ja MOdelancl, Jn Stanbury, • \V Grieve, Fat oi mesteer, 1 and. 8 NV Grieve, • John Staribury. Pat cow or laeifer, I Steer bevy, 3 and 3 J'T Diaksen. Herd of 5 ship, ping steues, Stanbury, W •Gtieve. Ayrsbires.-Cow, 1 and 2 Thomas Hill. tidier calf, T Hill, strew, • Laceater.-Aged ram, 1 and 3 Pohlad Was, T Gourley, Shearling ram, 1 and 8 & Sons, Penhele Bros. Ram Iamb, Snell & Sees; Penhele Bros 0 E Creswell, Betas, Snell & Sone, 2 and Penhale Bras:. Shearliegs, Palliate Bros, 2 rind 3 T Gourley. 'Ewe lambs, 11 Madero,. Seen & • Sons •T • Gourley. • Sontlidowns.-A.gedraM; John Ilewitt, .11 Croswell, Shearling ram, B Ciresswell, Ram lamb, 1, S and 3 11Cresswell. Ewes, 1 and 2 0 B Croswell, Shearlings, 1 and 2 E Cretswell. Bete lembe e, 2 and E Cressivell, Shropshirelewns.-Aged tam, 1 and 2 W Coopee, &mites deeper. Shearling ram, 1 and • Wilsem W Cooper. Rani lamb, D • Wilfred, W Oooecr, les Coper. Evresel and* 3 W Cooper, D Wilson,' Shearliegs, I and :31) eVileen, fenell and Sots. • two lambs; 1 entl. 2 1)T) Wilted, W Cooper, Aby other breect-IrWes, J Hewitt, Shear. ling ewes, Ja ltewitt. Ewe lambs, 3 Hewitt. rat ewes, D I/ Wilson. Carnoehan, J Hewitt. Black; (rate, Andrew Faye, e eeeeet ranch Fair Joeuston. ; Large peas,•;T Iludson, Troyer. airletteseeerer's Small peas, Robt AlcAllister,Jas Scott. thy seed, seed, A Johnston, lobeePanston. ,Flax ,. :. e THE onTsinE pEPARTMENT. ;- • bee_dl, A. Johnston. Merchant's flour, 'Te'a 11�. -Tho show in this department Kerry: Rarrel beans, A Jobesteree . • . • . was a credit to the neighborhood, 'and in- .' VEGETABLES: • ' • • dieates a decided tmprovemeet in the breed- • Late Rose legatees, Charles Lowrie. Batty mg of animals rentable. for farm work. The Verinozit' petatees, J Scott. Any variety of introductien of Clyilesclaleatillimieisbear, potatoes, j H.elel)caigall, (,Lowrie Winter ing good fruit, as evidenced in , the more cabbage, Jelin Stafford, J &Gee. Blood beets, .0(3 -meet farm, heayier' : bee° and greater. Wm Fotheringbarai, C.Leivrie. ' Sugar beets e weight' shasvn . by ' the colts and fillies- in. 0 :Lowrie. Loner inangolds, (1 Leistrier Thos the younger Classes. - The foals off 1886.. Teovenlock. Globe mingolds, W HlercOreken, were particularly good and much difficulty • •sign and solidity, the carving, the superi- Jeha* Mettlillan .• laree&e.ternips, W Md- was experienced by the judges le making ority of their notions, and the care -taken Michifel; lt MeMillave 'Early :horn careote, : &million. IrifeTherntou Walken sheered that each -instrument. turned out shall be John Murray; C Routledge: Jeaetestearrots, raughts •a tve' eierte oled filee'epd: poertect, ire every respect,i, place the Doherty J* Hewitt, W 11 McOraeken. .:Lo lig orange or in' "4'4'4 red. ceirote, W A rmStrong; W g McCracken. • 13 land Chief, bargilatnx aetnidadtee arateini,bem...e haned.Caobnirporiandew. have h a two-year old entire.coit by, ter .. . . White Retinae carrots, Delreeerletrne.:-.3 -ehat-would4le--ba , . ' ..; eolmonitin:lezemxtonibut and c(Me_i____,- Sweet corp . .A.lex Davidson, `,V II egut prizes On high, of thein. ' . , lansattia,jence,roetii aAte the°, . . . . McOractrene-Tiicllan.cere,-(eee TeuglieRiehie . ••CATTW'`-Tiliare--was but a small display 'Common. : Water nielons,•0 lteutledge, Alex of really good Cattle and that eoriffnette 'to Inew geing-tenjie -Bondi/tier...their exhibit taken ,high, reek, and their agent is send- Robertsim. MuSlc melons, Itiehard beanie.: the . Short *torn class, in which g. Snell J Martay. CeetiflOwers; , A Robertson, ' j & sena elpeeeed a small herd; headed ..by' jug here surprisiree.number'of orders from MeGee. 'Red onions; j •Scett, B: qestirasP• • their Rose OrShaten bull, Captain Mernu, the best European rnusical. henries., We White or yellers; ()dime JOhl2WOker;64-0.7-6`A. it. particularly fine one, 'perfect at ' every. hope that briefness May so cinititrue that Troet. Tomatoes; Erie Clarke, 0 Lowrie. •point. They had alselalneyearling heifers.' the :Sm.' Will, have to enlarge again' and more hands thee advancing .paesuip?, eeha H,me, in Red Rose 2ncleIrena lath; andltosebta" • sra-gn'tneanY Celery, 0 . Lowrie, G Trott. Citrons, John DortgaltA Davidson. ' Colleetroneregetablea, The Mat w.as sold ee Mr John Salkeld ifor ' the town they have- alreedyeseee_natetialle leuerae, A. Johnston. E Pansom W II McCracken. .Extras -New '1200, ici go:toe-British dolinnbia, Mr: W. h:elFscle . • ' ' - .' • : ' , ' .. - e.... varieties of potatoes-OliiTeNo. 1,009 SProat. J, Biggins, of S'ettuley; has two extra fine tEDITOWS Neel:T.-In order be liellize Mornineetar, John Rowitti Toilli Thoulpeen. ferrialeede; the -cows, Matchless of Elm-; our .space te. the best advantage, we pub- , .. Winter cabbage, W.11,1110Pracken: ` ' • heest •fithlind Isabella 10513, the last i real leek the Hullptt prize list on our inside .• ' ---,*. . ' • ''' ' • beauty •' Avery nide whiteethreelear old pagles, ,just - as it was copied •front the Vatter,. Wm Bell, R Dennie, :B. Robinson; ' Lil vihite was ehoWn •hy Jae. Welishe_ jades hooks, on reridaylast. . We are in. ', DAIRY DROMICE, • • , • i • • 'Creamery jeutter, Geo Watt, Hugh, MeCart. formed that Sesterale errors . were made by neye Salt better in tubs, private,. •tas Car- notite.), Jas Cooper, Johu U.Btoren, :.Pactory. :made elieese, Jelin al MuiraY, • • .•. ' Lewes' .weeire . ••..„ , MADE ONLY BY— J 13111INSDON, LONDESBORO. •Willearry a heavier weight than any rwaggee mads. • CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, &C. am glad to .eay that a. onsiaerable 1;otly of • .r • inea in the ecitintry around,. agree With me, ; • , OP., • ' hoped, it will ----------1 proselytize. lie- , Valuable FahnProi)erty foreJ conclude, let rae assure all who have any scruples as to my positiene that not only do I take on myself to criticiee the Fall Shovr, IN' THE HIGH C--01:11tT OP -JUSTICE, but I shotad have no hesitation whatever, to -eiffiefiertlierdeTeil, eiiretherelangerous in --.4.-GlealeCelefe-Y-Dgeletrale—ea----.--------ee. TIid HE INFANTS. stieutionehad I inclination, and a channel of ` communication. • I hope that this is explicit en•ougli. Paidon •MreEditot, tor trespes. t?i3r(f 411141 gastO13,274,gtili arlara7)apPrteel:: hoped might arouse an inteiligent diectissiore bt leornI.10.816th. Registrer et tne Queen's Trench Di - I hope you will not be held accpuntable for. anything have said, I assume the whele vision; by David Dickinson. Esneire. Auctien- and haying the courage', of their convettions, jUDICIAL •SALE ant accorcluegly; Individuellty is .a difficult• .• • growth in a place like Clinton, but, it is to be sing eat your space far ehreinsertioe of what I peeRstiiittTp TE ORDER MADE HERE- responsibility. Befteve the, sir, yours truly, 1• ref; Wr ettl.lenelf`A,NiinililliesV°118E; In the Purity uron, • GORDON WALtillOic.. at the Itottr'PL 12 roe:hick noon, on. leniversity-CollegeeMorentor Sept. 27th.— Saturday, the 23r4of O'otober mes WAS IT A SUCOES3. q'o the Editor of trig -cit. -atom ,• 11rew Va. I • the following valuable property, namely :--Lob number eighteen (18): in the ninth (9th) concesn• . sioh of the Township of Hallett, in said Comity, . , . , 'eoatainlng by admeasurement •one huadred Srs,-Our fall fair he how ever; am) ehe Seventy' (70) acres are cleared, and..60 acres acres of land, be the same more or 1e55 question-arises, " has it been a success?" if we c,ompare it With:last year, it has riot ; but free from atinups andlit for cuitivation: There i(oineone might say there was no band tournae are es aellea. timeerecleelth good beech and inept this year .or anything else of an 'in t sia e rniitsTity: . 'rTiereegialrseneeretitreMor lig Ifr(ebig°4 . attraction .to straw. Whose fault is that s the following buildings,. namely :-A frame ' The weather both days was as fire as petaible dwanieg 18x24, 'svith a good kitehen attached; •1 ,find jest about half the eeceipts otlast year. azgng,i,3Croi.ir 3s6tfge7Lhalrga.1441Viphiclig property is well Watered ify!.a• mall branchef . -to have, but en counting up the proceeas; We • • New, Mr. Editor, I would*asle• why, with all the River Maitland,' which tens through tee • the advantages we boot of, that our fair has bad: pert of the lot ' The property is satiated in a splendid section! sucli .a deed-aa&alive eeistence for the last 'or farmiug, and is conveniently situated as to 'number of years, (we will -except last year;ris• learkets: etc., there being good markets at the attractions were inanaged by outside Per- Elyth, Clinton and se•aforrie dietanced reseed. ties), Surely theenesent .maiiiigers have had tively 6.7 and 12 mileserom the property, aud term of office enough, to show wha.b they eau OM IS a Post effice called Beeeron en the nett lakbere ii an orchard, ebieriabout ' . do, and whet have they done that our fair is • ng an. arra no better to -day, than it was years ago. .11 of mud in kciod bearing condition they want Clinton to support:the. fair, why • . not let glieton have scimething. to say in thee• management. eNevi I Wouldsay lettliege fjoor/ Ten per cent , - . TERMS OF SAI.E. . down On the:day of :sale; to the . Y •• • ' Wen, for goo a men they are, but very poor Petitioner's Solicitors, the aeience. trebe Paid ' .. . ed on the boatd Of enanageraent a little more eeliewerienebfeteerp; ritifelid- • nranegere, resign.an4 let Clintenbe represeen: into court, withireone month' out interest, when the purehas LondeabOro, The chyle of native or grades were.not what they mightbe,better cows can: the judges, and the following are correc- be seen any day on the 'streets of •Clinton. tions, which we are requested to Make • One would expeet to see ele improeement Durham' cattle --Milch cow, 1 and 2 W. ' thiri cease out: year by the tide of j. Biggins. 2 -yr old heifer; 1 A. Elcoat. - u clar,17117Soell -Se Sees, 2 W. Big,; gins. Year Old heifer, 1 and g Buell. & Sons. Heifer calf, VII. Snell & Sons. Fetrtale of any age or breed, 1 W. j. gins,, 2 •,H Sdell & Sons. Herd of any Breed, 1H, Snell & Sons, 2 W.J. Biggins. • Water.coler painting, 1 and 2 3.3. Big- gins. 1.3eutpet of natural. Wm. Robinson, 2 J. J. 13. J'. Biggins... Hanging baiket, I J. J. . gins. . The -directors have decided that no prizes. in the cattle class *ill•be paid until after Li meeting of the directors, which will be about the 9th inst, , Home niade bread, Wm Bell, Robb Cole - mate John 'Hannah. Patched quilt, hand made, W Bell, W H McCracken, G Camp. -bell, elteised quilt, Mrs Note W Mc- Cracken. Tatting, Hugh llebb, • Crochet: vrotk, Miss E Segtailler, Jell Cooper. John Mowbray., Embroidery in silk, velvet or _wain, Miss Sege:tiller, 2 and 3 W Bell, Em. breeleryinseamer chenille, Miss SegnillIce, 0 0 Wilson, Mrs E Devereaux.. Embroidery in worsted, 1 and 2 Mies Sugmilier. liteiding, Mr e Nett • Fermi knitting, Mrs Nett, Jelin ItloWbray, Andrew Johnston' Woollen etock. 'legs, W 11 *Centre'', Mrs Nett. Wonlien Mils; Wile -McCracken, Mrs Nett. Woolleri gloves, W Me0raciken, A Johnston. Wax. (reit, Mrs rott, Jane MeMiebeel. Lace work, A Johnston. • Berlin Wool work, Erie Clarke, John Mowbray: • Feather flowers, A Calder, Jane McMichael. Plower evreathe, A. Calder. Shell work; Brie Clarke. Hooked mats, Mrs Note Miss Segmiller, Gorges shirt, Mrs Nett Aeleheiston. Rag Carpet, Peter Cleary, 5 Batton, Mrs. Nott, Log Cabin quilt, yrs Nett, John Turner, These Dodds. Knitted quilt, Thos Patton, 8 J. Shannon, It Morrieon. Baker'a bread, Alex Carcine; Peirson. Crewel work,. Miss Segreiller, Itobt Pawn; Extras -Leather bracket, Itugh•Robb. 'Crazy wok, 'Erie Clarke. Darnee net, Mee 3 A Wilson. Rag carpet, reemetmended, &John - stein Shadow palate*, Mrs' Devereafte, Paintiug, Thos Hale. trAerttletc armee Woven heine made spilt, 1 atul 2 Theis ])odds. Den:male cloth, Hugh McKay,. A .Iohneten. All wool flannel, Mrs Nett, A • johnsten, All -wool blatkets, W Ceopee, Manistee Seth:Atte, 1 and 2 re. johnrston. Woollen yore A Johnston, W elcCracken. Dominion eaten warp end Woollen weft, A Sobnston It McAllister. Fade*, made gent, tf 'thee it is. Do that ,gentlemen, and there °Tajirnpvtatg:;:aaglit:tte.ctitilalliwnteill; is no reason why we Omuta 110t have the best enteed to sign an afreement for rile conipletiou' taI173 w his or ha o. •"he re rerty will be put up t i . II et --44111b1 coettl tea a reserve ; . -llnaranteirto—raiseil00,—to,help-baek---it-up p etstiuseenditienvegealeevelebe I hcipe ebeepresent officers will taleoethe•suge .thenste,ndlirmescoefiditions Of •sain of tins Court. ei kindness and • do something .to Further particulars eau belied -10m the,Atio- thoroughbred sires, but there eappears to begreat apathy -shown in this respect, SILEEP,--A small show mainly by E. Stell & Sons in Leicesters and Shropehires and John Chiming, Londeettoro, in Cots- wold. There' ought to, be fen timps many ex.hibitors; Swix.s.,Abou t 30, head MAR. • PoutNitY.-We were disappointed at the verrlettee'hiterestihown towards improv.e• aunt in this fine. There was, however, one . exhibitor, E. 5. Howerd, of Exeter, who hada. small bet very choice collection of fowls, comprising Plyrnonth Itocks, white and brown Leghorns, black Ilant. burgs, and Week Javas, The birds were all young, well mated and in good feathers. He won a red card on every pair. Frank Beattie, of Seaforth, had his usual conee. tiort and obtained a nutnber of prizes. BtrodleS, &u-leir. P. W. Ilaywited made a splendid exhibit of 10 buggies, six of whieh were covered ; they contained the latest, improvements, tinch as the jomping seat, patent spriega, eta, while the bodies were all new patterne an design's; Ode ()edits fop buggies Was sold to Mt. John Mooney and another to 1V1r.3.Young, Col. borue. Mr.Ilayward secured several prizes. Mr.John Leslie shotved a well built double light waggon; .and ts0o, top buggies, one of these was the jumping seat pattern (by which a top buggy may be Converted into a small family carriage) end seemed a priee, being afterwards sold to Mr. Geo. 1Vlidclle• ton, Goderich township. Yfr, John 13runs* don, Londesboro, made a display' of Wu lumber waggons, a double light waggd I . and a single bliggY, also securing twins L 010,1",111 kg‘ bolr cour. taal..„2 Mrs Sett, Pa8tory blanlots, rs hereon. One of the waggo4s....know.mat .,„ r I 1. • • tioneer, or the Petit onet s Dated at Osgoode Hsi% Torontp, this 2701 day -' •of September, 1886. •._ • ' JAMES 5..CART WRIGHT, • RegiStrar Q.B.Du. GARROW-a PROURFOOT, • • • Petitioners' Seliditors, Goderich. 'make our fair More than a cress road show. temain, piers.•• A lefeensee. • ' • .^r-7"\ It is &Mutated that fully 3000 people Were on the ground on Friday afternoon and many of them 'did not leave 'until abont rite o'clock. A. fellow with the old. " three-shell.and-pea" swindle wanted to cernmence ojesrations, but Chief Paisley ordered him to leave town, and he did no The prize list, in full, will be .found on an4 inside page, • OUR LETTIlit BOIL A .DWELLER MESAPOTAN1IA. • _ cirarratt ssouso. Audit came to pass that when the tieelean • spirit like unto a tiny tadpole saw that the people heeded hilienot, that he waxed exceed, ing*wroth, and lifted tip his 7voice and said,- "Oreat indeed, and greatly to be,praised is the lying. epirit that abideth in. the Mouth of the Newsaeoord, and mtich rejoicing, is hefted ainonest `the people on acceunt of its sayings." 130 the‘people passed by, waging their heads and retying heir what this lying spirit say-. eth." Then the anger of the uncleen. spirit did. burn yetuiore fiereely, alld he said,"An enemy, even .one skilled in law, &eh teeR'e this people thus agranst me; ant 1 not angry and ekquent, and Levet not beat 'hotshot' • wherewith to ,punish !Mee enemies; bet am I not to good a Methodist to be revenged thus.' Never theloss, ontrarre to the man- ners and customs of tho Methodists, be • did say sivill•backete, and call his oppoRentii pinch bellies, and contrary to the customs and mite. -nen of thri Mothhdists, and -of all goodehris,, ttans, he did say many vile things, whereby . the people dikknew that he is. not a Metho- dist,. nor a cbristian, nor a ehurelegoee, but itt a bypoorite, and a vile Immo like unto' Ware for as Esau sold his birthright for one mess of pottage, so cloth -Mile person give of what he hath for thet which debit inebriate. And, eertain at the peoPle arose and said, "Givens, we pray thee, of thy shotfevera of thy hotshot of wbieh thou boasteth, that we may make merryeand rejoice at thy perplexi. tiers, and be glad," and they laughed him to scotn. And whoa the tuaelein spirit saw that the people mocked him thus, he was greatly dismayed, and his spirit sank within him, - And lo! another unclean spirit like mite the first, armee forth and said, "Why art thou cast down, and whyee dismayed? Why is thy couetenence sad, and why are Olio eyes ted with Weeping? /lave I not berome powei in the land? As the walls of Jericho fell at the Honed of the rams horns, so bath the fame of She broneecl monuments crumbled to dust at the sound of rayamice, and lot ant 1not with yen, to (ad. and protect you front the wrongs of thy oppressors," And when the unclean spirit like mitten tiny tadpole .the these sayings, he was greatly comforted, aria did rejoice, and was exceeding glad. And the rest of the acts of the timelean spirits, and el the counsels of suborned, men, ZPLOODY and of oia Toteorrough, and all that they did- ' how they aid say uotruthful things �t their , IROCtr, AND ST ATIMMII, FALL SHOW lotics. Editer,of the OliAton. E'en, Era. Sine-Woula you be so kind as to allow Me Rim in yout paper tO answer some objections to my letter, which heve been made to me verbally. 1e is true thee a reply did appear iti the Record of last wok, to which my at. tentien-lest been drawn. Willa the mat. ter or man et of thle coMeoeition, as far 88 it tonehes me personally, am absolutely end entirely unconcerned, I have been told that, fable, the directors, at es . ' • 4xTase1411/4#01E ctle uction OF -0 11.-IWRS.DAY4 -.Oct.. ' The undersigned wiUofierfOt rale' by 1' tib:, , lie Auction-, gra day to be figed, the entire: ., lot ot .250 adres id bush land, satiate hi the township et Colborne, immediately. atileteingee: the Helmesville bridge. . • • It will he 'put up in. 10 and 20,acr§ lotZ The 'httilt is !leech, Maple, Zed(' and safe Deli and :Hethloolz. T. B. CARLING, 41, VI, HARRIS, Arcrie a ritOritiaron, TED A LA.P,GB QUANTITY OF ' tt.