HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-10-01, Page 3Pt FRIDAY, OCT., 1, 1886. 'Prize klot of Hutton Fall Show, ' MUSES. --igilaorte4--711eaary-1ralight. draught team; .A lanes. Brood mare, R llarten, bum Spring foal, A laws: 27r old filly, James Ross. Year old.filly, Robert Marten. Canadian Heavy. Draught, - Ereaay draught team,- A Innes, G Bateman. Brood mars; D McGregor, W Grieves. Spring foal, Mris John, 2 -yr old fillya.T Wallace, T Carbert, Year old filly, D 3icEtvan. 'Agricultural or General purpose. -Brood James Connally, H liortOn. Spring Malt R Barton, W Broadfoot, 2.yr old gelding, john- Stevene, W Carter, •2 -yr 014 filly, john Ram, •J, NeKaY & Agricultural ea general purpose teani, Jas Bern', R Baker, Entire colt, T Wallace, John Mason MeIntoeir& McGregor.' 12.1n4 or Oarriage--Breorl Mare, W Smith, J Stanbury. Carriage team, A Forsyth. Roedster team, jonnthanaIiller, J Avery, 2 --,"yr eld gelding, W 'Scott, 2 -yr old lJy, W Cuningharae, McKay & Sou. Buggy horse,13 Churchill, $ McLean, Saddle horse, John Avery, -A Cook. Year oldeolfor filly, Wilson & Young.. Foals, George Shipley, W Stanburylea43est lady rider'Alias J. Horton„Best.”1", driver Miss Bay, 51PB T Moon. Year old road - er carriage eolt, James Broadfoot; Special -Road or carriage team, Thos Bissett, ATorayth. Buggy horses, W W Ferran, 5 McLean. Walking team E Bateman. CATTLE. Thoroughbred and-ViThir atn-7-3111cla cow, Jaa Welsh, Et Plunieteel, 2 -yr old heifer, •A• RlOnat, Snell & Sons, ` Year olci heifer, ' 1 and 2 HSoeIl & Sens. Bull calf, 11 Snell I & Sons,A Eleoat. Reifer calf, 11, Snell & Sons,11 Plumsteel. Thoro'brea female ani. mal, any age or breed, W a Biggins 11 " Snell St -Sons.. Herd of. any breed: H Plumsteel,H Snell & Sons. Native or Grade gattle.7-. Mitch eqtraaL., W-baTe. act Sleet., 1 and 2 J Stanbury. 2 -yr old heifer, 1 and 2 CI R .P.....r.P=. 3 Allanson Short garaen carrots, Jno Clarke. One yr.old heifer, 1 -Fisher, T Beat. Elliott, 11 Walker. Long blood bests, 8 tie, Wm.Bairden. Tvvo ar-eld heifer, Wm, Coek,..H. Kerwin: Blood turnip beets, -11 Clerk°, Bull ealf, 1 and 2 1 Fisher, Heifer Renee, Jas Ross. Parsnips, Gook; ii calf, T Beattie,.Wot Bowden, Wm Clarke. Kerwin. Winter cabbage, J Elliott, J Herd, ventilating of three fenialea and one Allansonv--Pieklinr-eabbagea-jafillatiacin: 1"NITitivtisedPacrime A3calttrilr....:6-owi-j..;27A-v-- .1 Elliott. Cauliflower J All Onione, 3' Salkeld, 3 A.Ilanson, Potato Bawden, Isaac Salkeld. Twe.yr.old heifer,41 Onions 1 Rattenbery, J Allanoon C r , ender, 1 and 2 wrmsawdeu, W421(0)0130. J T Salkeld, I Salkeld S Furze One mad ., , , o,n j Elliott, ,T B Weir. Water melons, J Sten. Celery, 3 Ewing, 3 Allanson. Johnston. Seuesh,.J Allanson, A. John- . o e o working oxena'Alex Chisholm. 3 Allanien. Pumpkin, a Allanson, A Fat ,heifer or cow, 8 Andrew, a and 3 R Mc- lanson, A Johnston, T013'314008, J. Ewing, ex or ateer, R McLean, 2 and 3 S Andrevre. :417, AmosYrid Piher, Ws : E Elaa , wdSalkeld.n. SS:: eC.alFt'a jt Allanson, -a- Johnston. • Mnah Melons; Marra* J 0 Srewarti Thee Beattie: Heifer 3 Allanson, & !Johnston. Citron; J Al- : iminy. pEont.I.X. • i Leicester . It T Fear. Crock butter, ."-ataed rain, R. Snell, J. 0, Sta. 1 Tub home made butter, Mrs• C Shipley, i wart, Jas Rowe Snearling ratu, H. Snell, J. M adman, aa., 1 O. Stewart. Ram lamb; lit and 2.ed H Ross, CreamerY butLosi G WP., l'eed"" 1 S earling ewes, 11. Snell, ff. 0, Stewart, H. .,, boro 11 aleCartney, Brucefield, 13utter , Seen. Aged Ewe*, It Snell, J, 0. Stewart, ("lumen. Es' H S 1/ 'mt. Clarke ' socks., Mrs YOusgi 2sitra Hanlittell. Motto 04 cardboard, Miss Symington, Mies Humber, Sampler work, Mra Nott alias Symington. Clotb mat, Mise Symington, Mrs W Swaffield, P A. Robertson, Counterpsneknitts -Mise-Symingtear, Catititartiatie, crochet work, kiss 8,yinington .aeey re V Ccui. ningbam, Mrs Ailcenhead, Mr e Hamilton., Srevrel 'wk, Aliso MAllee, Rini Wm Oun ning air woollen gloves, Mrs Robert. son, 1.Pair woollen mits,1 and 2 Mrs Graham, Mrs Nott. Patch ea ma old garment, alre R Howell, Mrs Hamilton, Miss Buchanan. Darn on a sock or stocking, Mies Buchanan, Mrs Hamilton, Crazywork, M aw ey, Mrs Graham, Mies I3onnonay. Rick reek, Miss 13onnorny. Hairpin netting, Mre .1:1 lies Symiugton. Pancyluetting, Miss W11 - lams, Alias AI Allen. in roils, Mrs T Ship/ay, R Carter. 25 a. 0 Stewarlt! lambs. " W -crock utter, W"Robinson, G Nott. Ex- Cotsweld.--Aged ram. John Cummings, tracted honey, .A Johnston, Val Diehl. Shearling ram, John Cumming. Rani lamb, Roney to comb, Jas .Steep, M Schwalm. ! john Cumming, Aged ewes lit ancl 2ad, Factory cheese, H McCartney, Home I Cumming, Ewe Limbs, 1st and and, John made cheese,. A Johnston. Borne made Cumming, Fat ewes 11 Snell ond Hy Our. bread T. D I ' breed, Jn Steven, 1' Holloway. Baker's wen;zJ Q Stewart. JUDGES, • Horse, -J Mason 3 afernagh, T 13e11, Cattle( Girvin; E Caulk 11 Beacon), A rysdale'; • Sheep atetSwine-0 Praetor, Caultis. L °portico. . 1 Inanlements-T Brunstion, J P Brown, Poultry --J 'Welke roT A rolrew s, W Grieve, PruitA, Sande, J Welder, W Watt, Flewers-W Mara:id, It Lurie,) William - on. un op, Young„ Maple augir, 0 fora Downs or Shropshire DOWDIVI-. Garden vegetables --0 Girvin, Joe. Gold - A Johnston. 31aple molasses, R. alarten, I Aged ram, R Snell', Jelin 'Audrews. Shear'. • thorpe, M Levy. R Elford. - ohn Andrews, Eivelambs, john .Arelrews otne Manufactures -0 Nairn, 0611.141164 _ INt _Arri jig rata,_11 iaarni,g.ona, R 111,04.1.- pile-Rate/14,m J_C° Ili G If rt is , Aged ewes, H Snell. Ram littnb, 1st and 2ad . "id° Pencil drawing, 01;aa Bowers ' W ; ' 11 Snell - et. Water color. paintines t " Lacliesavreekagealre NV Salk I 1 S V Diehl. Crayon sketch, R S Molveney. ?ellen sketch, C Bowers, W Cooper, ?en- utanahip by boy under 16, j Chidley. Pen ni an ship by girl under 14,, Miss J. Sal- keld, , oknown, Southdowns-•ageil ram a st • I lev. . e , . Shearling ram, Glen '8aos,, J 0 Stewart. Art --II Gluons. Shearling ewes,- Glen Bros J 0 Stswart, Salkeld, Ewe lambs, I &Meld, Stewart, Glen Bros. • .Aged ewes, Glen Bros., .1 0 Ste- wart. Ram lamb, lab awl Ind, I Salkeld. rr.o-wzna. PIGS. -- Large Breed and Polaucl China -S Andrews . . Suffolk,-,-Boet, mg, 8 Potter. Sow pig; Potter. • Berkshire-SCw pig; AndOws, R Me. Lean: 'Bear •pig,let,2nd and 3rd,13 Andrews. :Sow pig, 1st, 2ud and 3rd,..S, Andrews.. . Ten. weeks stoek, W Taylor, W Robin- son. Vert-re:Jos, R Coats, W Robinson. Petunias, R Coats, T Holloway. Ger. animus, Witobintion. Bouquet of Natur- at:flowers, NV Robinson, R Coats. Dahli. as,T Rollaway, T ZADIES' avonK, , •braiitada117' Pon'T.Tirr. Collection ladies' work W w .t" ' Tr- , .. ,arran, :11,,Benf,t vaarrze3raliiiirgrilak,t_ aiz 1 f.taise. 1 Arti„Morray...--.14ncy-Braiding; Miss Mc= F'lleatele; t'arlv'br: n 131sak Solt/nab Jar, Gill, Miss ,,Nott: 'ratting, Mrs,* Connino- Munroe, I' '13eattiea e: Dorking, F, BerIttle. wan. Crochet work,. Miss P. olands, p Beattie, jos. Munroe. Game, Jas. Avery. 2 -yr old steer, .I.. and 2 J Stan- IVIeGill, Jos Symi gte L ' bury. Heifer calf, j St-anburi, . • Murrayn' 11. ace' w° k' ' ay, Jas. ymington. Embraidery r liars Munroe, T Morrow. Hanaburgsvlad alunroe . . • a F.3)3meagtutitt _ oBeekn tp B es .Ft Beattie: J.its Munroe' SHEEP. ' cotton or mindin, Jae Symington, Mriii. 11 ''R , al 0' a tie, W 'Hick.' WInte Leicesters aria their grades -Aged -ram, Murray. Eurbroldery %in,. silk, -Miss Mo 'Llegir!Ilif ILrBe,e4amttaien°, ;., lkewli`ttt -110iwel';!°.t- ° 11 -Snell &.Sinitt: ' "Slitar1trig-ritin,'H-san -111-awan) Miss Rid icil. Bead Work; Miss & Sons. REEm lamb, 1 and 2 H 'Suell & aleGill, alAs ^Johnston. Knitting, fancy, 11B6eratlie, D W Crane, TurkeYe, J T Salkeld. Sons. Pair aged ewes,1 and 2 H Snell & Miss Nott,' Jas Syrningto'n. Kuittinye, •Geese, I and'2, .P Beattie.' ..,...-r'auces,o,1 /33eestattttiiee.,. Sons. Pair shearling ewes;13 Snell & Sone, cotton stockings, Jos Syntington, mr.,73. ,4ufniekaenpilgezdi 'auldir'Isovy d H Kerwin. .Pair ewe lambs, 1 and 2 El Cunningham. Crochet work, Mre. Can- Of fancy pigeons; L Downing, 8 Andrews. Snell 4.Sone. NV Cranes. C011ection ningham, alias 1VIcEwan. Patch work in Cotswolds and their grades-Aged.rem, pi& or• velvet, Miss A 13eeslear, Md.' Cilas- , • . . „. . • ----- sPitille atiERENS, . John Coining. Sheariing ram, Land 2 .T gow. Patch work in guilt, Jas. Syming- Branma *hire, D W Crane, F Beattie. , Coming, Ram lamb, 1 and 2 J Ctnning! t , M. t• 't) . Gent s • linen shirt, Brahma! dat•k, D W Crane.. Black 8 anish :'''''' Pair aged ewes, 1 arid 2 J CtIming. ?air 111,40ithnaton ',,Geo-Notir-•••,Gent's cotton-, —914Be-attit&Le. el7.11-101.3147,79-el'F-44thBeattien,g'-,.-1-'111a --- • ewe /am beTriiiid"27-CaThing,'" l'at Weep, shirt, Miss Me'Ewan Mies iy tt II Snell & Sons,li Kerwin. Pee of Sonth- downs, Robt Marten. Pen of OXfOrrl or Shropshiredowns, W Cooper; H Snell: it': Son,e.$ • riGS: • ' . Small breed, Suffolk -Aged boar, brood sow, boar, sow, G Pleaves. .,. Small breed, Perkshire-Aged. boar, G. --A Coovei, J-Striribury. Breed sow, Jahn- Stanbury, G A Cooper; Dear, T C)arbert, 11 Snell &'Sons. Sow, H Snell & Sons,S Gray. • rouLynv.- Black Spanish, 1 and 2F Beattie, Light • Brahmas, 1 and 2 F Beattie. • Dark Brah- mas, F Beattie.Gray Dorkings, 1 and 2 F Beattie, Bleck Polands, 1 -and 2 F , Beattie. Speckled -Hemburgs, F Beattie, W Stanbury. Hondana, F Beattie,-Barta a ridge Coehins, F Beattie. Plymoa th Rooks; E Howard, F 13eattie. Buff Coehihs, F Beataie. White Leghorns; B Howard, F Beattie. Bre wn Leghorns; E Ilowara,' X • Beattie. Bantams, 1 and '2 F Beattie. Ducks, F Beattie, ilahn Mason. •Muscovy ducks, F Beattie. Geese, 1 and 2 F Beat- tie, Turkeys, 1 and 2 T Fear. Collection singing birds, Ohas Spooner. Collection 'pigeons, .10 Bettie, Ed,Oantelon. Collec- tion' fowls, other than above, F Beattie. narnaltenaa. • ; Eclipse gear lump -seat corneae, J. Leslie,. P W 1)18 -Play of carriages, cut- ters, etc • P W Hayward: 2 -horse nggy open, 3 Brunsdon, P W Hayward: • Tivo . horse buggy, covered, P W Hayward. One-horse buggy, covered,.3 Brunt:don, J Leslie. One-horse buggy; open, P W' Hayward-- 0 nezhoraitistreia;413euhlidearV Fanning mill, McMurchie & .Co. Gang pima, T Tipling. Iron harrows, T Tipling,. R Thou:min. Democrat Waggon;a1 Leslie, ',Horse R' Thompson, T Wooden pomp, 1 and 2 j Roes: Wooden axle lumber waggan, R Thompson, john 13runsdon. Wrought iron beam Lao**, 1 and 2 3 B Weir. noire' AND PBIIIT.. " • White winter wheat, .A Johnsen; J,Salk- eld. Red minter Wheat, Il'Kerwiri, 'jaw Lindsay. Spring wheat John Salk Id " Johnston.•_Wee o____,Eits SitlkeL,_r1 Andw si -rowed barley, I Lindsay theabloodr-Keen the liver in f r r g :wept thoroughly purifyang A Cooper. Small peas, A Ooopet, -andmarelikantwiltre-lhe•resnit, Dr. Piece' "Golden Medical Discovery," a Purely. vege• Kerwin. Four varieties ivintbr apples! 6 :table compound doee all this and more : while A Cooper, J Beacom. Colkietion apples, it purifies the blood A also builds up the sys. W Wise, G A 'Cooper. Golden russets, A tem, strengthening it against fulare 'attaeks Johnson, Robt Marten. Northern' spy, of dames°. Ask' for Dr; Pierce's', ti Golden Wmlirise, Jos Ohidley. 20 oz pippins, j Medical Disccivery," • Take no . other. All • Southcombe, M Sehwanz. • SnoWapples, A druggieta; ^ • Johnston, A Inneit. Rhode Isjand green; ings, J Ohidley, A Eines. Spitzenburgs, :A. May, W Herbison. Baldwins, W Wise, 3 Salkeld. Fall pippins, n Denny, V Diehl. Strawberry. apples, M Sehwanz, Plevves. Clinton grapes; T Pear, H Walk. er. Concord grapes, 5 Cook, 11 Elford. •Plums, T Holloway, T.Pear. Peaches, Johnston. aVinter petits, Jelin Mason. Fall pears, H Elford, J Saikeld. Quinoss, Ewings. .• • • BANEVA MURES. • '1•10mer‘mmaxi-drItlf,• A Johnston, -D Cor- bett. Home-made 41anne1,alts. NOtt,Mise McEwen. Factory -made cloth,E Corbett. A Johnston. Faatory-made flannel, „ Corbett, A Johnston. Blanket,', A 301111., storr, Misa McEwen. Double set*farm • harness, Geo Sharman. Set single lair.. ness,Geo Sharman. Parlor' set, A A Bentiatt. SpeCimen marble work, W n IICooper. Grape wine,A Johneton, T Fear, Gent's suits, Jackson Broia Game# "'grid 2, i Morrow. Rambu fancy flannel shirt, Miss McGill;Miss Nott. teethe., •F 13eattieirRantania, R 111clAnna-- -Ialairr hand sewing, Mali McGill, J -Sym- latiro-ra-P vmout focip,EFealitteiea.ttittoNmaZiaenky. ington. Berlin Wool work, Min 11114 cGill,'Legbores, T.Morrow, Miss jcihnston. Braiding on si , Jas. other .I.i.Wroyed breed, P Beattie, D W Crane, Symington, Miss Nott. • :Twine work,' • neeneamtra Mise.MaEwen, -James Salkeld: Flowers, silver wire, • Robert Martin, alise Johnaton. Woolen- stocking, Miss .111ca- vi°1" W Pa ward A -- T I b • Phate. ton or open buggy, 9 a. Canteloi, P . . , wo..-, iorse- uggyr orton, P W Hayward, 8-A Oantelom Ewan, Jas Biggins. ' Woolen socks, --Miss One horse buggy, covered,- IA Morton, P W' McE wan, IVIisa McGill. Woolen . gloves, - I•litaWard: Fanning • mill, Armstrong Bros. • Not: known, Miss Freeman.. Log Cabin Iron' Ildrinws R Tbonipsou. Pteld roller, gent, Miss MeEwan, Mrs, Nott. •Rag A.rrostrong. Br'os. Turoip seed drill,I- ill it rnat, Mitis Metwan, Mrs.. Nett. • Rag car- Son, Tureip clatter, Bell its Son.. 'Horse pet, Mrs, Nott, Miss Johnson. •Hand shc'es,. frP°2 the henuner, A Kirkbride, R painting, on silk or velvet, Mrs. -Glasgow -Thompson. •Horseshoes, polish.ed, R Thomp- Mrs, Doherty. . • / son, A Eirkbride, Piimp, J Ross, Armstromr, • • ' ,:- ' • 3-0-130ES-", Thompion, A. Kirkbride. Ircin beam p ow Eros. Wocalen . axle lumber -Wagon, R ..,.._ 'Betray. draught horse -J Melaride .0o1- chilled mmildboard, Bell,* Son; 0 A -Humber borne ; W.Graitigar, Hulletta D McInnes . Iron beam plow, steel mouldboard, Bell et 'Osborne: ' ... . ' San. Horse hoe, Bell ac Son. . . Read and 'canine, herses-W 3 Mc-• °R,an'T a'P'' sWs- Cutcheon; Wingham ;-E-13oesced... iberry, EClavison fall wheat, T Hamilton, T Oatroll rich.; A Youno,Seaforth ;.S Selkeicl,Gode- JPotter. •oily other variety, S Ernie, I Sal- •ricii. -• . . • •keld, 3 Varcoe. -Spring wheat, Fife, lir Pot - Cattle -J lietchin, Stanley; E -Gaunt, ter; W Swaffield. Any ether *adaty, W C W Wriwanosh; T Rosa, .E Wawanosh. . Potter, S., Potter, J Rose. • Rye; ISalkeId. • Sheep ana .Pigs -C Procter, Belgrave ; VVhite barley, T.Ranailton,. J. Andrei/a,8 W roaler, Tuckerstnith. ' • Farza• Large nese I Salkeld H Some Folks. Rave mueli'difficulty hi:swallowing the huge, old.fashiona pill, but anyone can take Dr. Pierce's "- Pleasant Purgative Pellets;" which are composed of highly eencentrated vegetable extracts. For dioeeses of the liver and stomach, sink and bilious headache., •etc., they have no equal- -T-heir-operation ts atteoded with no chscomfort whatever. Tliey are Inger coated and put up in glass vials. Sold by all druggists. 6ELEEIRATED ,D? CHASEti- ..stalDRAKer* V1‘.— DANDELION LIVER CURE FOR LIVER AND KIDNEY MSEASES " when an intelligent man wants to pur- chai4C, he uis front parties wh.ose standing in e retugard to patent mediAnes buy theiileverilIkegPie't:(4.P Arttgt onlyalioso made y practical proressional• anen. d orablrknowirhy- orrow. his, receipt books to require any recommenda- rg, . DR% CnAsis's iLiver Cu_re has a,..XeceiPt.boolc w'elf4.9 lagrooludn. d every bottle Which is worth Its D. CHASE'S Liver Cure is guaranteed to cure all diseases arising from a torpid or inactive liver snot na Liver compliant. Isyspeneia, indigestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Beads, ache, Liver Spots, Sallow Complexion, etc., THE KIDNEYS THE KIDNEYS Dttreagsu's-ltrer Crawls a certain cure /or all derangements of the kidneys,such as pain in the back pain in lower portion of the abdomen, constant desire to pass urine, red and white sediments, shooting pains in passage, Bright's disease and au urinary troubles, etc. . Try it. taken° other it win cure you. Sold by all dealers at *1.0o bet bottle. EDYIANSON Co., sokt AGENTS FOR CANADA. • • BRADFORD . Clinton ;,W. Coats, Teetswater. ' • poaltry.4-1Dr Scett, Seafortli ; T z e8. M aWI I IT: et (18 t st), uTr-' !elt '19k mil*::Soen:34 Invalids NOtellSorpeal Institute Andrews, Curwen. • Black °ate. T Hama - Grain arid FruitRobt thavenlock; Mc- item VEGETABLES' AND-ROOTE, • Organized with n rull Sitar or eighteen Laplementii-J Dorsey, Seafartin John ton, J Collection of " 33t7PPTA-Z,164' 1\T-.-""E- Lasham, Londesboro; W Kaiser, Brneefield. roll. Killen ; J H Morton, Wingham ; T W ',At" Man old wantiel A ou W Clarke. *Ezpei e d kit rtall Physielans . Manufactures and Daira.Produce-Gen carrots, W Hick,:' White Belgian- carrots -A on, Clinton. : Igwrde gtut nips, T D -08a. ttY, Ar"C'eunAaen. Field nu and thirgeons rer the treatmeni of' Stewart, Vitrint.;'W L punnette Lonclerp.•_:_ Allen, Ponter. ..Peeic-iniionsaaaTata0eir.'70"-- OUR FIELD:OF-SUCCESS ' SeifeatEi NV Plum- :Sheapard. Twelve...eare norm -R-Gibbons "j" ' . Rusk. Pumpkin NV Sivaifield. W Potier. oh 01,1' N • PluMmVegetables_. -W Griere, meitinep ; s Squash, W Swafdeld.' •• • • • Lust; pigeon:et, V...niTgitiittriflailitittfr Ladiey Work:-Mri. W L Ouimette er and 1' Watson, Clinton. . DAIRY PRODUCE. , Ditasraties, siodoer stietenses, Diseases i • Ten pounds table butter NV. Swallielii.' :11il 12111:rAIZIrs°a°11"l'issdelal°8 • G Young. One quart, maple syrup. -.P.-A1.-all-narttaalara-a-Novvo Well established that eonsunipiionai attended in comb, 0 A 'Humber. Jar of honey', J • jet es Fact . Itoberteen, T Beatty, Fifteen pounds honey eanay„ piocturikai. °saes. us Debili Impo- however, *no -true' and ratio al iv to in itafirat inagea,,cahhe ce_red. There ter,d_G_Young, 0 A Humber. Loaf f h and an -morbid c CI Iondesboro.; Mrs. J Young, Clinton Stewart.. G Sheppard. Tub -or croe r '• with or without seeing 'the" patient. Come and • McMichael, Seaforth. • •• . Wf"Swatiield rris g 2olbs:, see us, or send ten cents En stamps for bur I 'N Potter. Cheese s6eavalidea Guide Ylook,” which gives . . o ome caused by Voutrilul Fol n ay. to cure tan e bread, J Stewart, J Rose.' Home made Hes and Pernicious Soli this tiThease, which is really scrofulous racers- Wine from grape 1 and 2J Mosely. . tory Practices are speedily and perimmentloy cured by -our tion of tb 1 ` . Specialists-. 'look, post-paid,. ors. in stanaps. VEGETAELES. Collection karden vegetable, Jes Allan. son, A Johnaton. Two varietiea potatoes, peck of each., A Johnston, T Holloway, • Early rose potatoes, f Elforcl. 3 Salkelcl. Beauty. of Hebron, Jrio. Stevens, T Way; White Elephant, Holloway, J Iz- zard. Mangold Wurtzels, T Fotvler, A Monteith, Yellow Globe Mangold Wurt- • zels, H Snell & Sons, A 1VIouttiit1'1. Al- tringliam carrots, •J Allaniton. Long Orange wrote, A Monteith, Net known, White Belgian carron5, W Wise, J Allan. non. Swede turnips, J Lindtay, 11 Ker - „win, Grey ,stono turnip!, Jai° Mason :West Huron Fair • 13elow id that -portion of 'the 'West Huron • prize list of most interest to our readerd. We omitthe- fruit and vegetable department ; the prizes'are nearly all confined to Goderieli pee, • pie, in these classes, • • • .„4 .• • PRIZE LIST: . Ironies.• • • Heavy dranght.-7.13rood mare with feat, let • • .and--2nd-Wm Irord, lat awl 2nd' Wm. Ilawden. Two yr -old filly, 34 Pisher Win Baden .4. 111 Polley, Two yr -old geld: ing, Jet and 2nd A. al Polley, One yr-eld Iding, A M Polley Win Bowden. Heavy draught team, E Bateman, .3` 111cOluskey, 0 Stewart, Agrieultural,--13rood mare with foal J mc- . Mulkey, Connolly, Wm Elliott. • Peal, J MeCluskey, Glen 13rost Wm Elliott. Two yr.old Thos Hamilton, John Martinis. \Van taWden. ;Two ar.old gelding, Wm Clark, One yr.old filly,,Glen Bros. Olie yr. old gelding, Cunningham. Span genera purpose horses, mares or gelding:, ./ 0 SteW. art, John Guinn:lingo, James Roae. ' Road and Carriage...-Drooci team and foal-, R Morrie, .A. Young, John Morris. Spring foal, colt et filly, J Morris, A Young, .Ffenry Morris, One ynold filly, g Andrews. One yr - old gelding,. John Porter. Two yr -old, .geId. ing, Young, -Two yr -old filly! -VVin Can. bingliatn, J Mellen. Span carnage horses, A Forsyth, Jonathan Miller, Buggy horse, aterefainen, Robb Mehean Wrn Cunningham. Saddle horse, Bates, Dr Whitely, Gorge CATTLE, Gentatalairk-litren front, handanade, Lizzie (laity cured, without -the knife, litilpture, or- Breack-radi- • Bnobanan, Mai Hamilton. Mrs Geo Nett. without' dependence upon Gent's shirt, linen front, machine made, Mrs. .irt 8 t' p pain. Book sent for ten cents trusses, and with very little Hamilton, Miss Budbanan, 31ra Nett.' Gent's pix,E%iyeeine's isgengezegklEit laney.flannel.sbirt,•macktine made;Mrs Ham- • treated with the greatest success. Book Sent ber, AIWA Buchanan. Gent's fancy flannel ror ter) centa in stamps. Address Wo -shirt, hand made,' AIM Nett; Miss Bachanaia, DISPENSARY MERMAL AssotaATION, 603 Night dress Miss'Syro ington, Miss Buchanan, Street, Buffalo, N. Y. lotting, Mr's Cunntrigham. Miss al Allen; Crochet work, rnodern, Mrs Ounningliatii, Mrs S F Graham, Mist: Symington. Macrame work, Misal Breckenridge, alias Symington, Mrs D Cunningham. Migtiardioe lace, Miss M Allen. Embroideryin linen, Nlisti gyming- ten, Mrs Grahath. Point lace, Arra Graham, Miss Symiugton. Honitortlaee, Miss Syming- t a ' ” , ra ann l'aney leather week, Miss Symington. Sills etnbroidery, Mrs Graham, ' " „ Mrs Nott, Miss Buchanan, Miss Symington; Miss Ts1 Paney breiding and material, pavonie, rrescription Itibbini work, Mrs Graham, Alm Wan etzn., is the reanit of this vast experience. The treatment of ma thousands of eases "al bo • N7V AMEN nt the Invalids' Hotel a Surgical Institute, has a totted large eiperience in adapting remedt fOr their mire and - Everybody should see the Coln nibus tek Before buying any oilier, FOR SALE ONLY BY ROB. W. COATS, . CLINTO1V, -1 lams iigDargaios in rockery . AtE SELLING :A. FINE a - IRONSTONE CHINA TEA SET' 44 Piecesi..for $2.25 Regular Price $3 These Goods are strictli first -aloes, and are Olierip'est 'ever ollered in Olinton Call find see theni; LINT TENNIS SHOES 1 Great Variety .CHAS. °ARLINE,. compg B‘ock. cuNropu Central Grocery. . . �]3J3'L. Sta*d. : . . . The sudascribe0.: has • bought out the Srogic of P. Rath; consistina G-ROCERIES,"'GROGNEgy, GLASSWARE, Ito: 9 Which, heingabought loa, rates he ieentibled to Offer at the very closest.price • Patronage iespeatially orders iiiorontly filled. •1 Rooms to leb. WALKER, .; CLINTON. ,_ GILES.' INIKENT lodhle /amnia, •••• Weak Backi Bnlarge:70iuts7PardiYsist ' - The speedleM and 'Meet certain medicine ktbe sve,- -4441, ivek trarti u s; rt. • • l itheuunolsin, Neuralgia. Diphtheria, • •, Sciatica,' Prolapeua•-11terel, Ti)e 1;ea't an'd oNalgeneearitenialrveieneniikyleo7rsoLeve 142- oi;d1 !awl nteceleteneworliponliia,:tot:e.srtoosfil:.korieniO. ngjoi.so,tts::dvinagrdiaIan:tavnetinree,1113eitgeuanori Insects or Sick &Mahe. Ito oil or grease is clean gad ny.: I , Inilanatiation of the Kitneys, Bright's se, I DJ'abeteri;Pleontineteesfurine,' Io. tke nal"' LlaiMillt1" . • agavioirvItdeporgetirlaig ulterStive poirers. Cab Iletaken in (118Mo:ft, , VI E.13,91.11, L'N.11). Yrh!inir'?Olri.a,°wt Ile 'W2111$°dr e atnd Dysentey. rlicwaTO• ,afUlirsdiujitilons dealers sad counterfeits. Tbe '' 'genuine bas the notschlown tbe &sapid facsimile of tho• yitssOverer'S name over theb cork, GIBES IMPROVED MAMMA liable 'and otroctivo, purely vegetnitbEle.rrP'F'oLy. tbs:cteurte"oef all disenses of' the, Stomach, liver, Bowels, &O. Bold by .all drliggiste it pe,r bax. diseases peculiar t • DO. .PEERCE'S ninghatu. Pitney knitting by hand, Mrs j 10 It Is a . powerful Restorative Tonic Graham, Miss Symington Mrs Not. Fancy and Nerviney- imparts It and and strength knittima by machine, Mrs W 0 Potter, Mrs, rotAVer'41,t.'d 214417(ktvrigge,,,,,trt -Harvey Rola' ell. Plain knitting by machine, flowing, painful menstruation, tin. Mrs 1100,011. Fancy Patehed work, bliss natural ercressions, prol?siis or Symington. Patched quilt, in ootton, Mrs 11121,41487ont, VetilittiirZticiTlie,41bf iiitticil= 1Mrs Rowell. Patehed „guilt, in wool, down eensritione, Chronic canoes. ra T Hamilton, Mrs'Nott, Mrs James Bose. tion, inflantinatiott and ulceration Mrs IV Cunningham. Outline embroidery, ttleiri , au Chenille work, Mrs Graham; MiseSYdliegtoti, °Nithte0nrdelmiNbie078::: itifig•Int3741:Illii:ie' Irinalaill .Mrs,Grahana, /Miss Symington. Painting on It .rkontistly relieves and eures Naiisea An or oath) oils, Miss Hemphill, John Mc- tftrocin sfinofiltrig: oNfergvgeongitlitettnnt4if eh' Intyre, Miss! Hemphill, Painting on silk or iirieSlooplestiiiese ilileither :ex. °n' broidery in linen Mrs It Hawley. Arrasine satin, water cglors, Miss Allen, Roman eta- pflicE $100 'on ,6- giorrfogs‘ rkt Sye;ington Mrs Nott, Mrs W . 1FOIL •MOO.. u :yogi/ann. Darned net, epechnens of, •SOld by Drogglete etterinsv/iere • ADIS SYMingtOil, )41re Nett, Berlin wool ivork anit Mre W 1 alre Graham, Berrie .,wool work, raised, i World's Disponsaiy MedicatAssocktIon, o stamps for Dr. Pierce's large Treatise on Diseases of Women, Illustrated. ing am, Mias Syrairigton and 2 Mrs NV Cunningham Mrs .1 Stewart. ltag Mat, Miss Buchanan, airs Nott, Mrs WI • 0 ' ' a • 03 akin Street 33UPPA40 IsI, Ini Svatfdeld, 'Oil p ing,profeseienal, I and 2 1 ' , Miss Georgina a lin,» :laden. Oil paint- ing, aniattur, Miss Mary Allen, 2 and 3 Mee Williams, Water • colors, amateur, Miss Williams, Mrs Aikenhead. Pencil drawing, Miss J Breckenridge, Miss Allen, Orayobp , t ,Thoroughbrod,-Nlilch cOto• 1 and 2 Immo Pair WOOlen stoekings, Mrs Gordon Yoshi, . Marmon. ii Ilan gi :he turnips, j Mason,* Fisher, Thos Beattie, 0/16 yr.old bull, WM airs Graham, Mrs T Hamilton. Pen, woollee ' , 1 and 2 arise AI Allen, Miss 1 Breckenridge, * 0 17.0'414 ,SICK.HEADACHEy flIHou Ifendittelt 0, Dizziness,. Vonstiptie tibi,,. indigeationif' and ftIi1o, Attacks, promptly cured by Dr. 'Pierce's Pl elasant AlstlYgative-Pitlitttei-fid- eeilhi a vial, by Drzuttimte.• Myth i"tunp Factory, JAMES FERGUSON Ifroring removed his business tO tho premises former& known as ME MOUNTOASTLD MILL, would thank all old patrons foulest faVors and is in bettor POsi• .tion than ever toPromptly en'an'ordars entrusted to bitn, A. STOOK OP GOOD PUMPS ON.IIAND.- ardered work a:specialty. Wells dug mai completed on short notice. All work guaranteed, Prieesroason able. ,Oarietta Ine MAIL PEOMPTLY MIMEO TO, 0. JAMES PERGIVS01,1, BLYTB, SAKIN- OWDE THE COCK'S BESrFRIEND arldsdizasearce, lint those soli* sortie re Sties/in r(Ond, rnte, t,i1 innirtn 00.131 nt,rk II yell Ibeyron 10. 004 ttve 644.e;tiat1X44.13 Ay fron cis $13 ,L47er •-fteUrt rr•rr • . • V 7:74'12:., A*;:reV;;;1111,;6• ters: T qoErticKs.. Oyaters Served -in the 'latest Stylea;allso in Balk and Can, direct from Baltimore, Guaranteed Olway a Fresh: BEST SC. CIGAR IN TOWAT.- • anomie T.,0T OF, PIPES,' CHEAP. Iliad quarters for CONPECTIONERY and, FRUIT. 0.1) EILX0 3A0kscoli BLoOlt,'11411011 STREET. bLTNTON:' ALLAN UNE T 0- loirpoo f IA IA only. a: Parties going to iho old counfry this summer should take tWs popular line. Tho boats are the most com- plete tn tho Atlantic, and acconinnidation unsurpassed , CA MN re ItES' VititY 1,01V HEAP JENctiRaiON RATES, .STIDEICADE PASSAOli : BOTTOM PIGICEZ • Call and got all particulars of A. 0. PATTISON, CLINTON; • AGENT G. T. It. . "THE MIEFIcHANTS' • Protective .atid -Collecting AOsociatio CAlEADA 4Hrliee, Ifittniitori, otit. • EsTaaLlsitED 1884, 5191 Associatior, 'of business anti pidfessional mon, havingfor its object the .• COLLECTION OP DEBTS; • And to prevent Its members making bad' debts hy furnishing them gith lists of parties who do not pay. • ,v lterehants end others hoeing aeecunts to collect and . wishimrtu meinbers, by ' remitting $7 to one Managers, Hamilton, Ont, will reeewo by return mail full particulars., certificate of member914, B, 111'wr,s & Co,,Ittrinageri„llamilton, Or to JA, TIICUPPO'N, Agent, Clinton. \ • If.,..1114:-.-AILtlersetmet.o.wasined-ogainotai.inah4nitt.--* e it;-Pettlitutr,lailing.frofil tg,„garVarive will 110 • reenenifto any mothers taken by imn atter this date, or 'anodes pled to lann: