HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-10-01, Page 2iA salatmore eionatuarie ilie:teend oe ik .0.." . I fr NOTES. ON SCIENCE AND 1 O,' • FAVire Aviliferr INDUSTRY -When Romulus wnR marking out the. When Mr. jeroine Napoleon Bona-. limits of his new city, gunpowder was parte, of Baltimore, visited Paris in Sore° ourions observations have been I already known, and 8,000 years before! , 1854, he was invited to dine at St. made b3•.• Prof. Lodge, of Liverpool, on,' thebirth of Seliawrtzeces of (ordnance! °lend by the 111uperor, and a Taper • . tut.d been cast in _Mina,. '1'he_Moortil was placekia bitulandoin_whiribitrwaw !minsa-nottlaot-Viti10.1.1slitning- the effeet of a discharge a high-tension • Invisible ant Instantaneou$. pajuser aeleit will he inetieutly retnovea by a few drupe of Mid Letbtanig applied over the affected:parts. No time lose; uo sous inedieines needed; no 'melee -mg or using grease Minimum. ft will not Obeter or discolor the skim field at 9.3e. a bottle by Worthingtou Druggist. sufferers from Neuralgia Assam U8 thatibey never fear it when their house coil - It is generally Understood that the Right lion. Arthur Ofaines Balfour is to be admitted. ,to the Cabinet beforo the winter meetin,„ne a that c3nclave. The promotien will ;meet with univeral ap- proval and give the ,greatest possible satisfaction to Scotland. declared as Abe deliberate .opinion of — the Minister of Justice, President ot the Senate aid President of the Coun- cil of State, that "Jerome Bonaparte - ought to be considered legitimate, child of France." On the 17th of' Art - gust, 1858, the Emperor informed Mr. Bonaparte that he intended to create him Duke of Sartene, but, as the object of this was to make him give up the name of Bonaparte and surrender Ids rights es the elder fliOn of his father, he declined the clued title. On July 4, 1856, "a family couneil" deckled that the descendants of M`Me. Elizabeth Patterson were entitled to the name of Bon epeete, t without the advantarefes conferred. by the 201sb and Ma articles of the Code Napoleon: •Napoleon In: eianetioued this dseision, but added with his own hands : " Eis 'Majesty, the Ern - having already instructed the papule- perm, by hirronduct-towards the des- • tion with whom tiiiy were at war. Ern- cendants of. Mme. Patterson, since the ploying artillery ie the field, it was judgment 'was detertained, has thought • revereing the process in Europe) to ap. it right to prove that he did not con - ply ft fortressea.; the peculiar nature _Bider them tis belonging to bis famine _ Felee ric y from a pom ,-. or-Toin ii.. t use& guns ra Spain m the-hesuming ! dust of any hind in suspension.° Thus, lottMin'e let notinglin®ew' bTeoh: ngiteirneeseenlyf toe:1116.i glass jars Dr other, vessels containing $1 a bell jar be tilled with a dense smoke I witted, it is supposed that oranapcmi of magnesia., by burning some magpe, , reaohed Europe through the Illocirs et, sinm wire in it, a very lOng time elapses I before the magnesia settles out and. ! eSvpeari.:1boarathaenVyellooetinnaetilonNe.:viththerbbhionwa,,1 leavea the glass clear of smoke. But if ! --- It is uneccolintable that it should not' a rootallic point be introduced into the • jar, conneeted by a wire to one of the ha.ve been perceived by the Turhs, who poies a a good frictional. or inductional ' conqueredt he northern portion of China in the early part of the thirteenth cen- electrical maehine, it is only necessary to set theellechine to vvork, and almost ' turY. and were established all a.round the Blacir Sea with the exception of a • illatt914Y an eNtr4"dit'arY1' dt"" ! grip between:Verna and the Bospbor- ‘04.- observed within the boll ler-the maw ; mai& woke. commentes to whirl about, " It is row doubted. Whether, indeed,' and then ferins iteelf into large ilakee the 13faelt Prince. did use_eues at the and Strings, which rapidly settle on the battle of Cresiy; but there is no. doubt" bottom and sides, teaving the jar per: that Murex]. I, had before then employed fectly clear of smoke; so that what. ,., them at the battle of °essays. On would have tekea several hours to settee both aides they were used, the Turks in the ordieary couree, • is ,pompletely • cleared and deposited in a few seconds, The same effect is pretinced it the jar is filled with any kind of smoke. • -•A-1 ' -in -tellurefeal- progr -e--, wet er ou e , ‘.ss-,• ,.. - in a London paper, expresses the opinion that, in the tettaing of copper, the most. Dardane•ile., invited its use. • To -the parte, who served with distinction in important. inipentement introduced is battetios eitaCeil above Constantinople the French army in the -Crimea mid the method orproducing some' co,sttegs • it.' azt•silliatcl the fall of that city, the 11 oriog the German war, was known • by tho use of phosphorus in smell van- .tat ffnm the Bleck Sea being cut only by the name of Patterson in France, titles, whiCh has also been extended to 0/10.40gertill flepublican. olthough by the law of the church he is the alleys knew* as phosphot been -zee, -''' e---....---. . ' * . vow the head of the Bonaparte family, Valuable copper alley is also formed by ' o tid since the, death of the Prince Im- fates,' Polualetrye.• I terial the heir of the empire.- [Dr. the addition of small quantities of other • --e- . Metals, such as mauganes8, the mantle- ealt eheervations are always upon r,vans, of Paris. . . , • ese bronze being - now largely ueed for wit hand, and with A tolerably well large screw prepellers and non in what •ee...eleteti system. The elements Ob. , . ---,-,....— • is known as stereo metal and delta metal, se rve, i ere the thumb, fingers, nails,•sinieweitem. ... : A smallproportioe of silicon is also used jojets, lithe and mountetes. There are • Mita Daguerre made his discovery' • for imparting strength to copper in the • four prieciple lines, the line of life, the wealthy had. their miniatures paint - alloy celled. 'silicon bronze, which not which is the most important, curving ' eit on ivory, but the cheaper portraiture only possesses great strength, 'but its' between the forefinger and the thumb, • invented by Silhouet e was very corn - electric conductivity is' but little less .1 tl I f th tharnb to the mon. Profile cutters, as -they were • than, that of pure 'copper. A ue* de. .:„.p.strtme..-1.4-eopPer-Xeibing....11a.O., -..beelr- naacle, cousequent upon the introdtiction of dYnaimeelbotrie machines, viz., the refilling of blister copper or rich foreign • regelue electrotytically, the metal being, , obtained -hi a very Pure statoWhilefor- eign matter, including gold and silvei:,1 . maina-behind, in a form cenvefialitliii- further- treatment. . •' ' nt the: Straits of the Bosphorus ancrthe eiri/r"" -COL-Jerome elaapoleoneatulae, • One of the le,test and most. prectiettl improvenieets in the „Processes foe reanufacituring beet .tiugar • has been brought forward he ,a San Francisco • inventor, who claims that the methbel. in question results in an iucreased yield - of sugar, and. oe great reduction in ,the time required for the manufacture, ---Elitying-Erlso the expenie of boiling in tanks, for cryatallization, .the outlay • required for the crystallizinktankse and the expense of handling the low pro, ducts, as vvell as the chemical and mechanical loss before the eenversion • into sugar. • As compared Witli Other processes, the advantage. gained by this method. is theraseparatiou from -the molasses of the greater poetion., of the matter which it contains, and which prevents-sugar-er-ystallizationrthe,nerual- mode of manufacture not accomplishins its removal. :Its• -purity coefficient is intreaSed, so that it may be boiled to geemulatioiu in the strike vatauum.pati, and the entire sugar from the beet is obtained in one product.• • ' • Theenagnettic induction' exercised by the earth, as demonstrated by Dr: Schapet, is one the most interesting middle' of the wrist; if regular and cqUed, were found in .all cities and large. am rf *f towns,-.While-others-went--erbouirethee crooked, pale and broken, ill -health and • country from house to house, so that short life. The line of health starts at it was rare to find.a pitting room in any the base of the forefinger and passes di- docent house that did not boast of a -eectly across the hand; if dear and framed eillionette, one loOking to the _mend final ..bedae if tortnotte. it reveals were differentwayit arrivinv at the - RILWAY TrIviE cA,RD 'Trains leave Clinton as follow's:- °neap entree BATT,WAY. Going Bast. Going West. • 7.95 sou. express • 10.0 a.m. mixed 1,05 p.m. mixed 2.20p.m. express , 4.30 p.m, mixed -1---.9.45-e.m. express • OftEAT WESTERN RatI,WAY. Going North. Going Soutb. 9.55 a.m. express 8.03 a.m. express 7,00 p.m: exprges 4.13 p, in. express MANNING & SCOTT Barristers, • Solicitors • • Commissioners for Ontario Rya Manitoba. OFFICE NEXT DOOR., ' ERA, CLINTON AITATX . • G. , MONEY 'PL°4N. IORT 0E 11131,0UoGniHTe. °AEU over J, Jackson's store, Atbert street, • . A Sluggish Liver, cau:ies the Stomach ar. i Bowels to be. •come diserdered, and C.. whole eystem to euffer front dtbil9y. In. all such emeeee • eiteelcaIn.Pt-relief- After iamb suffering from Liver and Sterile* troubles, I have finally item cured ettesing Ayer's Cathartic Pills. 1 al ways find them prompt and thorough in their action, and. their occasional use Iceepa me. in. a perfectly. healthy condi- tion. Weeman,•Aneapolis, Md. Twenty-five years ago. suffered from a• torpid liver, which was restored to, healthy Detain, by taking Ayer's Pills. Since that time I have never. been with, out thou. They regulate the bowels, assitt digestion, and increase the appe. tite, more surely than any other medi„.• eip,e,--„patil, Churchill, Haverhill, Mass. INVIGORATED. know of DO remedy equal. to Ayer's Pills for Stomach and Liver disorders. I suffered from a Torpid Liver, and Dye, pepsia, for eighteen menthe., My skin was yellow, and nie tongue coated, I had no ,appetite, suffered frone Head- ache, was pale and emaeiatede .A. ie1Y boxes of. Ayer's Pills, taken in moderate doses, restored ma to perfect health. - 'Waldo Miles, Oberlin, oleo, Aear'e. Pills are a superior family medicine. They strengthen and Melee orate the digestive organs, create an appetite, awl. remove the horrible de- pression and. despondeney resulting _ from Liver Complaint. I have used • thesis pills, ill nay -family, for years, and, they never fail to give entire seesaw- tiou. -Otto aroatgoinery, Oshkosh, Wis. Ayer's Pills Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayerde Co., Lowell, Mese, field by all Druggiste mid Dealers In Medicine. •ROBEilT CLINTON , Ilanuacturer and Proprietor for the best Saw Mil + uminiLLER NURSERY, FRUlT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, NOR WAY SPRUCE, SCOTCR .AND •AalIA.CLIAN PINE, T1114 LATTSet or waxen we MAKE A SPECIALT LARGE, STOCK ON HAND The above ornamental ewe end sbrubbery will be sole at very low prieee, and those wanting anything is this cenneetion wilt owe Money )›.1, 1040i:wing bete. Order's by Mail will be promptly attended tri Address, * -JOHN STEWART, Benmiller. ILTARRIAGE LIOENSES:=-API'LY TO 'THE 1,11. undersigned at the Library. 1100018, Smith's Block. 30• . JAMES SCOTT, 111-01iEv TO. LEND IN LARGE OD SMALL frame on good mortgage security, moderate ate of interest. HALM,. Clinton. DDOWSLEY, M.D., IM.R. 0, S. ENGDAND Physician, Surgeon, etc, Office and residence • next Molson's Bank, market :square; Clinton. • • , APPLETON.-OFFICEZAT RESIDENCE •11 -Yon Ontario street iintoreonaositethegaiglish. nuien. c,ticomee y e gate, rr B. P liOUDFOOT,. cayth ENGINEER, .L.L • Prov i oeialand DCailnion Land Surveyor, Architect and Draughtsman, PERRIN fleece., Clinton. • regular it indicates soundness of the right and the otheof r to the left, 'There .prepensity to steal; if interrupted in same result', but the work was chiefly the middle it points to great perils. The line of fortune rues to the base of the little finger; and according to its various phages indicates happinees, or misery, poverty or riches: The moult- • 4ains ape the various protuberances - within the palm, and are called respec- tively the Mount of Venus, the Mount o r , m untain o sun rmoon,-ande-PrOdecang silhonetteie-inatteet 'OW fl •'Mesa n. POWELL, BARRItTER; soutirion, se on. Small lime parallel with the Sam Weller doubtless had in his mind's liee of fortune at the base of the little eye Ncliett, in inditing, his valen_ttnto -,u Notary Public, etc. 0211.1e,--SeAlitals Bcoce, An- anAyS880,1114 Tart &oereolitito agents, Tssrs. Me; nu P iva funds to • finger promise happy titarelage, . Snealt • Mary, he likened the growth of his love lines taking the form of branclaes of the • ie its rapid operations to the " profeel oan Re lowest rates Of intereeft;' '1' r tree indicate general priejperity ; spote machine," which "does finish a portrait on the nails, the fulfilment of hopes. and pa the frame and' glass on complete foolishness of all.this is perfeotly with a hook at the end to hang it up,hy, apisarent, yet the longing :which eisists and till in two minutes and a quarter:" - i 11- ifids-to- netrate the-fetnte-i eetBott.oe '..'2.edeet. . , dello by cutting the profile out of white paper, which wise backed by: a piece of black silk or blackepa:per neatly inount- . ed. To insure. succe s it was necessary el% to have a steady lia d and a, correct Oft ; with these qualiti s one could cut • a likeness in a few seconds. There was • also SOVerad pochatilettl contrivances for nB. BEE VE. -OFFICE BATTENDURY ST.- •A-5-lifarray BIO6k; Me doors east of, nodgena'eu• trance. Residence, opposite the *Temperance HalT Huron Street, Clinton, piece horns, 8 apn. to 6 p.m.' Air RS. WHITT, TEACHER OE' MUSIC. PUPILS /XL attbuded at their awn resldence,if neeeesarY. Re. sidence, John Robertson's, .1turon Street, Clinton. Rice's new method taught if desired. , • • TAR. STANBURY, GRADUITE 'or mat meth' .1-•roar.Department of VietorfaUnivereity,Toronto,for merly of the Hoepitals and Dilmenearlea, Newyork • CoronerfortheCountyof nuron,ussetoid,ont. a- a re Pe a measure sanctions and fosters its pre- feseiceas. • If ,the fortunes of its . dives molten Moltke. Lara_not.thanifse,ded_the-fprtunes. of the :"•• • _diViners 'are sustained.: It is a bt.r.rutiful story that in one .• the old cities of Ttaly the Ring eaesed bill to be hung in a tower of one of the A. illomc-Iflado Bong:MO 'public squares, and palled it the "boll oft ' justice " and conimended that any one • May. be new to others, arta enabl the latter to make a simple barometer for thenaselves Two diadems Of Caine phor, half-dreOhne • of pure. • saltpetre; • half -drachm of muriate of iminonia, fade; solved by the telephone. ]u.his and -•two. ounce's, of 'proof weds, .a the following theligh old to some,• •who had been wronged should go and ring the bell, and so call the Magistrate of the pity, and ask and receive lustiee. And.,when,. in,..the course of time, the. -loWer end of the bell rope rotted away a. . experiments allowing this, a timelier of telephones were aeranged in fierma_upon_ one circuit, which Was •rapidly made and broken b an, interrupter ; a tele, phone was then repeatedly turned end for end, in ,such a way that its ncirth and south soles were alternately the uppermos ,-an.a eac reversal crack was heard in all the telephonei, result- ing from the induction of the earth On the central magnet. If the experirdeet be made ivith an induction,bobbin only, the crack is exeremely feeble; due, an au& case to the induction of the eieth on the bobbin, The telephone may be replaced bya magnet wrepped with • insulated wire. The, degree of 'sensi- bility of the' telephones can be deter- mined if the axis of :rotatien of the • magnet be brought little by little nearer to that of the:inclining apparetus. The boiler of the future:-aceording to : Mr. Williamsoe, an intelligent Writer on . ,enginesiing sularecte--will probably be, constructed With inere regard than at present to the 'free circulation, of the • water in all its palitat pipecially •the lower part,n:s it is very.difiacult to drive heat downward below the fire or heat- • know, M. that I am a &teat descendant froro,Dliles Stan:dish'?"- •" Is ing surface; the " Ga,lway,!' an•English it ressiSio ,)-wag• the •reply .iimaat lt type of boiler, is instal:iced as ono prob. 'descent • . ably in the ri ht direetioe en this , glares tube or a:nareow phial, will make a very good -weather guide. ; In dry weather the solution will remain cleat. . On . the -approach of. eliange, minute • sters ruse up in the liquid, While etornay weather will 'be indicated by. the very disturbed conditierie of the chenalcal,,,Com'hination.,Z4T4 ireuther • Jourtial,• - • wild vine was tied to it to lengthen ; and. one day an old. and starving orse that_hadheen_abandoned by its wner and turned out to die witodeted nto the 'tower and trying to eat the ine rang the bell. And tlae magistrate • • , . every person. 1 the city coining to'see who had rang 30113/ rAlltglfAltS031,1 smith's he bell, found. this old and starving ' W.•WILLIAMS, B.A., M. B., GRADUATE OF e Torten o nivereity ; member of theCellegeof Phy sae and S ergeon e, On t. OFFICE & BEOIDEECE the eformerlyoccupieil by Dr. Reeve, Albert street 11. • ORTHIN OTOS , PHYSICIiN, SURGEON Aeon• eur,Lieentiateof the Ocillegeofehyldeien. andSergeons of LowerOsuad a ,and ProvincialLfoen, tiate and Coronerfor theCeuntefilurott. Oftlees,nd residence -The bending formerl‘oecupied by Mr Thwaltes, Huron tree t "Clinton, Jan.10,1871.. (-MINTON MI6011ANICS' VARY and ReadragRoeuid, Perrin bloce, down stairs. ebout 8,700 volumes' in the Library and all the Leading Newspapers and Periodicals of the day ou the table. membership ticket Si Per annum. Open from 2 to 5 p,m., end trent. 7 to P406., Applieations for mein berkliSP tecived by the Librarian i in the roore,e. .• . .Litaitm SHAVING PARLOR Dog in uso. Agent for the sale and application of the '4;ar Tie= P.kissr ACTON ATM BOILER Ccsasso.' STEAM FITTINGS furnished and applied on sivot ' notice. • Irire Xxissuranee. A kinds .of prvierartty..ainsix4:141rst.tarig..47,8!._, , IrlICKETS VIA N. W. T. CO, LINE tiehkee 1, WINNIPEG AND ALI; LAKE POINTS, ALSO., by all rail lines over the oiseete eauere and CANA. DA, P,A.Q,FIC to any point en that line, Winnipeg, Brandi:9race,, Dakota. Kansas, . Or Roy point reedited. 1 by rail, local or foreign. Come and ego me before yen buy Meicets anywhere, • Ballet -V.*. Engines. and all kinds Ma °Winery eepaleed es pedittensly aud • • in Eli lisfactory masisilir • • Farm implements mannfaetured and repaired. Stem and Water. Pipes furnished Rod put in position. Dry Kilns fitted up on application. Chams moderate. PENNYROYAL • WAFERS. Prescription of cto physioian who has had a life long experlincein treating feinale diseases. Is used • monthly with perfect success by ever 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe, 'effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or inclose poste age for sealed particulars. Sold by ..• all druggists, $1 per box. AdrIresS ME EUREKA. CHEMICA.L CO, Damn', Mum Sold in Canton iv J. H. COMBS -and Drupelets •eVeryst bete 08,10'...EXCELSIOTORGA\ JAS. THOIIIPSON, Clinton. $50,000 To LOAN at 6 per Cent. Why pay others 7, 8, and 10 percent, 'when you can get money from us at 6 per c. TERMS wadeto suit borrower, regarding payuie p an -a -period , of loan. •• Apply. to •FX:RRA_N PISDALL• , BANKERS, CLINTON. TUE MOLSONS BANK. '""Iiicerptirattid by Anttl'Parliantent,-183,%-,•,,---- - • CAPITAL, - - $2;000,000. • HEAD , OFFICE, AIONTRE4.L.' THOMAS .President. MOLSON,. • E'. WOLFEBSTAN THOMAs, G (moral fititager: Notes discounted, Colktions made, Drafts issued, Sterling and „American excienee • • bought and Sold :24 lowest • current •rates. • 'Interest at 4 per ceut allowed of deposits. • . • montv advanced to fanners en their own notes with • • ..tie or more endOrsers. No mortgage required 88 00. ,urity. • • • manager, Janitor? 168 After the severestAeet at the late fair in Clinton, it Was universally admitted that FOE rEEFECT AND EASY' ACTION, BEAUTY." OF FINISH, AND SWEETNESS or TONE, the EXCELSIOR was away ahead of 'all oth- ers, and destined to be the peppier instru- ment of the day. • This, along with the fact, that a special prize was awarded et, certain- ly speaks toluingefer.the instruments, apd parties purchasing shonlel sea the Exuel.- . • sum before buying elsewhere'' GEO. F. OAKES, PEOPIIIST011,. : • _ Factory three doors west of Miilloy's Pump Rateenbury SL, Clinton: SHAVING. ITAIR OLITTIN ' • Aso HAM- ' .rooiNG done very, meat end to suit horse,- and - caused the ,oivner of the horse, in whose services he had toiled and been -worn out, to be summoned be. . fore him, and decreed that a this poet "•' The Oldest ShIpc • hone had rung the bell of 3 two, e •. . • Said tiaat 'the 'oldest Merchant , ehould_havetjustiee, and that during the ' 15 is; vesselrafloat is the bark. Teuse Love.of remainder o the horse's life his owner Lendcin, 296 teas_regiater, 'The Vessel •should Psovide forlitn proper food' and ., was built in that City in 1764,, making drinkeand stable.-- tOdd•fellotes' Tails - het 12 years old. She is oeVned by 111'711. . - --' -*•• ' ,Iolin S, •NVarcl, of Londona largo Own- • . ,• ei of veesel propeety: The True Love The Ciori-Throne., ia Yab in active eerVIce• IT-er age la. . lw•of our'conteMporaries Made any •, reference to the throne • upon justification ef the prover13 that'," tree) • special love never dies."' - her Majesty was seated at the opening of the Colonial -exhibition. „4 lawyer. in Easterd- ConneCticut, a matter of fact, tt was none other than whose reputation in the coinniunity was• • the toyel teat of the Lime Of Thinjan13, tot very' high, 4nob an eld gentleman illenjeet Singhhimself, the chief of the ono day, and said; to h • itu: " Do you trophies' sent Mime Irene. Lahore &Mit • the glorious. campaigif On • the rive hivers. That seine of the mornieg pa- 1e.18- spoke ef it as e chair may be dee te, the fact. that a. cushioned lining, flpeCially tackled upan' ono of the royal oh airs ab .13u chi n gham Palace, had been fitted into the .famoue theone. It was a &irking coincidence that at almost the ' same moment the so-called " heir " to the Sikh eovereignity should have been .aelieltimeetheeelyinpathy of his eompat- • eiotein the Puniathewhile here in Lon. don the Emprose of , inaia should have been seated upot the veritable lioned throne of that once potent nation. --[2t. dilutes' London tiet,tette. • respect. Vertloai fled or tubes through the maidlire bo x insure a good circula- tion froth the extreme bottom of the boiler; SOMo of the best forms of the• water tube or. sectional: boiler carry -out this principle -they - ate' :at peesent taking a yrominent position as a stem& generator, and will .probably be the boiler ottLe-ftit • First and last, Mr. • Williathson aeserte tha o ft -Ire -meet - essential thitige . for 'inc constructive enigneee to look aftee, is the free circu- lation of the water in the boiler, to prevent foaming and Benbral derange - Men t. . ISggosfed by arkIng4sii chemist that every ship:s boat should be sup. plied -With a vietv to making S&L water potable by precipitation--witle a quan- tity of eitritte of silver, to be used for precipitating the chlorides, leaving the sodium; potassium, magnesium, and other constituents in solution as citrates. The solo tioq would' be similar to ordi • nary efferveaeing' draughts after the es- cape Of the gas, and, though slightly aperient Or eomeWhat .diuretic if takeri in toe large quantities, is still suitable for moistening the parchedmouth ,expense of the silverlit' is reniarked, would he but ti, email additien to the bored .on it would bel a small insurance pre, • mime agitinst thirst M ease of disaster; nor would the value of the silver de. crease, and ib could' always bb realized if disaster did no eecur. Tho plan as thus set forth ie thought by' eeperts be be practicable, if the Solution of -citrates is sufficiently weak to be potable. Safe- guirds against dishonesty. would, how. ever be essential, tts the citrate of silver is very potable, not , easily identified, and easily roamed to pure metallic sil yew. • Adcording ttho cSlaulations mado • by a scientific Writer lately, it requires a. -prodigious aniount of vegetable matter to, fornx. layer *V coal, the estimate ' being that it Would really take aeriiilioe; years to. form 'a coal bed 100feet thick,. 'The United States has, fin area of be. tween 300,0,00'and 400,000 square wilen • of coal fields, 100,000,0004 tons of coal minedeleom thee° fields in ono • year, or. wag o ng around, the earth tbe equator five and one - 'half feet wide and five and onebelf feet' thielc ;.the quantity being sufficient to supply the W11010 'WOrld for a period of - 1,500 to .2,009 years. When the coal is bereed for„illuminating purposes., the •'estithated Avaete is so/110..00 pee cent. ;' in e heating' of hoeseeal per cent. is Block •SIVIIGEOAT DENTIST., Hold the exelusiv.e right fdr the county for the Hurd piouss of administering chemically_ pure Nitrogen Monoxide,- whieh•is the safest and best System Yet dis- covered for the iminless extraction of teeth. Charges, inodorate, satisfaction uaranteed.', Orsiea, EL: IOTT'S BLOOK, over nanop'e Tailor Shop,. Huron treat, Clinton. • . ' GREAT ENGLISH PRESCRIPTION Asueeessful medicine testedoyer 50 yearstheusands of cases. l'reniptly cures Ndrvons Pros- ' tration,Weakneseop3rain, Spi nal Cord, and Ceneratioeorgans of either sex, Jim is,lion,9 and all ille cansedby untie- cretion orover•exertion. Six packages is puar an - teed to ottoot a cure when all othermedimnes fail. One package $1, six packages $5, by mail. Sold bydruggists, Write ,for Pamphlet. AddresS • EUREKA. QuEsnoeVeo., Dallton6; Sold in Clinten by T. IL coalian anirprukgite • . • everywhere,- . • --- goKillop Fire- Insurande CO": , NOTtuee-ibe iiii-Vfiii•Firtirri appointed fo lot as agents in the to wnship of Ohderieli, 101? the Company' Any person wishing to In - Sort i nulls old. awl reliable Tormnce Company, 'will apply to either TITOS, Nall.eretleS, 11 or - Welt. or SAMIJEL 'Seaforth, • Prorapt atteritIonWill bo given. •IVIoncr.:1Ba1h15g Ornmnilsiss —Reporter to Dion Boueicaelt-e-" Can't(' you gilt me 601110 ides. of tile profits of it successful drama, from your own ex. perience 2" .The Whole length of the Cronstadt Canal, now in sueeessful operation, is about seventeen miles, and the wo.ris' 13 justly pronounced one of Ressict's great- est engineering achievements. •It starts 'frinn the island of • Goutouieff, on the southern aide of the Neva, where the river enters the Gulf of Vinland, and it extends westward along the south bide of the gulf, terminating at Cronsteadt. The canal; after' leaving the islande of • Goatoeieff and Wotney, and the few, marshyground known as the isle des Cannoniers, .passes all the rest 'of 'the Way, which is nearly its whole length, through the Waters of the gulf. At the eastern end, fetv mileff of it Igo to be eiribanked to prevent the deposit of sand and mud, which produces' the bar at the mouth of the the longer portion on/the-west, which is not liable to this deposit, is ;Amply a channel which has been dredged out, its tetra° being indicated by means of colored buoys, , •Boucicault-" 1 suppose it is, pretty well knoWn that Dlr. Theodore Morss offered me $250,000 for the profits • .of "1 Shatighrann;' and I declined the offer. 'A successful play should be, worth nearly half a million. WitiTtle,' which I wrote' for Mr, ;Jeer. son, 1 should.prosume, has yieldsd him more tbau half a.million. 1 have made as much, as $200,000 in one year, as the profits of my -pen. At Wallo.ek's NOW York house The Shaughraun drew $250,000 in 144 nights. It drew more money in that time than any other play ever' drew into the tree:silty of a theatre, • oltbsr• la flak; or oily other country.", Itoperter-" The profits of a popular play or D, successful actor KM larger DOW tl ;am they havo been, ire they nob llouoicault-" ells a first,class stet should: bo Wablo to makeup $4,000 a week . on an•avaage, 1 /MVO recoivea $7,00 Wenk4 rsuppouo among the stars now en the stage it is a treutiOube., tw cell Mr, ilieth und Mr. Jeffereeneas to which et them commands tlio best in. •cc tr York Mirror. • . PITOTOGEA.i)10.111 vosrral OfANTON LIPE.SIZE WWII( A SPECi'ALTY.. • 1) INT 11 x_s tr, ' • co.A.V nogg. enzavegeolownmansemesnatcmcnruzurcosmaniecac .1C M "RS elitaill!43d'IlekSinii*M11111:121111224E113",• maims EODERATE. ••• !'1.114a4t • I -flung -Pox. .HURON AND 'BR -00E LOan .and Investment Co'y qui Company is Loaning Jimmy on,. Farm &sanity at Lowest .12ales of interest, IVLOW.0 GA OES : PURCILISED SANI1IGS BANt: tatAXOTT.- S, 4 and 5 pre Cent, interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount •• :and tints left. ot :ftrito ttluaro Amax ortit sites • itot,koa HORTON.. • ° mAnerri Gedorieli I Eth •. 4 k. A BENNETT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR Effitaimer. A large:etock of First•ClaSs CAS; RBTS- and COFFINe; $OEMS, ltb:, always en J. BiDDLE OOMBE • Watch and Crock Maker, JEW ELLER, .&c., • 4111.1E ZilliittWarreiC1,41[PiTOIN • Where he keeps a eefeet assertmentof WATCHES, .CLOOKS: JEWA'LLERY, SILVER- • ' WARE' Which we will aph at reasoutibleratee. . • • Repairing of every, deserintion. pro-‚ nintly ' tended to, and all work warranted. • J..BIDDLECONBE. ,Ciinton,NoV..1882. ..$41V1C. 20 PIIII(CESItj • 1836.+-SEMI--CENTENNIALW --18 ran ot., TUE GOREDISTRICT FIRE INS:CO emiucted :both on Cash and Idutuid Mips. -Hoie 'I-es...Yoe:co, P.,„ - - President, Ar.D.km.,WARN0CEics',Q•E:a1.., zi.-Ilt.n•aegeienegatpreisrieacetnot-r. 'I.El'otfe. Itu°,1)Non its ..FIFTIETH YEAR 'mach ' TIE1 3E. 1G 0 E • stronger end. .nioraprosperous •than at soy e previous perioL. haviiog 8218,80.6 of Assets • and pratieally, NO. LIABILITY exceet a. insurance Reserve of e30,000. Tb ere are 000 deposited with the Ontarkt Government,. and ever $03,000 held' in Merteeglis, •Deben: itires, and 'Cash, .immedietely available 'to • , ,ncieet jolises. • • • ' - Mutual Policybolders. • it the ,,`Gore" sive 20 per cont. with•eildoebted,sepurity. • • ••-•- . • For fnu peeticiiiars aerie to HEAD oehell Gam° or to loie*.ittelouT, /tweet; cleatoite . . ifLuip,cicd a all cases-. e • AUJE11171.ST114TiEXT 'HARLAND .1311:0$; • . . Remidoeic ;•01,ancre St.. near the - • Afethodist I I • • C CO -& CO);;• • CORMISS. ION janoTims.' Ienibei TOioirt6.8tock:Excjialige. rilvatewiro,wo?,2f02„34104,6nco, cnipAao; • STOCKS. PONDS, Mime, PineeisioeS, ATte 01.14 1201'6118 Atte 8050 ,roa CA811 oti itatterac. CLINTON 01/10111411t Cermet ILVITEE1212118 411112 • A LEttltr STEEET22 J. THOIVIPSONt MANAGER. Clinton, July 14, 1380. PLAiliCMILL . • — fatile SungOeman ifeereteener eolePLE11.33 I. and turnisboe les now Planing Mill with Machin- ery Of the latest imuroVed patterns, 18 0618 prepared. to attend to all orders in his line in the most proinfit and Satisfactory, meaner, mut at reasonable rates. Ile would able rettint• thanks to all wile 'patronized old firei befere.they wore binned mit, SIlil 11618 126111g in a better position to eXeetite orders expeditiously, feels confident 110 0941 give satisfaction to ell. PA GTORr-47 ear tile,Grand Trunk, Rail way, Clinton. Ti10kAS MeKENZIE. et-'• et• aliMataintarall. ' Cabinet. Parlor Ytinittipoi ' The subscriber keeps the fluest . CASKETS -laid °MINS Always on hand. Funeral:4 f arnislie.d at the shottest notice and lowest Prices., , ,• :A C A.LL solaurlian - Leading Ilndertalter. II„,}1lLgidnBit TUC .r.L.A.Ca., • OPPOSITE THE TOWN }TALL. . INDS, STEVENSON • ROLLER FLOUR • AT an PER CWT. !MAN by TON or, Orr AT 60ves. PER aWT., • . • Delivered anywhere in town free of charge 3111S. JOiD 1U ve 404, ,75.