HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-09-24, Page 7VUIDAYeliEP-T-.- 24,r-1486. IV EYS NOTES, Miss Charlesworth, ~whose enlistment in the .Saluation Army against her pa- rents' wishes,, made a sensation in Eng- land soave time no, has m<'ei'ie Gen•• Booth's sort. A disease -called " mad itch" lass at- tacked a herd of cattle belonging; to Far- mer Brown, of Dalian, Ta., and he has al- reedy lost 11,200 vterthyoffine steers by the,anarals nearly sawing their necks off cin the ,ltarbedrwire<fence, in their efforts to ellay'the itching. • hen symptoms of malaria appear in any form, take Ayer's Ague Oure at once,' to prevent the development of the disease, and• contieue until health is restored. A QureI5 warranted in every instance Parson 0. M. Ledbetter, of Ellijay, Ga., preaches lr ratheradvanced Sam Jones gospel. { In a recent sermon.in which he fiercely leered whiskey drin- kers, card playerseand .dancers, he is re ported to have said that a ' young lady should spit in•any man's facewho asked. her to dame with hum..'' ,< Two men got drunk•at Kingston on Tuesday. One, of thein • laid down on the postof$ce steps to sleep. His cow. panion went across the street and fired stones to arouse him, One ,of the mis- sites went through the colored side• of the gas° lamp, and. the 'thrower. was obliged to part with $1.50 treep �r the damage. , On Sunday during the progress of the religious services at the -camp meeting at Irish Creek, three men .approached the, platform, one .• of thew, in an intoxi- cated cpndition,,staggered to the .plat- form, sat down betWeen two clergymen, and remained there until the close of. the service, The. mate is said to have committed the act for a wager of $5. The tenacity with'whiich people abide in their early faith in Ayer's Sarsaparilla: is explained by the fact that it is • the.'best blood medicine ever used, and is not equalled in excellence by'any new candi- date for public favor. ` • The D'xeelleenjournal_ernes the citizens of Dublin to refrain from all inanifeata tions of welcome to thebiarquie of London,. derry wheu he arrives in Dublin to -mor- row to assume the office of lord -lieutenant. "150 bears Castlereagh's bated name," says the Journal, and it adds,, "let the troops parade that represent eviction and :coercion. A cheer from a !single citizen would be great humiliation. •• The Japan Gazette says the total nuns ber of cholera c4sesthroughout the coun- try :sines. its; Orst'appearanoc this, year is 58,000, of which, 87,000 ended fatally. The epidemic 'is now abating. Cholera, is still raging in Leoul, Corea, Official returns state that the fatal' caeca for 'July were 88,600, out of a population l of 250,000. At Shingshee,, in the Pro- vince of Keishodo, 5,000; Torai, 6,000 deaths in oi,e month are reported, Thomas -Chapman, whose parents live on.the lake. shore about six miles above Wa'kerville, was hunting ducks in a small skiff near his home Tuesday, He bad an old musket which had not been fired off for several yours, and when he banged away into a, flock of ducks the gun recoiled and°knoaked hint intothe' water.- The blow evidently stunned him for he failed to recover himself, and was drowned in three feet of water. His body was. 'recovered. A deputation from the Dominion Al- liance waited a upon Attorney -General Mowat for the purpose of urging .the necessity of legislation recommended by the Committee on Law Enforcement,. After..hearing the views of the deputa- tion Mr. Mowat said that the Govern- ment fully. recognized, the propriety of enforcing the law, but lb would require time to get. all `the machinery for the purpose in working order. Re assured them that none but thole who sympath- ized with the Scott Act would be ap- pointed inspectors, and the Government would give all assistance in their power towards caeryingthe law into, execution, One. of the entirely new features of the Toronto exhibition was a fixture ex- hibited, by M.W.H. Jaynes, of Oshawa, A remarkable story comes free' ,the for bearding end scouring, barley. Every township of Cashel •A. daughter of 1ylr. farmer and grain dealer will understanij Hiram Granter was • taken , suddenly at once the immense-benefLt.that suohaa with cramps in her bode' and limbs, at- maelsine must be, This fixture,t' -q' a tended • by excruciating pains; whichcircular shape enclosing e'cylinder- wjitli lasted zt_mimher_,_of ilays,..,e,,,S1frewas dem winger, nut on with ;a halt twist in' the eland to be the victim of witchcrafte shape'of a worm, that, running'at the and as a'friends proof,and at aholesame to'titre secretly rate Of e ,,200'• 1evoliitxons per minute, a s d c ety the grain thiough anti thoroughly place a .Bible in the bed, end if she was •cleanses each 'kernel, from beard'or dirt a victim it would be impoSeible'to keep of any. kind: • As color . and . brightness her in, the bed Whiles the Bible remained are the chief essentials in selling Cana. • there. Accordingly the Bible was placed I than barley, the -value of this invention in thhbed as direetel, and it is alleged i cannot be overestimated. It can be. at, tache&to any machine in five minutes,; 'and itis sosimple' that it is hardly' pos-, sible for it toget out of_order.. • ' •Harper's_ Magazine' relates tlre,story m of a. gentleman who was recently. travel- Rag through the mountainous and thinly settled districts of North,Carolj.na; I e was overtaken by. e. severe• Storni; arid I as e -was .on horseback, and therefore quite unproteeted,lie Beheld with delight. a'.log cabin in the distance and speedily. „betook liinself thither. T.he old farmer: treated him with. tree'soitthern hospital- ity; and h'e soon found liiti self seate Lat .the dinner table.beside ' the old woman,' as. his host designated his wife,- while` one: _b .y .one_ a-seemingl a endless file - y of *daughters entered the room, Turning to the fernier, he' mildly obse v ec 's; You have' a fine family of daughters, Weli; said the old -mat, .xnournfuilly, ' we've been kinderunfort'uate;with.ou:r dartars The chitnney fell `in and killed °all but:nine on 'era.' The 1Listoriete dares .n t_ guess hoevmany- there -were at••fi et . '' VAsteext roN, Selat,: 17.— Minister' Denby, of„ Pekin, • hots reported to the Secretary of ,State two cases of recent 'outrages, perpetrated' by Chinese ' u•pien Americans. Ret A, ..A Felton and wife, and .hiss Mary Fulton,. 41.1/, 'all of the Areric'an Presbyterian inissioi in China, established a mission h'ospitnl mid station ae 'Kivai Ping,"about 400 miles southwt. •from. Clinton: :then: they had' expendexI, •ii, :considerable annr. Ahab the . girl arose at once, that she could not be forced to remain' longer in. the bed, and that her complete recovery immediately. followed. . [This -is indeed, ' .a remarkable story; and is likely to turn.. out a pike pure and siinple] Peeple in the west try ;every •dodge:.to get railroads to run near their property.: A railroad man tells.the Chicago Mail of an instance of this that i ecently hall- pend. in. Kansas One Oily es Whea••he was laying out his rot da •citizen came' up and began, to .boom his town. ' I have named her Chicago,' he said, ' and she it, bound to. be at big if place' as the other Chicago some time. You want to run your! railroad through her.;. It• evil]: only take you about six miles •out of the direct line, and the business; you[will get will be immense. Besides, yoii will be the first in, and will get the best ,loco - tion, for you depots. s '.Well, how big is your town nowl'asked;the railroad rnan: c Not very big -yet,' ieplie& ;the citizen; ' but she is boomin',e_yQe :bet?• _ HoFv many houses have yon now'1'`furtheein=' quired the L'silroad• man. ' t'�eli, totell the truth, we haven't any yet,' edtnitted the boomer, ° but I'nncligging'a well.' Amabel township, in north .Bruder is excited over thedeath of a yon ani - drained Revool, in view of the discoveries to which' it sepins •to._have leis.. About a year agri a mannanied Ryer; who liv ed on the Seuble, betwein Flepworth. and Sauble mills,was taken ill .,and died with every symptom of; porsoiring ee Lit-puttrng-Lip buildings ..:pl•ica'ds--a{•t. _, few days ago two of his.'giandsona were: -Peaked on the wall's declaring that the : t taken down with. the. disorder, 'arid ono "foreign devils" roust go in three days, Iyjthaniciug his; nunterous'custemers'for their liberal patronage in the, past, begs to annopnee of then,' the young man 'Revool, named .wind their bu ldings be destroyed. The just•received a s legdhct assortment of tfiat•lie has p above, has since dict. Di, Fisher, who Literati, as ual sete at the bottoin;of ' Nom.. '��!`. 1P.: has beon attsiidfng: the:'casos,• thought the distttr <nce..�. •.:A crowd gathered�_��, .�- O1�2aS the. water was the cause, bat. after some ;near, the. ospitel, and Mr. Fulton seta ' months' examination of the matter, •Iias: out, to: s cure the protection of tlie•iiiili. - yCo n=isiiA- U ST xo rrr<ri> s IN -_00 IP -.-U A:R..... H CHAS. ORU1CKSHAN , 5111,0 0 JUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSE STOCK Ole. , READY;: MADE /1 sr OLOTUING: • FOR THE FALL TRADE. East's rin we bought, a line. clf)Efty suits,, as,an 'experiment, P g g and have found that they gave . very. general satisfaction, and that the demand .for this class of goods is increasing. They are cut by first-class cutters, well trimmedand carefxlly..made, and compare very. favorably with suits -made to order"; ' while the prices are very •low. A Very. _Fine _ Union Tweed Suit for $5. A Serviceable Tweed Suit,. All Wool, $8.. A Fine Black or Colored • Worsted Suit, Bound & Finished in a 1 style at $13 to ,$1 A NE'ull. Ran•ge ; of BOYS :CLOTHING' Don't buy your tall Clo'tlizng:until you have seen these a ods. ESTE „IL.ohipesagaiRo. I have now on hand one of the Largest, Bestand most C BOOTS and SHOES, ever •displayedin Clinton, and will Complete the T of er Lowestsell them at the �eplr possible Prices. If you want good value in Boots and Slfoes, call' on IS • and you will not be disappointed. I am still snaking the e Crebrated Hand Sewed s wide!,. are Asa favorably known to 'requireno comment. Mlkinds of custom work promptly attended to, and at reasonable prices -e— .5 Pea CENT OFF Fou CASA. .X,(441 TAKEN 11 'EXCHANGE. NGE. Fo Call one. Craick4Ii uik , the Boot G D � • Alaer — ALBERT -STREET,. BRICS .BLOCK, CLINTON JOB IMPARTMENT s ilot Sll?S for H - i comity', Prices consistent with; fine work DRUG Jnekgon's �7 w Slo k. I>Lxrion ,tkeet,' Two doors West of the City:Book Store, wher8`will.be found a- complete - s:o - melt of Fine' DRUGS and CHEMICALS, *also • PATENT MEDIINES rdd DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES:.. •411` 'that'' the public tray- ask for in these line ?. B.—Ofilee changed from'. residence to Drug Store. ;A. WORTIIN(-'TON, Clinton'.: C NLI'MR,A ., :: Y.ZTJ'C' STO .: FRESH ARRIVALS . THIS. WEEK. HELLEBORE CARRIAGE SPONGES .PURE,INSECT POWDER. •.A.TLA•NT;A SEA SAM FRESH :LIME ;JUICE PURE •PARIS- GREEN • :CASnMER'E P0,4,UET PERp'UME. Fine_ line_of .I#4zt,o 'bZERRoxs, cheap. I3L teitatDs BULK PERFUME CASUME4 Bestir SOAP T •k'EAR,S (•EpGLisII) SOAP • • .PEARS VIOLET PowtE•as' . ' • •PEt.kue' BI.003i Or NINON.: ' We pity special attention to. TRUSSES; and have the largest stook in ttie couinty. .Best u Cent .CIGAR •lo. town.: , ongpaIST AND DRUGGIST,; , O .. .. G7aINT(}�T, ONT. E' ARE NO SULLIVAN, Pius..alive. tij. Jia' very few e.. i ns ' llat�e.er_. _ n .. l? s•-�. Y. y 0 e 3y�1(2 buys . a uit, a Pair. of Pants, a Vest or Overcoat_ or 'any covering for the body. at,.the.� . OAK HALL CLOTHING HOU S_.._ E Are so well satisfied'with:the Fit,' Make and the Trimmings, ' that hien they. want another suit the '' alwa ' o u , ' with ys tome •Uack to•u�, and•send or' bring. their friend's with. them. This is h. • .why 'oar . • . • business, has increased so. rapidly; TERMS Casx.. 'PR/CES RIGHT FOR THE.• TIMES..• Vis: •. Fischer, Prop., 'Fischer; Manager.' Tor -gin 31'WEA.TiS ' ST'A73LISI•IEb, The only manufacturers ofLi RE—PR.00R_S XES w ith_,_ . IVcr n -Come uctin St g . e Flan; s actors. ' ---• All our neW tyles of T'ireproof Sates are jilted, i; aiz. AIR" CHAMBER tee, prevent dampness to papers.. A large assortnienC'n L+''COND HAND SAFES . for sale at low prices and on easy terms ,of. payment., • : ;'dialogues ,onPp ap lica:tion. .1.17. -unci 119 'FrOnt treet,: East, �i� : oto , o.' 111111i come to the conclusion that the cause of the dtsease is, that in dry weather when the grass is lioor.;t'he cattle go to thesicIe of tliewcreek_incl eSr_a....plent reomuiouly, known as breakweed, which is said to have highly poisonous cftialities, which • affect not-oirly- rive •cowsebrie-also "titore- or less, those who drink the iiiilk.. It is assorted that cattle have :been dying — resently.in -rte �..�° y .• • . •'ship y�� p.� . 't : ,•a• n,.,�„' -it ami ltlep4}2'iit' Mite °"' ;' Ski"i[ and • it is yet intended to send samplesVot the weed and.milk to Toronto for analy- els. These facts recall to the recollection • ' of the Wiarton Echo that a'.fery 'years •ago some young teen in that vicinity were charged and generally held guilty 'r of poisoning a farmer's cattle. No proof could le adduced, however, and in"view • of these recent revelations it is thouht they have been entirely innocent. • . 4t flat Contradiction, Someone has told you that your catarrh is incurahle. 1't is not so, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will sure it, It is,pleasentto use , and it elway's does its work thoreeghty; .'We have yet tn bear of a arse in tt'hich it did not accomplish a euro when• faithfully. used. Cater,! is a disease which it is.dan- gerous to neglect: A eertnin remedy is at tary, fiewas stoned oh his ivay, slidTWEEDS, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, MUSLINS, GINGHA11IS; LACES, not rnlitted to return • and no sol- . . . diens: were sent to protect tie. mission. EMBR• QIDERIEIS, SHI'1:•TINC'TS, COTTO:'�ADES; DUCKS &`DENI141S y._tlth the-.anoh piked_ -.Sinai au L fii rcOts arain t '[`IV EDS "u specialty; `-ettel'TS st-class'.l Tailor who guarantees a fit, full supply of hand g st he building occupied lit pP y a , nog es pa ei=-•ofttile--fornterr; epon-waliioh thelir- o c made1300TS and SLOES just arrived for the apifng trade, A fresh aesortmetit of WALL Airs. and Miss Felton and a little daugh- PARER v t tterns. • :sh ahs!°«- •matesfled and the Itonso was looted' and my Stook of GROCERIES is Now and Fresh, Tr our €i0 Cent?TE A$ Public. , yy .: r- Young' �Iyeon TIJA, -boat burned. Tllo ladies soli"ht refuge on value ever offered to the Public.r11A1tDWAfL, CItOCAER . and. €:�LASSWARE,.a full l ruts, b ] 41n,l• tete. •{i t o .: piitly LAItDT11E' and CROWN :Oil, for maehinery,••always hand, and everything :?..� ro v•.,,; ; 49 .. 3 tr;;:#ito'. < k�,p g�il o h t �� ' =i7NN. W 4 t� s iii v� •k ti[�r� c y'r't'tieyt:Ioctcheda�lte point where Mr. Fulton had been compelled to remain. Two days' later they were put on bents and conveyed to Uantoh. The value of the property destroyed is about $5,500, and Consul Seymour de- wands payment of , damages. The sec- ond ease is still more recent. •"On Sun- day, Juno 6th, in the absence -of all the gentlemen connected with the Metho- dist Episcopal mission hospital at (Thong King, and while only one lady was pre- sent, a mob collected, -broke down the gates, threw stones at the lady, one of which cut open hor int*dic finger its en• tiro length, 'while She was otherwise in: jnred about the head and arms, Com.. plaint was made, but the matter . was Wilted lightly: r Tide isa serious case, writes Mr. Denby, ' and rosy be a test On R. a�, yy 4' 1 Ula o'blow' goons. • N. B.-4 have aloe purchased a large rtuantity of the ]SLUE. TIN TAG BIND/NO TWINE`W Beet in the market, which I offer at the lowest possible rate, ,••nom �i �r'OSEP�' MO1,R.O*, '1'APNiA, Match 5th, 1,88L your command. Avail youi'delf of it be, one. It_ Hrcew, as e • lore. the corn leefit•,'tgaitin'. r o T ell our evils in Lhted p . ttr ,t mere seilt,us cici'; 'oYit'-ot' t'lic `$roilhrlts in t-7ie"'CrtpiCi tl' teem, veld ey all ilregeists. , ;;fates. FJJRNI].TJRE STOCK Oienec , out in ELXZO'l'.TS ix111Vii DOOR* 'TO THE CITY BOOK -ST'ORE,. • CLINTON. BEbROOM SETS . PARLOR � RLOR, SETS, ItOI.T*G _SIDEBOARDS,' •CIIAIRS, . • &c., ANIS A r+E tr:rcAr. ARiOltTStEXT or `Rn V :1tr /3BR't MAirt1 PLIRNITUTt • it>;ASONAnr r Pnrc s, Ar lanir o o er SUCCESSORS TO • —STEVENS'. '& SON. I . CLNI1NTOiy ivranufaetlrers of, • SAstl, .DOAS, LINDS ,..: FLOORING,, , •. SIDING,0BILIN€,-MourmmS,rRA1ES, 'PICIKETS ''&C., and rallkindS •oi:.. Interior and Exterigr . tinishings, aATII and . SHINGLES , :a , . kept on haticl. .Mill'oi Wellington t.. . b , opposite Woollen .W a,fllejd. I S. S. Cooper, Cha Wil tiSiness Itttit(Sttttttt[ttiiitttttlrttttiiz .' s The undersigned begs to notify the people of Clinton and vi'ettiity that•he has bought the aARNESS.: BUSINESS formerly carriad o ,p lit W; ' a ey4011. And`that he is prepared to furnish .Itarn.ass, Collars. Whips.. i'ruliks Y Blankets: . ,, apses, buffalo, flt►>aes, 131anketa. �r And everything jisnafly kept in a firet•eiess Harness Shop, at the •lowest prices, Specia ' attention is directed to my stook of Lxone Headesy, which I will make a specialty# REPAIRING PXOMVMPTLY' ATTEN1JED TO. Strict attention to iiusincss - fl , and carefully studying t,t + ,vn t„ •s: int. e:tito n srs, [ t 91 merit it fair share of petronage, dive me a call before purchasing elsewhere, I. mil:i�i13T 1t TEE STA fi—Ol:vosrrE'I`ZII4 lirAfli E`r, y