HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-09-24, Page 6arT. 24, 18SG.
A Photograph,
A. tall getty4ntired country man from'
beck in Bruce county,liappened to wan
de* into a photograph gallery recently,
and began to inspect the display of pic-
tures in a listless manner.. Nothing was
said to him until ten minutes had passed,
then the proprietor of the gallery ad-
dressed him and askedlim if he would
like to get some pictures, '
Wall, neow, 1 would kinder like to
set fur a fortygraft,but 1 hain't fixed for
, it. 1jeet-come down with a load of
/Mop poles, and thort I'd nail around
and see my sister, but she ain't to hum.
1 thort I'd run in and look at viihat ye
•lied, and next time -I come to taciwn I
ken wear my Sunday clothes And aet for
a Rider. I would't like to be took in
41m3e here everr.day clothes,,
but would like to hey a piptur Mighty
bad. You ain't got a suit of clothes
. round here that would fit me, hey ye
It pears as ef.thera ye hev on wouldsbe
'but my size, but of course I vfouldn't
ax you to lend em to me, but 1 would
like to surprise my 'sister with a pictur
of me ell rigged hp in such a suit. They
are a main:sight better than try Sunday
The geod.natorecl proprietor of the
gallery reserved to humor the country-
man and going into the dressing -room
he put on a discarded emit, and:loaned
his best clothes to the countryman. The
visitor then hinted that the photograph-
er's watch.chain.would look weil on the
front of the vest, and the good-natured
opera.tor loaiaed him the watch with the
chain attached, Then .he went into the
room to prepare a plate, leaving,' the
eountrynnin.admiripg himself in the mir-
ror.....The photographer, was not absent
from the room more then three or four.
minutes but when he retutued to the
light „the countryman was nowhere in
sight. It immediately flashed throogh
his mind that he had been shrewdly and
'cleverly robbed, for a moment he
was completely. disconcerted. Then
grabbing his hat; he oldie& to •one of is
•assistants to look dut for the gallery and
ran out the door.;. He informed a police-
man of the robbery, and thenvconamen-
the streets for the cOuntryman,and final -
]y reported the case at'the policestation
and left 'a description of the ipcliViduat
.At the end of half an hoer he returned..
to the gallery tired and discouraged, and
was most agreeably surprisedto find the
countryman patiently wiiting.k-the_sitr.
ting -room.
4 Why,' where have -Yon: been T. :he
Wall, whilst you were a gittin' ready;
I thort I'd jest run round to, Wrier's
-9• and let her, see how I loOkt irr good
lothes. •
The picture was made, And thetseutle-
man from Wayback departed .withetrt
knowing what a fitiaie.he had created by
his action. ••
• •
This is to ceriify, that bait) used MeGreger'a
Speedy cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint
and do Ininestly say that if it cost me $100 per
bottle I *mild not be without it, as it hoz done
.me more good than all . the medicines I ever
used, and I feel like a new matte -Yours truly,
Aram. STREL, Carleton Place, Ont. This medi-
' eine is for sale at 5043 and. $1.00 per bottle at
Worthington's Drug,Store. .
A Successful Experiment.
• .' •• '
•• It was an.nounced in these_ columns_ '&
few weeks ago, that Mr. Win. Saunders,
the Minister of Agriculture,. had under -
'Wren theexperiment of shipping a quit;
tity of our fine early apples to 'England.
The reasons which prompted the experi-
ment were these : It was :known tkat the
eipirt trade • in apples had :grown Very
tvithiii the past ten "years, and
that the demand in England showed no.
signs of abatement. • The varieties bent
over, however, were 'only. cif. the 'Most.
• hardy 'character, possessing long keeping
ansLea.pable of -standing-the-rough-
treatment of being •shipped in barrels:,
Thee() varieties • were hot our best. 'Large
quantities of early apples,,qapable of being
grown in many parte of the Dominion,'
were .excluded from the British market,
for the reatien that they could nOt be laid
• down in England in a presentable shapp.
The men engaged in the-businees- were
moved by the single motive:, of making
• money, and it was, therefore,. but natural
that they. should not embark in an under-
taking so full. of risk and uncertainty:
When Mr. Saunders was. in Englend, in
charge* of the splendid fruit 'ethibit at the
- Colonial and -Indian-Exhibitinre, henittir
large miantities of applee arriving.. frona
Australia, and finding, a ready sale in the
• London market. He ascertained that these
varipties had been well preserved in the re• ;
'f era or s earners p ying e weeirthIfrie."
- Britain and the, Antipades, and' were, taken
• altogether; inferier to" inanyof the kinds
developed to perfection in our Canadian
climate. He therefore reported to Hon.
Mr. igariine, that with a shroter roe te...1
• favor•of the Deed -Mee, and -the -fruit avail=
able in ample quantities, he believed one
foreign trade might be added to in this re-
, poet, hy demonstrating to ehippers: the
poseibilities of laying down our' early, va-
rieties in London, Eng. The Milliliter of
• Agricelture inunediately, directed him to.
- undertake the necessary experimehtie He
lost no time in beginning operatiens. He
procured a, sufficient quantity of the Va-
rteties he thought most suitable for thet
purpose, and finding that valaable time
would be lost in having, refrigerators built,
he sent forward his first consignment by
express. The ripples were peeked in Irxes
holding one bushel each, and mire wimp -
taken to permit a free circulation of alt
in the coolest poet of the vessel,. lib has
just received a cable announcing thatethe
fruit arrived in excellent bondition: and
fonnd a ready sale at the rate of 81.75 per.
bushel. With thie result, hej well sada
fled, and soya it rally provIi the possibility
of shipping these varieties , Which • were
heretofore countered in the country be -
cantle of their liability to early decay.
Fruit groWere meY eow proceed with con-
fidenee to cultivete an increased nember
of the trees bearing the varieties, feeling
that an almost unlimited market is open
to them. Further shipments, it is under-
stood, are tinder 'way, and the usefulness
of refrigerators will alas be tested, not
only with apples, but other fruits now corn-
ing into maturity. •last ye ee we eitnerted
246,000 barrels of appleti, and this al-
• ready large trade can be added to, it will
be a matter of no small importance to the
fruit grewera of the Dominion.—Lond'on'
Free Press,
•••••••••..•1# 10
The C101,110 of Contimnptime..
Scrofula, manifesting itself M blotches
eruntioes, salt-rheien, and other.
blemishes of the skin, is but too apt by and
by to infect the delicate tisiues cif the lungs
also, and result in ulceration,thus ending
in colunimption: Dr. Pleree's " Golden. mamba search was instituted,ana afte
Medical Discoveryn•will meet and vanquish ten or fifteen minutes the missing Child
the enemy in its stronghold of the blood was found in the cistern, wbere, i
and cast it _of the system. All drug -
supposed, he had accidentally fallen, in-
to. The body was recoVereci-end means
of resuscitation, immediately appliabut
proye.:1 to be too late.
Majesty's Customs n Stratford,indi Was
courteous in 111$ intercnuree with the
A. lirkton correspondent writes RS
&ROWS It is our sad and painful duty
this week, to record the death of Homer,
youngest son of Mr, T. Taylor, of Kirk -
'ton, aged 8 years..On Friday lad, the
child was away withis mother, visiting
at Mr, Thompson's, at Mcintyie'e Corri-
ere, and amusedllitoself during the af-
ternoon, with a -number of other eh'
•een, Late in the afternoon, it appears,
the little one left his playmates and • ran
away from them As soon as he w
E• Xellanre Notes.
What with the defeats in 'Quebec,
Nova Scotia crying for session, Manitoba
fel. land reform, and Ontario as it is, Sir
Jehn'A. will have to hustle around if he
wishes to oarry the next election.—Ern-
bre Conner. ° _
The Midi's explanation of the defeat
is ivorse then none at all. It. virtually
conceded that wiillchtt the Biel cry the
Tories have no chance in Ontario. The
Mail looked to Wel alone to 811Ve 158
party, and,Haldimand indicates that it
may look in vain. Hence the Mail, as
it ludicrously says, is 'somewhat disap-
pointesl,'-.-1.1alifak Chronicle.
The Mail ibinks.the result in.Haldi,
wand 'somewhat slibapponiting," •the
Iktentreal Gazette goesone better and
callit certainly disappointirig, while.
the IlarnillelApeetator announces 'With
deep regtet' that the -Liberals have
ried tlie day. There are harmony Imre
amidst diversity. The fimeral belts .e.re
•tolling differently' , hift they are tolling
all the same.. --Winnipeg Free "'rem,
The speeches- at the Tory demorfhtrit:
tion in London were mainlytho'se of
'fearful noliticiani''whistling to keep
their courage up. They knew full 'well
that, owing to their unsavory record,the
tide had turned against them. ° It Inuit
-have :been rather humiliating
leaders to find the attendance'at Thur*t;
rhty S demonstration not half so large as and hand
. •
New Westnuseree, Sept .9, 1886.
To the kiltor of the Clinton New Era.
Dian Sie,--,,Shice writing to you last our
country bas been visited with the greatest
milaniity that has ever Wel so young a city,
the new city of Vancouver. The 1.3th of
,Taiie, 1886, will be -a day long to be nreMeni.
• bered by the people of Vancouver. About
2.30 in the afternoon of Sunday; June 1,3th,
a very strong gale was blowing up 13un..ard
Inlet, and some fires were out in the neigh
borhood of the O. P. R. lands, which stetted
to spread very rapidly, getting a bold of
house after house, and by 5 pm. only a half
a citizen buildings were left, out of 500.-,Ahont
2,000 peeple were left houseless and hothaleset
but that. was. not the word, many were
burned to death; scene nine or ten bodies
were recovered out of the ru'ins, but, Gould
not. be identified. •A *great many false re-
ports have been eiraulated in regard to the
number burned to death, even some from
,Vancouver and New Westminster give wroog
reportsi one natio sayingthat 100 persons were
burned, which; is false. However, I do not
wish to, mare things appear a wrong light,
AB the calamity was something in the extreme.
As toashing the C. P. 'things ItTO very
lively at the prdent-terminribiL-all ihertee,
trade done with and in connection—with the
C. P. Rtothe road has only been open now
about two months or so, and there has been
shipped 'from Port Moody, to points east;
•over 5,00, tons of tea alone, besides a Very
large amount of canned salmon. The Paaifie
CeSst- Steamship Company from San Fraut
cisoo has weekly connections with' the C P
reds of tons of freight afe shipp
in 1877, but it is explained -13Y the steadk
ete ering in the same place .-cmt.v.,Weekoantthe,..0'.R..,
New Westminster is almost
;mei aepie rates are, very -Tina
decadence • of the party, as exemplified coraninpclietienr intod
no doubt the Fresh Water
in the record of the contests in -which terminus.will handle a very large. amount, of
the Conservatives have be 'b ' f i
eiri eaten. • •
re g a so The passenger traffic over Abe
Hamilton Times.
, road iela?ge, eepecially at present. A great
. , many noted men have visited our fair elimate
People differ as they -have a -right to among them I might mention Sir John A'.
-differ over the .question 'of Riel's sanity, nd Lady Maecipnald, and the warm romp -
end the degree of moral.gui,lt Consequen
on his .Mental condition: Bet retipect his Visit.
t ietn se rteh 1,111epi:E; alei-Wleirr(t; ft Ittrf:cPtP MEditor,
for the law demands that those charged that I am_writing to a Reform papeelint you
with its execotion hopld. 'administer
Will have to print this, if you want me to
wto yeti. The people of the
without fear offpersons or bread Ofcofice- rite Coast Pacific
owe a' great deal id Sir John f th
quenees. Riel's fate.vias determined on completion of the0.11.R., as we were shut off
far. different lines. The People of Heidi- from all connection -With the rest Of the Do.
mend,. eqnally with'. those Of Chambly minion, and Surely on r Provinee is worth Some-
'felt 'this.' And the future well-being'of
this epuntry dOrnanck-that the -appeal t�
passion, race andoreeds hatreds -by men
whose moving impulse is but of po;vieP,
should be sat upon in Middlesex as in
1-1aldimmidand it will be.—Strathroy
Age. .
thing. Although this road h as cos t the country
very large.snin of money, yet it wont be long
before we will reap the benefit from it. New
Westminster is growing rapidlynd many
new industries stem couise of erection, , We
have one weekly, one asmi•weekly and one
daily paper published here, so you see we are
ahead of Clinton' in the laws line. I irave
• had the pleasure of meeting some from. near
Clinton, -Messrs. MoCarteey and Cantelon, of
the 'Ah con, Of Goderich township visitedlour
city a Ebert time 'ago; Mr. John Leckie of
Toronto, formerly ,of Brussels, is at present
in the, city, and I , also had the pleasure' of
seeing -a brother of kr_f , W. 0.--Searle's.-the
othii day, rho is ranching in Mud Rai Dia-,
- ?that-y;oir-dw16-terarariwer fFe-er
about it. . It cures Dysentery and Diarrhcea,ulinlon
regulates the Stomach and Eowels, or vicinity. Mining operationtb are going Oh
Colic; softens the Gums, rediicee Inflammation
cures WW......tbe same as ever, some camps tire turning out
AMOR TO Morimus.—Are you disturbed
at night, and broken of your rest by it sick
child suffering and crying-. with pain of Cutting
Teeth? If so sendat once and get a bottle of
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Child -
'Teething. Ita-value ia incalenla,ble:-It
e11i relieve the poor httle sufferer leamediately. n fact Mr Editor where will yon
and gives tone and energy to the whole systenr.
". Mrs: Winslow'S Soothing Syrup," for child-
ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the
preseriptioirofone-pf-the oldest andbest-female
physicians and nurses in the'T.Tnited States, and
is tor sale by all druggists throughout the world.
Price twenty -,five cents a bottle. 13e sure and
and take so other kind. 20 -y -e,
/11___Ltutt during,- '
A city girl writes: 'It's a fond dream
of mine to beeerne' a farmer's .wife and
• meander with him clown life's flowery
pathway.' . A10'es; that is a nice thing
to dream about,but When youlitive.livedl
on the farm and followed this meander-
ing business for e month or so, you Will
discovern wide chaarn between the dream
end the reality.. You will think of this
about the time your husband Meanders r
very good, others not so good. The mines on
Skenna River, 500 miles up the coast, are a
failure, Cassiur and Granite Creek mines are
turning Mit very rich., •The fishing season is
almost over, and this industry, which so many
rely on, haa been a failure this year, not one
half has been 'done, compared' With last 3,Plir,
and. hente._manY df the canneries will suffer
treat loss, as their large Stock of cans will he
of no use ^another year, on account of rust.
Building operations hive, picked up wonder-
tbe. last week Or two, and.times are
very geed. I have received a great many
letters from tbe east, in regard to this coun-
try, and iterprospeets, and I would say come,
and gee for yourself, and you will be satisfied.
My •opinien in this matter inight not be worth
very much,' 1 have almost vowed that I will
not write any more about British,Columbia,
When I 'read letters in your paper, and others
not 20 Miles from you, from people,in.:Vaxi-
couvej and nettr..Westminster, aild the tone
ot the letter has been th1leadjnr and'
off and leaves yOu without' wood, end
yqiJye meander_np...and-doWn the
lane pulling splinters off 'the fence -with
which to cook clinger. And wheii you
meander around in the wet clover in-
search,of the cows yeti will have a dim
liFcepttoirtliarferWernirifd not al-;
ways pan out a hundred cents to the"
dollar, and that...there are seyeral mean-
• clerings in farce life that are .not listed
it) the :dreaming Category. The mean-
ering, :witless on t is arm 18 not w Ist
it Is clacked lip to be; --Kansas City
ect,yea, worse than that, downright false.,
opine your paperwill come more regularly,
I remain, yours faithfully, D.-13. CAmirbitif
' A novel 'divorce proceeding with an
unusual sequel is related by the-Michi-
afi neWsrapers. Christopher &bray
nd wife, of Waterlod township1-4ackson-
ounty, disagreed, •and two weeks ago
alled--a jury of neighbors, to whom- they
oth stated their grieYnarp7--Thelfity-
ecided they should separate. Mrs.
rlhgtr elirey_tcuak-the-custody-of-thelminger-
Iirehildren and the husband
ie elder. .Mrs. SChrafrelitiquished all
aim on the property, valued at $4,000,
r a consideration of $500, Toe don-
erits of agreement Were filed in the
rebate Court. It hail been found der -
Tho model school opened in Mitchell in0. the week that the couple wore not
•wit.h.25 . '
: Tesial 14, h .1 di;Orced according to lew, and &limy
went to Hastings, where his wife wds,
and brought her back The' sequel to -
this peculiar case oecuered Wednesday
night, when the two Marched into the
Probate Couet arid asked that all pro-
ceedings be ' (leashed. They returned,
to tlib farm' in Waterloo, the husband
carrying the baby, and as they went out
of the genib house he explained that he
could not get along without the baby,
"Jalttie, hot Oh My,"
Dr. Pierce's " Pleasant Purgative-Pet-
letsuirroseareely larger than Mustard seeds
but they have no equal As a cathartic, In
all disorders of the liver, stomach eed
• bowels they act like a dila in Purely veg-
etable, singer -coated, and inelosed in glees
Vials. Pleasant, safe and sure, sold by
all druggists.
Luno farm from Mr. Wm. ]avis on tite ninth
con„ illansliatcl, for iN,.100.
'Mr. Clitiltnere, one of the loading
agrieufturists of West Nissouri, retires
fainnine at the end of the present
month, and' enters mercantile life at
The.. Perth Fall Assizes opened on
Monday last, before Mr, Justice Galt,
but there were no. casesof special im-
portance, on the. docket, The pharge'
against Henry Thompson, of Eines, for
alleged shooting qtrickly collapsed,
One of Sti.atford's oldest citizens Mr
jaines Powell, died on Tuesday,after 881
illness of some years. Ile was for about
quarter of re century an oflieer of' Her
"What la MoGregor's Speedy Caro for f"
It is for Ll.yepepsia, ;Aver compietnt, induces -
rime and is thetineet bleed pottier in the
known world to.day. ,
"Doo 15 VIM sattatikee 1"
We StehePt•Pelet t *dazed where tt did
not. . •
"Where does It hare the lsirgelit sale
Right in the. city ot , Hamilton where it is
Manufactueed, there lifie been Over 011e thong -
and Ware' lijorth aold iii the laer year, retail,
and the great majority of sales are by one re-
commending it to another. Fur sale at 500 and
51 per bottle af•Worthington's Drug store.,
"it Saved My Life"
Is a cOnamon expression, often heard
from those who have realtred, by per -
sepal use, the curative powers ef Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. s*; cannot say eziough
id praise of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, he- ,
lieVing as I do that, but for its use, I'
should, long since have died from long
trOubles.—E. Bragdon, Palestine, Tex,
' Almut six months ago X bad a severe
Ilemorrhage of Ihe'Llings, brought on
by a distressing Cough, which deprived
me of sleep and rest, bad used vari.
DUO cough balsams, and expectorants,
witbout obtaining relief. A friend ad:.
visedme,lo try
Ayers Cheiry Pectoral.,
X did so, and am happy to say tbat it -
helped Me a/ once. By continued use
, this Medicine owed iny bough, and, I
am satisfied, saved "my life, —Mrs, E.
Coburn, 18 Second st., Iowell, Mass.
I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
for over a year, and sincerely believe .1,1,
should have been in iny grave, had it
riot been for tide medicine. 15 1)88 cured
me of a dangerous affection, ef thelungs,
for which I had almoSt despaired of:ever
tinding a remedy„.—D. 1.k. Me*ullen, ,
• 'Windsor, Province.of ontarib,
'Ayer' s Cherry Teetora baveilk. . y life, ,
Two years ago I tooa very sev re Cold'
• Which-sattled On laylungS., T,40o lied
physicians and took the remedies they
prescribed,' but failed to obtain relief
• until I began using Ayer's Cherry Pee -
4 toral.Two bottles of this medicine,
Completely restored my hertith.—.1.4zzie
,31: Allen, l'Srest Iainciister, Ohio. , '
,.. Ayer's-Cherry Pectoral,
Prepared by Dr. .1.0. Ayer it Co.;I.qwell, Masa,
sokt by ail Druggists. Fr5oo$1.; epr bottlee, S.
. • , , . . %.- •., . '
.131 Farm security, interest Si per cent. ' Payable
yearly. Apply to C.A. HARTT, Soliettor, Clintoh. in
English Halt 'Vinegar on *J6 raft.
S. P.A.I..a.,IS3EqRJ art
q SOMIT11111 171117B0D1
U Amaim,
Has the finest ancl:eheapost .GROIDERIESAP Own
ain4 0.t.lHdit/40$7.440.31
At prices which downs them all.
-ANTED. 1 and all kinds of Fahn Produce.
Any quantity of Apples, 'Pears, Plums -
A. ANc4/Tg,
reat Inducement.
. D'.
HPole and Shafts; in splendid order and will
he tield.oheap. JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton.
.LTA Private, and CoMpany Funds: Lowest interen,-
also on approved notes for short dates. • C.A. HARTT,
Attorney, ClinttLat:- *Ira_ 10 • ' : • , , ,
..__....— - --,T forAc u tEhse Ro uonwt y0Irilis 9•Neef1 ron. Sales attended anywhere
lathe County, at reasonable rates. ,Residenee,Albert
Street, Clintmi. .• -, : .. .. •,
Srd:con., Tuckersmith, will be prepared to make
eideratter sept 185., Wednesday's and Saturday's ex- •
cepted, at it cents per gallon, or 6 cents per bag,
There 0111 be a kettle in conneetion with the mill for
boiling cider lehich will be charged for at meta, a
F 0 R
STRATFORD, September, 26th, I865.
I feel that I owe you an acknowledgment of
the good effects of your valuable medicine. A
heavy cold settled -on my longs and throat, I
tried several different kinds of medicine, which
gave, me no relief. 8 took one bottle of Dr.
Jug's Medicine and it gave me immediate
rellef,4 believelt to be the hest medicine for
lung and thrgat‘tronbles exieting.
1:`. 4. QAM, Cohnnefcial Traveller: •
41.* •
'Having bought C. J. Tuthilliif Stock of
At a discouni'., 'will sell at Wholesale Prices tuitil all is cleaned out,
ni4E----*ssuancElii-o-247-s,'Irfl0es;-or -cure:too-
FLEESIIM.A.IT Jt CO'S 'YEAST; fOrmerli.kOpt by 'Tuthill th.Ce. always (gam
JOHN CUNINGHAME OnOCER...:,ciztutort.:.
. -.MONUMENTS. . •
land. Senator of Manitoba; and gives no unCertain
; • , -
The follwring letter is fro& ifie Hon. John Sether-s
NDERsokPropriptdr .
11; 11. maimeer iei the it.':Th. canes. White
. Brous° Monument Co: •
timony to the many which I doubt net you have al-
DitAtt Sia,I have much pleasure in adding my tes. ICe 400eanoti., Rodin, Water; ete.
Oendy had, regarding the beauty and other Morita of
.your white bronze monuments. There is nothing ao
,ornamental as ours in our Cemetery, although we have
a number'of marhle' and Scotch granite monuments.
As regards durability, from all I can learn, I•have
every reason tb believe 15'W be superiff Ao_the befit-
-granite. The artintio-Tebek is cerTairily very beautlful„
and cheap. Yours truly, J. SUMMAND. •
litIdohan Mon Aug, 10th.
call an or write to W. M. GIFFIN, clinton, Or JAME§ ,'''''''l 011—"-9-. ,,1 :LEP. Ef—'7'PVTOP-17777F311:*:'
015eysetrrynstribHdfir . . .
,f1:Iztrovtrz. SEED .ti ob..0.1, s47.11Cheeky
..phes,041 cmcicall=5 i'l
GALLAGHER, .,Gotierieh,
: ' • . . , b. '. P11.0.10ISICOTS,
:. .
_ .•. . . . . • .
PURE and OLEAN.. ' .A. QUANTITY OF ,• ' .
.., INC ,MALS of aU• KINDS.
wili.take any kind of Grain in exchange for
any .of the above.
44,uus STE.gP," •51,1INTON.
S. vvits*.N,
Repairng of all kinds prosip'tly attended to at realion
• able 'later). •A trial solicited.
Read This an be iseo
riatut.opened hi Clinton,' a eret:erass
-330C)T-- 'SHOE= 'an&
.H.e4itumss E11012
J 'Make and Mondial. Wilda of 13onts' And.
'Tir Dv pcv,, s you ant anything in this
aa•.„ ra-aw *a:4PQ u w
line it will pay 15I5 to come and
see ine, 1 keep from a hame strap to a N0.1 set of
S1NGL1?, or DOUBLE HARNESS, best of stock and
workmanslisp may always be expected. Please give
. • 1110 a eall, •
, C. Y ATE S.;
row coon NORM or STOCK ExcriAmilt, AGIRIVi ST.
• 0412fTON.
CLEO 011351110}111?
OnoniS Ler or PIPKS, Cuter,
ItteltsON Htecit, HeitoN,STaseT, CLINTON.
- --
Mixing' a large stock ot Salt on hatla, orders will be filled at
the lowest prices, ever Offered in Clioton,. as the Salt Worki will be aold when arrangq.•
tnent§ are complgted, Will buy and sell TIMOTHY and CLOVER SEED. ,.A. lot of
SALT SACKS. and GRAIN BAGS for sale. ' '
. C±C)0C)1D
ppoTs and -SgOES:atitenfarkab1y-1.-o*Pfi.-':
BAJIY CARRIAGES just -arrived, latest- Stiles; very Cheap:—
,TR,UNK,86VALISEgiv the hundred • C ea • . •
High' lend PINE and CEDAR SHINGLES. at -Lowest Prices.
Are the only Oennine iiig1fsJi*Helm in tile* Canadian Xarket.,;.
Rani Pebbles ,nre:AtIpt In etoilc. Tiato are lave?' to purehnacis to prove actunteitess.
They are recommended byand these testitrionials have been receivea from the President, Vide-
Preeident. Ex.Preeldent and Ex-Itled-Preeident, of the wateal A PeOcIation of Canada ; the PFOSt. -
dent of the College of Physicians mid Surgeone of Quebec: the Dean of the Medleal realty eg
Laval-ViiiVeralty; the Peesident ned Par•Presidente Of the Medical Confieli of Nova Scotia. dot
These reeeramendations,ought to be aufnelent to 'prove their qualities, but lf furthex'prt,Af
needed, 0811 on
• 11.0134 W, COATS', Watcktnaker and Iewelki, Ciiiiton '