HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-09-24, Page 5•••
istess,fefuruaii,, X X
00.4 ro.erobants of the Town oft Clinton
0 r6'Wsio9e `tilat they' irityit '.4410.4: r‘ `
liQt1f; t id, rn set 'Alga of acetivitit; Vil, la
/ .. . afteitte ftth of Octer nsigt.
• • ,
R,ArTfli- ir SON. -
,Y9Ifi .4,CiiERTsii1.q.
?ifiAnednaa, 'Mao , as followed, the ex.
'E For .1' i43, and repodi-
a , dqbt o n1ounciL after dis-
bra:.4 z,.•.,,,,3 AautRI,11;to , .1,1.0,rift krotwesipinfEttyipnlgs
ion again (1...torv5.4,0-2.500:
. t i4 .. 4011 4; 0., ..
....AA trtha,,, .neak Ail of •the ade np,
.0 Ai i u;,i44.. . or flee s Ara,.. Barley,- • ,f, . • - ., . 0 40 .0 0 ri..
.0414564.:'Irfer :Pik AI Trunk 4 through Flour,
vert,6vt.,` . . ,, 04 0000 . sii 04 ipo
. h;..,..; •Thea(parrEed;over
., 11-6 t .6wIliek route from chinigo , Petatoori:-.1" - 0.40 A 0 40
to '110.,4„tiOfi 10, Itt, 1)4 the flesaittfl !of the _PluTems „ A,.. a, -. , Q 75 se I (g)
which oPedelt 1.'• th. . 00484 • . *. 014"
SorcrIzgn Gragii a in the 'after place, idottet, , '.1. to . 0,12 a 0 It
• . ,,„,,, Pork's - ' • • * 050it 41Logt,
,The,p(illititpar„.0.7,9149LOICe(IgsPegt.arldr Ii..iy, ..„ .: ?" p. „''',C:.,REI. Di- agki.,i f al a,.
I.- New Jaironswiesr, rasa peen ,wacsna rot a . wool la traut - s .4 LO.li alss
/ -Ionr-time;-'atiViVitto-repalited that Mr. ; Weal for •csah', -I''' ' i';•'*0-'•0 84.a•riti, 8
ceetigee, Minister of Inland Revenue, Sheep pelts' A , . r$ 0 50 as !0,14
'will get the place, . as' the ether Minister a Lambkin;,' • '..:#'• .446(1,4 41•09
are said to he.anxions to get rid of him. , Clover, per bash. • • . -7,14 a I SO
Mr, Landry, of Kent, is mentioned is -the ----,--
Odbible„,stieuessor. Of Mr: Costigan in the . ' suttrnigg$1,1`,44-:.
Ministry. - .. . ,,,,, , - . ,
•..4 . 0/RAY STEEL-STBAYEIP l$Tb labit (10
faett. Sept. 19dt; betwen the pedice and a STEER, dirk red. White epojIrtz",..latiti•wrat.
Another deSpetat‘liot. Leek place in.biefr- .0. 4' West Waltenoth. abbe • ' lit 4„wo-'•yr: •
belly. JA8..WPODS. ' , 't •4•:••;•, 7 VAL
nirilr'sslio , attached' the barracks, , The' '
police fired. eleven tounds,killing one man ' • . ---' Tit/ ' Ix* •
and tnertally wounding ti•weinan. *-S.eriens 1-'. PERS to rent that corttuf 4. „444t iad Oot
riots occurred the sante day in tlyeepod. on Ontario streit. 1111008241 .' e Self901. .5i
between Orangemen aucl Nationalists sod
G. E.'PiN &C: O.
lieetceft?4ev#111 nuf4aYg4)!tTIPQll') lets
4 1.v.hmraaky..sompt..-.413, 1280‘..)
;Vheatssiall,41,ew. - 50 TO
17tritdiillrrie? . ;3. (4 7711
..• 0 28 a, 0 29 :Jo
••444 s ,fest•,#•
• •r WIC •
•r . OF *tar, A
# e
• st,..11, "
The Estate of the 1
the (*rand%
ohn Hodgens have much 'pleasure in.announcing
t #
7r, cocronErti
wk111,0ilso show. th.r640,011.t our ygi„pusdepartments,the.Largest, Ch.eapest and most corn-
Stoolt ever $11,Own by us. We extend a hearty welcome to all to come and. see our grand
4-40004f 1":6, ' diEplaY oft NoVelties. ,
RNWISEMAN Manager. ENS tektel ..,1101:102 13
Vt7hat's the Chief Attraction at
the Fall Show?
I. •
,:t;us , • ,4 ; .. • . •
FOXTON, Clintenu
• iiiflainmatory speeches Made' at alsoeialistie isTozirabeltt lin 04# 'D. AT AS WIFE/ $
mybed anell3data
11,1thout any jpst es .
On. I will not" be 1 •
A'irtized ot ClaYtOD, Ga., lost a valuable nilripkotleLarisihtIL1114••4114 •°,711- CIIDX0ItEr•
.• • • ° son. ta •teat a'
greattlifOettity, arresting several rioters, • responsible for ani tbd 'by her 'Bine 1 . • •
Meeting. The police suppressed it with
dog, sal' suspected that he had. fallen into
— • a deserted shaft, .He couldd,ithar hear Braullg Pon Etir -FOR SALE .•
hoiiie has live b
nor- see -any-thing-of-him -414-4hisi.bottoln.40t. _orje„rept, tkllet in town. The TIT
ire °" store willbeThigUltifuIlrillu-11-1–d--
mi a e on e evenings of Thirlady.-a-hd7Priday the doorS• -
the.sizty.toot hole, but swhen belet the lob!. -49ed d, hard aud-seft
p,iece of most on a atria aomething "bit" water'
own, open and ates close when a fine view can e ad. from the sidewalk. DON'T
%MU, Will be sold. at a .thr the' g ,
as 'greedily aa trout. Then miner wenttsteria• APPIY to the
down and sore enough Alta dog was there,
Fri FOR Silg-MAEVOr 'LOT 26, ;(1N TEE #: 44 • Show our goods..to all, Whether thei wish.to ..buy 'or .not,
severe Morro a lightning bolt struck ad ont acres. Terms to fie furehaser. Apply to'
b h
FAIL TO SEE' THIS. Vre are open for business -during the day, when we will be pleased to
° and after being'dragn`itP, Was found to be . FA . ,
• • •
• . •.• s, P
• ()L'i Friel ty alunin.sg .0431"0 during n. 4th. con. of the C4011 4$/' Ilullett,containing • '
it. grandestof all.. The store.MagnifieentlYglighted up and
barn on- lot -'5 • nth- ' g to 4,41i,nomat OAMEItt 4Barristers, Goderieh 7 la h
open to all.comers. We will be pleased to do business with
owned by Hiram Morgan and occupied by04, AMC SALEsOpetttig-ttypiino-v_.
, concession,- n - a
John Fyfe. The building and °entente); se.
-.nulled', 2 acrOsvof Melee Sera are CI ,
valutib ;farm hem 1104_1 116. 44'50 ' ,
c ra f t1iO4,gr" h that is nDt'oUr object which is to place our goods before .the people and prove to
. .
dwrin.,:ertiigodAtragas. . . them.. that the cheapest.place to buy their Dry Goods, is • -
of ,auythitag saved. The buildino• was in- Baordeso.utb,r,
yore completely destroYed; and very little balancegr, hatc14700i1,„ hr. leatInic or be„ o
cured in the larricelon Mutual For $550; aatout5imiles Let theTOwn of 0/Won 'TerniseissYs°
act if f.,• • . . •
and the con tehis for $600 in the West Apply tom. lieT4',0, Olin‘ks$ . tit
• Is
Bruce' • ' altafFORieltEl
S r eat Cash Store
„ fetif-'14 tasting olltillAre ,•ledelfere r Sate ditOreasdna . ,
DEAR Sin -Will you•kindly 104 i le a lit e-sn' '
0 •011•491.11 *ADO AI .
• 0
il V -1 - - ti. . ac°- -bnItivation • • baiance-good..hardweett...igao.d_frame_
e igioritrOitilp;.
terms. About 120 acres Cleared andin good ',state ot
— , • • ,. ..
, .... , . • • .
• . fl: ./.
41 yam paper, to defend myself against the cowarmy . ,
and 'A.:talons statements whieh .the Dohertys have , . . : - - . •
house, &a, 'general buildings, plenty of water, bearing
organ, save 110111$01VCE4s, andAlidging, sfrem their vile sc,,,„„. JI_, • -
ff Sweet voiced, strong and active," dowir to -the -horse: Frarne house with stone cellor,,two bank barnS,stables,.
traider, who is in their employ to do the dirty work at 4te., -good large orchard, plenty- of water, - about 80
• exist in their midst, who knows anytaing,abnut tin .
very'little difference between the "devoted ehristiana . kJ, IA a; on the Maitland concession, Goderich town.
conduct and. Slanderous statements', there seems to bo ' fsarkisaiblie rAati FOR SALE , OR TO RENT.-•
w 40 terms himself, In his own account of las life,. ship, containing 87 acres,' is offered for sale or to rent..
addressinif,JAMES PERDUE, ountonP, 9. And: .Eg .1..01): ....E.f1,.TH,,..0...11:1V.I.
Orchard; lk miles from. the, rising., toWn ' • • ''
'made concernin,g me and.my business. . ..' '' '
:They seem to-talce it Very liard that tiny elm shbuld.' liarticulars may be .obtained on the premises Or by
that they Ill not stand. Thia, I want to szty, is'A de: ton. Will be sold on reasonable terms.. For mutton-
. nistnnfacturing my organs out of green timber, and Oirgood•roadsi about six,trilles front to ton of Ohn.
their..bidding. Ono cif -their statements is that 1 am actesseleared, and in good state of cultivation. Situate•
S S all • .• • '-'...-....".: • :
liberate falsehood, and has been perpetrated to do Inc Ism apply to the NSw ERA Office, : or to C. NESBIT ,'. . . . • • ,
• ,
• . .
b arra, • , • , ,
Another' is that I 144'6 Mid no experience in organ MIARIT FOR SALE. -THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS ':'. •
unitturin,, To this 1 will only say that I have .LI forSaie his -splendid farib, cifTf 0010 es , boitig-lot----
' worked for D. M. Karn,Woodstock; Bell& Co., Guelpb ; .44. 2nd con., of Tuckersinith: Good new story and • • . .
E. G. ,Thomas, Woodstock, and for nie•Uxbridge Organ half ,frame house, 2 acres splendid orchard, 'good 01117 'StOCk-'11)1' - the Fall .and•Nirinter tfade is. nb‘V. 4:Sj.i.iplete.•
ri. • ....i.tod . -.
. . . .SAt tit
• • ..•
Company, and am not ,ilfraid to invite the- accusing buildings, 85 acres free from *stumps, 15 acres in fall fillf
parties to ask the oplhions of these firms, which are all. wheat. The• whole under good cultivation, and well :' .- !: :, : We....ii,d1.e the best goods lathe tharket;and'sell ' :
wen known. to the pubile..,Anopher statement .made under drained, live spring on the fainiand has geed
by the worthy. oppositleills that have some organ§ -wolls,-,Olosoto churches and s'ehools. 3 Andes from : • • • , • *". . them at 'close' prices- , .:-...• .'.''' •E .• ' - . ..
that have been itnoekinr, around the country for a year the town 01 Clinton, 5.from Seaforth......1 he sold,on . . ' • ' .. ' • . , . .
past, and this is entirely untrue , as my, Instruments reasonable •terms. HUGH Ife0ONALD, on Et - ... . . • •
are all bran new, and•lnanufact'ured froni the best premises, or Clinton 1'. 0, . •. . .
• •
• EGGS ''alalc. :IX • •EXCHANGE •• . • ' .. • • '' .. : - - • €04Iir iErr '''*4 ' '3'5. --am A . fitilllt-v)Titi., wee -i . ..
. . , . . :. . ......... ..4. • , .. 0,..s. 9 ,..../ _ $ .c____ _ • ,
black waliniti thoroughly seasoned; and Igive a writ, • • . • , . • , • •
-failure of anS• pare.for-seven years-The---bonorable
ten guarantee witlreach one, werranting it against SIMEIsiGID FARM Felt SABE.-TIIA.T •EXCEL- .
1.41:s.X tarn 01154 anrcsibeing-1 ts,--6. li70. and "1 • • . . . .
George ,as that they will not allow trie to,staybere,. . •• .- ,
that tliey will give their &genii aWa1,. before alloWitg on' the Maitland concession, Go°derich township, - . : '' '---- -'
one Of mine to be sokl, diaiikone Cafie I. 103 have ti0110 . , ' • . . • 'When ive will be pleased to abO.W. ill ' on.; 0oetbitiera, alit] funds all the littose"-7-77
About 135 acres bleared and in good state of:minim- • • '. ' ' '' ' l... - • '' - - I'L,VE--'-P.ER CENT, OFF . FOR .CASTI '
timi...i......0.&fts Kornis.. is p, good .brIch houseovith all ' , • . . . ......_ ____
this, having', disposed of one et. their best: organa for. conveniences orstntang bank barn, well waterefl,ite.;' . ,, '' ---7 • v.', . , ,. • . . .. • . .• '• .. i • ' ..,Nceelties of the Seirson in 14;RW YORK, and .1)4RIS STYtE8. ..... • . .
• . .
, . . •
•. •
.... ........_!... • -- _ IV :
• • . a ' s 4 4. - _ • . ,
BEESUHt.'S..M illi4eritm. iior ip: 131.-.*:.':*..:.'.'''''.
• .. . ....._. .._._.... ,
. •
• • 'strurnent is 8175. . gno6ottlabrefiry,00rbcholaTtit Inchititor:Iftrool tttrc-he ft-D.07.114n °alibi sm.:1101%i
. Ge5 and a gag of bay. Rheir usual.prled for thls In -
The above was given to Mrs. Tebbutt, of the Malt,' Thisufarm is oil0 d. the best in the .township of Gode•
land con. Goderich• township. As: far. being Able to•
rich. Possession given at any time,. 1 irl part cli ars-
ortapplicatiOn.te the proprietor, JOHN RUDD, Clin-
ton P. 0., or of the NEW ERA. OFFICE, Clinton. •
staY bore,Pefhaps George is judgittg• nte by his own
. • past bitter ex Pomace. Very Puri 'perhaps, know why
be came up here, but I know,. and George knows, and
so does W. ',D. To show the public to what depths
• .-they will de4cend; 1 willliist mention one snore case,
r is., the familiar and iinpudent way in which Mr. T,
Doherty used the name of Bliss Elford, organist of the
Methodist church, lIohnesvile. Retold that thit lady
preferred theirorgan . • and ••gatki her opinienrto that
• - effect. SIlos Elford indignantly and' very Justly de- Siiitable for • any , busin0s, in Solute's 1310011, on,
ides making any . suah assertion, as he would make :
peoplo. believe, and IA quite. retidy to tell Mr. D. wbat ,
• ' • . Long ,Teems of'Credit: Also
s 4 e g• •
Their idea of square 'business. transactions is shown
by their conduct toward Mr. It: jenking, who, after
seeing my mail, and -having It en trial, bought it.
When they knew that he had purchased, they tried te
. coax him to violate bit bargain, Ind offered to furnish
. him with an instrument at less than cost price. Hap.
pily, however, Mr. Jenkins' idea of honor was mikado
higher than theirs, and AA he had bought and wits well
11)01ffiCl1 with his purchase, had leo idea of doing any
thing so dishonorabre. • .
In cent:Julien, 1•MaY lest, say, .for the rotariAt and •
consolation of the.Dohertys. that 'intend remaining
here, and mating .organs which T ean recommend for
• seven Seam From ithe tubile 1 wouid oak one favor,
and that is, that they w ll take the troulde'to see any
• instruments, before purchasing 'elsewhere, and I en
• willing. to leave the result wi,th them. Lot me just
i say that if I have been the M00115 of detracting from
W. D's Much sought after glory, by making a better
- ' --- -- InstrirmentAlia5i-he.eitur-1-think-it-Weidd,1save.showi
better taste 011 isle • part to eobcoal his feelings in.
stead of resorting to the small acts of meanness which
1,r, hag toward me. • lin 301115 truly.014o, T. 0A1sP.S.1
Salle itegoter:
MoNDA.Y, Sept; 27- •Farin stock, Ole-, of Mr. Alex.
Welsh, let 16, llayfield con., Cloderich township, James
11 owson, auctioneer,
• TFESPAY, dot. eth.-Farni stook, etc., of /Ir. W.
„Asewitli, lot 36, Otli eon, of litinett. • Ifrunliton,
• • • •••
• • .' BORN,' • '• •
nrz0i10xs.-1,1' Clinton, on the 23rd inst., the
de of Mr. Thes.Fitssimons, of daughter. -
FORD,---Clintoti, On the 18th inst,, the wife of .11r,
John Ford, of a son. •
SOICOTT.-In Myth, on the 10t1.1 inst., the wife
of Mnr. WM. SoUtheott, of daughter._
GROSSOX.-111 TuekeritnIth, on the 1701 int., the
wife cf Mr..1. B. lijosson,of 105011.
PARQUATISOX-AITKENS.--In Clinton, oo Sept.
Oh.. by Irev. W. traig; B. b., :Hr. Jas. Farquarson, to
Miss Nellie Aitkens, 1, tit of Galeria.
110DGER-STEWA,P,T. --At the Ilanse,Dul4ant14fn.
the tlnd Sept., by the Rev. D. Cl. Caineron„ John
ye. Rodger, to IdissSaralx Stewart,. both of East Wat.
TANI.011-WATTi:ttlypir At Windermere
Vhhsi On the 13th inst., riy lir. /F. C.Speller, A 1'CW.
ne.h1pii10 Taylor. B. C. L., Toronto, formerly of
etol4,to Ifenriettt ode Watterworth, (laugh..
„ ir . Watterworth, E.rTleo
One Dwelling -House,
Centrally situated, Fer firth& 'particulars apply to
•: • .
. •
vmfg,-.141 clifitmt; (Al tlio 7t1s lust, Iloword
ns,Don of George; Sty,e, o.ged 4 months uta 1.1
parties going athe old country ils rhosh�3rld
take this popular line. The boats arethe nuqt c xn-
0000 cm the Atlantic,.and acconnitodation tinsurpateed
• -
ETEIR G E vAPpije,0 E AT
, Call and get all particulars of -
AGENT G. T. 11, • ,
• ".11111.1.211011111M.1111111k,
_ Do:,you...S.e.e..themaikkaingto.:the Watelmaaker ? . .The man
lilying to the Watchthaker. fie iStelling the WaTe'llinatfthia., '''
his watch does not run; that it has not ran since the watch-
maker cleaned it,. about a,menth ago, that it always ran well
before it was cleaned, but that he can de_nothing with it new. -
:Doesthe watchmaker know the man is bine Yes, the urOch-,
Maker has turned to his record, and has found hat kis a little
over eighteen months since °the watch was Cleaned. Is-'-tho---
wa c oma Ker surprises o war le, man lirgoio.; the watch-
maker is not surprised; he has heard, the same he told by other.
men every day for Oventy years. Will th'e watchmaker tell
the man he lies'? No; the watchmaker will .say to himself,
"poor man, lie has a short memory” ' Does the watchmaker
know what is the matter with the watch?, Yes; the watchmak
enriakitnoerwiss themanooa
he put his batton-hook in the wateh and turned it four times
aropnde and thought his watch was'wonnd tip. The. watch can-
not be wound . Up with a. button -hook. Will the watchmaker
tell the Man- he knows the man. was drunk? iSro; the watch-
lasto nxiiciglit,waiisied. iN1V11:11: hIerlovaNsvidli:101
' Bargains -in. Flannels
. tell the man he should not get drunk., He will tell tile • Marl
' (qt is dangerous to wind a watch,with a key; especially if the
• .--- • , •
And Pluhs.
Oysters Served id the latest Styles, also in
Bak and Osn,direct from %honor°,
Guaranteed always Fresh.
cnoki lorr or P111S, bITEAP.
Mad gillrffS4 for f'0;`,13ETIOEItY amt
-Ern o I 0 IC S.
. .„
Wonderful Value in Corsets
key is out of order; a key is also liable to bc,kist or mislaid"
) and mUch trouble and inconvenience caused by the Watch run%
ningdown; it Would be better, much better, more convenient
In imported. stock of Mantle and Jacket Cloths
Ladies .and Gent's tinderClothing.
VI (1 Slifer) to have one of the Celebrated coluitibuz
trxi-wip.ding .Watolapeo and then the • preseitt
trouble would never occur a6Itin." To be had onlv-ef
R. -Wi-COATS'; Watchmaker, &.