HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-09-24, Page 3FRIDAY, SEPT. 24, 1886.
'journey became sonnewhat dangerouti DANNATioN Or DX sota..." This Man Sic-
• from meeting roving bands of nomada quirea his unconquerable love of strong
_ I who wished us to pay tribute for the, •dank front those who call themselves
'privilege of passing. Sometimes a few 4 moderate • temperance men.' When
trinkets would satisfy them, and if that Imen ofmar are lying here, the officers
Odd. scenes fa Africa.
$ r a ew crops of gin, which they
prize more than all money. After weeks
of constant travelling and enceuntering
• 4fig Goon suititcTs"Foa ZOLA
• all kinds of difficulties we discoyered
— - • ^ ' elephant tracks. It raised a commotion
Xr. W. P. Tisdel, the well-known among tbe guides and the native car -
African explorer, Ilea had adventures riera in the van. They wanted to see
enough in the Dark Ccmtireab tO fill I an elephant killed. I hoped that the
half tt dozen books like The Arabian
Nights. The fact that he has lived
4hrough so mach .anger, survived fe-
Yore that carried, poor Livingstone off, journey the guides in front set lip a cry
and'hundred's of ether white men, and I and name running back. .beard• a
wandered for days through jungles scr'i heavy °reeking afs if genie ponderous ani -
elephant would keep out of sight, as I
did not wish to shoot and perhaps on/Y
woundone, At the close of a long day's
high the sun never penetrated them, ere. mat was rushiug throve+ the forest
_ _proofs that he IS a man of great_coursga.
and wonderful vitality, Re speaks five
'languages, besides. a number of negro
dialects. • With tbe elephant•orifle,pistol,
and sword be is an expert, and also an
adept with that powerful weapon; the
pen. Just before departing for Dresden
recently he reteted the -following inci-
dent to a newspaper man:
*Some time ago, he said, 'I was mak-
ing a voyage on a French steanieren the
western • coast of Africa. I expected to
go to e certain point, make up a caravan.
and penetrate into the interior of Afri-
ca. •All of my accoutrement, anti] as
beads, money and brass trinkets, for,
trading and. rnaking preemies, Were on
board. The steamer Was bowling along
one hot day off the coast of Senegal. No
onedreamed of danger, Suddenly the ves-
sel gave a great lurch,and considerable ex-
,citernentfellowed.. It was soon ascertain-
ed thattrhe shaft was breken and that
we were at themercy of tbe winds and
waves. We drifted towards :Goree Is-
land, which is four miles frem the main,
land. In -a few hours the vessefstrand-
ed, and left us no alternative but to take
to the boats. • By careful managing we
landed' safely, and 1 sayed . all my.-ont-
fit. Gores Island is south of Cape -de -
Verde in north latitude 14.39, west Ion;
,gitude 17.2,6, and three elites in circum-
ference. The town of that 'name 'oc-
cupies two-thirds. of the island and .• has
a population of 5,000. • It is an entrepot
for Senegal gum, ivory; geld dust and
other productions of the coast.. On the
northeast side,: where We landed, there
was a sandy bay; the only one to the little
• island. The native Goreans are black,.
but not so fierce and treacherous as those
on the main land. The town is ci.tough
place, and I made iMmediate arrange-
ments to depart. I mustered a small'
.caravan and resolved to go into the in-
terior. ,rengaged a lot of canoes -to car--•
us across a four mile-nhannel at .De -
'breaking -the beshes- ad -twigs. --.Phe
„Shouted " elephant I" My idea was that
the elephant was trying to. escape, and
I conetuded not to interfere. The_trail
suddenly tinned and corniii;.- dovvir upon
us WAS a huge male elephant. The ani-
mal was trying to get away,but had got
"piked up as the proper direction to take.
Hie speed' was so great I knew that.he
could.scarcely turn before; he reache*cl
The natives yelled and fired. The Bald
more negro threw down his rifle, but
when he saw me bringing my gun into
peaition he value back. I fired quiekly
and the elephant roared with pain and
turned. I took deliberate aina then and
sent a ball into his side. This must ;rave
penetrated a yital part, for the animal
came near falling. Four More shots in
rapid succession were fatal in their re-
sult. The "eleeltant ran a hundred yards
and -fell upon a kholl, and soon -died.
The natives in the caravan came up and
danced atound the fallen, king of the
forest in great joy. 11, village not far
• off hefted that,an elephanthad been slain
and turned mit .to eat him up. They
looked like vultures descending upon e
carcass. The sieht was revolting, The
et sa
women4d ravenous appetites as well
as the 'nee, and gorged to •their hearts'
content. This was, evidently a stray
elephant, for , they are not numerous on
the western, slope of egeatorial AftiOa.
,The chiefef the village, in recegrii-
tion of my services in filling the -stom-
achs of the people. and in coneideration
of a bottle of gin, treated me royally.
Re invited me to his palace and extend-
ed his rude hospitalities. He admired
my. rifle and especially my empty cart-
ridge -shells. I gave him the shells bet
not the rifle. He 'vacated' palace,
a hut sorne ten feet square, three feet
high at the sides ' and nine feet high in
the centre, from_ ereund to ridgepole,
for me to sl ep_rn. It_Was built of reeds -
.and grass tightly woven and tied to a
kar, a town on the coasts, 'I did not .frarne work. The ‘rafters.were barnbeti
know before I started what was the stioks.. The door was' four feet sqUate
status of Dekar---"-whEther the inhabi-
• and consisted of ,Icheavy:grase mat, wov-
tante& who nurnbered some 000 -souls, en' t� a bumboo .frame and Made tollide
Were peaceable tirt warlike. We piepal, either to, the right or left. Goat skins •
ed ourselves for any --emergency. When's• were Spread upon a raised bamboo franie.
we set foot upon the • land a hOdy of 'Which served as a bed,. very
warriors, nearly naked; cinije 'rushing much fatigued, but my reit was broken
Upon us. They uttered lend COO, .lind in an hen; so I turd to getMitand Weep.
he ridge through the noses of some and on the ground with the. Caravan: . 'The.
t elephants' tusks rattling around chiers,pitlace was reeking with vermin,
ther necks, made a hideous 'and revolt- and I could.not stand it /reecho manag-
ing Sctacle. They Were 'anned with ed to'remain .alknight'weeld hS a mys-
spear 4ind assegais: I. ordened thy men teiy if he were not :to the manner born.
not to fire until I advanced amt. eridefiv- His twenty-five black wives looked,
ored to hold a parley. r litippose I had healthy and free from hysterics, . They
taken a half dozen steps when a big wore heavy brass hands aropncl. their.
- negro ran forward and cried out : '.Wrists and ankles and . :brasa,.rings
"Boss, does ;on' speak English?' through their wises: A beets foundry
was surprised and quickly et- Might thrieelfi hatsection. The chief
.• the next morning accepted gratefully a
". Where you cone frOnil" haif-dozen 'more cartridge shells and :a.
" I'came from Baltimore, hose." small‘Measure Of strong ,gin. He never
r demanded an explenation, and he' asked .me hew. I rested..in hit palace:informed me thatle had been tent out After 'weeks of travel vie *t back:. to
from BaltiMbre to Liberia by* the:Arner-, the coacit., I took a south bound Stifttner.
;lean Colonization S:ociet. He :-fenrid The parting: between ,the Baltimore ne- •
on arriving at Lihefiathat itwas not amend myself' was comieal. but not.af-;
a land flowing with Milk and hoeey,ancl feetienate. He had beena faithful guide
that he had tO Werk. It was not what ancl rewarded him. He parne on board
he bargained* for. ' He Went to the in; 'the steamer to bid nie farewell. I gave
terior; and joined a tribe inhabiting the him a pea.jacket, a peir of trOnsers and
• Kong. Mountains. .He was as tnuch a very long cigar. He put on the jacket,
naive as though born and Seared rolled the tygirsers nia and held _Oath
them, had no aspiratious above the low- under his grin, lit his cigar alai :walked
could..speak.their dialect fluieht down the *gang - plenk apparently O-
A lyIgaVe him presenthand he hecarne. premely happy.".
my guide. • He pacified the fieree-l001c;.'
ing tribe and satisfied there we were InflPertunt • New Item. •-•'•
friends. That night we spent in Dakar. eacigr=r1Trliig`riOVITtliir1
The inhabitants turned out en' mane, conetipatron,andwas induced to try *Greg -
naked, to gaze upon us.- If.Emile' Zola siTglitigOITalifemitdnieda)11==rd;
vise hint to, visit, Dakar. • and- study thingt.° 8 • \
na• tive citizen in hie. primitive notttenec -4; *4801nieW-Diastantar--
--was-a-moahliklit-night and the natives —
held one of their infernal fetich dances. * In the Menroirolltev.S. F, Johnston,
It was a weird and unearthly seenethe a Missionary to the New Hebrides, oc-
incarnation of the idea Of pandemonium eites the following passages, that are
let loose. The belle of the oceasionivas • woribY of consideration i—
a tall Kong negreis, who• was attired in •'I he missionaries'coniplain that' where
a costume that peculiarly displayedheevee foreigners reside, they counteract
muscular physical °halve. An eitupty their labours, by. their counsels and un.
metallic cartridge thell hung susPended godlY exabiple.- I have eeen the mosb
from the centre cartilage of her riose,e.od baneful and painful influence which the
highly polished charms made from the. whites exert over the natives. Ainoeg
ivory of the hippopotarnus, were strung_ the evils they have introduced- end.pro-
* around her gladiatorial neck. Around mote is, drunkenness Tuf *Levuka,
her massive loins a double row of glass king of Ovalau, a promising young man,
bt3ads jingled as -he sprang about like a has yielded t� the temptatiorlainclisran.,
wild. dervith, and huge brass rings flap- idlY sinking. to ruin. The IniteiOliariee,
pa from the hibeS of hr ears. When and native converts,have labored to saie
I left the scene, the Kong belle was exe., him. On one oceasion, as the mission-
)! outing a fantastic pironette and howling Ary was speaking very plainly te'llfe
• a rasping -dirge 'riot nearly as melodious king, he replied. It is no use speaking
as a whistling 'buoy., , to TothYou cannot tell • me anything
EILLTRG AN ELEPBANT. about the badnesslof my heart and the sin
• Bright and early, With tbe Baltimore of drunkenness, that I do not know, but
.• negro as one of my guiclea started fcie I cANHoT GIvE, OROG, Ask 1110
to give up my pigs—this is difficult, but
stilt calf do it. Ask me to give up
toy wife, I LOVE her, but still I CAN
• give . Iler tip, •Ask- me to,give up my
lend—and Whet can I do without my
hands but still I Can give it up; but
CANNOT do what 3,011 ask --give up my
desires to depict revolting realism I ad; Tvaorrt of Cananlatrug t 60edtore.indli per bottle. Sold at
the integer. , calledmo "hose end
coneince'd inc that / ,could trust him as
far as personal safety was concerned.. I
'loaned him ft 1'1110 and put him in frolit
of the von. Ho started off whistling
• Yankee *Doodle, the only evidence Jur
' gave of kindly remembrance of the land
lie was reared in. Pot two or thiee clays
always have the king en board daily to
dine with them, and always 'give him
what they celled a social glass. Here
you see the result. Let those who en-
tertain moderate views respecting the
temperance reform, listen to this man's
confession. I tremble when I reflect
upon the mitery„ ruin, and awful eter-
nal results which the example and in-
fluence of those,who bold that it is right
to.takta social,glassrmaf and do pro -
my friends, let as for the
sake'of humanity and the honour of God
adopt the motto, taste not, handle not,
touch not,' and we ellen never to the
latest ages of eternity have cense. e -
to r
gret it. ,
A few general malaria. Tire, gospel
is 'new exerting a powerful indeence
over the ehtire population,even oyer the
heathens so that the horrid practice of
cannibalism, is no more; warn have
ceased, and you -may now go anywhere
in safety. I have beard the whites le-
rnenting, and saying ;---5 It is not how
as it was once.' A few years ago we
could porthase any amount of native
produce with mnskete,, balls pow..
der. Then: every trihe was engaged in-
fighting; but now they slave left off
fighting,. and care nothing about our
gurus and powder.' These complaints
tpeaks volnmes respecting the nature of
the ,gospel, and the induence.it exerts
over the minds of men, Let this glori;
ous goepel be diffused throa,gb the world,
and we shall. have uniyersal peace. •
!Reader," in .Informing Of this wonclerfu 1
remedy for (soughs, Cold, Asthma. Bronchitis,
Consumption, and all affections of the throat
and lungs we feel that we are doing you a groat
kindness, as if you have any of the aluove com-
plaints. If yen will only try it we will guarantee
satisfactien in every case or money refunded:
Ask for McGregor's Lung.Compo,nd. Price 60
bents and $1 per bottle, at Worthington's Drug
Desperate; Thiel with Knives In Bon -
tuna. .
Butte,•:M. T., despatch ' says : 1)41'4
ties who came in from Booker yesterday
found B. L Scblessinger; wholesale li-
quor dealer; of this eitY, lying insensible
on the readwith• half a dogen knife
wounds on his body. When he became
conscious he related the details -of -a -fight,
be lied engaged hi with 'Wolf 'heir a
grocer, over a garibling debt. -The men
were travelling in buggies and met about
midway between the twol•towns in a
lonely spot. Schlessinger„ claimed that
Then owed him several hundred dollars,
_won at-peker,LThe-inen- wrangled over,
the matter for some time, sitting in their
buggies, and finally agreed to flight it
•out.' They.sprang, into the road and
both drew their knives. The fight wee
a ,desperate one; and continued fer naar7
,ly half an Irene without either gaining
advantage. Finally Schlessinger-becaine
weak froinzlosa of blood, and Izen: got in
his neck en ugly stab, which laid him
out. ISM then got into Ma buggy and
drov„sioff,,leaving Schlessingerlyirig in-
sensible on the ground. -Izen't 'clothing
were eitt into tatterfi, • and he received
eeveral 'alight wounds; but none of them
will prove seriaus. It is thought Sok-
lessinger' will die. Ile is well-kndwri in
,Butte, and has been engaged, in the
wholeigieliquor business here/for sever.
al years.: Izen has not yet been found,
Headache° Bilionnies'e. •
"Whenever I feel out 'of sorts, bilfous, inY
river not working right, or racked 'With a head-
ache, I take Dr. Chase's Liver Cute: There is
more -real benefit from one dose of your,LiVer
Cure than in many bottles of. some•medicines."
-John MeNasser, Bond Bead.
For sale by Dr. Worthington.
The',Northwest., •
Atcorrespondenrwrites ftoin Winnipeg
as fellows :-Well-nigh all thattould hap-
pen.a,young country has happened and
we Survive. Ever since the present Gov-
ernment came into power it i$, a notoeious
fact that' all the scaliwags and pplitical
dead -beats of the Tory party have been
packed off with a" Go-clhless year" to the
:North-west.- Such men, with. gaich rec-
ords, shaping the destiny of a -country like
this! What can be expected? •To -day
in this city how many homes are desolate.
Go any day to St. 'John% cemetery, ,and
look at that row of graves, filet weeping
mother and sister, and then take a pencil
and wrfte across the scene: This isthrotigb"
Tory misrule. *Go to the. valley of the
Sciaketehewan, and find what has occurred
there -how many previously loyal men:
have been tortured MO rebellionr hake
_been shot" -down as traitors, and hounded
to the death, and all this, too, through
Tory rule. Surely the day is not far dis
tant when ilia sort of thing will be reme-
died, •
Tactics of the Most disreputable sort are
being resorted to. The entire corps of the
lufantrY School; from the drummer to the
colonel, 101 all told, have been placed on
le voters' list, presumably to vote in
South Winnipeg for W. B. Scarth, But
he last Cabinet shuffle Will more than
ffset. any Yotes they may gain by such
rickety. Minister of Railways. for-
ooth-ancl John Norquay the Minister.
Nothing to do, and the salary and ex-
Ages of the office over ,O00 per annum.
What a farce; what an insult- to the poo-
l° of this Province. We are oWned, con-
olled, and paid for -body and moult by
he C. P. It, and yet we must maintain a
1inister of Railways. Boomering7-and
good otid--that is all.
The first frost occurred a few.nights
go, but too Jae to cause any -loss. Har
estmg is all oyer and threshing is going
n all over the Province. The previous
donde of the c:op is more than correct.
heat Will be a good two.thirds eremand
ts and barley about the same; new
heat is selling at 55e and ; oate, 80 I
rley, 50c.
Li Ver Complaint caiuma Dye pepsi a,In ges tl on
Liver COMplaint causes Sick Hendee he, zl-
AVdr COMplehit eatuies Xidney Troubles.
iver Coinplaillt 804se8 three fourths of all
.9yer complaint IS owed by br„t`lurae's Ittvcr
re,. , •
grog. must have my grog, though I all's
we made good progreee; and Oen our know it is my ,,ruin, and will be the
irlINIIENT Iodide Ana fa.
rhe 'elec.:lett r meg certain memento nt the marl
Wealm peek, Enlarged Joints, PnritlyfaSo
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Diphtherie,
Sciatica.. Prolapsus Morale -
iaxingteedeeetao NIFeaknees. all
The Instant] OnlY certain remedy to relleye Pain of
sw,eet;owittilla:ur :er4iuefLhow loog standing., 'Want relief gnat'
Sweilen JOInts. \ramose Fetus, Bitee of
oil or grease ; is dens, and
inflammation ot the Kidneys, Bright's
Ibabetes• iatontinence °flirt:ie. is de only Liniment i
the world possessing alterative powers. Can be Sohn In
temrnoldy :6cyllre4u0riagissagndhiCtliol.ic,ID,riakirribrotatnidep,I2e5ellei.eY.
Write Da. GILES, box 3,482 N.Y. F. 0., wbo will give
advice on all diseases.
Er•Beware of unscyninflous dealers and counterfeits. Tbe,
genuine lufs the name blown in the glass and facsimile of the
thssoverer's mune Oyer each eork.
0.08.1LosEtSe FILL.-Sare snre re-
liable and effective, purely vegetable. For tbe euro of all
diseases of tbe 'Stoma, Liver, Sorrels, Se. Sold by all
Blyth Pump Factory.
Having removed his business to the promisee formerly
known as THE MOUNTOASTLE HILL, would thank
all old patrons for past favors, and is iu a better posi-
tion than ever to promptly.fill all orders entrusted to
• Ordered work a specialty. Wells, dug and completed
short notice. All workgitamnteed. Prices reason
, J.A.111ES FERGUSON, 'Br.irra
. , • •
:« when an inteniaent man wants to per.
chase, he buys front parties whose standing in
gheir several callings is a guarantee fat,'the
-quality ofiheii wares." This sterling mottelis
doubly true in regard te patent medicineE4
only those made by practical professional men,
Dr. CHASE ic too well andfavorablyknown by,
his receipt books to require any reconnnenda-
• 1
Cutan's.Liver Cure has a receipt hoe&
wrapped around every bottle which ill worth Its
• weightin gold. • •
• Doi Cruses Liver Curads guaranteed to mire
all diseases felting'. from a torpid or 'inactive ,
liver such ris Liver Complaint, Dylipepsia,
Indigestion, Biliousness, Jaundice,. Dead.
• ache, Liver Spots, Sallow .Complexion, etc.,
Da CHASE'S Liver Cure IA a certain cure:for- '
• all derangeMents of the kidneys,such as pain in
tho back pain'in lower portion of the abdomen,
.constant desire to pass urine, red and white
,sediments, shooting pains in passage, Efight'S
disease and all urinary troubles; etc..
• Try it, take no other, it will cure Yon. • Sold
by all'clealers at $1.00 per bottle. . 'd
, EP/MANSON ./it '
. •
'soix Aeirrerayon bANADA: -•t
from a ecimman Illetch,_ or ErUption,
to the Weird Serofnia, Salt-rhensit,
"Fevereseres,P, Sealy or Hough Skin,
in sport, all diseases caused by bad blood are •
conqqered by this powerful, purifying, and
invigorating medicine. Groat •Eating
eers rapidly heal under its benign influence.,
Especially bast it manifested Es potency in
curing Wetter, Hose Basil, Bollst,•Car.
bunch's, Sore Eyes, Scrofulous Sores
and Swellings, Ilip..Yoint Disease,
White Swellings,.Goitre, or Thick
Neck, And Enlarged Glands. Send ten'
cents fn stamps for it large treatise, with col-
ored plates, on' Skin Diseases, or the -same'
amount fora treatise on Scrofulous Affections.
Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medics., Discovery, and 'good
digestion, a ta5r skin, buoyasit-sapir-.,
its, vital strength, and sOundliess•of
'constitution will be estttbllsbed. .
. .
whin is Scrofulous Disease of the.
Lungs, is promptly and certainly arrested
and cured Jiy this God-given remedy, 11 taken
before the last stages of the disease arc reached..
'From its wonderruLnower 'over this terriblz
fatal disease, when firAt offering this now de
ebrated remedy to the public, Dr. ErencE
thought' seriously of calling it his 44Con-
- SUnnptloiL Cure, 99 but abandoned that name
ail too limited for a Medicine ;which,. from Its -
wonderful combination of fonio,,or strengthen- •
Ing, alterative, et -blood -cleansing, anti -bilious,
pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequaled,.
not only as a remedy for consumption of the
kings, but for all , •
. •
"• THE ,
r BloOd and S
If you feol.dull, drowsy, debilitated, have
sallow color of skin, or yellowish -brown sprits
on face or body, frequent headache or dizzi-
nem, bad taste in mouth; internal heat or <MIAs,
alternating *with hot flashes; low spirits and
g100111y borebodings, irregular appetite, and
coated tongue, you aro suffering from Seidl.
ges,tionn,Dyspepsia; and .1Corpid Liver,
or "Bilitiusiness.” In many CHEM only
part of these Symptoms are eXperIonced, Ag
civemeay for all such cases, Dr. Pierce's
olden Medical, DiscoVery has no
"`iFciarl'Weak Lunga, Spitting of Blood,
Shortnetis of Brent's, nronehitis,
severe congas, consumption, and
kindred nffections, il is a sov('rei,gn remedy.
Send ten cents In Stamps for Dr. Pierce s
book on Consumption. Sold by Earn ggi otm.
PRICE $1.00, Plit'ealars•
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
pronriotogy, (All :Om St., DUFFALO, WY.
vat c,es LITTLE
• ma
gtst le a SIZIa44 LIVER
Navilait Ve •
a a ex‘iltis PILLA,
Sold ity Druggists. 25 cents a Vial.
CiMirt EVA .
is offcred by the proprietor
n1'1)1% Sage's Catarrh Remedy
for it case of catarrh which they
011111105 0111.0. -
If you have it discharge item
4 the nose, offensive or other-
wise, partial loss of smell,,Mate,
or hearing. weak eyes,' dull pain
01 pressure In heads,yeti have Catarrh. ThOn-
sands of MOO terminate in consurnetter.
i•lage'S CATAitatt PUMA' 01111411-1101YOBSt
ensea of rnitarrito" III ale areadO,
and' Catarrh el Intend ne lie. 50 cents.
IL. W..- .COATS .
Has just received THREE CASES OF WALNUT
CLOCKS, which he will sell at wholesale prices,
as they were bought at a bargain.
Care of a Clook.—A clock is a faithful friend, whose services are often -
abused. So long as it does not absolutely stop and refuse to "mark time" any
longer, it usually receives no attention; but it injures a valuable timepiece to be
forced to work while dirty or clogged, Therefore all clocks should be cleaned and
have their oiling renewed at least once in two years. Eighteen months is the
limit for very valuable clocks or costly watches. The careful • owner who knows
this, &es not wait until the last straw" has been wedged into the machinery,
and .the good servant is forced (not) to strike. . • .
• Fall Announcement, Special Importance!
r •
We not only aesert that we:tcre.a\kreast of the times in our line of heroines, but claim to
be considerably in advance this seaeon;ef all other houses in thio +motion, because we
haVe'engaged to take charge 'of our trimming department, one of the most successful ,
and brilliant milliners trained in the Peemier city of Canada'. MISS SHEPPARD comes'
to us highly'reirommended by several of the very first firms of Toronto and London,
•with whom she has. tilled with high creditrthe-responsible• Position of first milliner.-
From.Mise Sheppard's, great talentand wide experience, we con6dentally expect most •
satiefactory results for mirauetomers... OueatOck in every want.of Millinery ie replete,
in all the latest Nevelties and Styles, and under the skilful manipuletion of Miss Sh9p-
pard and her assistants, the Most superbly artistic Millinery produced anywhere in.
• " , the Dominion, may be looke for at Beesley & Co's ., ..
. .
MSS BEA, Who , has So. ably managed, our t 'marine department. during the past
three years, and is SO w'ell known to our. eustomer that introduction or,commendation
from tur is unnecessary; will have charge of the show room. She will be pleased to ex-
hibit bur goods, and we trust all our old customers a many new ones will be pleased
. • .
•• ' to leave their orders with her. • :
BEESLEY'S Millinery mporium
igDargainsio r
44 Pieces,.for-$2.26, Regular Price, $3
These Goods. are strictly fist class and are the Cheapest ever' afiered in Clinton.
' • ' ' and 'see them. "
os. Cooper
reat Variety__
entral G ocer
IR..g‘..1a,C0:133Et'S Old Stand;
: .
The sebseribee hes bought ont tho Stock of P. Robb, coneisting of
Patronage respectfully solicited. Anomie' s promptly -filled: ROOmit tO leb.
Which, beinglbought at low rates, be is:enabled to offee et the very closest pricee
Protective 'and- Collecting liseciation"
Head Otlite, Hamilton, Ont,
EsTAntisnan 1884,
is an Association of business and professional men,
lowing for its object the
And to preveet its members 'waking bad debts by Or THE tumor Dorn' StstAtt0813, Dslutet,SoftD,
turhisliing theta with lists of parties who do not pity
nirefdafiarand °then, haling' ribeounts to correct and
%%lolling to become members, by ,romitting 40 to our
Af onagers, Hamilton, Ont., Will reBdtV0 by return mail
full particulars, certificate Ot menibership, 'etc,
/ Slut co., now*, 16.--Tolddo Saaning Bee.
THEN HT [IBMS!), 11ta,a ah.intereating navertinewentioni
ttntirc'emr- paper.• In reply to Inquiries. we 8111 Any that
there tete evidence of humbug 'bent thla. On the Oen ram
the advertImere aveYery highly indorses.. Interested perm) a
• 11115 11.? Nonlort circulars giving partieuinvo, by addroccina
1. E3 MILLO & Co„Managera, Hamilton,: -
Or to 3A8. Tneatesox, Ageat, „Maori,
• N. II persons Axe *wed. A Mast A man -tamp l•
7.1 (MT, Int ibow vibe Wane (0
• • .0,,.,, mr.will receive
• • .1/11,, work' whieli
• . *mbar
• • . • Bottle BAY*
acc oon • 5- .Th1y8; We Will .110 • .•, marl o ;Thee
meognize anymembers Mho) birrt atter this date, .0,4111e .41) 10 19,08.
or reorritA rJaici to lam. . • fr Vanilat